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应用微卫星分型方法进行大熊猫父亲鉴定   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
1979年我们利用水稻花粉单倍体植株的 茎节、幼穗、叶鞘和叶片等组织进行离体培养, 诱导出二倍体植株。  相似文献   

近年来,病毒性流感的不断流行和暴发已引起世界范围的广泛关注。为了更好地对流感病毒进行检测和分型,我们对目前流感病毒常用的血清学检测和分型方法、免疫荧光法、PCR方法、多重RT-PCR法、实时RT-PCR法、依赖核酸序列的扩增法、环介导等温扩增法、焦磷酸测序法、基因芯片技术分别进行了描述,并阐述了其优缺点。  相似文献   

猪白细胞Ⅱ类抗原基因多态性研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
周波  王林云  谈永松  张似青 《遗传》2003,25(5):611-614
本文对SLAⅡ类基因的染色体图谱定位、分子结构、基因分型及其多态性的研究进展作了介绍。重点介绍了SLAⅡ类基因的RFLP基因分型及其多态性研究。猪的主要组织相容性复合物Ⅱ类抗原基因座位存在不同程度的等位基因多态性。RFLP技术是一种简便而快捷的SLAⅡ类等位基因分型方法。SLAⅡ类基因的多态性和抗原肽结合位点密切相关,这些位点能结合处理过的抗原,然后递呈给T细胞。另外,在编码β1链的SLA-DRB1基因和SLA-DQB基因中有4个富含GC序列区。 Abstract:This article gave a detailed introduction about regional map,molecular structure,genotyping and polymorphism of SLA class Ⅱ genes.The pig major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ⅱ antigens have been known to exhibit a different degree of allelic polymorphism.The locus-specific oligonucleotide primers and RFLP analysis provide a simple and rapid method for genotyping expressed SLA class Ⅱ from genomic DNA.SLA class Ⅱ polymorphism was related to the antigenic peptide binding sites.Detailed analysis of sequences showed that there were 4 GC-rich sequences in exon 2 of SLA-DQB and SLA-DRB1 genes.  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性检测分析技术   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
高秀丽  景奉香  杨剑波  赵建龙 《遗传》2005,27(1):110-122
单核苷酸多态性(SNP)作为第三代遗传标记已经广泛用于基因作图、疾病相关性分析、群体遗传学及药物研究等领域。 文中系统地介绍了目前国内外主要的SNP检测技术,任何一种SNP的检测方法都可将之看成由两部分组成,即区分SNP位点的原理方法和数据的检测分析手段,文章对这两部分做了较详细的介绍,并对SNP检测技术的发展进行了展望。 Abstract :As the third generation of genetic markers SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphisms)has been used extentively in gene mapping,disease-correlativity analysis ,population genetics and drug research.Here methods for detection are reviewed.Most SNP genotyping are a combination of method for interrogating SNPs and analysis tecnique.It described both parts and give a outlook for detection.  相似文献   

PCR为基础的分子技术检测沃尔巴克氏体的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
龚鹏  沈佐锐 《遗传》2002,24(2):207-210
沃尔巴克氏体(Wolbachia)是广泛分布于节肢动物生殖组织内的一类共生细菌。这些细菌通过卵的细胞质传播并参与多种调控其寄主生殖活动的机制。由于Wolbachia的重大科学意义和Wolbachia在生物防治和遗传工程领域的潜在用途,近年来迅速成为国际生物学研究的热点。其中,Wolbachia检测技术,尤其是以PCR为基础的分子检测技术的进步是Wolbachia研究蓬勃发展的重要技术基础。本文对Wolbachia的研究及其分子检测技术进行介绍,旨在促进我国Wolbachia研究的起步和快速发展。 Abstract:Wolbachia is a common and widespread group of bacteria found in reproductive tissues of arthropods. These bacteria are transmitted through the cytoplasm of eggs and have evolved various mechanisms for manipulating reproduction of their hosts.Because of important relationship with some major biological issues and implication of biological control and genetic engineering,the study of Wolbachia has under gone an explosive growth in recent years.A tremendous progress has been made based on the advancing molecular diagnostic technique of Wolbachia.In this paper,those molecular diagnostic techniques are detailed and it is aimed to be the primer for the research of Wolbachia in China.  相似文献   

利用基因芯片检测转基因作物   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
黄迎春  孙春昀  冯红  胡晓东  尹海滨 《遗传》2003,25(3):307-310
选用常用的两种报告基因、两种抗性基因、两种启动子序列和两种终止子序列为探针,将其PCR扩增产物用MicroGrid Ⅱ型全自动点样仪按矩阵排列点样于包埋有氨基的载玻片上,制备成转基因作物检测型基因芯片。利用该芯片对4种转基因水稻、木瓜、大豆、玉米进行检测,结果表明,该芯片能对转基因作物做出快速、准确的检测。 Abstract:Some selected available sequences of reporter genes,resistant genes,promoters and terminators are amplified by PCR for the probes of transgenic crop detection gene chip.These probes are arrayed at definite density and printed on the surface of amino-slides by bioRobot MicroGrid Ⅱ.Results showed that gene chip worked quickly and correctly,when transgenic rice,pawpaw,maize and soybean were applied.  相似文献   

多倍体麦类作物Wx蛋白检测的SDS-PAGE方法   总被引:39,自引:4,他引:39  
本文通过对小麦蜡质蛋白的实验和研究,详细论述了蜡质蛋白的特性、提取 原理、电泳原理和检验原理。对多倍体麦类作物Wx蛋白亚基的检测,提出了应用效果良好的电泳系统,并就提取方法、凝胶配方和操作步骤进行了描述。本文还列出了部分麦类作物蜡质蛋白亚基基本模式示意图和实验例证,具有很好的参考价值。 Abstract:The waxy protein property,principles of its extraction,electrophoresis and detection were discussed in detail in this paper.According to the detection of polyploid wheat waxy subunits,an effective electrophoresis system was given with the extraction method,gel composition and operating steps listed.The basic iso-form patterns of wheat and related species as well as an application example were also showed in the paper.It is recommended that this paper is valuable both as reference and in application.  相似文献   

对Genbank中猪的白细胞抗原(SLA)Ⅱ类抗原基因DQB及DRB序列进行了SNP及氨基酸序列多态性分析,并对SLA—DQB及DRB分子进行了蛋白质序列模式分析(Prostie motif search)。结果表明:β1功能区存在较大的变异,特别是位于抗原肽结合槽的氨基酸位点中,其变异程度更大。SLA—DQB及DRB蛋白质序列中,主要存在8种类型的蛋白质序列模式位点,其中3种类型的磷酸化位点存在蛋白模序的改变,都位于β1功能区(前94个氨基酸),且多数位点突变频率较高。  相似文献   

应用创造酶切位点法检测单碱基突变   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
赵春江  李宁  邓学梅 《遗传》2003,25(3):327-329
应用引物错配技术结合单碱基突变位点而配合成一个酶切位点,使之成为可用PCR-RFLP方法分析的突变位点,是对单碱基突变位点进行基因型鉴定的有效而简捷的手段。本文以鸡胞外脂肪酸结合蛋白(Extracelluar fatty acid binding protein,EX-FABP)基因单碱基突变的基因型检测为例,探讨了应用创造酶切位点PCR(Created Restriction Site PCR,CRS-PCR)检测单碱基突变基因型的思路、方法和策略。 Abstract:Created Restriction Site PCR (CRS-PCR) is a simple and efficient method to identify SNP genotypes.One or more mismatch bases are used in a primer to create a restriction site by combining SNP site after PCR.The CRS-PCR products can be genotyped with a way the same as PCR-RFLP.In the study,Extracelluar fatty acid binding protein (EX-FABP) gene was served as an example for establishing the CRS-PCR method.Strategy of CRS-PCR was also discussed.  相似文献   

质粒pCAMBIA1301的检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高秀丽  杨剑波  景奉香  赵建龙 《遗传》2005,27(2):271-278
用引物延伸芯片法实现对转基因水稻中 生物芯片技术是生物技术和微制造技术的融合, 已广泛用于生命科学的研究及实践、医学科研及临床、药物设计、环境保护、农业、军事等各个领域。而基因芯片是生物芯片中的一种,是指将大量基因探针分子固定于支持物上,然后与标记的样品进行杂交,所以一次可对大量核酸分子进行检测分析,从而解决了传统核酸印迹杂交技术操作复杂、自动化程度低、检测目的分子数量少、效率低等不足。文章探讨了用基因芯片这一新的检测手段对转基因植物的初步检测,采用一种新的反应机制-引物延伸芯片法(arrayed primer extension),实现了样品扩增和杂交的一步化,而在传统的基因芯片检测中要需要两步来完成,从而为目前基因芯片中大片段样品的检测提供了一种可能性。 Abstract: Biochip technology which had emerged from the fusion of biotechnology and micro/nanofabrication technology at the end of 1980s has been widely used in life science ,medicine,clinical diagnosis,durg design,agricμLture,envioment pretection and strategics. DNA microarray (also call gene chip,DNA chip),one kind of biochips,is small chip containing many oligonucleotide probe .It can hybridize with labelled sample which makes it possible to detect large numbers of oligonucleotides at one time.So DNA microarray can overcome the disadvantage of traditional hybridization technology such as complexity,low automatization,poor efficiency and amount of detcting molecμLes. This paper describes a new method to detect transgenic plant with gene chip.We have developed a novel arrayed-primer extension technique. It combines hybridization and PCR at one step, while two separate steps are needed in the ordinary DNA microarray, therefore our method provide a feasibility to detect long DNA fragment .  相似文献   

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer each year and approximately 40,000 will die from the disease. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I samples peptides derived from proteasomal degradation of cellular proteins and presents these fragments on the cell surface for interrogation by circulating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Generation of T-cell receptor mimic (TCRm) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which recognize breast cancer specific peptide/HLA-A*02:01 complexes such as those derived from macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF19-27) and NY-ESO-1157-165 enable detection and destruction of breast cancer cells in the absence of an effective anti-tumor CTL response. Intact class I HLA/peptide complexes are shed by breast cancer cells and represent potentially relevant cancer biomarkers. In this work, a breakthrough biomarker screening system for cancer diagnostics incorporating T-cell receptor mimic monoclonal antibodies combined with a novel, label-free biosensor utilizing guided-mode resonance (GMR) sensor technology is presented. Detection of shed MIF/HLA-A*02:01 complexes in MDA-MB-231 cell supernatants, spiked human serum, and patient plasma is demonstrated. The impact of this work could revolutionize personalized medicine through development of companion disease diagnostics for targeted immunotherapies.  相似文献   

Cell-associated ribonucleoprotein (RNP) was isolated from BHK-21 cells infected with several strains of rabies and rabies-related viruses. The RNP-antigen from rabies and related viruses induced the formation of complement-fixing, precipitating, and immunofluorescent antibodies, and proved to be the group-specific antigen common to all rabies viruses. Antigens of the envelope which induce virus-neutralizing antibodies are apparently determinative for the serotype of a virus as evidenced by two-way neutralization tests. A combination of these methods seems to be a useful approach to the serological grouping and typing of rhabdoviruses.  相似文献   

Eighty anti-SLA class I reagents were prepared resulting from skin graft and subcutaneous immunizations in 320 fattening pigs of the Belgian Landrace and Pietrain breeds. By means of these alloantisera seven internationally and five locally established specificities were recognized. Three of the locally assigned specificities were new: BM 36, BM 37 and BM 38. They were serologically and genetically defined. The typing battery was completed with French and Danish reagents, and correlation coefficients were calculated for the main alloantisera recognizing SLA class I alloantigens observed in the Belgian breeds. The SLA haplotype frequencies were estimated in 372 Belgian Landrace and 369 Pietrain pigs. The SLA haplotype distribution differs significantly between both breeds and the genetic distance (0.54) at the SLA system is quite high.  相似文献   

SNP分型前的PAGE检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymmphism,SNP)分型前聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(polyaerylamide gel electro—phoresis,PAGE)的作用。方法:对3个DNA片段(DAOA基因的片段E1和E2、RGS4基因的片段S4)的PCR产物先用PAGE分析,然后用变性高效液相色谱(denaturing high performance liquid chromatography,DHPLC)分型,并比对结果。结果:PAGE能将片段E1、E2和S4中同一位点的SNP杂合子样本和纯合子样本区分开来,还能进一步将片段S4中SNP位点的2种不同纯合子样本区分开来。结论:PAGE能提高SNP的检测效率,而且具有成本低,操作简便的特点。  相似文献   

A mechanized microtechnique for the serological typing of Escherichia coli cultures is described.  相似文献   

The role of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I supertypes in controlling human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in African Americans has not been established. We examined the effects of the HLA-A and HLA-B alleles and supertypes on the outcomes of HIV-1 clade B infection among 338 African American women and adolescents. HLA-B58 and -B62 supertypes (B58s and B62s) were associated with favorable HIV-1 disease control (proportional odds ratio [POR] of 0.33 and 95% confidence interval [95% CI] of 0.21 to 0.52 for the former and POR of 0.26 and 95% CI of 0.09 to 0.73 for the latter); B7s and B44s were associated with unfavorable disease control (POR of 2.39 and 95% CI of 1.54 to 3.73 for the former and POR of 1.63 and 95% CI of 1.08 to 2.47 for the latter). In general, individual alleles within specific B supertypes exerted relatively homogeneous effects. A notable exception was B27s, whose protective influence (POR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.94) was masked by the opposing effect of its member allele B*1510. The associations of most B supertypes (e.g., B58s and B7s) were largely explained either by well-known effects of constituent B alleles or by effects of previously unimplicated B alleles aggregated into a particular supertype (e.g., B44s and B62s). A higher frequency of HLA-B genotypic supertypes correlated with a higher mean viral load (VL) and lower mean CD4 count (Pearson''s r = 0.63 and 0.62, respectively; P = 0.03). Among the genotypic supertypes, B58s and its member allele B*57 contributed disproportionately to the explainable VL variation. The study demonstrated the dominant role of HLA-B supertypes in HIV-1 clade B-infected African Americans and further dissected the contributions of individual class I alleles and their population frequencies to the supertype effects.African Americans in the United States have been affected disproportionately by the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) epidemic. They accounted for only 13% of the U.S. population but for 47% of AIDS cases diagnosed in the United States in 2006 (14, 17). An HIV-1 vaccine would be of enormous benefit to this subpopulation. One strategy for HIV-1 vaccine development seeks to capitalize on the recognition and destruction of HIV-1-infected cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) (32, 33, 35).CTL recognition is critically dependent on binding, presentation, and cell surface display of a variety of antigenic peptides (epitopes) by extremely polymorphic human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules. As the relative importance of increasing numbers of HIV-1 epitopes for individual HLA class I molecules has been recognized (9, 16), the feasibility of developing a vaccine tailored to every epitope and HLA specificity has come to seem more remote. Conceptualization of epitope specificity in terms of broad groupings (supertypes) of HLA molecules may provide a rational but simpler approach to this challenge.Several efforts have succeeded at consolidating the huge spectrum of individual HLA class I alleles into four HLA-A and five HLA-B supertype categories (37-39), based on the ability of different HLA class I molecules to present similar epitopes. Unlike individual allele frequencies, which vary greatly across ethnic groups, all nine supertypes (comprising most, but not all, HLA-A and HLA-B alleles) are present in all human populations. This more uniform representation of allele groups may confer an advantage in the form of balancing selection (38).HLA alleles within one supertype that share epitope binding specificities might be expected to demonstrate similar associations with HIV-1 outcomes or vaccine response; conversely, alleles within a supertype that differ substantially in function might be expected to show differential responses to natural infection or vaccines designed on the basis of supertype (2). Functional heterogeneity of alleles within the supertypes could be due to differences in the class I alleles themselves (e.g., variable epitope avidity or tolerance to viral mutations), in host background (genetic epistasis), or in the virus (e.g., clade-related epitope specificities or viral escape).Previous work has detected associations between the HLA class I supertypes and HIV-1 outcomes for Caucasians with clade B infections (34, 44) and for native Africans with clade A or C infections (23, 28). We are unaware of studies among African Americans in the context of clade B HIV-1 infection or of any systematic attempt to tease apart the independent contributions of supertypes and their individual class I alleles to HIV-1 outcomes. Here we document the frequencies of the HLA class I alleles and supertypes in the Reaching for Excellence in Adolescent Care and Health (REACH) and HIV Epidemiologic Research Study (HERS) cohorts, and we report the relative effects of those alleles and supertypes on the degree of HIV-1 disease control.  相似文献   

HLA class I molecules reflect the health state of cells to cytotoxic T cells by presenting a repertoire of endogenously derived peptides. However, the extent to which the proteome shapes the peptidome is still largely unknown. Here we present a high-throughput mass-spectrometry-based workflow that allows stringent and accurate identification of thousands of such peptides and direct determination of binding motifs. Applying the workflow to seven cancer cell lines and primary cells, yielded more than 22,000 unique HLA peptides across different allelic binding specificities. By computing a score representing the HLA-I sampling density, we show a strong link between protein abundance and HLA-presentation (p < 0.0001). When analyzing overpresented proteins – those with at least fivefold higher density score than expected for their abundance – we noticed that they are degraded almost 3 h faster than similar but nonpresented proteins (top 20% abundance class; median half-life 20.8h versus 23.6h, p < 0.0001). This validates protein degradation as an important factor for HLA presentation. Ribosomal, mitochondrial respiratory chain, and nucleosomal proteins are particularly well presented. Taking a set of proteins associated with cancer, we compared the predicted immunogenicity of previously validated T-cell epitopes with other peptides from these proteins in our data set. The validated epitopes indeed tend to have higher immunogenic scores than the other detected HLA peptides. Remarkably, we identified five mutated peptides from a human colon cancer cell line, which have very recently been predicted to be HLA-I binders. Altogether, we demonstrate the usefulness of combining MS-analysis with immunogenesis prediction for identifying, ranking, and selecting peptides for therapeutic use.The highly polymorphic Human Leukocyte Antigen class I (HLA-I)1 genes are encoded by three loci (HLA-A, B, and C) in a gene-rich region on chromosome 6. They produce up to six unique cell surface receptors that bind and present the so-called HLA class I peptidome, which consists of peptides derived from proteolysis of intracellular proteins. Their function is to reflect the health state of the body''s cells to CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. During thymic maturation T cells that react to self-peptides are eliminated (1), leaving T cells with the capability to recognize peptides from viruses and bacteria. This recognition is interpreted as a danger signal, leading to removal of infected cells. Transformed, preneoplastic and cancer cells also tend to display atypical self-peptides from mutated or excessively expressed self-proteins, known as tumor associated antigens (TAAs). Although HLA-I molecules are indispensable in prevention of disease, they also pose a substantial health problem by causing allergies (2), life-threatening autoimmune diseases (3), and the often fatal rejection of donor organs because of recognition of both major and minor histocompatibility antigens (4).Finding the rules for peptide generation and selection is regarded as the most important open issue in the field of HLA-I biology by leading experts (5). Although the antigen presentation pathway is well characterized, it is still unclear how basic properties such as protein abundance, turnover, and subcellular localization influence and shape the HLA-I presented peptidome (610). One expectation is that protein abundance should correlate with presentation (11), but previous studies have reported conflicting and contradicting results that mostly argue against a strong link (6, 7, 10, 12, 13). It is also not fully understood why only some HLA-sampled self-peptides from cancer antigens spontaneously activate T cells, whereas others do not.The majority of HLA-I peptides are derived from proteasomal degradation (5). Although the proteasome generates an excess of peptides, only some have the required sequence motifs for HLA binding, resulting in a selective sampling of available peptides (14). The presented peptides are typically nine amino acids long, but the length can range from eight to 15. The high degree of genetic variance of HLA-I receptors translates into allele-specific peptide-binding motifs defined by anchor positions, which are usually the second and the last positions in a peptide (15). Each cell has around 200,000 cell-surface-expressed HLA complexes, which bind about 10,000 unique peptide sequences (16). The affinity of a peptide toward the presenting HLA molecule does not correlate strongly with its immunogenicity, and neither does the number of presented HLA complexes (17). Instead, the most robust predictor of peptide immunogenicity appears to be the number of potential reactive T-cell clones (1719).The longer the source protein, the higher the chances it will contain sequences that fit to a certain HLA motif, which would inflate the representation of longer proteins regardless of biological role. Furthermore, some HLA-I peptide sequences can be mapped to multiple proteins, potentially causing a problem in determining the number of observed HLA peptides per protein (13). This illustrates that careful accounting of the potentially and actually presented HLA peptides is important in properly delineating trends in propensity of peptide presentation.In cancer immunotherapy, T cells can be directed against tumors, based on the pattern of cancer associated HLA peptides. Therefore, there is great interest in determining the identity of these immunogenic peptides. Bioinformatic methods that attempt to predict HLA peptides of cancer proteins of interest are easily accessible and most commonly used. They typically score sequences with respect to proteasomal degradation, transport into the ER via the transporter associate with antigen processing (TAP) and binding to different HLA-I alleles (20). However, their precision success is modest (21, 22). The second approach is to directly capture the naturally presented peptides using mass spectrometry; however, this requires the relevant biological sample and sophisticated instruments and workflows, which have become accessible only recently for large-scale work (2328). Although identification of cancer associated HLA peptides by MS, if performed stringently, establish the in vivo existence of the peptide, it still does not guarantee that it will elicit a potent T-cell response, which is required for further development into therapeutics (29). Therefore, like in the case of in silico predicted peptides, the immunogenicity of the peptides must in any case be tested empirically.We here present a rich and high confidence HLA-I peptidome, established by applying state-of-the-art mass-spectrometric techniques on a collection of seven cell lines. We investigate how abundance affects the propensity of proteins to be presented as measurable HLA peptides and whether or not there are specific protein classes that are overrepresented even independent of abundance. Likewise, we explore how to use in silico immunogenicity tools on the set of identified HLA peptides from cancer-associated proteins, with a view to select vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

This work reports the cloning, expression, and purification of a 42-kDa fragment of the SpaA protein from Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, the main antigenic candidate for a subunit vaccine against swine erysipelas. The use of an auto-induction protocol to improve heterologous protein expression in recombinant Escherichia coli cultures was also investigated. The cellular growth pattern and metabolite formation were evaluated under different induction conditions. The His-tagged protein was over-expressed as inclusion bodies, and was purified by a single chromatography step under denaturing conditions. Auto-induction conditions were shown to be an excellent process strategy, leading to a high level of rSpaA expression (about 25?% of total cellular protein content) in a short period of time.  相似文献   

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