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陈炯  程晔  陈剑平 《中国病毒学》2000,15(2):97-105
线状土传小麦花叶病毒病在欧洲、亚洲和北美洲等地均有发生.这类病毒由根肿菌纲的禾谷多粘菌(Polymyxa graminis)传播,并归类于马铃薯Y病毒科(Potyviridae)的大麦黄花叶病毒属(Bymovirus).  相似文献   

lexuous filamentous, rod-shaped particles, and laminated, pinwheel inclusions were observed in the mesophyll cells of the barley plants naturally infected with barley yellow mosaic viruses. These virus particles had a length of 480–920 nm and a width of 10–20 nm. In addition, bundles of filamentous structures which consisted of many particles with more 2000 nm in length were found in the leaves of the infected barley plants. The ultrastructural alterations of the infected mesophyll cells were rather conspicuous. The cytoplasmic matrix was lost seriously, and the chloroplast membrane system was destroyed. The cristae and matrix of the mitochondrium were decreased and some of them became vacuoles. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) expanded teristic membranous network structures occurred in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The virus particles were often associated at one end with ER and with the membranes of network structures. The nucleus, membrane and wall of ceils also had somewhat variation.  相似文献   

由土壤真菌禾谷多粘菌(Polymyxa graminis)传播的小麦梭条花叶病在我国长江流域和黄淮平原麦区已成为危害小麦生产的一种严重病害。本文系统地综述了我国在小麦梭条花叶病种质资源筛选、抗性机理、抗性遗传、抗病基因的分子标记以及抗病育种方面的进展。研究表明,在我国地方品种和改良品种中存在着较丰富的抗病资源;植物体内某些酶的活性和可溶性糖含量与抗性有密切的联系;抗病性表现为数量性状的遗传特征,可能受1~3对显性基因控制。通过抗感品种间杂交,可以育成抗病丰产的新品种。文中还对今后开展小麦抗梭条花叶病育种提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

抗黄矮病小麦新品系YW443的分子细胞遗传学鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以小麦-中间偃麦草二体附加系L1衍生抗病系PP9-1为抗源,与小麦推广品种陕7859.丰抗8号杂交并自交,在F6代中选到农艺性状优良的高抗黄矮病小麦新品系YW443。对YW443及其亲本进行抗病性鉴定。结果表明:YW443高抗大麦黄矮病毒GPV、GAV株系。利用基因组原位杂交,RFLP分析和RAPD分析,研究诉遗传构成及其抗病基因染色体归属。结果表明:YW443(2n=43)的遗传构成了40条(2  相似文献   


An apparatus is described which was used for rapid extraction of viruses from frozen and thawed infected plant tissues. The novel principle is the establishment of a potential gradient of 15 to 20 volts/cm at approximately 90° across the leaves are surrounded by buffer of low molarity and of the appropriate hydrogen ion concentration. To keep the leaves in the correct orientation they were placed as single layers between coarse rigid plastic gauze. The method, termed electro-extraction, was used as the initial step in the purification of turnip yellow mosaic, tobacco mosaic and maize streak viruses. An electron micrograph of the purified maize streak virus is presented.  相似文献   

A Canadian PAV-like isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) was used to infect durum wheat (Triticum durum) cultivars previously identified in field trials involving artificial inoculation as highly sensitive (12 IDSN74), slightly tolerant (La Dulce), and relatively tolerant (Boohai and 12 IDSN227) to BYDV. The cultivars were inoculated in the greenhouse as seedlings, and indexed for virus accumulation by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at various intervals between 3 and 60 days thereafter. Mean ELISA values were somewhat consistent with tolerance levels for 4 durum wheat cultivars, but the use of ELISA to screen for BYDV resistance in durum wheat is not practical. The magnitude of the difference between sensitive and tolerant cultivars for the mean ELISA value is not high enough, and it may be necessary to average readings between 3 and 60 days after inoculation to obtain somewhat meaningful ELISA data. The effect of vector aphid numbers on virus titre and aerial biomass in the sensitive durum wheat cv. Karim was also evaluated. There was no significant effect on virus content in a preliminary trial, but a second trial revealed that more viruliferous aphids per plant resulted in higher ELISA values. Infestation with 32 or 50 viruliferous Rhopalosiphum padi per plant depressed biomass yield below the level observed with 1–10 aphids per plant.  相似文献   

The movement of barley yellow dwarf luteovirus (BYDV) was evaluated in susceptible and resistant barley and bread wheat genotypes. After leaf inoculation, the virus infected the root system and the growing point of susceptible earlier than resistant, barley genotypes. No difference in virus movement occurred in resistant and susceptible wheat genotypes. It was possible to reliably differentiate susceptible from resistant genotypes when root extracts of 41 barley genotypes were tested by DAS-ELISA 3 or 4 days after inoculation at the oneleaf stage. When barley plants inoculated at the two- or three-leaf stage were assayed by tissue-blot ELISA on nitrocellulose membrane, virus was detected in the phloem vessels of the growing points of the susceptible, but not of the resistant genotype, 4–6 days after inoculation. Our results thus suggest that screening for BYDV resistance in barley could be done quickly and cheaply especially when assays are made by the tissue-blot test.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the occurrence of “barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) disease” in South Africa have led to the conclusion that, although this virus is present, the main causative agent of “yellow dwarf” disease in cereals appears to be the unrelated brome mosaic virus (BMV). In this study, material from South Africa, Britain and Australia that had been identified symprtomatically as being infected with BYDV, was found by serological testing to contain BMV. No BYDV could be detected in the same samples. This report discusses the hazards of relying on symptom expression for the diagnosis of a common world-wide disease problem.  相似文献   

The tripartite interactions in a pathosystem involving wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), the Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), and the BYDV vector aphid Sitobion avenae were studied under field conditions to determine the impact of these interactions on aphid populations, virus pathology and grain yield. Wheat varietal resistance to BYDV and aphids varied among the three wheat varieties studied over two consecutive years. The results demonstrated that (1) aphid peak number (APN) in the aphid + BYDV (viruliferous aphid) treatment was greater and occurred earlier than that in the non-viruliferous aphid treatment. The APN and the area under the curve of population dynamics (AUC) on a S. avenae-resistant variety 98-10-30 was significantly lower than on two aphid-susceptible varieties Tam200(13)G and Xiaoyan6. (2) The production of alatae (PA) was greater on the variety 98-10-30 than on the other varieties, and PA was greater in the aphid + BYDV treatment on 98-10-30 than in the non-viruliferous aphid treatment, but this trend was reversed on Tam200(13)G and Xiaoyan6. (3) The BYDV disease incidence (DIC) on the variety 98-10-30 was greater than that on the other two varieties in 2012, and the disease index (DID) on Tam200(13)G was lower than on the other varieties in the aphid + BYDV and BYDV treatments in 2012, but not in 2011 when aphid vector numbers were generally lower. (4) Yield loss in the aphid + BYDV treatment tended to be greater than that in the aphid or BYDV alone treatments across varieties and years. We suggested that aphid population development and BYDV transmission tend to promote each other under field conditions. The aphids + BYDV treatment caused greater yield reductions than non-viruliferous aphids or virus treatment. Wheat varietal resistance in 98-10-30 affects the aphid dispersal, virus transmission and wheat yield loss though inhibits aphid populations from increasing.  相似文献   

以生物素(Biotin-16-dUTP)标记中间偃麦草基因组 DNA为探针,与抗黄矮病小麦-中间偃麦草染色体异附加系Z6进行原位杂交,鉴定出附加的1对中间偃麦草染色体。对异附加系 Z6和 L1及它们的小麦亲本进行了 RAPD分析,从 120个随机引物中,筛选出 2个引物可以扩增出附加染色体的特异DNA片段,可作为鉴定寻人小麦的中间偃麦草染色质的分子标记。  相似文献   

小麦品种梭条花叶病抗性基因遗传分析及分子标记筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用3个抗梭条花叶病的小麦品种“仪宁小麦”、“徐87633”和“西风”为抗病亲本、以感病品种“镇9523”为感病亲本配制了3个杂交组合,对4个亲本及其杂种后代(F1及F2代)单株的田间抗病鉴定表明,3个抗病亲本的抗性均由核基因控制,为显性遗传方式。“仪宁小麦”和“西风”的抗性受两对表现互补效应的显性基因控制;“徐87633”的抗性受一对显性基因控制。选取涉及小麦21条染色体上的266对SSR引物在“仪宁小麦”和“镇9523”间进行筛选,其中108对引物在两亲本间表现多态。根据“仪宁小麦”ד镇9523”F2代单株的田间抗病鉴定结果,采用BSA的方法,将已初筛的108对引物在抗、感池间进行扩增,发现引物Xgwm261在抗、感池间表现多态,表明该引物与“仪宁小麦”的抗病基因连锁,并将该抗病位点初步定位于2DS上。用该标记对F2代224个单株进行PCR扩增,根据扩增结果,采用Mapmaker3.0软件计算遗传距离,结果显示,该标记与抗病位点间的遗传距离为22.9cM。  相似文献   

抗大麦黄矮病的小偃麦易位系的创制与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗大麦黄矮病的小偃麦易位系的创制与鉴定@辛志勇$中国农业科学院作物育种载培研究所!北京100081@张增燕$中国农业科学院作物育种载培研究所!北京100081@陈孝$中国农业科学院作物育种载培研究所!北京100081@林志珊$中国农业科学院作物育种载培研究所!北京100081大麦;;小偃麦;;易位系  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic volume of wheat streak mosaic virus-infected cells was significantly greater than that of cells in healthy control tissue. Ultrastructural examination revealed that mainly cellular membranes and ribosomes filled the expanded cytoplasm. Imperfectly spherical inclusions, containing continuous endoplasmic reticulum membranes at the periphery and a mixture of membranes and ribosomes in the centre, were observed near nuclei at early infection stages. The inclusions became larger as infection progressed. Membranes and ribosomes proliferated also throughout the cell, forming a matrix in which organelles and various cytopathic structures were enclosed. Numerous vesicles were observed in the cytoplasm of other WSMV-infected cells. Multi-layered membrane bodies were found at later infection stages. Virus particles were present in the central space of these myelin-like structures. The presence of apparently intermediate stages in myelin-like structure development in chloroplasts suggest that at least some of the myelin-like structures originated from the chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Wheat is an important cereal crop worldwide and in Pakistan. Among the wheat producing countries, Pakistan ranks 6th with an annual wheat production of 24.214 million tons. Burgeoning population of the country demands increase in its production that is hindered by a number of pests, pathogens and environmental stresses. Among the yield limiting constraints, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) is important, inflicting approximately 75% wheat production losses in diseased crop nationally. Research on BYDV and its management is mandatory for sustainable agriculture in the country. This review focuses on BYDV, its relationship with vectors, classification and management practices. Additionally, its currents status in Pakistan has been reviewed.  相似文献   

RT-PCR-RFLP在大麦黄矮病毒检测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The universal primer of Luteovirus was designed and synthesized.An experimental system of RT PCR RFLP was developed in barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDVs).BYDVs can be distinguished qualitatively by RT PCR method.It was seen that different serotypes of BYDVs have critical different RFLP patters when the PCR producs were digested by restriction enzyme HinfI.The RFLP patterns of 7 isolates of PAV serotype were greatly different.These results indicate there existed sequence variations among different serotypes of BYDVs and vector phenotypes of PAV serotype.There is no difference between MAV serotypes in RFLP analysis.The slight distinction in the segment of coat protein gene of BYDVs can be revealed by RT PCR RFLP system.  相似文献   

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and cassava mosaic disease (CMD) are currently two major viral diseases that severely reduce cassava production in large areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural resistance has so far only been reported for CMD in cassava. CBSD is caused by two virus species, Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV). A sequence of the CBSV coat protein (CP) highly conserved between the two virus species was used to demonstrate that a CBSV-CP hairpin construct sufficed to generate immunity against both viral species in the cassava model cultivar (cv. 60444). Most of the transgenic lines showed high levels of resistance under increasing viral loads using a stringent top-grafting method of inoculation. No viral replication was observed in the resistant transgenic lines and they remained free of typical CBSD root symptoms 7 month post-infection. To generate transgenic cassava lines combining resistance to both CBSD and CMD the hairpin construct was transferred to a CMD-resistant farmer-preferred Nigerian landrace TME 7 (Oko-Iyawo). An adapted protocol allowed the efficient Agrobacterium-based transformation of TME 7 and the regeneration of transgenic lines with high levels of CBSV-CP hairpin-derived small RNAs. All transgenic TME 7 lines were immune to both CBSV and UCBSV infections. Further evaluation of the transgenic TME 7 lines revealed that CBSD resistance was maintained when plants were co-inoculated with East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV), a geminivirus causing CMD. The innovative combination of natural and engineered virus resistance in farmer-preferred landraces will be particularly important to reducing the increasing impact of cassava viral diseases in Africa.  相似文献   

In this work we studied tomato yellow mosaic geminivirus (ToYMV) symptoms and DNA presence in several species of Solanaeae: Lycopersivon esculentum, Lycoperstcon peru-vianum. Lycium barbarum, Nicotiaiiu benthautian, Solunum lycopersioides. Solanum quitoense and Solanum rickli . After mechanical and insect transmission, in both greenhouse and open field, we found plants of Lyiium barbarum and Solanum lycopersicoides to be resistance to ToYMV, Polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that the resistant plants did not contain viral DNA.  相似文献   

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