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Behavioural modifications of Acipenser baeri were studied during early ontogeny at 18 °C by means of specific tests and general observations. During A. baeri ontogeny, several different periods could be clearly distinguished by behavioural patterns. From hatching to 3 days post hatch (p.h.), specimens exhibited swimming-up and drift behaviour. A transition from a pelagic to benthic behaviour occurred between 4–5 days p.h. and specimens were positively rheotactic. At 7–8 days p.h., prelarvae aggregated into schools of different shapes. During prelarval development, specimens were positively phototactic, preferred white bottoms and did not show any preference for bottom concealment. Between 9–10 days p.h. coinciding with the onset of the exogenous feeding, larvae were active bottom swimmers, schooling behaviour disappeared and larvae dispersed. During early ontogeny, changes in body coloration were observed among those specimens who swam over bottoms of different brightness and during the day/night cycle. From 9 to 12 days p.h., larvae were positively phototactic, denied bottom cover and showed preference for white substrates. At 13 days p.h., the percentage of fish exhibiting positive phototactism, preferring open to concealed bottom habitats and white bottoms started to decrease, while at 20 days p.h. specimens showed a clear preference for bottom concealment and black and greyish bottoms. The significance, use and evolution of the former behavioural patterns is deeply discussed.  相似文献   

Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, is a relatively small (130 cm, 16 kg) and now rare sturgeon restricted to the Yangtze River Basin. It behaves as a resident freshwater fish, does not undertake long distance migrations (except for spawning), and lives in a variety of habitats. It historically spawned in the upper Yangtze River, but the spawning sites are unknown. Acipenser dabryanus reaches maturity earlier than do other Chinese sturgeons, which gives the species aquaculture potential, and artificial spawning has been carried out. However, the native population in the Yangtze has sharply declined in the last two decades due to overfishing, pollution and habitat alteration and destruction, especially since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam, which was built in 1981 across the Yangtze River at Yichang, Hubei Province. Since 1981, Dabry's sturgeon rarely occurs below the Gezhouba Dam because downstream movements are blocked. Clearly, conservation of Dabry's sturgeon must be emphasized. Conservation methods may include protecting habitats, controlling capture and stock replenishment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Reproduction and early life history of northern squawfish,Ptychocheilus oregonensis, was investigated in Idaho's St. Joe River from 1980–1981. Spawning occurs in large aggregations which mill near the substrate to broadcast eggs and milt. Males greatly outnumber females in the aggregations. Males mature at smaller sizes and younger ages, and exhibit slower growth and greater mortality than females, although females devote more resources than males to gonadal production. Spawning was observed in June and July at temperatures of 12 to 18° C and was restricted to sites with the unique combination of a gravel-cobble substrate free of sand and a bottom velocity of 0.4 m s–1 or less. Juvenile northern squawfish schooled with other young cyprinids in sandy, zero-velocity, shallow-water margins of the river. Age 1 northern squawfish used deeper and more diverse microhabitats than juveniles. Growth of juveniles was rapid and variable during the first summer. During winter, average length did not increase and condition declined. Young northern squawfish ate a wide variety of crustaceans, aquatic insects, and terrestrial insects although individual fish tended to focus on one or two items. Diet breadth and food volume increased with age except in winter.  相似文献   

Synopsis Scaphirhynchus albus and S. platorynchus were studied in Missouri during 1978–1979 to assess their distribution and abundance, to obtain information on their life histories, and to identify existing or potential threats to their survival. S. platorynchus was collected in substantial numbers (4355 specimens) at all 12 sampling stations in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, while only 11 S. albus were captured from 6 stations. Twelve specimens identified in the field as hybrids between the two species were captured from 4 stations. Morphometric and meristic comparisons of presumed hybrids with the parent species, using cluster and principal components analyses, demonstrated intermediacy of most specimens identified in the field as hybrids. Aquatic insects comprised most of the diet of S. platorynchus and S. albus, but S. albus and the hybrids had consumed considerable quantities of fish. S. albus grew more rapidly than S. platorynchus, while the growth of hybrids was intermediate. Hybridization appears to be a recent phenomenon, resulting from man-caused changes in the big-river environment. Hybridization may be a threat to survival of S. albus in the study streams.  相似文献   

Effective management of the fishery resources of the Upper Mississippi River and successful mitigation of the loss of critical habitat depend in part on an understanding of the reproductive and early life history requirements of the affected fishes. However, little is known about the use of nursery areas by fishes in the river. Of the nearly 130 species identified in the adult ichthyofauna, only a few are represented proportionally in the available data on early life stages because study designs have not included consideration of the early stages, collection gears have not adequately sampled the young, and eggs and larvae of some species are difficult to sample by conventional approaches. For the species collected, information is available on seasonal variations in total densities, composition, and catch among different habitat types. However, the data are most accurate for species with buoyant early life stages, such as freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum). Eggs and larvae of freshwater drum dominate collections made in the main channel, whereas other larval fishes are usually most abundant in backwater habitats. The species found there usually deposit eggs on the substrate or on vegetation. Habitat preferences (as indicated by relative abundance) often shift as development proceeds and physical and behavioral changes occur in the larvae. Only limited information is available on the distribution of larvae within habitats, but it is clear that variations within habitats are significant.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions during early life can have a profound impact on developmental trajectory and ultimately ecological fitness of individuals. Therefore, from a conservation perspective it is vital to understand the longer-term implications of early phenotypic development on survival. In this study, we examined the effects of temperature (maintained at 16°C or ambient river temperature), prey condition (live or dead Artemia) and incubation method (tumbling jar or natural hatching over substrate) on the routine or standard metabolic rate (RMR, SMR), maximum metabolic rate (MMR), factorial aerobic scope, energy density (ED), whole body triglyceride concentration (TG), growth and mortality rate of age-0 lake sturgeon. Our results demonstrated that fish fed live artemia had significantly lower ED, growth and high mortality rates than those fed dead artemia at 32 days post-fertilisation (dpf) (p < .001). However, at 133 dpf fish fed live artemia showed higher MMR and no difference in ED, TG and growth rate compared to those fed dead prey during early life history. The present study showed that inclusion of live prey at the onset of exogenous feeding may be considered to promote a more natural phenotypic development in larval lake sturgeon.  相似文献   

Synopsis While adult Melanostigma atlanticum continue to be sporadically noted living within bottom sediments of the Laurentian Trough, the observation of late embryo/early juvenile stages has not previously been reported. The occurrence of 22 live specimens between 20–25 mm total length in the subsurface anoxic sediment in early May suggests that development of eggs and embryos may take place in such environments during the winter.  相似文献   

Abstract. The cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Phycitidae) is native to South America. It was released as a biological control agent against alien Opuntia- cacti in Australia in the 1920s, then in southern Africa, and latterly on several islands, including those in the Caribbean. In 1989, the cactus moth was discovered in Florida, in the United States of America, where it is now threatening the survival of indigenous Opuntia species. In this paper we identify some of the attributes that have contributed to the success of C. cactorum as a weed biological control agent. Many of these same qualities account for the problems that C. cactorum has caused in Florida and predispose it as a major threat to the speciose, native Opuntia- floras of Central and North America. An estimated 79 platyopuntia (prickly pear) species are at risk: 51 species endemic to Mexico; nine species endemic to the United States; and 19 species common to both countries. Many cultivated and wild Opuntia species, that are used in various ways, are also vulnerable to attack by C. cactorum , including at least 25 species in Mexico and three species in the United States, particularly the widely exploited and culturally important cultivars of O. ficus-indica . Some control strategies are suggested that may minimize the risk and consequences of invasion by the cactus moth. The wider implications of this threat to the practice of weed biological control and to conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis We determined age and growth, size at maturity, and fecundity for cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus, collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Vertebral age estimates ranged from 0+ to 18+ years for females and 0+ to 16+ years for males. Annual deposition of growth increments was verified with marginal increment analysis. Likelihood ratio tests indicated that the growth of the cownose ray was best described by a combined sexes Gompertz model. Median size at 50% maturity was determined to be 642 mm DW for males and 653 mm DW for females, or 4–5 years of age. Median pup size-at-birth was estimated to be 350 mm DW, with a gestation period of 11–12 months. In all cases, gravid females contained only one pup. Statistically significant differences were detected between growth curves for the Gulf of Mexico and the western Atlantic Ocean. Cownose rays in the Gulf of Mexico had lower estimates of DW and K, and a higher theoretical longevity than their conspecifics in the western Atlantic Ocean. Cownose rays in the Gulf of Mexico also attain maturity at a smaller size and earlier age than their counterparts in the western Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

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