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Extensive digestion of Chinese hamster metaphase chromosomes with Alu I, Hae III and Hinf I released up to 40 distinct chromosomal proteins. Some of the proteins released by Hae III or Hinf I were enriched in the protein moiety liberated by Alu I but several proteins released by Hae III were not released by Alu I digestion. The amount of chromosomal protein released by deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) was comparable to that liberated by the three restriction enzymes so far tested, while only four abundant protein species were detectable in the protein moiety released by DNase I. Two of them with molecular weights of 58,000 and 50,000 were also released by the three restriction enzymes and are similar in size to those found previously in the core-like structure of histone-depleted chromosomes.  相似文献   

Mouse chromosomes from the L929 cell line have been digested with the restriction endonuclease HaeIII and analyzed by electron microscopy. Results show a different effect of the enzyme depending on the conditions of the digestion. Thus, while chromosomes digested in suspended cells show a double scaffold-like structure per chromatid, a similar banding to that found in chromosomes treated for light microscopy is obtained when chromosomes are digested on grids. Some aspects concerning the capacity of the cleaved DNA to be removed from the chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

We used X-ray microanalysis to study the changes induced in mouse metaphase chromosomes as a result of digestion with the restriction endonuclease HaeIII. The phosphorus X-ray signal was used as a marker for DNA and the sulfur signal for protein. Calcium, iron, copper, and zinc were also detected. HaeIII induced a loss of phosphorus from both the centromeres and chromosome arms, but the losses in the arms were much greater. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the electron density of the centromeres and a reduction in that of the arms. No reduction in the sulfur signal in either arms or centromeres occurred as a result of HaeIII digestion. Except for calcium, which showed only a moderate reduction, the inorganic ions exhibited very large losses as a result of HaeIII digestion. The differentiation of chromosome arms and centromeres as a result of HaeIII digestion is therefore not simply due to differential loss of DNA but also involves structural reorganization of the chromatin, as shown by electron microscopy. This reorganization does not involve loss of proteins but may be correlated with changes in the amounts of inorganic ions known to be involved in chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes prepared from colcemid-treated mouse L929 cells by non-ionic detergent lysis exhibit distinct heterochromatic centromere regions and associated kinetochores when viewed by whole mount electron microscopy. Deoxyribonuclease I treatment of these chromosomes results in the preferential digestion of the chromosomal arms leaving the centromeric heterochromatin and kinetochores apparently intact. Enrichment in centromere material after DNase I digestion was quantitated by examining the increase in 10,000xg pellets of the 1.691 g/cc satellite DNA relative to main band DNA. This satellite species has been localized at the centromeres of mouse chromosomes by in situ hybridization. From our analysis it was determined that DNase I digestion results in a five to six-fold increase in centromeric material. In contrast to the effect of DNase I, micrococcal nuclease was found to be less selective in its action. Digestion with this enzyme solubilized both chromosome arms and centromeres leaving only a small amount of chromatin and intact kinetochores.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of whole mount metaphase chromosomes   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Whole mount metaphase chromosomes, from cultured L cells, have been centrifuged onto grids and examined by electron microscopy. Compact and dispersed chromosome forms provide extensive ultrastructural information. Condensed chromosome arms appear as packed fibers with centromeric heterochromatin identifiable because it stains more intensely than the rest of the chromosome. Kinetochores are readily visible in these preparations. Under appropriate isolation conditions, it is possible to obtain mitotic spindles in which bundles of microtubules remain attached to kinetochores, suggesting that the kinetochores retain basic structural integrity throughout the isolation procedure. Dispersal of metaphase chromosomes by treatment with formalin and distilled water shows that these chromosomes are composed of a basic fiber that is normally highly condensed. This fiber is made up of regularly repeating 70-90 A diameter nucleoprotein granules separated from neighboring granules by a 20-40 A diameter fiber whose continuity is maintained by DNA. This structural arrangement is totally analagous to that reported for interphase chromatin from a variety of sources.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease in situ digestion of metaphase chromosomes gives an opportunity to reveal strips with different structure within GC-rich pericentric heterochromatin of the domestic horse and the wild Przewalski horse. Blocks of heterochromatin, which are insensitive to HaeIII and brightly stained with chromomycin A3 after restriction enzyme digestion, are localized on the border with euchromatin in the majority of chromosomes of Equus caballus and E. przewalskii. In contrast to chromosome 5 of E. caballus, acrocentric chromosomes of E. prezewalskii which are homologous to this chromosome have RE-CMA-blocks. We discuss a possible nature of the specific heterochromatin, which is insensitive to restriction enzyme digestion, and its role in the karyotype evolution.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether restriction endonucleases produce bands on human chromosomes by extracting DNA, using staining methods which are stoichiometric for DNA. Restriction enzymes that produce C-band patterns appear to remove DNA extensively from chromosome arms. In general, however, those restriction enzymes that produce G-bands do not extract DNA from chromosomes, and their effects are believed to be due to conformational change in the chromosomal DNA; in these cases, the chromosomal regions affected appear to be determined by the chromosome structure and not by the specificity of the enzyme. DNA loss from chromosomes due to digestion by restriction enzymes may in some cases be uniform, although a G-banding pattern is visible after Giemsa staining.  相似文献   

Alterations induced in mouse chromosomes by restriction endonucleases   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Fixed chromosomes of mouse have been treated with Alu I, Eco RII, Hind III or Bam HI restriction endonucleases and subsequently stained with either Giemsa, Ethidium Bromide or Acridine Orange. The results obtained have been discussed in the light of preferential or non-preferential extraction of DNA from specific chromosome areas following enzyme digestion. The possible involvement of a particular structural organization of some classes of heterochromatin has been hypothesized to account for the findings after Alu I or Eco RII treatment. The meaning of the Giemsa banding observed after Hind III or Bam HI digestion has also been considered, in comparison to the different stain responses obtained by using a DNA-specific dye such as Ethidium Bromide.  相似文献   

The authors report on the activity of Hinf I restriction endonuclease on human fixed metaphase chromosomes. Experiments performed by digesting chromosomes just after harvesting or after ageing in methanol-acetic acid displayed a different pattern of digestion on metaphases, since only aged preparations showed gaps on heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1, 9 and 16 and C-like bands on other chromosomes. In this view, the authors suggest that structural modifications of the DNA, induced by acid fixation, can influence Hinf I activity on fixed metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

A scaffold-like structure is observed under the electron microscope when mouse chromosomes are digested with the restriction endonuclease Hae III. This structure, located in the inner part of chromatids, may correspond to those fragments of chromatin loops anchored to the chromosome scaffold and is obtained when chromosomes are treated either in suspension or attached to grids. The width of the structure is correlated with the extent of digestion in chromosomes treated in suspension. Those treated on grids show this structure whenever chromatids do not collapse. These results agree with the model of chromosome organization based on a non-histone protein scaffold.  相似文献   

The metaphase chromosomes of mouse have been treated with the restriction endonucleases Alu I, Mbo I, Hae III and Eco RII and subsequently stained with the DNA-specific dye Ethidium bromide. A striking correspondence between previous biochemical findings and our cytological results has been noticed with Alu I, Mbo I and Hae III, which were capable of digesting all but the DNA localized at the centric constitutive heterochromatic areas. Digestion with Eco RII, on the contrary, resulted in cytological data which apparently did not fit in with the biochemical results previously obtained by digesting the DNA of this species with the same enzyme. It is postulated that factors such as chromatin organization, in addition to DNA base sequence, can determine the results we report.  相似文献   

R Mezzanotte  U Bianchi  A Marchi 《Génome》1987,29(4):630-634
Polytene chromosomes of Drosophila virilis were treated with AluI and HaeIII restriction endonucleases. Both enzymes were capable of extensively digesting chromosomal DNA, with the exception of some regions that contain repetitive DNAs. Moreover, a comparison was made between our data and the data already obtained with the same enzymes in D. melanogaster. On this basis, AluI digestion showed that the 5S RNA genes of D. virilis and D. melanogaster have different base composition, while digestion with HaeIII revealed resistance of the histone genes in D. virilis, contrary to what was previously found in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the methaphase chromosomes from the Chinese hamster cell culture was studied after the incubation with lyposomes isolated from hen egg yolk phosphatidilcholine, or from the total rat liver phospholipid. It has been found that during incubation lyposomes surround chromosomes, form a multifold covering considerably decondensing the chromosome matrix. The data obtained indicate that the analogues of cell membrane - lyposomes - may be involved in the regulation of the structural organization of metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Whole mounted chromosomes from the L929 mouse cell line were digested on grids with HinfI and AluI restriction endonucleases and studied by electron microscopy. Results show differences in the pattern of bands obtained in a marker chromosome when compared with those previously reported by light microscopy with the same restriction endonucleases. These differences suggest that the accessibility of restriction sites on chromosomes may be modulated by preparatory methods for chromosome analysis.  相似文献   

Human metaphase chromosomes, fixed on slides, have beent treated with 8 different restriction endonucleases and 29 combinations of 2 restriction enzymes prior to staining with Giemsa. The endonucleases AluI and DdeI and the combinations AluI + DdeI, AluI + HaeIII, AluI + HinfI, and AluI + MboI have then been used to digest metaphase chromosomes of nine individuals with C-band variants of chromosomes 1 or 9, obtained by the CBG technique. The restriction enzyme resistant chromatin of the paracentromeric regions of chromosomes 1 and 9 has been measured and compared with the corresponding CBG-bands. The size of the enzyme resistant chromatin regions depend upon the type of enzyme(s) used. Treatment with AluI + MboI was the only digestion that acted differently on different chromosome pairs. However, within one pair of homologous chromosomes, all digestions revealed the same variations as conventional C-banding.  相似文献   

Restriction Endonucleases (REs) may recognize, cleave and remove DNA from fixed chromatin producing specific chromosome banding patterns. However, the modifications produced in the chromatin fibre are not easy to evaluate and compare. The aim of the present investigation was to visualize differences resulting in the texture of the chromatin fibre from metaphase chromosomes after each digestion using digital image analysis (DIA) facilities. To this purpose, metaphase chromosomes derived from a L-929 mouse cell line were digested with different REs (AluI, HpaII and HaeIII). Since light microscopy does not permit the observation of the chromatin fibre, DIA was performed on digitalized images of metaphase chromosomes under electron microscopy. The application of a LUT (Look Up Table) within the DIA software assigns a colour to each grey level of a digital image. The results obtained using a particular LUT, which permits the discrimination of specific chromatin fibre phenotypes resulting from each digestion, are reported and compared with those obtained under the light microscope.  相似文献   

Summary A restriction enzyme-nick translation procedure has been developed for localizing sites of restriction endonuclease action on chromosomes. This method involves digestion of fixed chromosome preparations with a restriction enzyme, nick translation with DNA polymerase I in the presence of biotinylated-dUTP, detection of the incorporated biotin label with streptavidinalkaline phosphatase, and finally staining for alkaline phosphatase. Results obtained on human chromosomes using a wide variety of restriction enzymes are described, and compared with results of Giemsa and Feulgen staining after restriction enzyme digestion. Results of nick translation are not in general the opposite of those obtained with Giemsa staining, as might have been expected. Although the nick translation procedure is believed to give a more accurate picture of the distribution of restriction enzyme recognition sites on chromosomes than Giemsa staining, it is clear that the results of the nick translation experiments are affected by accessibility to the enzymes of the chromosomal DNA, as well as by the extractability of the DNA.  相似文献   

Responses of mammalian metaphase chromosomes to endonuclease digestion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sahasrabuddhe  C. G.  Pathak  S.  Hsu  T. C. 《Chromosoma》1978,69(3):331-338
Digestion of fixed metaphase chromosomes by endonucleases (micrococcal nuclease and DNase II) under optimal digestion conditions followed by Giemsa staining produces sharp banding patterns identical to G-bands. In 3H-thymidine labeled, synchronized metaphase cells of the chinese hamster (CHO line), the band induction is accompanied by the removal of DNA. The single strand specific nuclease S1 and DNase I do not produce such banding patterns.  相似文献   

We have studied with a number of bacterial restriction enzymes the conditions for digestion of DNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. The restriction endonucleases HpaII, MspI, HaeIII, HindIII, TaqI, HhaI, AluI, BamHI, EcoRI and SalI are capable of digesting DNA in agarose gels of low electroendosmosis and low sulfate concentration. All enzymes, except BamHI, are also capable of digesting DNA in polyacrylamide gels. With this method, rapid two-dimensional restriction mapping of genomes with low and high sequence complexity is possible.  相似文献   

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