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哺乳动物昼夜节律生物钟研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐祖元 《生命科学》2004,16(2):104-108
昼夜节律生物钟是一种以近似24小时为周期的自主维持的振荡器,在分子水平上,该振荡器是一个由9个基因组成的转录翻译反馈环路系统。它能受外界环境影响重新设置节律,使自身机体活动处于最佳状态。除了进行自我调节外,生物钟基因还能通过调节代谢途径中特定基因表达而影响机体生理生化过程。在过去的几年里,借用遗传学和分子生物学工具,我们对哺乳动物昼夜节律生物钟的分子基础有了新的认识,本文综述了这一进展,并展望了它们在研究人的昼夜节律行为异常领域的前景。  相似文献   

蓝藻是具有内源性生物钟的简单生物.虽然蓝藻生物钟具有跟真核生物同样的基础特征,但其相关基因和蛋白质与真核生物没有同源性.蓝藻生物钟的核心是kai基因簇及其编码的蛋白KaiA,KaiB和KaiC.这三种Kai蛋白相互作用调节KaiC的磷酸化状态,从而产生昼夜节律信息.KaiC的磷酸化循环是昼夜节律的起博器,调控包括kai基因在内的相关基因的节律性表达.组氨酸蛋白激酶的磷酸化传递可将环境信息输入和将节律信息输出生物钟核心.  相似文献   

果蝇昼夜节律的分子机制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
果蝇由于遗传易操作性而成为一个研究昼夜节律分子机制的理想模式生物 . 到目前为止,通过遗传学和生物化学方法已经鉴定到 10 多个时钟基因 (clock genes) 和许多时钟相关基因,包括时钟输入基因和钟控基因 . 这些时钟基因以及它们的相应产物组成两个互相依赖的转录 / 翻译反馈环路,从而调节行为和生理的昼夜节律 . 果蝇这种核心钟的工作原理同样见于哺乳动物 .  相似文献   

生物钟机制研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄耀伟  于涟  周继勇 《生命科学》2000,12(1):10-13,29
由生物体内源性生物钟所产生的昼夜节律是近年来生命科学的研究热点之一。几种模型生物(蓝细菌、脉孢菌、拟南芥、果蝇、小鼠)的生物钟相关基因相继被克隆和鉴定,为理解昼夜节律的分子机制奠定了基础。振荡器蛋白对其编码基因的负反馈调控可能是不同生物的生物运作普遍机制,在此基础上,不同生物有不尽相同的调控方式;隐色素可能是高等生物的共同生物钟光受体。  相似文献   

为了研究青蛙松果体的昼夜节律,本实验采用细胞外连续记录,研究了松果体内对光产生抑制反应的光敏神经节细胞放电的昼夜节律变化.结果表明(1)所有表现自发放电的细胞,其放电频率介于1-6Hz之间,脉冲发放特征有规则、不规则(或波动)和阵发等方式;(2)无论在持续黑暗(DD)、持续光照(LL)或在模拟自然光照周期(L-D-L)任何一种条件下所进行的昼夜连续记录都显示:有些细胞在白天放电频率低,在夜间放电增强;而另一些细胞则在整个记录过程中,其脉冲频率基本上保持不变.当用与昼夜光照颠倒的周期(D-L-D)作实验时,所有被检测的细胞都反映出夜间的放电活性受到了不同程度的抑制.  相似文献   

生物钟的分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
RecentDevelopmentsinMolecularMechanismsofBiologicalClockHouBingkai(DepartmentofBiology,ShandongUniversity,Jinan250100)YuHuimin(DepartmentofBiochemistry,ShandongEducationCollege,Jinan250013)生物的昼夜节奏表现,从单细胞生物到多细胞生物,从原校生物到真核生物都曾被描述过。由于这种现象在生物界广泛存在,关于它的特征、意义和机理的研究日益受到人们重视。其中最重要和最吸引人的方面是它的测时系统—一生物钟(biologicalclock),也称生物振荡器(oscillators)。近年来,人们从分子水平对生物钟的研究比较活…  相似文献   

昆虫生物钟分子调控研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
昆虫生物钟节律的研究是人类了解生物节律的重要途径。昆虫在生理和行为上具有广泛的节律活动,如运动、睡眠、学习记忆、交配、嗅觉等节律活动,其中昼夜活动行为节律的研究广泛而深入。昆虫乃至高等动物普遍具有保守的昼夜节律系统,昼夜生物钟节律主要包括输入系统:用于接受外界光和温度等环境信号并传入核心振荡器,使得生物时钟与环境同步;核心时钟系统:自我维持的昼夜振荡器;输出系统:将生物钟产生的信号传递出去而控制生物行为和生理的节律变化。早期分子和遗传学研究主要关注昼夜节律振荡器的分子机制及神经生物学,阐明了昼夜生物钟节律的主要分子机制及相关神经网络。最近更多的研究关注生物钟信号是如何输入和输出。本文以果蝇运动节律的相关研究为主要内容,围绕生物钟输入系统、振荡器、输出系统这3个组成部分对昆虫生物钟研究进展进行总结。  相似文献   

生物钟基因研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
昼夜节律是以大约24 h为周期波动的生物现象.这些节律包括血压、体温、激素水平、血中免疫细胞的数量、睡眠觉醒周期循环等.基因水平上的昼夜节律研究还只是刚起步,介绍不同物种控制昼夜行为的共同基因(如period 、timless 、clock基因等)的研究进展,特别是一些有关调控昼夜节律基因的转录因子的研究.同时讨论果蝇和人类生物钟调节的共同分子机制.  相似文献   

正常血压具有典型的昼夜节律特征。血压昼夜节律异常与高血压靶器官损害和心血管事件发生呈明显相关关系,是独立于血压水平的重要致病因素。血压昼夜节律的产生和维持与时钟基因的周期性表达有关。时钟基因bmal1、per2是体内生物钟系统运行的关键基因,其表达水平和节律变化直接调节血压的昼夜节律。  相似文献   

正常血压具有典型的昼夜节律特征。血压昼夜节律异常与高血压靶器官损害和心血管事件发生呈明显相关关系,是独立于血压水平的重要致病因素。血压昼夜节律的产生和维持与时钟基因的周期性表达有关。时钟基因bmal1、per2是体内生物钟系统运行的关键基因,其表达水平和节律变化直接调节血压的昼夜节律。  相似文献   

Summary To seek a morphological expression of circadian rhythm, we investigated cytologically pineal glands taken from rats every 2 to 4 h under a lighting regime of 12 h of illumination (6:00 to 18:00) and 12 h of darkness. The changes in the number of synaptic ribbons and ribbon fields was observed by electron microscopy. The number of these intracellular elements was greatest at 2:00 and the lowest at 14:00, the difference being statistically significant. There were no significant local differences in numbers with respect to the part of the pineal gland examined. The data are similar to those of Vollrath from the pineal gland of a guinea pig, and seem to confirm a circadian function in the pineal gland in mammals.Supported by grants-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare  相似文献   

哺乳动物昼夜节律组构中的下丘脑视交叉上核和松果腺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhou XJ  Yu GD  Yin QZ 《生理科学进展》2001,32(2):116-120
哺乳动物下丘脑视交叉上核(SCN)是昼夜节律最主要的起搏器,控制着机体的生理和行为的节律。它具有自身内在的节律性,同时也受光照周期信号和一些内源性化学物质的调节。检查腺分泌裉黑素(MEL)受SCN的调控,MEL通过作用于SCN上高亲和性MEL受体,启动第二、第三信使系统,调整SCN的昼夜节律活动。这种调整具有时间敏感性。  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons (SR) of the mammalian pineal gland are functionally enigmatic. In the present study it is shown that in male guinea-pigs kept under a lighting regimen of 12 hrs illumination (7.00–19.00) and 12 hrs darkness (19.00–7.00) the SR of pinealocytes vary about 25-fold in number over a period of 24 hrs. An increase is found between 15.00 and 6.00 and a decrease between 6.00 and 15.00. Analysis of the intracellular localization and the topographical relationships indicate that SR lie near the cell membrane of pinealocytes throughout the 24 hr period and that they are related to adjacent pinealocytes. A working hypothesis put forward implies that SR represent cell organelles involved in intercellular communication and that it is their function to either enhance the secretory activity of the pineal gland or to establish circuits within the gland between adjacent pinealocytes, similar to neuronal circuits.The skilled technical assistance of Mrs. C. Howe is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Dynamics of rhythmic oscillations in the activity of arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT, the penultimate and key regulatory enzyme in melatonin biosynthesis) were examined in the retina and pineal gland of turkeys maintained for 7 days in the environment without daily light-dark (LD) changes, namely constant darkness (DD) or continuous light (LL). The two tissues differentially responded to constant environment. In the retina, a circadian AA-NAT activity rhythm disappeared after 5 days of DD, while in the pineal gland it persisted for the whole experiment. No circadian rhythm was observed in the retinas of turkeys exposed to LL, although rhythmic oscillations in both AA-NAT and melatonin content were found in the pineal glands. Both tissues required one or two cycles of the re-installed LD for the full recovery of the high-amplitude AA-NAT rhythm suppressed under constant conditions. It is suggested that the retina of turkey is less able to maintain rhythmicity in constant environment and is more sensitive to changes in the environmental lighting conditions than the pineal gland. Our results indicate that, in contrast to mammals, pineal glands of light-exposed galliformes maintain the limited capacity to rhythmically produce melatonin.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus is implicated in the timing of a wide variety of circadian processes. Since the environmental light-dark cycle is the main zeitgeber for many of the rhythms, photic information may have a synchronizing effect on the endogenous clock of the SCN by inducing periodic changes in the biological activity of certain groups of neurons. By studying the brains obtained at autopsy of human subjects, marked diurnal oscillations were observed in the neuropeptide content of the SCN. Vasopressin, for example, one of the most abundant peptides in the human SCN, exhibited a diurnal rhythm, with low values at night and peak values during the early morning. However, with advancing age, these diurnal fluctuations deteriorated, leading to a disrupted cycle with a reduced amplitude in elderly people. These findings suggest that the synthesis of some peptides in the human SCN exhibits an endogenous circadian rhythmicity, and that the temporal organization of these rhythms becomes progressively disturbed in senescence. (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 245-259, 2000)  相似文献   

The pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin. This secretion exhibits a circadian rhythm with a zenith during night and a nadir during day. We have performed proteome analysis of the superficial pineal gland in rats during daytime and nighttime. The proteins were extracted and subjected to 2-DE. Of 1747 protein spots revealed by electrophoresis, densitometric analysis showed the up-regulation of 25 proteins during nighttime and of 35 proteins during daytime. Thirty-seven of the proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. The proteins up-regulated during the night are involved in the Krebs cycle, energy transduction, calcium binding, and intracellular transport. During the daytime, enzymes involved in glycolysis, electron transport, and also the Krebs cycle were up-regulated as well as proteins taking part in RNA binding and RNA processing. Our data show a prominent day-night variation of the protein levels in the rat pineal gland. Some proteins are up-regulated during the night concomitant with the melatonin secretion of the gland. Other proteins are up-regulated during the day indicating a pineal metabolism not related to the melatonin synthesis.  相似文献   

Whether a clock that generates a circatidal rhythm shares the same elements as the circadian clock is not fully understood. The mangrove cricket, Apteronemobius asahinai, shows simultaneously two endogenous rhythms in its locomotor activity; the circatidal rhythm generates active and inactive phases, and the circadian rhythm modifies activity levels by suppressing the activity during subjective day. In the present study, we silenced Clock (Clk), a master gene of the circadian clock, in A. asahinai using RNAi to investigate the link between the circatidal and circadian clocks. The abundance of Clk mRNA in the crickets injected with double-stranded RNA of Clk (dsClk) was reduced to a half of that in control crickets. dsClk injection also reduced mRNA abundance of another circadian clock gene period (per) and weakened diel oscillation in per mRNA expression. Examination of the locomotor rhythms under constant conditions revealed that the circadian modification was disrupted after silencing Clk expression, but the circatidal rhythm remained unaffected. There were no significant changes in the free-running period of the circatidal rhythm between the controls and the crickets injected with dsClk. Our results reveal that Clk is essential for the circadian clock, but is not required for the circatidal clock. From these results we propose that the circatidal rhythm of A. asahinai is driven by a clock, the molecular components of which are distinct from that of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Summary While the avian pineal gland contains circadian oscillators and photoreceptors capable of producing circadian rhythms of the hormone melatonin, it is extensively innervated by post-ganglionic fibers of the superior cervical ganglia which release norepinephrine (NE) rhythmically. Norepinephrine turnover is higher during subjective day than during subjective night. In mammals, this rhythmic input, which is higher in subjective night than subjective day, derives from the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and is essential for rhythmic melatonin production. The present study was designed to determine whether one of two candidates for the avian homologue of the mammalian SCN is necessary for rhythmic NE turnover in the chick pineal gland. Either electrolytic lesions or sham lesions were delivered to the periventricular preoptic nuclei (PPN) or to the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus (vSCN). After recovery, the rates of decline in [NE] were determined following pretreatment with -methyl-p-tyrosine, a tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor, at mid-subjective day or at mid-subjective night. Birds receiving sham surgeries in either PPN or vSCN and birds receiving lesions of the PPN exhibited rhythmicity in NE turnover. No rhythm of NE turnover could be determined in birds with ablated vSCN.Abbreviations AMPT -methyl-p-tyrosine - DS supraoptic decussation - EBZ ear bar zero (see Methods) - GLv ventral lateral geniculate body - NE norepinephrine - PPN periventricular preoptic nuclei - RH retinohypothalamic projection - SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei - vSCN visual suprachiasmatic nucleus  相似文献   

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