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Numbers of scutal, coxal and sternal setae were counted in 1393 specimens of 5 Hirsutiella species. All observed chaetotactic anomalies were classified into 3 groups: 1) "rare" anomalies, such as absence of one AL, AM, coxal or sternal setae, presence of additional AL, AM, coxal or anterior sternal setae; 2) presence of 1-2 post-posterolateral soutal setae (PPL); 3) presence of additional 1-3 posterior sternal setae. "Rare" anomalies were found in 2.8% of the specimens examined. They were observed usually in northern or alpine populations. Obviously, it is an effect of more frequent ontogenetic failures in rigorous climate conditions being out of optimum for trombiculids. The quota of the individuals with PPL in a set of H. steineri samples varied from 16 to 74%, while in the other samples of this species the presence of the single (and not more) PPL were found very seldom, as well as in the other species examined. In the similar way, the additional posterior sternal setae were found with the frequency up to 100% in the some samples of H. steineri, H. hexasternalis and H. alpina, but in other ones they were present only in few specimens. Since in a series of cases the ratio of the number of specimens with PPL to the number of specimens without PPL, as well as the ratio of the number of specimens with fSt = 2.4 to the number of specimens with fSt = 2.2 is almost equal to 2, one can suppose that the variance of this characters has a genetic basis. All samples having a high frequency of the PPL appearance or the appearance of additional posterior sternal setae were collected in the alpine zone. It is an evident example of the ecogeographical rules, which were reported previously by the author for the quantitative characters in species of the genera Neotrombicula (Stekolnikov, 1996, 1998, 1999) and Hirsutiella (Stekolnikov, 2001). It is possible that the PPL appearance is caused by the higher humidity of the climate, and the appearance of additional posterior sternal setae--by the low temperature. It is supported by the fact that the samples with high friquency of individuals having PPL are specific to damp areas of Western Caucasus, while the populations with high frequency of additional posterior sternal setae appear to be characteristic for regions with more dry climate (Daghestan, Turkey, Chelyabinsk Region of Russia). The fact, that in some populations of H. steineri, the individuals having PPL are prevalent, can serve as a serious argument for the abolishment of the genera Hoffmannina Brennan et Jones, 1959 and Aboriginesia Kudryashova, 1993 distinguished from related groups only by the presence of this setae.  相似文献   

A revision of chigger mites species being closely related to Neotrombicula talmiensis (Schluger, 1955) has been performed. 2 new species are described: N. pontica sp. n. from Krasnodar Territory (Western Caucasus) and N. sympatrica sp. n. from Krasnodar Territory, Daghestan, Tuva, Armenia, Kirghizia and Turkey (Rize Province). N. pontica sp. n. is closely related to N. carpathica Schluger et Vysotzkaya, 1970 and differs from this species by the larger number of idiosomal setae (NDV = = 75-99 against 63-77), shorter legs (Ip = 782-847 against 844-920, TaIII = 67-74 against 70-80), lesser m-t (0.180 against 0.192), slightly lesser scutum and slightly longer setae. N. sympatrica sp. n. is closely related to N. carpathica and differs from this species by the longer scutal and idiosomal setae (PL = 67-78 against 57-69, H = 65-75 against 57-68, Dmin = 43-52 against 39-48, Dmax = 61-70 against 54-64), longer legs (Ip = 892-973 against 844-920, TaIII = = 77-86 against 70-80) and lesser m-t (0.168 against 0.192). N. carpathica is reported for the first time from Northern Caucasus (Karachai-Cherkess Republic, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia); N. talmiensis is reported for the first time from Khakasia. Data on joint occurrence of 3 species are reported. The 3 types of sympatric pairs of the species have been found in the Western Caucasus: 1) N. pontica sp. n. and N. sympatrica sp. n., 2) N. sympatrica sp. n., and N. carpathica, 3) N. pontica sp. n., and N. carpathica. Differences between species in that localities, where the joint occurrence was recorded, have been analysed. Sympatric relations between N. sympatrica sp. n. and N. carpathica are characterized by increased value of some general diagnostic characters of these species, such as the length of idiosomal setae and length of legs. Different characters play main distinguishing role in different sympatric localities. Besides that, some local features appear in certain species of sympatric pairs (narrow scutum in 3 samples of N. carpathica, numerous idiosomal setae in 1 sample of N. sympatrica), that differs the populations of the sympatric pair, and also discriminates such aberrant group from other material of the same species. Functions produced by the method of discriminant analysis are proposed for the purpose of diagnostics in talmiensis group. Tests for assumptions of discriminant analysis, such as normality and homogeneity of variances, has been performed beforehand. Verifications of the functions on test samples demonstrated the good quality of its working. Key to species using discriminant functions has been constructed.  相似文献   

记述新恙螨属NeotrombiculaHirst ,192 5一新种 ,拟旱獭新恙螨Neotrombiculaparamarmotaesp .nov .,模式标本采自民和县的松田鼠PitymysireneThomas,1911体上。标本存放在青海省地方病防治研究所。量度单位均为 μm。  相似文献   

【目的】 观察伯氏嗜木螨Caloglyphus berlesei生活史各发育阶段外部形态和超微形态特征。【方法】 采集中华地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis培养床上的培养料, 分离伯氏嗜木螨。将分离获得的伯氏嗜木螨双蒸水洗涤后, 一部分用于制备常规玻片标本, 光镜下直接观察; 另一部分用2.5%戊二醛溶液固定, 70%酒精再次洗涤, 临界点干燥, 置于扫描电镜下观察不同发育阶段(包括卵、 幼螨、 若螨及成螨)的超微形态特征。【结果】 电镜下伯氏嗜木螨各发育阶段的足、 刚毛和外生殖器及其附属结构的形态均清晰可辨。幼螨足3对, 足上无叶状刚毛, 基节干发达; 若螨足4对, 出现第4背毛, 生殖区发育不全; 休眠体足爪和前跗节发达, 出现叶状毛、 胫节毛及膝节毛等结构, 生殖板骨化明显, 其两侧有吸盘和刚毛各1对。吸盘板上共有4对成对的吸盘、 1个单吸盘和2对类圆形微凸。成螨生殖感觉器骨化且呈心形, 雄雌成螨生殖感觉器的刚毛数量上有明显差异。【结论】 对伯氏嗜木螨形态和超微形态特征的观察有助于对其进一步科学分类和进行生活史研究, 并可为控制伯氏嗜木螨及其引起的过敏性疾病提供参考。  相似文献   

Unambiguous classification is a prerequisite for the study of polymorphism, but accurate delimitation of continuous morphological characters can be challenging. Finite mixture modeling is a rigorous and flexible approach for delimiting continuous variables with unknown prior membership, but its application to morphological studies remains limited. In this study, the lengths of scapular setae of the eriophyoid mite Abacarus panticis Keifer collected from 18 sites in Taiwan were used as an example to evaluate the eligibility of finite mixture models. We then tested the hypothesis that longer scapular setae can facilitate dispersal. Lastly, we investigate morphological variation in various seta morphs by geometric morphometric techniques. Finite mixture models can satisfactorily classify scapular setae of A. panticis into long and short seta morphs. Abacarus panticis of the long morph only occurred in five sites whereas the short seta morph existed in all study sites. Geometric morphometric analyses revealed a more elongated coxal area in individuals of long morph than in those of short morph. Because the short morph is more widespread in geographical distribution than the long morph, longer scapular setae seem unlikely a specialized adaptation for dispersal. Further studies should capitalize on the finite mixture model in the delimitation of continuous morphological characters.  相似文献   

Adults and immatures of Novonothrus kethleyi spec. nov. are described. These Oribatid specimens originate from a forest litter sample collected in Chile. The mite is distinguished from all congeneric species by a trilobed posterior notogastral margin, monodactylous legs, short, broad and distally rounded posterior notogastral setae, and a thick, scale-like seta it' on tarsi II–IV in the adults. Se describen los inmaduros y adultos de la nueva especie Novonothrus kethleyi spec. nov., para Chile. Esta especie se distingue del resto de las especies del género por presentar el margen posterior del notogáster trilobulado; patas con una uña; setas notogastrales anchas, cortas y distalmente redondeadas, y por poseer seta it' grande y escamiforme en los tarsos II–IV de los adultos.  相似文献   

记述维螨属2新种:河南维螨Veigaia henanensis sp.nov.和福建维螨Veigaia fujianensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

记述革板螨属3新种和派伦螨属1新种:井冈山革板螨Gamasholaspis jinggangshanensis sp.nov.,何氏革板螨Gamasholaspis hochyicheni sp.nov.,新阿革板螨Gamasholaspis novakimotoi sp.nov.和沙县派伦螨Parholaspulus shaxianensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

Two new species of the freshwater cyclopoid genera Eucyclops are described, Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. and E. angeli sp. n. Both species belong to the serrulatus-group defined by morphological features such as: the presence of distal spinules or hair-like setae (groups N1 and N2) on frontal surface of antennal basis; the fourth leg coxa with a strong inner spine that bears dense setules on inner side, yet proximally naked (large gap) on outer side; and a 12-segmented antennule with smooth hyaline membrane on the three distalmost segments. Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. is morphologically similar to E. bondi and E. conrowae but differs from these species in having a unique combination of characters, including a caudal ramus 4.05±0.25 times as long as wide, lateral seta of Enp3P4 modified as a strong, sclerotized blunt seta, coxal spine of fourth leg with inner spinule-like setules distally, and sixth leg of males bearing a strong and long inner spine 2.3 times longer than median seta. Eucyclops angeli sp. n. can be distinguished by an unique combination of morphological features: the short caudal ramus; the long spine on the sixth antennular segment of A1; the presence of one additional group of spinules (N12’) on the caudal surface of A2; the presence of long setae in females, or short spinules in males on the lateral margin of fourth prosomite; the strong ornamentation of the intercoxal sclerite of P4, specially group I modified as long denticles; the distal modified setae of Exp3P3 and Exp3P4 in females and males; and the short lateral seta of P5. Finally, we report on a new record of E. festivus in México, and add data on morphology of the species.  相似文献   

This paper deals with taxonomy and phylogenetics of the genus Eurycletodes Sars, 1909 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Argestidae). Samples, collected from the southeast Atlantic on board RV “Meteor” during the cruises DIVA-1 (M48/1) and DIVA-2 (M63/2), contain specimens of Eurycletodes. Eurycletodes is characterized as a monophylum by A1 segments III + IV fused, basal seta of md palp lost, exp of md palp reduced to 1 seta or completely lost. Similarly, the subgenera Eurycletodes (Eurycletodes) and Eurycletodes (Oligocletodes) are characterized as monophyletic by the loss of the inner seta on P1 exp2 (apomorphic to E. (E.)) and the absence of the inner seta on P5 endopodal lobe (apomorphic to E. (O.)). Eurycletodes profundus is renamed as E. (O.) profundus. Eurycletodes ephippiger is the only species of the genus without subgeneric designation. Eurycletodes (O.) diva sp. nov. is described. The new species differs from described species of the genus by a larger body size, P5 endopodal lobe only slightly protruding, last segment of A1 with 2 outer setae, furcal rami elongated between setae VII and IV. The occurrence of 2 specimens of Eurycletodes (O.) diva sp. nov. at 2 sites separated by the Walvis Ridge supports the hypothesis that geographic obstacles do not prevent harpacticoid copepods from spreading in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Nymphal and larval Hyalomma (Hyalommina) arabica Pegram, Hoogstraal, and Wassef, 1982, described herein, closely resemble those of Hyalomma (Hyalommina) rhipicephaloides Neumann, differing chiefly in body size (both stages), nymphal basis capituli and scutal proportional dimensions, and distinctness of larval coxal spurs. Females of these species are also structurally similar but males differ in major critical characters. Nymphs and larvae of both species parasitize the spiny mouse (Acomys spp.), but immatures of the third African- Arabian species of this subgenus, Hyalomma (Hyalommina) punt Hoogstraal, Kaiser, and Pedersen, are unknown. Hyalomma (Hyalommina) arabica occurs in valleys and hills of western Saudi Arabia and western Yemen; H. (H.) rhipicephaloides in the Red Sea and Dead Sea areas; and H. (H.) punt in northeastern Somalia and eastern Ethiopia. The ibex (Capra ibex nubiana Cuvier) is probably the original host of adult H. (H.) arabica and H. (H.) rhipicephaloides; the related domestic goat is an important host of adults of the 3 species, which also parasitize domestic sheep. Gazelles are recorded hosts of adults of H. (H.) rhipicephaloides and H. (H.) punt and the latter is also recorded from goats, sheep, camels and cattle.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of chigger mite (Acari: Trombiculidae), Gahrliepia cangshanensis n. sp., from rodents in southwest China. The specimens were collected from Yunnan red-backed voles, Eothenomys miletus (Thomas, 1914), and a Chinese white-bellied rat, Niviventer confucianus (Milne-Edwards, 1871) in Yunnan Province. The new species is unique mainly in its number of dorsal setae (n=21), and it has the following features: fT (formula of palpotarsus)=4B (B=branched), fp (formula of palpal seta)=B/N/N/N/B (N=naked), a broad tongue-shaped scutum with an almost straight posterior margin, and 17 PPLs (posterior posterolateral seta) with a length of 36-43 µm. This chigger mite may also infect other rodent hosts and may be distributed in other localities.  相似文献   

记述派伦螨属1新种:遵义派伦螨Parholaspulus zunyiensis sp.nov.和革板螨属1新种:江西革板螨Gamasholaspis jiangxiensissp.nov.,并描述都匀革板螨Gamasholaspis duyunensis Chen,Guo et Gu,1994雄螨.  相似文献   

马立名 《蛛形学报》2012,21(1):12-16
记述寄螨属1新种:棒毛寄螨Parasitus clavasetosus sp.nov.和新革螨属1新种:丛枝新革螨Neogamasus fasciculus sp.nov.  相似文献   

描述宁夏下盾螨属Hypoaspis Canestrini,1885 1新种,郭氏下盾螨Hypoaspis(Cosmolaelaps)guoi sp.nov.及轻绘下盾螨Hypoaspis(Cosmolaelaps)subpictus Guet Bai,1992的形态补充,标本均采自宁夏海原县红羊地区蚂蚁Myrmos sp.巢穴中,保存于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

As part of a larger project examining and comparing the ontogeny of all major taxa of the Branchiopoda in a phylogenetic context, the larval development of Caenestheriella gifuensis (Ishikawa, 1895), a Japanese spinicaudatan ‘conchostracan’, is described by scanning electron microscopy. Seven different larval stages are recognised, in most cases based on significant morphological differences. They range in length from about 200 to 850 μm. Nauplius 1 has a plumb and lecithotrophic appearance with a rounded hind body and a labrum with an incipient medial spine. Limb segmentation is mostly unclear but the second antennae have more putative segments delineated than are expressed in the later stages. Feeding structures such as the mandibular coxal process and antennal coxal spine are only weakly developed. Nauplius 2 is very different from nauplius 1 and has three large spines on the labral margin and two long caudal spines. Feeding structures such as the mandibular coxal process and various spines and setae are developed, but whether feeding begins at this stage was not determined. The mandible has developed an ‘extra’ seta on endopod segment 1, absent in Nauplius 1. The segmentation of the second antenna has changed significantly due to fusions of various early segments. Nauplius 3 is like nauplius 2 in morphological detail, but larger and more elongate. Nauplius 4 has developed a pair of small anlagen of the carapace and rudiments of the first five pairs of trunk limbs, and the coxal spine of the antenna has become distally bifid. Nauplius 5 has a larger carapace anlage, externally visible enditic portions of the elongate trunk limbs, and a pair of primordial dorsal telson setae. Nauplius 6 has a larger and partly free carapace and better-developed, partly free trunk limbs with incipient enditic, endopodal, and exopodal setation. A pair of caudal spines, dorsal to the large caudal spines, has appeared. Nauplius 7 is quite similar to nauplius 6 but is larger and has slightly longer caudal and labral spines; also, the setation of the most anterior trunks limbs is better developed. The larval development is largely similar to that of other spinicaudatans. The larval mandible, which is evolutionarily conservative within the Branchiopoda, reveals a setation pattern similar to that of the Anostraca and Notostraca (two setae on mandibular endopod segment 1). Most other spinicaudatans and all examined laevicaudatans share another setal pattern (one seta on mandibular endopod segment 1), which could indicate a close relationship among these taxa. The second antenna undergoes a special development, which provides an insight into the evolution of this limb within the Branchiopoda. In nauplius 1 the basipod, endopod, and exopod are all superficially divided into a relatively high number of segments. In later nauplii some of these have fused, forming fewer but larger segments. We suggest that this ontogeny reflects the evolution of antennae in the conchostracans. Various aspects of the morphology of the antennae are discussed as possible synapormorphies for either the Diplostraca or subgroups of the Conchostraca.  相似文献   

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