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We examined expression of the lipophorin (Lp) gene, lipophorin (Lp) synthesis and secretion in the mosquito fat body, as well as dynamic changes in levels of this lipoprotein in the hemolymph and ovaries, during the first vitellogenic cycle of females of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Lipophorin was purified by potassium bromide (KBr) density gradient ultracentrifugation and sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE). Polyclonal antibodies were produced against individual Lp apoproteins, apolipoprotein-I (apoLp-I) and apolipoprotein-II (apoLp-II), with molecular weights of 240 and 75 kDa, respectively. We report here that in the mosquito A. aegypti, Lp was synthesized by the fat body, with a low level of the Lp gene expression and protein synthesis being maintained in pre- and postvitellogenic females. Following a blood meal, the Lp gene expression and protein synthesis were significantly upregulated. Our findings showed that the fat body levels of Lp mRNA and the rate of Lp secretion by this tissue reached their maximum at 18 h post-blood meal (PMB). 20-Hydroxyecdysone was responsible for an increase in the Lp gene expression and Lp protein synthesis in the mosquito fat body. Finally, the immunocytochemical localization of Lp showed that in vitellogenic female mosquitoes, this protein was accumulated by developing oocytes where it was deposited in yolk granules.  相似文献   

Summary The fat body of vitellogenic mosquitoes was found to synthesize and secrete another protein in addition to vitellogenin, that accumulated in developing oocytes. In the tissues, this protein has Mr = 53000 on SDS-PAGE under reducing or non-reducing conditions. This protein is glycosylated as shown by [3H]mannose incorporation and experiments with tunicamycin. Polyclonal antibodies were produced using the ovarian 53-kDa peptide. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated the immunological identity of 53 kDa peptides from the fat body and the ovary. Furthermore, the 53-kDa protein (53KP) is synthesized and secreted exclusively by the vitellogenic fat body. Radioimmunoassay showed that 53KP is produced by the female fat body as early as 4 h and reaches its peak near 24 h after the initiation of vitellogenesis. Synthesis then drops to low levels by 36 h and declines to background levels by 48 h. In vitro experiments conducted on fat bodies of previtellogenic females demonstrated that the synthesis and secretion of 53KP can be stimulated by a physiological dose of 20-hydroxyecdysone (10–6 M). Immunocytochemical studies of the ovary demonstrate that 53KP is present in channels between follicle cells, in the perioocytic space and in yolk granules of the developing oocytes. This suggests that 53KP is accumulated in the oocytes by a pathway similar to that of vitellogenin.  相似文献   

Vitellogenesis in Aedes aegypti of uniform body size was followed at 27 degrees C in narrow time intervals throughout their first reproductive cycle by measuring the length, diameter, and volume of follicles and oocytes, the latter as an expression of the yolk mass (vitellus). Independent of all experimental conditions, a two-step process of elongation was recognized for both follicle length and yolk length, so that growth curves were consistently composed of two linear regressions with different slopes against time. Follicle lengths started to increase immediately after the blood meal, while oocytes took up to 6 h to show a measurable increase in yolk length. The first linear phase continued until 30 h, when yolk length reached 268+/-22 micro m. At this point, a transition occurred where the linearity shifted sharply for the next 6 h to 2-4-times higher slopes for both regressions. This second growth phase represented a 40% elongation of oocytes and follicles. Then, both curves leveled off at their final size, characteristic of mature ovaries: 462+/-10 micro m for oocytes, 489+/-11 micro m for follicles. These values remained constant until oviposition.The first linear growth phase was associated with an equicaloric and synchronous protein and lipid incorporation into the oocytes; levels of these substances reached their maximum by the end of this first phase and remained constant until oviposition. The second linear growth phase was characterized by rapid glycogen incorporation into oocytes from 20 to 100% of the maximum. Subsequently, the surface pattern of the exochorion became visible, marking the end of yolk incorporation. Since eggs are always laid on moist substrates, within 2-3 h of oviposition they double in volume and fresh weight, driven by more than tripling of their water content.When blood-fed females were exposed to five different temperatures between 17 and 37 degrees C, the distinction between the two linear growth phases persisted, but the slopes of the respective regressions, and therefore their durations, were affected. Eggs still matured at 37 degrees C but never hatched and at 12 degrees C only 18% hatched, whereas at all the intermittent temperatures hatching was 80-90%. Oogenesis appears to be limited to the range between 12 and about 32 degrees C.The effects of age, maternal body size and the source of the blood on vitellogenesis were also examined. These parameters affected the onset and/or extent of oogenesis in various ways.  相似文献   

Anautogenous mosquitoes require blood meals to promote egg development. If adequate nutrients are not obtained during larval development, the resulting "small" sized adult mosquitoes require multiple blood meals for egg development; markedly increasing host-vector contacts and the likelihood of disease transmission. Nutrient-sensitive target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling is a key signaling pathway that links elevated hemolymph amino acid levels derived from the blood meal to the expression of yolk protein precursors in the fat body. Here we report that the blood-meal-induced activation of the TOR-signaling pathway and subsequent egg maturation depends on the accumulation of adequate nutritional reserves during larval development. We have established well-nourished, "standard" mosquitoes and malnourished, "small" mosquitoes as models to address this nutrient sensitive pathway. This regulatory mechanism involves juvenile hormone (JH), which acts as a mediator of fat body competence, permitting the response to amino acids derived from the blood meal. We demonstrate that treatment with JH results in recovery of the TOR molecular machinery, Aedes aegypti cationic amino acid transporter 2 (AaiCAT2), TOR, and S6 kinase (S6K), in fat bodies of small mosquitoes, enabling them to complete their first gonotrophic cycle after a single blood meal. These findings establish a direct link between nutrient reserves and the establishment of TOR signaling in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

High density lipophorin (HDLp) is the major lipid transport vehicle in insect hemolymph. Using an indirect ELISA, levels of HDLp were measured in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The level of lipophorin, when normalized to the total weight of the insect, was similar in the different developmental stages. Starvation (access to water only) of adult females did not affect the level of HDLp nor its density when compared to sugar-fed females. On the other hand, blood feeding (of normally sugar-fed females) resulted in a three-fold increase of the HDLp level at 40 h after feeding. This increase was accompanied by a slight but significant increase in the density of HDLp at 24 h after feeding. Ingestion of a lipid-free protein meal or a lipid-supplemented protein meal induced changes in HDLp level and density that were comparable to those induced by ingestion of a blood meal. Ingestion of a blood meal, following starvation (access to water only) from the moment of adult emergence, did not induce an increase in HDLp level. The results presented indicate that, in contrast to other insect species, A. aegypti responds to an increased need for lipid transport in the hemolymph by increasing the amount of HDLp. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:301–312, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell lines provide a tool for investigating basic biological processes that underlie the complex interactions among the tissues and organs of an intact organism. We compare the evolution of insect and mammalian populations as they progress from diploid cell strains to continuous cell lines, and review the history of the well-characterized Aedes albopictus mosquito cell line, C7-10. Like Kc and S3 cells from Drosophila melanogaster, C7-10 cells are sensitive to the insect steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), and express 20E-inducible proteins as well as the EcR and USP components of the ecdysteroid receptor. The decrease in growth associated with 20E treatment results in an accumulation of cells in the G1 phase of the cycle, and a concomitant decrease in levels of cyclin A. In contrast, 20E induces a G2 arrest in a well-studied imaginal disc cell line from the moth, Plodia interpunctella. We hypothesize that 20E-mediated events associated with molting and metamorphosis include effects on regulatory proteins that modulate the mitotic cell cycle and that differences between the 20E response in diverse insect cell lines reflect an interplay between classical receptor-mediated effects on gene expression and non-classical effects on signaling pathways similar to those recently described for the vertebrate steroid hormone, estrogen.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila melanogaster flies were transformed with a yp1-Adh fusion gene with 890 bp of yp1 5 flanking sequence. In an Adh - background these flies show a stage, tissue and sex-specific pattern of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity characteristic of yolk protein genes. ADH activity is not present in dsx D/dsx pseudomales indicating that this fragment contains sites where the dsx gene product exerts its effect. Transformed male flies do not exhibit ADH activity when injected with 20-hydroxyecdysone while synthesis of native yolk proteins is induced. Thus the hormone inducibility and sex regulation have been separated in this construct.  相似文献   

Most mosquito species must feed on the blood of a vertebrate host to produce eggs. In the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, blood feeding triggers medial neurosecretory cells in the brain to release insulin-like peptides (ILPs) and ovary ecdysteroidogenic hormone (OEH). Theses hormones thereafter directly induce the ovaries to produce ecdysteroid hormone (ECD), which activates the synthesis of yolk proteins in the fat body for uptake by oocytes. ILP3 stimulates ECD production by binding to the mosquito insulin receptor (MIR). In contrast, little is known about the mode of action of OEH, which is a member of a neuropeptide family called neuroparsin. Here we report that OEH is the only neuroparsin family member present in the Ae. aegypti genome and that other mosquitoes also encode only one neuroparsin gene. Immunoblotting experiments suggested that the full-length form of the peptide, which we call long OEH (lOEH), is processed into short OEH (sOEH). The importance of processing, however, remained unclear because a recombinant form of lOEH (rlOEH) and synthetic sOEH exhibited very similar biological activity. A series of experiments indicated that neither rlOEH nor sOEH bound to ILP3 or the MIR. Signaling studies further showed that ILP3 activated the MIR but rlOEH did not, yet both neuropeptides activated Akt, which is a marker for insulin pathway signaling. Our results also indicated that activation of TOR signaling in the ovaries required co-stimulation by amino acids and either ILP3 or rlOEH. Overall, we conclude that OEH activates the insulin signaling pathway independently of the MIR, and that insulin and TOR signaling in the ovaries is coupled.  相似文献   

The major yolk protein of sea urchins is an iron-binding, transferrin-like molecule that is made in the adult gut. Its final destination though is the developing oocytes that are embedded in somatic accessory cells and encompassed by two epithelial layers of the ovary. In this study, we address the dynamics of yolk transport, endocytosis, and packaging during the vitellogenic phase of oogenesis in the sea urchin by use of fluorescently labeled major yolk protein (MYP). Incorporation of MYP into the accessory cells of the ovary and its packaging into yolk platelets of developing oocytes is visualized in isolated oocytes, ovary explants, and in whole animals. When MYP is introduced into the coelom of adult females, it is first accumulated by the somatic cells of the ovarian capsule and is then transported to the oocytes and packaged into yolk platelets. This phenomenon is specific for MYP and accurately reflects the endogenous MYP packaging. We find that oocytes cultured in isolation are endocytically active and capable of selectively packaging MYP into yolk platelets. Furthermore, oocytes that packaged exogenous MYP are capable of in vitro maturation, fertilization, and early development, enabling an in vivo documentation of MYP utilization and yolk platelet dynamics. These results demonstrate that the endocytic uptake of yolk proteins in sea urchins does not require a signal from their surrounding epithelial cells and can occur autonomous of the ovary. In addition, these results demonstrate that the entire population of yolk platelets is competent to receive new yolk protein input, suggesting that they are all made simultaneously during oogenesis.  相似文献   

In the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, autophagy and caspase activity function in parallel in the salivary gland during metamorphosis and in a common regulatory hierarchy during oogenesis. Both autophagy and caspase activity progressively increase in the remodeling fat body, and they are induced by a pulse of the molting hormone (20-hydroxyecdysone, 20E) during the larval-prepupal transition. Inhibition of autophagy and/or caspase activity in the remodeling fat body results in 25–40% pupal lethality, depending on the genotypes. Interestingly, a balancing crosstalk occurs between autophagy and caspase activity in this tissue: the inhibition of autophagy induces caspase activity and the inhibition of caspases induces autophagy. The Drosophila remodeling fat body provides an in vivo model for understanding the molecular mechanism of the balancing crosstalk between autophagy and caspase activity, which oppose with each other and are induced by the common stimulus 20E, and blockage of either path reinforces the other path.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced a cDNA encoding a vitellogenin (Vtg) from the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, an estuarine teleost. We constructed a liver cDNA library against RNA from estrogen-treated male mummichogs. Five overlapping cDNA clones totalling 5,197 by were isolated through a combination of degenerate oligonucleotide probing of the library and PCR. The cDNA sequence contains a 5,112 by open reading frame. The predicted primary structure of the deduced 1,704-amino-acid protein is 30–40% identical to other documented chordate Vtgs, establishing this Vtg as a member of the ancient Vtg gene family. Of the previously reported chordate Vtg sequences (Xenopus laevis, Gallus domesticus, Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, and Acipenser transmontanus), all four act as precursor proteins to a yolk which is eventually rendered insoluble under physiological conditions, either as crystalline platelets or as noncrystalline granules. The yolk of F. heteroclitus, on the other hand, remains in a soluble state throughout oocyte growth. The putative F. heteroclitus Vtg contains a polyserine region with a relative serine composition that is 10–20% higher than that observed for the other Vtgs. The trinucleotide repeats encoding the characteristic polyserine tracts of the phosvitin region follow a previously reported trend: TCX codons on the 5 end and AGY codons toward the 3 end. Whether the difference in Vtg primary structure between F. heteroclitus and that of other chordates is responsible for the differences in yolk structure remains to be elucidated. As the first complete teleost Vtg to be reported, these data will aid in designing nucleotide and immunological probes for detecting Vtg as a reproductive status indicator in F. heteroclitus and other piscine species.Abbreviations AGY AG(T or C) - TCX TC(AGC or T) - Lv lipovitellin - Pv phosvitin - Vtg vitellogenin Correspondence to: G.J. LaFleur, Jr.  相似文献   

We have established baseline conditions for investigating the interaction of the insect steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) with the cell cycle in the C7-10 cell line from the mosquito, Aedes albopictus. As is the case with Drosophila melanogaster cells, treatment of C7-10 cells with 20E inhibits proliferation. In the presence of 10−6 M 20E, a gradual decline in cell number is typically apparent at 24 h. Media components such as phenol red and the potential presence of endogenous steroids in serum have no effect on the response to 20E. Pre-treating the cells with 10−8 M 20E, with or without an intervening hormone-free period, did not alter the response to 10−6 M 20E. However, replenishment of the medium appeared to synchronize the response to 10−6 M 20E, causing an abrupt and complete cessation of cell division by 48 h. Flow cytometry over a 20 h period showed a decrease in the proportion of cells in S within 4-6 h after exposure to 20E. By 6-10 h, a transient increase in G2 was followed by the accumulation of more than 70% of the cells in G1. These data suggest that after treatment with 20E, cells complete the ongoing cycle before arresting in G1. Consistent with the decrease in the proportion of cells in S and G2, western blots show that levels of cyclin A, which is required during the S phase of the cycle, decreased in 20E-treated cells.  相似文献   

We have examined the association of ribosomal protein rpL34 mRNA with polysomes in Aedes albopictus C7-10 cells in culture using a simple, two-step sucrose gradient. In growing cells, 40-50% of the ribosomes were engaged on polysomes. This proportion could be increased to 80% when metabolism was stimulated by refeeding the cells with fresh medium. Conversely, ribosomes shifted off polysomes when cells were starved with phosphate-buffered saline or cell lysates were treated with puromycin. When similar approaches were used with fat body from blood-fed female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, we were unable to obtain the polysome fraction that contained vitellogenin mRNA, which is abundantly translated after a blood meal. Addition of post-mitochondrial supernatant from fat body to polysomes from cultured cells shifted the polysome profile towards smaller polysomes and monosomes, in a dose-dependent fashion. Disruption of fat body tissue in a post-ribosomal supernatant from refed cells improved the recovery of polysomes, demonstrating both the engagement of vitellogenin mRNA on polysomes and the mobilization of rpL34 from messenger-ribonuceloprotein particles onto polysomes in blood-fed mosquitoes. These observations suggested that ribonucleases remain active when polysomes are prepared from mosquito fat body, and that cell culture supernatant contains a ribonuclease inhibitor.  相似文献   

To prevent spreading of deadly diseases, populations of mosquitoes can be controlled by interfering with their chemical communication system. Odorant-binding proteins, recently shown to be required for olfaction, represent interesting targets for such purpose. Here we describe the ligand-binding properties and the unusual tissue expression of odorant-binding protein 22 from the repertoire of Aedes aegypti. Best ligands are molecules with two aromatic rings connected by a short rigid chain. The protein is expressed not only in sensory organs, such as the antennae and proboscis, but also in the male reproductive apparatus and transferred to the spermathecs of females. This suggests an additional function for this protein as pheromone carrier, analogously to vertebrates’ urinary and salivary proteins as well as some insect chemosensory proteins. Antiserum against odorant-binding protein 22 also stained the edges and sensilla of spiracles, indicating a third, still unknown, role for this protein.  相似文献   

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