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Over the past ten years, federal management authorities for ocean uses and resources have become excessively compartmentalized and complex. In the interest of evaluating the need for a better articulated and organized national ocean program, this article examines the concept of ocean management. It attempts to portray an analytical review approach for assessing current ocean uses and management strategies. It explores the implications of ocean management as they impinge on the federal government's role in an organization for the marine environment. The concept of ocean management is reviewed from three perspectives: (1) an analysis of current conflicts among uses competing for scarce ocean resources; (2) an evaluation of existing programs which are designed to integrate other marine authorities; and (3) a survey of existing legal and administrative authorities that pertain to the marine environment. In light of these perspectives, the authors examine approaches that have been suggested for revising our ocean management system and offer recommendations toward this end.  相似文献   

As anthropogenic stressors threaten the health of marine ecosystems, there is a need to better understand how the public processes and responds to information about ocean health. Recent studies of public perceptions about ocean issues report high concern but limited knowledge, prompting calls for information campaigns to mobilize public support for ocean restoration policy. Drawing on the literature from communication, psychology and related social science disciplines, we consider a set of social-cognitive challenges that researchers and advocates are likely to encounter when communicating with the public about ocean health and emerging marine diseases—namely, the psychological distance at which ocean issues are construed, the unfamiliarity of aquatic systems to many members of the public and the potential for marine health issues to be interpreted through politicized schemas that encourage motivated reasoning over the dispassionate consideration of scientific evidence. We offer theory-based strategies to help public outreach efforts address these challenges and present data from a recent experiment exploring the role of message framing (emphasizing the public health or environmental consequences of marine disease) in shaping public support for environmental policy.  相似文献   


For over a decade the nation‐states of the world have been redefining the legal and political status of the world's oceans, both unilaterally and in multilateral negotiations. Despite the growing importance of ocean policy, we know too little concerning what are current nation‐state marine interests, how they make their marine related decisions, or how they organize themselves for marine policy. This paper was written as an organizing paper for a workshop to assess the state of the art in national ocean policy studies. It was sponsored by the Marine Science Affairs Program, International Decade of Ocean Exploration Office, National Science Foundation. The paper states the goal of the workshop, it defines the terms of reference, such as public policy, public policy analysis, comparative public policy analysis and national ocean policy; it offers a “systems”; influenced model for the evaluation of national ocean policy, and it identifies the state of our knowledge of the various components of national ocean policy by performing a computer‐based survey of the literature. Some 5,000 studies were examined and reduced to 1,000 relevant items. Highlights of the findings show that: 1) we know most about the output stage of ocean policy, less about input, little about process; 2) we know most about bureaucratic ocean decisions, less about legislative, little about judicial ocean decisions; 3) output studies rose and declined, input studies have increased steadily, and process studies may show a sharp rise; 4) we know most about the United States, Japan, and the USSR, less about Western Europe, little about the Third World; and 5) most of the studies were conducted by those using “traditional”; research tools.  相似文献   


The growth of population and income throughout the world has increased the demand for ocean‐based resources. At the same time the rapidly evolving technology of ocean resource exploitation has permitted ever greater use of these resources. As the rate of use of these resources has grown, so has the desirability of better management of them. Today national income accounts provide the basic economic data required to implement policies designed to stabilize and assist in planning for economic growth. It is possible to reconstruct these accounts and create an ocean sector account from them. This process will provide a set of measurements that will permit evaluation of the trade‐offs between alternative uses and the construction of economic models that will link the ocean sector to national economies.  相似文献   


The concentration of human population along coastlines has far-reaching effects on ocean and societal health. The oceans provide benefits to humans such as food, coastal protection and improved mental well-being, but can also impact negatively via natural disasters. At the same time, humans influence ocean health, for example, via coastal development or through environmental stewardship. Given the strong feedbacks between ocean and human health there is a need to promote desirable interactions, while minimising undesirable interactions. To this end, we articulate two scenarios for 2030. First, Business-as-Usual, named ‘Command and (out of) Control’, focuses on the anticipated future based on our current trajectory. Second, a more sustainable scenario called ‘Living and Connecting’, emphasises the development of interactions between oceans and society consistent with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We describe a potential pathway to achieving the ‘Living and Connecting’ scenario, centred on improving marine citizenship, achieving a more equitable distribution of power among stakeholders, and more equitable access to resources and opportunities. The constituent actions of this pathway can be categorised into four groups: (i) improved approaches to science and health communication that account for society’s diverse values, beliefs and worldviews, (ii) a shift towards more trusted relationships among stakeholders to enable two-way knowledge exchange, (iii) economic incentives that encourage behavioural changes necessary for achieving desired sustainability outcomes, and (iv) stronger regulations that simultaneously focus on ocean and human health. We contend that these changes will provide improved outcomes for both oceans and society over the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science.

Graphic abstract


The funding of much of ocean research is justified on the basis of expected benefits. Such research also has political implications relating to the law of the sea and to the transfer of technology. These implications are illustrated in an analysis of up‐welling research. Potential benefits include the prediction of fishery yields, the forecasting of weather and climate, and the location and assessment of nonliving resources. Because of the location of coastal upwelling, many developing countries are concerned with sharing in these benefits. This concern has affected negotiations over control of marine scientific research in the law‐of‐the‐sea negotiations and is related to the need to develop scientific capability in such countries.  相似文献   


Improved public understanding of the ocean and the importance of sustainable ocean use, or ocean literacy, is essential for achieving global commitments to sustainable development by 2030 and beyond. However, growing human populations (particularly in mega-cities), urbanisation and socio-economic disparity threaten opportunities for people to engage and connect directly with ocean environments. Thus, a major challenge in engaging the whole of society in achieving ocean sustainability by 2030 is to develop strategies to improve societal connections to the ocean. The concept of ocean literacy reflects public understanding of the ocean, but is also an indication of connections to, and attitudes and behaviours towards, the ocean. Improving and progressing global ocean literacy has potential to catalyse the behaviour changes necessary for achieving a sustainable future. As part of the Future Seas project (https://futureseas2030.org/), this paper aims to synthesise knowledge and perspectives on ocean literacy from a range of disciplines, including but not exclusive to marine biology, socio-ecology, philosophy, technology, psychology, oceanography and human health. Using examples from the literature, we outline the potential for positive change towards a sustainable future based on knowledge that already exists. We focus on four drivers that can influence and improve ocean literacy and societal connections to the ocean: (1) education, (2) cultural connections, (3) technological developments, and (4) knowledge exchange and science-policy interconnections. We explore how each driver plays a role in improving perceptions of the ocean to engender more widespread societal support for effective ocean management and conservation. In doing so, we develop an ocean literacy toolkit, a practical resource for enhancing ocean connections across a broad range of contexts worldwide.



Current ocean law negotiations reflect conflicts between two old and competing approaches: the view that the coastal state should control activities in any large adjacent ocean area, and the view that most of the ocean should be left open to the free use of all nations. Both approaches are laissez‐faire, leave the distribution of benefits to arbitrary factors, and are based on national exclusivity. In the negotiations this conflict is exhibited in competing claims regarding navigation, mineral resources, fishing, environmental protection, and strategic uses. A possible resolution has emerged in the concept of the whole ocean as a common resource of humankind, according to which no individual state has a right to benefit from the ocean except pursuant to arrangements sanctioned by the community, and rights to benefit are determined not arbitrarily but by membership in the community. The regime now likeliest to be produced by such an approach includes (1) a narrow territorial sea and various navigation guarantees, (2) a wide coastal band coupling coastal state managerial functions with permanent international prerogatives, and (3) purely international manage‐ment of the deep seabed.  相似文献   


France, hitherto more “continental”; than “maritime,”; increasingly developed its ocean activities in the 1970s and 1980s. This article describes the different sectors of its marine activities and evolvement of a different outlook concerning the sea. Important events such as the 1976 Proclamation and subsequent implementation of the French 200‐nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone, and 1981 formation of a new Socialist government in France after 23 years of uninterrupted “Gaullist”; rule, offered a unique opportunity to restructure marine policy. The new Ministry of the Sea was intended to integrate marine policy and cater to a developing ocean “constituency.”; It was eventually downgraded to a “Secrétariat d'Etat,”; but its impact was undeniably important.  相似文献   



Oceans offer a vast amount of renewable energy. Tidal and wave energy devices are currently the most advanced conduits of ocean energy. To date, only a few life cycle assessments for ocean energy have been carried out for ocean energy. This study analyses ocean energy devices, including all technologies currently being proposed, in order to gain a better understanding of their environmental impacts and explore how they can contribute to a more sustainable energy supply.


The study followed the methodology of life cycle assessment including all life cycle steps from cradle to grave. The various types of device were assessed, on the basis of a functional unit of 1 kWh of electricity delivered to the grid. The impact categories investigated were based on the ILCD recommendations. The life cycle models were set up using detailed technical information on the components and structure of around 180 ocean energy devices from an in-house database.

Results and discussion

The design of ocean energy devices still varies considerably, and their weight ranges from 190 to 1270 t, depending on device type. Environmental impacts are closely linked to material inputs and are caused mainly by mooring and foundations and structural components, while impacts from assembly, installation and use are insignificant for all device types. Total greenhouse gas emissions of ocean energy devices range from about 15 to 105 g CO2-eq. kWh?1. Average global warming potential for all device types is 53?±?29 g CO2-eq. kWh?1. The results of this study are comparable with those of other studies and confirm that the environmental impacts of ocean energy devices are comparable with those of other renewable technologies and can contribute to a more sustainable energy supply.


Ocean energy devices are still at an early stage of development compared with other renewable energy technologies. Their environmental impacts can be further reduced by technology improvements already being pursued by developers (e.g. increased efficiency and reliability). Future life cycle assessment studies should assess whole ocean energy arrays or ocean energy farms.


U.S. ocean institutions and decision‐making processes merit careful study and attention. Given the economic and strategic importance of the oceans to the United States, such research would be valuable if it contributed to a more effective ocean policy process and an improved policy product. Moreover, findings with regard to the ocean policy process could be relevant to other high‐technology, transnational policy areas. Four aspects of ocean institutions and policy making merit priority attention: (1) current institutions and processes compared with alternative modes of organization and process; (2) the premises on which the present policy process is based; (3) the generation and utilization of policy‐relevant data; and (4) the operation of U.S. ocean institutions transnationally.  相似文献   


Rapid developments in ocean science and technology, together with the emerging new ocean regime, present considerable challenges to the international organizational structure. After indicating some recent ocean science and technology developments, the author examines the capacity for organizational response, both within and outside the UN system. Next, the paper identifies aspects of national ocean interests that tend to dictate policies of individual nations toward the responses of these international organizations to new advances. Finally, the author looks to prospects for the 1980s.  相似文献   

Estuaries are connected to both land and ocean so their physical, chemical, and biological dynamics are influenced by climate patterns over watersheds and ocean basins. We explored climate‐driven oceanic variability as a source of estuarine variability by comparing monthly time series of temperature and chlorophyll‐a inside San Francisco Bay with those in adjacent shelf waters of the California Current System (CCS) that are strongly responsive to wind‐driven upwelling. Monthly temperature fluctuations inside and outside the Bay were synchronous, but their correlations weakened with distance from the ocean. These results illustrate how variability of coastal water temperature (and associated properties such as nitrate and oxygen) propagates into estuaries through fast water exchanges that dissipate along the estuary. Unexpectedly, there was no correlation between monthly chlorophyll‐a variability inside and outside the Bay. However, at the annual scale Bay chlorophyll‐a was significantly correlated with the Spring Transition Index (STI) that sets biological production supporting fish recruitment in the CCS. Wind forcing of the CCS shifted in the late 1990s when the STI advanced 40 days. This shift was followed, with lags of 1–3 years, by 3‐ to 19‐fold increased abundances of five ocean‐produced demersal fish and crustaceans and 2.5‐fold increase of summer chlorophyll‐a in the Bay. These changes reflect a slow biological process of estuary–ocean connectivity operating through the immigration of fish and crustaceans that prey on bivalves, reduce their grazing pressure, and allow phytoplankton biomass to build. We identified clear signals of climate‐mediated oceanic variability in this estuary and discovered that the response patterns vary with the process of connectivity and the timescale of ocean variability. This result has important implications for managing nutrient inputs to estuaries connected to upwelling systems, and for assessing their responses to changing patterns of upwelling timing and intensity as the planet continues to warm.  相似文献   


Through a normative lens, this article investigates integrated ocean management and the multiple concepts that it involves. Although international law provides legal authority to coastal states to manage their ocean area entitlements, no single legally binding norm specific to integrated ocean management exists. Nevertheless, by combining different internationally recognized sources, this article identifies and discusses two normative concepts applicable in coastal state integrated ocean management. These are (1) the framing of integrated ocean management as a management process and (2) the incorporation of environmental, economic, and social concerns into an ocean management policy.  相似文献   


The key issue for me is the great need I see for enhanced public awareness of the significance of pests and of the importance of controlling or managing them. Without such clear public understanding, it is difficult to see how we, as a society, can stimulate the level of effort, commitment, and financial resources that is required of us at every level—from Central Government and Regional Councils to individual land owners. Reflecting on this has stimulated me to think about the ambivalence of the conservation and environment movement on this issue.  相似文献   


The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea is indispensable for the well‐being of the states, especially the new island states, of the Pacific Basin. Since the Treaty will be signed at Caracas in December 1982, it is important to anticipate its impact in the Pacific Region area. The article examines the need for a new ocean law to replace the old law of the Geneva Conventions. It argues that exploitation of manganese nodules in the “Area”; will be legal only under the rules of Part XI of the Convention and that the principles of the Common Heritage of Mankind are now part of customary law. Finally, the seaward expansion of Pacific states authorized in the new treaty both necessitates, and provides an opportunity for, coordinated planning for the management of ocean resources and usages.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations are placing spatially divergent stresses on the world's tropical coral reefs through increasing ocean surface temperatures and ocean acidification. We show how these two stressors combine to alter the global habitat suitability for shallow coral reef ecosystems, using statistical Bioclimatic Envelope Models rather than basing projections on any a priori assumptions of physiological tolerances or fixed thresholds. We apply two different modeling approaches (Maximum Entropy and Boosted Regression Trees) with two levels of complexity (one a simplified and reduced environmental variable version of the other). Our models project a marked temperature‐driven decline in habitat suitability for many of the most significant and bio‐diverse tropical coral regions, particularly in the central Indo‐Pacific. This is accompanied by a temperature‐driven poleward range expansion of favorable conditions accelerating up to 40–70 km per decade by 2070. We find that ocean acidification is less influential for determining future habitat suitability than warming, and its deleterious effects are centered evenly in both hemispheres between 5° and 20° latitude. Contrary to expectations, the combined impact of ocean surface temperature rise and acidification leads to little, if any, degradation in future habitat suitability across much of the Atlantic and areas currently considered ‘marginal’ for tropical corals, such as the eastern Equatorial Pacific. These results are consistent with fossil evidence of range expansions during past warm periods. In addition, the simplified models are particularly sensitive to short‐term temperature variations and their projections correlate well with reported locations of bleaching events. Our approach offers new insights into the relative impact of two global environmental pressures associated with rising atmospheric CO2 on potential future habitats, but greater understanding of past and current controls on coral reef ecosystems is essential to their conservation and management under a changing climate.  相似文献   


Lafkenche and Williche, the Mapuche coastal population in Chile, used coastal marine areas and resources for centuries. The Spanish colonization and the subsequent establishment of the Republic of Chile curtailed these access rights and traditional uses. In 2008, the government of Chile introduced the “Lafkenche Law” establishing exclusive access rights for traditional indigenous use of coastal marine areas and resources, but the law has not led to effective self-determination or the development of the ethnic Mapuche populations. Interviews with indigenous community leaders in October 2014 confirmed their dissatisfaction with this law. This article discusses whether the experience of other nations, such as the innovative Community Development Quota Program in Alaska in the United States, which allocates a portion of certain species in the Bering Sea to coastal communities, can help overcome marine resources access barriers affecting the Mapuche people.  相似文献   

The average composition of water, bottom sediments, manganese (Mn) crusts, and Mn concretions from Lake Biwa (the largest freshwater lake in Japan) are re-examined, in conjunction with those of seawater, oceanic pelagic clay, and deep-sea Mn nodules. The purpose is to gain additional insights into the geochemical behaviors of elements in Lake Biwa and the ocean, which are quite different in ionic strength (or salinity), pH, water residence times, sediment accumulation rates, carbon fluxes to sediments, and the redox potential in sediments. Excluding a few millimeters of oxic surface sediment, there is no appreciable accumulation of Mn in the Lake Biwa bottom sediments due to reducing condition there. Consequently, other B-type cations [such as iron (Fe), gallium (Ga), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cobalt (Co), tin (Sn), and bismuth (Bi), with subshell valence electron configuration of d 1−10] are also less concentrated in the lake sediments than in the oceanic pelagic clay. In turn, B-type cations have much higher dissolved concentrations in the lake water than in the ocean. The rare earth elements (REE) mainly form organic complexes in the lake water and carbonate complexes in the ocean. REE are mostly associated with detritus aluminosilicate phases in Lake Biwa sediments but with phosphate phases in deep-sea sediments. Fe and Mn oxide phases are clearly separated in marine Mn nodules and crusts but not in Mn crusts and concretions from Lake Biwa. Useful parameters such as the enrichment factor (E Al) and logarithms of the distribution coefficient (log K d) of elements between solid and liquid phases were estimated in both systems for further discussions.  相似文献   

This article lays out the broad rationale for conducting economic analyses of major environmental regulations—principally, benefit-cost analysis—as well as some of the pertinent critiques. What can public agencies expect to gain from such activities? What are the reasons to be wary of the results? The paper reviews the recent experience of the federal government in conducting such analyses, with particular reference to the relevant Presidential Executive Orders issued over the past three decades. Finally, the paper examines some of the key methodological issues, often involving interdiscripliary topics, critical to the conduct of such analyses. Overall, it is concluded that the economic analysis of proposed environmental regulations can help improve the allocation of society's resources while at the same time engendering an understanding of who benefits and who pays for any given regulatory action. Additionally, properly conducted economic analyses encourage transparency and accountability in the decisionmaking process, provide a framework for consistent data collection and identification of gaps in knowledge, and allow for the aggregation of many dissimilar effects (e.g., those on health, visibility, and crops) into one measure of net benefits expressed in a single currency.  相似文献   

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