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C Martin  C F Higgins  R Callaghan 《Biochemistry》2001,40(51):15733-15742
Conceptually one may envisage that substrate binding sites on the ABC transporter P-gp cycle between high- and low-affinity conformations in response to signals arising from nucleotide hydrolysis to effect active transport. A radioligand binding assay was used to characterize the interaction of [3H]vinblastine with P-gp and determine how drug binding site parameters are altered during a catalytic cycle of P-gp. In the absence of nucleotide, we show that [3H]vinblastine interacts with a single class of binding site with high affinity (K(d) = 80 +/- 18 nM). In the presence of the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue AMP-PNP, the drug binding site was in a low-affinity conformation, manifest by a 9-fold increase in K(d) (K(d) = 731 +/- 20 nM). There was no alteration in the binding capacity, reflecting a complete shift in the high-affinity site to a low-affinity form. The posthydrolytic (Mg-ADP-V(i) bound) form of P-gp also exhibited low-affinity substrate binding (K(d) = 446 +/- 57 nM). Restoration of the high-affinity drug binding site conformation (K(d) = 131 +/- 32 nM) did not occur until release of phosphate from the posthydrolysis P-gp-Mg-ADP-P(i). complex. Our results suggest that alteration of the affinity of the vinblastine binding site involves only one nucleotide binding domain per transport cycle. The binding of ATP provides the signal to instigate this change, while release of phosphate post-ATP hydrolysis returns the transporter to its original state to complete the cycle.  相似文献   

The inherent complexities of cholesterol disposition and metabolism preclude a single transmembrane active transport avenue for this steroid-precursor, cell-membrane constituent. Yet the ABC (ATP binding cassette) transporters are inextricably linked to elements of cholesterol disposition. Recent observations have suggested that, under certain settings, the ABC transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp) performs a direct role in cholesterol disposition. The gene product of MDR1 (multidrug resistance transporter), P-glycoprotein also confers protection against xenobiotics. Using a whole cell assay in which the retention of a marker substrate is evaluated and quantified, we studied the ability of cholesterol to inhibit directly the function of this transporter. In a NIH-G185 cell line presenting an overexpressed amount of the human transporter P-gp, cholesterol caused dramatic inhibition of daunorubicin transport with an IC(50) of about 8 microM yet had no effect on the parent cell line nor rhodamine 123 transport. Additionally, using the ATP-hydrolysis assay, we showed that cholesterol increases P-gp-mediated ATP hydrolysis by approximately 1.6-fold with a K(s) of 5 microM. Suggesting that cholesterol directly interacts with the substrate binding site of P-gp, these results are consistent with cholesterol being transported by MDR1 P-gp.  相似文献   

Cells that express P-glycoprotein are resistant to many unrelated anticancer drugs. All evidence suggests that P-glycoprotein is a plasma membrane protein that confers multidrug resistance by actively transporting these cytotoxic drugs out of cells. The objective of our work is to locate drug binding sites on P-glycoprotein. Azidopine is a photoaffinity drug analog that specifically labels P-glycoprotein. To determine the region of P-glycoprotein that binds azidopine, we labeled P-glycoprotein with azidopine and digested the labeled protein into fragments. We then identified the labeled fragments with specific antibodies. We have determined that azidopine labels two different regions of P-glycoprotein: one region is in the amino half of P-glycoprotein, and the other is in the carboxyl half of the protein. Our results suggest that P-glycoprotein contains either two binding sites for azidopine or a single site formed by the two homologous halves of the protein.  相似文献   

Characterization of the zinc binding site of bacterial phosphotriesterase.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The bacterial phosphotriesterase has been found to require a divalent cation for enzymatic activity. This enzyme catalyzes the detoxification of organophosphorus insecticides and nerve agents. In an Escherichia coli expression system significantly higher concentrations of active enzyme could be produced when 1.0 mM concentrations of Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ were included in the growth medium. The isolated enzymes contained up to 2 equivalents of these metal ions as determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The catalytic activity of the various metal enzyme derivatives was lost upon incubation with EDTA, 1,10-phenanthroline, and 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid. Protection against inactivation by metal chelation was afforded by the binding of competitive inhibitors, suggesting that at least one metal is at or near the active site. Apoenzyme was prepared by incubation of the phosphotriesterase with beta-mercaptoethanol and EDTA for 2 days. Full recovery of enzymatic activity could be obtained by incubation of the apoenzyme with 2 equivalents of Zn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, or Mn2+. The 113Cd NMR spectrum of enzyme containing 2 equivalents of 113Cd2+ showed two resonances at 120 and 215 ppm downfield from Cd(ClO4)2. The NMR data are consistent with nitrogen (histidine) and oxygen ligands to the metal centers.  相似文献   

Expression of Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence (vir) genes is dependent on the presence of a conserved 'vir box' sequence in their 5' nontranscribed regions. The location and number of these sequences vary considerably in different vir genes. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to identify the functional vir box(es) of virB, virC and virD. For virB expression both vir box B1 and B2 are required but only the vir box B1 is absolutely essential. Of the five vir boxes of virC and virD two are required for virC expression while only one vir box is required for virD expression. To investigate the minimum sequences necessary for vir gene induction a deletion derivative of virE that lacks the vir box region was used. This mutant is not induced by acetosyringone. The inducibility of this promoter was restored when a synthetic deoxyoligonucleotide dGTTTCAATTGAAAC was introduced at a location analogous to that of the wild type vir box sequence. Mutational analysis indicate that the functional vir box sequence is 14 residues in length, contains a dyad symmetry and has the consensus sequence d ryTncAaTTGnAaY [corrected] (r = purine, y = pyrimidine).  相似文献   

Tryptophan synthase, which catalyzes the final step of tryptophan biosynthesis, is a multifunctional protein that requires pyridoxal phosphate for two of its three distinct enzyme activities. Tryptophan synthase from Neurospora crassa, a homodimer of two 75-kDa subunits, was shown to bind 1 mol of pyridoxal phosphate/mol of subunit with a calculated dissociation constant for pyridoxal phosphate of 1.1 microM. The spectral properties of the holoenzyme, apoenzyme, and reconstituted holoenzyme were characterized and compared to those previously established for the heterotetrameric (alpha 2 beta 2) enzyme from Escherichia coli. The Schiff base formed between pyridoxal phosphate and the enzyme was readily reduced by sodium borohydride, but not sodium cyanoborohydride. The active site residue that binds pyridoxal phosphate, labeled by reduction of the Schiff base with tritium-labeled sodium borohydride, was determined to be lysine by high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the protein hydrolysate. A 5400-dalton peptide containing the reduced pyridoxal phosphate moiety was generated by cyanogen bromide treatment, purified and sequenced. The sequence is 85% homologous with the corresponding sequence obtained for yeast tryptophan synthase (Zalkin, H., and Yanofsky, C. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 1491-1500); the lysine derivatized by pyridoxal phosphate is located at the same relative position as that in the yeast and E. coli enzymes.  相似文献   

The angiogenic growth factor VEGF binds to the receptor tyrosine kinases Flt-1 and KDR/Flk-1. Immunoglobulin (Ig)-like loop-2 of Flt-1 is involved in binding VEGF, but the contribution of other Flt-1 Ig-loops to VEGF binding remains unclear. We tested the ability of membrane-bound chimeras between the extracellular domain of Flt-1 and the cell adhesion molecule embigin to bind VEGF. VEGF bound as well to receptors containing Flt-1 loops 1-2 or 2-3 as it did to the entire Flt-1 extracellular domain. Chimeras containing only loop-2 of Flt-1 bound VEGF with 22-fold lower affinity. We conclude that high-affinity VEGF binding requires Ig-like loop-2 plus either loop-1 or loop-3. In addition, Flt-1 amino acid residues Arg-224 and Asp-231 were not essential for high-affinity binding of VEGF to membrane-bound Flt-1.  相似文献   

[3H]Vinblastine bound with high affinity to surface membranes prepared from H69/LX4 cells which express P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and as a consequence are multidrug resistant (MDR). The KD was 9.8 +/- 1.5 nM and density of sites 31.2 +/- 8.6 pmol/mg of protein. [3H]Vinblastine binding was inhibited by cytotoxics and agents known to reverse MDR. 1,4-Dihydropyridine MDR reversing agents including nicardipine and nifedipine accelerated the dissociation of [3H]vinblastine from P-gp indicating a negative heterotropic allosteric effect. Cyclosporin A, vincristine and actinomycin D did not alter [3H]vinblastine dissociation kinetics. It is concluded that P-gp possesses at least two allosterically coupled drug acceptor sites, receptor site-1 that is selective for vinca alkaloids and cyclosporin A, and receptor site-2 that is selective for 1,4-dihydropyridines.  相似文献   

Both the overexpression of P-glycoprotein and the broad range of substrates of this ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter induce the phenomenon of multidrug resistance, one major cause of the failure of cancer chemotherapy in humans. This study reports that [125I]iodipine, a structural analogue of the 1,4-dihydropyridine azidopine, shares a common binding site with iodomycin, a Bolton-Hunter derivative of the anthracycline daunomycin. This binding site is different from that described for iodoarylazidoprazosin, which is presumed to share a common binding site with azidopine. Edman sequencing revealed that [125I]iodipine had photolabelled the same peptide as iodomycin and spans the primary sequence of hamster isoform pgp1 from amino acid 230 to amino acid 312.  相似文献   

Despite extensive investigations, the physiological role of the polyol pathway enzyme-aldose reductase (AR) remains obscure. While the enzyme reduces glucose in vivo and in vitro, kinetic and structural studies indicate inefficient carbohydrate binding to the active site of the enzyme. The active site is lined by hydrophobic residues and appears more compatible with the binding of medium- to long-chain aliphatic aldehydes or hydrophobic aromatic aldehydes. In addition, our recent studies show that glutathione (GS) conjugates are also reduced efficiently by the enzyme. For instance, the GS conjugate of acrolein is reduced with a catalytic efficiency 1000-fold higher than the parent aldehyde, indicating specific recognition of glutathione by the active site residues of AR. An increase in the catalytic efficiency upon glutathiolation was also observed with trans-2-nonenal, trans-2-hexenal and trans, trans-2,4-decadienal, establishing that enhancement of catalytic efficiency was specifically due to the glutathione backbone and not specific to the aldehyde. Structure-activity relationships with substitution or deletion of amino acids of GSH indicated specific interactions of the active site with gamma-Glu1 and Cys of GSH. Molecular modeling revealed that the glutathione-propanal conjugate could bind in two distinct orientations. In orientation 1, gamma-Glu1 of the conjugate interacts with Trp20, Lys21 and Val47, and Gly3 interacts with Ser302 and Leu301, whereas in orientation 2, the molecule is inverted with gamma-Glu1 interacting with Ser302, and Leu301. Taken together, these data suggest that glutathiolation of aldehydes enhances their compatibility with the AR active site, which may be of physiological significance in detoxification of endogenous and xenobiotic aldehydes.  相似文献   

[3H]Vinblastine transport across MDCK (renal epithelial) cell layers has been characterised. The basal-to-apical [3H]vinblastine flux (JA-B) (at 10 nM) exceeded apical-to-basal flux by 19.6 fold. Net vinblastine secretion (JB-A - JA-B) was inhibited by verapamil (0.1 mM) primarily by a reduction in JB-A, consistent with net vinblastine secretion resulting from an inhibition of P-glycoprotein. 1,9-Dideoxy-forskolin and forskolin (0.1 mM) both resulted in significant inhibition of JB-A and net vinblastine secretion of 64.3 +/- 3.1% and 29.1 +/- 4.8% respectively. 7 beta-deactyl-7 beta-(gamma-N-methylpiperazino)-butyryl-forskolin was ineffective. Half-maximal inhibition of vinblastine secretion by 1,9-dideoxy-forskolin was observed at 65 microM. 1,9-dideoxy-forskolin is unable to stimulate adenylate cyclase, suggesting that this forskolin derivative is a potentially important lead antagonist of P-glycoprotein for circumvention of pleiotropic drug resistance.  相似文献   

Characterization of the GRK2 binding site of Galphaq   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) transmit signals from membrane bound G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to intracellular effector proteins. The G(q) subfamily of Galpha subunits couples GPCR activation to the enzymatic activity of phospholipase C-beta (PLC-beta). Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins bind to activated Galpha subunits, including Galpha(q), and regulate Galpha signaling by acting as GTPase activating proteins (GAPs), increasing the rate of the intrinsic GTPase activity, or by acting as effector antagonists for Galpha subunits. GPCR kinases (GRKs) phosphorylate agonist-bound receptors in the first step of receptor desensitization. The amino termini of all GRKs contain an RGS homology (RH) domain, and binding of the GRK2 RH domain to Galpha(q) attenuates PLC-beta activity. The RH domain of GRK2 interacts with Galpha(q/11) through a novel Galpha binding surface termed the "C" site. Here, molecular modeling of the Galpha(q).GRK2 complex and site-directed mutagenesis of Galpha(q) were used to identify residues in Galpha(q) that interact with GRK2. The model identifies Pro(185) in Switch I of Galpha(q) as being at the crux of the interface, and mutation of this residue to lysine disrupts Galpha(q) binding to the GRK2-RH domain. Switch III also appears to play a role in GRK2 binding because the mutations Galpha(q)-V240A, Galpha(q)-D243A, both residues within Switch III, and Galpha(q)-Q152A, a residue that structurally supports Switch III, are defective in binding GRK2. Furthermore, GRK2-mediated inhibition of Galpha(q)-Q152A-R183C-stimulated inositol phosphate release is reduced in comparison to Galpha(q)-R183C. Interestingly, the model also predicts that residues in the helical domain of Galpha(q) interact with GRK2. In fact, the mutants Galpha(q)-K77A, Galpha(q)-L78D, Galpha(q)-Q81A, and Galpha(q)-R92A have reduced binding to the GRK2-RH domain. Finally, although the mutant Galpha(q)-T187K has greatly reduced binding to RGS2 and RGS4, it has little to no effect on binding to GRK2. Thus the RH domain A and C sites for Galpha(q) interaction rely on contacts with distinct regions and different Switch I residues in Galpha(q).  相似文献   

Lugo MR  Sharom FJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(2):643-655
One cause of multidrug resistance is the overexpression of P-glycoprotein, a 170 kDa plasma membrane ABC transporter, which functions as an ATP-driven efflux pump with broad specificity for hydrophobic drugs, peptides, and natural products. The protein appears to interact with its substrates within the membrane environment. Previous reports suggested the existence of at least two binding sites, possibly overlapping and displaying positively cooperative interactions, termed the H and R sites for their preference for Hoechst 33342 and rhodamine 123, respectively. In this work, we have used several fluorescence approaches to characterize the molecular interaction of purified P-glycoprotein (Pgp) with the dye LDS-751, which is proposed to bind to the R site. A 50-fold enhancement of LDS-751 fluorescence indicated that the protein binding site was located in a hydrophobic environment, with a polarity lower than that of chloroform. LDS-751 bound with sub-micromolar affinity (K(d) = 0.75 microM) and quenched P-glycoprotein intrinsic Trp fluorescence by 40%, suggesting that Trp emitters are probably located close to the drub-binding regions of the transporter and may interact directly with the dye. Using a FRET approach, we mapped the possible locations of the LDS-751 binding site relative to the NB domain active sites. The R site appeared to be positioned close to the membrane boundary of the cytoplasmic leaflet. The location of both H and R drug binding sites is in agreement with the idea that Pgp may operate as a drug flippase, moving substrates from the inner leaflet to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Characterization of quercetin binding site on DNA gyrase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gyrases are DNA topology modifying enzymes present only in prokaryotes which makes them an attractive target for antibacterial drugs. Quercetin, one of the most abundant natural flavonoids, inhibits supercoiling activity of bacterial gyrase and induces DNA cleavage. It has been generally assumed that the mechanism of flavonoid inhibition is based on interaction with DNA. We show that quercetin binds to the 24 kDa fragment of gyrase B of Escherichia coli with a K(D) value of 15 microM and inhibits ATPase activity of gyrase B. Its binding site overlaps with ATP binding pocket and could be competitively replaced by either ATP or novobiocin. The structural model of quercetin-gyrase complex was prepared, based on the close similarity with ATP and quercetin binding sites of the src family tyrosine kinase Hck. We propose that quercetin inhibits gyrases through two different mechanisms based either on interaction with DNA or with ATP binding site of gyrase.  相似文献   

The dihydropyridine binding site of the rabbit skeletal muscle calcium channel alpha 1 subunit was identified using tritiated azidopine and nitrendipine as ligands. The purified receptor complex was incubated either with azidopine or nitrenidpine at an alpha 1 subunit to ligand ratio of 1:1. The samples were then irradiated by a 200 W UV lamp. The ligands were only incorporated into the alpha 1 subunit, which was isolated by size exclusion chromatography and digested either by trypsin (azidopine) or endoproteinase Asp-N (nitrendipine). Each digest contained two radioactive peptides, which were isolated and sequenced. The azidopine peptides were identical with amino acids 13-18 (minor peak) and 1428-1437 (major peak) of the primary sequence of the skeletal muscle alpha 1 subunit. The nitrendipine peptides were identical with amino acids 1390-1399 (major peak) and 1410-1420 (minor peak). The sequence from amino acids 1390 to 1437 is identical in the alpha 1 subunits of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle and follows directly repeat IVS6. These results indicate that dihydropyridines bind to an area that is located at the putative cytosolic domain of the calcium channel.  相似文献   

Human urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) binds rapidly and with high affinity to a number of human cell types; this localizes plasmin generation to the close environment of the cell surface. uPA binding to HeLa and U937 cells is mediated by a single class of sites with an affinity of 3.4 +/- 1.3 x 10(-10) M. Binding is abolished by treatment of the cells with trypsin. Chemical cross-linking of Mr 55,000 125I-uPA to the surface of HeLa and U937 cells with disuccinimidyl suberate or with formaldehyde results in the formation of a labeled complex of Mr 100,000, suggesting a Mr of 45,000 +/- 5,000 for the receptor or a subunit thereof. When cells solubilized in Triton X-114 are subjected to heat-induced phase separation, unoccupied receptor, receptor-bound 125I-uPA, and cross-linked 125I-uPA-receptor complex all partition in the detergent phase, whereas the unbound ligand remains in the aqueous phase; similar phase partitioning is observed with endogenous uPA-receptor complexes from cultured human and murine cells. Thus, uPA bound at the cell surface is tightly associated with an amphiphilic membrane protein. Interaction of uPA with this plasma membrane receptor is species-specific, since human uPA fails to bind to murine cells, and murine uPA does not bind to human cells. Finally, incubation of HeLa cells in the presence of epidermal growth factor or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results, over a period of 24 h, in a progressive change in uPA binding: an approximately 10-fold increase in the number of sites is accompanied by a 10-fold decrease in their affinity. Cross-linking and phase partitioning of 125I-uPA bound to epidermal growth factor- or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-treated cells indicate that, as in control conditions, it is associated with a Mr 45,000 cell surface amphiphilic polypeptide.  相似文献   

The cocaine photoaffinity label 3-iodo-4-azidococaine ([125I]IACoc) binds to the sigma-1 receptor with an affinity that is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than the parent compound cocaine [Kahoun, J. R., and Ruoho, A. E. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 1393-1397]. In the present study, the binding properties of several cocaine derivatives to the guinea pig liver sigma-1 receptor were determined. The results from assessing the affinity of various derivatives of cocaine which were substituted on the phenyl ring indicated that an important determinant of binding to the guinea pig sigma-1 receptor binding site may be the development of a dipole in the ring in which the pi electron density of the phenyl ring is reduced. This implies that an electron-rich source is present in the sigma-1 receptor binding site, such as the pi system of an aromatic ring or other electron-rich side chains, which interact with the phenyl ring of cocaine. The precise [125I]IACoc derivatization site in the guinea pig sigma-1 receptor was identified using chemical cleavage and purification of the resulting labeled peptides. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the [125I]IACoc photolabeled sigma-1 receptor followed by radiosequencing identified Asp188, which is located in the putative steroid binding domain-like II (SBDL II) near the carboxyl terminus, as the site of [125I]IACoc insertion. Systematic truncation of the C-terminus indicated the requirement for the last 15 amino acid residues of the receptor for [125I]IACoc photolabeling.  相似文献   

Insulin binding to its receptor is characterized by high affinity, curvilinear Scatchard plots, and negative cooperativity. These properties may be the consequence of binding of insulin to two receptor binding sites. The N-terminal L1 domain and the C-terminus of the alpha subunit contain one binding site. To locate a second site, we examined the binding properties of chimeric receptors in which the L1 and L2 domains and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat of the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor were replaced by corresponding regions of the insulin receptor. Substitutions of the L2 domain and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat together with the L1 domain produced 80- and 300-fold increases in affinity for insulin. Fusion of these domains to human immunoglobulin Fc fragment produced a protein which bound insulin with a K(d) of 2.9 nM. These data strongly suggest that these domains contain an insulin binding site.  相似文献   

Julien M  Gros P 《Biochemistry》2000,39(15):4559-4568
Limited trypsin digestion was used to monitor nucleotide-induced conformational changes in wild-type P-glycoprotein (Pgp) as well as in nucleotide binding domain (NBD) Pgp mutants. Purified and reconstituted wild-type or mutant mouse Mdr3 Pgps were preincubated with different hydrolyzable or nonhydrolyzable nucleotides, followed by limited proteolytic cleavage at different trypsin:protein ratios. The Pgp tryptic digestion products were separated by SDS-PAGE followed by immunodetection with the mouse monoclonal anti-Pgp antibody C219, which recognizes a conserved epitope (VVQE/AALD) in each half of the protein. Different trypsin digestion patterns were observed for wild-type Pgp incubated with MgCl(2) alone, MgADP, MgAMP.PNP, MgATP, and MgATP + vanadate. A unique trypsin digestion profile suggestive of enhanced resistance to trypsin was observed under conditions of vanadate-induced trapping of nucleotides (MgATP + vanadate). The trypsin sensitivity profiles of Pgp mutants bearing either single or double mutations in Walker A (K429R, K1072R) and Walker B (D551N, D1196N) sequence signatures of NBD1 and NBD2 were analyzed under conditions of vanadate-induced trapping of nucleotides. The proteolytic cleavage pattern observed for the double mutants K429R/K1072R and D551N/D1196N, and for the single mutants K429R, K1072R, and D1196N were similar and clearly distinct from wild-type Pgp under the same conditions. This is consistent with the absence of ATP hydrolysis and of vanadate-induced trapping of 8-azido-ADP previously reported for these mutants [Urbatsch et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 4592-4602]. Interestingly, the trypsin digestion profiles observed under vanadate-induced trapping for the D551N and D1196N mutants were quite different, with the D551N mutant showing a profile resembling that seen for wild-type Pgp. The different sensitivity profiles of Pgp mutants bearing mutations at the homologous residue in NBD1 (D551N) and NBD2 (D1196N) suggest possible structural and functional differences between the two sites.  相似文献   

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