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目的 通过对某市过去的医疗事故鉴定结果分析,找出预防医疗纠纷的工作重点和防范机制。方法 对254例鉴定案件统计分析,从涉及医院的等级和科室构成、委托来源、医院所负责任、事故级别构成等指标观察寻找医疗纠纷的预防重点。 涉及医院以区域性医疗中心为主,涉及科室以骨科、妇产科为主,委托来源以行政调解单位为主,医疗事故鉴定率为60.7%,医院负完全责任的占8.8%。 结论 某市医疗纠纷防范的重点单位是三级甲等医院和县医院,重点科室是骨科、妇产科等手术科室,重点预防措施应该放在加强沟通、注重人文关怀、构建和谐医患关系方面,以此来降低医疗纠纷的发生和非司法诉讼途径的解决。  相似文献   


The Draft Convention on the Law of the Sea contains an elaborate and unique system for the settlement of disputes concerning the world ocean that is both flexible and firm. The evolution and development of this disputes settlement system began later than the work done in Committees I, II, and HI, of the Conference and was largely due to the initiative and leadership of Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe, President of UNCLOS III. The major features of the emerging disputes settlement system are: a general and comprehensive system including adjudicatory procedures; a multiplicity of forums for disputes settlement with concurrent attempts at maintaining some uniformity in the jurisprudence of the law of the sea; adoption of a flexible system which permits states the choice of mode or venue for settlement; abandonment of the original idea of a separate and special “Sea‐Bed Tribunal”; the decision of the Conference to make disputes settlement an integral part of the Convention; the emergence of the compulsory resort to conciliation for disputes in the EEZ; and the designation of categories of disputes which may be submitted only to the Sea‐Bed Disputes Chamber.  相似文献   


East Asian countries have vigorously engaged in a buildup of the capabilities of their coast guards. This has been driven in part by the need to protect their maritime jurisdiction in the face of numerous maritime disputes. The coast guards in East Asia serve as the front-line defender of sovereignty and maritime claims.  相似文献   

目的 描述和探讨三级综合医院的护理人员安全文化认知情况,为保障患者安全提出改进措施。方法 采用问卷调查法对1358名护理人员的安全文化认知情况进行调查和分析。结果 维度最高分为科室内团队合作(4.12±0.36),积极反应率86.28%,维度沟通的公开性积极反应率最低,仅为36.28%。结论 临床护理人员在安全文化认知方面仍有待加强,人员配置及事故报告是构建安全文化的主要障碍,医疗机构应从系统角度出发,建立非惩罚性的事故报告制度,有效避免护患纠纷和安全事故的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床输血病案文书的内涵质量。方法 采取随机抽查的方法对某院2009—2010年已经归档的输血病案,按卫生部“医院管理年和医疗质量万里行”活动内容进行调查。结果 发现多份病历不合格。结论 临床输血病案文书是临床医师对患者治疗过程的原始记录,是当时事态的真迹,是医疗事故或纠纷在认定是非、判明责任,以及医疗技术鉴定或司法鉴定时赖以立论的依据。因此,写好病案文书可减少医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   


This article discusses one of the most difficult disputes in the world, the territorial dispute over the Tiaoyu Islands. This dispute has defied solution for decades. The situation in the area has drastically deteriorated since the early 1990s, when the disputants began intensifying their claims. The issues involved in the dispute will be analyzed by reference to current law, as interpreted and applied by international judicial authorities.  相似文献   


Japanese fishing in the coastal waters of China and Korea has often caused serious disputes and was, at times, held by these two countries as a political pawn against Japan. Fishery disputes between Japan and Korea date from the fifteenth century, but culminated in an unprecedented hostility over fourteen years up to 1965. The fisheries agreement of 1965 restored peace between the parties, but is in need of review. Since 1955 fishery relations between China and Japan are regulated by nongovernmental arrangements. Preparations are under way for a formal agreement, whereupon Japan will seek to remove some of the restrictions imposed on its fishermen by China. An ideal method to regulate fishing in such enclosed waters as the Yellow and East China Seas is to conclude a multilateral treaty. Apart from the political relations among the coastal states, the outcome of the Third Law of the Sea Conference may improve the prospect.  相似文献   

目的:通过报道1例中耳术后并发耳廓软骨膜炎致耳廓畸形患者的病历资料,以加强临床医师对该疾病的认识与防范。方法:对本例患者的病历资料进行回顾性阐述,结合该患者的临床特点揭示中耳术后并发耳廓软骨膜炎的发生发展过程,并通过文献回顾阐述该疾病的发病原因、病原学特点及治疗方法。结果:耳廓软骨膜炎是耳科手术术后较为棘手但相对少见的并发症,最为常见铜绿假单胞杆菌感染所致。治疗方法视患者病情而定,包括抗菌药物应用、脓肿切开引流、病变软骨切除术。对于合并糖尿病的老年患者中耳术后更易引发耳廓软骨膜炎,且疗程更长、预后更差。结论:中耳术后并发耳廓软骨膜炎临床需警惕,对合并糖尿病的老年患者应多加防范;早诊断,早治疗,避免增加患者痛苦、加重其经济负担,并与患者做好充分沟通,避免医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   


The theory of communication networks offers functional arguments for the evolution of unobtrusive signals in birds. The vulnerability of interacting conspecifics to predation and to eavesdropping by neighbours during both territorial disputes and courtship would select for short range signals such as the quiet songs of birds. In addition to suggesting contexts in which quiet songs should be used, we use our knowledge of the physics of sound transmission to make predictions about the physical structure of such songs relative to the well studied full songs. We present support for these predictions in six species where quiet singing has been observed.  相似文献   

近年我国医患矛盾频发、医患关系紧张。有效的医患沟通,有助于提高医疗服务质量,保障医疗服务安全;有助于避免或减少医疗纠纷,构建和谐医患关系。神经外科疾病类型多,变化快,诊断复杂,进展迅猛,治疗风险和费用高,容易发生医患纠纷;优秀的神经外科医生应该掌握良好的医患沟通技巧,维系和谐医患关系。  相似文献   


This paper addresses disputes in the transplantation of tissues from transgenic animals to humans (XTP) between a number of biotech firms and several UK-based animal advocacy groups. Debates centre on the management of human and non-human identity, the indeterminacies of therapeutic efficacy and the risks of trans- species disease. Both constituencies make use of moral/cultural and scientific repertoires to advance their arguments.

Science and Technology Studies treatments of the dynamics between scientific institutions and pressure group Non-governmental organizations tend to emphasize the epistemological privileges of the former over the latter. However, the XTP case highlights a strategic flexibility enabling animal advocacy groups to deploy social and scientific arguments that are fundamentally contradictory. Such contradictions are much more difficult for scientific institutions to maintain, given the rigidities of the material and symbolic resources from which they derive their expertise in the first place.  相似文献   

A group of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis)was studied for 2 years in the Malay Peninsula. The behavior of the gibbons during territorial disputes is described, the relationships with neighbors are investigated, and the frequency and duration of disputes are analyzed. The nature of the territorial boundary and the type of territorial behavior exhibited by the gibbons are discussed. An attempt is made to identify the immediate precursors of disputes, and some suggestions are given to explain why disputes occur so frequently and are of such long duration.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(17):178-183

Two studies were made by the author to validate the conclusion of earlier writers that while the more acculturated Indians left the reservation, a reservoir of traditional culture-carriers remained behind.

After consideration of such factors as use of language, expressed white values, degree of Indian blood, and degree of education it is concluded that the acculturation of migrants is greater than that of non-migrants. It was also found that the rate of migration was higher than it is usually thought to be.

The failure of migrants to influence Indian communities is said to be due to the fact that (l) migrants move greater distances and tend to cut all ties with the reservation; (2) some migrants move to new Indian environments: (3) factional disputes arise between migrants and non-migrants.

The conclusion is that migration accelerates the acculturation of the individual but is a mechanism which also keeps the Indian communities distinct and isolated from white society.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(89):265-267

Among the most durable elements of tribal culture are the quasi-secret ceremonial procedures of the medicine man, surviving the Conquest, suppression, and various revivalist movements almost intact, and retaining rituals possibly dating to the Pleistocene. Consciously rejected aspects of Christian training have reappeared in modified form, as in a wedding ceremony here described. Other syncretisms can be traced to the political activism of recent years, and the impetus it has given to a resurgence of the old religion. By 1978 the Oglala medicine man, originally a healer, seer, and sage, had assumed additional roles as tribal representative to other governments, political leaders, mediator in disputes, judge and counsellor, justice-of-the-peace, mental health worker, psychotherapist, and provider of primary health care.  相似文献   


Although sounds are produced by highly eusocial bees in a variety of contexts, their meaning and evolution are poorly understood. In this study we examined the communicative function of sound during dominance disputes in primitively eusocial bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). The interaction between sound production and dominance behaviour was studied in the context of parasitism by obligate bumble bee social parasites (Psythyrus spp.). Females of Psithyrus bohemicus and P. vestalis produced sound during dominance interactions in bumble bee host colonies. Parasites mauled and pushed host bees, after which they buzzed with their wings folded. The sounds were broad band, with a mean frequency of 820 Hz for the loudest harmonic produced by a P. bohemicus female. The frequency range of recorded sounds matched that of the vibratory stimuli to which isolated bumble bee workers responded. Buzzing by some bumble bee social parasites may assist them in advertising a position of dominance in egg-laying hierarchies established in the absence of pheromonal inhibition of ovarian development.  相似文献   


Although the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea reaffirms the freedoms of navigation and overflight in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), its language is flexible enough to be construed as restraining military activities of third countries in the zone. On the other hand, the Convention allows enough latitude of interpretation to include the right to conduct naval activities in a foreign EEZ. The peaceful‐purposes clauses of the Convention do not, in this respect, create any new obligations beyond the obvious general principle of banning the use of force in international relations. The reluctance of UNCLOS III to adopt a clear and unambiguous solution of the problem is likely to result in disputes between naval powers, primarily developed states, and coastal states of the Third World over the attribution of rights to military uses of the EEZ, especially with regard to naval maneuvers, weapon tests, and emplacement of military devices in this zone.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的快速发展,各类新媒体的出现让部分医疗事件有了更高的关注度。近年来医疗纠纷日益严重,在全媒体时代的背景下,医院舆情危机频繁发生,对医院声誉和医患关系产生较大的不良影响。如何正确的引导网络舆情、降低医院舆情危机带来的不利影响成为急需解决的问题。本研究就全媒体时代医院舆情管理危机展开探讨,从医院舆情管理现状、医院舆情管理所存在的问题及相关的应对措施这三个方面入手,旨在为医院管理者在全媒体背景下控制医院舆情、化解医院突发事件、改善医患关系提供参考。  相似文献   


Norway is involved in two maritime boundary disputes with the Soviet Union. In relation to Svalbard, the Soviet Union argues that the archipelago has a continental shelf and an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of its own to which all parties to the Svalbard Treaty have equal access. This is disputed by Norway, which maintains that such a view of the matter implies an expansive interpretation of the Svalbard Treaty for which there is no support in international legal practice. In the Barents Sea there is a continuing dispute between Norway and the Soviet Union over the proper location of the continental shelf and EEZ boundaries. This article sets out some of the reasons behind the different arguments on which the two base their respective cases, and the reasons why Norway in the absence of a delineated boundary has refused to accept Soviet proposals for economic cooperation in the disputed ocean area. Major emphasis is placed on the confluence of several circumstances inter alia, geopolitical and historical factors, a strongly asymmetrical power relationship, and legal ambiguity.  相似文献   

Resolution of disputes and investigation of institutions that have attempted to right the wrongs (some of which have persisted for centuries) regarding pastoralists’ property rights over indigenous water sources in East Africa have rarely been the subject of formal study. Using a framework of water property rights, hereafter konfi, we report on contestations over rights to the ancient tula wells in southern Ethiopia, some of which have been in operation for more than 500 years. Unlike grazing lands, which are communal resources, wells are private properties managed by corporate clan members. We reconstructed the history of contests over property rights to 64 wells and found that some contests over konfi have remained unresolved for many generations. Only a small percentage (20%) of the wells have no history of disputes over property rights. The resolution of disputes relies on the principal tenet of the non-transferability of konfi property rights, except in the case of the family of the ancestral konfi dying out. Contestants are expected to reconstruct how they lost the konfi in the first place. The Borana tend to discourage contests over wells through the long duration of investigations, as well as myths associated with false claims that appeared to result in deaths among the claimants.  相似文献   


In vegetatively propagated ornamentals, new varieties can be obtained from i.) conventional breeding and selection or ii.) spontaneous or induced variant types of existing varieties. Indeed, variant types enlarge the assortment to be produced without the need to alter production systems. However, they inherit the breeding effort needed to create a completely new and profitable variety. Therefore, the breeder of the initial variety might want to claim at least part of the profits under the form of a royalty on what is considered as essentially derived varieties (EDV). To detect either EDV or fraud, criteria based on plant morphology are insufficient or even not applicable. Here, some case studies are presented to illustrate the possibilities and the limitations of AFLP fingerprinting in disputes on fraud and essential derivation of ornamental plants. No differences were detected between fingerprints of different azalea bud sports, all belonging to the commercially important “Hellmut Vogel?d group. In roses, it was possible to elucidate the irregular application for breeders' protection for a bud sport of a registered rose cultivar. This was confirmed by fingerprinting the putative parents given in the application file. In Phalaenopsis, a breeder tried to broaden the protection he received on a variant derived from an old free variety, to a similar clone. After fingerprinting, both parties decided to close the case.  相似文献   

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