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A fundamental role of the circadian clock is to control biochemical and physiological processes such that they occur an optimal time of day. One of the most significant clock outputs from a clinical as well as basic biological standpoint is the timing of the cell cycle. Here we show that the circadian clock regulates the timing of mitosis in a light-responsive, clock-containing zebrafish cell line. Disrupting clock function, using a CLOCK1 dominant-negative construct or constant light, blocks the gating of cell division, demonstrating that this mitotic rhythm is cell autonomous and under control of the circadian pacemaker. Quantitative PCR reveals that several key mitotic genes, including Cyclin B1, Cyclin B2, and cdc2, are rhythmically expressed and clock-controlled. Peak expression of these genes occurs at a critical phase required to gate mitosis to the late night/early morning. Using clock and cell cycle luminescent reporter zebrafish cell lines, we show that light strongly represses not only circadian clock function, but also mitotic gene expression, and consequently slows cell proliferation.  相似文献   

斑马鱼生物钟研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明勇  黄国栋  王晗 《遗传》2012,34(9):1133-1143
斑马鱼是生物钟研究领域中一种新兴的脊椎动物模型。文章总结了斑马鱼生物钟研究的一些进展, 以及利用斑马鱼研究生物钟的特点及优势。由于光照和温度作为重要的外部信号在斑马鱼生物钟调节中发挥重要作用, 文章主要就近期光和温度对斑马鱼钟基因及调节通路的研究进行了概述, 最后对斑马鱼生物钟研究的未来提出了展望。  相似文献   

哺乳动物心脏活动具有明显的日周期节律现象,分子生物学证实心脏拥有完整的生物钟,具备所有的时钟基因以及时钟输出基因。生物钟节律紊乱和心血管疾病的发生及发展两者之间存在密切关系。如果利用药物纠正时钟基因的异常表达,对于心血管疾病的治疗可能发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The timing of cell proliferation is a key factor contributing to the regulation of normal growth. Daily rhythms of cell cycle progression have been documented in a wide range of organisms. However, little is known about how environmental, humoral, and cell-autonomous factors contribute to these rhythms. Here, we demonstrate that light plays a key role in cell cycle regulation in the zebrafish. Exposure of larvae to light-dark (LD) cycles causes a range of different cell types to enter S phase predominantly at the end of the day. When larvae are raised in constant darkness (DD), a low level of arrhythmic S phase is observed. In addition, light-entrained cell cycle rhythms persist for several days after transfer to DD, both observations pointing to the involvement of the circadian clock. We show that the number of LD cycles experienced is essential for establishing this rhythm during larval development. Furthermore, we reveal that the same phenomenon exists in a zebrafish cell line. This represents the first example of a vertebrate cell culture system where circadian rhythms of the cell cycle are observed. Thus, we implicate the cell-autonomous circadian clock in the regulation of the vertebrate cell cycle by light.  相似文献   

The circadian clock controls the timing of the cell cycle in healthy tissues and clock disruption is known to increase tumourigenesis. Melanoma is one of the most rapidly increasing forms of cancer and the precise molecular circadian changes that occur in a melanoma tumor are unknown. Using a melanoma zebrafish model, we have explored the molecular changes that occur to the circadian clock within tumors. We have found disruptions in melanoma clock gene expression due to a major impairment to the light input pathway, with a parallel loss of light-dependent activation of DNA repair genes. Furthermore, the timing of mitosis in tumors is perturbed, as well as the regulation of certain key cell cycle regulators, such that cells divide arhythmically. The inability to co-ordinate DNA damage repair and cell division is likely to promote further tumourigenesis and accelerate melanoma development.  相似文献   

We describe the production and characterisation of two monoclonal antibodies, zdc2 and zdd2, directed against the zebrafish Notch ligands DeltaC and DeltaD, respectively. We use our antibodies to show that these Delta proteins can bind to one another homo- and heterophilically, and to study the localisation of DeltaC and DeltaD in the zebrafish nervous system and presomitic mesoderm (PSM). Our findings in the nervous system largely confirm expectations from previous studies, but in the PSM we see an unexpected pattern in which the localisation of DeltaD varies according to the level of expression of DeltaC: in the anterior PSM, where DeltaC is plentiful, the two proteins are colocalised in intracellular puncta, but in the posterior PSM, where DeltaC is at a lower level, DeltaD is seen mainly on the cell surface. Forced overexpression of DeltaC reduces the amount of DeltaD on the cell surface in the posterior PSM; conversely, loss-of-function mutation of DeltaC increases the amount of DeltaD on the cell surface in the anterior PSM. These findings suggest an explanation for a long-standing puzzle regarding the functions of the two Delta proteins in the somite segmentation clock--an explanation that is based on the proposition that they associate heterophilically to activate Notch.  相似文献   

Most organisms display oscillations of approximately 24 hours in their physiology. In higher organisms, these circadian oscillations in biochemical and physiological processes ultimately control complex behavioral rhythms that allow an organism to thrive in its natural habitat. Daily and seasonal light cycles are mainly responsible for keeping the circadian system properly aligned with the environment. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the control of the circadian clock have been explored in a number of systems. Interestingly, the circadian oscillations that are responsive to environmental stimuli are present very early during development. This review focuses on the advantages of using the zebrafish to study the development of the vertebrate circadian system and light-dependent signaling to the clock.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patterned growth of vertebrate organs is essential for normal physiological function, but the underlying pathways that govern organotypic growth are not clearly understood. Heart function is critically dependent upon the concentric thickening of the ventricular wall generated by the addition of cells to the myocardium along the axis from the endocardium (inside) to the outside of the chamber. In heart of glass mutant embryos, the number of cells in the myocardium is normal, but they are not added in the concentric direction. As a consequence, the chambers are huge and dysfunctional, and the myocardium remains a single layer. RESULTS: To begin to define the factors controlling the concentric growth of cells in the myocardium, we used positional cloning to identify the heart of glass (heg) gene. heg encodes a protein of previously undescribed function, expressed in the endocardial layer of the heart. By alternative splicing, three distinct isoforms are generated, one of which is predicted to be transmembrane and two other secreted. By selective morpholino perturbation, we demonstrate that the transmembrane form is critical for the normal pattern of growth. CONCLUSIONS: heart of glass encodes a previously uncharacterized endocardial signal that is vital for patterning concentric growth of the heart. Growth of the heart requires addition of myocardial cells along the endocardial-to-myocardial axis. This axis of patterning is driven by heg, a novel transmembrane protein expressed in the endocardium.  相似文献   

Light at night has strong effects on physiology and behavior of mammals. It affects mood in humans, which is exploited as light therapy, and has been shown to reset the circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). This resetting is paramount to align physiological and biochemical timing to the environmental light-dark cycle. Here we provide evidence that light at zeitgeber time (ZT) 22 affects mood-related behaviors also in mice by activating the clock gene Period1 (Per1) in the lateral habenula (LHb), a brain region known to modulate mood-related behaviors. We show that complete deletion of Per1 in mice led to depressive-like behavior and loss of the beneficial effects of light on this behavior. In contrast, specific deletion of Per1 in the region of the LHb did not affect mood-related behavior, but suppressed the beneficial effects of light. RNA sequence analysis in the mesolimbic dopaminergic system revealed profound changes of gene expression after a light pulse at ZT22. In the nucleus accumbens (NAc), sensory perception of smell and G-protein coupled receptor signaling were affected the most. Interestingly, most of these genes were not affected in Per1 knock-out animals, indicating that induction of Per1 by light serves as a filter for light-mediated gene expression in the brain. Taken together we show that light affects mood-related behavior in mice at least in part via induction of Per1 in the LHb with consequences on mood-related behavior and signaling mechanisms in the mesolimbic dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

We evaluated the elasticity of live tissues of zebrafish embryos using label-free optical elastography. We employed a pair of custom-built elastic microcantilevers to gently compress a zebrafish embryo and used optical-tracking analysis to obtain the induced internal strain. We then built a finite element method (FEM) model and matched the strain with the optical analysis. The elastic moduli were found by minimizing the root-mean-square errors between the optical and FEM analyses. We evaluated the average elastic moduli of a developing somite, the overlying ectoderm, and the underlying yolk of seven zebrafish embryos during the early somitogenesis stages. The estimation results showed that the average elastic modulus of the somite increased from 150 to 700 Pa between 4- and 8-somite stages, while those of the ectoderm and the yolk stayed between 100 and 200 Pa, and they did not show significant changes. The result matches well with the developmental process of somitogenesis reported in the literature. This is among the first attempts to quantify spatially-resolved elasticity of embryonic tissues from optical elastography.  相似文献   

Getting to the heart of regeneration in zebrafish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A scientific and clinical prerogative of the 21st century is to stimulate the regenerative ability of the human heart. While the mammalian heart shows little or no natural regeneration in response to injury, certain non-mammalian vertebrates possess an elevated capacity for cardiac regeneration. Adult zebrafish restore ventricular muscle removed by surgical resection, events that involve little or no scarring. Recent studies have begun to reveal cellular and molecular mechanisms of this regenerative process that have exciting implications for human cardiac biology and disease.  相似文献   

Embryonic heart development is a mechanosensitive process, where specific fluid forces are needed for the correct development, and abnormal mechanical stimuli can lead to malformations. It is thus important to understand the nature of embryonic heart fluid forces. However, the fluid dynamical behaviour close to the embryonic endocardial surface is very sensitive to the geometry and motion dynamics of fine-scale cardiac trabecular surface structures. Here, we conducted image-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to quantify the fluid mechanics associated with the zebrafish embryonic heart trabeculae. To capture trabecular geometric and motion details, we used a fish line that expresses fluorescence at the endocardial cell membrane, and high resolution 3D confocal microscopy. Our endocardial wall shear stress (WSS) results were found to exceed those reported in existing literature, which were estimated using myocardial rather than endocardial boundaries. By conducting simulations of single intra-trabecular spaces under varied scenarios, where the translational or deformational motions (caused by contraction) were removed, we found that a squeeze flow effect was responsible for most of the WSS magnitude in the intra-trabecular spaces, rather than the shear interaction with the flow in the main ventricular chamber. We found that trabecular structures were responsible for the high spatial variability of the magnitude and oscillatory nature of WSS, and for reducing the endocardial deformational burden. We further found cells attached to the endocardium within the intra-trabecular spaces, which were likely embryonic hemogenic cells, whose presence increased endocardial WSS. Overall, our results suggested that a complex multi-component consideration of both anatomic features and motion dynamics were needed to quantify the trabeculated embryonic heart fluid mechanics.  相似文献   

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