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The hemoglobins of human and five non-human primates were spin-labeled with N-(1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl)iodoacetamide, and the ESR spectra of their deoxy, oxy, and carbonmonoxy forms were measured. The analyses of the spectra indicated that the local protein conformation in the vicinity of the spin-labeled cysteine residue at position 93(F9) in the beta-chain is slightly but significantly different among species, and that each hemoglobin shows a similar change in conformation upon conversion from the oxy form to the carbonmonoxy one except for human hemoglobin. Human hemoglobin was suggested to undergo a significantly different conformational change upon this conversion, indicating that it has unique characteristics among the primate hemoglobins.  相似文献   

The adult Stump-Tail Monkey (Macaca speciosa) was found to have two major hemoglobin components (Hb 1 and Hb 2) which were separated by carboxymethyl cellulose column chromatography. The tryptic peptides of the alpha and beta chains from the two components were isolated and sequenced. The peptides were aligned based on the homology of their sequences with that of human adult hemoglobin. Only one amino-acid difference was found between the alpha chains from Hb 1 and Hb 2 at the 15th position from the N-terminus. On the other hand, the beta chains from the two hemoglobin components were considered to be identical.  相似文献   

Summary The bile canalicular network of the monkey was studied by fracturing fixed liver tissue and examination by scanning electron microscopy. Bile canaliculi do not differ remarkably from those described in other species. Their course and luminal diameter vary, depending on their position in the liver lobule. In one specimen the continuity of a canaliculus with a terminal bile ductule (canal of Hering) is presented. Several constrictions occur in this part of the ductular lumen. The interlobular bile duct wall shows two kinds of niches. A single cilium arises from a primary niche. The walls of secondary niches contain numerous primary niches. Simple columnar epithelium lines the common bile duct, the main pancreatic duct and the gallbladder. A common feature is the presence of microplicae on their lateral cell surfaces.
Zusammenfassung Das Netzwerk der Gallekanälchen beim Affen wird durch Brechen von fixiertem Lebergewebe sichtbar. Strukturen der Portalfelder und der extrahepatischen Gänge werden durch Schneiden von Gewebe dargestellt. DieGallekanälchenunterscheidensichnichtwesentlich von den bei anderen Spezies beschriebenen. Ihr unterschiedlicher Verlauf und Lumendurchmesser hängen von ihrer intralobulären Lage ab. Die Kontinuität eines Gallekanälchens mit einem Ductulus (Heringscher Kanal) wird in einem Fall dargestellt. Im ductulären Lumen kommen mehrere Konstriktionen vor. Die Wand der interlobulären Gallengänge weist zwei Arten von Nischen auf. Eine Einzelzilie kommt aus den primären Nischen. Sekundäre Nischen bestehen aus mehreren primären Nischen. Einschichtiges hochprismatisches Epithel kleidet den Ductus choledochus, den Ductus pancreaticus und die Gallenblase aus. Ein gemeinsames Merkmal ihrer lateralen Zelloberflächen sind Mikroplicae.

  • 1.1. Antisera produced in rabbits by immunization with vascular hemoglobins of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris and horseleech Haemopsis marmorata were tested for the ability to cross-react with heterologous hemoglobin.
  • 2.2.Two of eight antisera demonstrated immunological cross-reactivity between the hemoglobins studied.
  • 3.3.The structural basis for this cross-reactivity is briefly considered.

A comparative study of facial growth in Homo and Macaca   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sections were prepared throughout all areas of the various facial bones in young, growing Rhesus monkeys. The detailed distribution of resorptive and depository surfaces and the distribution of endosteal and periosteal bone tissue types were determined. From this information, the sequence of remodeling changes associated with the growth of the facial skeleton was then interpreted. This study is a sequal to previous reports in which growth and remodeling processes in the human face were described using similar procedures. In the present report, growth changes in the monkey and human facial skeleton are compared and contrasted. The general plan of facial growth is similar in both species, but major differences exist in the area of the muzzle. The maxillary arch in the monkey is entirely depository in nature, and it grows in a forward and downward direction as the maxillary tuberosity simultaneously grows backward. In the human, the forward part of the maxillary arch is resorptive in character. This contrasting growth factor results in a downward but not forward movement of this area. The result is decreased prognathism. Other differences in growth pattern exist in the forehead, malar, chin, and orbit. The developmental and phylogenetic basis for the upright human face is discussed and evaluated.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the oxygen-binding properties of hemoglobin (Hb) from ruminants, such as ox, reindeer, musk ox, mouflon and egyptian water buffalo is compared to that of human adult Hb (HbA). A striking difference emerges where in the presence of chloride ions and in the absence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate [Gri(2,3)P2] a strongly reduced exothermic oxygenation process is observed for all ruminant Hb investigated with respect to HbA. Next, in the presence of physiological concentrations of Gri(2,3)P2, HbA displays a less exothermic oxygenation process, with values tending toward those observed in ruminant Hb [where Gri(2,3)P2 is not a physiological effector and for which the addition of Gri(2,3)P2 has essentially no effect on the oxygenation enthalpy]. Different from HbA, the intrinsically less exothermic oxygen binding seems to be independent of the experimental conditions for ruminant Hb, underlying specific structural characteristics which might be responsible for this feature.  相似文献   

The primary molars and the first permanent molars of two Asian cercopithecoid species, Macaca mulatta and Macaca speciosa, were statistically described. Sexual dimorphism was not found related to tooth dimensions nor was there a significant difference between the right and the left sides. Generally, the teeth of Macaca mulatta were found to be larger than those of Macaca speciosa, and that this difference was significant for most tooth measurements. The discriminant function analysis reveals that the two species may be distinguished by tooth dimensions alone except in the dimensional range where over-lapping is expected.  相似文献   

Synopsis Acid mucopolysaccharides in dermal papillae of hair follicles from both bald and non-bald regions of the scalp of stump-tailed macaques were studied histochemically. Alcian Blue, Azure A and Periodic acid Schiff methods were used for staining mucopolysaccharides, and Bromphenol Blue for staining basic proteins. In an attempt to identify various polyanions, staining was carried out with Alcian Blue containing different concentrations of electrolytes. Methylation, saponification, mild acid hydrolysis and digestion with streptomyces or testicular hyaluronidase, chondroitinase ABC, or sialidase, were also used. The results indicate that chondroitin sulphate B is present in the papillae of terminal hair follicles in early and intermediate anagen, and degraded chondroitin sulphates are present in the papillae of vellus and terminal hair follicles in late anagen.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of erythrocytes from 1812 Macaca mulatta has unequivocally demonstrated that the 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) isozymes are controlled by two autosomal codominant alleles. Limited data on erythrocytes from 89 Macaca speciosa were also consistent with autosomal codominance.This work was supported in part by NIH Grants HD 07835 (WHS) and RR-00167 (Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center) and by the Research Committee of the UW Graduate School (Project No. 170207).Paper No. 2146 of the Laboratory of Genetics, and Publication No. 16-045 of The Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center.  相似文献   

A new strategy for structural identification of abnormal human hemoglobins is proposed. It is based on micropreparative modification of electrophoretic separation of globins on Cellogel strips with subsequent quantitative isolation of a pure, desalted globin chain, in a form suitable for its subsequent structural investigation. Among the major advantages of the new strategy age possibility to use small blood samples (0.1-0.2 ml), short analysis time, relative simplicity and low cost.  相似文献   

The hemoglobin of the marine annelid Glycera dibranchiata possesses several unique features: the hemoglobin consists of multiple monomeric and polymeric components, quaternary structure is lacking, the distal histidine is replaced by leucine in at least one monomeric constituent, and 4) the protein exhibits extremely rapid ligand binding kinetics. The effect of these structural modifications on the ligand binding process has been evaluated using resonance Raman spectroscopy to examine the vibrational modes of the porphyrin macrocycle in deoxy and carbonmonoxy equilibrium species of hemoglobin G. dibranchiata in both the unseparated monomeric and polymeric forms and in a single monomeric component designated Fraction II. Significant differences relative to hemoglobin were found in porphyrin pi electron density, vinyl environment, low frequency vibrational modes, and, in particular, the Fe-proximal histidine stretching mode. Spectra of the deoxy heme transients generated within 10 ns of ligand photolysis have also been examined. These clearly indicate large differences in the heme pocket dynamics subsequent to CO photolysis in G. dibranchiata hemoglobins relative to other hemoglobins. The significance of these results in terms of the kinetics and thermodynamics of ligand binding is discussed.  相似文献   

Secondary structure analysis of apamin, mast cell degranulating peptide, tertiapin and secapin has been attempted, based on parameters produced by Levitt (Biochemistry (1978) 17, 4277–4285). The structural model, recently advanced for apamin, based on Chou and Fasman's parameters was confirmed. The predicted structure for mast cell degranulating peptide is almost spherical with the eight positive centres evenly distributed over the surface.On the basis of this analysis and related spectroscopic evidence, it is suggested that these four peptides share a common folding pattern, which is centred on a β-turn covalently linked to an α-helical segment by two disulphide links (one disulphide link in the case of secapin).It is further suggested that apamin, mast cell degranulating peptide and tertiapin form a single molecular class.  相似文献   

This experiment observed the effects of dorsolateral frontal cortex ablations on quantified social interactions of stump-tail macaques within the context of the social behavior of a larger group. A caged group of 11 stump-tail macaques, six females and five males, was observed for 100 hours pre-operatively. Post-operatively, five operates and five sham operates matched for sex, age, and rank were observed for 110 hours. Aggression increased following surgery. The female operates ranked No. 3 and No. 5 were seen to fall to the bottom of the dominance hierarchy two months after surgery. The fall in dominance as measured by displacement behavior was found to permeate several behavioral categories including presenting, threatening, and aggression. The female operates appeared to fall in inverse relationship to their ranks. The male operates showed minimal disruptions after surgery. The length of the time between surgery and the outbreak of violence might represent the length of time required for subordinates to notice and confirm the behaviors resulting from attentional defects in the high-ranking female operates.  相似文献   

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