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A Simulation Model for Dry Matter Partitioning in Cucumber   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A dynamic model is developed for the simulation of the dailydry matter distribution between the generative and vegetativeplant parts and the distribution among individual fruits ingreenhouse cucumber. The model is based on the hypothesis thatdry matter partitioning is regulated by the sink strengths ofthe plant organs. The sink strength of an organ is defined hereas its potential growth rate, i.e. the growth rate at non-limitingassimilate supply. The sink strength of each individual fruitis described as a function of its temperature sum after anthesisand the actual temperature, that of the vegetative plant partsas a function of actual temperature only. The formation rateof non-aborting fruits is essentially a function of the source/sinkratio. Model results agreed well with the measured fluctuating distributionof dry matter between fruits and vegetative parts. The measuredeffects of three intensities of fruit removal were also simulatedsatisfactorily. When simulating the partitioning among individualfruits the final fruit size was simulated quite well. However,the growth rate of young fruits was usually overestimated andthat of old fruits underestimated, because of dominance amongfruits. This phenomenon could be accounted for by incorporatingpriority functions into the model. Finally, a sensitivity analysisof the model was performed to investigate the effects of someclimatic factors, manipulations of the number of fruits on aplant and model parameters on dry matter distribution. Strategiesto manipulate the dry matter distribution are discussed.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Cucumber, Cucumis sativus (L.), dry matter distribution, fruit growth, partitioning, simulation model, source-sink  相似文献   

Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) plants set groups of fruits whichgenerate large variations in the reproductive:vegetative dryweight balance. We studied the influence of fruit number onthe partitioning of dry matter and energy between the vegetativeand reproductive organs and among the seeds and the variousfruit tissues during the development of the first fruits. Over2 years and on two Charentais cantaloupe cultivars, fruit numberwas either limited to one or left unrestricted, which led tothe setting of two to six fruits. Because of the high lipidcontent in seeds, the distribution of assimilates was studiedin terms of energy equivalent as well as dry weight. Measureddry weights were converted into energy equivalents by calculatingthe construction cost of tissues from their elemental composition.Seeds differed from other tissues in showing an increase inconstruction cost, from 1.1 to 1.8 g CH2O g-1d. wt between 10and 30 d after pollination. For this reason, during the secondhalf of fruit development on plants with unrestricted fruitload, they made up to 31% of the fruit and 12% of the aerialpart of the whole plant in terms of dry weight, but 39 and 18%in terms of energy (glucose equivalents). The fraction of assimilatesallocated to the fruits showed a saturation-type response tothe number of fruits per plant. It did not increase in cultivarTalma above two fruits per plant, which could be due to a decreasingsink strength with fruit rank, whereas cultivar Galoubet maintaineda more homogeneous fruit size within plants. At a similar fruitload, the reproductive:vegetative dry weight balance differedbetween the 2 years of the experiment, probably because of variationin the fruit sink strength. Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany Charentais cantaloupe, Cucumis melo L., assimilate distribution, construction cost, development, dry matter partitioning, fruit load, seeds, sink strength.  相似文献   

Dry Matter Partitioning in Tomato: Validation of a Dynamic Simulation Model   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
HEUVELINK  E. 《Annals of botany》1996,77(1):71-80
A model for dynamic simulation of dry matter distribution betweenreproductive and vegetative plant parts and the distributionamong individual fruit trusses in glasshouse tomato, is validated.The model is part of the crop growth model TOMSIM and is basedon the hypothesis that dry matter distribution is regulatedby the sink strengths of the plant organs, quantified by theirpotential growth rates, i.e. the growth rates at non-limitingassimilate supply. Within the plant, individual fruit trussesare distinguished and sink strength of a truss is describedas a function of its development stage. Truss development rateis a function of temperature only. The same potential growthcurve, proportional to the number of fruits per truss, is adoptedfor all trusses. In a simple version of the model, vegetativeplant parts are lumped together as one sink with a constantsink strength. In a more detailed version, vegetative sink strengthis calculated as the sum of sink strengths of vegetative units(three leaves and stem internodes between two trusses). The model was validated for six glasshouse experiments, coveringeffects of planting date, plant density, number of fruits pertruss (pruning at anthesis), truss removal (every second trussremoved at anthesis), single- and double-shoot plants and atemperature experiment conducted in climate rooms at 17, 20or 23 °C. Daily increase in above-ground dry weight, averagedaily temperatures and number of set fruits per truss were inputsto the model. Both the simple and the more detailed model showedgood agreement between measured and simulated fraction of drymatter partitioned into the fruits over time. For the simpleversion of the model, the slope of the lines relating simulatedto measured fraction partitioned into the fruits (16 data sets),varied between 0.92 and 1.11, on average it was 1.04, implying4% over-estimation for this fraction. For the detailed modelthese numbers were slightly better: 0.89, 1.08 and 1.01, respectively.The temperature experiment revealed no important direct influenceof temperature on the ratio between generative and vegetativesink strength. Simulated truss growth curves showed reasonableagreement with the measurements, although both models over-estimated(17% on average) final dry weight of the lower trusses (truss1 –3) on a plant. Modelling dry matter partitioning basedon sink strengths of organs is promising, as it is a general,dynamic and flexible approach, showing good agreement betweenmeasurements and simulation for a range of conditions. Applicabilityof the model is, however, still limited as long as the numberof fruits per truss (flower and /or fruit abortion) is not simulated,as this is a major feedback mechanism in plant growth. Dry matter distribution; sink strength; glasshouse; model; partitioning; simulation; temperature; tomato; TOMSIM; validation  相似文献   

Influence of Sink-Source Interaction on Dry Matter Production in Tomato   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sink-source ratio in tomato was manipulated, in six glasshouseexperiments, by fruit pruning (trusses pruned to two to sevenfruits immediately after fruit set of each truss), truss pruning(removal of every other truss at anthesis) and truss pruningin plants with two shoots. Periodic destructive harvest wereconducted for about 100 d after flowering of the first truss.Dry matter production was not influenced by sink-source ratio,whereas dry matter distribution between fruits and vegetativeparts was greatly affected. The fraction of dry matter distributedto the fruits at the end of the fruit pruning experiments (Ffruits)could be described accurately as a saturation-type functionof number of fruits retained per truss (Nf): Ffruits = 0.660(l-e-0.341Nf). Specific leaf area and internode length decreasedand plant leaf area increased when sink-source ratio was reduced.Removal of every other truss at anthesis did reduce dry matterpartitioning into the fruits, but it did not influence internodelength. Plant development (number of visible leaves at the endof the experiments) was not influenced by sink-source ratio.In four experiments some plants were pruned to one fruit pertruss. Final dry matter production was 8-24% lower for theseplants, compared with plants with more than one fruit per truss.This was, at least party, the result of less light interceptionby these plants, which had strongly curled leaves pointing downwards. Results indicate that effects of sink demand on dry matter productionper unit of intercepted radiation and probably on leaf photosyntheticrate in commercial tomato production can be ignored.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Dry matter production, feedback control, glasshouse, growth analysis, Lycopersicon esculentum, pruning, sink demand, sink-source ratio, tomato  相似文献   

Temperature may influence dry matter partitioning between fruits and vegetative plant parts either directly or indirectly through its influence on development, flower and/or fruit abortion. The objective of the present work was to investigate whether there is any direct effect of temperature on dry matter partitioning between fruits and vegetative plant parts in tomato. A greenhouse experiment was conducted, with alternating 3-week periods of high (23°C) and low (18°C) temperature setpoint. Dry matter partitioning during these 3-week periods was determined from destructive plant harvests at two levels of fruit pruning (3 and 7 fruits per truss). Indirect temperature effects on dry matter partitioning were excluded by fruit pruning.
On average, the fraction of dry matter distributed to the fruits during a 12-week period, starting with the flowering of the fifth truss (28 days after planting), was 0.53 (3 fruits per truss) and 0.70 (7 fruits per truss). These ratios were also calculated for every 3-week period separately and did not depend on the average temperature (18–24°C) during that period.
It is concluded that dry matter distribution in tomato is not significantly affected by temperature directly, which means that the temperature effect (18–24°C) on the generative sink strength is not much different from the temperature effect on the vegetative sink strength.  相似文献   

HEUVELINK  E. 《Annals of botany》1999,83(4):413-422
A dynamic simulation model for tomato crop growth and development,TOMSIM, is evaluated. Potential crop growth and daily crop grossassimilation rate (Pgc,d) is computed by integration of leafassimilation rates over total crop leaf area throughout theday. Crop growth results fromPgc,dminus maintenance respirationrate (Rm), multiplied by the conversion efficiency. Dry matterdistribution is simulated, based on the sink strength of theplant organs, which is quantified by their potential growthrate. Within the plant, individual fruit trusses and vegetativeunits (three leaves and stem internodes between two trusses)are distinguished. Sink strength of a truss or a vegetativeunit is described as a function of its developmental stage.In this paper, emphasis is on the interactions between the twosubmodels of, respectively, dry matter production and dry matterdistribution. Sensitivity analysis showed that global radiation,CO2concentration, specific leaf area (SLA) and the developmentalstage of a vegetative unit at leaf pruning had a large influenceon crop growth rate, whereas temperature, number of fruits pertruss, sink strength of a vegetative unit and plant densitywere less important. Leaf area index (LAI) was very sensitiveto SLA and the developmental stage of a vegetative unit at leafpruning. Temperature did not influence the simulated Rm, asincreased respiration rate per unit of biomass at higher temperatureswas compensated by a decrease in biomass. The model was validatedfor four glasshouse experiments with plant density and fruitpruning treatments, and on data from two commercially growncrops. In general, measured and simulated crop growth ratesfrom 1 month after planting onwards agreed reasonably well,average overestimation being 12%. However, crop growth ratesin the first month after planting were overestimated by 52%on average. Final crop dry mass was overestimated by 0–31%,due to inaccurate simulation of LAI, resulting partly from inaccurateSLA prediction, which is especially important at low plant densityand in a young crop.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Crop growth, dry matter production, glasshouse, leaf area,Lycopersicon esculentum, partitioning, simulation model, tomato, TOMSIM.  相似文献   

Strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassaDuchesne var. Elsanta) weregrown in pots at two concentrations of carbon dioxide (partialpressures of 39 and 56 Pa) and with three rates of nitrogensupply (0.04, 0.4 and 4 mMas nutrient solution) to study theirindividual and interactive effects on plant growth and fruityield. Nitrogen deficiency reduced total dry biomass and relativegrowth rate (RGR), mainly through reductions in leaf area ratio(LAR) and plant N concentration (PNC), although both the netassimilation rate (NAR) and root weight ratio (RWR) increased.Elevated CO2increased the N productivity (NP) but reduced theLAR. High CO2increased the fruit yield by 42% at high N supplyand by 17% at low N supply. The CO2yield enhancement occurredthrough an increase in the flower and fruit number of individualplants. This resulted in an increase in the fruit weight ratio(FWR) of plants at high CO2. Nitrogen deficiency reduced thefruit yield by about 50% through decreases in fruit size, fruitset and the number of fruits. However, N deficiency increasedthe proportion of total plant dry biomass allocated to fruits.There were no significant interactions between CO2and N supplyon yield.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Nitrogen; carbon dioxide; strawberry (Fragaria ananassaDuchesne); fruit yield.  相似文献   

Bussieres  P. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(1):63-72
The tomato fruit was compared to a sphere with a radius R. Radialgrowth rates in the fruit (FIW and FID) due to water importor to dry matter import, respectively, which are also the waterimport rate or dry matter import rate per unit surface areaof fruit, were calculated from two sets of published results.This data referred to fruits which swelled in such a way thatthe availability of assimilates had little effect on growth.Two varieties differentiated the two series of results and inone series, three trials were differentiated by the salinityof the nutrient solution. In all trials, it was found that FIW and FID decreased whenR increased. Two phases were observed for FIW: after a firstphase, FIW decreased more quickly and almost linearly when Rincreased. FID was constant or decreased with respect to R.Except at the beginning of growth at the greatest salinity,there were clearly linear regressions between FIW and FID suchas FID = aFIW-b; where b was lower with higher salinity. Thechanges of the concentration of imported dry matter (FID/FIWwere examined in terms of R and FIW/R. The mechanisms controllingthe changes in FIW and FID were discussed. The results suggestedfruit radius was an important parameter of these mechanisms.Thus, water import rate and dry matter import rate could eachbe considered to be the product of two factors: fruit surfacearea, which is directly dependent on fruit radius, and waterimport rate or dry matter import rate per unit of fruit surfacearea.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Dry matter, fruit growth, logistic model, sink size, tomato, water transfer  相似文献   

The effects of seed number on set, development and growth ofa fruit, and on inhibition of later-developed fruits were studiedby varying the pollen load on the stigma of sweet pepper flowers(Capsicum annuum L.). Despite much variation, a linear increasein individual fruit weight with seed number could be observed.Seed number affected the growth rate rather than the growingperiod of fruit. When seed numbers were low, the probabilityof fruit setting was positively related to seed number. However,a relatively low seed number (50–100 seeds/fruit: 20–30%of the maximum seed number) was sufficient for maximal fruitset. An increase in seed number increased the inhibitory effect ofa fruit on set and growth of later-developing fruits. As a result,when pollination treatments were applied to all the flowersof a plant, results could be quite different to those obtainedwhen only a limited number of flowers were treated. Fruit setof the second fruit was reduced by the application of a highpollen load to the first flower, even when the first fruit abortedbefore it had accumulated much dry matter. Our results suggestthat growth inhibition of the second fruit by seed number ofthe first fruit is controlled both by competition for limitedassimilates, as well as by dominance due to the production ofplant growth regulators by the developing fruit. Sweet pepper; Capsicum annuum L.; pollination; fruit set; abortion; abscission; fruit growth; first-fruit dominance; sink strength  相似文献   

Changes in yield and quality of fresh tomatoes in response toair vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and plant fruit load werestudied under Mediterranean summer conditions. Plants thinnedto three or six fruits per truss were grown in two compartments,one at a VPD below 1.5 kPa, the other without VPD control. Theseasonal trend in fruit yield and quality was assessed fromApril to September by weekly measurement of number, fresh weightand dry matter content of harvested fruits, together with theoccurrence of blossom-end-rot (BER) and cracking. On two occasions,in July and September, sugar and acid content was measured atthree ripening stages. The seasonal decrease in fresh yieldwas attenuated at low VPD, because of higher individual fruitfresh weight, especially at low fruit load. Low VPD decreasedoccurrence of BER but like low fruit load, it increased fruitcracking. Fruit dry matter content was lower at low VPD, butwas unaffected by fruit load. Sugar content and the ratio ofsugars:acids was increased at high VPD and low fruit load, withinteractive effects depending on season and ripening stage.The influence of VPD on acid content differed with fruit loadand also changed during ripening and between seasons. Resultsshowed that water was the main limiting factor for growth offruits picked in July; at this time, reducing fruit load topromote mean fruit size had negative effects on BER and cracking.Reducing VPD reduced BER but had a negative effect on crackingand diluted both the dry matter and sugar content. For fruitsharvested later in summer, these negative effects were attenuatedbecause fruit growth was also carbon limited. Copyright 2000Annals of Botany Company Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., tomato, water and carbon stress, yield, quality, dry matter, sugar, acid, BER, volatile composition  相似文献   

Ho  L. C.; Adams  P. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(5):539-545
The regulation of the partitioning of dry matter and calciumin relation to fruit growth was investigated in cucumber plantsgrown in the salinity range of 3-8 mS cm-1 in NFT (NutrientFilm Culture), with or without a fruit pruning treatment. Thedry weight gain of the plants was proportional to the outdoorintegral irradiance, with a common daily rate of 1 g MJ-1 m-2in two crops grown under summer (18 MJ m-2 d-1) and autumn (7MJ m-2 d-1) conditions. Within the salinity range studied, thereduction of plant dry weight was 9% mS-1 cm-1. However, fruitdry weight was only reduced at salinities above 5·5 mScm-1, although the daily dry matter accumulation by fruit, asa percentage of total dry matter accumulation, was increased.Salinity reduced the dry matter accumulation in the young shootproportionally more than in the fruit. Although the total plantCa content was reduced by 13% mS-1 cm-1, the Ca content of theyoung shoot was reduced by 16·6%, compared to 11% inthe fruit. Pruning fruit reduced neither plant dry weight norCa uptake. The growth of the remaining fruit, and to a lesserdegree of the young shoot, accounted for all surplus assimilates.Thus, fruit were the dominant sinks for assimilates whilst themature leaves were the strongest sinks for Ca. Nevertheless,the fruit sustained the capacity to import Ca better than theyoung shoot, when supplies of both assimilates and Ca were reducedby high salinity.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., salinity, fruit pruning, dry matter and calcium  相似文献   

Nitrogen metabolism and transport were studied during reproductivedevelopment of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv. Vita3) under three contrasting nitrogen regimes: (1) nitrate suppliedcontinuously (plants non-nodulated), (2) symbiotic N2 fixation(no combined nitrogen), (3) nitrogenstarvation post-anthesisof previously N2-fixing plants. The last treatment involveddaily flushing of the root systems with 100% oxygen which suppressedpost-anthesis N2-fixation by 76–79%, thereby making fruitgrowth almost entirely reliant upon mobilization of previouslyaccumulated nitrogen. The bulk of the xylem nitrogen (root bleedingsap or peduncle tracheal sap) of nitrate-fed plants was nitrateand amide, that of symbiotic and O2-treated plants largely ureide.The composition of fruit cryopuncture phloem sap, however, wasclosely similar in all treatments, with most nitrogen as amidesand amino acids. The evidence suggested intense metabolic transferof root derived nitrate-N or ureide-N to amino acids by vegetativeplant parts prior to translocation to fruits. All tissues offruits showed patterns of development of enzymic activitiesconsistent with release of nitrogen from both ureides and amidesand re-assimilation of ammonia to form amino acids. Althoughthe levels of enzyme activities varied between treatments thedifferences could not be readily associated with individualpatterns of nitrogen transport in the treatments. Nitrogen sufficiencyin the NO3-fed plants was marked by elevated vegetative biomassand low harvest indices for dry matter and nitrogen, while nitrogendeficiency of the O2-treated plants was associated with seedabortion, small seed size and low seed nitrogen concentration,and efficient mobilization of nitrogen from vegetative partsto fruits. Key words: Nitrogen, Translocation, Cowpea  相似文献   

The economy of carbon in nodulated white lupin (Lupinus albusL.) was studied in terms of consumption of net photosynthatein nitrogen fixation, in maintenance of respiration, and inthe production of dry matter and protein. Net photosynthesisrose to a maximum in early fruiting and then fell abruptly dueto shedding of leaves. Nodulated roots acquired translocateequivalent to 51% of the plant's net photosynthate, 78% of thecarbon of this translocate being respired, 10% entering drymatter, and 12% returning to the shoot attached to productsof nitrogen fixation. Nodules utilized 4?0–6?5 g C infixing 1 g nitrogen. Photosynthate was utilized most effectivelyfor nitrogen fixation in late vegetative growth. Fruits sequestered16% of the plant's net photosynthate, shoot night respiration17%, and dry matter formation in shoot vegetative parts 22%.Averaged over growth, 9?9 g net photosynthate was required toproduce 1 g seed dry matter and 31 g net photosynthate to produce1 g seed protein. Budgets for utilization of the carbon of netphotosynthate were constructed for 10 d intervals of the plant'sgrowth cycle. Feeding of shoots with 14CO2 resulted in radiocarbonbecoming partitioned approximately as predicted by these budgets.The dependence of root respiration on recent photosynthate wasassessed by following the time course of release of 14CO2 tothe rooting medium of the 14CO-labelled plants.  相似文献   

The effects of withdrawing nitrogen (N) from the nutrient solutionof adult tomato plants growing in rockwool in a greenhouse wereinvestigated over a 6 week period during fruit production. Thetreatment reduced total plant growth after a lag period of about2 weeks. The commercial fruit yield after 6 weeks of N deprivationwas 7.7 kg m-2compared to 9.3 kg m-2in control plants. Duringthe experiment, growth of the -N plants was fuelled by N reservescontained in both the substrate (rockwool) and in plant organs.The nitrogen budget calculated for -N plants showed that onlya small amount of organic-N was readily available for internalcycling from organs such as stems. It served mainly to feedgrowing fruits which were the main sinks in the plant. The studyalso established that stores of nitrate-N were fully depletedbut it took 45 d for the -N plants to metabolize completelytheir nitrate reserves. This indicates that internal nitrateis not a readily-accessible store of labile N. An estimationof the critical N concentration (%Nc) in the aerial dry matterwas made from the data. Thus, for a crop yielding about 9.9tons DM ha-1, %Ncwas close to 2.5%. This result is discussedin light of existing models that describe the ontogenic declinein %Ncin dry biomass of C3plants. The study indicates that thecurrent regime of N fertilization practised in soilless culturesnot only leads to ineffective nitrogen use but also to largelosses of N to the environment; N concentrations should be decreasedin feeding recipes. The use of N-free nutrient solutions priorto the termination of plant culture may also be a means of limitingthe loss of eutrophying elements, such as nitrate, to the environment.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, organ dry biomass, critical nitrogen concentration, compartment, rockwool, nitrate interruption, distribution, reserves  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out with a set of near-isogenicspring wheat lines (cv. Triple Dirk) to determine the influenceof the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles on the partitioning of dry matterbetween the developing stem and the ear. Each line was sampledtwice weekly and dissected into its component above-ground parts.The rate of change of the dry mass of the individual plant organswas expressed as a proportion of the rate of change of the totalplant dry mass. This ratio was used to assess the relative sinkstrengths of the stem and ear during crop growth. The Rht1 andRht2 alleles reduced plant height, but increased grain yield.The greater yield was achieved through a greater grain numberper ear in the Rhtl line, a greater ear number per plant inthe Rht2 line, and a greater allocation of assimilate to thedeveloping ear than to the developing stem in both Rht lines,particularly at the time of maximum stem growth (17 d beforeanthesis). From the earliest stages of detectable ear growthuntil anthesis, the ear masses per unit area of the Rht1 andRht2 lines exceeded that of Triple Dirk (Rht). It was not possibleto determine whether the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles were directlyresponsible for increasing grain number per ear and ear numberper plant, respectively, since the increase in these componentsof yield could equally be explained by a greater partitioningof assimilate to developing ears and tillers caused simply bya reduction in plant height. Triticum aestivum L., wheat Rht genes, stem and ear development, dry matter partitioning, allocation ratio  相似文献   

The effects of water fogging and reducing plant fruit load werestudied in a tomato crop grown in a glasshouse under Mediterraneansummer conditions. The objective of these treatments was toreduce competition between leaves and fruits for carbohydratesand water. Flower pruning increased plant leaf area and increasedfruit, stem, lamina and petiole dry mass (DM). This indicatesthat leaf area growth was limited during the summer due to competitionbetween fruits and leaves for assimilates. In contrast, reducingthe air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) by water fogging had noeffect on plant leaf area or aerial plant DM. Interestingly,there was a significant interaction between plant fruit loadand VPD: the higher the leaf[ratio]fruit ratio the greater theresponses to a reduction in VPD (increase in fruit DM, fruitdiameter, fruit and leaf expansion rate). The data suggest thatunder high fruit loads, water and carbohydrates limit growthunder Mediterranean summer conditions. However, reducing VPDwas not always sufficient to enhance fruit and leaf growth.This might be due to the lower leaf area under high fruit load.In contrast, reducing VPD under low fruit load triggered higherrates of leaf and fruit expansion; this is probably linked toa greater availability of water and carbohydrates. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Assimilate competition, assimilate supply, flower pruning, fruit load, fruit growth, generative/vegetative growth, leaf growth, Lycopersicon esculentum, specific leaf weight, tomato, vapour pressure deficit, water stress  相似文献   

In the dry forest of Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, the understory shrub Jacquinia nervosa presents an inverse pattern of phenology that concentrates vegetative growth and reproduction during the dry season. In this study, we tested the "escape from herbivory" hypothesis as a potential explanation for the inverse phenological pattern of J. nervosa. We monitored leaf, flower and fruit production in 36 adult plants from October 2000 to August 2001. Leaves of six randomly selected branches per plant were marked and monitored every two weeks to measure the cumulative loss in leaf area. To analyze pre-dispersal seed predation we collected 15 fruits per plant and counted the total number of healthy and damaged seeds, as well as the number and type of seed predators found within the fruits. Leaf, flower, and fruit production occurred during the first part of the dry season (end of November to February). The cumulative herbivory levels were similar to those observed in other tropical dry forest tree species that concentrate leaf production during the wet season, and were concentrated on young leaves, which lost an average of 36.77 % of their area (SD = 34.35 %, N = 195). Chewing beetles of the genus Epicauta (Meloidae) were the most important herbivores. In mature leaves, most of the damage was caused by the beetle Coptocycla rufonotata (Chrysomelidae). Fruits took 4 months to develop during the dry season (January-March 2001) but continue increasing in size well into the first 3 months of the wet season (May-July). Average seed number per ripe fruit was 9 (SD = 5, N = 500). Seed predation in mature fruits was 42 % (SD = 47 %, N = 122). Most seeds were damaged by moth larvae of the family Tortricidae. Only 3 % of the flowers became fruits. This was influenced by the low level of flower synchrony (0.38+/-0.26, N = 36 plants), but neither leaf synchrony (0.88+/-0.06, N = 36 plants) nor plant size influenced fruit numbers. The significant damaged produced by insect herbivores in young leaves, fruits, and seeds, as well as the low reproductive index observed in J. nervosa, shows that the inverse leafing phenology of this species is not consistent with the "escape hypothesis" since J. nervosa was considerably attacked during the dry season. Considering the strong seasonality of the tropical dry forest and the heliophyte character of J. nervosa, it is more likely that this phenological strategy evolved in response to seasonal fluctuations in light availability, light quality, and daylength.  相似文献   

Source strength (assimilate supply) and sink strength (assimilate demand) of the plant were varied in different ways to investigate to what extent flower/fruit abortion in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is determined by the availability of assimilates. Source strength was varied by changing the light level, plant density, and leaf pruning. Sink strength was varied by changing the temperature and the number and position of earlier formed fruits. Shading as well as heating for short periods showed that flowers/fruits were the most susceptible to abortion during the first week after anthesis. The different experiments where source strength was varied all showed that when source strength decreased, the rate of abortion increased linearly, whether source strength was decreased by shading, high plant density, or leaf pruning. That flower and fruit abortion not only depends on the source strength but also on the sink strength of competing organs is shown by varying the number or the position of earlier formed fruits. With the same source strength, the rate of abortion showed a close relationship with the growth rate of the earlier formed competing fruits, suggesting that the induction of abortion by earlier formed fruits is due to their sink strength. Most of the variation in abortion could be related to differences in vegetative growth rate, the latter being an indicator of the source-sink ratio. However, with the same vegetative growth rate, the rate of abortion was lower for the leaf pruning treatments where no competing fruits were retained than for the fruit load treatments. This indicates that although most of the variation in abortion can be related to the source and sink strength of the plant, some effects of competing fruits can only be explained by a combination of competition and dominance.  相似文献   

Effects of Sink Demand on Photosynthesis in Cucumber   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Cucumis sativus L. net photosynthesis of leaf number 12 increaseduntil 12 d after its unfolding and then decreased gradually. Sink demand was varied by imposing the number of fruits perplant without changing the number of leaves per plant. Net leafphotosynthesis did not respond to sink demand during the first16 d of fruit growth. Subsequently, a substantial reductionin photosynthesis was found only when all fruits were removed.This reduction was accompanied by a decrease in the rate oftranspiration, indicating a higher stomataL resistance. Neither starch nor mono- and disaccharides accumulated noticeablyat reduced sink demand, suggesting that there was no end-productinhibition of photosynthesis. Dry matter content of the leaves increased and specific leafarea decreased when sink demand was reduced. When modelling cucumber production, effects of sink demand onleaf photosynthesis can be ignored. Key words: Cucumis sativus, photosynthesis, sink-source, sink demand  相似文献   

The rate of total dry matter production of a vegetative crop,under optimal water and nutrient regimens is related to someleaf and canopy photosynthetic characteristics. Three leaf photosyntheticcharacteristics are examined in detail: the light utilizationefficiency at normal ambient CO2 and O2 concentrations, a, therate of light saturated photosynthesis per unit leaf area, Fmax,and the ratio of the rates of photorespira tion and gross photosynthesis.The genetic variability in each of these characteristics issought from published data on a wide range of C3 and C4 planttypes. Within C3 and C4 plant types there are significant genetic differencesonly in Fmax,, although differences exist between C3 and C4plants in the other two characteristics. The effects of thesedifferences on the rate total dry matter production are estimated,and it is concluded that there is no compelling evidence toindicate that improvements in total dry matter production rates,in the U.K., are likely to result from genetic manipulationof these characteristics in the existing range of plant material.  相似文献   

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