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Mammals are common predators on bird nests. However, their species identity frequently remains unknown. Here we present long-term data (1975–2005) from a central European woodland on the predatory effect of three dormice species (Rodentia, Gliridae) on cavity-nesting birds. Dormice are mostly frugivorous during the active late-summer season, but shortly after they terminate hibernation, they frequently depredate cavity-nesting-bird nests. The seven bird species studied, lost on average between 2.9 to 18.4% of their broods. MigratoryFicedula flycatchers suffered the highest brood losses, while the residentParus titmice and the nuthatchSitta europaea had much lower brood losses. The three dormice species differed significantly in their predatory effect during different avian breeding stages. The edible dormouseGlis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) depredated both eggs and nestlings equally, while the common dormouseMuscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and the forest dormouseDryomys nitedula (Pallas, 1778) destroyed more nests during egg laying and the incubation period. Among adult birds, females were taken more frequently by dormice than males. Among avian species, adultFicedula flycatchers were more often depredated than the titmice and nuthatch. Our study provided further evidence, that among the traditional studies on the costs of reproduction, parental mortality at the nests needs to be considered and that incubating or brooding females might be under higher predation risk than the males.  相似文献   

We examined phylogenetic relationships among six species representing three subfamilies, Glirinae, Graphiurinae and Leithiinae with sequences from three nuclear protein-coding genes (apolipoprotein B, APOB; interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, IRBP; recombination-activating gene 1, RAG1). Phylogenetic trees reconstructed from maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian-inference (BI) analyses showed the monophyly of Glirinae ( Glis and Glirulus ) and Leithiinae ( Dryomys , Eliomys and Muscardinus ) with strong support, although the branch length maintaining this relationship was very short, implying rapid diversification among the three subfamilies. Divergence time estimates were calculated from ML (local clock model) and Bayesian-dating method using a calibration point of 25 Myr (million years) ago for the divergence between Glis and Glirulus , and 55 Myr ago for the split between lineages of Gliridae and Sciuridae on the basis of fossil records. The results showed that each lineage of Graphiurus , Glis , Glirulus and Muscardinus dates from the Late Oligocene to the Early Miocene period, which is mostly in agreement with fossil records. Taking into account that warm climate harbouring a glirid-favoured forest dominated from Europe to Asia during this period, it is considered that this warm environment triggered the prosperity of the glirid species through the rapid diversification. Glirulus japonicus is suggested to be a relict of this ancient diversification during the warm period.  相似文献   

Graphiurus is a peculiar taxon among the monophyletic Gliridae (order Rodentia) in showing hystricomorphy of the zygomasseteric architecture of the skull [large infraorbital foramen (IOF), and correlative muscular arrangements). We analysed 34 extant genera taken from two groups of sciurognath rodents that share a large IOF (hystricomorph and myomorph) using elliptical Fourier transform in order to appraise whether this feature of cranial morphology was also accompanied by similar changes in mandible shape. The mandible of Graphiurus is distinct from those of all other hystricomorph sciurognath rodents in showing a more elongated coronoid process and a shorter angular process. Thus, two distinct zygomasseteric organizations (i.e. myomorphy and hystricomorphy of graphiurines) are associated with a similar mandible shape characterized by a well‐developed coronoid process. Results show that hystricomorphy of graphiurines was achieved convergently with other hystricomorph rodents. Protrogomorphy is the plesiomorphic condition in Gliridae and hystricomorphy is an autapomorphic feature of Graphiurus. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 807–821.  相似文献   

Gliridae is a small family of rodents including three subfamilies: the Eurasian Glirinae (with three genera) and Leithiinae (with four genera) and the African Graphiurinae (with a single genus). Phylogenetic relationships among these eight genera are not fully resolved based on morphological characters. Moreover, the genus Graphiurus is characterized by numerous peculiar features (morphological characters and geographical distribution), raising the question of its relationships to the family Gliridae. The phylogenetic position of Graphiurus and the intra-Gliridae relationships are here addressed by a molecular analysis of 12S RNA and cytochrome b mitochondrial gene sequences for six glirid genera. Phylogenetic analyses are performed with three construction methods (neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood) and tests of alternative topologies with respect to the most likely. Our analyses reveal that Graphiurus is clearly a member of the Gliridae, refuting the hypothesis that the family could be paraphyletic. Among Gliridae, phylogenetic relationships are poorly resolved: the Leithiinae could be monophyletic, there is no support for the subfamily Glirinae, and the closest relative of Graphiurus is not identified. The inclusion of Graphiurus among Gliridae allows us to postulate that its hystricomorphous condition has been achieved convergently with other hystricomorphous rodents.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequence data of the most geographically and taxonomically broad sampling of Cavia taxa to date. Primary objectives included providing the first extensive molecular phylogenetic framework for the genus, testing the taxonomic and systematic hypotheses of previous authors and providing insight into the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the genus. Support was found for the morphologically defined species C. aperea, C. tschudii, C. magna and C. fulgida and the taxonomic placement of taxa previously subject to conflicting taxonomic opinions (e.g. C. nana, C. anolaimae and C. guianae) was further resolved. Additionally, we elevate the Ecuadorian C. a. patzelti to species status, restrict the distributional limits and suggest taxonomic affiliations of some C. tschudii subspecies, and provide strong evidence for the geographic origin of guinea pig domestication. Finally, we provide an estimated evolutionary timeline for the genus Cavia, which appears to extend well into the late Miocene.  相似文献   

Helge Walhovd 《Oecologia》1976,25(4):321-330
Summary A pair of common dormice discovered while torpid in their natural hibernaculum on December 5, was studied continously outdoors, exposed to natural fluctuations in temperature and rainfall. Temperature inside and outside the nest ball and motor activity were recorded. The first emergence from hibernaculum occurred on March 4, after which the dormice were daily active, chiefly during evening and night hours. Nest departures lasted on average 10.5 h (6.5–14 h) per day.During the 88 days while the animals remained in the hibernaculum ambient temperature ranged from -5° to 8.5° C. Nest temperature never fell below zero, being chiefly 1.0°C above ambient temperature during 68 of these days and thus reflecting deep hibernation in both animals. However, on 19 occasions nest temperature was raised steeply from average 5.6°C (2.0–8.0°C) to average 23.0°C (17.5–32.5°C). These increases of nest temperature, lasting roughly 4 h (3–8 h) are interpreted as partial arousals. The total duration of partial arousals was 76 h, i.e. 3.6% of the time during which the animals remained consistently in the nest.The interarousal time varied, being 16 days at the most and 12 h at the least. The frequency of arousals increased with rising maximum values of ambient temperature, and partial arousals never were recorded on days when temperature remained below 2°C. It is believed that partial arousals correspond to the periodic or spontaneous arousals previously recorded in laboratory experiments of some other hibernating mammals. However, the energetic expenditure seems to be smaller during periodic arousals because of their shorter duration and the fact that no departure from the hibernaculum occurs.Possible mechanisms governing partial arousals are discussed. As these events chiefly occurred during night they may partly be controlled by an inherent time sense.  相似文献   

The use of nest boxes by the woodland dormouse, Graphiurus murinus, was investigated over a 13-month period in a riverine forest of the Great Fish River Reserve, South Africa. We predicted that some characteristics of nest box placement would affect nest box use and that the seasonal pattern of nest box use would be linked to the species' life cycle and physiological and socioecological characteristics. Generalized linear models indicated that the time since nest box installation and nest box height above ground positively affected the frequency and intensity of nest box use. Male and female dormice, as well as adults and juveniles, did not differ in the number of nest boxes used and equally occupied individual nest boxes. The percentage of nest boxes used peaked during spring and summer (breeding period) and dropped during winter (hibernation). However, whereas significantly more males were caught during the mating season (spring), the number of females occupying nest boxes was constant during the year. As female dormice successfully bred in the nest boxes, the observed sexual patterns suggest that (artificial) nest sites represent an important resource for females, whereas females seem to constitute the main resource for males, as predicted by the socioecological model.  相似文献   

Five dormice species belonging to five genera have been recognized at Eichkogel:Vasseuromys thenii nov. spec., Muscatdinus pliocaenicus Kowalski 1963,Myomimus dehmi (De Bruijn 1966),Glirulus lissiensis HuguEnEy & Mein 1965 and a glirid gen. et spec, indet. Petauristinae, Eomyidae and most of the Gliridae representing almost half to the Eichkogel rodent species are thought to have inhabited moist woodlands.  相似文献   

This is the first mitochondrial phylogeography of the common dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758), a hibernating rodent strictly protected in Europe (Habitat Directive, annex IV; Bern Convention, annex III). The 84 individuals of M. avellanarius, sampled throughout the distributional range of the species, have been sequenced at the mitochondrial DNA gene (cytochrome b, 704 base pairs). The results revealed two highly divergent lineages, with an ancient separation around 7.7 Mya and a genetic divergence of 7.7%. Lineage 1 occurs in Western Europe (France, Belgium, and Switzerland) and Italy, and lineage 2 occurs in Central–Northern Europe (Poland, Germany, Latvia, and Lithuania), on the Balkan Peninsula, and in Turkey. Furthermore, these two lineages are subdivided into five sublineages genetically isolated with a strong geographical association. Therefore, lineage 1 branches into two further sublineages (Western European and Italian), whereas lineage 2 contained three sublineages (Central–Northern European, Turkish, and Balkan). We observed low genetic diversity within the sublineages, in contrast to the significant level of genetic differentiation between them. The understanding of genetic population structure is essential for identifying units to be conserved. Therefore, these results may have important implications for M. avellanarius conservation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 648–664.  相似文献   


A new distribution locality for the Forest Dormouse, Dryomys nitedula, is reported from Ashrafiat Al Wade in the Barada River valley, northwest of Damascus. The specimens are morphologically similar to the Arabian and Turkish populations. Some ecological and biological aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies in gerbils found multiple instances of discordance between molecular and morphological phylogenies. In this study, we analyse the largest molecular data set to date of gerbils and their sister group the deomyines to estimate their phylogenetic relationships. Maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian analyses were largely concordant, and both generally had high levels of node support. For gerbils, the results were generally concordant with previous molecular phylogenies based on allozymes, chromosomes, DNA/DNA hybridization and DNA sequences, and discordant with morphological phylogenies. None of the traditional gerbil tribes and subtribes were monophyletic. In addition, paraphyly was found in the genera Gerbillus, Gerbilliscus and Meriones as well as in five subgenera within Dipodillus, Gerbillurus and Meriones. Short branches separating taxa in small clusters within Dipodillus and Meriones suggest synonymy. Within deomyines, all genera and subgenera were monophyletic; however, two species groups within Acomys appear to contain synonymous taxa. We also find support for the discordance between molecular and morphological phylogenies in gerbils being partly due to convergent adaptations to arid environments, primarily in the suite of traits associated with inflation of the tympanic bullae. Relative bullar size does appear to be a desert adaptation and is correlated with aridity independent of phylogeny. Further, it varies more strongly along bioclimatic clines than between binary habitat classifications (desert versus mesic).  相似文献   

Damselflies of the endemic Hawaiian genus Megalagrion have radiated into a wide variety of habitats and are an excellent model group for the study of adaptive radiation. Past phylogenetic analysis based on morphological characters has been problematic. Here, we examine relationships among 56 individuals from 20 of the 23 described species using maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial (1287 bp) and nuclear (1039 bp) DNA sequence data. Models of evolution were chosen using the Akaike information criterion. Problems with distant outgroups were accommodated by constraining the best ML ingroup topology but allowing the outgroups to attach to any ingroup branch in a bootstrap analysis. No strong contradictions were obtained between either data partition and the combined data set. Areas of disagreement are mainly confined to clades that are strongly supported by the mitochondrial DNA and weakly supported by the elongation factor 1alpha data because of lack of changes. However, the combined analysis resulted in a unique tree. Correlation between Bayesian posterior probabilities and bootstrap percentages decreased in concert with decreasing information in the data partitions. In cases where nodes were supported by single characters bootstrap proportions were dramatically reduced compared with posterior probabilities. Two speciation patterns were evident from the phylogenetic analysis. First, most speciation is interisland and occurred as members of established ecological guilds colonized new volcanoes after they emerged from the sea. Second, there are several instances of rapid radiation into a variety of specialized habitats, in one case entirely within the island of Kauai. Application of a local clock procedure to the mitochondrial DNA topology suggests that two of these radiations correspond to the development of habitat on the islands of Kauai and Oahu. About 4.0 million years ago, species simultaneously moved into fast streams and plant leaf axils on Kauai, and about 1.5 million years later another group moved simultaneously to seeps and terrestrial habitats on Oahu. Results from the local clock analysis also strongly suggest that Megalagrion arrived in Hawaii about 10 million years ago, well before the emergence of Kauai. Date estimates were more sensitive to the particular node that was fixed in time than to the model of local branch evolution used. We propose a general model for the development of endemic damselfly species on Hawaiian Islands and document five potential cases of hybridization (M. xanthomelas x M. pacificum, M. eudytum x M. vagabundum, M. orobates x M. oresitrophum, M. nesiotes x M. oahuense, and M. mauka x M. paludicola).  相似文献   

The present study examines the population genetic structure of fifty‐nine specimens of Glis glis (Linneaus, 1766) from thirteen localities in central Europe, sequencing a 400‐bp segment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene and a 673‐bp segment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. The consensus tree obtained from Bayesian analysis revealed a robust dichotomy, showing two sister groups: one clade includes samples from a wide geographical area, extending from north‐central Europe to northern Italy (major branch sensu Bilton), and the other comprises samples collected in central and southern Italy and in Sicily (Italian branch). According to the Tajima–Nei model, the two phylogroups were separated by a sequence divergence of 0.8% (cyt b) – 2.6% (COI), showing the COI gene to be more informative than cyt b. On a smaller geographical scale, the Italian clade was further substructured, displaying geographical differentiation along the Peninsula. The gene pool in this area was patchy; whereas populations from Sicily Island demonstrated fixed cyt b and COI haplotypes, assuming processes of isolation and selection. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 11–21.  相似文献   

West African Mountains of the Cameroon Volcanic Line harbour two montane‐endemic species of laminated‐toothed rats (Otomys), which represent the most westerly occurrence of the genus. We explore here through mtDNA sequencing and cranial morphometrics the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of O. burtoni (Mt Cameroon) and O. occidentalis (Mts Oku and Gotel). We conclude that both species are valid and can be discriminated by molecular data, as well as quantitative and qualitative cranial characters. From molecular data, O. occidentalis and O. burtoni are closest neighbours (p‐distance = 7.5–8.5%) and weakly associated sister species (suggesting a single West African radiation) and both are sister clades to a well supported clade of central, East and northeast African members of the O. typus s.l. and O. tropicalis s.l. species complexes from mountain ranges comprising the East African ‘Montane Circle’ and Ethiopian Highlands. Re‐evaluation of the evolutionary origins of the allopatric Otomys populations in equatorial Africa is undertaken in light of fossil evidence of a southern African origin of the genus. We can conclude that Otomys reached the Cameroon Volcanic Line via corridors of temperate grasslands during the Late Pliocene. Our data support the hypothesis that, following major peripatric speciation events at around 2.3 to 2.03 Ma (from East Africa into West and North Africa respectively), further speciation occurred across neighbouring mountain ranges in West, Central‐East and North‐East Africa. Estimated molecular dates of speciation events in Otomys reveal close congruence with well‐constrained geochronological estimates, pertinently the uplift of the Albertine Rift in the Early Pleistocene. These regional analyses reveal how peripatric speciation events established narrow‐range endemics of Otomys on principal stratovolcanoes across the East African plateau and Cameroon. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 320–344.  相似文献   

Molecular systematics of Goniodidae (Insecta: Phthiraptera)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The higher level phylogenetic relationships within the avian feather lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) are extremely problematic. Here we investigate the relationships of 1 family (Goniodidae), sometimes recognized as distinct within Ischnocera, using parsimony and likelihood analyses of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. These data support monophyly for a restricted definition of traditional Goniodidae, but recognition of this family would result in paraphyly of the large heterogeneous family Philopteridae. We show that the New World Chelopistes is not related to other members of Goniodidae, despite similarities in morphology, but rather is the sister taxon to Oxylipeurus. Within Goniodidae, genera are divided into those occurring on Galliformes (the Goniodes complex) and those occurring on Columbiformes (the Coloceras complex). Within the well-sampled Coloceras complex, or Physconelloidinae, several groups are identified. However, traditionally recognized genera such as Coloceras and Phvsconelloides appear to be paraphyletic. Whereas the phylogeny of Goniodidae reflects some aspects of host relationships, biogeography also influences coevolutionary history.  相似文献   

Molecular systematics of polychaetes (Annelida)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
McHugh  Damhnait 《Hydrobiologia》2005,(1):309-318
Hydrobiologia - Some progress has been made in the field of molecular systematics of polychaetes over the past couple of years. In particular, phylogenetic analyses of sequence data from the 18S...  相似文献   

Abstract.  Previous classification of the insect order Psocoptera has relied on morphological characters. Psocoptera are generally divided into three suborders: Trogiomorpha, Troctomorpha, and Psocomorpha. Traditional classification divides the Psocomorpha into four infraorders (Homilopsocidea, Caeciliusetae, Psocetae and Epipsocetae), but a recent morphological cladistic study removed Archipsocidae from Homilopsocidea and Hemipsocidae from Psocetae. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the suborder Psocomorpha using DNA sequences from the nuclear 18S and mitochondrial 16S, 12S and cytochrome oxidase I genes. Phylogenetic analyses of these gene sequences supported monophyly for Psocomorpha. In addition, monophyly of the traditional subgroups Caeciliusetae and Psocetae was generally supported. Monophyly of Homilopsocidea was not supported, and Archipsocus is removed from this group. Although the molecular phylogeny is generally consistent with recent cladistic studies of morphological characters, we found no evidence that Hemipsocidae should be removed from Psocetae.  相似文献   

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