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MSM and HIV/AIDS in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This article profiles current status of spread and control of HIV/AIDS in China. China has a significant population of MSM (men who have sex with men) and they have been becoming very much alive in many ways since 1990s due to recent social changes. Some surveys indicate that great many of MSM are engaged in high-risk behaviors. In addition, majority of MSM have also experienced sexual encounters with women sometimes in their lives, which possibly contribute to spread of HIV to women. Some reports documented that HIV is becoming rampant among MSM since more than 1% of them are now infected. Political, cultural and custom elements could hinder intervention activities against HIV spread among MSM. Fortunately, many cities in China have seen that MSM were in cooperation with responsible institutions carrying out certain intervention measures. The general situation is promising. The authors forecast that the fast HIV spread among MSM of China could possibly be halted within several years when the authorities become more sensible to this issue, health service institutions offer unswerving efforts toward the MSM community and those who involve in MSM undertakes necessary responsibilities.  相似文献   

This article profiles current status of spread and control of HIV/AIDS in China. China has a significant population of MSM (men who have sex with men) and they have been becoming very much alive in many ways since 1990s due to recent social changes. Some surveys indicate that great many of MSM are engaged in high-risk behaviors. In addition,majority of MSM have also experienced sexual encounters with women sometimes in their lives, which possibly contribute to spread of HIV to women. Some reports documented that HIV is becoming rampant among MSM since more than 1% of them are now infected. Political, cultural and custom elements could hinder intervention activities against HIV spread among MSM. Fortunately, many cities in China have seen that MSM were in cooperation with responsible institutions carrying out certain intervention measures. The general situation is promising. The authors forecast that the fast HIV spread among MSM of China could possibly be halted within several years when the authorities become more sensible to this issue, health service institutions offer unswerving efforts toward the MSM community and those who involve in MSM undertakes necessary responsibilities.  相似文献   

MSM and HIV/AIDS in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION The term MSM (men who have sex with men) was introduced into mainland China in 2000. Homosexuals, without identifying gender, were used previously to de- scribe MSM by authorities, the public and even professionals. The first confirmed MSM ca…  相似文献   

The first case of AIDS was reported in 1985 in China, but by the early 21st century, the government estimated that there were 840,000 citizens living with HIV/AIDS. The number is increasing rapidly. The major risk groups are injection drug users (IDUSs; 43%) and former plasma donors (27%), but rates among heterosexual groups are rising rapidly.Sentinel surveillance was initiated in 1986, and now includes IDUs, men-who-have-sex-with-men, sexually transmitted disease clinic attendees, antenatal women, long-distance truck drivers, and .sex workers. Although the government was slow to respond to the epidemic in the late 20th century, it has made a vigorous response in the early 21st century.Components of that response include implementation and evaluation of harm reduction programs for IDUs, education to increase knowledge and reduce stigma, treatment and social support for rural and poor HIV/AIDS patients, widespread testing, and increased funding for HIV/AIDS programs. International agencies have been generous in their support of the government initiatives. To successfully combat the epidemic, China needs to develop and train the necessary infrastructure to implement its intervention programs, particularly in the rural areas, to vigorously combat stigma and discrimination, support research especially in the universities and research institutions other than the China Centers for Disease Control, develop a system for efficient exchange of research and program information, and update legislation to reflect the current situation.  相似文献   

The HIV epidemic in China: history, response, and challenge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION One-quarter of the world’s population, 1.3 billion people, live in China. The majority of the population is Han Chi- nese (91.9%), while the rest are a mix of different minor- ity groups living primarily in southern and western China [1]. The GDP per capita is $5,600 per year, but at least 10% of the population lives below the poverty line. Just less than 15% of the GDP is in agriculture, with the re- mainder in industry/construction and services. The total health expend…  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS has posed an increasingly serious issue in China. In recent years,Chinese government has taken further intensified efforts to combat HIV/AIDS with high-level political commitment,supportive policy development,increased financial allocation,large-scale of government-led initiatives,expanded international cooperation and great involvement of non-governmental organizations. Meanwhile gaps and challenges coexist impacting the implementation and the results of national HIV/AIDS programs. Thus,further government efforts are needed to improve and tailor the actions to meet the requirement of HIV/AIDS control in China.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS has posed an increasingly serious issue in China. In recent years, Chinese government has taken further intensified efforts to combat HIV/AIDS with high-level political commitment, supportive policy development, increased financial allocation, large-scale of government-led initiatives, expanded international cooperation and great involvement of non-governmental organizations. Meanwhile gaps and challenges coexist impacting the implementation and the results of national HIV/AIDS programs. Thus, further government efforts are needed to improve and tailor the actions to meet the requirement of HIV/AIDS control in China. Foundation item: China International Clinical, Operational, and Health Services Research and Training Award with NIH grant number of U2R TW006918.  相似文献   

After nearly three decades of being virtually drug free, use of heroin and other illicit drugs has re-emerged in China as a major public health problem. One result is that drug abuse, particularly heroin injection, has come to play a predominant role in fueling China's AIDS epidemic. The first outbreak of HIV among China's IDUs was reported in the border area of Yunnan province between China and Myanmar where drug trafficking is heavy. Since then drug-related HIV has spread to all 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. This paper provides an overview to HIV/AIDS transmission through injection drug use in China. It begins with a brief history of the illicit drug trade in China, followed by a discussion of the emergence of drug related AIDS, and a profile of drug users and their sexual partners who have contracted the virus or who are vulnerable to infection. It ends by summarizing three national strategies being used by China to address both drug use and AIDS as major health threats.  相似文献   

Injection drug use and HIV/AIDS transmission in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION Although sexual transmission accounts for most of the AIDS epidemic globally, HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users (IDUs) is a growing problem worldwide. First de- tected in China in 1989 among drug abusers on the Yunnan border, HIV/AIDS subse…  相似文献   

After nearly three decades of being virtually drug free, use of heroin and other illicit drugs has re-emerged in China as a major public health problem. One result is that drug abuse, particularly heroin injection, has come to play a predominant role in fueling China‘s AIDS epidemic. The first outbreak of HIV among China‘s IDUs was reported in the border area of Yunnan province between China and Myanmar where drug trafficking is heavy. Since then drug-related HIV has spread to all 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. This paper provides an overview to HIV/AIDS transmission through injection drug use in China. It begins with a brief history of the illicit drug trade in China, followed by a discussion of the emergence of drug related AIDS, and a profile of drug users and their sexual partners who have contracted the virus or who are vulnerable to infection. It ends by summarizing three national strategies being used by China to address both drug use and AIDS as major health threats.  相似文献   


In contemporary China, migrant workers have gathered in urban villages and formed communities of their own. The regulative power of the state has not fully penetrated these enclaves, thus creating opportunities for NGOs to shoulder many of the ongoing welfare responsibilities. The primary goal of this study was to explore how NGO service projects can generate a new type of disciplinary power through give-and-take practices. I argue that service projects allow the givers to transform their economic power and social resources into political power, through which social inequality is obscured, legitimised, and translated into the delivery of ‘love’, ‘caring’ and ‘compassion’. Such political power also delivers middle-class values and lifestyles to rural migrants, who feel obligated to transform their subjectivities in order to reciprocate.  相似文献   

In 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changed their indefinite deferral policy towards donors who were men who had sex with men (MSM). I develop an empirical case for the current, revised MSM deferral policy and show that rights‐based objections fail. This empirical case, however, misleadingly accounts for an elevated risk for MSM donors because it lumps two distinct kinds of MSM donors into the same category. Building on some recent work that has been published since the revision, I introduce and defend a distinction between MSM donors who have what I call ‘exact justification’ and those who have what I call ‘ordinary justification’. MSM donors with exact justification present no risk with respect to the deferral and should be allowed to donate. I conclude by addressing a practical issue about how primary partner testimony is not enough to create exact justification, but it is enough to sustain it.  相似文献   

This paper gives a general introduction of HIV/AIDS treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China during the past 20 years. Although the role of TCM in treatment of HIV/AIDS is promising, there is still a long way to go.   相似文献   

This paper gives a general introduction of HIV/AIDS treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China during the past 20 years. Although the role of TCM in treatment of HIV/AIDS is promising,there is still a long way to go.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that more than 80% of people in Africa use traditional medicine (TM). With the HIV/AIDS epidemic claiming many lives in Africa, the majority of people affected rely on TM mainly because it is relatively affordable and available to the poor populations who cannot afford orthodox medicine. Whereas orthodox medicine is practiced under stringent regulations and ethical guidelines emanating from The Nuremburg Code, African TM seems to be exempt from such scrutiny. Although recently there have been calls for TM to be incorporated into the health care system, less emphasis has been placed on ethical and regulatory issues. In this paper, an overview of the use of African TM in general, and for HIV/AIDS in particular, is given, followed by a look at: (i) the relative laxity in the application of ethical standards and regulatory requirements with regards to TM; (ii) the importance of research on TM in order to improve and demystify its therapeutic qualities; (iii) the need to tailor-make intellectual property laws to protect traditional knowledge and biodiversity. A framework of partnerships involving traditional healers' associations, scientists, policy makers, patients, community leaders, members of the communities, and funding organizations is suggested as a possible method to tackle these issues. It is hoped that this paper will stimulate objective and constructive debate that could enhance the protection of patients' welfare.  相似文献   

268例艾滋病合并机会性感染患者血液、体液培养结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiencyvirus,HIV)感染人体后造成机体免疫系统功能进行性下降,表现出各种机会性感染和/或肿瘤,称之为“获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodefi-ciency syndrome,AIDS)”。本文总结分析了两年来268例AIDS合并机会性感染患者血液、体液等样  相似文献   

Debates on the role of scientific knowledge to affect behaviour are continuing. The theory of planned behaviour suggests that behaviour is influenced by attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control and not by knowledge. However, a large body of knowledge argues that increased HIV/AIDS-related knowledge leads to the adoption of safe behavioural practices. The purpose of this non-experimental survey study, therefore, was to investigate the correlation between academic HIV/AIDS knowledge, functional HIV/AIDS knowledge and self-reported behavioural preferences of 300 biology and 243 non-biology students from nine South African schools. Results suggest a correlation between students’ understanding of academic and functional HIV/AIDS knowledge. The behavioural preferences of both biology and non-biology students were generally the same and safe. Among biology students, correlation was observed between academic HIV/AIDS knowledge and self-reported safe behavioural preferences, which was not the case for non-biology students, where functional HIV/AIDS knowledge correlated with self-reported safe behavioural preferences. Within schools, however, no correlation was found between both forms of HIV/AIDS knowledge and self-reported safe behavioural preferences. There were indications that context-specific local factors have a greater influence on behavioural preferences. These findings suggest that the type of knowledge that could influence behaviour is informed by context-specific dynamics.  相似文献   

In 1981 a new epidemic of about two-dozen heterogeneous diseases began to strike non-randomly growing numbers of male homosexuals and mostly male intravenous drug users in the US and Europe. Assuming immunodeficiency as the common denominator the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) termed the epidemic, AIDS, for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. From 1981-1984 leading researchers including those from the CDC proposed that recreational drug use was the cause of AIDS, because of exact correlations and of drug-specific diseases. However, in 1984 US government researchers proposed that a virus, now termed human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is the cause of the non-random epidemics of the US and Europe but also of a new, sexually random epidemic in Africa. The virus-AIDS hypothesis was instantly accepted, but it is burdened with numerous paradoxes, none of which could be resolved by 2003: Why is there no HIV in most AIDS patients, only antibodies against it? Why would HIV take 10 years from infection to AIDS? Why is AIDS not self-limiting via antiviral immunity? Why is there no vaccine against AIDS? Why is AIDS in the US and Europe not random like other viral epidemics? Why did AIDS not rise and then decline exponentially owing to antiviral immunity like all other viral epidemics? Why is AIDS not contagious? Why would only HIV carriers get AIDS who use either recreational or anti-HIV drugs or are subject to malnutrition? Why is the mortality of HIV-antibody-positives treated with anti-HIV drugs 7–9%, but that of all (mostly untreated) HIV-positives globally is only 1–4%? Here we propose that AIDS is a collection of chemical epidemics, caused by recreational drugs, anti-HIV drugs, and malnutrition. According to this hypothesis AIDS is not contagious, not immunogenic, not treatable by vaccines or antiviral drugs, and HIV is just a passenger virus. The hypothesis explains why AIDS epidemics strike non-randomly if caused by drugs and randomly if caused by malnutrition, why they manifest in drug- and malnutrition-specific diseases, and why they are not self-limiting via anti-viral immunity. The hypothesis predicts AIDS prevention by adequate nutrition and abstaining from drugs, and even cures by treating AIDS diseases with proven medications.  相似文献   

Toxoplasmosis, a neglected tropical disease caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, occurs throughout the world. Human T. gondii infection is asymptomatic in 80% of the population; however, the infection is life-threatening and causes substantial neurologic damage in immunocompromised patients such as HIV-infected persons. The major purpose of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in subjects infected with HIV/AIDS in eastern China. Our findings showed 9.7% prevalence of anti-T. gondii IgG antibody in HIV/AIDS patients, which was higher than in intravenous drug users (2.2%) and healthy controls (4.7%), while no significant difference was observed in the seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibody among all participants (P>0.05). Among all HIV/AIDS patients, 15 men (7.7%) and 10 women (15.9%) were positive for anti-T. gondii IgG antibody; however, no significant difference was detected in the seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody between males and females. The frequency of anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody was 8.0%, 13.2%, 5.5%, and 0% in patients with normal immune function (CD4+ T-lymphocyte count ≥500 cells/ml), immunocompromised patients (cell count ≥200 and <500 cells/ml), severely immunocompromised patients (cell count ≥50 and <200 cells/ml), and advanced AIDS patients, respectively (cell count <50 cells/ml), while only 3 immunocompromised patients were positive for anti-T. gondii IgM antibody. The results indicate a high seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in HIV/AIDS patients in eastern China, and a preventive therapy for toxoplasmosis may be given to HIV/AIDS patients based on CD4+ T lymphocyte count.  相似文献   

The relationship of HLA-A, -Cw alleles on HIV infection and AIDS disease progression in the Chinese Yi ethnic group of Sichuan province were investigated. The genetic polymorphisms of HLA-A, -Cw alleles of 102 unrelated healthy Chinese Yi ethnic individuals, 68 HIV-1 infected and 21 HIV positive long-time survivors were typed by PCR-SSP assay. Statistic signifiance was determined by the χ^2 test with the SPSS software. No significant differences were observed between the HLA-A, -Cw alleles of the 68 HIV-1 infected and 102 non-infected Chinese Yi control individuals. Whereas the prevalence of A*3601,Cw*14(01-03)and Cw*0304 was significantly higher in 21 long time survivors compared with 102 healthy controls with P values of 0.016, 0.016 and 0.000 by χ^2 or the Fisher exact test respectively. The result implies that A*3601,Cw*14(01-03) and Cw*0304 may be associated with slow AIDS disease progression in the Chinese Yi ethnic group, further studies on this association may yield insight on the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

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