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上海天士力药业有限公司地处中国药谷——上海市张江高科技园区,是一家蓬勃兴起的生物制药企业。上海市张江高科技园区是中央政府批准设立的国家级高新技术产业开发区,是浦东重点功能开发区,园区特设的张江生物医药产业园区是我国国家级生物医药产业园区,迄今为止,已有9个国家级医药科研机构和多家跨国制药公司入驻张江。  相似文献   

上海天士力药业有限公司地处中国药谷——上海市张江高科技园区,是一家蓬勃兴起的生物制药企业。上海市张江高科技园区是中央政府批准设立的国家级高新技术产业开发区,是浦东重点功能开发区,园区特设的张江生物医药产业园区是我国国家级生物医药产业园区,迄今为止,已有9个国家级医药科研机构和多家跨国制药公司入驻张江。  相似文献   

上海天士力药业有限公司地处中国药谷——上海市张江高科技园区,是一家蓬勃兴起的生物制药企业。上海市张江高科技园区是中央政府批准设立的国家级高新技术产业开发区,是浦东重点功能开发区,园区特设的张江生物医药产业园区是我国国家级生物医药产业园区,迄今为止,已有9个国家级医药科研机构和多家跨国制药公司入驻张江。  相似文献   

本文主要从销售信息的统计、分析预测与产成品库存控制之间的关系入手,探讨对生物制品的库存控模式,以及如何实现用计算机对销售预测、生物制品库存控制进行辅助管理。  相似文献   

科学,规范的临床研究是考核预防用新生物制品安全性,有效性的唯一方法,明确疫苗临床研究的内容,制定合理客观的观察指标和判定标准,验证实验室测定方法,实施随机和盲法,选择适宜的受试人群,如实记录试验数据,科学的数据管理和统计学分析等是临床研究规范化的基础,本文尽可能全面的阐述临床研究规范化的各个方面,为新疫苗临床研究及制定我国预防用新生物制品临床研究指导原则提供参考。  相似文献   

目的在适宜的温度和湿度条件下,评价容量滴定法和库伦滴定法测定冻干疫苗水分是否具有差异性。方法确定冻干疫苗水分测定的适宜温度和湿度条件,在此条件下,分别从水分含量区间、冻干疫苗类型和进样量三个主要影响方面,对容量滴定法(volumetric titration)和库伦滴定法(coulometric titration)进行比较。结果冻干疫苗水分测定的适宜条件为:温度25℃、湿度45%。冻干疫苗水分的质量分数为1.0%~2.0%时,容量滴定法和库伦滴定法的检测结果差异有统计学意义(P0.05);水分的质量分数在2.0%~3.0%时,两种滴定法的检测结果差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。对于不同类型冻干疫苗和不同进样量的冻干疫苗,两种滴定法检测结果差异均无统计学意义(P均0.05)。结论在适宜的温度和湿度条件下,库伦滴定法更适用于低水分含量冻干疫苗的水分测定;其他情况下两种滴定法无明显差异。  相似文献   

人体是由众多不同类型细胞组成的统一整体。细胞生命活动既受细胞本身遗传物质的制约 ,又要受到外源性和内源性信息物质的影响 ,而使细胞处于不同的功能状态。根据信息物质的性质可将它分为物理、化学、生物以及精神与心理因素等四类。细胞信息网络调节细胞功能以及细胞与信息物质之间的关系。细胞信息网络的正、负调节作用以细胞为基础 ,可发生在电子、离子、原子、分子、细胞、器官与系统的不同水平上 ,最终影响至整个生物体。因此细胞信息网络的正常工作是个体发育与机体健康的基本保证 ;而各种形式的细胞与人体功能障碍和体液流动异常是…  相似文献   

利用CIRAS-2型便携式光合作用仪对水分胁迫下3年生美国凌霄(Campsis radifans L.Seen)单叶水分利用效率(WUElemf)的日动态及其与微环境因子的关系进行了测定分析,以阐明其WUEleaf对土壤水分及光照强度的响应规律,探讨美国凌霄维持较高WUElemf所需的土壤水分和光照条件.结果表明:(1)随着水分胁迫的加重,美国凌霄WUElemf表现为减弱趋势,但适度的水分胁迫有利于WUElemf的提高.(2)水分胁迫下,美国凌霄WUElemf多与空气相对湿度、大气COz浓度呈极显著正相关,与饱和水汽压差、大气温度、叶温呈极显著负相关;微环境因子对美国凌霄WUElemf的影响较为复杂,其中大气CO2浓度、胞间CO2浓度、叶温对其影响较大.(3)维持美国凌霄较高WUE lemf的适宜土壤含水量为10.7%~23.1%(相对含水量为39.2%~84.6%),适宜光照强度在600~1600μmol·m-2·s-1之间.  相似文献   

水分因素对沙地柏实生苗水分和生长特征的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨未来降雨变化对半干旱气候区毛乌素沙地常绿优势灌木沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)实生苗水分和生长特征的可能影响,在鄂尔多斯沙地草地生态站开展了模拟降雨变化的实验。水分饱和亏缺和组织密度随土壤水分含量提高而降低,失水系数却相反,这表明沙地柏实生苗的保水抗旱性随模拟降雨量增加而降低。水分梯度对枝茎面积比无显著影响,叶质量茎面积比和叶质量枝面积比随土壤水分含量增大而降低,这意味着实生苗分枝的供水潜力随水分可利用性提高而降低。水分变化显著影响生物量分配,而对形态和植冠生产力指数均无显著影响;生物量、株高和基茎增量的变化反映了沙地柏生长的缓慢性。根系对水分变化的敏感性高于叶和茎,地下部分生物量投资随水分可利用性提高而增大,这暗示沙地柏实生苗可能通过节约利用水分方式适应自然生境中的水分胁迫。  相似文献   

冻干即真空冷冻干燥,是利用升华的原理使物料脱水的一种干燥技术,其广泛用于生物制品,特别是蛋白质类生物制品的生产,以保护生物制品生物活性成分。外观是冻干制品的重要质量属性之一,合格的冻干制品外观应是疏松多孔、色泽均匀、质地细腻的固体。在大规模生产中,由于冻干参数复杂、设备操作的灵活性等因素,冻干制品的饼块有时会出现收缩、裂化、塌陷、雾化、回熔、喷瓶、结膜等不合格外观,从而造成极大的经济损失。现就近年来在蛋白质类生物制品冻干过程中易发生的几种不合格外观及解决方案作一概述。  相似文献   

J C May  R M Wheeler  E Grim 《Cryobiology》1989,26(3):277-284
The gravimetric test for the determination of residual moisture in freeze-dried biological products performed in a humidity- and temperature-controlled room with the use of scrupulous gravimetric analytical technique can be used to accurately determine residual moisture in freeze-dried biological products such as antihemophilic factor (human) or honey bee venom allergenic extract. This method determines the first water of hydration of sodium tartrate dihydrate (7.93%) to within 1.3% of the calculated value with a relative standard deviation of 0.3% for 10 replicates. For this gravimetric procedure, freeze-dried samples containing from 1.12 to 4.4% residual moisture had relative standard deviations ranging from 3.6 to 9.1%. Samples containing less than 1.0% residual moisture by the gravimetric method such as intravenous immune globulin and antihemophilic factor (human) had relative standard deviations ranging from 16.7 to 47.0%. Relative standard deviations for residual moisture tests performed on comparable samples by the Karl Fischer and thermogravimetric methods showed similar variability.  相似文献   

影响冻干制品残余水分的因素很多,但西林瓶胶塞的含水量是其关键因素。使用经干烤工艺处理和未干烤处理的药用溴丁基胶塞进行麻疹减毒活疫苗冻干试验,结果显示,用未经干烤工艺处理及处理的药用溴丁基胶塞冻干的麻疹减毒活疫苗,存储18个月后,水分上升的平均值分别为2.03%和0.08%,经单一因素的方差分析,两者有统计学意义(P0.01)。证明经处理的药用溴丁基胶塞,对保持麻疹减毒活疫苗在存储期内的残余水分稳定作用效果明显。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effect of moisture content of three different feedstocks on overall ethanol yield. Switchgrass and sugarcane bagasse from two sources were either soaked in water (∼80% moisture) or left dry (∼12% moisture), and half each of these were impregnated with 3% w/w SO2 and all were steam pretreated. The twelve resulting substrates were compared based on overall sugar recovery after pretreatment, cellulose conversion following enzymatic hydrolysis, and ethanol yield following simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. The overall ethanol yield after simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of hexoses was 18-28% higher in samples that were soaked prior to SO2 addition than in SO2-catalyzed samples that were not soaked. In samples that were uncatalyzed, soaking made little difference, indicating that the positive effect of increased moisture content may be related to increased permeability of the biomass to SO2.  相似文献   

In view of the biochemical reaction catalyzed by enzyme powder suspended in a water-insoluble organic solvent, an equation was derived to estimate the amount of water bound to the enzyme powder. With this equation, an apparent adsorption isotherm between free water (water freely dissolved in benzene) and bound water (water bound to crude lipase powder of Pseudomonas fluorescens) was obtained. A direct lactonization reaction (synthesis of cyclopentadenolide from 15-hydroxypen-tadecanoic acid) catalyzed by crude lipase powder of Pseudomonas fluorescens was carried out batchwise in microaqueous benzene at 40oC. A kinetic model of the enzymatic reversible lactonization reaction was derived, from which the effect of moisture content on the initial reaction rate with a fully hydrated enzyme was mathematically expressed. The observed initial reaction rate first increased, then decreased with increasing moisture content, giving rise to the maximum rate at a certain level of the moisture content. The drop in the reaction rate at lower moisture content was due to a lesser hydration of the enzyme molecule (hydration-limited) and the decrease in the reaction rate at higher moisture content was attributed to the dependence of the true initial rate of the reversible reaction on the moisture content (true reversible reaction limited), and could be simulated by the kinetic model. The equilibrium yield approached 100% at a lower moisture content.  相似文献   

目的应用HSA-P型激光检漏仪建立西林瓶包装冻干制品中氧气含量的测定方法。方法考察冻干制品中氧含量测定的操作条件:标准样瓶对仪器的校准;氮气吹扫前后样品中氧含量值的比较;不同纯度氮气吹扫标准样瓶后的氧含量值的变化。深化红外吸收法在测定西林瓶包装冻干疫苗中氧含量的应用。结果将该方法用于检测A群C群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗400批、麻疹减毒活疫苗86批、乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗46批,氧含量分别为1.64%±1.99%、1.36%±1.64%和0.99%±1.58%。结论该法测定冻干疫苗中的氧含量具有灵敏度高、速度快和易操作的优点,为冻干制品真空度的测定提供了定量检测方法。  相似文献   

In a previous report [Z. T?r?k, G. Satpathy, M. Banerjee, R. Bali, E. Little, R. Novaes, H. Van Ly, D. Dwyre, A. Kheirolomoom, F. Tablin, J.H. Crowe, N.M. Tsvetkova, Preservation of trehalose loaded red blood cells by lyophilization, Cell Preservation Technol. 3 (2005) 96-111.], we presented a method for preserving human red blood cells (RBCs) by loading them with trehalose and then freeze-drying. We have now improved that method, based on the discovery that addition of phospholipid vesicles to the lyophilization buffer substantially reduces hemolysis of freeze-dried RBCs after rehydration. The surviving cells synthesize 2,3-DPG, have low levels of methemoglobin, and have preserved morphology. Among the lipid species we studied, unsaturated PCs were found to be most effective in suppressing hemoglobin leakage. RBC-vesicle interactions depend on vesicle size and structure; unilamellar liposomes with average diameter of less than 300 nm were more effective in reducing the hemolysis than multilamellar vesicles. Trehalose loaded RBCs demonstrated high survival and low levels of methemoglobin during 10 weeks of storage at 4 degrees C in the dry state when lyophilized in the presence of liposomes.  相似文献   

Under optimal freeze-drying conditions, solutions exhibit a cake-like porous structure. However, if the solution temperature is higher than the glass transition temperature of the maximally freeze-concentrated phase (Tg′) during drying phase, the glassy matrix undergoes viscous flow, resulting in cake collapse. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of cake collapse on the integrity of freeze-dried bull spermatozoa. In a preliminary experiment, factors affecting the Tg′ of conventional EGTA buffer (consisting of Tris–HCl, EGTA and NaCl) were investigated in order to establish the main experimental protocol because EGTA buffer Tg′ was too low (−45.0 °C) to suppress collapse. Modification of the EGTA buffer composition by complete removal of NaCl and addition of trehalose (mEGTA buffer) resulted in an increase of Tg′ up to −27.7 °C. In the main experiment, blastocyst yields after ooplasmic injection of freeze-dried sperm preserved in collapsed cakes (drying temperature: 0 or −15 °C) were significantly lower than those of sperm preserved in non-collapsed cake (drying temperature: −30 °C). In conclusion, freeze-dried cake collapse may be undesirable for maintaining sperm functions to support embryonic development, and can be inhibited by controlling both Tg′ of freeze-drying buffer and temperature during the drying phase.  相似文献   

In the present study using pig cells, we examined the effect of the cryoprotectant trehalose on the DNA integrity of freeze-dried cells. We then investigated whether donor cell types and storage duration had impact on DNA integrity in freeze-dried cells or developmental competence of oocytes injected with freeze-dried somatic cells. We also examined whether double cytoplasm nuclear transfer (DCNT) would improve developmental competence of such oocytes. Furthermore, using a PCR-based method for sex identification, we determined whether the blastocysts obtained had actually been generated from the freeze-dried cells. It was found that, for a short storage duration at low temperature, trehalose had no beneficial effect on protection from DNA damage, and that donor cell type had no effect on the DNA integrity of freeze-dried somatic cells or the developmental competence of oocytes injected with them. We also confirmed that all of the blastocysts obtained following nuclear transfer were of freeze-dried somatic cell origin. Storage of freeze-dried somatic cells for up to 1 year at low temperature did not degrade DNA integrity in comparison with storage for 1 month, 1 week or 1 day. Following injection of freeze-dried cells, the proportion of oocytes that developed to blastocysts after storage for up to 1 year was similar to that after storage for 1 month, 1 week or 1 day. Moreover, DCNT significantly improved the developmental competence of oocytes treated in this way. In summary, using DCNT, we have demonstrated that freeze-dried porcine somatic cells subjected to long-term storage at 4 °C have nearly the same potential to develop to blastocysts as non-freeze-dried cells.  相似文献   

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