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The function of the Aurora B kinase at centromeres and the central spindle is crucial for chromosome segregation and cytokinesis, respectively. Herein, we have investigated the regulation of human Aurora B by its complex partners inner centromere protein (INCENP) and survivin. We found that overexpression of a catalytically inactive, dominant-negative mutant of Aurora B impaired the localization of the entire Aurora B/INCENP/survivin complex to centromeres and the central spindle and severely disturbed mitotic progression. Similar results were also observed after depletion, by RNA interference, of either Aurora B, INCENP, or survivin. These data suggest that Aurora B kinase activity and the formation of the Aurora B/INCENP/survivin complex both contribute to its proper localization. Using recombinant proteins, we found that Aurora B kinase activity was stimulated by INCENP and that the C-terminal region of INCENP was sufficient for activation. Under identical assay conditions, survivin did not detectably influence kinase activity. Human INCENP was a substrate of Aurora B and mass spectrometry identified three consecutive residues (threonine 893, serine 894, and serine 895) containing at least two phosphorylation sites. A nonphosphorylatable mutant (TSS893-895AAA) was a poor activator of Aurora B, demonstrating that INCENP phosphorylation is important for kinase activation.  相似文献   

How the events of mitosis are coordinated is not well understood. Intriguing mitotic regulators include the chromosomal passenger proteins. Loss of either of the passengers inner centromere protein (INCENP) or the Aurora B kinase results in chromosome segregation defects and failures in cytokinesis. Furthermore, INCENP and Aurora B have identical localization patterns during mitosis and directly bind each other in vitro. These results led to the hypothesis that INCENP is a direct substrate of Aurora B. Here we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans Aurora B kinase AIR-2 specifically phosphorylated the C. elegans INCENP ICP-1 at two adjacent serines within the carboxyl terminus. Furthermore, the full length and a carboxyl-terminal fragment of ICP-1 stimulated AIR-2 kinase activity. This increase in AIR-2 activity required that AIR-2 phosphorylate ICP-1 because mutation of both serines in the AIR-2 phosphorylation site of ICP-1 abolished the potentiation of AIR-2 kinase activity by ICP-1. Thus, ICP-1 is directly phosphorylated by AIR-2 and functions in a positive feedback loop that regulates AIR-2 kinase activity. Since the Aurora B phosphorylation site within INCENP and the functions of INCENP and Aurora B have been conserved among eukaryotes, the feedback loop we have identified is also likely to be evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

Aurora kinases are a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that play essential roles in mitosis and cytokinesis. AurB (Aurora B kinase) has shown a clear link to cancer and is being pursued as an attractive cancer target. Multiple small molecules targeting AurB have entered the clinic for the treatment of cancer. A protein cofactor, INCENP (inner centromere protein), regulates the cellular localization and activation of AurB. In the present study, we examined the effect of INCENP on the activation kinetics of AurB and also elucidated the kinetic mechanism of AurB-catalysed substrate phosphorylation. We have concluded that: (i) substoichoimetric concentrations of INCENP are sufficient for AurB autophosphorylation at the activation loop residue Thr(232), and hence INCENP plays a catalytic role in AurB autophosphorylation; (ii) AurB/INCENP-catalysed phosphorylation of a peptide substrate proceeds through a rapid equilibrium random Bi Bi kinetic mechanism; and (iii) INCENP has relatively minor effects on the specific activity of AurB using a peptide substrate when compared with its role in AurB autoactivation. These results indicate that the effects of INCENP, and probably accessory proteins in general, may differ when enzymes are acting on different downstream targets.  相似文献   

Aurora family serine/threonine kinases control mitotic progression, and their deregulation is implicated in tumorigenesis. Aurora A and Aurora B, the best-characterized members of mammalian Aurora kinases, are approximately 60% identical but bind to unrelated activating subunits. The structure of the complex of Aurora A with the TPX2 activator has been reported previously. Here, we report the crystal structure of Aurora B in complex with the IN-box segment of the inner centromere protein (INCENP) activator and with the small molecule inhibitor Hesperadin. The Aurora B:INCENP complex is remarkably different from the Aurora A:TPX2 complex. INCENP forms a crown around the small lobe of Aurora B and induces the active conformation of the T loop allosterically. The structure represents an intermediate state of activation of Aurora B in which the Aurora B C-terminal segment stabilizes an open conformation of the catalytic cleft, and a critical ion pair in the kinase active site is impaired. Phosphorylation of two serines in the carboxyl terminus of INCENP generates the fully active kinase.  相似文献   

Proper chromosome segregation relies on the action of the spindle checkpoint. Recent data have shown that the chromosomal passenger proteins survivin and Aurora B play an important auxiliary role in spindle checkpoint surveillance. Knock-down experiments in human cells indicate that the function of the survivin/Aurora B complex is required to correct improper microtubule-kinetochore interactions. Combined data of four different groups show that the survivin/Aurora B complex is not an integral component of the spindle checkpoint, but it enables the cell to communicate lack of tension back to the attached microtubules. Moreover, they show that the affinity of BubR1 for kinetochores is directly influenced by the absence or presence of the survivin/Aurora B complex. These functions of the survivin/Aurora B complex are essential for chromosome biorientation, a prerequisite for proper chromosome segregation. As such, this complex plays an important role in the maintenance of a stable genome.  相似文献   

Aurora B kinase phosphorylates kinetochore proteins during early mitosis, increasing kinetochore–microtubule (MT) turnover and preventing premature stabilization of kinetochore–MT attachments. Phosphorylation of kinetochore proteins during late mitosis is low, promoting attachment stabilization, which is required for anaphase onset. The kinetochore protein KNL1 recruits Aurora B–counteracting phosphatases and the Aurora B–targeting factor Bub1, yet the consequences of KNL1 depletion on Aurora B phospho-regulation remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the KNL1 N terminus is essential for Aurora B activity at kinetochores. This region of KNL1 is also required for Bub1 kinase activity at kinetochores, suggesting that KNL1 promotes Aurora B activity through Bub1-mediated Aurora B targeting. However, ectopic targeting of Aurora B to kinetochores does not fully rescue Aurora B activity in KNL1-depleted cells, suggesting KNL1 influences Aurora B activity through an additional pathway. Our findings establish KNL1 as a requirement for Aurora B activity at kinetochores and for wild-type kinetochore–MT attachment dynamics.  相似文献   

The chromosomal passengers, aurora-B kinase, inner centromere protein (INCENP), and survivin, are essential proteins that have been implicated in the regulation of metaphase chromosome alignment, spindle checkpoint function, and cytokinesis. All three share a common pattern of localization, and it was recently demonstrated that aurora-B, INCENP, and survivin are present in a complex in Xenopus eggs and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The presence of aurora-B kinase in the complex and its ability to bind the other components directly suggest that INCENP and survivin could potentially be aurora-B substrates. This hypothesis was recently proven for INCENP in vitro. Here we report that human survivin is specifically phosphorylated in vitro by aurora-B kinase at threonine 117 in its carboxyl alpha-helical coil. Mutation of threonine 117 to alanine prevents survivin phosphorylation by aurora-B in vitro but does not alter its localization in HeLa cells. By contrast, a phospho-mimic, in which threonine 117 was mutated to glutamic acid, was unable to localize correctly at any stage in mitosis. Mutation at threonine 117 also prevented immunoprecipitation of INCENP with survivin in vivo. These data suggest that phosphorylation of survivin at threonine 117 by aurora-B may regulate targeting of survivin, and possibly the entire passenger complex, in mammals.  相似文献   

To study the phosphorylation of one of the G-box binding factors from Arabidopsis (GBF1), we have obtained large amounts of this protein by expression in Escherichia coli. Bacterial GBF1 was shown to be phosphorylated very efficiently by nuclear extracts from broccoli. The phosphorylation activity was partially purified by chromatography on heparin-Sepharose and DEAE-cellulose and was characterized. It showed the essential features of casein kinase II activity: utilization of GTP in addition to ATP as a phosphate donor, strong inhibition by heparin, preference for acidic protein substrates, salt-induced binding to phosphocellulose, and salt-dependent deaggregation. The very low Km value for GBF1 (220 nM compared to approximately 10 microM for casein) was in the range observed for identified physiological substrates of casein kinase II. Phosphorylation of GBF1 resulted in stimulation of the G-box binding activity and formation of a slower migrating protein-DNA complex. The conditions of this stimulatory reaction fully corresponded to the properties of casein kinase II, in particular its dependence on the known phosphate donors. The DNA binding activity of the endogenous plant GBF was shown to be reduced by treatment with calf alkaline phosphatase; this reduction was diminished by addition of fluoride and phosphate or incubation in the presence of casein kinase II and ATP.  相似文献   

Nucleophosmin/B23 is a nucleolar phosphoprotein. It has been shown that B23 binds to nucleic acids, digests RNA, and is localized in nucleolar granular components from which preribosomal particles are transported to cytoplasm. The intracellular localization of B23 is significantly changed during the cell cycle. Here, we have examined the cellular localization of B23 proteins and the effect of mitotic phosphorylation of B23.1 on its RNA binding activity. Two splicing variants of B23 proteins, termed B23.1 and B23.2, were complexed both in vivo and in vitro. The RNA binding activity of B23.1 was impaired by hetero-oligomer formation with B23.2. Both subtypes of B23 proteins were phosphorylated during mitosis by cyclin B/cdc2. The RNA binding activity of B23.1 was repressed through cyclin B/cdc2-mediated phosphorylation at specific sites in B23. Thus, the RNA binding activity of B23.1 is stringently modulated by its phosphorylation and subtype association. Interphase B23.1 was mainly localized in nucleoli, whereas B23.2 and mitotic B23.1, those of which were incapable of binding to RNA, were dispersed throughout the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm, respectively. These results suggest that nucleolar localization of B23.1 is mediated by its ability to associate with RNA.  相似文献   

Full activation of protein kinase B (PKB, also called Akt) requires phosphorylation on two regulatory sites, Thr-308 in the activation loop and Ser-473 in the hydrophobic C-terminal regulatory domain (numbering for PKB alpha/Akt-1). Although 3'-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) has now been identified as the Thr-308 kinase, the mechanism of the Ser-473 phosphorylation remains controversial. As a step to further characterize the Ser-473 kinase, we examined the effects of a range of protein kinase inhibitors on the activation and phosphorylation of PKB. We found that staurosporine, a broad-specificity kinase inhibitor and inducer of cell apoptosis, attenuated PKB activation exclusively through the inhibition of Thr-308 phosphorylation, with Ser-473 phosphorylation unaffected. The increase in Thr-308 phosphorylation because of overexpression of PDK1 was also inhibited by staurosporine. We further show that staurosporine (CGP 39360) potently inhibited PDK1 activity in vitro with an IC(50) of approximately 0.22 microm. These data indicate that agonist-induced phosphorylation of Ser-473 of PKB is independent of PDK1 or PKB activity and occurs through a distinct Ser-473 kinase that is not inhibited by staurosporine. Moreover, our results suggest that inhibition of PKB signaling is involved in the proapoptotic action of staurosporine.  相似文献   

Mitotic catastrophe (MC) is an important oncosuppressive mechanism that serves to eliminate cells that become polyploid or aneuploid due to aberrant mitosis. Previous studies have demonstrated that the activation and catalytic function of caspase-2 are key steps in MC to trigger apoptosis and/or cell cycle arrest of mitotically defective cells. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate caspase-2 activation and its function are unclear. Here, we identify six new phosphorylation sites in caspase-2 and show that a key mitotic kinase, Aurora B kinase (AURKB), phosphorylates caspase-2 at the highly conserved residue S384. We demonstrate that phosphorylation at S384 blocks caspase-2 catalytic activity and apoptosis function in response to mitotic insults, without affecting caspase-2 dimerisation. Moreover, molecular modelling suggests that phosphorylation at S384 may affect substrate binding by caspase-2. We propose that caspase-2 S384 phosphorylation by AURKB is a key mechanism that controls caspase-2 activation during mitosis.Subject terms: Proteases, Proteolysis  相似文献   

Human leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 (LRRK1) is a multi-domain protein of unknown function belonging to the ROCO family of complex proteins. Here, we report the molecular characterization of human LRRK1 and show, for the first time, that LRRK1 is both a functional protein kinase and a GDP/GTP-binding protein. Binding of GTP to LRRK1 is specific, requires the GTPase-like Roc domain, and leads to a stimulation of LRRK1 kinase activity. LRRK1 is the first example of a GTP-regulated protein kinase harboring both the kinase effector domain and the GTP-binding regulatory domain. Hence, we propose a model in which LRRK1 cycles between a GTP-bound active and a GDP-bound inactive state. Moreover, we mutated LRRK1 to mimic mutations previously identified in LRRK2/dardarin, the only human paralogue of LRRK1, that have been linked to autosomal-dominant parkinsonism. We demonstrate that three of four mutations analyzed significantly downregulate LRRK1 kinase activity. Ultimately, the results presented for LRRK1 may contribute to the elucidation of LRRK2's role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The agonist sensitivity of the calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) can be altered by protein kinase C (PKC), with CaR residue Thr(888) contributing significantly to this effect. To determine whether CaR(T888) is a substrate for PKC and whether receptor activation modulates such phosphorylation, a phospho-specific antibody against this residue was raised (CaR(pT888)). In HEK-293 cells stably expressing CaR (CaR-HEK), but not in cells expressing the mutant receptor CaR(T888A), phorbol ester (PMA) treatment increased CaR(pT888) immunoreactivity as observed by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence. Raising extracellular Ca(2+) concentration from 0.5 to 2.5 mM increased CaR(T888) phosphorylation, an effect that was potentiated stereoselectively by the calcimimetic NPS R-467. These responses were mimicked by 5 mM extracellular Ca(2+) and abolished by the calcilytic NPS-89636 and also by PKC inhibition or chronic PMA pretreatment. Whereas CaR(T888A) did exhibit increased apparent agonist sensitivity, by converting intracellular Ca(2+) (Ca(2+)(i)) oscillations to sustained plateau responses in some cells, we still observed Ca(2+)(i) oscillations in a significant number of cells. This suggests that CaR(T888) contributes significantly to CaR regulation but is not the exclusive determinant of CaR-induced Ca(2+)(i) oscillations. Finally, dephosphorylation of CaR(T888) was blocked by the protein phosphatase 1/2A inhibitor calyculin, a treatment that also inhibited Ca(2+)(i) oscillations. In addition, calyculin/PMA cotreatment increased CaR(T888) phosphorylation in bovine parathyroid cells. Therefore, CaR(T888) is a substrate for receptor-induced, PKC-mediated feedback phosphorylation and can be dephosphorylated by a calyculin-sensitive phosphatase.  相似文献   

INCENP, Borealin, Survivin, and Aurora B kinase comprise the chromosomal passenger complex, an essential regulator of mitotic events. INCENP (inner centromere protein) binds and activates Aurora B through a feedback loop involving phosphorylation of a Thr-Ser-Ser (TSS) motif near the INCENP C terminus. Here, we have examined the role of the TSS motif in vertebrate cells using an DT40 INCENP(ON/OFF) conditional knock-out cell line in which mutants are expressed in the absence of wild-type INCENP. Our analysis confirms that regulated phosphorylation of the two serine residues (presumably by Aurora B) is critical for full activation of the kinase and is essential for cell viability. Cells expressing INCENP mutants bearing either phospho-null (TAA) or phospho-mimetic (TEE) mutations exhibit significant levels of Aurora B kinase activity but fail to undergo normal spindle elongation or complete cytokinesis. This work confirms previous suggestions that INCENP can act as a rheostat, with different INCENP mutants promoting differing degrees of kinase activation. Our results also reveal that mitotic progression is accompanied by a requirement for progressively higher levels of Aurora B kinase activity.  相似文献   

Monje-Casas F  Prabhu VR  Lee BH  Boselli M  Amon A 《Cell》2007,128(3):477-490
Kinetochores of sister chromatids attach to microtubules emanating from the same pole (coorientation) during meiosis I and microtubules emanating from opposite poles (biorientation) during meiosis II. We find that the Aurora B kinase Ipl1 regulates kinetochore-microtubule attachment during both meiotic divisions and that a complex known as the monopolin complex ensures that the protein kinase coorients sister chromatids during meiosis I. Furthermore, the defining of conditions sufficient to induce sister kinetochore coorientation during mitosis provides insight into monopolin complex function. The monopolin complex joins sister kinetochores independently of cohesins, the proteins that hold sister chromatids together. We propose that this function of the monopolin complex helps Aurora B coorient sister chromatids during meiosis I.  相似文献   

A pure bovine phospholamban sample was phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase maximally to about 1 mol of phosphate/mol of protein (Mr 25,000), whereas phospholamban purified from bovine cardiac SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum) vesicle prephosphorylated by the protein kinase was found to contain 4.6 mol of phosphate/mol of phospholamban. The decrease in phospholamban phosphorylation occurred during the protein purification at the immunoaffinity chromatography step. The protein phosphorylation could be restored by the addition of the affinity column flow-through fraction to the phosphorylation reaction. The phosphorylation-stimulating activity of the flow-through fraction was resistant to boiling and trypsin treatment and extractable by organic solvent, suggesting that the endogenous factor(s) is lipid. Various phospholipids were found capable of stimulating the phosphorylation of phospholamban by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, but only phosphatidylinositol could stimulate the protein phosphorylation to a level achieved by the phosphorylation of SR membrane-bound phospholamban, about 5 mol of phosphate/mol. Phospholamban phosphorylated in the presence of phosphatidylinositol showed similar sites of phosphorylation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis mobility shifts as the phospholamban isolated from phosphorylated SR vesicles. Results of the present study suggest that phospholamban in SR is embedded in a phosphatidylinositol-rich microenvironment, and that this specific environment may be important for the regulation of Ca2+ pump by phospholamban.  相似文献   

Mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK) is the best characterized member of the kinesin-13 family and plays important roles in microtubule dynamics during mitosis. Its activity and subcellular localization is tightly regulated by an orchestra of mitotic kinases, such as Aurora B. It is well known that serine 196 of MCAK is the major phosphorylation site of Aurora B in Xenopus leavis extracts and that this phosphorylation regulates its catalytic activity and subcellular localization. In the current study, we have addressed the conserved phosphorylation site serine 192 in human MCAK to characterize its function in more depth in human cancer cells. Our data confirm that S192 is the major phosphorylation site of Aurora B in human MCAK and that this phosphorylation has crucial roles in regulating its catalytic activity and localization at the kinetochore/centromere region in mitosis. Interfering with this phosphorylation leads to a delayed progression through prometa- and metaphase associated with mitotic defects in chromosome alignment and segregation. We show further that MCAK is involved in directional migration and invasion of tumor cells, and interestingly, interference with the S192 phosphorylation affects this capability of MCAK. These data provide the first molecular explanation for clinical observation, where an overexpression of MCAK was associated with lymphatic invasion and lymph node metastasis in gastric and colorectal cancer patients.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) participate as second messengers in the mitogenic signal transduction. Most of the experimental data supporting the role of ROS as signaling molecules have been obtained by using H2O2. Exposure of cells to H2O2 rapidly increases tyrosine phosphorylation of tyrosine kinase receptors (TKRs) in the absence of growth factor binding, thus inducing the activation of downstream signaling cascades, like that of protein kinase B (AKT). Another molecule able to induce an increase of intracellular ROS levels is diethylmaleate (DEM), which acts by depleting the ROS scavenger reduced glutathione (GSH). A comparison of the effects exerted by H2O2 and DEM shows that the latter induces redox modifications milder than those generated by H2O2. We also demonstrated that DEM-induced redox modifications are not accompanied by platelet-derived growth factor-receptor (PDGF-R) and epidermal growth factor-receptor Tyr phosphorylation, although they are able to activate ERKs and AKT, with kinetics different from those observed following H2O2 treatment. The activation of these two pathways is not blocked by AG1296, a selective inhibitor of PDGF-R Tyr kinase, thus confirming that the effects of DEM are not mediated by the TKR phosphorylation. On the contrary, PP2 (4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazole[3,4-d]pyrimidine), an inhibitor of Src kinase, completely prevents DEM- and H2O2-induced AKT activation but has no effect on the pathway of ERKs. Finally, nitration of Tyr residues in PDGF-R is observed in DEM-treated cells, thus suggesting that ROS-induced modifications different from Tyr phosphorylation can occur at the growth factor-receptor level and can be involved in the regulation of signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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