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Selenium and selenoproteins in the brain and brain diseases   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Over the past three decades, selenium has been intensively investigated as an antioxidant trace element. It is widely distributed throughout the body, but is particularly well maintained in the brain, even upon prolonged dietary selenium deficiency. Changes in selenium concentration in blood and brain have been reported in Alzheimer's disease and brain tumors. The functions of selenium are believed to be carried out by selenoproteins, in which selenium is specifically incorporated as the amino acid, selenocysteine. Several selenoproteins are expressed in brain, but many questions remain about their roles in neuronal function. Glutathione peroxidase has been localized in glial cells, and its expression is increased surrounding the damaged area in Parkinson's disease and occlusive cerebrovascular disease, consistent with its protective role against oxidative damage. Selenoprotein P has been reported to possess antioxidant activities and the ability to promote neuronal cell survival. Recent studies in cell culture and gene knockout models support a function for selenoprotein P in delivery of selenium to the brain. mRNAs for other selenoproteins, including selenoprotein W, thioredoxin reductases, 15-kDa selenoprotein and type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase, are also detected in the brain. Future research directions will surely unravel the important functions of this class of proteins in the brain.  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential mineral element with important biological functions for the whole body through incorporation into selenoproteins. This element is highly concentrated in the thyroid gland. Selenoproteins provide antioxidant protection for this tissue against the oxidative stress caused by free radicals and contribute, via iodothyronine deiodinases, to the metabolism of thyroid hormones. It is known that oxidative stress plays a major role in carcinogenesis and that in recent decades there has been an increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer. The anti-carcinogenic action of selenium, although not fully understood, is mainly attributable to selenoproteins antioxidant properties, and to the ability to modulate cell proliferation (cell cycle and apoptosis), energy metabolism, and cellular immune response, significantly altered during tumorigenesis. Researchers have suggested that different forms of selenium supplementation may be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of thyroid cancer; however, the studies have several methodological limitations. This review is a summary of the current knowledge on how selenium and selenoproteins related to thyroid cancer.  相似文献   


Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element that functions in the form of the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine (Sec) in a defined set of proteins. Se deficiency is associated with pathological conditions in humans and animals, where incorporation of Sec into selenoproteins is reduced along with their expression and catalytic activity. Supplementation of Se-deficient population with Se has shown health benefits suggesting the importance of Se in physiology. An interesting paradigm to explain, in part, the health benefits of Se stems from the observations that selenoprotein-dependent modulation of inflammation and efficient resolution of inflammation relies on mechanisms involving a group of bioactive lipid mediators, prostanoids, which orchestrate a concerted action toward maintenance and restoration of homeostatic immune responses. Such an effect involves the interaction of various immune cells with these lipid mediators where cellular redox gatekeeper functions of selenoproteins further aid in not only dampening inflammation, but also initiating an effective and active resolution process. Here we have summarized the current literature on the multifaceted roles of Se/selenoproteins in the regulation of these bioactive lipid mediators and their immunomodulatory effects.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution of selenoproteins in the liver of the rat   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
After in vivo labeling with [75Se]selenite, the intracellular distribution of selenoproteins in the liver was investigated in selenium-adequate and selenium-deficient rats. In the subcellular fractions, which were obtained by differential centrifugation, the proteins were separated by means of SDS-PAGE and the selenium compounds were identified via their 75Se activity. In this way twelve selenium-containing proteins or protein subunits with molecular weights between 12,100 and 75,400 were found. Glutathione peroxidase was concentrated in the cytosol and in the mitochondria. With the newly detected selenoproteins, some were enriched in the cytosol, one was mainly found in the nuclear fraction and some, which were present mainly in the mitochondrial and microsomal fractions, are most probably membrane-bound. In the liver of selenium-depleted rats the selenium administered was used predominantly to restore the levels of some of the newly found selenoproteins, while in the liver of selenium-adequate animals most of the selenium retained was incorporated into the glutathione peroxidase. The differences in the distribution among the subcellular fractions and the specific incorporation of the element in selenium deficiency into certain compounds suggest that there are several metabolic pathways for selenium and that the selenoproteins are involved in several different processes of intracellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Selenocysteine is a rare amino acid in protein that is encoded by UGA with the requirement of a downstream mRNA stem-loop structure, the selenocysteine insertion sequence element. To detect selenoproteins in Drosophila, the entire genome was analyzed with a novel program that searches for selenocysteine insertion sequence elements, followed by selenoprotein gene signature analyses. This computational screen and subsequent metabolic labeling with (75)Se and characterization of selenoprotein mRNA expression resulted in identification of three selenoproteins: selenophosphate synthetase 2 and novel G-rich and BthD selenoproteins that had no homology to known proteins. To assess a biological role for these proteins, a simple chemically defined medium that supports growth of adult Drosophila and requires selenium supplementation for optimal survival was devised. Flies survived on this medium supplemented with 10(-8) to 10(-6) m selenium or on the commonly used yeast-based complete medium at about twice the rate as those on a medium without selenium or with >10(-6) m selenium. This effect correlated with changes in selenoprotein mRNA expression. The number of eggs laid by Drosophila was reduced approximately in half in the chemically defined medium compared with the same medium supplemented with selenium. The data provide evidence that dietary selenium deficiency shortens, while supplementation of the diet with selenium normalizes the Drosophila life span by a process that may involve the newly identified selenoproteins.  相似文献   

Essentially all of the selenium in the rat spermatozoon is bound to a polypeptide of Mr 15,000-17,000 confined to the capsule that surrounds the sperm mitochondria. Isoelectric focussing of isolated 75Se-labelled, carboxymethylated mitochondrial capsule protein (MCP) reveals the presence of at least four radioactive components, with a predominant charge isomer at pI4.6. The sperm selenoprotein appears to be identical with MCP, as judged by the exact coincidence of radioactivity and protein stain during two-dimensional electrophoresis. The temporal pattern of 75Se-labelling of rat caput epididymal spermatozoa after intratesticular 75Se injection suggests that maximum incorporation of 75Se into MCP occurs in step 7-step 12 spermatids and that 75Se uptake ceases during step 15 of spermiogenesis. The developmental appearance of sperm selenoprotein in rat testis therefore appears to lag several days behind that reported for MCP in mouse testis, suggesting the presence of selenium-free MCP in immature germ cells. SDS gel electrophoretic analysis of testis subcellular fractions 24 h after 75Se injection into rat testis at 21, 28 and 90 days of age indicates that sperm selenoprotein first appears in very low concentration during late meiosis and that its concentration increases sharply during early spermiogenesis. Additional 75Se-labelled polypeptides were detected on the gels, most of them of higher molecular weight than MCP. At least two of these (Mr 47,000 and 54,000) displayed a marked decrease in labelling between 5 and 24 h after injection into adult testis, coincident with a comparable increase in 75Se-labelled MCP, indicating that they may be precursors of MCP.  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential trace element for which both beneficial and toxic effects in human health have been described. It is now clear that the importance of having adequate amounts of this micronutrient in the diet is primarily due to the fact that selenium is required for biosynthesis of selenocysteine, the twenty first naturally occurring amino acid in protein. In this review, we provide an overview of eukaryotic selenoproteins and selenoproteomes, which are sets of selenoproteins in these organisms. In eukaryotes, selenoproteins show a mosaic occurrence, with some organisms, such as vertebrates and algae, having dozens of these proteins, while other organisms, such as higher plants and fungi, having lost all selenoproteins during evolution. We also discuss selenoprotein functions and evolutionary trends in the use of these proteins in eukaryotes. Functional analysis of selenoproteins is critical for better understanding of the role of selenium in human health and disease.  相似文献   

L Jiang  J Ni  Q Liu 《BMC genomics》2012,13(1):446
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The selenocysteine (Sec) containing proteins, selenoproteins, are an important group of proteins present throughout all 3 kingdoms of life. With the rapid progression of selenoprotein research in the post-genomic era, application of bioinformatics methods to the identification of selenoproteins in newly sequenced species has become increasingly important. Although selenoproteins in human and other vertebrates have been investigated, studies of primitive invertebrate selenoproteomes are rarely reported outside of insects and nematodes. Result A more integrated view of selenoprotein evolution was constructed using several representative species from different evolutionary eras. Using a SelGenAmic-based selenoprotein identification method, 178 selenoprotein genes were identified in 6 invertebrates: Amphimedon queenslandica, Trichoplax adhaerens, Nematostella vectensis, Lottia gigantean, Capitella teleta, and Branchiostoma floridae. Amphioxus was found to have the most abundant and variant selenoproteins of any animal currently characterized, including a special selenoprotein P (SelP) possessing 3 repeated Trx-like domains and Sec residues in the N-terminal and 2 Sec residues in the C-terminal. This gene structure suggests the existence of two different strategies for extension of Sec numbers in SelP for the preservation and transportation of selenium. In addition, novel eukaryotic AphC-like selenoproteins were identified in sponges. CONCLUSION: Comparison of various animal species suggests that even the most primitive animals possess a selenoproteome range and variety similar to humans. During evolutionary history, only a few new selenoproteins have emerged and few were lost. Furthermore, the massive loss of selenoproteins in nematodes and insects likely occurred independently in isolated partial evolutionary branches.  相似文献   

The 100,000 × g extracts of rat intestine and colon were incubated invitro with Na2[75Se]O3. Chromatography of this material on a Sephadex G-100 column produced three radioactive peaks corresponding to molecular weights of 17,000, 68,000 and > 90,000. The 17,000 peak corresponded to a protein which sedimented in the 2S region of a 5–20% (wv) linear sucrose density gradient. Selenium binding to this protein was specific, stable and sensitive to thiol inhibitors such as p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (1 mM) and iodoacetamide (2 mM). Chromatography of rat serum - [75Se] complex on Sephadex G-100 yielded only two radioactive peaks that corresponded to molecular weights of 68,000 and > 90,000. The 2S selenium binding protein of intestine and colon may mediate the biological functions of selenium in those tissues.  相似文献   

To enunciate the mechanisms whereby Se protects against cardiovascular diseases, weanling male Wistar rats were fed deficient (0.022 mg/kg diet) and adequate (0.159 mg/kg diet) Se diets for 14 and/or 39 wk. As the Se content and glutathione peroxidase activity were decreased and the lipid peroxide level was increased, the plasma 6-keto-PGF concentration of the Se-deficient group was markedly decreased in blood and tissues of the Se-deficient rats, as compared with the Se-adequate animals. Furthermore, the Se-deficient group had significantly lower plasma nitric oxide content and vascular nitric oxide synthase activity, higher erythrocyte sedimentation equation K value and aggregation index, and lower erythrocyte deformability than the Se-adequate group. Experimental Se deficiency also resulted in significant increases in serum total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and a significant decrease in serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. These results give some experimental supports to the hypothesis that low Se status and lipid peroxidation are involved in the etiology of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

The small, obscure group of selenoprotein oxidoreductases and the huge clan of kinases, the workhorses of cellular signalling, are rarely discussed together. Focusing on selenoproteins of unknown structures, we predict a thioredoxin-like fold for the Selenoprotein N (SelN) family and use the structure to rationalise effects of the muscular myopathy-linked mutations in the gene coding SelN. Discussing the recent prediction of a protein kinase-like domain in the Selenoprotein O (SelO), we reiterate evidence for an oxidoreductase function alongside the predicted kinase domain. Thus, we propose that SelO, the strongly conserved kinase-cum-tentative-oxidoreductase may reflect oxidoreductase regulation of kinase networks. Also, we use bibliometric and systems biology approach to explore the kinase–selenoprotein relationships that begin to emerge from the literature. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Inhibitors of Protein Kinases (2012).  相似文献   

Selenium deficiency causes oxidative stress and impairs steroidogenesis in vitro. Leptin is closely related to the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Leptin inhibits the HPA axis at the central level while corticosteroids have been shown to stimulate leptin secretion in most studies. We hypothesized that oxidative stress impairs adrenal steroidogenesis and decreases leptin production in vivo. The goal of this study was to investigate in rats the effects of selenium deficiency and oxidative stress on adrenal function and on leptin concentrations. Weanling rats were fed a selenium-deficient (Se-) or selenium-sufficient (Se+) diet for 4-10 weeks. Selenium deficiency caused a marked decrease in liver (> or = 99%) and adrenal (> or = 81%) glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities. Selenium deficiency did not affect basal and short-term adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) stimulated corticosterone or leptin concentrations. In contrast, after long-term ACTH stimulation, selenium deficiency caused a doubling in adrenal isoprostane content and blunted the increase in corticosterone and leptin concentrations observed in Se+ animals. Plasma leptin concentrations were 50% lower in Se- compared to Se+ animals following long-term ACTH. Our results suggest that oxidative stress causes a decrease in circulating corticosterone in response to ACTH, and, as a consequence, a decrease in plasma leptin concentrations.  相似文献   

Normal cellular metabolism produces oxidants that are neutralized by the cells' antioxidant enzymes and antioxidants taken from outside. An imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant has been postulated to lead to the neurodegeneration in the ischemic condition. In this study, we have demonstrated the prevention or slowdown of neuronal injury in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) by sodium selenite. Rats were pretreated with 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/kg body wt of sodium selenite for 7 d. The rats of group I (sham) and group II (ischemia) were pretreated with physiological saline for 7 d. On d 8, MCAO was induced for 2 h in, the right side of brain of group II, III, IV, and V rats. Brains were dissect out after 22 h of reperfusion and washed with chilled physiological saline. The right cerebral hemisphere was used for the preparation of mitochondria. The activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, and monoamine oxidase (MAO-A and MAO-B) was depleted significantly; conversely, the activity of poly(ADP-ribosyl) polymerase was elevated significantly as compared to the sham, and the pretreatment of the animals with different doses of sodium selenite has protected the activity of these enzymes significantly. The content of glutathione was decreased significantly, whereas the level of lipid peroxidation was increased significantly in the mitochondria of MCAO as compared to the sham group, and pretreatment with different doses of sodium selenite has protected their levels significantly as compared to the MCAO group. It is concluded that selenium, which is an essential part of our diet, might be helpful in protection against neurodegeneration in cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

Summary In this study metal-conjugated concanavalin A (Con A) andBandieraea simplicifolia isolectin II (BSA II) have been applied to sections from kidneys of controls rats and rats which had untreated diabetes for 70 days or for 200 days. Lectin binding was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis of ferritin-iron or hemocyanin-copper.Con A binding increased significantly with diabetes; was totally blocked by alpha-D-mannoside; was not inhibited by fructose lysine; and was enhanced by NaHB4 preincubation. BSA II binding also increased significantly with diabetes.  相似文献   

Thinly and richly myelinated nerve fibers in the rat kidney are demonstrated by light and electron microscopy. They run within the peripheral nerves in the periadventitia of the arteria rencularis and arteria arcuata and seem to end in the innermost renal cortex at the boundary to the renal medulla. Sporadically, a single myelinated fiber is found in this region, running near tubuli or in the neighbourhood of a glomerulus. No ganglion cells were seen within the renal parenchyma. The intrarenal medullated nerve fibers are assumed to be afferent. They sometimes showed reactive and degenerative changes in pathologically altered kidneys.  相似文献   

In this study metal-conjugated concanavalin A (Con A) and Bandieraea simplicifolia isolectin II (BSA II) have been applied to sections from kidneys of control rats and rats which had untreated diabetes for 70 days or for 200 days. Lectin binding was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis of ferritin-iron or hemocyanin-copper. Con A binding increased significantly with diabetes; was totally blocked by alpha-D-mannoside; was not inhibited by fructose lysine; and was enhanced by NaHB4 preincubation. BSA II binding also increased significantly with diabetes.  相似文献   

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