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The evolving roles of alternative splicing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Alternative pathway amplification plays a major role for the final effect of initial specific activation of the classical and lectin complement pathways, but the quantitative role of the amplification is insufficiently investigated. In experimental models of human diseases in which a direct activation of alternative pathway has been assumed, this interpretation needs revision placing a greater role on alternative amplification. We recently documented that the alternative amplification contributed to 80-90% of C5 activation when the initial activation was highly specific for the classical pathway. The recent identification of properdin as a recognition factor directly initiating alternative pathway activation, like C1q in the classical and mannose-binding lectin in the lectin pathway initiates a renewed interest in the reaction mechanisms of complement. Complement and Toll-like receptors, including the CD14 molecule, are two main upstream recognition systems of innate immunity, contributing to the inflammatory reaction in a number of conditions including ischemia-reperfusion injury and sepsis. These systems act as "double-edged swords", being protective against microbial invasion, but harmful to the host when activated improperly or uncontrolled. Combined inhibition of complement and Toll-like receptors/CD14 should be explored as a treatment regimen to reduce the overwhelming damaging inflammatory response during sepsis. The alternative pathway should be particularly considered in this regard, due to its uncontrolled amplification in sepsis. The alternative pathway should be regarded as a dual system, namely a recognition pathway principally similar to the classical and lectin pathways, and an amplification mechanism, well known, but quantitatively probably more important than generally recognized.  相似文献   

In this communication, we propose a model to study the non-equilibrium process by which actin stress fibers develop force in contractile cells. The emphasis here is on the non-equilibrium thermodynamics, which is necessary to address the mechanics as well as the chemistry of dynamic cell contractility. In this setting, we are able to develop a framework that relates (a) the dynamics of force generation within the cell and (b) the cell’s response to external stimuli to the chemical processes occurring within the cell, as well as to the mechanics of linkage between the stress fibers, focal adhesions and extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

1. With the development of techniques of gene transfer, human genetic defects such as sickle cell anaemia, phenylketonurea, cystic fibrosis, haemophilia, Huntington's chorea, etc. will be eliminated. Ninety nine percent of humans in the year 2500 will be much the same as at present, but healthier. 2. Studies of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology show that many strategies have been developed in the Animal Kingdom that could be advantageous in furthering human survival. Some of these strategies are discussed in the present article. 3. Commensal algae that will live in the epidermis of domestic animals (pigs, goats, cattle) will be developed enabling these animals to live in dry environments with minimal demands for food and water. Once successful in domestic animals, the algae could be adapted to live in some humans, i.e. the "Green Man". 4. Commensal protozoa and bacteria that digest cellulose and lignin will be developed so that they can live in the human gut and convert the material to sugars, volatile fatty acids and amino acids that can be absorbed and metabolized by Man, thus making many inexpensive vegetable food resources available. 5. Mammalian embryos will be able to develop through to full term in vitro in a cleidoic egg; and the in vitro fertilized egg will have to depend on finding a surrogate mother. 6. Some people will have an altered pattern of sexual activity. Many patterns will be available; one suggested here is of protogynous hermaphroditism, i.e. the individuals would be female for the first 30 years of life and male for the remaining years.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

为了解水兵的真菌性皮肤病与生活及工作环境的关系,以便有针对性地做好舰艇部队的真菌性皮肤病的健康宣教及防治工作,笔者于2008年6~7月对某部潜艇与水面舰艇人员真菌性皮肤病进行调查并对结果进行对比分析,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

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