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Japan’s rapid urbanisation over the last 50 years has resulted in land use and lifestyle changes, all of which are likely to have changed the quality of river water, and consequently the wetland and coastal environment. We examined changes in river water quality over this period by means of a review of previous studies. Around the 1950s, the weighted average of chloride using discharge of Japan’s 30 major rivers was 6.1 mg/l while in the 2000s it was 11.3 mg/l. Because there were no significant changes in the natural conditions, we have attributed the increase to the urbanisation of the last 50 years. Nitrate levels in the mountain streams of southern Japan have increased, particularly in the western part of the Kanto region. As this area is located on the leeward side of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, depositions from aerosols are thought to be the main cause of the increased nitrate concentration. These two findings suggest that certain uses of land may affect river water quality differently over time, and that changes in land use may also affect river water quality in remote areas.  相似文献   

and use and urban activity in the catchment of the Scheldt river system have deeply changed during the last 50 years, modifying in turn the water quality of the drainage network and the fluxes of nutrient transferred to the estuary and to the sea. Based on the RIVERSTRAHLER model, developed for establishing the link between the biogeochemical functioning of large river systems and the constraints set by the meteorology, the morphology of the drainage network and the human activity in the watershed, we reassembled the data available to document these constraints in the Scheldt basin since the last half of the XXth century and we used them to reconstruct the variations of nutrient and oxygen concentrations at the outlet of the Scheldt drainage network. We compared the results with the water quality data at the entrance of the estuarine zone available since the 1960s. Both model results and observational data show a very severe deterioration of water quality (with deep oxygen depletion) in the beginning of the 1960s, while a clear trend to improvement is apparent since the late 1980s. The budget of nutrient loadings from the watershed, retention within the drainage network and delivery to the estuarine zone is established on an annual basis for the 50 last years. The yearly fluxes of nutrient delivered by the river to the estuary and the sea show a severe depletion of silica with respect to nitrogen compared with the requirements of diatoms, and a clear shift from the early 1990s from nitrogen to phosphorus potential limitation. Seasonal variations of nutrient delivery are however much more pronounced for nitrogen, with much less inputs during the dry seasons, while phosphorus inputs, mainly from point sources are more constant, so that nitrogen limitation can still occur during summer. Compared with similar budget estimations carried out for the Seine river system, the Scheldt basin, in spite of its much higher population density, does not deliver higher specific fluxes of nutrient (presently about 2000 kgN/km2/yr, 80 kgP/km2/yr and 1000 kgSi/km2/yr), owing to very efficient processes of nutrient retention.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the main spatiotemporal trends in plant invasions of habitats is essential for a better understanding of the process of these invasions. The aim of this study was to determine the level of plant invasion, represented by relative richness and total cover of archaeophytes and neophytes, in 45 EUNIS habitat types along with spatiotemporal changes in invasion level with increasing altitude and time in Slovakia. In general, the most invaded habitats are those which are highly influenced by human activities. Generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models were used to assess the associations between habitat-specific invasion level, altitude and time, respectively. There is a general decrease in the relative richness and total cover of archaeophytes and neophytes with increasing altitude in the invaded habitats. There is also an observable temporal trend in archaeophytes shifting from anthropogenic towards more natural habitats. Importantly, the relative neophyte richness has recently been increasing, predominantly in semi-natural and natural habitats, which brings about major concerns for nature conservation. This may be the manifestation of a lag phase in the dispersal of neophytes. However, accompanied with a significant increase in the relative richness of archaeophytes in some natural habitats, it may indicate more complex changes in the invaded habitats and be an early warning sign for ecological degradation of these habitats.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton of the River Lujan (Buenos Aires, Argentina) was studied for a period of 18 months, together with physical and chemical variables, in relation to a pollution gradient. 167 taxa were recorded within a seasonal succession characterized by dominance of diatoms with a brief summer green algae facies. A combination of several biotic indices and multivariate analysis was employed to assess the impact of pollution on the phytoplankton community. The biotic indices used were species diversity and richness, algal quotients (green algae/diatom ratio, Centrales/Pennales ratio) and the SD succession rate index. Multivariate procedures included cluster analysis and ordination by PCA of both species and samples, stepwise discriminant analysis and multiple discriminant analysis of variance (MANOVA). Results indicate that community dynamism is attenuated at the more polluted sites, concomitant with an increased predominance of a broad-tolerance algal assemblage, co-dominated by Cyclotella meneghiniana and Nitzschia stagnorum. The changes in the community structure and dynamics described herein involved alterations in the distribution and relative proportions of the algae, rather than modifications in the basic species composition. These changes may not be readily detectable by methods which over-simplify the ecological information, such as systems of indicator species and biotic indices, designed to assess the degree of pollution. The suitability of multivariate analysis and biotic indices in river phytoplankton studies is further discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a personal-computer-based water quality analysis system for river basins. The system estimates potential N outflow by model and calculates actual N outflow from monitoring data. For the former it uses the potential load factor method to estimate annual nitrogen load from various sources and runoff potential from each area of land in a basin. For the latter it analyzes water quality monitoring data in relation to meteorological data. We used the system to analyze N outflow in basins around Lake Kasumigaura and the Yahagi River in central Honshu, Japan. The land around Lake Kasumigaura is rather flat, and about 25% is periodically flooded for rice and lotus cultivation. The land around the Yahagi River is mountainous, and much less land is flooded. In the Yahagi River basin the actual N outflow agreed closely with the potential. However, the actual N outflow in the basin around Lake Kasumigaura was much less than the potential, suggesting that a large part of the N load is denitrified in  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) produce individually distinctive signature whistles that broadcast the identity of the caller. Unlike voice cues that affect all calls of an animal, signature whistles are distinct whistle types carrying identity information in their frequency modulation pattern. Signature whistle development is influenced by vocal production learning. Animals use a whistle from their environment as a model, but modify it, and thus invent a novel signal. Dolphins also copy signature whistles of others, effectively addressing the whistle owner. This copying occurs at low rates and the resulting copies are recognizable as such by parameter variations in the copy. Captive dolphins can learn to associate novel whistles with objects and use these whistles to report on the presence or absence of the object. If applied to signature whistles, this ability would make the signature whistle a rare example of a learned referential signal in animals. Here, we review the history of signature whistle research, covering definitions, acoustic features, information content, contextual use, developmental aspects, and species comparisons with mammals and birds. We show how these signals stand out amongst recognition calls in animals and how they contribute to our understanding of complexity in animal communication.  相似文献   

In natural water, copper is believed to be complexed with organic materials such as humic and fulvic acids, as well as anthropogenic substances such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The nature of the complexes is known to be a main factor in determining copper toxicity to aquatic biota, as well as its geochemical transport. In this study, organically chelated copper species in river water were revealed to be classified into hydrophobic and anionic components using column cartridge separation techniques based on C18 and anion exchange. The amounts of anionic ligated copper species in the tested water samples ranged from 0 to 46 nM, and the average contribution of the anionic ligated copper to the total dissolved copper concentration was around 30 %. Several water samples contained discharged sewage effluents with high contents of EDTA, which may be the main chelating agent responsible for copper retention on the anionic ion exchange cartridge column. However, most of the river water samples were not contaminated with EDTA, and therefore, fulvic substances are expected to be responsible for retention. As this is the first observation of anionic copper species in the natural aquatic environment, further geochemical and biological studies of these substances should be undertaken.  相似文献   

Lakes are sensitive to changes in their environmental boundary conditions that can be indicated in the periodic behavior of water quality variables. The present work aims to assess the degree to which common annual periodic behavior is present (1994–2010) in the meteorological parameters (global radiation, air temperature, cloud cover), streamflow; and five primary nutrients (e.g. total phosphorus, nitrate-nitrogen) as possible indicators of ecosystem vulnerability in four different ecosystems using wavelet coherence analysis. The cascade system is located in the mouth of a shallow river where the water flows through a eutrophic pond then a disturbed/undisturbed macrophyte covered wetland reaching a large shallow lake. The results highlight the differing abilities of the elements of the cascade of ecosystems to follow seasonality. The changes in water quality (nutrient cycle) in the eutrophic pond most closely mirror meteorological seasonality. The vulnerability of the wetland ecosystem was expressed by its decreased capacity to follow seasonal changes due to high algae loads and additional inflows. Moreover, the wetland proved to be weak and unstable regarding phosphorus and nitrogen retention. With the successful application of wavelet coherence analysis to the “black-box” cascade system the study sets an example for the implications of the method in such combined or stand-alone natural/partially-constructed ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the consequences of passive ecological restoration on a riparian habitat and on water quality. The restoration plan consists of excluding livestock by constructing fences along an entire stream 1 m from the stream bed, with the assumption that recovering riparian habitat will restore their ecological processes (e.g., filtration, soil stabilization). We measured responses of riparian plant communities and physico-chemical water quality. We presented data from an 8-year before-after control-impact design across a reference stream and a restored stream in a rural landscape in Normandy, France. Restoration appeared to modify plant communities. After 8 years of restoration, the restored stream had a complex riparian bank, similar to that of the reference stream, with an increase in the number of trees, a decrease in bare soil, and an increase in habitat heterogeneity. Despite this modification, water quality did not improve. The same low water quality in the reference stream demonstrated the need for a watershed-scale approach and for actions to improve agricultural practices before implementing restoration practices at a smaller scale. Nonetheless, the lack of improved water quality does not necessarily mean that the restoration failed. Other functions and services can be provided by excluding livestock.  相似文献   

Recent research efforts in sediment and dredged material assessment research have focused on the inclusion of sublethal endpoints (biomarkers) in acute and long-term bioassays for dredged material characterisation and management. The incorporation of biomarkers as a new line of evidence in a weight of evidence approach allows the determination of more sensitive, longer-term biological information for use in laboratory and in situ sediment/tissue quality guidelines.  相似文献   

In 1959, Athol Rafter began a substantial programme of monitoring the flow of 14C produced by atmospheric thermonuclear tests through New Zealand’s atmosphere, biosphere and soil. By building on the original measurements through ongoing sampling, a database of over 500 soil radiocarbon measurements spanning 50 years has now been compiled. The datasets, including an 11-point time series, allow strong focus on the robust quantification of residence times ranging from years to decades. We describe key aspects of the dataset, including the ability to identify critical assumptions inherent in calculating soil C residence times. The 3 most critical assumptions relate to: (1) the proportion of old C (“fraction passive”), (2) the lag time between photosynthesis and C entering the modeled pool, and (3) changes in the rates of C input (i.e., steady state). We demonstrate the ability to compare residence times in contrasting sites, such Andisols and non-Andisols, and the ability to calculate residence times across a range of soil depths. We use 14C in a two-box model to quantify soil carbon turnover parameters in deforested dairy pastures under similar climate in the Tokomaru silt loam (non-Andisol) versus the Egmont black loam (Andisol), originally sampled in 1962, 1965 and 1969, and resampled again in 2008. The 14C-based residence times of the main soil C pool in surface soil (~8 cm) are ~9 years in the Tokomaru soils compared to ~17 years for the Egmont soils. This difference represents nearly a doubling of soil C residence time, and roughly explains the doubling of the soil C stock. Passive soil C comprises 15% of the soil C pool in Tokomaru soils versus 27% in Egmont soils. A similar difference in residence times is found in a second surface soil comparison between the Bruntwood soil (Andisol) and the Te Kowhai soil (non-Andisol) with residence times of 18 and 27 years, respectively. The comparisons support evidence that C dynamics do differ in Andisols versus non-Andisols, as a result of both the mineral allophane and Al complexation. Expanding our calculations beyond surface soil, we show that thickening the calculation depth by combining horizons allows robust residence times to be calculated at a range of depths. Overall, the large and systematically collected dataset demonstrate that soil C residence times of the main soil C pool can be routinely calculated using 14C wherever samples collected 10 or more years apart in New Zealand grassland soils are available, and presumably under similar circumstances in other soils worldwide.  相似文献   



Based upon the acquainted loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease (PD), we hypothesised changes in magnetic resonance imaging signal intensities of the basal ganglia to be useful as an additional technical tool in the diagnostic work-up.


Region-of-interest analyses (substantia nigra and globus pallidus internus) of T2-weighted scans were performed in seventy subjects with PD, 170 age- and gender-matched controls and 38 patients with an atypical form of neurodegenerative Parkinsonian syndrome (N?=?11 multisystem atrophy, N?=?22 progressive supranuclear palsy, N?=?5 corticobasal syndrome).


In patients with PD, significant changes in signal intensities within the substantia nigra were observed compared to controls at p?<?0.001. For the globus pallidus internus, signal alterations in PD and progressive supranuclear palsy were found to be significant (p?<?0.001) if compared to controls. Furthermore, signal changes of substantia nigra correlated with signal intensities of globus pallidus internus in the ipsilateral hemisphere in both groups. Sensitivity was 86% and specificity was 90% for the combined analysis of substantia nigra and globus pallidus internus in the complete patient sample versus controls.


Signal alterations of substantia nigra and globus pallidus internus in routine magnetic resonance imaging were useful to distinguish patients with PD from controls. In addition, signal changes in globus pallidus internus could be used to differentiate progressive supranuclear palsy patients from controls. These analyses have the potential to serve as an additional non-invasive technical tool to support the individual differential diagnosis of PD.

Plantago L. species are very common in nitrified areas such as roadsides and their pollen is a major cause of pollinosis in temperate regions. In this study, we sampled airborne pollen grains in the city of León (NW, Spain) from January 1995 to December 2011, by using a Burkard® 7-day-recording trap. The percentage of Plantago pollen compared to the total pollen count ranged from 11 % (1997) to 3 % (2006) in the period under study. Peak pollen concentrations were recorded in May and June. Our 17-year analysis failed to disclose significant changes in the seasonal trend of plantain pollen concentration. In addition, there were no important changes in the start dates of pollen release and the meteorological parameters analyzed did not show significant variations in their usual trends. We analyzed the influence of several meteorological parameters on Plantago pollen concentration to explain the differences in pollen concentration trends during the study. Our results show that temperature, sun hours, evaporation, and relative humidity are the meteorological parameters best correlated to the behavior of Plantago pollen grains. In general, the years with low pollen concentrations correspond to the years with less precipitation or higher temperatures. We calculated the approximate Plantago flowering dates using the cumulative sum of daily maximum temperatures and compared them with the real bloom dates. The differences obtained were 4 days in 2009, 3 days in 2010, and 1 day in 2011 considering the complete period of pollination.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase is an enzyme able to play more than one enzymatic action, acting on a variety of different substrates. The growth of knowledge about the members of the enzyme transglutaminase’s family and its substrates since the last 50 years indicates a large interest and curiosity about this protein, whose function and structure was, but still is, an important object of research. On the other hand, the involvement in a number of human diseases together with the lack of knowledge about the biological functions played by some of the most studied members of this family, make this enzyme a fascinating field of study. The history of this enzyme and its substrates, whose cross-linking action was reported for the first time 50 years ago, suggests that an effort to increase knowledge and communication among researchers is required. To achieve this important result, 10 years ago an internet web page called worldwide happening around transglutaminase (WHAT) was created. Driven by these experiences, novel points-of-view to look at Transglutaminase and its substrates may be identified.  相似文献   

Long-term trends in ion concentrations of bulk precipitation, throughfall, forest floor leachate (humus water) and shallow and deep soil water were assessed at two Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) stands—one on an Atlantic peat bog in the west of Ireland (Cloosh), the other on the east coast on a peaty podzol (Roundwood). Deposition at Cloosh was dominated by marine ions (sodium, [Na+], chloride [Cl?], and magnesium [Mg2+]), whereas bulk precipitation and throughfall at Roundwood was characterized by inputs of non-marine sulphate (nmSO4 2?), acidity and inorganic nitrogen (NH4 +, NO3 ?). Significant declines in concentrations of nmSO4 2? and acidity in bulk precipitation and throughfall were observed at both sites. The decline in throughfall nmSO4 2? was significantly related to reductions in European sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions. At Roundwood, SO4 2? declined significantly in humus, shallow and deep soil water. In deep soil water this was accompanied by a long-term increase in pH and a reduction in total aluminum (Altot). The recovery from acidification was delayed by high concentrations of NO3 ?, which strongly influenced acidity and Altot concentrations. At Cloosh, there was a significant decline in SO4 2? in humus water but long-term trends were not evident in shallow or deep soil water; SO4 2? concentrations at these depths fluctuated in response to drought-events. Marine ions strongly influenced soil water chemistry at both sites; at Cloosh soil water acidity was strongly related to Na+ and Cl?, while at Roundwood, Na+, Cl? and Mg2+ influenced Altot concentrations. Dissolved organic carbon increased significantly in humus and soil water at Roundwood, where it was associated with declining acidity. Soil water at both sites was influenced by a combination of anthropogenic sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) deposition, drought and sea-salt events. The study highlights the value of long-term monitoring in assessing the response of forest soils to S and N deposition against a background of climate influences on soil water through drought and sea-salt events.  相似文献   

We analysed long-term changes in phytoplankton composition in relation to hydrological, meteorological and nutrient loading data in the large (270 km2) shallow (mean depth 2.8 m) Lake Võrtsjärv. Nutrient loads to the lake were heavy in the 1970s and 1980s and decreased considerably thereafter. The average nutrient concentrations for 1985–2004 (1.6 mg l?1 of total nitrogen and 53 μg l?1 of total phosphorus) characterize the lake as a eutrophic water body. All four calculated taxonomic indices showed a unidirectional deterioration of the lake’s ecological status, despite reduced concentrations of nutrients. We focused our analysis on the PTSI index, which revealed a stepwise change between the years 1977 and 1979 that coincided with a large increase in water level, but also with a change of investigator. After correcting input data for possible investigator-induced differences, the step change remained because it was caused by major changes in the whole phytoplankton community. The previous dominant Planktolyngbya limnetica was replaced by two species of seasonally altering Limnothrix. Among phytoplankton functional groups, there was a decrease in all groups comprising small-sized phytoplankton species, such as X1, E, F, J, N and an increase in S1 and H1, both represented by filamentous cyanobacteria. Our results suggest a non-linear response of phytoplankton to changing nutrient loadings, and that the change observed between 1977 and 1979 was a regime shift triggered by water level change. High shade tolerance of the new dominants, and their ability to create shade, obviously stabilized the new status making it resistant to restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on fungal growth and spore production is less well documented than for allergenic pollen grains, although similar implications for respiratory tract diseases in humans occur. Fungal spores are commonly described as either “dry” or “wet” according to the type of weather associated with their occurrence in the air. This study examined the distribution of selected fungal spores (Alternaria spp., Cladosporium spp., Didymella spp., Epicoccum spp., Leptosphaeria spp. and rusts) occurring in the West Midlands of UK during 2 years of contrasting weather. Spore specimens were collected using a 7-day volumetric air sampler and then analysed with the aid of light microscopy. Distributions of spores were then studied using normality tests and Mann–Whitney U test, while relationships with meteorological parameters were investigated using Spearman’s rank test and angular-linear correlation for wind direction analysis. Our results showed that so-called wet spores were more sensitive to the weather changes showing statistically significant differences between the 2 years of study, in contrast to “dry” spores. We predict that in following years we will observe accelerated levels in allergenic fungal spore production as well as changes in species diversity. This study could be a starting point to revise the grouping system of fungal spores as either “dry” or “wet” types and their response to climate change.  相似文献   

With climate change, forests are expected to receive increased inputs of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) but it is unclear how this will modify forest C cycling and storage at the molecular-level. To investigate the response of forest soil organic matter (SOM) to changes in soil inputs, a study area was established in a Michigan hardwood forest as part of the Detrital Input and Removal Treatments (DIRT) network. Experimental treatments were comprised of both exclusions of detrital inputs (No Litter, No Roots, No Inputs) and additions of C and N (Double Litter, N-Addition, Double Litter?+?N, Wood). After 10 years of treatment, the soils were characterized using elemental analysis, molecular biomarker techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and microbial biomass C measurements. Although manipulation of detrital inputs did not significantly change the soil C and N content after 10 years, alterations in the cycling and distribution of SOM components were observed. Root exclusion enhanced SOM degradation, while doubling litter favoured the degradation of more labile forms of soil C such as unsaturated n-alkanoic acids and simple sugars. N-Addition and Double Litter?+?N increased the concentrations of extractable biomarkers, including aliphatic and cyclic lipids and compounds derived from cutin, suberin, and lignin. Microbial biomass C also varied with experimental litter input manipulations and N addition, and these data were consistent with the observed changes in SOM composition. Overall, the observed shifts in SOM chemistry after 10 years of manipulating ecosystem inputs highlight the sensitivity of natural systems to changes in amounts of C and N inputs from roots and litter, and N inputs from external sources.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Soil mineralization, nitrification, and dynamic changes in abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) were studied to validate our hypothesis that soil mineralization and nitrification decreased along the chronosequence of rice cultivation.


Paddy soils with a 300, 700 and 2000-year cultivation history (P300, P700 and P2000) were selected to study net mineralization and nitrification processes. Dynamic abundance of AOB and AOA was estimated by quantifying their respective amoA gene copies.


The net mineralization rate was higher for P300 than P700 and P2000. Potential nitrification (N p ) and average nitrification rates (V a ) were similar for P300 and P700 soils, but the simulated potential nitrification rate (V p ) and nitrification rate (k1) was 72 % and 88 % higher for P300 than P700, respectively. V a was about 70 % lower than for P2000 than P300 and P700. AOB amoA gene copies were higher for P300 than P700 and P2000, whereas AOA abundance did not show significant differences. AOB abundance showed a positive response to NH4 supply but AOA did not.


Both N mineralization and nitrification were depressed with increased cultivation time. Archaea responded to mineralization positively rather than nitrification, which suggested that readily mineralized organic matter may play an important role in AOA.  相似文献   

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