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A single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity, consisting of two subunits of 83 kDa (p90) and 68 kDa (p70), was previously purified from HeLa cells (Vishwanatha, J.K. and Baril, E.F. (1990) Biochem 29, 8753–8759). Homology of the two subunits of single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase with the human Ku protein (Caoet al. (1994) Biochem 33, 8548–8557) and identity of the Ku protein as the human DNA helicase II (Tutejaet al. (1994) EMBO J. 13, 4991–5001) have been reported recently. Using antisera raised against the subunits of the HDH II, we confirm that the Hela single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase is the HDH II. Similar to the activity reported for Ku protein, ssDNA-dependent ATPase binds to double-stranded DNA and the DNA-protein complex detected by gel mobility shift assay consists of both the ATPase subunits. The p90 subunit is predominantly nuclear and is easily dissociated from chromatin. The p70 is distributed in cytosol and nucleus, and a fraction of the nuclear p70 protein is found to be associated with the nuclear matrix. Both the p90 and p70 subunits of the ATPase are present in G1 and S phase of the cell cycle and are rapidly degraded in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle.Abbreviations ssDNA single-stranded DNA - dsDNA double-stranded DNA - ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - HDH II human DNA helicase II - PGK 3-phosphoglycerate kinase  相似文献   

Pea DNA helicase 45 (PDH45) is an ATP-dependent DNA unwinding enzyme, with intrinsic DNA-dependent ATPase activity [Plant J. 24 (2000) 219]. We have determined the effect of various DNA-binding agents, such as daunorubicin, ethidium bromide, ellipticine, cisplatin, nogalamycin, actinomycin C1, and camptothecin on the DNA unwinding and ATPase activities of the plant nuclear DNA helicase PDH45. The results show that all the agents except actinomycin C1, and camptothecin inhibited the helicase (apparent K(i) values ranging from 1.5 to 7.0 microM) and ATPase (apparent K(i) values ranging from 2.5 to 11.9 microM) activities. This is the first study to show the effect of various DNA-binding agents on the plant nuclear helicase and also first to demonstrate inhibition of any helicase by cisplatin. Another striking finding that the actinomycin C1 and ellipticine act differentially on PDH45 as compared to pea chloroplast helicase suggests that the mechanism of DNA unwinding could be different in nucleus and chloroplast. These results suggest that the intercalation of the inhibitors into duplex DNA generates a complex that impedes translocation of PDH45, resulting in both the inhibitions of unwinding activity and ATP hydrolysis. This study would be useful to obtain a better understanding of the mechanism of plant nuclear DNA helicase unwinding and the mechanism by which these agents can disturb genome integrity.  相似文献   

The replicative DNA helicases can unwind DNA in the absence of polymerase activity in vitro. In contrast, replicative unwinding is coupled with DNA synthesis in vivo. The temperature-sensitive yeast polymerase alpha/primase mutants cdc17-1, pri2-1 and pri1-m4, which fail to execute the early step of DNA replication, have been used to investigate the interaction between replicative unwinding and DNA synthesis in vivo. We report that some of the plasmid molecules in these mutant strains became extensively negatively supercoiled when DNA synthesis is prevented. In contrast, additional negative supercoiling was not detected during formation of DNA initiation complex or hydroxyurea replication fork arrest. Together, these results indicate that the extensive negative supercoiling of DNA is a result of replicative unwinding, which is not followed by DNA synthesis. The limited number of unwound plasmid molecules and synthetic lethality of polymerase alpha or primase with checkpoint mutants suggest a checkpoint regulation of the replicative unwinding. In concordance with this suggestion, we found that the Tof1/Csm3/Mrc1 checkpoint complex interacts directly with the MCM helicase during both replication fork progression and when the replication fork is stalled.  相似文献   

Bloom 综合症(BLM)解旋酶是RecQ家族DNA解旋酶中的一个重要成员,参与了DNA复制、修复、转录、重组以及端粒的维持等细胞代谢过程,在维持染色体的稳定性中具有重要的作用.BLM解旋酶的突变可导致Bloom综合症,患者遗传不稳定易患多种类型癌症.本研究运用荧光偏振技术研究BLM解旋酶催化核心(BLM642-1290)与双链DNA(dsDNA)的相互作用,分析其相关特征参数,了解BLM642-1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链特性.结果表明,BLM642-1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链和dsDNA3’末端的单链DNA(ssDNA)长度有关;解旋酶优先结合于dsDNA底物的ssDNA末端,且每分子解旋酶可结合9.6 nt的ssDNA;dsDNA3’末端ssDNA的长度为9.6 nt时,解旋酶的解链效率达到最大且不再随其长度而变化.另外,BLM642-1290解旋酶也能够结合和解链钝末端dsDNA,但其结合亲和力和解链效率低于有3’末端ssDNA的dsDNA.推测BLM642-1290解旋酶在与dsDNA底物结合和解链时是单体形式,可能以尺蠖的形式解开dsDNA.这些结果可为进一步研究BLM解旋酶的功能特征提供理论基础.  相似文献   

RecQ family helicases are highly conserved from bacteria to humans and have essential roles in maintaining genome stability. Mutations in three human RecQ helicases cause severe diseases with the main features of premature aging and cancer predisposition. Most RecQ helicases shared a conserved domain arrangement which comprises a helicase core, an RecQ C-terminal domain, and an auxiliary element helicase and RNaseD C-terminal (HRDC) domain, the functions of which are poorly understood. In this study, we systematically characterized the roles of the HRDC domain in E. coli RecQ in various DNA transactions by single-molecule FRET. We found that RecQ repetitively unwinds the 3′-partial duplex and fork DNA with a moderate processivity and periodically patrols on the ssDNA in the 5′-partial duplex by translocation. The HRDC domain significantly suppresses RecQ activities in the above transactions. In sharp contrast, the HRDC domain is essential for the deep and long-time unfolding of the G4 DNA structure by RecQ. Based on the observations that the HRDC domain dynamically switches between RecA core- and ssDNA-binding modes after RecQ association with DNA, we proposed a model to explain the modulation mechanism of the HRDC domain. Our findings not only provide new insights into the activities of RecQ on different substrates but also highlight the novel functions of the HRDC domain in DNA metabolisms.  相似文献   

The copper(II) complexes of the type [Cu(SPF)(An)Cl]/[Cu(PFL)(An)Cl] (where SPF is sparfloxacin, PFL is pefloxacin and An is 2,2′-dipyridylamine/pyridine-2-carboxalehyde/thiophene-2-carboxaldehyde) were synthesised and were found to have a pyramidal geometry with a square base. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) like activity of the complexes were measured using an NBT/NADH/PMS system, these were expressed in terms of the concentration of complex which termianates the formation of formazan by 50% (IC50 value) and found to range from 0.781 to 1.354 μM. The interactions of the complexes with DNA were studied by absorption titration, viscosity measurement and gel electrophoresis under physiological conditions. The antimicrobial efficiency of the complexes were tested on five different microorganisms and showed good biological activity.  相似文献   

Yang L  Lin C  Liu ZR 《Cellular signalling》2005,17(12):1495-1504
P68 nuclear RNA helicase is essential for normal cell growth. The protein plays a very important role in cell development and proliferation. However, the molecular mechanism by which the p68 functions in cell developmental program is not clear. We previously observed that bacterially expressed his-p68 was phosphorylated at multiple sites including serine/threonine and tyrosine [L. Yang, Z.R. Liu, Protein Expr. Purif., 35: 327]. Here we report that p68 RNA helicase is phosphorylated at tyrosine residue(s) in HeLa cells. Phosphorylation of p68 at threonine or tyrosine residues responds differently to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)induced cell signal. Kinase inhibition and in vitro kinase assays demonstrate that p68 RNA helicase is a cellular target of p38 MAP kinase. Phosphorylation of p68 affects the ATPase and RNA unwinding activities of the protein. In addition, we demonstrate here that phosphorylation of p68 RNA helicase controls the function of the protein in the pre-mRNA splicing process. Interestingly, phosphorylation at different amino acid residues exhibits different regulatory effects. The data suggest that function(s) of p68 RNA helicase may be subjected to the regulation of multiple cell signal pathways.  相似文献   

The proteins belonging to SWI2/SNF2 family of DNA dependent ATPases are important members of the chromatin remodeling complexes that are implicated in epigenetic control of gene expression. We have identified a human gene with a putative DNA binding domain, which belongs to the INO80 subfamily of SWI2/SNF2 proteins. Here we report the cloning, expression, and functional activity of the domains from hINO80 gene both in terms of the DNA dependent ATPase as well as DNA binding activity. A differential expression of the various domains within this gene is detected in human tissues while a ubiquitous expression is detected in mice. The intranuclear localization is demonstrated using antibodies directed against the DBINO domain of hINO80.  相似文献   

ATP‐dependent DNA end recognition and nucleolytic processing are central functions of the Mre11/Rad50 (MR) complex in DNA double‐strand break repair. However, it is still unclear how ATP binding and hydrolysis primes the MR function and regulates repair pathway choice in cells. Here, Methanococcus jannaschii MR‐ATPγS‐DNA structure reveals that the partly deformed DNA runs symmetrically across central groove between two ATPγS‐bound Rad50 nucleotide‐binding domains. Duplex DNA cannot access the Mre11 active site in the ATP‐free full‐length MR complex. ATP hydrolysis drives rotation of the nucleotide‐binding domain and induces the DNA melting so that the substrate DNA can access Mre11. Our findings suggest that the ATP hydrolysis‐driven conformational changes in both DNA and the MR complex coordinate the melting and endonuclease activity.  相似文献   

The nonstructural NS3 protein of the hepatitis C virus is a multifunctional enzyme with an N-terminal serine protease activity and a C-terminal helicase activity. The helicase is capable of unwinding both DNA and RNA duplexes; however, the overall processivity of the helicase is fairly low. We show here that single-strand binding (SSB) proteins enhance the unwinding processivity of both the NS3 helicase domain (NS3h) and the full-length protease-helicase NS3-4A. The detailed study of the effect of SSB on the DNA unwinding activity of NS3h indicates that the SSB stabilizes the helicase at the unwinding junction and prevents its dissociation. These results suggest a potential role for either cellular or virus-encoded SSB protein in improving the processivity of the NS3 in vivo.  相似文献   

Non-Homologous End-Joining (NHEJ) is the predominant pathway for the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in human cells. The NHEJ pathway is frequently upregulated in several solid cancers as a compensatory mechanism for a separate DSB repair defect or for innate genomic instability, making this pathway a powerful target for synthetic lethality approaches. In addition, NHEJ reduces the efficacy of cancer treatment modalities which rely on the introduction of DSBs, like radiation therapy or genotoxic chemotherapy. Consequently, inhibition of the NHEJ pathway can modulate a radiation- or chemo-refractory disease presentation. The Ku70/80 heterodimer protein plays a pivotal role in the NHEJ process. It possesses a ring-shaped structure with high affinity for DSBs and serves as the first responder and central scaffold around which the rest of the repair complex is assembled. Because of this central position, the Ku70/80 dimer is a logical target for the disruption of the entire NHEJ pathway. Surprisingly, specific inhibitors of the Ku70/80 heterodimer are currently not available. We here describe an in silico, pocket-based drug discovery methodology utilizing the crystal structure of the Ku70/80 heterodimer. We identified a novel putative small molecule binding pocket and selected several potential inhibitors by computational screening. Subsequent biological screening resulted in the first identification of a compound with confirmed Ku-inhibitory activity in the low micro-molar range, capable of disrupting the binding of Ku70/80 to DNA substrates and impairing Ku-dependent activation of another NHEJ factor, the DNA-PKCS kinase. Importantly, this compound synergistically sensitized human cell lines to radiation treatment, indicating a clear potential to diminish DSB repair. The chemical scaffold we here describe can be utilized as a lead-generating platform for the design and development of a novel class of anti-cancer agents.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are repaired by nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR). Recent genetic data in yeast shows that the choice between these two pathways for the repair of DSBs is via competition between the NHEJ protein, Ku, and the HR protein, Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 (MRX) complex. To study the interrelationship between human Ku and Mre11 or Mre11/Rad50 (MR), we established an in vitro DNA end resection system using a forked model dsDNA substrate and purified human Ku70/80, Mre11, Mre11/Rad50, and exonuclease 1 (Exo1). Our study shows that the addition of Ku70/80 blocks Exo1-mediated DNA end resection of the forked dsDNA substrate. Although human Mre11 and MR bind to the forked double strand DNA, they could not compete with Ku for DNA ends or actively mediate the displacement of Ku from the DNA end either physically or via its exonuclease or endonuclease activity. Our in vitro studies show that Ku can block DNA resection and suggest that Ku must be actively displaced for DNA end processing to occur and is more complicated than the competition model established in yeast.  相似文献   

Some phages survive irradiation much better upon multiple than upon single infection, a phenomenon known as multiplicity reactivation (MR). Long ago MR of UV-irradiated λ red phage in E. coli cells was shown to be a manifestation of recA-dependent recombinational DNA repair. We used this experimental model to assess the influence of helicase II on the type of recombinational repair responsible for MR. Since helicase II is encoded by the SOS-inducible uvrD gene, SOS-inducing treatments such as irradiating recA+ or heating recA441 cells were used. We found: i) that MR was abolished by the SOS-inducing treatments; ii) that in uvrD background these treatments did not affect MR; and iii) that the presence of a high-copy plasmid vector carrying the uvrD+ allele together with its natural promoter region was sufficient to block MR. From these results we infer that helicase II is able to antagonize the type of recA-dependent recombinational repair acting on multiple copies of UV-damaged λ DNA and that its antirecombinogenic activity is operative at elevated levels only.  相似文献   

We have developed an inducible HEK293/Tet-On cell line that transiently expresses both FLAG-tagged human angiotensin II type-I receptors (FLAG-hAT(1)R) and G(q)alpha G protein subunits in response to doxycycline. High and tightly regulated levels of FLAG-hAT(1)R (740+/-57 fmol/mg protein) and G(q)alpha (36-fold increase compared with non-induced cells) overexpression were consistently achieved. We investigated the possibility of using an inducible system to increase the proportion of constitutively active wild-type FLAG-hAT(1)Rs by overexpressing G(q)alpha. Following doxycycline treatment, we observed no significant change in the apparent binding affinity or potency (coupling efficiency) of angiotensin II, though significant increases in the intrinsic activity of several partial agonists were observed, indicative of constitutive activity. DUP753 (10 microM), a suggested inverse agonist, did not inhibit the enhanced level of basal (agonist-independent) activity. The data suggest that the resting equilibrium of hAT(1) receptors between the inactive (R) and active (R*) forms is predominantly weighted towards the inactive conformation.  相似文献   

Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMPK-II) is a key regulatory enzyme in living cells. Modulation of its activity, therefore, could have a major impact on many cellular processes. We found that Zn(2+) has multiple functional effects on CaMPK-II. Zn(2+) generated a Ca(2+)/CaM-independent activity that correlated with the autophosphorylation of Thr(286), inhibited Ca(2+)/CaM binding that correlated with the autophosphorylation of Thr(306), and inhibited CaMPK-II activity at high concentrations that correlated with the autophosphorylation of Ser(279). The relative level of autophosphorylation of these three sites was dependent on the concentration of zinc used. The autophosphorylation of at least these three sites, together with Zn(2+) binding, generated an increased mobility form of CaMPK-II on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels. Overall, autophosphorylation induced by Zn(2+) converts CaMPK-II into a different form than the binding of Ca(2+)/CaM. In certain nerve terminals, where Zn(2+) has been shown to play a neuromodulatory role and is present in high concentrations, Zn(2+) may turn CaMPK-II into a form that would be unable to respond to calcium signals.  相似文献   

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