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We explored models explaining population cycling in the annual Warea carteri. We modeled the life cycle of W. carteri and compared projected trajectories to independently observed trajectories (up to 16 years) of plants in 74 patches in three populations. We built matrix models with an annual time step for two populations, including four stages, (recently produced seeds, seeds in the seed bank, seedlings, and adults) and five vital rates, summarized in seven transitions. Fluctuations of both observed and modeled populations were evaluated using power spectra, autocorrelation, amplitude, and damping. Observed populations had two point cycling. Observed amplitude was higher in frequently burned populations, reached its maximum 1 year after fire, and then dampened. Asymptotic transition and vital rate elasticities showed that seedling survival was the most important factor for long-term population growth, but transient elasticities showed that recruitment from the seed bank was important during the first years post-fire. Deterministic modeling and elasticity analyses indicated that delayed germination (for 1 year) may explain biennial population cycling. Stochastic models created similar cycling with slower damping than deterministic models, but still had lower amplitudes (especially 1–3 years post-fire) than observed populations. The biennial cycle in W. carteri is likely caused by the delay in seed germination, which creates two overlapping cohorts of plants, much like a strict biennial. Fire initiates the cycle by killing aboveground individuals and promoting seedling recruitment in the first post-fire year.  相似文献   

Peripheral populations have long been predicted to show lower vital rates, higher demographic fluctuations, and lower densities than central populations. However, recent research has questioned the existence of clear patterns across species’ ranges. To test these hypotheses, we monitored five central and six northern peripheral populations of the widespread herb Plantago coronopus along the European Atlantic coast during 5 yr. We estimated population density, and calculated mean values and temporal variability of four vital rates (survival, individual growth, fecundity and recruitment) in hundreds of plants in permanent plots. Central populations showed higher fecundity, whereas peripheral populations had higher recruitment per reproductive plant, indicating a higher overall reproductive success in the periphery. Central populations showed a marginally significant tendency for higher growth, and there were no differences between range positions in survival. Fecundity and growth were affected by intraspecific competition, and recruitment was affected by precipitation, highlighting the importance of local environmental conditions for population performance. Central and peripheral populations showed no significant differences in temporal variability of vital rates. Finally, density was significantly higher in peripheral than in central populations, in discrepancy with the abundant‐centre model. Density was correlated to seedling recruitment, which would counterbalance in peripheral populations the lower fecundity and the tendency for lower growth of established plants. Such compensations among vital rates might be particularly common in widespread plants, and advise against simplistic assumptions of population performance across ranges. The whole species’ life cycle should be considered, since different arrangements of vital rates are expected to maximize fitness in local environments. Our results show also the importance of discerning between geographical periphery and ecological marginality. In a context of climate‐induced range shifts, these considerations are crucial for the reliability of niche‐models and the management of plant peripheral populations.  相似文献   

Dormant life stages are often critical for population viability in stochastic environments, but accurate field data characterizing them are difficult to collect. Such limitations may translate into uncertainties in demographic parameters describing these stages, which then may propagate errors in the examination of population‐level responses to environmental variation. Expanding on current methods, we 1) apply data‐driven approaches to estimate parameter uncertainty in vital rates of dormant life stages and 2) test whether such estimates provide more robust inferences about population dynamics. We built integral projection models (IPMs) for a fire‐adapted, carnivorous plant species using a Bayesian framework to estimate uncertainty in parameters of three vital rates of dormant seeds – seed‐bank ingression, stasis and egression. We used stochastic population projections and elasticity analyses to quantify the relative sensitivity of the stochastic population growth rate (log λs) to changes in these vital rates at different fire return intervals. We then ran stochastic projections of log λs for 1000 posterior samples of the three seed‐bank vital rates and assessed how strongly their parameter uncertainty propagated into uncertainty in estimates of log λs and the probability of quasi‐extinction, Pq(t). Elasticity analyses indicated that changes in seed‐bank stasis and egression had large effects on log λs across fire return intervals. In turn, uncertainty in the estimates of these two vital rates explained > 50% of the variation in log λs estimates at several fire‐return intervals. Inferences about population viability became less certain as the time between fires widened, with estimates of Pq(t) potentially > 20% higher when considering parameter uncertainty. Our results suggest that, for species with dormant stages, where data is often limited, failing to account for parameter uncertainty in population models may result in incorrect interpretations of population viability.  相似文献   

Regeneration and expansion of Aristida beyrichiana and Aristida stricta (wiregrass) populations in remaining fire‐maintained Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) stands of the southeastern United States has become an objective of land managers. Although growing‐season fire is required for successful wiregrass seed production, studies examining naturally occurring wiregrass seedling dynamics are few. This study investigates how seedling survivorship is affected by season of burn, seedling size, time since germination, and proximity to adult plants. Restoration at this research site was begun in 1992 with the planting of containerized longleaf pine and wiregrass seedlings. Study plots were established in November 1997 after a growing‐season prescribed fire (June 1996) that resulted in successful seed production and seedling recruitment. Burn treatment plots included (1) no burn (control), (2) fire in the dormant season of the first year after germination (March 1998), (3) fire in the growing season of the first year after germination (August 1998), and (4) fire in the growing season of the second year after germination (July 1999). Seedling mortality increased with growing season burning and close proximity to planted adults. Natural seedling recruitment continued into the second year after initial seed‐drop in all plots, which verifies that wiregrass seed banking occurs for a minimum of 2 years after seed drop. Where wiregrass management objectives include population expansion, seedling recruits should be allowed 1 to 2 years post‐germination without growing season fire for successful establishment.  相似文献   

Question: What is the role of dispersal, persistent soil seed banks and seedling recruitment in population persistence of fleshy‐fruited obligate seeding plant species in fire‐prone habitats? Location: Southeastern Australia. Methods: We used a long‐term study of a shrubby, fleshy‐fruited Persoonia species (Proteaceae) to examine (1) seed removal from beneath the canopy of adult plants; (2) seedling recruitment after fire; (3) the magnitude and location of the residual soil seed bank; and (4) the implications for fire management of obligate seeding species. We used demographic sampling techniques combined with Generalised Linear Modelling and regression to quantify population changes over time. Results: Most of the mature fruits (90%) on the ground below the canopy of plants were removed by Wallabia bicolor (Swamp wallaby) with 88% of seeds extracted from W. bicolor scats viable and dormant. Wallabies play an important role in moving seeds away from parent plants. Their role in occasional long distance dispersal events remains unknown. We detected almost no seed predation in situ under canopies (< 1%). Seedling recruitment was cued to fire, with post‐fire seedling densities 6‐7 times pre‐fire adult densities. After fire, a residual soil seed bank was present, as many seeds (77‐100%) remained dormant and viable at a soil depth where successful future seedling emergence is possible (0‐5 cm). Seedling survival was high (> 80%) with most mortality within 2 years of emergence. Plant growth averaged 17 cm per year. The primary juvenile period of plants was 7–8 years, within the period of likely return fire intervals in the study area. We predicted that the study population increased some five‐fold after the wildfire at the site. Conclusions: Residual soil seed banks are important, especially in species with long primary juvenile periods, to buffer the populations against the impact of a second fire occurring before the seed bank is replenished.  相似文献   

Long‐term variation in the population density of honey bees Apis mellifera across landscapes has been shown to correlate with variation in the floral traits of plant populations in these landscapes, suggesting that variations in pollinator population density and foraging rates can drive floral trait evolution of their host plants. However, it remained to be determined whether this variation in plant traits is associated with adaptive variation in plant reproductive strategies under conditions of high and low pollinator densities. Here we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to examine how this variation in floral traits, under conditions of either high and low pollinator density, impacted seed production in the Tibetan lotus Saussurea nigrescens. In 2014 and 2015, we recorded the floral traits, pollinator visitation rates, and seed production of S. nigrescens populations grown in both home sites and foreign sites, where sites varied in honey bee population density. Our results demonstrated that the floral traits reflected those of their original population, regardless of their current location. However, seed production varied with both population origin and transplant site. Seed number was positively correlated with flower abundance in the pollinator‐rich sites, but with nectar production in the pollinator‐poor sites. Pollinator visitation rate was also positively correlated with flower number at pollinator‐rich sites, and with nectar volume at pollinator‐poor sites. Overall, the local genotype had higher seed production than nonlocal genotypes in home sites. However, when pollen is hand‐supplemented, plants from pollinator‐rich populations had higher seed production than plants from pollinator‐poor populations, regardless of whether they were transplanted to pollinator‐rich or ‐poor sites. These results suggest that the plant genotypic differences primarily drive variation in pollinator attraction, and this ultimately drives variation in seed: ovule ratio. Thus, our results suggest that flowering plant species use different reproductive strategies to respond to high or low pollinator densities.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study we investigated population dynamics of a perennial forb, Plantago media, in semi‐natural grasslands in southeastern Sweden. Plantago media is a rather common inhabitant of grasslands in this region, but it has been shown to experience dispersal limitations both among managed grassland sites and at potential dispersal routes along road verges. The demography of P. media was studied in 22 permanent plots at two sites over five years. A seed sowing experiment was also performed at each site. The life‐cycle of P. media includes seedlings, juveniles, small vegetative rosettes, large vegetative rosettes and flowering rosettes. The population growth rates (λ‐values) were negative for both populations, with one exception: the first year transition matrix at one site. The projected life span for individuals surviving from seedlings to flowering rosettes varied between 19.6 yr and 227.8 yr. Elasticity analysis showed that remaining in the large rosette stages, both vegetative and flowering, was the most important factor influencing population growth rate. LTRE analysis gave similar results, indicating that spatial and temporal variation have similar effects on the population growth rate. The expected time to extinction in populations with an initial size of between 100 and 1000 individuals varied between 60 and 200 yr. The seed sowing experiment showed that seedling emergence was enhanced by both seed addition and disturbance, suggesting that recruitment is limited by seed and microsite availability. Recruitment was not found to have much impact on population growth rate. However, long‐term population maintenance may depend on occasional small‐scale disturbances that enhance pulses of recruitment. Fragmented landscape is likely to effect plant populations including rare and endangered species as well as more common species which have limited dispersal mechanisms.  相似文献   

The link between reproductive and vegetative ecology of flowering plants is rarely explored, despite its importance for understanding population processes and fitness. This link can be studied by using experimental or natural variation in seed input to the soil to assess how reproductive success affects vital rates of offspring. We previously reported for Ipomopsis aggregata that per‐seed probability of germinating is insensitive to density of seeds sown into plots, whereas per capita flower production among adults that grow from the seedlings declines in nonlinear fashion with density. Here we describe a parallel non‐experimental study. We related seedling emergence to estimated natural seed input (‘seed rain’) in three populations across ten summers and monitored seedlings that emerged in the first two summers throughout their life histories. Seedling emergence in 1996 was linearly related to seed rain from plants that flowered in 1995. This density independent seed‐to‐seedling transition recurred over the next nine summers, but the slope varied with springtime precipitation. Total numbers of 1996 seedlings that survived to flower and numbers of flowers they produced increased linearly with seed rain in one population, but did not vary detectably in the other two, consistent with negative density dependence. In consequence λ (the dominant eigenvalue of a population projection matrix) decreased from high values at low densities of seed rain to a relatively constant low value with greater seed rain. We also detected density dependence in the 1995 seedling cohort in survival and flower production. The similarity of results from natural and experimental studies supports a conclusion of nonlinear density dependence and shows that characterizing it requires the full life history. For this plant species and others, studies of pollination and fecundity alone may not suffice to draw conclusions about population change or fitness.  相似文献   

Demographic buffering allows populations to persist by compensating for fluctuations in vital rates, including disease‐induced mortality. Using long‐term data on a badger (Meles meles Linnaeus, 1758) population naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis, we built an integrated population model to quantify impacts of disease, density and environmental drivers on survival and recruitment. Badgers exhibit a slow life‐history strategy, having high rates of adult survival with low variance, and low but variable rates of recruitment. Recruitment exhibited strong negative density‐dependence, but was not influenced by disease, while adult survival was density independent but declined with increasing prevalence of diseased individuals. Given that reproductive success is not depressed by disease prevalence, density‐dependent recruitment of cubs is likely to compensate for disease‐induced mortality. This combination of slow life history and compensatory recruitment promotes the persistence of a naturally infected badger population and helps to explain the badger's role as a persistent reservoir of M. bovis.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory posits that trade‐offs between demographic rates constrain the range of viable life‐history strategies. For coexisting tropical tree species, the best established demographic trade‐off is the growth‐survival trade‐off. However, we know surprisingly little about co‐variation of growth and survival with measures of reproduction. We analysed demographic rates from seed to adult of 282 co‐occurring tropical tree and shrub species, including measures of reproduction and accounting for ontogeny. Besides the well‐established fast–slow continuum, we identified a second major dimension of demographic variation: a trade‐off between recruitment and seedling performance vs. growth and survival of larger individuals (≥ 1 cm dbh) corresponding to a ‘stature–recruitment’ axis. The two demographic dimensions were almost perfectly aligned with two independent trait dimensions (shade tolerance and size). Our results complement recent analyses of plant life‐history variation at the global scale and reveal that demographic trade‐offs along multiple axes act to structure local communities.  相似文献   

Clonality is a widespread life history trait in flowering plants that may be essential for population persistence, especially in environments where sexual reproduction is unpredictable. Frequent clonal reproduction, however, could hinder sexual reproduction by spatially aggregating ramets that compete with seedlings and reduce inter‐genet pollination. Nevertheless, the role of clonality in relation to variable sexual reproduction in population dynamics is often overlooked. We combined population matrix models and pollination experiments to compare the demographic contributions of clonal and sexual reproduction in three Dicentra canadensis populations, one in a well‐forested landscape and two in isolated forest remnants. We constructed stage‐based transition matrices from 3 years of census data to evaluate annual population growth rates, λ. We used loop analysis to evaluate the relative contribution of different reproductive pathways to λ. Despite strong temporal and spatial variation in seed set, populations generally showed stable growth rates. Although we detected some pollen limitation of seed set, manipulative pollination treatments did not affect population growth rates. Clonal reproduction contributed significantly more than sexual reproduction to population growth in the forest remnants. Only at the well‐forested site did sexual reproduction contribute as much as clonal reproduction to population growth. Flowering plants were more likely to transition to a smaller size class with reduced reproductive potential in the following year than similarly sized nonflowering plants, suggesting energy trade‐offs between sexual and clonal reproduction at the individual level. Seed production had negligible effects on growth and tuber production of individual plants. Our results demonstrate that clonal reproduction is vital for population persistence in a system where sexual reproduction is unpredictable. The bias toward clonality may be driven by low fitness returns for resource investment in sexual reproduction at the individual level. However, chronic failure in sexual reproduction may exacerbate the imbalance between sexual and clonal reproduction and eventually lead to irreversible loss of sex in the population.  相似文献   

Most obligate seeder species build up a soil seed bank that is associated with massive seed germination in the year immediately after a fire. These species are also shade‐intolerant and disappear when vegetation cover closes, creating unsuitable conditions for seedling recruitment. The only way for these plants to expand their populations is when habitats suitable for seedling recruitment arise (i.e. in years immediately after a fire). However, short primary seed dispersal of obligate seeders does not allow these plants to colonise the suitable habitats, and these habitats can only be colonised by secondary seed dispersion. We hypothesised that Fumana ericoides, an obligate‐seeding small shrub, not only establishes abundantly in the first year after fire, but also expands its local range in the following years due to secondary dispersal by ants while suitable habitats are still available. We tested this hypothesis using experimental studies and a simulation model of potential population expansion in a recently burned area. Results showed that F. ericoides not only established prolifically in the year immediately after fire, but was also able to recruit new individuals and expand its population in the years following the fire, despite a low germination rate and short primary seed dispersal. Ant‐mediated seed dispersal and availability of suitable habitats were key factors in this phenomenon: ants redistributed seeds in suitable habitats while they were available, which accelerated the expansion of F. ericoides because new plants established far away from the core population.  相似文献   

Seed viability is a crucial factor affecting the regeneration potential of seeds, but there is little information on how this trait varies across habitats, populations, species, and higher taxonomic units, as well as on the relative contributions of evolutionary history and environmental factors to this trait. Here we evaluate the relative contributions of climatic variability and phylogenetic history to seed viability in a group of species of Bursera that belong to two distinct lineages (sections Bursera and Bullockia). We analyzed 39 seed lots from 11 species, comprising several populations and 2 years, and estimated embryo presence and viability in each lot. We examined spatial and temporal variation in viability and analyzed the relationship between this trait and water availability using regression models; the amount of phylogenetic signal in seed viability was also estimated. Mean seed viability was consistently low in species of section Bursera (mean 29.7%) and substantially higher in species of section Bullockia (mean 79.6%). A high proportion of unviable seeds were embryoless. Spatial and temporal variation in seed viability was significant but usually low among populations and species. The relationship between water availability and seed viability was not significant, but the amount of phylogenetic signal in seed viability was high and significant (λ = 0.74). There is a clear difference in seed viability among the two sections of Bursera. During the split of the two sections in the middle Eocene, the reorganization of the genome may have involved changes in fruit morphology associated with differences in parthenocarpy among them.  相似文献   

Abstract Acacia suaveolens (Sm.) Willd is a perennial shrub that forms even‐aged stands, recruited from a soil seed‐bank following fire. It has previously been subject to demographic studies, which used a space‐for‐time substitution to investigate temporal patterns following fire. In the present study the potential for spatial variation across sites was investigated by sampling at several similarly aged populations in Ku‐ring‐gai Chase National Park, northern Sydney, Australia. Significant variation in mean size and fecundity of A. suaveolens individuals was observed among sites, over a 2‐4.6‐fold range in plant size, and a sevenfold range in mean fecundity. The observed variation at 3 years after fire encapsulated most of the variation previously observed among sites 0‐17 years since fire, emphasizing the importance of spatial variation in this species. For each site a two‐stage (seed, plant) matrix model was constructed, and projected from 3 to 25 years following fire. Population growth was measured as number of seeds per 3‐year‐old plant, and found to vary 1.4‐fold across models for different sites. This site‐to‐site variation, as well as that in size, fecundity and survival, was statistically significant. Variation in projected seeds per plant could mostly be attributed to differences in fecundity rather than plant survival. Sensitivity analyses emphasized the biological significance of the variation in fecundity. Whereas previous studies have focused on temporal variation, this work demonstrates the importance of extending our understanding of a species to include the spatial component of population dynamics.  相似文献   

Elevational gradients provide powerful natural systems for testing hypotheses regarding the role of environmental variation in the evolution of life‐history strategies. Case studies have revealed shifts towards slower life histories in organisms living at high elevations yet no synthetic analyses exist of elevational variation in life‐history traits for major vertebrate clades. We examined (i) how life‐history traits change with elevation in paired populations of bird species worldwide, and (ii) which biotic and abiotic factors drive elevational shifts in life history. Using three analytical methods, we found that fecundity declined at higher elevations due to smaller clutches and fewer reproductive attempts per year. By contrast, elevational differences in traits associated with parental investment or survival varied among studies. High‐elevation populations had shorter and later breeding seasons, but longer developmental periods implying that temporal constraints contribute to reduced fecundity. Analyses of clutch size data, the trait for which we had the largest number of population comparisons, indicated no evidence that phylogenetic history constrained species‐level plasticity in trait variation associated with elevational gradients. The magnitude of elevational shifts in life‐history traits were largely unrelated to geographic (altitude, latitude), intrinsic (body mass, migratory status), or habitat covariates. Meta‐population structure, methodological issues associated with estimating survival, or processes shaping range boundaries could potentially explain the nature of elevational shifts in life‐history traits evident in this data set. We identify a new risk factor for montane populations in changing climates: low fecundity will result in lower reproductive potential to recover from perturbations, especially as fewer than half of the species experienced higher survival at higher elevations.  相似文献   

Eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp.) dominate many communities across Australia, including frequently burnt tropical savannas and temperate forests, which receive less frequent but more intense fires. Understanding the demographic characteristics that allow related trees to persist in tropical savannas and temperate forest ecosystems can provide insight into how savannas and forests function, including grass–tree coexistence. This study reviews differences in critical stages in the life cycle of savanna and temperate forest eucalypts, especially in relation to fire. It adds to the limited data on tropical eucalypts, by evaluating the effect of fire regimes on the population biology of Corymbia clarksoniana, a tree that dominates some tropical savannas of north‐eastern Australia. Corymbia clarksoniana displays similar demographic characteristics to other tropical savanna species, except that seedling emergence is enhanced when seed falls onto recently burnt ground during a high rainfall period. In contrast to many temperate forest eucalypts, tropical savanna eucalypts lack canopy‐stored seed banks; time annual seed fall to coincide with the onset of predictable wet season rain; have very rare seedling emergence events, including a lack of mass germination after each fire; possess an abundant sapling bank; and every tropical eucalypt species has the ability to maintain canopy structure by epicormically resprouting after all but the most intense fires. The combination of poor seedling recruitment strategies, coupled with characteristics allowing long‐term persistence of established plants, indicate tropical savanna eucalypts function through the persistence niche rather than the regeneration niche. The high rainfall‐promoted seedling emergence of C. clarksoniana and the reduction of seedling survival and sapling growth by fire, support the predictions that grass–tree coexistence in savannas is governed by rainfall limiting tree seedling recruitment and regular fires limiting the growth of juvenile trees to the canopy.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of 19 primer pairs for amplification of polymorphic microsatellite loci for Hypericum cumulicola. These markers were evaluated in 24 individuals from one population; two to four alleles were detected per locus, and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.5. Two loci demonstrated significant heterozygote deficiencies, possibly due to null alleles, and significant linkage disequilibrium was found between six pairs of loci. The remaining microsatellite loci will help determine if genetic differentiation is responsible for life‐history differences between natural and anthropogenically disturbed populations of H. cumulicola.  相似文献   

Seeds were sampled from 19 populations of the rare Gentiana pneumonanthe, ranging in size from 5 to more than 50,000 flowering plants. An analysis was made of variation in a number of life-history characters in relation to population size and offspring heterozygosity (based on seven polymorphic isozyme loci). Life-his-tory characters included seed weight, germination rate, proportion of seeds germinating, seedling mortality, seedling weight, adult weight, flower production per plant and proportion of plants flowering per family. Principal component analysis (PCA) reduced the dataset to three main fitness components. The first component was highly correlated with adult weight and flowering performance, the second with germination performance and the third component with seed and seedling weight and seedling mortality. The latter two components were considered as being maternally influenced, since these comprised life-history traits that were significantly correlated with seed weight. Multiple regression analysis showed that variation in the first fitness component was mainly associated with heterozygosity and not with population size, while the third fitness component was only correlated with population size and not with heterozygosity. The latter relationship appeared to be non-linear, which suggests a stronger loss of fitness in the smallest populations. The second (germination) component was neither correlated with population size nor with genetic variation. There was only a weak association between population size, heterozygosity and the population coefficients of variation for each life history character. Most correlation coefficients were negative, however, which suggests that there is more variation among progeny from smaller populations. We conclude that progeny from small populations of Gentiana pneumonanthe show reduced fitness and may be phenotypically more variable. One of the possible causes of the loss of fitness is a combination of unfavourable environmental circumstances for maternal plants in small populations and increased inbreeding. The higher phenotypic variation in small populations may also be a result of inbreeding, which can lead to deviation of individuals from the average phenotype through a loss of developmental stability.  相似文献   

The dynamics of plant populations in arid environments are largely affected by the unpredictable environmental conditions and are fine-tuned by biotic factors, such as modes of recruitment. A single species must cope with both spatial and temporal heterogeneity that trigger pulses of sexual and clonal establishment throughout its distributional range. We studied two populations of the clonal, purple prickly pear cactus, Opuntia macrocentra, in order to contrast the factors responsible for the population dynamics of a common, widely distributed species. The study sites were located in protected areas that correspond to extreme latitudinal locations for this species within the Chihuahuan Desert. We studied both populations for four consecutive years and determined the demographic consequences of environmental variability and the mode of reproduction using matrix population models, life table response experiments (LTREs), and loop and perturbation analyses. Although both populations seemed fairly stable (population growth rate, λ∼1), different demographic parameters and different life cycle routes were responsible for this stability in each population. In the southernmost population (MBR) LTRE and loop and elasticity analyses showed that stasis is the demographic process with the highest contributions to λ, followed by sexual reproduction, and clonal propagation contributed the least. The northern population (CR) had both higher elasticities and larger contributions of stasis, followed by clonal propagation and sexual recruitment. Loop analysis also showed that individuals in CR have more paths to complete a life cycle than those in MBR. As a consequence, each population differed in life history traits (e.g., size class structure, size at sexual maturity, and reproductive value). Numerical perturbation analyses showed a small effect of the seed bank on the λ of both populations, while the transition from seeds to seedlings had an important effect mainly in the northern population. Clonal propagation (higher survival and higher contributions to vital rates) seems to be more important for maintaining populations over long time periods than sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Density dependence in vital rates is a key feature affecting temporal fluctuations of natural populations. This has important implications for the rate of random genetic drift. Mating systems also greatly affect effective population sizes, but knowledge of how mating system and density regulation interact to affect random genetic drift is poor. Using theoretical models and simulations, we compare Ne in short‐lived, density‐dependent animal populations with different mating systems. We study the impact of a fluctuating, density‐dependent sex ratio and consider both a stable and a fluctuating environment. We find a negative relationship between annual Ne/N and adult population size N due to density dependence, suggesting that loss of genetic variation is reduced at small densities. The magnitude of this decrease was affected by mating system and life history. A male‐biased, density‐dependent sex ratio reduces the rate of genetic drift compared to an equal, density‐independent sex ratio, but a stochastic change towards male bias reduces the Ne/N ratio. Environmental stochasticity amplifies temporal fluctuations in population size and is thus vital to consider in estimation of effective population sizes over longer time periods. Our results on the reduced loss of genetic variation at small densities, particularly in polygamous populations, indicate that density regulation may facilitate adaptive evolution at small population sizes.  相似文献   

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