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Lysis and Lysis Inhibition with Escherichia coli Bacteriophage   总被引:48,自引:10,他引:38  

Growth of Escherichia coli strain MM6-13 (ptsI suc lacI sup), which as a suppressor of the succinate-negative phenotype, was inhibited by lactose. Cells growing in yeast extract-tryptone-sodium chloride medium (LB broth) were lysed upon the addition of lactose. In Casamino Acids-salts medium, lactose inhibited growth, but due to the high K+ content no lysis occurred. Lysis required high levels of beta-galctosidase and lactose transport activity. MM6, the parental strain of MM6-13, has lower levels of both of these activities and was resistant to lysis under these conditions. When MM6 was grown in LB broth with exogenous cyclic adenosine monophosphate, however, beta-galactosidase and lactose transport activities were greatly increased, and lysis occurred upon the addition of lactose. Resting cells of both MM6 and MM6-13 were lysed by lactose in buffers containing suitable ions. In the presence of MG2+, lysis was enhanced by 5 mM KCl and 100 mM NaCl. Higher slat concentrations (50 mM KCl or 200 mM NaCl) provided partial protection from lysis. In the absence of Mg2+, lysis occurred without KCl. Lactose-dependent lysis occurred in buffers containing anions such as sulafte, chloride, phosphate, or citrate; however, thiocyanate or acetate protected the cells from lysis. These data indicate that both cations and anions, as well as the levels of lactose transport and beta-galactosidase activity, are important in lysis.  相似文献   

Lysis of Escherichia coli cells induced by bacteriophage T4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Structural changes in the envelope of Escherichia coli cells accompanying their lysis from without by bacteriophage T4 have been studied. The hypothesis concerning the role of collapse of membrane potential and formation of periplasmic vesicles in the process of lysis from without has been advanced.  相似文献   

Lysis of Escherichia coli with a neutral detergent   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  

2,3-Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase (DAPAL), which catalyzes α,β-elimination of 2,3-diaminopropionate regardless of its stereochemistry, was purified from Salmonella typhimurium. We cloned the Escherichia coli ygeX gene encoding a putative DAPAL and purified the gene product to homogeneity. The protein obtained contained pyridoxal 5′-phosphate and was composed of two identical subunits with a calculated molecular weight of 43,327. It catalyzed the α,β-elimination of both D- and L-2,3-diaminopropionate. The results confirmed that ygeX encoded DAPAL. The enzyme acted on D-serine, but its catalytic efficiency was only 0.5% that with D-2,3-diaminopropionate. The enzymologic properties of E. coli DAPAL resembled those of Salmonella DAPAL, except that L-serine, D- and L-β-Cl-alanine were inert as substrates of the enzyme from E. coli. DAPAL had significant sequence similarity with the catalytic domain of L-threonine dehydratase, which is a member of the fold-type II group of pyridoxal phosphate enzymes, together with D-serine dehydratase and mammalian serine racemase.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of pyridoxine auxotrophs of Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Dempsey, Walter B. (University of Florida, Gainesville), and P. F. Pachler. Isolation and characterization of pyridoxine auxotrophs of Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 91:642-645. 1966.-Pyridoxine auxotrophs of Escherichia coli B have been consistently produced by a modified penicillin enrichment method. This modified penicillin technique included a 6-hr growth period in the absence of any pyridoxine followed by a 2-hr treatment with penicillin at 1,000 units per ml. Penicillin was removed from these cultures by membrane filtration and the process was repeated. A minimum of three cycles was found necessary to isolate auxotrophs. Different phenotypes within the group of pyridoxine auxotrophs were distinguished by their responses to feeding with the various forms of pyridoxine, as well as by cross-feeding tests. Two auxotrophs were also differentiated by their frequency of reversion to prototrophy. Cross-feeding tests indicated that seven of the phenotypes fed in a linear sequence. These phenotypes had a very low frequency of reversion. The auxotrophs with a high frequency of reversion cross-fed in a linear sequence and fed the first five of the other seven auxotrophs. One of the auxotrophs isolated was a pyridoxal auxotroph.  相似文献   

Control of Lysis of T4-infected Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The lysis of Escherichia coli B/5 infected with T4Dr48 could be delayed by addition of 9-aminoacridine (9AA). Infected cells showed an early period of maximal response followed by a decline in sensitivity. The ultimate rate of lysis was also affected by the dye. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), protein, and lysozyme synthesis began at the normal time in complexes inhibited by 9AA addition. The rates of synthesis of these macromolecules were lower in the presence of the dye, with DNA and lysozyme synthesis being more strongly affected than total protein synthesis. Penicillin-sensitive cell wall synthesis stopped at about 10 min after infection. Inhibition of oxidative metabolism by early potassium cyanide addition prevented lysis in the presence of intracellular lysozyme. The cyanide-sensitive event occurred at about 20 min in normal infections, and between 30 and 40 min in 9AA-inhibited infections. 9AA could alter both the time at which the cyanide-sensitive event occurred and the time of lysis. Addition of chloramphenicol did not prevent lysis once intracellular lysozyme was present. Lysis from without of infected cells consisted of three phases: an initial sensitivity, followed by a short period of resistance, and then a return to sensitivity in normal infections. The demonstration of the late return to sensitivity depended on the presence of intracellular lysozyme, and could be delayed by 9AA addition.  相似文献   



Many investigations have reported that advantageous mutations occurred more frequently under selective conditions than those under non-selective conditions. This phenomenon is referred to as adaptive mutation. Their characteristics are that adaptive mutations are directed and growth-independent. The idea of directed adaptive mutation had been objected by some reports, however, the idea of growth-independent adaptive mutation has been held till today.  相似文献   

The quantitative determination of adenyl nucleotides based on the separation of their dansyl derivatives by thin layer chromatography has made it possible to study the dynamics of changes in the pool of ATP, ADP and AMP in Escherichia coli K-12 during its synchronous growth after glucose starvation. The energy parameters (the adenylate pool, energy charge, teh ATP/ADP ratio, the rates of oxygen uptake and ATP generation, the economic coefficients of oxygen and ATP utilization) were compared with changes in the growth characteristics (the rate of growth and biomass concentration). This comparison allowed the authors to draw the conclusion about the uncoupled constructive and energy metabolism and about the possible regulatory role of energy parameters in the synchronised culture growth.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mutants tht require either pyridoxine or alanine   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Some pyridoxineless mutants of genetic group V grow to normal cell yields in glucose-salts medium containing 0.11 mm d- or l-alanine as the sole supplement.  相似文献   

The production of bacterial ghosts from Escherichia coli is accomplished by the controlled expression of phage X174 lysis gene E and, in contrast to other gram-negative bacterial species, is accompanied by the rare detection of nonlysed, reproductive cells within the ghost preparation. To overcome this problem, the expression of a secondary killing gene was suggested to give rise to the complete genetic inactivation of the bacterial samples. The expression of staphylococcal nuclease A in E. coli resulted in intracellular accumulation of the protein and degradation of the host DNA into fragments shorter than 100 bp. Two expression systems for the nuclease are presented and were combined with the protein E-mediated lysis system. Under optimized conditions for the coexpression of gene E and the staphylococcal nuclease, the concentration of viable cells fell below the lower limit of detection, whereas the rates of ghost formation were not affected. With regard to the absence of reproductive cells from the ghost fractions, the reduction of viability could be determined as being at least 7 to 8 orders of magnitude. The lysis process was characterized by electrophoretic analysis and absolute quantification of the genetic material within the cells and the culture supernatant via real-time PCR. The ongoing degradation of the bacterial nucleic acids resulted in a continuous quantitative clearance of the genetic material associated with the lysing cells until the concentrations fell below the detection limits of either assay. No functional, released genetic units (genes) were detected within the supernatant during the lysis process, including nuclease expression.  相似文献   

Codon recognition by glycine transfer RNAs of Escherichia coli in vivo   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In order to provide evidence concerning the nature of codon recognition by isoaccepting transfer RNAs of Escherichia coli in vivo, we have carried out genetic experiments with appropriate glycine tRNA mutants that display altered coding specificities. Others have demonstrated that in the ribosome-triplet binding assay glyT tRNA is the only glycine-accepting tRNA that can respond to the glycine codon GGA. Using glyT-derived translational suppressors that respond to AGA, GAA, AAG, UGA and UGG, we have shown that glyT tRNA is indeed the only GGA-reader in vivo and that, rather than using a “two out of three” method of codon recognition, glycine tRNAs in the E. coli cell recognize all three nucleotides of a codon. Furthermore, the data suggest that some mutationally altered glyT tRNAs exhibit an unorthodox wobble in response to the first or second position of a codon.  相似文献   

After 40 min of pyridoxal starvation, pyridoxine phosphate oxidase-less mutants of Escherichia coli B derepressed pyridoxine biosynthesis 13-fold to a rate of 1.7 X 10(-9) mol/h per mg of cells. Threonine at 100 mg/liter prevented this derepression but did not affect the continued synthesis of pyridoxine. Neither serine nor branched-chain amino acids altered the threonine effect.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase (PNPOx) catalyzes the oxidation of either pyridoxine 5'-phosphate (PNP) or pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate (PMP), forming pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP). This reaction serves as the terminal step in the de novo biosynthesis of PLP in E. coli and as a part of the salvage pathway of this coenzyme in both E. coli and mammalian cells. Recent studies have shown that in addition to the active site, PNPOx contains a noncatalytic site that binds PLP tightly. The crystal structures of PNPOx with one and two molecules of PLP bound have been determined. In the active site, the PLP pyridine ring is stacked almost parallel against the re-face of the middle ring of flavin mononucleotide (FMN). A large protein conformational change occurs upon binding of PLP. When the protein is soaked with excess PLP an additional molecule of this cofactor is bound about 11 A from the active site. A possible tunnel exists between the two sites. Site mutants were made of all residues at the active site that make interactions with the substrate. Stereospecificity studies showed that the enzyme is specific for removal of the proR hydrogen atom from the prochiral C4' carbon of PMP. The crystal structure and the stereospecificity studies suggest that the pair of electrons on C4' of the substrate are transferred to FMN as a hydride ion.  相似文献   

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