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In this paper, expanding on a well-known connection between Whittaker's beta diversity and multivariate dissimilarity coefficients, a simple test for differences in beta diversity among different sets of plots is proposed. Being based on any suitable (not necessarily symmetric) plot-to-plot dissimilarity coefficient the test is appropriate for analyzing multivariate data that are usually zero-inflated due to the large number of rare species and for which the number of variables (species) is typically larger than the number of observations (plots). To illustrate the proposed test in practice, we used data from two beech forests with different management history in Abruzzo (central Italy). 相似文献
《Ecological Informatics》2009,4(2):93-98
Considerable amount of research on the relationships between species diversity and productivity at different spatial, ecological, and taxonomic scales has been conducted. However, the overall trend of the correlation at the global scale still remains sketchy and the causal relationship between species diversity and productivity needs further exploration. This is especially true with beta diversity since most studies carried out use alpha diversity as the general term for species diversity. In this study we use the MODIS NDVI as the surrogate of productivity, and the WWF ecoregion systems and its species distribution information to test correlations between beta diversity and differences in productivity at various taxonomic ranks on a global scale. Matrix correlation is performed between species composition measured as beta diversities using Sørensen similarity index and MODIS NDVI/productivity measured as Bhattacharyya distances through Mantel permutation tests. The correlation coefficients and Mantel test significance levels are reported at the global ecoregion, biogeographical realm, and biome levels respectively. Significant correlations are found at all three taxonomic ranks. Results from realm and biome tests suggest that the highest correlations are reached at the temperate regions when species rank is used. Our findings suggest that species' natural spatial boundaries, such as the biogeographical realms or biogeographic kinship play a critical role in shaping the correlation patterns between beta diversity and productivity differences at the global scale. 相似文献
During the interim stages of most large-scale clinical trials, knowledge that a patient is alive or dead is usually not up-to-date. This is due to the pattern of patient visits to hospitals as well as the administrative set-up used by the study to obtain information on vital status. On a two-armed study, if the process of ascertaining vital status is not the same in both treatment groups, then the standard method of testing based on the logrank statistic may not be applicable. Instead, an ad hoc modification to the logrank test, which artificially truncates follow-up prior to the time of analysis, is often used. These approaches have not been formally addressed in the literature. In the early stages of a clinical trial, severe bias or loss of power may result. For this situation, we propose a class of test statistics that extends the usual class of U statistics. Asymptotic normality is derived by reformulating the statistics in terms of counting processes and employing the theory of U statistics along with martingale techniques. For early interim analyses, a numerical study indicates that the new tests can be more powerful than the current practice when differential ascertainment is present. To illustrate the potential loss of information when lagging follow-up to control for ascertainment delays, we reanalyze an AIDS clinical trial with the truncated logrank and the new statistics. 相似文献
It has long been recognized that the rates of molecular evolution vary amongst sites in proteins. The usual model for rate heterogeneity assumes independent rate variation according to a rate distribution. In such models the rate at a site, although random, is assumed fixed throughout the evolutionary tree. Recent work by several groups has suggested that rates at sites often vary across subtrees of the larger tree as well as across sites. This phenomenon is not captured by most phylogenetic models but instead is more similar to the covarion model of Fitch and coworkers. In this article we present methods that can be useful in detecting whether different rates occur in two different subtrees of the larger tree and where these differences occur. Parametric bootstrapping and orthogonal regression methodologies are used to test for rate differences and to make statements about the general differences in the rates at sites. Confidence intervals based on the conditional distributions of rates at sites are then used to detect where the rate differences occur. Such methods will be helpful in studying the phylogenetic, structural, and functional bases of changes in evolutionary rates at sites, a phenomenon that has important consequences for deep phylogenetic inference. 相似文献
Aim Researchers measuring beta diversity have rarely concerned themselves with the problems of how complete the species lists of studied communities are, and of how the varying degrees of completeness can actually change estimates of beta diversity. No comprehensive assessment has been made regarding the behaviour of most beta diversity indices when applied to incomplete samples, a situation which is more common than usually recognized. Our objective was to assess the behaviour and robustness of a number of beta diversity measures for incidence data from undersampled communities. Location Mainland Portugal and the Azorean archipelago (North Atlantic). Methods Data from intensive sampling of spiders in mainland Portugal and arthropods in Azores were collected. We examined the properties of 15 beta diversity measures developed for incidence data. We simulated varying degrees of completeness, whereas computing beta diversity for selected pairs of samples. The robustness of these beta diversity accumulation curves was assessed for the purpose of finding the best measures for undersampled communities. Results The Harrison et al.β‐2 and the Williams β‐3 are particularly robust to undersampling. These measures are also insensitive to differences of alpha diversity (species richness) between communities, and therefore to nestedness. Colwell & Coddington βcc and the related Jaccard βj and Gaston et al.βg performed best of the measures sensitive to alpha diversity. They performed poorly, however, when compared communities exhibited very low values of beta diversity. In such cases, the Routledge βr performed the best. Main conclusions No index was found to perform without bias in all circumstances. Overall, β‐2, β‐3 and βcc (or related measures βj and βg) are recommended as they seem to be the most robust to undersampling. 相似文献
Dispersal is considered a key driver of beta diversity, the variation in species composition among local communities, but empirical tests remain limited. We manipulated dispersal of nectar‐inhabiting bacteria and yeasts via flower‐visiting animals to examine how dispersal influenced microbial beta diversity among flowers. Contrary to the prevailing view that dispersal lowers beta diversity, we found beta diversity was highest when dispersal was least limited. Our analysis suggested that this unexpected pattern might have resulted from stronger priority effects under increased dispersal. Dispersal is highly stochastic, generating variability in species arrival history and consequently the potential for community divergence via priority effects, in these and likely many other microbial, plant, and animal communities. Yet most previous experiments eliminated this possibility. We suggest that the positive effects of dispersal on beta diversity, like the one we report here, may have been greatly underappreciated. 相似文献
Swenson NG 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21264
The beta diversity of communities along gradients has fascinated ecologists for decades. Traditionally such studies have focused on the species composition of communities, but researchers are becoming increasingly interested in analyzing the phylogenetic composition in the hope of achieving mechanistic insights into community structure. To date many metrics of phylogenetic beta diversity have been published, but few empirical studies have been published. Further inferences made from such phylogenetic studies critically rely on the pattern of trait evolution. The present work provides a study of the phylogenetic dissimilarity of 96 tree communities in India. The work compares and contrasts eight metrics of phylogenetic dissimilarity, considers the role of phylogenetic signal in trait data and shows that environmental distance rather than spatial distance is the best correlate of phylogenetic dissimilarity in the study system. 相似文献
Beta多样性研究进展 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
Beta多样性度量时空尺度上物种组成的变化, 是生物多样性的重要组成部分, 与许多生态学和进化生物学问题密切相关, 并且其信息可用于保护区选址和布局规划, 因此在最近10年间成为生物多样性研究的热点问题之一。多年来, 学者们利用各种度量方式和分析方法, 在不同地理区域, 对许多生物类群beta多样性的时空格局和形成机制进行了大量研究。本文主要从beta多样性的度量方法、时空格局、形成机制及其在生物多样性保护中的应用等几个方面, 总结了最近10多年来相关研究的进展。Whittaker(1960)最初提出beta多样性概念时就缺乏严格的定义, 随着概念的不断演化, 度量方法也同样呈现出多样化, 而度量手段的多样化非常不利于不同研究之间的比较。目前应用最普遍的度量方法是采用相似性指数, 如Jaccard和Sørensen指数。最近几年, 新的度量方法还在不断出现, 其中一些方法非常值得注意。Beta多样性具有时空尺度和分类尺度依赖性, 一般随分析粒度(grain)的增加而降低。虽然有些研究表明beta多样性随纬度增加而降低, 但学者们并没有达成共识。山区和生物地理区的交界处beta多样性都比较高, 因而需要在这些地区增加保护区的面积或者数量以囊括物种变化梯度。对时间尺度上beta多样性的研究表明, 气候变化确实导致了物种组成在时间上的变化, 并且物种在不同大陆和地区间的迁移导致了生物同质化。扩散过程和生态位过程共同决定了beta多样性, 只是这两个过程的相对重要性依尺度、地理区域和物种类群的不同而有所差异。综上所述, 我们认为未来beta多样性研究的热点问题是:(1)不同生物类群的进化历史和生物学特征对beta多样性的影响; (2)不同的时空尺度对beta多样性及其维持机制的影响; (3)人类活动对beta多样性的影响。 相似文献
The spatial scaling of beta diversity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Philip S. Barton Saul A. Cunningham Adrian D. Manning Heloise Gibb David B. Lindenmayer Raphael K. Didham 《Global Ecology and Biogeography》2013,22(6):639-647
Beta diversity is an important concept used to describe turnover in species composition across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, and it underpins much of conservation theory and practice. Although substantial progress has been made in the mathematical and terminological treatment of different measures of beta diversity, there has been little conceptual synthesis of potential scale dependence of beta diversity with increasing spatial grain and geographic extent of sampling. Here, we evaluate different conceptual approaches to the spatial scaling of beta diversity, interpreted from ‘fixed’ and ‘varying’ perspectives of spatial grain and extent. We argue that a ‘sliding window’ perspective, in which spatial grain and extent covary, is an informative way to conceptualize community differentiation across scales. This concept more realistically reflects the varying empirical approaches that researchers adopt in field sampling and the varying scales of landscape perception by different organisms. Scale dependence in beta diversity has broad implications for emerging fields in ecology and biogeography, such as the integration of fine‐resolution ecogenomic data with large‐scale macroecological studies, as well as for guiding appropriate management responses to threats to biodiversity operating at different spatial scales. 相似文献
A latitudinal gradient in large-scale beta diversity for vascular plants in North America 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Species turnover, or beta diversity, has been predicted to decrease with increasing latitude, but few studies have tested this relationship. Here, we examined the beta diversity–latitude relationship for vascular plants at a continental scale, based on complete species lists of native vascular plants for entire states or provinces in North America (north of Mexico). We calculated beta diversity as the slope of the relationship between the natural logarithm of the Jaccard index (ln J ) for families, genera or species, and both geographic distance and climate difference within five latitude zones. We found that beta diversity decreased from south to north; within latitude zones, it decreased from species to genera and families. Geographic and climatic distance explained about the same proportion of the variance in ln J in zones south of c. 50°N. North of this latitude, nearly all the explained variance in ln J was attributable to geographic distance. Therefore, decreasing beta diversity from south to north reflects decreasing climate differentiation within more northerly latitude zones, and primarily post-glacial dispersal limitation north of 50°N. 相似文献
Biodiversity surrogates are needed because detailed data on the distributions of species and communities is very limited. Among alternative surrogate strategies there is an environmental diversity (ED) framework, which uses the p-median model to sample environmental space as evenly as possible. The underlying idea is that such a sample would represent underlying species diversity well. However, tests of the effectiveness of ED as a surrogate for species diversity have been inconclusive, and there is a debate concerning the usefulness of different implementations of ED. In particular, it has been argued that tests of the ED framework are flawed because they used discrete algorithms (calculating the p-median from an observed environmental space), while continuous versions of ED should be preferred (i.e. calculating the p-median from a theoretical, continuously spaced, environmental space). Unfortunately, progress has been hampered by lack of independent testing of the two ED approaches. Here, we provide the first empirical test of the effectiveness of both continuous and discrete ED using European distributions of amphibians and reptiles. Analyses were implemented considering two different extents: (1) western Europe and (2) the Iberian Peninsula. In both cases, implementations of ED represented species at a lower rate than expected by chance (P < 0.05). Unlike suggested by some authors, the continuous ED was not consistently superior to the discrete form: continuous implementations of ED performed slightly better when fewer areas were selected and discrete ED performed better when the whole of the western European region was considered. Our results support findings that ED has only limited value as a surrogate for biodiversity and invite the interpretation that failure of ED is more likely to be related with oversimplification of assumptions underlying the model than to the particular p-median algorithm used. 相似文献
The rates of temporal and spatial species turnover have been compared in different organisms and scales, revealing that both are not independent but, rather, associated. However, the knowledge is limited for the association between spatial turnover and temporal turnover. Here, we performed two investigations of the phytoplankton composition in the lakes of the Yangtze River catchment in China in the spring and summer of 2012, which covered regional spatial scale and two‐season temporal scale. We analysed the association between temporal and spatial species turnover in phytoplankton. The results showed that 1) the two‐season temporal turnover of phytoplankton varied based on the mean values and the coefficient of variance of environmental variables, and pH was the most important variable negatively affecting the temporal turnover; 2) the spatial beta diversity of phytoplankton in summer was higher than that in spring, and the distance decay pattern was significant in summer, but not in spring; 3) the variation in spatial turnover in spring and summer was attributed to the primary environmental variables (nitrogen, phosphorus and underwater available light) and broader‐scale spatial variables; 4) the proportion of jointly explained variation of spatial Bray–Curtis dissimilarity by the environment and space increased from ~38% (spring) to ~55% (summer), which was mainly due to the variation in spatially structured environmental variables during the two‐season temporal turnover, such as pH and ion concentrations; 5) the community compositions in summer were more similar between the lakes with similar two‐season temporal turnover. These results indicate that the spatial turnover of phytoplankton composition in summer was partially predetermined by the variation in environmental variables and phytoplankton composition during the process of two‐season temporal turnover, and highlight the understanding of temporal variations in spatial beta diversity as well as the underlying assembly mechanisms in phytoplankton. 相似文献
Natalie M. Uhl Christopher W. Rainwater Lyle W. Konigsberg 《American journal of physical anthropology》2013,151(2):215-229
Body size reconstructions of fossil hominins allow us to infer many things about their evolution and lifestyle, including diet, metabolic requirements, locomotion, and brain/body size relationships. The importance of these implications compels anthropologists to attempt body mass estimation from fragmentary fossil hominin specimens. Most calculations require a known “calibration” sample usually composed of modern humans or other extant apes. Caution must be taken in these analyses, as estimates are sensitive to overall size and allometric differences between the fossil hominin and the reference sample. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:215–229, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Oecologia - The loss of biodiversity at local and larger scales has potentially dramatic effects on ecosystem functioning. Many studies have shown that ecosystem functioning depends on... 相似文献