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A procedure is described for in-gel tryptic digestion of proteins that allows the direct analysis of eluted peptides in electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometers without the need of a postdigestion desalting step. It is based on the following principles: (a) a thorough desalting of the protein in-gel before digestion that takes advantage of the excellent properties of acrylamide polymers for size exclusion separations, (b) exploiting the activity of trypsin in water, in the absence of inorganic buffers, and (c) a procedure for peptide extraction using solvents of proven efficacy with highly hydrophobic peptides. Quality of spectra and sequence coverage are equivalent to those obtained after digestion in ammonium bicarbonate for hydrophilic proteins detected with Coomassie blue, mass spectrometry-compatible silver or imidazole-zinc but are significantly superior for highly hydrophobic proteins, such as membrane proteins with several transmembrane domains. ATPase subunit 9 (GRAVY 1.446) is a membrane protein channel, lipid-binding protein for which both the conventional in-gel digestion protocol and in solution digestion failed. It was identified with very high sequence coverage. Sample handling after digestion is notably simplified as peptides are directly loaded into the ESI source without postdigestion processing, increasing the chances for the identification of hydrophobic peptides.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1993,330(3):339-342
The primary structure of three major cationic peptides from porcine neutrophils has been determined. The sequencing was made by the combined use of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. The determined sequences unambiguously show that these peptides can not be considered as defensins.  相似文献   

A proteomics-based approach was used for characterizing wheat gliadins from an Italian common wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar. A two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) map of roughly 40 spots was obtained by submitting the 70% alcohol-soluble crude protein extract to isoelectric focusing on immobilized pH gradient strips across two pH gradient ranges, i.e., 3-10 or pH 6-11, and to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis in the second dimension. The chymotryptic digest of each spot was characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and nano electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis, providing a "peptide map" for each digest. The measured masses were subsequently sought in databases for sequences. For accurate identification of the parent protein, it was necessary to determine de novo sequences by MS/MS experiments on the peptides. By partial mass fingerprinting, we identified protein molecules such as alpha/beta-, gamma-, omega-gliadin, and high molecular weight-glutenin. The single spots along the 2-DE map were discriminated on the basis of their amino acid sequence traits. alpha-Gliadin, the most represented wheat protein in databases, was highly conserved as the relative N-terminal sequence of the components from the 2-DE map contained only a few silent amino acid substitutions. The other closely related gliadins were identified by sequencing internal peptide chains. The results gave insight into the complex nature of gliadin heterogeneity. This approach has provided us with sound reference data for differentiating gliadins amongst wheat varieties.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS–MS) procedure was developed for the determination of iodide (I). A gold (Au) and I complex was formed immediately after the addition of the chelating agent NaAuCl4 to I solution, and was extracted with methyl isobutyl ketone. One to five microliters of the extract were injected directly into an ESI–MS–MS instrument. I quantification was performed by selecting reaction monitoring of the product ion I at m/z 127 derived from the precursor ion 197AuI2 at m/z 451. I concentration was measured in the quantification range from 10−7 to 10−5 M using 50 μL of solution within 10 min. Iodate was reduced to I with ascorbic acid and determined. I concentration in reference urine 2670a was measured after treatments.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) positive-ion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of prostaglandin glyceryl esters (PG-Gs), a newly discovered class of eicosanoids, is described. All four PG-Gs (PGE(2)-G, PGD(2)-G, PGF(2alpha)-G, and 6-keto-PGF(1alpha)-G) and the prostaglandins (PGs) that are formed by their hydrolysis are simultaneously quantified. Analytes were purified via reverse-phase solid-phase extraction, separated by reverse-phase HPLC, and quantified on a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer using selected reaction monitoring. Quantification was achieved by stable isotope dilution employing penta-deuterated (PG-Gs) or tetra-deuterated (PGs) analogs. Analyte recovery from cell culture medium was >43% for all analytes at four different concentration levels. The limit of quantification is in the range of 25fmol on-column for each analyte and the analytes exhibit a linear response over approximately a 500-fold range. This method allows simultaneous profiling of several PG-Gs and PGs without multistep sample purification or derivatization.  相似文献   

A microelectrospray ionization tandem Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS(n)) approach for structural characterization of protein phosphorylation is described. Identification of proteolytic peptides is based solely upon mass measurement by high field (9.4 Tesla) FT-ICR MS. The location of the modification within any phosphopeptide is then established by FT-ICR MS(2) and MS(3) experiments. Structural information is maximized by use of electron capture dissociation (ECD) and/or infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD). The analytical utility of the method is demonstrated by characterization of protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation. In a single FT-ICR MS experiment, 30 PKA tryptic peptides (including three phosphopeptides) were mass measured by internal calibration to within an absolute mean error of |0.7 ppm|. The location of each of the three sites of phosphorylation was then determined by MS(2) and MS(3) experiments, in which ECD and IRMPD provide complementary peptide sequence information. In two out of three cases, electron irradiation of a phosphopeptide [M + nH](n+) ion produced an abundant charge-reduced [M + nH]((n-1)+*) ion, but few sequence-specific c and z(*) fragment ions. Subsequent IRMPD (MS(3)) of the charge-reduced radical ion resulted in the detection of a large number of ECD-type ion products (c and z ions), but no b or y type ions. The utility of activated ion ECD for the characterization of tryptic phosphopeptides was then demonstrated.  相似文献   

The membrane protein components of photosystem I (PSI) and II (PSII) from different species were prefractionated by liquid extraction and sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation and subsequently analyzed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC-ESI-MS) using poly-(styrene-divinylbenzene)-based monolithic capillary columns. The analytical method was shown to be very flexible and enabled the identification of antenna proteins as well as most of the proteins of the reaction center from PSI and PSII in various plant species with few RP-HPLC-ESI-MS analyses necessitating only minor adaptations in the gradients of acetonitrile in 0.05% aqueous trifluoroacetic acid. The membrane proteins, ranging in molecular mass (Mr) from 4196 (I protein) to more than 80,000 (PSI A/B) as well as isoforms were identified on the basis of their intact Mr and comparison with Mr deduced from known DNA or protein sequences. High quality mass spectra enabled the identification and quantitation of the nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated reaction center subunits D1, D2, and CP43 of PSII, containing five to seven membrane-spanning alpha-helices. Because of its high flexibility and suitability for proteins having a very wide range of Mr and hydrophobicities, the method is generally applicable to the analysis of complex mixtures of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Electron capture dissociation (ECD) represents a significant advance in tandem mass spectrometry for the identification and characterization of post-translational modifications (PTMs) of polypeptides. In comparison with the conventional fragmentation techniques, such as collisionally induced dissociation and infrared multi-photon dissociation, ECD provides more extensive sequence fragments, while allowing the labile modifications to remain intact during backbone fragmentation. This unique attribute offers ECD as an attractive alternative for detection and localization of PTMs. The success and rapid adoption of ECD recently led to the culmination of The 1st International Uppsala Symposium on Electron Capture Dissociation of Biomolecules and Related Phenomena (October 19-22, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden). Herein, we present a general overview of the ECD technique as well as selected applications in characterization of post-translationally modified polypeptides.  相似文献   

We describe an integrated workstation for the automated, high-throughput, and conclusive identification of proteins by reverse-phase chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. The instrumentation consists of a refrigerated autosampler, a submicrobore reverse-phase liquid chromatograph, and an electrospray triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. For protein identification, enzymatic digests of either homogeneous polypeptides or simple protein mixtures were generated and loaded into the autosampler. Samples were sequentially injected every 32 min. Ions of eluting peptides were automatically selected by the mass spectrometer and subjected to collision-induced dissociation. Following each run, the resulting tandem mass spectra were automatically analyzed by SEQUEST, a program that correlates uninterpreted peptide fragmentation patterns with amino acid sequences contained in databases. Protein identification was established by SEQUEST_SUMMARY a program that combines the SEQUEST scores of peptides originating from the same protein and ranks the cumulative results in a short summary. The workstation's performance was demonstrated by the unattended identification of 90 proteins from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which were separated by high-resolution two-dimensional PAGE. The system was found to be very robust and identification was reliably and conclusively established for proteins if quantities exceeding 1-5 pmol were applied to the gel. The level of automation, the throughput, and the reliability of the results suggest that this system will be useful for the many projects that require the characterization of large numbers of proteins.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry (MS) has the potential to revolutionize structural glycobiology and help in the understanding of how post-translation events such as glycosylation affect protein activities. Several approaches to determine the structure of glycopeptides have been used successfully including fast atom bombardment, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization, and electrospray ionization with a wide variety of mass analyzers. However, the identification of glycopeptides in a complex mixture still remains a challenge. The source of this challenge is primarily due to the poor ionization efficiency and rapid degradation of glycopeptides. In this report we describe the use of a chip-based infusion nanoelectrospray ionization technique in combination with a recently developed linear ion trap for identification and characterization of glycosylation in complex mixtures. Two standard synthetic glycans were analyzed using multiple-stage fragmentation analysis in both positive and negative ionization modes. In addition, the high mannose type N-glycosylation in ribonuclease B (RNase B) was used to map the glycosylation site and obtain the glycan structures. We were able to map the glycosylation site and obtain the glycan structures in RNase B in a single analysis. The results reported here demonstrate that the fully automated chip-based nanoelectrospray linear ion trap platform is a valuable system for oligosaccharide analyses due to the unique MS/MS and MS(n) capability of the linear ion trap and the extended analysis time provided by the ionization technique.  相似文献   

Identification of peptides from a complex mixture can be difficult because of the wide concentration range and the different ionization efficiencies of peptides during analysis by electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS). Preconcentration methods are necessary to allow low-abundance and low-intensity peptides to reach the ionization threshold of the mass spectrometer. Here we demonstrate peptide enrichment based on electroimmobilization. Peptides are immobilized without the use of solid support or chemical binding by application of an electric field along a microflow stream in an electrocapture cell. Once enriched/preconcentrated inside the cell, they are released by removal of the electric field and via an interface with an electrospray emitter are submitted to online mass spectrometric analysis. Tandem mass spectrometric analysis of a peptide mixture containing hemoglobin, myoglobin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and cytochrome c was successful. Amplification factors up to 16-fold were achieved with improvement of the signal-to-noise values for the preconcentrated sample. The limit of detection for one of the preconcentrated peptides was 3.6 fmol.  相似文献   

Froelich JM  Reid GE 《Proteomics》2008,8(7):1334-1345
The origin and control of ex vivo sample handling related oxidative modifications of methionine-, S-alkyl cysteine-, and tryptophan-containing peptides obtained from typical "in-solution" or "in-gel" proteolytic digestion strategies, have been examined by capillary HPLC and MS/MS. The origin of increased oxidation levels were found to be predominantly associated with the extensive ex vivo sample handling steps required for gel electrophoresis and/or in-gel proteolytic digestion of proteins prior to analysis by MS. Conditions for deliberately controlling the oxidation state (both oxidation and reduction) of these peptides, as well as for those containing cysteine, have been evaluated using a series of model synthetic peptides and standard tryptic protein digests. Essentially complete oxidation of methionine- and S-alkyl cysteine-containing peptides was achieved by reaction with 30% hydrogen peroxide/5% acetic acid at room temperature for 30 min. Under these conditions, cysteine was also converted to cysteic acid, while only limited oxidation of tryptophan to oxindolylalanine, and methionine and S-alkyl cysteine sulfoxides to their respective sulfones, were observed. Efficient reduction of methionine- and S-alkyl cysteine sulfoxide-containing peptides was achieved by reaction in 1 M dimethylsulfide/10 M hydrochloric acid at room temperature for 10 and 45 min, respectively. None of the reduction conditions evaluated were found to result in the reduction of oxindolylalanine, cysteic acid, or methionine sulfone.  相似文献   

We describe a mass spectrometric method for distinguishing between free and modified forms of the C‐terminal carboxyl group of peptides and proteins, in combination with chemical approaches for the isolation of C‐terminal peptides and site‐specific derivatization of the C‐terminal carboxyl group. This method could most advantageously be exploited to discriminate between peptides having C‐terminal carboxyl groups in the free (COOH) and amide (CONH2) forms by increasing their mass difference from 1 to 14 Da by selectively converting the free carboxyl group into methylamide (CONHCH3). This method has been proven to be applicable to peptides containing aspartic and glutamic acids, because all the carboxyl groups except the C‐terminal one are inert to derivatization, according to oxazolone chemistry. The efficiency of the method is illustrated by a comparison of the peaks of processed peptides obtained from a mixture of adrenomedullin, calcitonin, and BSA. Among these components of the mixture, only the C‐terminal peptide of BSA exhibited the mass shift of 13 Da upon treatment, eventually unambiguously validating the C‐terminal amide structures of adrenomedullin and calcitonin. The possibility of extending this method for the analysis of C‐terminal PTMs is also discussed.  相似文献   

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a major product of activated neutrophils and may be important in antimicrobial activities of cells by oxidation or chlorination of susceptible amino acids. Three major peaks separated using C18 reverse phase-high-performance liquid chromatography RP-HPLC after incubation of leucine enkephalin (LeuEnk) with HOCl. Electrospray mass spectrometry showed masses of m/z 556.2, 590.2, and 624.4 corresponding to unmodified LeuEnk and peptides altered by addition of one or two chlorines (Cl). Formation of stable N-alpha-chloramines was indicated because the chlorinated peptides were readily reduced with the physiological reductants glutathione and ascorbic acid to LeuEnk (m/z 556.2) within 10 min. Sequence-specific ions observed in product ion spectra of single-charged monochlorinated and dichlorinated peptides were consistent with modification of the N-terminal amine. There was no evidence for chlorination of the Tyr aromatic ring in any spectra. Similar RP-HPLC profiles were obtained after oxidation of des-Tyr1-LeuEnk (GGFL) with the masses of the major products being m/z 393.3, 427.2, and 461.1. These were identified as unmodified GGFL, N-alpha-Cl-GGFL, and N-alpha-Cl2-GGFL based on comparison of tandem mass spectra. Oxidation of Met and formation of disulfide dimers was observed after incubation of either N-alpha-Cl-LeuEnk or N-alpha-Cl2-LeuEnk with a protein, indicating that both peptide N-alpha-chloramines were able to readily modify sulfur-containing amino acids within proteins. These data indicate initial formation of stable N-alpha-chorinated peptides after incubation with HOCl and suggest that N-alpha-chlorinated peptides may exist for some hours in the absence of physiological reducing agents or sulfur-containing amino acids.  相似文献   

Several neuropeptide FF (NPFF)-related peptides, known as modulators of the opioid system, have been previously characterized in bovine and rodent brain. Reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) fractions of a human with normal pressure hydrocephalus cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), co-migrating with NPFF-related synthetic peptides, were characterized by capillary HPLC coupled on-line to nanospray ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. Two peptides present in the pro-NPFF(A) precursor, NPAF (AGEGLNSQFWSLAAPQRF-NH2) and NPSF (SLAAPQRF-NH2), were identified. The monitoring of NPFF-related peptides in human CSF can be helpful to understand their roles in pain sensitivity.  相似文献   

In contemporary peptide-centric or non-gel proteome studies, vast amounts of peptide fragmentation data are generated of which only a small part leads to peptide or protein identification. This motivates the development and use of a filtering algorithm that removes spectra that contribute little to protein identification. Removal of unidentifiable spectra reduced both the amount of computational and human time spent on analyzing spectra as well as the chances of obtaining false identifications. Thorough testing on various proteome datasets from different instruments showed that the best suggested machine-learning classifier is, on average, able to recognize half of the unidentified spectra as bad spectra. Further analyses showed that several unidentified spectra classified as good were derived from peptides carrying unanticipated amino acid modifications or contained sequence tags that allowed peptide identification using homology searches. The implementation of the classifiers is available under the GNU General Public License at http://www.bioinfo.no/software/spectrumquality.  相似文献   

The hydroxyl radicals are widely implicated in oxidation of carbohydrates during biological and industrial processes being responsible for their structural modifications and causing functional damage. The identification of intermediate oxidation products is hampered by a lack of reliable sensible methods for their detection. In this study, the oxidation of two models of galactomannans (Man3 and GalMan2) has been studied in reaction with hydroxyl radical generated by Fenton reaction. The oxidation patterns were assessed using preparative ligand-exchange/size-exclusion chromatography (LEX/SEC) coupled with tandem electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). This allowed the identification of derived oligosaccharides (OS) containing hexuronic, hexonic, pentonic and erythronic acid residues and neutral OS bearing hydroperoxy, hydrated carbonyl moieties and residues from pyranosyl ring cleavage. The depolymerization products have been also detected upon oxidation of oligomers. This study allowed developing a simple, effective ‘fingerprinting’ protocol for detecting the damage done to mannans by oxidative radicals.  相似文献   

The MultiTag method (Sunyaev et al., Anal. Chem. 2003 15, 1307-1315) employs multiple error-tolerant searches with peptide sequence tags (Mann and Wilm, Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 4390-4399) for the identification of proteins from organisms with unsequenced genomes. Here we demonstrate that the error-tolerant capabilities of MultiTag increased the number of peptide alignments and improved the confidence of identifications in an EST database. The MultiTag outperformed conventional database searching software that only utilizes stringent matching of tandem mass spectra to nucleotide sequences of ESTs.  相似文献   

There are many computer programs that can match tandem mass spectra of peptides to database-derived sequences; however, situations can arise where mass spectral data cannot be correlated with any database sequence. In such cases, sequences can be automatically deduced de novo, without recourse to sequence databases, and the resulting peptide sequences can be used to perform homologous nonexact searches of sequence databases. This article describes details on how to implement both a de novo sequencing program called “Lutefisk,” and a version of FASTA that has been modified to account for sequence ambiguities inherent in tandem mass spectrometry data.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a new approach to the determination of amino acid composition from tandem mass spectrometrically fragmented peptides using both experimental and simulated data. The approach has been developed to be used as a search-space filter in a protein identification pipeline with the aim of increased performance above that which could be attained by using immonium ion information. Three automated methods have been developed and tested: one based upon a simple peak traversal, in which all intense ion peaks are treated as being either a b- or y-ion using a wide mass tolerance; a second which uses a much narrower tolerance and does not perform transformations of ion peaks to the complementary type; and the unique fragments method which allows for b- or y-ion type to be inferred and corroborated using a scan of the other ions present in each peptide spectrum. The combination of these methods is shown to provide a high-accuracy set of amino acid predictions using both experimental and simulated data sets. These high quality predictions, with an accuracy of over 85%, may be used to identify peptide fragments that are hard to identify using other methods. The data simulation algorithm is also shown post priori to be a good model of noiseless tandem mass spectrometric peptide data.  相似文献   

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