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Despite its existence on the Chinese maps for more than six decades, the U-shaped line, as a traditional maritime boundary line of China in the South China Sea, has never received a wide recognition in the world community, much less by the other claimant states in the South China Sea. The U-shaped line is a legal conundrum not only for China but also for the world community, particularly after the map with the U-shaped line, together with China's Notes Verbale with respect to the claims to the outer continental shelves made by Malaysia and Vietnam, were submitted to the UN Commission on the Limits of Continental Shelf in May 2009. This article discusses China's recent practice relating to the U-shaped line as well as the external factors that affect the validity of the line and tries to unravel the legal puzzle posed by the line.  相似文献   

This article examines recent developments in the South China Sea; in particular, the China-Vietnam relationship. The developments are presented in the broader context of the Sino-Vietnamese approach to managing border disputes since full normalization of relations in late 1991. The challenges for China and Vietnam in managing their disputes and related tension in the South China Sea are also discussed.  相似文献   

Historic titles and historic rights have been a complicated issue in the law of the sea both conceptually and practically. The South China Sea Arbitration between the Philippines and China raised important issues regarding the contemporary relevance and validity of historic claims, and the relationship between the Law of the Sea Convention and historic rights. This articles examines historic rights and historic titles in the law of the sea in the light of the South China Sea Arbitration and evaluates the contribution of the Tribunal's Awards to the clarification of these concepts.  相似文献   

Important events relating to the sovereignty dispute over the Spratly Islands have arisen by fits and starts since 2009, marking the start of a new phase in the legal battle over territorial and maritime claims in the South China Sea. While the exchange of legal arguments between the parties has gradually laid bare their maritime claims, much still remains shrouded in uncertainty. Among the obscure claims wanting clarification is China's infamous nine-dotted-line map, which in 2011 elicited a response and counterresponse between the Philippines and China. This article examines the maritime and territorial claims of the Philippines and China as revealed in the recent discord over the nine-dotted-line map.  相似文献   

南中国海地区湿地植物多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对南中国海地区湿地的植物多样性进行了深入研究,调查范围包括浅水海域、潮间带滩涂、河口地带和三角洲冲积平原、三角洲基塘等湿地类型。基本弄清了南中国海湿地植物的生境多样性、物种多样性以及生态系统多样性,为有效保护和合理利用南中国海湿地资源提供科学的依据。调查表明,南中国海近海近岸湿地生境多样性复杂,物种丰富。主要生境类型有浅海水域湿地等13类;湿地高等植物的生态系统主要有红树林湿地生态系统等6种;南中国海地区湿地共有高等植物179科,593属,829种。国家Ⅰ级保护植物3种,Ⅱ级保护植物9种。  相似文献   

In the past decade, there have been calls for a regional code of conduct for the South China Sea to ensure peace and stability in a region replete with conflicting territorial claims over offshore geographical features. This paper will distinguish between the process of codification of rules and principles in one document, on the one hand, and the process of implementing existing rules and principles, on the other hand. It will be argued that rules and principles governing conduct for human and regional security around the South China Sea already exist in many forms and that the South China Sea states are obligated by international law to implement them without waiting for their consolidation in one document.  相似文献   

This article portrays and characterizes the Vietnamese position toward the settlement of the island disputes in the South China Sea. The situation in the South China Sea has become more complicated since 1988 when China made its steps toward the Spratlys. After analyzing the situation in the South China Sea, the author emphasizes the need to have a code of conduct for this disputed area.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the UN Law of the Sea Convention on conflict behavior and management in the South China Sea during four periods: during its negotiation (1973–1982); from its signing to the entry into force (1982–1994); from then until the China-ASEAN Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (1995–2002); and from the setting of a timeline for outer limits of continental shelf submissions to the events following the 2009 submissions (2003–2013). Ambiguous effects were found. On the one hand, the Convention has generated or exacerbated conflict by raising the stakes, failing to resolve key legal issues, and encouraging overlapping zone claims. On the other hand, it has provided obligations, language, and techniques for conflict management and resolution. The conflict-enhancing impact was found to have been more substantial than the peace-promoting effects. Nevertheless, the balance has shifted toward more emphasis on conflict management and also some utilization of the Convention's peacemaking potential. If this long-term trend continues and the Convention is more rigorously respected and applied, the Convention may in the end be found to have contributed to regional peace.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the outer continental shelf submissions made by the coastal states of the South China Sea and their potential impact on legal and political developments in the South China Sea. In accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 and the guidelines of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, coastal states are to establish the outer limits of their continental shelf where it extends beyond 200 nautical miles. Meeting this obligation is complicated in enclosed or semienclosed seas where there are maritime disputes such as in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Archaea represent a significant portion of biomass in the marine sediments and may play an important role in global carbon cycle. However, the identity and composition of deep sea sediment Archaea are unclear. Here, we used the archaeal 16S rRNA gene primers to determine the diversity and community structure of Archaea from shallow water (<100 m) and deep water (>1500 m) sediments in the South China Sea. Phylogenetically the archaeal community is separated between the shallow- and deep sea sediments, with the former being dominated by the Thaumarchaeota and the latter by the Marine Benthic Group B, E and the South African GoldMine Euryarchaeotal Group as well as Thaumarchaeota. Sand content showed significant correlation with Thaumarchaeota, suggesting that the porous media may create an oxic environment that allowed these aerobic organisms to thrive in the surface sediments. The carbon isotope composition of total organic carbon was significantly correlated to the distribution of archaeal groups, suggesting that Archaea overall may be constrained by the availability or sources of organic carbon in the sediments of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

This article identifies potential areas of cooperation in the South China Sea, particularly on ocean-related matters. Several regional mechanisms related to marine and coastal environments have been established and, to an extent, have achieved their goals. Nevertheless, some improvements to existing mechanisms are highly desirable. Recommended is a regional mechanism that involves all bordering parties; limits its geographic scope to the South China Sea; is initiated and operates without the assistance of global organizations; is embodied in a legally binding instrument; and broadens the scope of cooperation to include marine living resources, maritime safety, and maritime security.  相似文献   

南海深海沉积物放线菌多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】免培养和纯培养相结合分析南海深海沉积物放线菌多样性。【方法】免培养方法通过提取沉积物宏基因组DNA,利用放线菌门特异性引物扩增放线菌16S r RNA基因序列,构建放线菌16S r RNA基因克隆文库,文库经RFLP(Restriction fragment length polymorphism)分析后挑选代表序列测序并进行多样性指数分析和系统发育分析。可培养方法利用8种培养基进行菌株分离,对排重后的菌株进行16S r RNA基因序列多样性分析。【结果】构建的两个深海位点的16S r RNA基因克隆文库在放线菌门的放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)、酸微菌纲(Acidimicrobiia)、腈基降解菌纲(Nitriliruptoria)和嗜热油菌纲(Thermoleophilia)4个纲中均有分布;两个位点中的种群结构有差异,N40-4位点的优势种群是放线菌纲的链霉菌目(Streptomycetales);N63-4位点的优势种群是腈基降解菌纲的腈基降解菌目(Nitriliruptorales)。8种培养基共分离出41株放线菌,根据形态特征排重后得到的19株菌分布于10个不同的属,12个不同的种,其中稀有放线菌属比例较高,菌株OAct400为潜在的微杆菌属(Microbacterium)新种。【结论】南海深海沉积物蕴含着丰富的放线菌物种资源及大量未知种群,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

This article argues that a resolution of the maritime disputes in the South China Sea must be based upon a universalist framework where the maritime interests of the world are upheld. The article discusses the universalist framework of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the universalist approach taken by the Tribunal on 12 July 2016 in the South China Sea Arbitration regarding the extinguishment of a state's “exceptionalist” maritime claims and the adoption of strict criteria for the characterization of features at sea.  相似文献   

南海台风引发藻华的生物机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张亚锋  王旭涛  殷克东 《生态学报》2018,38(16):5667-5678
海洋浮游植物的生长和小型浮游动物的摄食,与温度、光照和营养盐等因素密切相关。中国南海海盆是层化结构稳定的寡营养海,然而每年台风过后都有大量藻华的报道。为了探究台风引发藻华的生物形成机制,通过南海海域表层和次表层叶绿素最大层(DCM)中的小型浮游动物的摄食活动以及浮游植物对光照和营养响应的现场实验,探究小型浮游动物摄食、光照和营养对海洋浮游植物生长和群落结构的调控作用。实验表明:1)表层水体中的小型浮游动物摄食速率明显大于DCM层;小型浮游动物摄食在表层水体中以大粒级的浮游植物(5μm)为主,在DCM层中没有明显粒级选择;自然光中的紫外线能增加小型浮游动物的摄食;营养盐添加轻微降低小型浮游动物的摄食。2)营养盐和光照的增强显著促进DCM层浮游植物的生长,并增加大粒级浮游植物的占比;而光照和营养盐变化对表层浮游植物的生长和粒级结构的改变相对不明显。因此,相对表层,深层浮游植物面临较小的摄食压力,拥有更大的光照和营养盐需求潜能;当台风引发水体垂向混合后,获得营养盐补充的表层浮游植物并不能迅速生长,而获得充足光照的深层浮游植物能迅速生长,成为藻华爆发的优势种。  相似文献   

夏季南海北部纤毛虫群落组成及其水平分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在2007年中国科学院南海海洋研究所南海北部开放航次期间,设计了两条纤毛虫采样断面(X断面、Y断面),共13个站位,涵盖了珠江冲淡水区、粤东上升流区和陆坡开阔海区,旨在对纤毛虫的种类组成和空间分布及其影响因素进行探讨。共检出4纲8目22属38种纤毛虫,其中种类数最多的属是砂壳目拟铃虫属(9种),其次是急游目急游属(5种)。本航次中纤毛虫主要是砂壳目纤毛虫(27种),共鉴定出砂壳虫15属27种。纤毛虫优势种为蚤状中缢虫Mesodinium pulex(18.1%),其次是丁丁急游虫Strombidium tintinnodes(9.7%),盾形拟铃虫Tintinnopsis urula(5.8%)。纤毛虫种类数和丰度从近岸向外海逐渐减少,纤毛虫种类数与温度(R2=0.53,P0.05)和盐度(R2=0.43,P0.05)呈负相关,随着温度的升高,纤毛虫种类数逐渐降低。纤毛虫丰度与温度和盐度相关性并不明显,这可能由于受上升流的影响,近岸上升流高盐区存在着纤毛虫丰度较为丰富的情况。叶绿素a浓度与纤毛虫种类数(R2=0.36,P0.05)和纤毛虫丰度(R2=0.36,P0.05)呈正相关,近岸浮游植物生物量高,纤毛虫种类丰富,丰度大,叶绿素a沿纵断面降低,纤毛虫种类数和丰度也降低。  相似文献   

李涛  王鹏 《生态学报》2013,33(1):286-293
分别利用参数模型和无参数估计法预测南海陆坡沉积物柱MD05-2896中的细菌丰度.基于非培养的PCR-RFLP的16SrRNA基因分子技术,扩增了沉积物柱中的细菌16S rRNA基因序列,并构建16S rRNA基因文库.系统发育分析表明16S rRNA基因文库中,大多数序列属于17个已知的“门”.分别以99%、97%、90%和80%序列一致性作为分类单元分界点,将16SrRNA基因序列组群为分类单元.使用逆高斯分布模型、对数正态分布模型、负二项式分布模型、帕雷托分布模型、双指数分布模型以及ACE、ACE-1等估计方法预测不同分类单元分类水平下的细菌丰度.结果表明在“种”级分类水平上,负二项式分布为最优估计模型,估计细菌丰度为244±10(SE).不过,受实验条件的限制,该估计值可能偏低.  相似文献   

中国南中国海湿地是中国各类生态系统中生物多样性最为丰富的地区之一,也是中国人口稠密、经济发达的地区。范围包括广东省、香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、广西壮族自治区和海南省等5个行政区。该区海岸湿地总面积约为1.54×104km2。海岸湿地处于海陆的交错地带,是脆弱的生态敏感区。由于受人口增加和经济发展的巨大压力,中国南中国海湿地破坏严重,退化趋势明显。本文在对中国南中国海地区海岸湿地的现状、类型及湿地退化的主要原因进行分析的基础上,提出中国南中国海地区海岸湿地资源保护与管理的建议,以便切实保护中国南中国海沿海多样化的湿地类型,持续发挥其生态服务功能。  相似文献   

南海北部海域春季浮游细菌和病毒空间分布及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用流式细胞检测技术测定了2014年春季南海北部海域浮游细菌和病毒丰度,研究了其水平和垂直分布特征并对其与环境因子的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,调查海区浮游细菌和病毒丰度分别介于1.28×10~4—9.96×10~5个/m L和4.69×10~5—5.39×10~7个/m L之间,二者丰度随水深的增加基本呈现逐渐下降的趋势,而水平分布趋势不明显。浮游细菌和病毒丰度与温度、p H和溶解氧显著正相关,与水深、盐度、活性磷酸盐、硅酸盐、硝酸盐和总氮则呈显著负相关关系(P0.01),说明该海域细菌和病毒数量受到上述环境因子的共同调控。分析浮游细菌和病毒的相互关系发现,VBR(Virus to bacteria ratio)平均32.23,最小值位于S11站位25m层,最大值则位于S7站位75m层,分别为4.80和264.63,VBR值小于100的站位占到调查站位总数的95.6%。VBR值除与细菌呈显著负相关关系外(P0.01),与其它环境因子相关性不明显(P0.05),说明该海区细菌是病毒的主要寄主,病毒可能主要是以噬菌体的状态存在。  相似文献   

大亚湾大型底栖动物的群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2004年3月、5月、9月和12月的大型底栖动物定量采样数据,对大亚湾大型底栖动物的群落结构进行研究.结果表明,大亚湾大型底栖动物大致可分为3个群落,分别分布于湾顶及湾中大部分海域、湾中部和湾口海域,湾中部海域群落的变化较为显著.大型底栖动物整体群落结构的季节变化总体较小,但雨季对大型底栖动物群落的影响较大,存在较明显的干湿季差异.大亚湾海域生态环境受到明显的扰动,处于扰动状态中的大型底栖动物群落稳定性较差;湾顶和湾中大部分海域内的群落Ⅰ,为大亚湾的主体群落,以软体动物为主,种类组成单一、季节变化小,以小鳞帘蛤Veremolpa micra和粗帝汶蛤Timoclea scabra 为特征种.该群落的稳定性最差,处于较强烈的扰动之中;稳定分布于湾口的群落Ⅲ稳定性最好,未受到扰动,以多毛类为主,种类组成较为复杂、变化较大;湾中部海域大型底栖动物群落结构变化较为复杂,主要变化区域为马鞭州附近海域.该群落系经强烈的人为扰动后,经次生演替而形成的新群落,其种类组成的季节变化非常显著,各季的种类几乎完全不同,群落的独立性和抗干扰能力均较弱;与1980's相比,大亚湾大部分区域内大型底栖动物基本保持了原有的群落,但群落稳定性大幅下降,群落的分布范围和种类组成发生较大程度的改变,主体群落组成呈明显的简单化趋势.在人类活动影响下,湾内同一区域内群落完全演替、湾中部海域出现新的群落.  相似文献   

谢睿  王煜  焦念志  郑强 《微生物学通报》2020,47(9):2685-2696
【背景】海洋浮游植物产生的有机物质与异养细菌之间的相互作用是上层海洋物质和能量循环过程中的重要组成部分。【目的】探究寡营养海域微生物群落对聚球藻有机物(Synechococcus-derived organic matter,SOM)的响应和代谢利用过程,加深对海洋微生物介导的生物地球化学循环过程的认识。【方法】利用南海海域微生物群落,添加聚球藻有机物质后黑暗培养,对培养过程中有机碳、营养盐和活性微生物群落结构的变化进行追踪。【结果】在短期的培养过程中,有60%-73%的SOM被微生物所利用。γ-变形菌(Gammaproteobacteria)在培养过程中响应最快,也是最优势微生物类群。SOM的加入改变了原位微生物群落结构,并且随着活性有机物质逐步被消耗,微生物群落结构也发生了演替。【结论】SOM中的大部分物质都属于活性有机物质,可以快速地被微生物所降解利用。不同微生物类群响应不同生物可利用性有机物质,推动了海洋物质和能量的循环。  相似文献   

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