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To investigate factors related to the distribution of intertidal species, and specific predictions of the swash exclusion hypothesis for exposed sandy beaches, we compared the burrowing abilities and swash behavior of three species of anomuran crabs in the superfamily Hippoidea (Emerita analoga, Blepharipoda occidentalis and Lepidopa californica) which commonly inhabit the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones of beaches along the California coast. Burrowing times in the laboratory increased significantly with crab size for all species in five sediment grain sizes ranging from fine sand to gravel (0.15 to 3.24 mm). For each species, burrowing times differed significantly among sand grain sizes, ranging from 0.3 to 21.5 s. Burrowing times for the hippid crab, E. analoga, were relatively constant across sediment types, while those of the albuneid crabs, B. occidentalis and L. californica, were rapid in fine to medium sands, and much slower in coarser sediments. Our results indicate that E. analoga is a substrate generalist while L. californica and B. occidentalis are substrate sensitive. Pre-burrowing times and behavior, distance moved, and burrowing times differed among the species in the swash zone. Combined times of preburrowing and burrowing were shorter than the swash period (6 s) for most E. analoga individuals. Fifty percent of the individuals of L. californica reached the substrate and burrowed in the swash period, while no individuals of B. occidentalis burrowed in that time. Pre-burrowing behavior and time may be valuable in explaining spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution of hippoid crabs on California beaches. Our results support predictions of the swash exclusion hypothesis concerning the burrowing and locomotory abilities of sandy beach macrofauna. The substrate generalist characteristics, and unique orientation and swimming abilities of the hippid crab, E. analoga, in intertidal swash may help explain the success of this species and its congeners, and have important implications for understanding patterns of macrofauna community structure on exposed sandy beaches in California and other regions.  相似文献   

Burrowing rates have been measured as a function of size and temperature in four molluscs from warm temperate South African sandy beaches: two bivalves of the genus Donax and two whelks of the genus Bullia. Animals were acclimated to a summer temperature of 21 °C and then subjected to drastic temperature drops, aimed at simulating coastal temperatures recorded during local upwelling. Burrowing times increased from 6–16 s at 20 °C to 18-∞ s at 10 °C, the lowest temperature recorded during summer upwelling. The degree of retardation of burrowing that occurred at low temperature was inversely proportional to the height of penetration into the intertidal zone by the different species. Large animals burrowed more slowly than small animals but were less affected by lowered temperature. Comparison of burrowing rates at 10 °C against swash frequencies recorded under upwelling conditions suggests that under extreme conditions of upwelling, burrowing in three species may not be rapid enough to prevent some individuals being swept up the beach by the swash. The most dangerous time in this respect is at the high tide during choppy sea conditions.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of two species of exoedicerotid amphipod at several sandy beaches near Sydney, Australia are described and related to physicochemical factors. Replicate cores were taken at monthly intervals for one year from the swash zone and data were analysed by two-way (site × month), fixed-factor analysis of variance. Spatial and temporal differences in abundance were usually significant but inconsistent because of significant site × month interactions. Spatial differences in Exoediceroides maculosus sometimes occurred in the absence of obvious corresponding physicochemical differences although the density of stranded seagrass and algae may affect abundance. The abundance of Exoediceros fossor was often greater in lagoons than open beaches. Salinity, temperature and storms had no apparent effect on the temporal patterns of abundance of either species.  相似文献   

We have investigated how indices of beach health perform in predicting the abundances of the crustaceans Emerita brasiliensis and Atlantorchestoidea brasiliensis from 22 metropolitan beaches in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Niterói. Urbanization, Recreation and Conservation indices were used to assess sandy beaches health. Grain size and beach slope were used as morphodynamics indicators. Diagram from the principal component analysis clearly separated beaches with different urbanization and conservation levels. Generalized additive models (GAM's) were adjusted for species abundance using the indices and morphodynamic parameters as explanatory variables. Lower abundances were predicted for beaches with high levels of urbanization, whereas predictions of higher abundances occurred on beaches with high conservation levels. Using theoretic inference we showed that the urbanization index was the most important predictor for abundance of A. brasiliensis and the conservation index was the most important predictor for E. brasiliensis, reflecting different responses by upper tidal and intertidal species. A. brasiliensis occupies the intermediate and upper beach zones and E. brasiliensis is a swash zone filter-feeder that is more abundant in pristine beaches. Both species are highly subject to the impact of bathers and coastal modification. Unexpected, the recreation index did not show a negative effect on abundance predictions. Urbanization and conservation indices can be suitable metrics to measure anthropogenic effects on macrobenthic species. Moreover, mole crabs and sandhoppers species can be easily monitored. Coastal urbanization is a global phenomenon and we used the diagram of urbanization and conservation levels to expose possible directions for management strategies of metropolitan sandy beaches.  相似文献   

Management responses to reconcile declining fisheries typically include closed areas and times to fishing. This study evaluated this strategy for a beach clam fishery by testing the hypothesis that changes in the densities and size compositions of clams from before to during harvesting would differ between commercially fished and non-fished beaches. Sampling was spatially stratified across the swash and dry sand habitats on each of two commercially fished and two non-fished beaches, and temporally stratified across three six-week blocks: before, early and late harvesting. Small-scale spatio-temporal variability in the densities and sizes of clams was prevalent across both habitats and the components of variation were generally greatest at the lowest levels examined. Despite this, differences in the densities and sizes of clams among individual beaches were evident, but there were few significant differences across the commercially fished versus non-fished beaches from before to during harvesting. There was no evidence of reduced densities or truncated size compositions of clams on fished compared to non-fished beaches, contrasting reports of some other organisms in protected areas. This was probably due to a combination of factors, including the current levels of commercial harvests, the movements and other local-scale responses of clams to ecological processes acting independently across individual beaches. The results identify the difficulties in detecting fishing-related impacts against inherent levels of variability in clam populations. Nevertheless, continued experimental studies that test alternate management arrangements may help refine and determine the most suitable strategies for the sustainable harvesting of beach clams, ultimately enhancing the management of sandy beaches.  相似文献   

The effect of small-scale variation in beach morphology has been largely ignored in studies of beach macrofauna. This study examined the distribution and abundance of the large bivalve, Donax deltoides (commonly known as the ‘pipi’) in relation to beach cusps (rhythmically spaced undulations of the beachface consisting of scalloped bays and flanking horns on a scale of tens of metres). No differences were found in the abundance of pipis downshore of cusp horns versus cusp bays at any of three sites. In contrast, previous work on a relatively low-energy (reflective) beach reported greater abundances of bivalves below cusp bays than below cusp horns. Results suggest that the swash climate on the higher-energy (more dissipative) beach studied here produces weaker cusping and weaker patterns in the active or passive redistribution of beach fauna by swash action. Wider more dissipative beaches also allow beach macrofauna to remain on flatter parts of the beach, further below cusps than on reflective beaches. The more rigorous study design used here may also contribute to the difference in results between this study and previous studies. However, populations of pipis below cusp bays did contain a greater proportion of small individuals (≤20 mm length) than populations on cusp horns, suggesting some effect related to beach cusps. Small pipis live closer to the beach surface as they have shorter siphons and are subject to larger rates of dislodgement and movement from cusp horns to cusp bays by swash action than are large pipis. Future ecological studies of beaches with cusps should take beach cusps and the processes producing them into account as they may affect the distribution, abundance and the size distribution of beach invertebrates.  相似文献   

The consequences of habitat fragmentation include reduced habitat availability, increased isolation and patch extinction. This study investigates the occupancy patterns of Lontra felina , a little known and endangered marine otter, on naturally discontinuous habitat and the relationship between otter occupancy and rocky seashore patches, patch size and isolation and human influences. Marine otter occupancy was determined through direct sightings and the presence/absence of spraints, and measured by logistic regression and general linear models. The study was conducted in Chile between 28°S and 40°S, and consisted of eight study sites. Within these sites, a total of 23 rocky seashore patches, 2.3–63.8 km long, were surveyed from January 2005 to March 2006. The strongest predictors of marine otter occurrence were rocky seashore patches larger than 5 km long and <6 km apart. These networks should be no farther than 20 km from contiguous (without sandy beaches) rocky seashore patches over 15 km long.  相似文献   

Parasites with indirect life cycles require trophic transmission from intermediate hosts to definitive (vertebrate) hosts. Transmission may be facilitated if parasite infection alters the behavior of intermediate hosts such that they are more vulnerable to predation. Vulnerability to predation may also be influenced by abiotic factors; however, rarely are the effects of parasites and abiotic factors examined simultaneously. The swash zone of sandy beaches is a particularly harsh environment. Sand crabs (Emerita analoga) burrow rapidly in the swash zone to avoid predators and dislodgment. We examined prevalence and abundance of the acanthocephalan parasite Profilicollis altmani in sand crabs, and investigated the synergistic effects of sand grain size (an important abiotic factor), parasite infection, body size and reproductive condition on burrowing speed in females, from three California sites. More heavily parasitized crabs burrowed more slowly, making them potentially more vulnerable to predation by marine bird definitive hosts. Ovigerous females harbored more parasites than non-ovigerous females, but burrowed more quickly. All crabs burrowed slowest in the coarsest sand, and burrowing times increased with repeated testing, suggesting that it is energetically costly. Abiotic and biotic factors influence burrowing, and behavioral variation across sites may reflect the response to natural variation in these factors.  相似文献   

Fluxes of nutrients across habitats are of paramount relevance in ecological studies due to the implication in primary production, trophic structure and biodiversity. This study analyses the role of sandy beaches in the processing of organic matter. Three beaches with different macroalgal inputs were sampled throughout the annual cycle. The standing stock of wrack macroalgae on the beach surface and the nutrient concentration in the intertidal pore water (IPW) and in the surf zone water were measured monthly. Mean concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate in the IPW increased from the low to the very high subsidized beach. Seasonal coupling was observed between the wrack biomass and the nutrient concentration throughout the year. Among the nutrient species, a variable relationship was found between the NH4 +/NO x ? ratio and the biomass of macroalgae deposited. These results provide evidences of the active role of sandy beaches in the processing of organic matter and in the nutrient cycling, remarking the feedback connectivity between sandy beaches and their neighbour ecosystems.  相似文献   

Most of the macroinfauna from sandy beaches is highly mobile, emerging out of the sediment when the tide rises, and using the swash to migrate up and down the beach face or feed (searching for prey or carrion). After swash excursions, they usually burrow back into the sediment, maintaining zonation at low tide. Therefore, the different species abilities to emerge, move around and burrow under different swash climates and sediment conditions are expected to influence observed distribution patterns. Nonetheless, few attempts have been made to understand behavioral mechanisms of these organisms in moving fluids.In this study, we used a flume tunnel to investigate the orientation, swimming ability and burrowing time of two similar species of cirolanid isopods, Excirolana armata Dana and Excirolana braziliensis Richardson, under current velocities ranging from 5 to 30 cm·s−1. E. armata inhabits middle levels of dissipative to intermediate beaches, while E. braziliensis is found towards the upper level of a wider range of beach states. Both species oriented countercurrent above a threshold velocity, which turned out to be significantly lower for E. armata than for E. braziliensis. E. armata proved to be a stronger swimmer as shown by the higher velocities surmounted, and the less drags experienced at the highest current velocity. E. armata also burrowed faster than E. braziliensis. Burrowing time was affected by sediment grain size and water content, but not by water flow. Once organisms managed to begin burrowing under different flow conditions, they were not affected by current velocity. Nonsaturated sand precluded burial, while coarse sand retarded it. Differences in the observed patterns of across-beach distribution may thus be the result of species-specific behavioral responses to swash climate, manifested in swimming ability, burying and orientation in directional flows.  相似文献   

Ecological impacts of vehicle traffic are a significant environmental management issue on many sandy shores. Impacts usually focus on lethal effects of vehicles to organisms, but sub-lethal effects which could reduce the fitness of macrofauna populations are equally possible but unknown. Consequently, we measured changes in body condition and burrowing performance of the beach clam Donax deltoides subjected to vehicle traffic on sandy shores in eastern Australia. Body mass index of clams on beaches open to traffic was 16% lower, but gonadosomatic index and relative valve thickness were not consistently linked to vehicle access to beaches. By contrast, off-road vehicles significantly impaired the burrowing performance of clams. After experimental exposure to ORV traffic (30 passes) and dislodgement from the sediment, the time taken for clams to re-bury into the sand doubled irrespective of the vehicle weight used. Because burrowing is such a critical function in the behavioural repertoire of sandy beach animals, the traffic-induced changes to organisms' performance found in this study may increase mortality by causing displacement to less favourable habitats by swash, and by intensifying the risk of predation and desiccation. When assessing the ecological impacts of vehicles on beach fauna, it is thus important to consider both lethal and sub-lethal effects.  相似文献   

Observations during 1971 and 1972 of some of the physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of contrasting Anglesey beaches, Newborough and Llanddona, are reported. The fine sandy beach at Newborough was observed to be very unstable and topographical changes were recorded. In particular, the movement of a sand wave across the intertidal zone from low water to extinction at the foot of the dune system was observed. The more extensive fine sandy beach at Llanddona had greater stability.Chemically, each beach was variable both spatially and temporally, with ill-defined patterns of concentration changes. Sand from Newborough beach was low in organic carbon (0.07–0.40 mg C/g dry sand) and well aerated, and the soluble inorganic nitrogen in the ground water (up to 30 μg-at. N/l) was dominated by nitrate form (up to 22 μg NO3-N/l). By contrast, Llanddona sand had a more variable organic carbon content (0.22–2.25 mg C/g dry sand), was wetter, and poorly aerated with consequent sulphide lenses; its dissolved inorganic nitrogen (over 70 μg-at. N/l) was completely dominated by the ammonium form.Microbiologically, the beaches possessed dissimilar bacterial floras, and sediment from Llanddona gave higher bacterial counts than that from Newborough. For both beaches it is shown that estimated bacterial numbers decreased with depth as well as down the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

Protodrilus corderoi, Protodrilus ovarium n. sp. and Protodrilus pythonius n. sp. are reported from beaches in southern and southeastern Brazil and described combining live observations with light and electron scanning microscopy studies. Protodrilus corderoi is redescribed from new collections at the type locality, and a neotype for the species is assigned since the original type material no longer exists. New information on reproductive organs, segmental adhesive glands and unpigmented ciliary receptors as well as morphometrics is provided. Protodrilus ovarium n. sp. and P. pythonius n. sp. are formally described. Protodrilus ovarium n. sp. is diagnosed by the presence of separated lateral organs on segments 7–12, three spermioducts of segments 10–12 and salivary glands in segments 1–9. Protodrilus pythonius n. sp. is defined by the presence of separated lateral organs on segments 7–16, long pygidial lobes and body tapering toward the pygidium. The distribution of the different species in more or less spacious habitats seems to be correlated with their gross morphology. Protodrilus pythonius n. sp., with relatively long and wide body and long palps with ciliary bands, was collected in very coarse sandy sediments at a reflective sheltered beach. Conversely, P. corderoi and P. ovarium n. sp., both possessing more slender bodies with shorter, less ciliated palps, occurred in medium-coarse, well-sorted sediments in the more energetic swash zone of exposed intermediate-reflective beaches. The finding of P. pythonius and P. corderoi in nearby beaches corroborates other studies showing a higher morphological variability among species in different habitats within the same geographical area than among species in the same habitat in different geographical areas.  相似文献   

文章研究对比了青海湖水位上升后形成的新生湖滨带与主湖区在不同季节的水环境特征差异。结果显示, 在测定的14个指标中, 高锰酸盐指数、总磷、浊度和电导率等指标在湖滨带与主湖区间存在显著空间差异, 而pH、总氮、溶解氧饱和度、水温、溶解氧浓度、溶解性磷、溶解性无机氮、氨氮、亚硝氮和硝酸盐氮等指标无显著空间差异; 但结合各指标的变异系数、季节变化和主成分分析的结果来看, 所有指标在新生湖滨带都表现出更大的变异系数, 6月湖滨带样点主要在溶解性营养盐指标方面离散, 8月湖滨带样点主要在淹没土壤释放物质相关指标方面离散, 两者可能分别受到生物残体分解和淹没土壤释放的影响。研究的结果表明, 青海湖的新淹没湖滨带的水环境特征与主湖区存在明显差异。土壤释放、生命活动、风浪、水深和温度等因素共同塑造了青海湖新生湖滨带的水环境特征。上述结果提示了青海湖部分湖滨带区域的水环境特征有利于刚毛藻生长, 同时也可能受到刚毛藻暴发影响。新生湖滨带对青海湖水生态系统的持续影响还需要在后续研究中进一步关注。  相似文献   

F. J. Odendaal    P. Turchin    G. Hoy    P. Wickens    J. Wells    G. Schroeder 《Journal of Zoology》1992,228(1):103-113
An individual's success at locating resource items is largely determined by the manner in which it searches. Studies on the movement trajectories of individuals have therefore been useful in elucidating mechanisms by which animals find their resources. Studies thus far have concentrated on animals that live in physically stable environments and search for stationary food items. Several of these studies revealed a surprising ineptitude of individuals in locating their resources. Our study on the other hand focuses on an animal living in a highly turbulent environment that needs to locate moving food items. We studied Bullia digitalis , a whelk that lives in the surf and swash zones of sandy beaches. In spite of constraints imposed by wave action on its movement and obvious difficulties in using positive chemotaxis in a turbulent environment, B. digitalis appears to be most efficient in tracking its prey through the surf. It uses wave-generated flow in a form of locomotion called swash-riding which is commonly used by a wide variety of sandy beach invertebrates.  相似文献   

The influence of biotic interactions in structuring macroinfaunal communities of exposed sandy beaches, an unstable habitat characterized by strong physical forces, is generally considered negligible. We investigated the hypothesis that competitive interactions during burrowing could potentially affect the intertidal distribution and abundance of macroinfaunal animals of sandy beaches using two species of invertebrates, a hippid crab, Emerita analoga, and a bivalve, Mesodesma donacium, common along the coast of Chile. Spatial overlap in the intertidal distributions of these species was dynamic, varying with abundance, location, time of year and tide. Highest density zones of each species were often distinctly separated at low tide and spatial overlap in their distributions decreased significantly with increasing density, suggesting density dependence of the interactions. Negative relationships between densities of the two species at the smallest spatial scale examined also suggested active interactions among individuals. Over a tidal cycle, peak densities of the two species overlapped suggesting that interactions could occur frequently. Burrowing performance of E. analoga varied between size classes in three experimental densities of clams (5, 10 and 15 clams 0.008 m-2) and in controls with no clams. Burrowing times of large crabs were significantly longer (~twofold) in all densities of clams than in controls, while those of small crabs did not differ significantly among treatments and controls. Large crabs also displaced clams from the sand while burrowing suggesting that two mechanisms of direct interference can occur, both of which could increase exposure of individuals involved to active swash and transport across or along the beach with potentially negative consequences. Our results suggest that competitive interactions capable of affecting zonation and population and community biology on a number of scales can occur among burrowing macroinfauna on exposed sandy beaches. Those interactions could be more ecologically significant than previously appreciated and may contribute to patterns observed in community structure and zonation on sandy beaches. Our results illustrate the potential importance of negative biological interactions in a physically stressful environment.  相似文献   

付波霖  李颖  朱红雷  幸泽峰 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7634-7641
以查干湖流域为研究区,利用RS和GIS技术,基于水利部《河流(湖)健康评估指标、标准与方法 V1.0》并加以改进,以500m×1000m为评价基本单元,整个研究区共有315个物理结构基本评价单元,建立基于RS的湖岸带物理结构完整性评价体系,该评价体系由目标层、准则层和指标层构成,其中准则层由湖岸带状况、湖岸线发育率和湖泊萎缩率3项组成,指标层由地形坡度、植被覆盖率等8项指标构成。研究结果表明:38个监测点中,查干湖23个,新庙泡15个,基于RS物理结构评价结果分别为0.67—0.76和0.35—0.45,地面实测评价结果分别是0.64—0.77和0.35—0.55。两种评价方法结果一致,并表明查干湖的湖岸带物理结构健康状态属于健康,新庙泡则属于亚健康。  相似文献   

Demographic and life‐history attributes of the mole crab Emerita brasiliensis were analysed along 2700 km of the Atlantic coast of South America, including sandy beaches at the southernmost limit (Uruguay) and at the core of its geographical range (Brazil). Population features varied markedly within this range and exhibited systematic geographical patterns of variation. Abundance significantly increased from temperate to subtropical beaches, and the same held true for the asymptotic weight of males. Conversely, length at maturity and asymptotic weight of females increased from subtropical to temperate beaches, being inversely related to sea water temperature. Macroecological patterns in abundance and body weight showed the first large‐scale evidence of scaling of population density to body size for a sandy beach population. Mortality rates (both sexes) followed a nonlinear increase from low‐density temperate beaches to high‐density subtropical beaches. The effect of habitat quality and availability could explain discontinuities in the species distribution within its range, and also differential responses in life‐history attributes at a local scale. Asymmetries and converse latitudinal trends between sexes suggest that there is not a single general factor determining large‐scale patterns in life‐history traits of this species. Our results reinforce the view that density‐dependent and environmental factors operating together regulate sandy beach populations. The need to develop macroecological studies in sandy beach ecology is highlighted, as knowledge acquired from local to large spatial scales throws light on population structure and regulation mechanisms.  相似文献   

受人类活动和气候变化的影响,湖泊湖滨带退化速度显著加快。植物功能性状的方法可以量化植物特征,预测植物对外界环境干扰的反应,有助于理解退化湖滨带湿地植物应对环境变化所表现出的适应机制,对湖泊湖滨湿地生态系统植被的恢复与重建具有重要意义。在内蒙古高原典型湖泊湖滨湿地选取芦苇(Phragmites australis)、赖草(Leymus secalinus)、毛茛(Ranunculus japonicus)、鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)、碱蓬(Suaeda glauca)、盐角草(Salicornia europaea)和拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigeios)7种优势植物的叶片和根系作为研究对象,对不同湿地植物的11种功能性状变化规律及其与环境因子的关系进行研究。旨在探究环境变化影响下湖滨带湿地植物的物种分布和功能性状的差异,以及湿地植物在不同湖滨带湿地生境下的适应策略。在评估植物功能性状差异基础上,采用环境矩阵连接性状矩阵(RLQ)结合第四角分析(Fourth-Corner)的方法分析环境因子对植物功能性状的影响。结果表明,内蒙古湖滨带湿地中7种优势植物为了适应不同的环境的影响,植物的功能性状均产生不同程度的种间与种内变异,在湖滨带湿地中植物的植株高度、叶片碳含量、叶片氮含量、叶片碳氮比、比根长、根组织密度、根氮含量对环境变化的响应比较敏感,土壤pH与叶片干物质含量呈显著负相关;土壤盐分与植株高度、叶片碳含量和叶碳氮比显著负相关,与叶片氮含量、根组织密度显著正相关;土壤的总氮含量与植株高度显著正相关,与比根长显著负相关;土壤碳氮比与植株高度和叶片碳含量显著负相关,与植物比根长显著正相关;土壤容重与根氮含量显著负相关。研究表明内蒙古高原湖滨带湿地植物的功能性状受环境的作用强烈,植物采取了不同的性状策略来适应环境。  相似文献   

Rate of Bacterial Mortality in Aquatic Environments   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A method is proposed which provides a minimum estimate of the rate of bacterial mortality in growing natural populations of planktonic bacteria. This estimate is given by the rate of decrease of radioactivity from the DNA of a [3H]thymidine-labeled natural assemblage of bacteria after all added thymidine has been exhausted from the medium. Results obtained from river water, estuarine water, and seawater show overall bacterial mortality rates in the range 0.010 to 0.030 h−1, in good agreement with the range of growth rates measured in the same environments. Use of selective filtration through Nuclepore filters (pore size, 2 μm) allowed us to determine the contribution of microzooplankton grazing to overall bacterial mortality. Grazing rates estimated by this method ranged from 0 to 0.02 h−1.  相似文献   

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