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Hemphill BE 《American journal of physical anthropology》1999,110(4):421-434
Discovery of a small number of individuals in the Period III necropolis at the large northern Iranian Bronze Age site of Tepe Hissar directly associated with a complex of imported artifacts raises the question of whether these individuals represent elites who had access to these exotic commodities, or an imposed foreign elite that may have brought these unusual artifacts from their homelands. The source of the atypical objects is believed to be the Oxus civilization of central Asia. This study investigates the identity of these individuals by employing canonical discriminant function analysis of 20 craniometric variables among 174 adult males from Tepe Hissar Period III and Oxus civilization males from Sapalli tepe and Djarkutan. Dicriminant function analysis provides a strong separation between Tepe Hissar Period III males and Oxus civilization males and a high level of correct assignation by sample (95.8%). Imposition of the five males associated with imported central Asian artifacts from the Period III necropolis indicates that the majority (4/5) are phenetically indistinguishable from other Period III Tepe Hissar males. The results indicate that these individuals most likely represent local elite inhabitants of Tepe Hissar, rather than the presence of an imposed foreign elite. However, given the scarcity of crucial specimens, especially females, and comparative skeletal series, this conclusion must remain tentative. 相似文献
Is Central Asia the eastern outpost of the Neandertal range? A reassessment of the Teshik‐Tash child
Since its discovery in southeastern Uzbekistan in 1938, the Teshik-Tash child has been considered a Neandertal. Its affinity is important to studies of Late Pleistocene hominin growth and development as well as interpretations of the Central Asian Middle Paleolithic and the geographic distribution of Neandertals. A close examination of the original Russian monograph reveals the incompleteness of key morphologies associated with the cranial base and face and problems with the reconstruction of the Teshik-Tash cranium, making its Neandertal attribution less certain than previously assumed. This study reassesses the Neandertal status of Teshik-Tash 1 by comparing it to a sample of Neandertal, Middle and Upper Paleolithic modern humans, and recent human sub-adults. Separate examinations of the cranium and mandible are conducted using multinomial logistic regression and discriminant function analysis to assess group membership. Results of the cranial analysis group Teshik-Tash with Upper Paleolithic modern humans when variables are not size-standardized, while results of the mandibular analysis place the specimen with recent modern humans for both raw and size-standardized data. Although these results are influenced by limitations related to the incomplete nature of the comparative sample, they suggest that the morphology of Teshik-Tash 1 as expressed in craniometrics is equivocal. Although, further quantitative studies as well as additional sub-adult fossil finds from this region are needed to ascertain the morphological pattern of this specimen specifically, and Central Asian Middle Paleolithic hominins in general, these results challenge current characterizations of this territory as the eastern boundary of the Neandertal range during the Late Pleistocene. 相似文献
Abstract. Extensive areas in the mountain grasslands of central Argentina are heavily invaded by alien species from Europe. A decrease in biodiversity and a loss of palatable species is also observed. The invasibility of the tall‐grass mountain grassland community was investigated in an experiment of factorial design. Six alien species which are widely distributed in the region were sown in plots where soil disturbance, above‐ground biomass removal by cutting and burning were used as treatments. Alien species did not establish in undisturbed plots. All three types of disturbances increased the number and cover of alien species; the effects of soil disturbance and biomass removal was cumulative. Cirsium vulgare and Oenothera erythrosepala were the most efficient alien colonizers. In conditions where disturbances did not continue the cover of aliens started to decrease in the second year, by the end of the third season, only a few adults were established. Consequently, disturbances are needed to maintain alien populations in tall‐grass mountain grasslands. Burning also increased the species richness of native species. We conclude that an efficient way to control the distribution of alien species is to decrease grazing pressure while burning as a traditional management tool may be continued. 相似文献
Konstantin E. Pustovoytov Simone Riehl Siegfried Mittmann 《Vegetation History and Archaeobotany》2004,13(3):207-212
Uncarbonized fruits of the Boraginaceae occur widely in cultural layers of archaeological sites in the Mediterranean and the Near East. To date, interpreting their origin remains problematic. It is difficult for archaeobotanists to tell whether such fruits were deposited as part of the cultural layer or were introduced post-depositionally. In an attempt to answer this question for the early Bronze Age site of Hirbet ez-Zeraqon (Jordan), we used direct 14C dating of biogenic carbonate from calcareous fruits of Lithospermum. The radiocarbon ages of seven fossil samples of the fruits suggest that they originate from plants that grew during or around the time of occupation. 相似文献
Anders P. Tøttrup Lykke Pedersen Alejandro Onrubia Raymond H. G. Klaassen Kasper Thorup 《Journal of avian biology》2017,48(1):149-154
The current Northern Hemisphere migration systems are believed to have arisen since the last glaciation. In many cases, birds do not migrate strait from breeding to non‐breeding areas but fly via a detour. All western European populations of red‐backed shrikes Lanius collurio are assumed to reach their southern African wintering grounds detouring via southeast Europe. Based on theoretical considerations under an optimality framework this detour is apparently optimal. Here, we use individual geolocator data on red‐backed shrikes breeding in Spain to show that these birds do indeed detour via southeast Europe en route to southern Africa where they join other European populations of red‐backed shrikes and return via a similar route in spring. Disregarding potential wind assistance, the routes taken for the tracked birds in autumn were not optimal compared to crossing the barrier directly. For spring migration the situation was quite different with the detour apparently being optimal. However, when considering potential wind assistance estimated total air distances during autumn migration were overall similar and the barrier crossing shorter along the observed routes. We conclude that considering the potential benefit of wind assistance makes the route via southeast Europe likely to be less risky in autumn. However, it cannot be ruled out that other factors, such as following a historical colonisation route could still be important. 相似文献
Where have the colonists come from? A zoogeographical examination of some mammalian isolates in eastern Africa 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J. KINGDON 《African Journal of Ecology》1981,19(1-2):115-124
Annelies Bogaerts Geert Baggerman Evy Vierstraete Liliane Schoofs Peter Verleyen 《Proteomics》2009,9(11):3201-3208
The honeybee has an invaluable economic impact and is a model for studying immunity, development and social behavior. The recent sequencing and annotation of the honeybee genome facilitates the study of its hemolymph, which reflects the physiological condition and mediates immune responses. We aimed at making a proteomic reference map of honeybee hemolymph and compared gel‐free and gel‐based techniques. One hundered and four 2‐DE spots corresponding to 62 different proteins were identified. Eight identical 2‐DLC experiments resulted in the identification of 32 unique proteins. One repeat was clearly not representative for the potential of the given 2‐DLC setup. Only 27% of the identified hemolymph proteins were found by both techniques. In addition, we found proteins of three different viruses which creates possibilities for biomarker design. Future hemolymph studies will benefit from this work. 相似文献
The Phorusrhacidae, a group of large terrestrial carnivorous birds mostly known from the Cenozoic of South America, are often placed in a superfamily, for which the taxon name Phororhacoidea Patterson, 1941 is frequently used. However, according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Phororhacoidea is not valid. The proper taxon name at the superfamily level is Phorusrhacoidea Ameghino, 1889. 相似文献
Bioenergies are promoted across the globe as the answer for global warming and the chance to reduce dependency from fossil energy sources. Despite the fact that renewable energy sources offer the opportunity to reduce CO2 emission and present a chance to increase agricultural incomes, they also come along with some drawbacks that have been mostly neglected in the current discussion. This paper seeks to build a basis for discussing the impacts of the growing subsidization of bioenergy and the resulting usage competition of agricultural raw materials between foods and energy. To assess the usage competition and the subsidization of bioenergy, this article employs a welfare economics perspective associated with an emphasize on the construct of externalities. This will help to foster the discussion on the further subsidization of bioenergy, where funding for R&D on new ways of using non-food raw materials ought to play a significant role. 相似文献
The notion of being a burden to others is mostly discussed in the context of care‐intensive diseases or end‐of‐life decisions. But the notion is also crucial in decision‐making at the beginning of life, namely regarding prenatal testing. Ever more sophisticated testing methods, especially non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), allow the detection of genetic traits in the unborn child that may cause disabilities. A positive result often influences the decision of the pregnant women towards a termination of the pregnancy. Thus, critics claim that these testing methods send a negative message to people with disabilities. At the core of this is what we call the burden assumption. This assumption claims that children with disabilities are necessarily a burden to others, especially to their parents and other family members. In this paper, we discuss what being a burden to others means in this context and how such an attitude can be avoided without restraining reproductive autonomy. A closer examination shows that the burden assumption is mostly based on misinformation and a false model of disability. Empirical studies as well as narrative evidence from parents who raise a child with disabilities show that the burden assumption is wrong. Raising a child with disabilities does not necessarily mean a decrease in the quality of life. We show how the burden assumption can be challenged through an advanced genetic counselling that combines empirical evidence with narratives from a first‐person perspective. 相似文献
Sabrina Kumschick Christina Alba Ruth A. Hufbauer Wolfgang Nentwig 《Diversity & distributions》2011,17(4):663-672
Aim Species introduced to an area outside of their native range are often thought to have higher impact in this new area. We examined whether this is really the case in mammals and birds and to what extent. In particular, we explored how impacts of alien species vary in relationship to invader identity and type of impact. Location Global. Methods We conducted a thorough review of the literature to compare the impact of alien European mammals and birds in their native and invaded ranges. Based on a series of environmental and economic impact scores, we ordered species along a continuum from weak invaders, which have lower impact in the invaded range, to strong invaders, which have higher impact in the invaded range. Results We found that nearly 80% of the mammals are strong invaders, but only half of the birds. Members of these two classes also affect their communities in different ways; birds more often have an impact via hybridization, whereas mammals have stronger impacts via herbivory, transmission of diseases to wildlife and their effects on agriculture, livestock and forestry. Main conclusions Generally, mammals and birds have different impacts when invading new regions. Although there are some bird species that are strong invaders, these remain the exception among birds, whereas most mammals increase their impact in the invaded range. This study provides a deeper insight into patterns of impact in the invaded range. 相似文献
We estimated fusion frequency with respect to coancestry in the bryozoan Celleporella hyalina, whose briefly planktonic sexually produced larvae settle on algal substrata and proceed to form encrusting colonies by iterative budding. Frequency of fusion between paired colonies growing on an artificial substratum was positively correlated with coefficient of relatedness, with allorecognition ability increasing during the early stages of colonial growth after larval settlement. Parents repressed the growth of F1 progeny with which they had fused. The results are concordant with the Feldgarden-Yund model of selection for self-recognition, which regards fusion with kin as an inevitable source of error whose cost diminishes with increasing relatedness. Contrary to fusion compatibility, gametic compatibility is negatively correlated with coancestry, indicating a need for further research on the possibility of common or linked genetic control that has opposite effect at somatic and gametic levels. 相似文献
Thermal unfolding of bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been studied in the presence of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) using high-sensitivity microdifferential scanning calorimetry. Quantitative thermodynamic parameters accompanying the thermal transitions have been evaluated. TFE is observed to be a stabilizer or a destabilizer of the folded state of BSA depending on the pH. CD spectroscopy revealed an increase in the alpha-helical content of BSA and a decrease in the tertiary structure in the presence of increasing molalities of TFE. Isothermal titration calorimetric results do not indicate appreciable binding of the TFE molecules to BSA. TFE quenches the steady-state tryptophan fluorescence of BSA only at higher molalities and there is no effect on the tryptophan fluorescence at lower molalities. The calorimetric and spectroscopic results obtained in this work suggest that solvent-mediated effects dominate the interaction of TFE with BSA and the binding component may be very weak. Since the binding component is very weak, one of the possibilities of anesthetic action of TFE molecules on the actual targets may be through perturbation of the structural and dynamic properties of the lipid bilayer so that the function of crucial but unspecified membrane proteins is affected. 相似文献
Geographical variation in the yellow‐legged gull: introgression or convergence from the herring gull? 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
J.-M. Pons P.-A. Crochet M. Thery A. Bermejo 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》2004,42(3):245-256
Yellow-legged gulls Larus michahellis from the Atlantic Iberian coast exhibit some phenotypic similarities with the herring gull L. argentatus from Western Europe. To assess this phenomenon and its possible origin, we compared Mediterranean yellow-legged gulls, Atlantic Iberian yellow-legged gulls and herring gulls for several phenotypic traits (morphology, plumage), and used genetic data to determine the evolutionary history of the Atlantic Iberian yellow-legged gulls. Data from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and microsatellite loci clearly indicate that Atlantic Iberian gulls are closely related to Mediterranean yellow-legged gulls, and do not show stronger signs of introgression with herring gulls relative to other populations of yellow-legged gulls. Atlantic Iberian yellow-legged gulls are more similar to herring gulls in body size and shape than to other yellow-legged gulls populations, but not in mantle colour and wing-tip pattern. Body size and other phenotypic and life history similarities with the herring gull ( L. argentatus argenteus ) such as voice, winter plumage and breeding phenology, previously described in several studies, might thus be interpreted as convergent characters. Within the yellow-legged gull, the high F st -values obtained from four nuclear microsatellite loci indicate substantial population structure and reduced levels of gene flow between gull populations in Mediterranean France and Atlantic Iberia. Differences among these populations in breeding phenology and migration patterns, likely resulting from different local selection pressures, might contribute to this low level of gene flow. 相似文献
The goal for this project was to re‐examine key morphological characters hypothesized to differentiate Gila intermedia, Gila robusta and Gila nigra and outline methods better suited for making species designations based on morphology. Using a combination of meristic counts, morphological measurements and geometric morphometrics, morphological dissimilarities were quantified among these three putative species. Traditional meristic counts and morphological measurements (i.e. distances between landmarks) were not useful for species identification. Geometric morphometrics, however, identified differences among species, while also suggesting an effect of geographic location on morphological variation. Using canonical variate analysis for the 441 fish sampled in this study, geometric morphometrics accurately predicted true group membership 100% of the time for G. nigra, 97% of the time for G. intermedia and 91% of the time for G. robusta. These results suggest that geometric morphometric analysis is necessary to identify morphological differences among the three species. Geometric morphometric analysis used in this study can be adopted by management officials as a tool to classify unidentified individuals. 相似文献
Engl J Ciardi C Tatarczyk T Kaser S Laimer M Laimer E Weiss H Aigner F Molnar C Tilg H Patsch JR Ebenbichler CF 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2008,16(8):1838-1842
Objective: Adipocyte fatty acid‐binding protein (A‐FABP) is a plasma biomarker recently associated with the metabolic syndrome. The aim of these studies was to investigate changes of A‐FABP during profound weight loss induced by laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB). Methods and Procedures: In study one, 29 severely obese female subjects were examined before and 1 year after surgical treatment. A subgroup of 10 patients was investigated in 3‐month intervals. Metabolic parameters were determined using standard methods, and A‐FABP was detected using a commercially available enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Mean weight loss after 1 year was 24.9 kg (P < 0.001), mainly due to a decrease in fat mass. Metabolic parameters improved substantially. However, serum A‐FABP remained stable. In study two, a subgroup of 10 patients was examined quarterly to determine the time course of A‐FABP changes. Quarterly measurements of serum A‐FABP were significantly higher than baseline levels with the highest A‐FABP value after the first 3 months, where patients had highest weight loss. Discussion: Our results in study one show that A‐FABP serum levels are positively associated with body weight and fat mass. However, 1 year after pronounced weight loss A‐FABP levels remained unchanged. In study two, time course analyses revealed maximum increase of serum A‐FABP in parallel to highest weight loss, which allows to suppose that A‐FABP is not only a biomarker of the metabolic syndrome in the steady state, but also a marker of weight changes in dynamic situations. 相似文献