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Butterflies were studied, at the species level, in 47 mountain meadows in a 1.5 × 1.6 km study area in the Picos de Europa National Park, Spain. Butterfly transects were carried out on nine occasions in June and July 2004 and the summed data used in binary logistic and stepwise multiple regression analyses using 28 biotic and abiotic parameters. Models were created for 37 species in total: 24 using logistic regression and 24 with multiple regression; models from both approaches were obtained for 11 species. Abiotic factors dominated many analyses with factors such as proximity to water, aspect and altitude being prominent. Abiotic factors may reflect acceptable minimum conditions for presence of a species and interact with biotic factors to determine habitat quality. Classification of the meadows as either under hay or summer grazing management, or ??winter grazing or abandoned?? was not particularly revealing probably due to inherent variability in management intensity within meadows and degree of abandonment. Features that reflected management influences, lack of management, disturbance, and sward condition featured in many analyses. Whilst many meadows are still actively managed, features that can be related to abandonment are evident for many species. The early stages of relaxation of management intensity can be positive for butterflies, but if management is not restored losses are likely as succession proceeds. The implications of this are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The impact of logging on the relative abundance, species richness and community composition of four butterfly guilds (generalists, herb specialists, liana specialists and tree specialists) was assessed in differentially disturbed logging treatments located within the province of Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Logging affected the overall butterfly composition by increasing the dominance of liana specialists at the expense of tree specialists and increasing the species richness of herb specialists and, to a lesser extent, generalists. There was no significant difference, however, in the species richness of liana specialists or tree specialists across logging treatments. The species composition of all guilds differed significantly among logging treatments with the greatest difference between unlogged forest and road sites with older and recently logged forest intermediate between these extremes. Our results indicate that logging has a disparate effect on abundance and species richness within each butterfly guild. We suggest that shifts in the dominance of butterfly guilds are due to large-scale logging-induced changes in vegetation, particularly in relation to liana abundance. The higher butterfly species richness in logged areas on the other hand is probably because of butterfly species associated with open areas entering the logged forest from roads or other large open areas.  相似文献   



The order Hymenoptera (bees, ants, wasps, sawflies) contains about eight percent of all described species, but no analytical studies have addressed the origins of this richness at family-level or above. To investigate which major subtaxa experienced significant shifts in diversification, we assembled a family-level phylogeny of the Hymenoptera using supertree methods. We used sister-group species-richness comparisons to infer the phylogenetic position of shifts in diversification.  相似文献   

Juvenile reef fish communities represent an essential component of coral reef ecosystems in the current focus of fish population dynamics and coral reef resilience. Juvenile fish survival depends on habitat characteristics and is, following settlement, the first determinant of the number of individuals within adult populations. The goal of this study was to provide methods for mapping juvenile fish species richness and abundance into spatial domains suitable for micro and meso-scale analysis and management decisions. Generalized Linear Models predicting juvenile fish species richness and abundance were developed according to spatial and temporal environmental variables measured from 10 m up to 10 km in the southwest lagoon of New Caledonia. The statistical model was further spatially generalized using a 1.5-m resolution, independently created, remotely sensed, habitat map. This procedure revealed that : (1) spatial factors at 10 to 100-m scale explained up to 71% of variability in juvenile species richness, (2) a small improvement (75%) was gained when a combination of environmental variables at different spatial and temporal scales was used and (3) the coupling of remotely sensed data, geographical information system tools and point-based ecological data showed that the highest species richness and abundance were predicted along a narrow margin overlapping the coral reef flat and adjacent seagrass beds. Spatially explicit models of species distribution may be relevant for the management of reef communities when strong relationships exist between faunistic and environmental variables and when models are built at appropriate scales.  相似文献   

1. Ecological specialists are often regarded as most likely to be threatened by anthropogenic habitat changes but few relevant data are available on changes in the status of widespread species. 2. Grid square distribution maps have been used widely to measure rates of decline and target conservation resources but it is known that coarse grain mapping is not appropriate to identify declines in widespread species that initially contain numerous local populations per grid cell. Changes in the status of widespread species need to be quantified. 3. Present‐day habitat associations, determined from over 2000 transect counts, combined with data on historical and present‐day habitat distributions, reveal that the area of occupancy and population‐level rate of decline of the Small Copper butterfly Lycaena phlaeas is likely to have been of the order of 92 and 89% respectively, in 35 km2 of North Wales. Similar data on the species' major host plants Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella indicate possible declines in area occupied of 48 and 91%. If a 1‐km2 grid was applied to the landscape, and if L. phlaeas, R. acetosa, and R. acetosella had occupied all 1‐km2 cells in the study area in 1901 (non‐limestone cells for R. acetosella only), their declines would only have been recorded as 15, 9, and 35% respectively. 4. Many declining ecological specialists are threatened with extinction because of their initial rarity. At a population level, however, they may or may not be declining faster than less specialised species. The results presented here illustrate that some widespread species may have declined as much as many of Britain's rarities.  相似文献   

Transect surveys of adult butterflies were conducted along fixed routes at 27 study sites grouped into three subregions of tallgrass prairie and one subregion of pine-oak barrens in the midwestern USA. Within subregion, each site was visited the same number of times over 5–7 years on similar dates with similar weather. For each site, five indices of species richness and/or abundance were calculated both for total butterflies and for specialist species primarily restricted to native herbaceous vegetation. These indices were then analysed as to how much they agreed or conflicted in site ranking and how site rankings based on total butterflies compared to those based on specialists. Variation in site ranking by different indices was relatively low. Mean site rank by specialist indices covaried significantly with mean site rank by indices for total butterflies. Numerous studies have shown that on a regional scale, areas of higher richness for all species in a taxonomic group are different habitat types (based on amount of canopy or degree of degradation) from hotspots for that taxon's subset of species of conservation concern (endemics or specialists). But in this study, within a habitat type, site rankings based on total butterflies significantly tended to agree with site rankings based on specialist butterflies. This suggests that site prioritization and management favouring specialist butterflies would also favour the overall butterfly fauna possible in the same habitat.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that organic farming may benefit farmland biodiversity more in landscapes that have lost a significant part of its former landscape heterogeneity. We tested this hypothesis by comparing bird species richness and abundance during the breeding season in organic and conventional farms, matched to eliminate all differences not directly linked to the farming practice, situated in either homogeneous plains with only a little semi-natural habitat or in heterogeneous farmland landscapes with abundant field borders and semi-natural grasslands. The effect of farm management on species richness interacted with landscape structure, such that there was a positive relationship between organic farming and diversity only in homogeneous landscapes. This pattern was mainly dependent on the species richness of passerine birds, in particular those that were invertebrate feeders. Species richness of non-passerines was positively related to organic farming independent of the landscape context. Bird abundance was positively related to landscape heterogeneity but not to farm management. This was mainly because the abundance of passerines, particularly invertebrate feeders, was positively related to landscape heterogeneity. We suggest that invertebrate feeders particularly benefit from organic farming because of improved foraging conditions through increased invertebrate abundances in otherwise depauperate homogeneous landscapes. Although many seed-eaters also benefit from increased insect abundance, they may also utilize crop seed resources in homogeneous landscapes and conventional farms. The occurrence of an interactive effect of organic farming and landscape heterogeneity on bird diversity will have consequences for the optimal allocation of resources to restore the diversity of farmland birds.  相似文献   

From a strictly statistical perspective, most of the commonly used statistical tests cannot be performed on vegetation data obtained using a non-random sampling design. Despite this, non-randomly sampled plots such as phytosociological relevés still make sense: because they may focus on objectives not appropriately addressed by random sampling, such as the study of rare plant communities or species; and because random sampling is often more time-demanding and expensive. Considering the huge body of phytosociological data available, an interesting question arises: if we compare randomly and non-randomly sampled data sets, to what extent do the results of our analyses differ with respect to various species and vegetation parameters? We present an attempt to tackle this question by comparing two data sets collected in a 25 km2 area close to the city of Bremen, northwestern Germany: the first data set consisted of 30 subjectively (non-randomly) placed, homogeneous plots across different plant communities, each of which was laid out in a nested design including 9 sizes from 0.5 m2 to 1,000 m2. The second data set consisted of 30 (again nested) plots randomly selected and located with a GPS device; plots were rejected only if they for some reason were inaccessible. The data collection was the same for both data sets: presence-absence of all vascular plants was recorded for the different plot sizes, and soil samples were collected for the determination of the values of some important environmental variables. For the comparison of the two data sets, we used either the complete data sets or sub-sets of those plots located in woodlands. The main results included the following: (1) Species abundance patterns: Random sampling resulted in a larger number of common and a smaller number of rare species than non-random sampling. (2) Species richness at different spatial scales: For the small plot sizes, the number of species in the non-randomly placed plots was higher than in the randomly placed plots, while the differences were less pronounced at larger spatial scales. As a consequence, also the parameters of species-area curves differed between the data sets, especially in the sub-set including woodland plots. (3) Vegetation differentiation: In random sampling, there was considerable redundancy, i.e., there were several plots with high floristic similarity. (4) Vegetation-environment relationships: The ordination scores of the non-randomly placed plots showed a larger number of significant correlations to soil parameters than the scores of randomly placed plots. The results suggest that conclusions drawn from the analysis of non-randomly placed plots such as phytosociological relevés may be biased, especially regarding estimates of species abundance and species richness patterns.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the determinants of distribution and abundance of animals at landscape level have emphasized the usefulness of the metapopulation approach, in which patch area and habitat connectivity have often proved to explain satisfactorily existing patch occupancy patterns. A different approach is needed to study the common situation in which suitable habitat is difficult to determine or does not occur in well‐defined habitat patches. We applied a landscape ecological approach to study the determinants of distribution and abundance of the threatened clouded apollo Parnassius mnemosyne butterfly within an area of 6 km2 of agricultural landscape in south‐western Finland. The relative role of 24 environmental variables potentially affecting the distribution and abundance of the butterfly was studied using a spatial grid system with 2408 grid squares of 0.25 ha, of which 349 were occupied by the clouded apollo. Both the probability of butterfly presence and abundance in a 0.25 ha square increased with the presence of the larval host plant Corydalis solida the cover of semi‐natural grassland, the amount of solar radiation and spalial autocorrelation in butterfly occurrence. Additionally, butterfly abundance increased with overall mean patch size and decreased with maximum slope angle and wind speed. Two advantages of the employment of a spatial grid system included the avoidance of a subjective definition of suitable habitat patches and an evaluation of the relative significance of different components of habitat quality at the same time with habitat availability and connectivity. The large variation in habitat quality was influenced by the abundance of the larval host plant and adult nectar sources but also by climatological. topographical and structural factors. The application of a spatial grid system as used here has potential for a wide use in studies on landscape‐level distribution and abundance patterns in species with complex habitat requirements and habitat availability patterns.  相似文献   

Spruce budworm impact, abundance and parasitism rate in a patchy landscape   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The hypothesis that vegetational diversity may lessen the impact of forest insect pests by favoring natural enemies is appealing to those who seek ecologically sound solutions to pest problems. We investigated the effect of forest diversity on the impact of the spruce budworm Choristoneurafumiferana following the last outbreak, as well as the budworm's current abundance and parasitism rate, in the boreal forest of northwestern Québec. Mortality of balsam fir caused by the budworm was greater in extensive conifer stands than either in “habitat islands” of fir surrounded by deciduous forest or on true islands in the middle of a lake. Adult spruce budworm abundance, assessed by pheromone traps, did not differ significantly between the three types of sites. Larval and pupal parasitism rates were examined by transferring cohorts of laboratory-reared larvae and pupae to trees in the three site types and later collecting and rearing them. The tachinid Actiainterrupta, a parasitoid of fifth and sixth instar larvae, as well as the ichneumonid pupal parasitoids Itoplectesconquisitor, Ephialtesontario and Phaeogenesmaculicornis, caused higher mortality in the habitat islands than on true islands or in extensive stands. Exochusnigripalpistectulum, an ichneumonid that attacks the larvae and emerges from the pupae, caused greater mortality in the extensive stands of conifers. Received: 17 March 1997 / Accepted: 18 November 1997  相似文献   

1. Predictions on species richness and incidence of species are made using data for three scales of mapping from the Greater Manchester butterfly atlas; for the whole of the conurbation (2 km×2 km scale) and for two sample areas centred on the Mersey Valley (1 km×1 km scale; 1 ha scale). Predictions are based on data for recording effort, altitude, biotopes, host-plants and nectar resources. 2. Data for Greater Manchester indicate that substantial shortfalls may occur in recording butterfly species for atlases despite the fact that butterflies are generally easily identified and well supported with recorders. Shortfalls tend to be larger for species with fewer records, indicating that some species may be more easily overlooked than others. 3. The results demonstrate that targeting squares for re-survey is necessary and feasible. The predictions have other valuable research applications, the most important of which is being able to assess the accuracy of distribution maps, to correct them, and to make projections of distribution changes. 4. Predictions may be enhanced by improvements to mapping in three ways: (i) Collecting data on recording effort. Variation in recording effort typically accounts for differences in species richness and incidence of species more than any other variable; (ii) Collecting data on biotopes and specific resources. The present results are promising and demonstrate that the collection of environmental data linked to a suitable sampling frame could facilitate knowledge of the distribution of species over extensive areas that remain under-recorded; and (iii) Distinguishing between breeding individuals and vagrants. Vagrancy is a problem associated both with species and scale. Although species vary substantially in their capacity to migrate beyond their habitats, the effect of vagrancy on distribution maps becomes an increasingly large problem as the grain of mapping (size of recording units) decreases. It is suggested that over-recording can be a problem, particularly when mapping is fine-grained.  相似文献   

Connecting species richness, abundance and body size in deep-sea gastropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim This paper examines species richness, abundance, and body size in deep‐sea gastropods and how they vary over depth, which is a strong correlate of nutrient input. Previous studies have documented the empirical relationships among these properties in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, but a full understanding of how these patterns arise has yet to be obtained. Examining the relationships among macroecological variables is a logical progression in deep‐sea ecology, where patterns of body size, diversity, and abundance have been quantified separately but not linked together. Location 196–5042 m depth in the western North Atlantic. Method Individuals analysed represent all Vetigastropoda and Caenogastropoda (Class Gastropoda) with intact shells, excluding Ptenoglossa, collected by the Woods Hole Benthic Sampling Program (3424 individuals representing 80 species). Biovolume was measured for every individual separately (i.e. allowing the same species to occupy multiple size classes) and divided into log2 body size bins. Analyses were conducted for all gastropods together and separated into orders and depth regions (representing different nutrient inputs). A kernel smoothing technique, Kolmogorov‐Smirnov test of fit, and OLS and RMA were used to characterize the patterns. Results Overall, the relationship between the number of individuals and species is right skewed. There is also a positive linear relationship between the number of individuals and the number of species, which is independent of body size. Variation among these relationships is seen among the three depth regions. At depths inferred to correspond with intermediate nutrient input levels, species are accumulated faster given the number of individuals and shift from a right‐skewed to a log‐normal distribution. Conclusion A strong link between body size, abundance, and species richness appears to be ubiquitous over a variety of taxa and environments, including the deep sea. However, the nature of these relationships is affected by the productivity regime and scale at which they are examined.  相似文献   

We analyze the spatial patterns of natural dune cover patches and their plant richness, comparing coastal sites with different levels of human pressure in central Italy. We created a detailed land cover map of dune sites. The spatial pattern of natural dune cover types was characterized by computing a set of patch-based metrics. To quantify patch plant richness, we used 16 m2 vegetation plots, randomly distributed on coastal dune cover types. For each patch, the richness of the entire pool of species and of three guilds (i.e., typical dune, ruderal, and alien species) was considered. We compared different levels of human pressure on coastal dunes focusing on pattern metrics and floristic information by using the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test. In sites with high human pressure, we have observed a general simplification in the natural dune spatial pattern and a decline of plant richness but with a specific response for each cover type. Alien and ruderal species presented low richness in all patches. In coastal dunes, the harsh ecological conditions and the strong sea–inland gradient shape the distribution of human activities and control the number of ruderal species. The approach effectively describes fragmentation and biodiversity in dune ecosystems.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of species richness in a riparian landscape   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Aim To test for control of vascular plant species richness in the riparian corridor by exploring three contrasting (although not mutually exclusive) hypotheses: (1) longitudinal patterns in riparian plant species richness are governed by local, river‐related processes independent of the regional species richness, (2) riparian plant species richness is controlled by dispersal along the river (longitudinal control), and (3) the variation in riparian plant species richness mirrors variation in regional richness (lateral control). Location The riparian zones of the free‐flowing Vindel River and its surrounding river valley, northern Sweden. Methods We used data from three surveys, undertaken at 10‐year intervals, of riparian reaches (200‐m stretches of riverbank) spanning the entire river. In addition, we surveyed species richness of vascular plants in the uplands adjacent to the river in 3.75‐km2 large plots along the same regional gradient. We explored the relationship between riparian and upland flora, and various environmental variables. We also evaluated temporal variation in downstream patterns of the riparian flora. Results Our results suggest that local species richness in boreal rivers is mainly a result of local, river‐related processes and dispersal along the corridor. The strongest correlation between species richness and the environment was a negative one between species number and soil pH, but pH varied within a narrow range. We did not find evidence for a correlation between species richness on regional and local scales. We found that the local patterns of species richness for naturally occurring vascular plants were temporally variable, probably in response to large‐scale disturbance caused by extreme floods. Most previous studies have found a unimodal pattern of species richness with peaks in the middle reaches of a river. In contrast, on two of three occasions corresponding to major flooding events, we found that the distribution of species richness of naturally occurring vascular plants resembled that of regional diversity: a monotonic decrease from headwater to coast. We also found high floristic similarity between the riparian corridor and the surrounding landscape. Main conclusions These results suggest that local processes control patterns of riparian species richness, but that species composition is also highly dependent on the regional species pool. We argue that inter‐annual variation in flood disturbance is probably the most important factor producing temporal variability of longitudinal species richness patterns.  相似文献   

Species richness, abundance and diversity patterns in palm communities in the Yucatan Peninsula were compared at three sites with different forest types (semi‐deciduous, semi‐evergreen and evergreen), as well as different precipitation, geomorphology and soil depth. All individual palms, including seedlings, juveniles and adults, were identified and counted in forty‐five (0.25 ha) transects. A total of 46 000 individual palms belonging to 11 species from nine genera and two subfamilies were recorded. Palm richness, diversity and abundance were highest in the evergreen forest. Species from the subfamily Coryphoideae dominated the semi‐deciduous and semi‐evergreen forests while species from the subfamily Arecoideae dominated the evergreen forest. Seven species were found only in the evergreen forest. Chamaedorea seifrizii and Sabal yapa were found in all three forest types, while Thrinax radiata was found in the semi‐deciduous and semi‐ evergreen forests and Cocothrinax readii only in the semi‐evergreen forest. Compared to other neotropical palm communities, the richness and diversity in the Yucatan Peninsula are lower than in the western Amazon basin. Although palm richness and diversity on the Yucatan Peninsula were positively associated with precipitation, other variables, in particular soil depth and fertility as well as habitat heterogeneity (microtopography and canopy cover), need to be considered to better understand the observed patterns.  相似文献   

We examined how butterfly species richness is affected by human impact and elevation, and how species ranges are distributed along the elevational gradient (200–2700 m) in the Isère Department (French Alps). A total of 35,724 butterfly observations gathered in summer (May–September) between 1995 and 2015 were analyzed. The number of estimated species per 100‐m elevational band was fitted to the elevational gradient using a generalized additive model. Estimations were also performed on a 500 m × 500 m grid at low altitude (200–500 m) to test for the human impact on species richness using generalized least squares regression models. Each species elevational range was plotted against the elevational gradient. Butterfly richness along the elevational gradient first increased (200–500 m) to reach a maximum of 150 species at 700 m and then remained nearly constant till a sharp decrease after 1900 m, suggesting that after some temperature threshold, only few specialized species can survive. At low elevation, urbanization and arable lands had a strongly negative impact on butterfly diversity, which was buffered by a positive effect of permanent crops. Butterfly diversity is exceptionally high (185 species) in this alpine department that represents less than 5% of the French territory and yet holds more than 70% of all the Rhopalocera species recorded in France. Both climate and habitat shape the distribution of species, with a negative effect of anthropization at low altitude and strong climatic constraints at high altitude.  相似文献   

Empirical studies suggest that most exotic species have fewer parasite species in their introduced range relative to their native range. However, it is less clear how, ecologically, the loss of parasite species translates into a measurable advantage for invaders relative to native species in the new community. We compared parasitism at three levels (species richness, abundance and impact) for a pair of native and introduced cichlid fishes which compete for resources in the Panama Canal watershed. The introduced Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, was infected by a single parasite species from its native range, but shared eight native parasite species with the native Vieja maculicauda. Despite acquiring new parasites in its introduced range, O. niloticus had both lower parasite species richness and lower parasite abundance compared with its native competitor. There was also a significant negative association between parasite load (abundance per individual fish) and host condition for the native fish, but no such association for the invader. The effects of parasites on the native fish varied across sites and types of parasites, suggesting that release from parasites may benefit the invader, but that the magnitude of release may depend upon interactions between the host, parasites and the environment.  相似文献   

1. Patterns of species richness often correlate strongly with measures of energy. The more individuals hypothesis (MIH) proposes that this relationship is facilitated by greater resources supporting larger populations, which are less likely to become extinct. Hence, the MIH predicts that community abundance and species richness will be positively related. 2. Recently, Buckley & Jetz (2010, Journal of Animal Ecology, 79, 358-365) documented a decoupling of community abundance and species richness in lizard communities in south-west United States, such that richer communities did not contain more individuals. They predicted, as a consequence of the mechanisms driving the decoupling, a more even distribution of species abundances in species-rich communities, evidenced by a positive relationship between species evenness and species richness. 3. We found a similar decoupling of the relationship between abundance and species richness for lizard communities in semi-arid south-eastern Australia. However, we note that a positive relationship between evenness and richness is expected because of the nature of the indices used. We illustrate this mathematically and empirically using data from both sets of lizard communities. When we used a measure of evenness, which is robust to species richness, there was no relationship between evenness and richness in either data set. 4. For lizard communities in both Australia and the United States, species dominance decreased as species richness increased. Further, with the iterative removal of the first, second and third most dominant species from each community, the relationship between abundance and species richness became increasingly more positive. 5. Our data support the contention that species richness in lizard communities is not directly related to the number of individuals an environment can support. We propose an alternative hypothesis regarding how the decoupling of abundance and richness is accommodated; namely, an inverse relationship between species dominance and species richness, possibly because of ecological release.  相似文献   

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