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Intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) has been associated with increased predisposition to age-related complications. We tested the hypothesis that rat offspring models of IUGR would exhibit exacerbated, age-related retinal dysfunction.


Female Sprague-Dawley rats (maintained at 11.5% O2 from gestational day 15 to 21 to induce IUGR) and control offspring (maintained at 21% O2 throughout pregnancy) had retinal function assessed at 2 months (young) and 14 months of age (aged) with electroretinogram (ERG) recordings. Retinal anatomy was assessed by immunofluorescence.


Deficits in rod-driven retina function were observed in aged IUGR offspring, as evidenced by reduced amplitudes of dark-adapted mixed a-wave Vmax (by 49.3%, P<0.01), b-wave Vmax (by 42.1%, P<0.001) and dark-adapted peak oscillatory potentials (by 42.3%, P<0.01). In contrast to the rod-driven defects specific to aged IUGR offspring, light adapted ERG recordings revealed cone defects in young animals, that were stationary until old age. At 2 months, IUGR offspring had amplitude reductions for both b-wave (Vmax by 46%, P<0.01) and peak oscillatory potential (Vmax by 38%, P<0.05). Finally, defects in cone-driven responses were further confirmed by reduced maximal photopic flicker amplitudes at 2 (by 42%, P<0.001) and 14 months (by 34%, P = 0.06) and critical flicker fusion frequencies at 14 months (Control: 42±1 Hz, IUGR: 35±2 Hz, P<0.05). These functional changes were not paralleled by anatomical losses in IUGR offspring retinas.


These data support that the developing retina is sensitive to stressors, and that pathways governing cone- and rod-driven function differ in their susceptibilities. In the case of prenatal hypoxia, cone- and rod-driven dysfunction manifest at young and old ages, respectively. We must, therefore, take into account the specific impact that fetal programming might exert on age-related retinal dystrophies when considering related diagnoses and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

We investigated the neural correlates induced by prenatal exposure to melodies using brains'' event-related potentials (ERPs). During the last trimester of pregnancy, the mothers in the learning group played the ‘Twinkle twinkle little star’ -melody 5 times per week. After birth and again at the age of 4 months, we played the infants a modified melody in which some of the notes were changed while ERPs to unchanged and changed notes were recorded. The ERPs were also recorded from a control group, who received no prenatal stimulation. Both at birth and at the age of 4 months, infants in the learning group had stronger ERPs to the unchanged notes than the control group. Furthermore, the ERP amplitudes to the changed and unchanged notes at birth were correlated with the amount of prenatal exposure. Our results show that extensive prenatal exposure to a melody induces neural representations that last for several months.  相似文献   

Pregnenolone belongs to a class of endogenous neurosteroids in the central nervous system (CNS), which has been suggested to enhance cognitive functions through GABAA receptor signaling by its metabolites. It has been shown that the level of pregnenolone is altered in certain brain areas of schizophrenic patients, and clozapine enhances pregnenolone in the CNS in rats, suggesting that pregnenolone could be used to treat certain symptoms of schizophrenia. In addition, early phase proof-of-concept clinical trials have indicated that pregnenolone is effective in reducing the negative symptoms and cognitive deficits of schizophrenia patients. Here, we evaluate the actions of pregnenolone on a mouse model for schizophrenia, the dopamine transporter knockout mouse (DAT KO). DAT KO mice mirror certain symptoms evident in patients with schizophrenia, such as the psychomotor agitation, stereotypy, deficits of prepulse inhibition and cognitive impairments. Following acute treatment, pregnenolone was found to reduce the hyperlocomotion, stereotypic bouts and pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) deficits in DAT KO mice in a dose-dependent manner. At 60 mg/kg of pregnenolone, there were no significant differences in locomotor activities and stereotypy between wild-type and DAT KO mice. Similarly, acute treatment of 60 mg/kg of pregnenolone fully rescued PPI deficits of DAT KO mice. Following chronic treatment with pregnenolone at 60 mg/kg, the cognitive deficits of DAT KO mice were rescued in the paradigms of novel object recognition test and social transmission of food preference test. Pregnenolone thus holds promise as a therapeutic candidate in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Mild traumatic brain injuries can lead to long-lasting cognitive and motor deficits, increasing the risk of future behavioral, neurological, and affective disorders. Our study focused on long-term behavioral deficits after repeated injury in which mice received either a single mild CHI (mCHI), a repeated mild CHI (rmCHI) consisting of one impact to each hemisphere separated by 3 days, or a moderate controlled cortical impact injury (CCI). Shams received only anesthesia. Behavioral tests were administered at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 90 days post-injury (dpi). CCI animals showed significant motor and sensory deficits in the early (1–7 dpi) and long-term (90 dpi) stages of testing. Interestingly, sensory and subtle motor deficits in rmCHI animals were found at 90 dpi. Most importantly, depression-like behaviors and social passiveness were observed in rmCHI animals at 90 dpi. These data suggest that mild concussive injuries lead to motor and sensory deficits and affective disorders that are not observed after moderate TBI.  相似文献   



The antidiabetic drug metformin is currently used prior and during pregnancy for polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as during gestational diabetes mellitus. We investigated the effects of prenatal metformin exposure on the metabolic phenotype of the offspring during adulthood in mice.


Metformin (300 mg/kg) or vehicle was administered orally to dams on regular diet from the embryonic day E0.5 to E17.5. Gene expression profiles in liver and brain were analysed from 4-day old offspring by microarray. Body weight development and several metabolic parameters of offspring were monitored both during regular diet (RD-phase) and high fat diet (HFD-phase). At the end of the study, two doses of metformin or vehicle were given acutely to mice at the age of 20 weeks, and Insig-1 and GLUT4 mRNA expressions in liver and fat tissue were analysed using qRT-PCR.


Metformin exposed fetuses were lighter at E18.5. There was no effect of metformin on the maternal body weight development or food intake. Metformin exposed offspring gained more body weight and mesenteric fat during the HFD-phase. The male offspring also had impaired glucose tolerance and elevated fasting glucose during the HFD-phase. Moreover, the expression of GLUT4 mRNA was down-regulated in epididymal fat in male offspring prenatally exposed to metformin. Based on the microarray and subsequent qRT-PCR analyses, the expression of Insig-1 was changed in the liver of neonatal mice exposed to metformin prenatally. Furthermore, metformin up-regulated the expression of Insig-1 later in development. Gene set enrichment analysis based on preliminary microarray data identified several differentially enriched pathways both in control and metformin exposed mice.


The present study shows that prenatal metformin exposure causes long-term programming effects on the metabolic phenotype during high fat diet in mice. This should be taken into consideration when using metformin as a therapeutic agent during pregnancy.  相似文献   

We have measured levels and synthesis of proteolipid protein (PLP) and its transport into myelin in female mice heterozygous for the jimpy gene and in their normal female littermates. In both cord and cerebrum, jimpy carriers show deficits in PLP during development followed by compensation in adulthood. Recovery of PLP occurs earlier in cord than in brain. At 13 days levels of PLP in carriers compared to controls are reduced to 0.60 and 0.44, respectively, in cord and cerebrum. By 100 days, normal levels of PLP are attained in cord (1.13) whereas levels of PLP in cerebrum are only 0.78 of control. By 200 days full recovery occurs in cerebrum, with a ratio of 1.21, suggesting a possible over-compensation. The yield of myelin from cerebrum was reduced to 0.78 in carriers compared to controls at 17 days. In brain slices, incorporation of [3H]leucine into homogenate PLP from carriers is the same as in controls, whereas [3H]leucine incorporation into myelin PLP is reduced to 0.68 of control. These results indicate that synthesis of PLP in the carriers is normal at 17 days, but transport of PLP into myelin is reduced. Similarly, acylation of homogenate PLP is normal, whereas acylation of myelin PLP is reduced, as measured by incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid. Transport of PLP into myelin was compared to transport of MBP; transport of both proteins was equally decreased as indicated by the similar ratio of labeled PLP to MBP in myelin from carriers compared to noncarriers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DYT1 dystonia is an inherited movement disorder caused by mutations in DYT1 (TOR1A), which codes for torsinA. Most of the patients have a trinucleotide deletion (ΔGAG) corresponding to a glutamic acid in the C-terminal region (torsinAΔE). Dyt1 ΔGAG heterozygous knock-in (KI) mice, which mimic ΔGAG mutation in the endogenous gene, exhibit motor deficits and deceased frequency of spontaneous excitatory post-synaptic currents (sEPSCs) and normal theta-burst-induced long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampal CA1 region. Although Dyt1 KI mice show decreased hippocampal torsinA levels, it is not clear whether the decreased torsinA level itself affects the synaptic plasticity or torsinAΔE does it. To analyze the effect of partial torsinA loss on motor behaviors and synaptic transmission, Dyt1 heterozygous knock-out (KO) mice were examined as a model of a frame-shift DYT1 mutation in patients. Consistent with Dyt1 KI mice, Dyt1 heterozygous KO mice showed motor deficits in the beam-walking test. Dyt1 heterozygous KO mice showed decreased hippocampal torsinA levels lower than those in Dyt1 KI mice. Reduced sEPSCs and normal miniature excitatory post-synaptic currents (mEPSCs) were also observed in the acute hippocampal brain slices from Dyt1 heterozygous KO mice, suggesting that the partial loss of torsinA function in Dyt1 KI mice causes action potential-dependent neurotransmitter release deficits. On the other hand, Dyt1 heterozygous KO mice showed enhanced hippocampal LTP, normal input-output relations and paired pulse ratios in the extracellular field recordings. The results suggest that maintaining an appropriate torsinA level is important to sustain normal motor performance, synaptic transmission and plasticity. Developing therapeutics to restore a normal torsinA level may help to prevent and treat the symptoms in DYT1 dystonia.  相似文献   

The heterozygous effects on fitness of second chromosomes carrying mutants induced with different doses of EMS were ascertained by monitoring changes in chromosome frequencies over time. These changes were observed in populations in which the treated chromosomes, as well as untreated competitors, remained heterozygous in males generation after generation. This situation was achieved by using a translocation which links the second chromosome to the X chromosome; however, only untranslocated second chromosomes were mutagenized. Chromosomes were classified according to their effects on viability in homozygous condition. A preliminary homozygosis identified completely lethal chromosomes; secondary tests distinguished between drastic (viability index < 0.1) and nondrastic chromosomes. Chromosomes that were nondrastic after treatment were found to reduce the fitness of their heterozygous carriers by 3-5%. The data show that flies homozygous for these chromosomes were about 2.7% less viable per treatment with 1 mm EMS than flies homozygous for untreated chromosomes. By comparing the fitness-depressing effects of nondrastic EMS-induced mutants in heterozygous condition with the corresponding viability-depressing effects measured by Temin, it is apparent that the total fitness effects are several times larger than the viability effects alone. Completely lethal chromosomes derived from the most heavily treated material reduced fitness by 11% in heterozygous condition; approximately half of this reduction was due to the lethal mutations themselves.  相似文献   

Two large experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the heterozygous effects of irradiated chromosomes on viability. Mutations were accumulated on several hundred second chromosomes by delivering doses of 2,500r over either two or four generations for total X-ray exposures of 5,000r or 10,000r. Chromosomes treated with 5,000r were screened for lethals after the first treatment, and surviving nonlethals were used to generate families of fully treated chromosomes. The members of these families shared the effects of the first irradiation, but differed with respect to those of the second. The chromosomes treated with 10,000r were not grouped into families since mutations were accumulated independently on each chromosome in that experiment. Heterozygous effects on viability of the irradiated chromosomes were tested in both isogenic (homozygous) and nonisogenic (heterozygous) genetic backgrounds. In conjunction with these tests, homozygous viabilities were determined by the marked-inversion technique. This permitted a separation of the irradiated chromosomes into those which were drastic when made homozygous and those which were not. The results indicate that drastic chromosomes have deleterious effects in heterozygous condition, since viability was reduced by 2–4% in tests performed with the 10,000r chromosomes, and by 1% in those involving the 5,000r material. Within a series of tests, the effects were more pronounced when the genetic background was homozygous. Nondrastic irradiated chromosomes did not show detectable heterozygous effects. They also showed no homozygous effects when compared to a sample of untreated controls. In addition, there was no evidence for an induced genetic component of variance with respect to viability in these chromosomes. These results suggest that the mutants induced by high doses of X-rays are principally drastic ones which show deleterious effects on viability in heterozygous condition.  相似文献   

Frequencies of formation of inversion loops and their relative sizes were studied in laboratory mice heterozygous for paracentric inversion In1(1)Rk in chromosome1, depending on the genetic background. Homozygotes In1/In1 were crossed with mice from five inbred strains (A/HeJ, BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, DBA2/J). The frequency of formation of inversion loops, their relative sizes, and the dependence of these parameters on the stage of pachytene were analyzed on electron-microscopic slides of spread spermatocytes in first-generation hybrids. It was shown that the genetic background and cross direction statistically significantly influenced the duration of individual pachytene stages and the frequency of inversion loops, but not relative loop size. Using a database on SNP distribution in the inbred strains examined, we carried out in silico mapping of genes affecting the genotype-dependent characters. We have found that the efficiency of synapsis in the inversion does not depend on interstrain differences in homology of the chromosome 1 region involved in the inversion. Genes controlling the inversion loop frequency in the inversion heterozygotes were mapped to chromosome 7, and genes controlling the duration of individual pachytene stages, to chromosomes 2 and 5.__________Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2005, pp. 746–752.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Borodin, Ladygina, Rodionova, Zhelezova, Zykovich, Axenovich.  相似文献   

Abstract: Expression of the jimpy gene in heterozygous females was analyzed by measuring galactolipid synthesis in brain during early myelination. Sulfatide labeling in brains of heterozygous females at 13–14 days is decreased to 40–80% that of female littermates who do not carry the jimpy gene. The activities of ceramide galactosyl transferase and cerebroside sulfotransferase and levels of myelin basic protein were similarly depressed. Since the jimpy gene was maintained with the Tabby gene in these studies, the effect of the Tabby gene on these parameters was examined and found to have no effect. These biochemical findings indicate that myelination is retarded in the brains of heterozygous jimpy females during the second week of development. However, at 18 days and thereafter, sulfatide labeling is less reduced, suggesting that the oligodendrocytes in brain attempt to compensate, in agreement with morphologic studies which show that myelin is decreased in brain during early development, but appears normal in adult animals.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 2 (mTORC2) is a multimeric signaling unit that phosphorylates protein kinase B/Akt following hormonal and growth factor stimulation. Defective Akt phosphorylation at the mTORC2-catalyzed Ser473 site has been linked to schizophrenia. While human imaging and animal studies implicate a fundamental role for Akt signaling in prefrontal dopaminergic networks, the molecular mechanisms linking Akt phosphorylation to specific schizophrenia-related neurotransmission abnormalities have not yet been described. Importantly, current understanding of schizophrenia suggests that cortical decreases in DA neurotransmission and content, defined here as cortical hypodopaminergia, contribute to both the cognitive deficits and the negative symptoms characteristic of this disorder. We sought to identify a mechanism linking aberrant Akt signaling to these hallmarks of schizophrenia. We used conditional gene targeting in mice to eliminate the mTORC2 regulatory protein rictor in neurons, leading to impairments in neuronal Akt Ser473 phosphorylation. Rictor-null (KO) mice exhibit prepulse inhibition (PPI) deficits, a schizophrenia-associated behavior. In addition, they show reduced prefrontal dopamine (DA) content, elevated cortical norepinephrine (NE), unaltered cortical serotonin (5-HT), and enhanced expression of the NE transporter (NET). In the cortex, NET takes up both extracellular NE and DA. Thus, we propose that amplified NET function in rictor KO mice enhances accumulation of both NE and DA within the noradrenergic neuron. This phenomenon leads to conversion of DA to NE and ultimately supports both increased NE tissue content as well as a decrease in DA. In support of this hypothesis, NET blockade in rictor KO mice reversed cortical deficits in DA content and PPI, suggesting that dysregulation of DA homeostasis is driven by alteration in NET expression, which we show is ultimately influenced by Akt phosphorylation status. These data illuminate a molecular link, Akt regulation of NET, between the recognized association of Akt signaling deficits in schizophrenia with a specific mechanism for cortical hypodopaminergia and hypofunction. Additionally, our findings identify Akt as a novel modulator of monoamine homeostasis in the cortex.  相似文献   

A number of alleles at coat color loci of the house mouse give rise to areas of wild-type pigmentation on the coats of otherwise mutant animals. Such unstable alleles include both recessive and dominant mutations. Among the latter are several alleles at the W locus. In this report, phenotypic reversions of the Wei allele at the W locus were studied Mice heterozygous in repulsion for both Wei and buff (bf) [i.e. Wei+/+bf] were examined for the occurrence of phenotypic reversion events. Buff (bf) is a recessive mutation, which lies 21 cM from W on the telomeric side of chromosome 5 and is responsible for the khaki colored coat of nonagouti buff homozygotes (a/a; bf/bf). Two kinds of fully pigmented reversion spots were recovered on the coats of a/a; Wei+/+bf mice: either solid black or khaki colored. Furthermore phenotypic reversions of Wei/+ were enhanced significantly following X-irradiation of 9.25-day-old Wei/+ embryos (P less than 0.04). These observations are consistent with the suggestion of a role for mitotic recombination in the origin of these phenotypic reversions. In addition these results rise the intriguing possibility that some W mutations may enhance mitotic recombination in the house mouse.  相似文献   

RAS signaling plays a key role in controlling appropriate cell responses to extracellular stimuli and participates in early and late developmental processes. Although enhanced flow through this pathway has been established as a major contributor to oncogenesis, recent discoveries have revealed that aberrant RAS activation causes a group of clinically related developmental disorders characterized by facial dysmorphism, a wide spectrum of cardiac disease, reduced growth, variable cognitive deficits, ectodermal and musculoskeletal anomalies, and increased risk for certain malignancies. Here, we report that heterozygous germline mutations in CBL, a tumor-suppressor gene that is mutated in myeloid malignancies and encodes a multivalent adaptor protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, can underlie a phenotype with clinical features fitting or partially overlapping Noonan syndrome (NS), the most common condition of this disease family. Independent CBL mutations were identified in two sporadic cases and two families from among 365 unrelated subjects who had NS or suggestive features and were negative for mutations in previously identified disease genes. Phenotypic heterogeneity and variable expressivity were documented. Mutations were missense changes altering evolutionarily conserved residues located in the RING finger domain or the linker connecting this domain to the N-terminal tyrosine kinase binding domain, a known mutational hot spot in myeloid malignancies. Mutations were shown to affect CBL-mediated receptor ubiquitylation and dysregulate signal flow through RAS. These findings document that germline mutations in CBL alter development to cause a clinically variable condition that resembles NS and that possibly predisposes to malignancies.  相似文献   



Short-term toxicological evaluations of alpha-radioimmunotherapy have been reported in preclinical assays, particularly using bismuth-213 (213Bi). Toxicity is greatly influenced not only by the pharmacokinetics and binding specificity of the vector but also by non-specific irradiation due to the circulating radiopharmaceutical in the blood. To assess this, an acute and chronic toxicity study was carried out in mice injected with 213Bi-labelled Bovine Serum Albumin (213Bi-BSA) as an example of a long-term circulating vector.


Biodistribution of 213Bi-BSA and 125I-BSA were compared in order to evaluate 213Bi uptake by healthy organs. The doses to organs for injected 213Bi-BSA were calculated. Groups of nude mice were injected with 3.7, 7.4 and 11.1 MBq of 213Bi-BSA and monitored for 385 days. Plasma parameters, including alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, were measured and blood cell counts (white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells) were performed. Mouse organs were examined histologically at different time points.


Haematological toxicity was transient and non-limiting for all evaluated injected activities. At the highest injected activity (11.1 MBq), mice died from liver and kidney failure (median survival of 189 days). This liver toxicity was identified by an increase in both ALT and AST and by histological examination. Mice injected with 7.4 MBq of 213Bi-BSA (median survival of 324 days) had an increase in plasma BUN and creatinine due to impaired kidney function, confirmed by histological examination. Injection of 3.7 MBq of 213Bi-BSA was safe, with no plasma enzyme modifications or histological abnormalities.


Haematological toxicity was not limiting in this study. Liver failure was observed at the highest injected activity (11.1 MBq), consistent with liver damage observed in human clinical trials. Intermediate injected activity (7.4 MBq) should be used with caution because of the risk of long-term toxicity to kidneys.  相似文献   

On rat hippocampal slices using a standard patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration, we studied the effects of long-term (40 to 60 min) hypoxia/hypoglycemia (HH) on excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) evoked by stimulation of Schaffer collaterals in the cells of the CA1 zone. In addition to the earlier described effect of an immediate drop in the EPSC amplitude, a significant transient increase in its amplitude 30-50 min after the beginning of HH was observed. A pharmacologically isolated NMDA component of excitatory synaptic events underwent similar changes: 30-50 min after the blockade of NMDA receptor-mediated current, a fast recovery of its amplitude to the control (or even higher) values occurred. A blocker of NMDA/glutamate (Glu) receptors, D-aminophosphonovaleric acid (D-APV), and a competitive nonspecific antagonist of metabotropic Glu receptors, (RS)--methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine – (RS)-MCPG – did not influence the HH-induced initial suppression of synaptic transmission but completely eliminated its delayed recovery. Our findings allow us to suppose that NMDA receptors, as well as metabotropic Glu receptors, play important roles in the cascade of biochemical reactions resulting in death of hippocampal pyramidal cells in the course of and after long-term ischemia in vivo.  相似文献   

Intermittent hypoxia (hypoxia-reoxygenation) is often associated with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We describe a new device which can be used to submit cohorts of mice to controlled and standardised hypoxia-normoxia cycles at an individual level. Mice were placed in individual compartments to which similar gas flow parameters were provided using an open loop strategy. Evaluations made using computational fluid dynamics were confirmed by studying changes in haemoglobin oxygen saturation in vivo. We also modified the parameters of the system and demonstrated its ability to generate different severities of cyclic hypoxemia very precisely, even with very high frequency cycles of hypoxia-reoxygenation. The importance of the parameters on reoxygenation was shown. This device will allow investigators to assess the effects of hypoxia–reoxygenation on different pathological conditions, such as obstructive sleep apnoea or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase,PEPCK)是催化糖异生的限速酶,其在骨骼肌中表达量很低,作用尚不明确。本研究构建了在骨骼肌中特异表达PEPCK-C的转基因小鼠(PEPCK-Cmus小鼠),探讨PEPCK-C在小鼠骨骼肌中特异性表达后对运动和能量代谢的影响。结果显示,与同龄的野生型小鼠比较,PEPCK-Cmus转基因小鼠运动能力更强,胰岛素敏感性更高,血脂水平较低;骨骼肌中有明显脂肪堆积,但空腹血糖、体重、腹部脂肪体积没有差异。结果表明,PEPCK-C基因在小鼠骨骼肌中的特异性表达,提高了小鼠的运动耐力和糖平衡能力,并使血脂维持在较低水平,提示PEPCK-C基因在骨骼肌中的表达对机体的能量代谢有重要作用。  相似文献   

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