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Question: What are the main broad‐scale spatial and temporal gradients in species composition of arable weed communities and what are their underlying environmental variables? Location: Czech Republic and Slovakia. Methods: A selection of 2653 geographically stratified relevés sampled between 1954–2003 was analysed with direct and indirect ordination, regression analysis and analysis of beta diversity. Results: Major changes in weed species composition were associated with a complex gradient of increasing altitude and precipitation and decreasing temperature and base status of the soils. The proportion of hemicryptophytes increased, therophytes and alien species decreased, species richness increased and beta diversity decreased with increasing altitude. The second most important gradient of weed species composition was associated with seasonal changes, resulting in striking differences between weed communities developed in spring and summer. In summer, weed communities tended to have more neophytes, higher species richness and higher beta diversity. The third gradient reflected long‐term changes in weed vegetation over past decades. The proportion of hemicryptophytes and neophytes increased, while therophytes and archaeophytes decreased, as did species richness over time. The fourth gradient was due to crop plants. Cultures whose management involves less disturbances, such as cereals, harboured less geophytes and neophytes, and had higher species richness but lower beta diversity than frequently disturbed cultures, such as root crops. Conclusions: Species composition of Central European weed vegetation is mainly influenced by broad‐scale climatic and edaphic factors, but its variations due to seasonal dynamics and long‐term changes in agricultural management are also striking. Crop plants and crop‐specific management affect it to a lesser, but still significant extent.  相似文献   

Factors determining changes in species composition of arable field weed vegetation in the northeastern part of the Czech Republic were studied. Gradsect sampling, i.e. a priori stratified selection of sampling sites, was used for the field research. Using this method, a data set of 174 vegetation plots, covering a whole range of basic environmental characteristics in the study area, was compiled in 2001–2003. A set of environmental variables (altitude, annual precipitation, mean annual temperature, soil type, soil pH and crop type) together with date of sampling was obtained for each plot. Ordination methods were used to determine the effects of variables on arable weed composition. For each variable, the gross and net effect on weed species composition were calculated. All variables considered in this study had a significant effect on weed species composition and explained 7.25% of the total variation in species data. Major changes in weed species composition in the study area were associated with different crop types. The second most important gradient in the variability of weed vegetation in the study area was associated with altitudinal and climatic changes followed by seasonal changes and different soil types and pH. Our results show that on a regional scale, the relative importance of different crop types and their associated management on changes in arable weed species composition is higher than the relative importance of climatic variables. The relative importance of climatic variables decreases with their decreasing length of gradient.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in plant diversity in the traditionally fertilised and species-rich Golden Oat meadows by repeating historic grassland relevés from the 1940s in two agricultural areas in the Swiss Alps. The effects of time on alpha and beta diversity at plot level were analysed within the study areas. The specificity of the two study areas was investigated by comparing the variability of species composition within and between study areas.In both regions, species richness at plot level (alpha diversity) was found to be lower in the recent relevés than in the historic ones. However, the variability of species composition within the study areas (beta diversity) was higher between the recent relevés than between the historic relevés. There was a significant floristic differentiation between the two study areas sixty years ago but not today.Plant diversity in Golden Oat meadows has changed significantly during the last sixty years. The decrease in species richness at plot level was anticipated, but not the increase in beta diversity between plots, which may indicate individualised management regimes of modern farmers. The loss of specificity between the study areas revealed an important and as yet hardly considered further dimension of biodiversity change, which leads to a homogenisation of plant diversity at a regional level.  相似文献   

Presented survey summarizes the results of the studies published predominantly after 2000, dealing with the plant communities around and above the timberline in (montane) subalpine to alpine (subnival) belt of the Western Carpathians. All of these communities underwent a critical syntaxonomical and nomenclatorical revision, hence the demonstrated overview of high-mountain vegetation of Western Carpathians (mostly from Slovakia, less from Poland border areas) represent the current state of knowledge. The high-altitude vegetation database, which is the part of Slovak National Vegetation Database, SNVD (), incorporated 8,160 published relevés on 15 May 2007 (of the total of 30,469 published relevés in the SNVD). Concerning the unpublished relevés, the individual authors have provided more than 18,400 of them to be stored in SNVD; 2,301 of all unpublished relevés could be assigned to high-altitude vegetation. Mountain and alpine vegetation is in SNVD presented by 15 classes; the most frequent class is Mulgedio-Aconitetea. With its quantity and also the quality of relevés, the high-altitude database, as well as the whole SNVD, represents the unique database within Slovakia, which provides information not only about the locality, floristic composition and variability of individual vegetation types, but also about several environmental variables such as inclination, aspect, geology or soil type, characteristic for individual relevés. Together with other Central European databases, SNVD takes up the leading position in Europe.  相似文献   

Due to their numerous endemic/sub‐endemic and rare plant species, rocky outcrops and cliffs, particularly those occurring at the timberline and forest/steppe ecotones of the Hyrcanian area, are considered as among the most important and fragile ecosystems in Iran. As a representative of such ecosystems, one of the last remnants of relatively undisturbed timberline and ecotone areas of the central Hyrcanian region was selected for phytogeographical, floristic and vegetation analyses. The flora and vegetation of rocky outcrops and crevices at altitudes of 2500–3000 m a.s.l. was surveyed by 40 relevés of 25 m2 surface area. A total of 215 vascular plants belonging to 55 families and 150 genera were identified in the different vegetation types. Hemicrytophytes (55.8%) were the dominant life form and Euro–Siberian/Irano–Turanian biregional plants (28.2%) were the most common chorotype at the study sites. A phytogeographical analysis indicated that Euro–Siberian elements (including Hyrcanian endemics) precede other uniregional chorotypes in the timberline and upper‐mountain parts of the central Hyrcanian area. The Caucasus, an important biodiversity hotspot close to Iran, has a considerable number of taxa in common with the Irano–Turanian floristic regions. Five vegetation types were identified using a modified TWINSPAN procedure and subsequently analysed by indirect gradient analysis applying both species‐related (species richness, life form and phytogeographical elements) and topographic/bedrocks features of the studied relevés. The analysis revealed that the vegetation of the area is mainly affected by altitude, heat index, northness, slope inclination and bedrock features.  相似文献   

Changes in weed species richness and beta-diversity are partly attributable to different types and intensity of disturbance and partly to broad-scale variation in environmental conditions. We compiled a data set of 434 vegetation plots of weed vegetation in root crop and cereal fields in Moravia (eastern Czech Republic) to compare the effects of environmental conditions and different disturbance regimes on species richness and beta-diversity. To detect changes in species richness, we related the variation in species richness to individual environmental conditions. To assess differences in beta-diversity between the vegetation of cereal and root crop fields, we used Whittaker's measure of beta-diversity. The relative importance of each environmental variable for the variation in species composition was evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis. All analyses were done for all vascular plant species and separately for native species, archaeophytes and neophytes. A comparison of weed vegetation of root crops and cereals showed a distinct dichotomy between these two types of weed vegetation. There was no significant difference in total species richness and native species richness; however, cereal fields were richer in archaeophytes and root crop fields were richer in neophytes. The beta-diversity of weed vegetation was higher in root crops. Environmental factors explained a significant part of the variability in richness of both natives and aliens. The richness of native species increased and beta-diversity decreased with increasing precipitation. The opposite relationship was found for archaeophytes, in both cereals and root crops. These results confirmed the importance of climatic factors and management practices for changes in weed species composition. They also showed a distinct pattern of species richness and beta-diversity of native and alien weed species.  相似文献   

Gyula Pinke 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):491-508

The present study surveyed the weed vegetation on extensively managed arable fields and unsprayed field edges in western Hungary, based on 1698 phytosociological relevés collected between 1995 and 2005. The separation of the 15 vegetation units was conducted with the traditional comparative tabular method, and the diagnostic species were determined with statistical fidelity measures. The numerical analyses show that the most important factor in the separation of weed communities is the fluctuating proportions of winter and summer annuals and cosmopolitan elements throughout the year. Soil chemical properties are the second most important whereas soil texture and climatic factors also contribute to the development of weed communities. The surveyed vegetation units support 41 red list weed species. Across all associations, the average proportion of insect-pollinated plant species is 68%, and the average proportion providing weed seed food sources for farmland birds is 47%. These factors illustrate the importance of weed communities in agro-ecosystem function and the need for their conservation.  相似文献   

Jan Douda 《植被学杂志》2010,21(6):1110-1124
Questions: What is the relative importance of landscape variables compared to habitat quality variables in determining species composition in floodplain forests across different physiographic areas? How do species composition and species traits relate to effects of particular landscape variables? Do lowland and mountain areas differ in effects of landscape variables on species composition? Location: Southern Czech Republic. Methods: A total of 240 vegetation relevés of floodplain forests with measured site conditions were recorded across six physiographic areas. I tested how physiographic area, habitat quality variables and landscape variables such as current land‐cover categories, forest continuity, forest size and urbanization influenced plant species composition. I also compared how mountain and lowland areas differ in terms of the relative importance of these variables. To determine how landscape configuration affects the distribution of species traits, relationships of traits and species affinity with landscape variables were tested. Results: Among landscape variables, forest continuity, landscape forest cover and distance to nearest settlement altered the vegetation. These variables also influenced the distributions of species traits, i.e. life forms, life strategies, affinity to forest, dispersal modes, seed characteristics, flooding tolerance and Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen, light, moisture and soil reaction. Nevertheless, physiographic area and habitat quality variables explained more variation in species composition. Landscape variables were more important in lowland areas. Forest continuity affected species composition only in lowlands. Conclusions: Although habitat quality and physiographic area explained more vegetation variability, landscape configuration was also a key factor influencing species composition and distribution of species traits. However, the results are dependent on forest geographical location, with lowland forests being more influenced by landscape variables compared to mountain forests.  相似文献   

This paper applies multivariate statistical methods to a data set of weed relevés from arable fields in two different habitat types of coastal and mountainous escarpments in Southern Oman. The objectives were to test the effect of environmental gradients, crop plants and time on weed species composition, to rank the importance of these particular factors, and to describe the patterns of species composition and diversity associated with these factors. Through the application of TWINSPAN, DCA and CCA programs on data relating to 102 species recorded in 28 plots and farms distributed in the study area, six plant communities were identified: I- Dichanthium micranthum, II- Cynodon dactylonD. micranthum, III- Convolvulus arvensis, IV- C. dactylonSonchus oleraceus, V- Amaranthus viridis and VI- Suaeda aegyptiacaAchyranthes aspera. The ordination process (CCA) provided a sequence of plant communities and species diversity that correlated with some anthropogenic factors, physiographic variables and crop types. Therefore, length of time since farm construction, disturbance levels and altitude are the most important factors related to the occurrence of the species. The perennial species correlated with the more degraded mountain areas of new farm stands, whereas most of the annuals correlated with old lowland and less disturbed farms.  相似文献   

Numerical classification of 2653 geographically stratified relevés of weed vegetation from the Czech and Slovak Republics was performed with cluster analysis. Diagnostic species were determined for each of the seven main clusters using statistical measures of fidelity. The classification reflected clear distinctions between lowland (mostly calcicole) and highland (mostly calcifuge) sites, spring and summer phenological stages, and cereals and root crops. The results of the cluster analysis were compared with traditional phytosociological units. Two clusters corresponded to calcifuge weed vegetation of theScleranthion annui alliance; one cluster represented the vegetation of root crops on moist soils of theOxalidion europaeae alliance; one cluster contained thermophilous weed vegetation of theCaucalidion lappulae alliance; two clusters included weed vegetation of root crops and of stubble fields, which can be assigned to theCaucalidion, Panico-Setarion,Veronico-Euphorbion andEragrostion alliances; one cluster included vernal weed vegetation in little disturbed habitats of theCaucalidion lappulae andScleranthion annui alliances. Our analysis did not support the concept of theSherardion andVeronico-Taraxacion alliances, which were included in earlier overviews of the vegetation units of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.  相似文献   

Question: Which are the gradients of floristic differentiation in Greek beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests? Which is the role of geographical and ecological factors in this differentiation? Location: Beech forests of the plant geographical regions Northeast, North Central and East Central Greece. Methods: A total of 1404 published and unpublished phytoso‐ciological relevés were used in the analyses. TWINSPAN and DCA were applied to classify and ordinate the relevés. Altitude, Indicator Values of relevés and their X and Y coordinates were used in a posteriori interpretation of the ordination axes. Kendall's correlation coefficients were calculated between DCA relevé scores and explanatory variables. Multiple linear regression was used to partition the variation explained by the first two DCA axes, between the geographical and the ecological variables. Results: Classification resulted in 14 vegetation units defined by species composition. Two types of gradients, ecological and geographical, were revealed by the DCA of all releves. The partition of the variation accounted for by the first and second DCA axis was attributed mainly to ecological and geographical variables, respectively. Conclusions: Beech forests of northeast and Central Greece show phytogeographical differences, while ecologically similar vegetation units occur in both regions. A west‐east gradient is revealed in Greek beech forest vegetation. The extent of the study area, its position along regional gradients and the comprehensiveness of the data set that is analysed determine the types of the gradients which can be revealed in a vegetation study.  相似文献   

Abstract Riparian environments are subject to the scouring and depositional effects of floods. Riparian vegetation and substrates are scoured during high flows, while litter and sediment is deposited downstream. In the Prosser and Little Swanport River catchments in south‐east Tasmania, vascular plant species were surveyed in large riparian relevés. Within these relevés, 1 × 1 m subplots were placed in both flood‐scoured and depositional environments. Species composition was compared between these three datasets, to investigate the importance of floods in determining species richness and species composition of riparian vegetation. Species richness and diversity were highest in areas experiencing flood scour. Herbs appear particularly reliant on the creation of gaps for colonization, and some major riparian shrub species may also require disturbance to maintain their abundance. The depositional environment tended to favour shrubs and graminoids. Given that differences in species composition are related to flood‐induced features of the riparian environment, the regulation of these rivers might reduce the diversity of the riparian vegetation downstream of dams.  相似文献   

Question: Is it possible to mathematically classify relevés into vegetation types on the basis of their average indicator values, including the uncertainty of the classification? Location: The Netherlands. Method: A large relevé database was used to develop a method for predicting vegetation types based on indicator values. First, each relevé was classified into a phytosociological association on the basis of its species composition. Additionally, mean indicator values for moisture, nutrients and acidity were computed for each relevé. Thus, the position of each classified relevé was obtained in a three‐dimensional space of indicator values. Fitting the data to so called Gaussian Mixture Models yielded densities of associations as a function of indicator values. Finally, these density functions were used to predict the Bayesian occurrence probabilities of associations for known indicator values. Validation of predictions was performed by using a randomly chosen half of the database for the calibration of densities and the other half for the validation of predicted associations. Results and Conclusions: With indicator values, most reléves were classified correctly into vegetation types at the association level. This was shown using confusion matrices that relate (1) the number of relevés classified into associations based on species composition to (2) those based on indicator values. Misclassified relevés belonged to ecologically similar associations. The method seems very suitable for predictive vegetation models.  相似文献   


Relationships between plant communities and the physical environment during primary succession on recently deglaciated glacier forelands were studied in 3 areas of the Italian Alps. The aim of the research was to relate traditional phytosociological data with environmental variables. Twenty-eight phytosociological relevés were performed, each associated with twenty-six environmental variables; quantitative parameters of richness and diversity were also calculated. Species/relevés, environmental variables/relevés and species/environmental variables matrices were analyzed by cluster analysis, PCA and Spearman correlation coefficient. Three main stages of succession were identified by floristic composition and confirmed by environmental parameter evaluation. A complex of environmental variables seems to be closely correlated with terrain age and richness/diversity parameters, even though diversity decreases in late successional stages. The phytosociological significance of species is in accordance with their position in the context of succession.  相似文献   

Pure and mixed beech forest vegetation of the southern Rodopi range (northeast Greece) was studied using 614 relevés and multivariate analyses (TWINSPAN and DCA). Classification of the relevés resulted in 12 vegetation units, 8 of which were ranked as associations or communities and the rest as subcommunities and variants. DCA diagrams of relevés and taxa indicated that floristic differentiation was attributed mainly to factors such as altitude (affecting temperature and humidity), soil nutrient content and substrate type (affecting physical and chemical soil properties). Differential taxa of vegetation units were chosen based on their phi coefficient values, which were calculated from three different percentage synoptic tables that corresponded to three ranks (ecological groups, associations and communities, and subcommunities and variants) of floristic differentiation. The calculation of phi coefficient on the basis of relative constancy of taxa helps to overcome the problem of the dependence of fidelity values on the number of relevés per vegetation unit and to facilitate the better investigation of the floristic differentiation even of rare vegetation units represented by a small number of relevés. Furthermore, the calculation of fidelity values for different hierarchical levels enables a more detailed and thorough investigation of the floristic differentiation of the vegetation units.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of data obtained from 184 cereal and stubble fields in low-input agricultural systems located in western Hungary was undertaken in order to asses environmental factors affecting weed species composition. For each variable, the gross and net effect on weed species composition was calculated. All variables considered in this study had a significant effect on weed species composition and explained 26.99% of the total variation. Most variation in species composition was explained by the aspect (cereal vs. stubble), followed by soil pH, mean annual precipitation, soil texture, mean annual temperature, and altitude. Separating the cereals and stubbles soil pH became the most important factor. Our results suggest that during the long vegetation period, cereal weed communities dominated by winter annuals are replaced by stubble-field weed communities dominated by summer annuals. This seasonal change may also have the same important effect on weed species composition as crop types.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure of the treeline was studied on the southeastern slope of Mount Paektu (North Korea). Fifteen temporary plots (20m×20m) were situated along the altitudinal transect. Seven square samples (phytosociological relevés 5 m×5 m) were analyzed in each plot. Although the character of the vegetation was rather continuous altitudinally, five similar groups of vegetation samples were distinguished by the TWINSPAN procedure. The distribution of samples in the classification showed not only the effect of altitude but also the effect of competition between the tree and the shrub layers and other factors. In the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination several environmental variables were used (such as altitude of each plot, distance of each plot from the forest edge and the cover percentage of tree, shrub, herb and moss/lichen layers). The variable ‘cover of tree layer’ had the strongest relation to the species data. Continuous changes of species richness along the altitude were confirmed. Species richness decreased significantly with altitude.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study explored the validity of three responses of vegetation to increased soil erosion: reduction of vegetation cover, number of species and reduced substitution of species. 201 relevés, including edaphic and geomorphological data, were surveyed in the intensely eroded Eocene marls of the Prepyrenees (NE Spain). Changes in plant species’ presence in relevés from different degradation stages were compared. The level of vegetation degradation was defined as the total phanerogam cover which, in the studied area, was correlated to the degree of soil erosion. The considered trends were validated. Reduction of phanerogam cover and species number were gradual from low to high‐eroded areas. Vegetation degradation explained 48% of the species number variance. In the later stages of degradation a significant substitution of species was not observed, only a lower frequency of occurrence of several species that appeared in the whole set of relevés. Through the process of degradation, 47% of species displayed significantly reduced frequencies as degradation increased, none showed a significant increase in frequency. It is concluded that there are no characteristic species in these plant communities that survive in the severely eroded marls. Among the few species that had increased in frequency, most only colonised favourable micro‐environments.  相似文献   

Questions: Does fuzzy clustering provide an appropriate numerical framework to manage vegetation classifications? What is the best fuzzy clustering method to achieve this? Material: We used 531 relevés from Catalonia (Spain), belonging to two syntaxonomic alliances of mesophytic and xerophytic montane pastures, and originally classified by experts into nine and 13 associations, respectively. Methods: We compared the performance of fuzzy C‐means (FCM), noise clustering (NC) and possibilistic C‐means (PCM) on four different management tasks: (1) assigning new relevé data to existing types; (2) updating types incorporating new data; (3) defining new types with unclassified relevés; and (4) reviewing traditional vegetation classifications. Results: As fuzzy classifiers, FCM fails to indicate when a given relevé does not belong to any of the existing types; NC might leave too many relevés unclassified; and PCM membership values cannot be compared. As unsupervised clustering methods, FCM is more sensitive than NC to transitional relevés and therefore produces fuzzier classifications. PCM looks for dense regions in the space of species composition, but these are scarce when vegetation data contain many transitional relevés. Conclusions: All three models have advantages and disadvantages, although the NC model may be a good compromise between the restricted FCM model and the robust but impractical PCM model. In our opinion, fuzzy clustering might provide a suitable framework to manage vegetation classifications using a consistent operational definition of vegetation type. Regardless of the framework chosen, national/regional vegetation classification panels should promote methodological standards for classification practices with numerical tools.  相似文献   

Aims: The upper elevation limit of forest vegetation in mountain ranges (the alpine treeline ecotone) is expected to be highly sensitive to global change. Treeline shifts and/or ecotone afforestation could cause fragmentation and loss of alpine habitat, and are expected to trigger considerable alterations in alpine vegetation. We performed an analysis of vegetation structure at the treeline ecotone to evaluate whether distribution of the tree population determines the spatial pattern of vegetation (species composition and diversity) across the transition from subalpine forest to alpine vegetation. Location: Iberian eastern range of the Pyrenees. Methods: We studied 12 alpine Pinus uncinata treeline ecotones. Rectangular plots ranging from 940 to 1900 m2 were placed along the forest‐alpine vegetation transition, from closed forest to the treeless alpine area. To determine community structure and species distribution in the treeline ecotone, species variation along the forest‐alpine vegetation transition was sampled using relevés of 0.5 m2 set every 2 m along the length of each plot. Fuzzy C‐means clustering was performed to assess the transitional status of the relevés in terms of species composition. The relation of P. uncinata canopy cover to spatial pattern of vegetation was evaluated using continuous wavelet transform analysis. Results: Vegetation analyses revealed a large degree of uniformity of the subalpine forest between all treeline ecotone areas studied. In contrast, the vegetation mosaic found upslope displayed great variation between sites and was characterized by abrupt changes in plant community across the treeline ecotone. Plant richness and diversity significantly increased across the ecotone, but tree cover and diversity boundaries were not spatially coincident. Conclusions: Our results revealed that no intermediate communities, in terms of species composition, are present in the treeline ecotone. Ecotone vegetation reflected both bedrock type and fine‐scale heterogeneity at ground level, thereby reinforcing the importance of microenvironmental conditions for alpine community composition. Tree cover did not appear to be the principal driver of alpine community changes across the treeline ecotone. Microenvironmental heterogeneity, together with effects of past climatic and land‐use changes on ecotone vegetation, may weaken the expected correlation between species distribution and vegetation structure.  相似文献   

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