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Leg stiffness was compared between age-matched males and females during hopping at preferred and controlled frequencies. Stiffness was defined as the linear regression slope between the vertical center of mass (COM) displacement and ground-reaction forces recorded from a force plate during the stance phase of the hopping task. Results demonstrate that subjects modulated the vertical displacement of the COM during ground contact in relation to the square of hopping frequency. This supports the accuracy of the spring-mass oscillator as a representative model of hopping. It also maintained peak vertical ground-reaction load at approximately three times body weight. Leg stiffness values in males (33.9+/-8.7 kN/m) were significantly (p<0.01) greater than in females (26.3+/-6.5 kN/m) at each of three hopping frequencies, 3.0, 2.5 Hz, and a preferred hopping rate. In the spring-mass oscillator model leg stiffness and body mass are related to the frequency of motion. Thus male subjects necessarily recruited greater leg stiffness to drive their heavier body mass at the same frequency as the lighter female subjects during the controlled frequency trials. However, in the preferred hopping condition the stiffness was not constrained by the task because frequency was self-selected. Nonetheless, both male and female subjects hopped at statistically similar preferred frequencies (2.34+/-0.22 Hz), therefore, the females continued to demonstrate less leg stiffness. Recognizing the active muscle stiffness contributes to biomechanical stability as well as leg stiffness, these results may provide insight into the gender bias in risk of musculoskeletal knee injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are kinematic and electromyographic (EMG) differences between men and women in how the knee is controlled during a single-legged drop landing in response to whole-body vibration (WBV). Forty-five healthy volunteers, 30 men (age 22 ± 3 years; weight 76.8 ± 8.8 kg; height 179.0 ± 6.8 cm) and 15 women (age 22 ± 3 years; weight 61.0 ± 7.7 kg; height 161.9 ± 7.2 cm) were recruited for this study. Knee angles, vertical ground reaction forces, and the time to stabilize the knee were assessed after single-legged drop landings from a 30-cm platform. Surface EMG data in rectus femoris (RF) and hamstrings (H) and knee and ankle accelerometry signals were also acquired. The participants performed 3 pretest landings, followed by a 3-minute recovery and then completed 1 minute of WBV (30 Hz to 4 mm). Before vibration, the female subjects had a significantly higher peak vertical force value, knee flexion angles, and greater H preactivity (EMG(RMS) 50 milliseconds before activation) than did the male subjects. In addition, although not significant, the medial-lateral (ML) acceleration in both knee and ankle was also higher in women. After WBV, no significant differences were found for any of the other variables. However, there was a decrease in the RF to H activation ratio during the precontact phase and an increase in the ratio during the postcontact phase just in women, which leads to a decrement in ML acceleration. The gender differences reported in knee stability in response to WBV underline the necessity to perform specific neuromuscular training programs based on WBV together with instruction of the proper technique, which can assist the clinician in the knee injury prevention.  相似文献   

In order to describe ontogenetic change in the musculoskeletal system of rhesus monkeys, 126 Macaca mulatta from Cayo Santiago, ranging in age from 7 months to 21 years, were examined under anesthesia. Passive joint excursions were measured at the wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, and knee. Mean ranges of excursion at these joints differed significantly between age groups and by sex. The potential for most movements appeared to decrease approximately 25 degrees over the first two decades of the macaque life span, and males generally showed less potential for movement than females in all age groups. These results are similar to those obtained for humans and are consistent with patterns of positional behavior, trauma, and osteoarthritis observed in this rhesus monkey population. Thus, to fully describe the locomotor strategy of rhesus monkeys, age- and sex-related variation in locomotor anatomy and functional capacity must be considered.  相似文献   

Individuals with knee OA often exhibit greater co-contraction of antagonistic muscle groups surrounding the affected joint which may lead to increases in dynamic joint stiffness. These detrimental changes in the symptomatic limb may also exist in the contralateral limb, thus contributing to its risk of developing knee osteoarthritis. The purpose of this study is to investigate the interlimb symmetry of dynamic knee joint stiffness and muscular co-contraction in knee osteoarthritis.Muscular co-contraction and dynamic knee joint stiffness were assessed in 17 subjects with mild to moderate unilateral medial compartment knee osteoarthritis and 17 healthy control subjects while walking at a controlled speed (1.0 m/s). Paired and independent t-tests determined whether significant differences exist between groups (p < 0.05).There were no significant differences in dynamic joint stiffness or co-contraction between the OA symptomatic and OA contralateral group (p = 0.247, p = 0.874, respectively) or between the OA contralateral and healthy group (p = 0.635, p = 0.078, respectively). There was no significant difference in stiffness between the OA symptomatic and healthy group (p = 0.600); however, there was a slight trend toward enhanced co-contraction in the symptomatic knees compared to the healthy group (p = 0.051).Subjects with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis maintain symmetric control strategies during gait.  相似文献   

Insufficient active knee flexor stiffness may predispose the anterior cruciate ligament to injury. Insufficient passive stiffness may result in insufficient active stiffness. Similarly, higher levels of musculotendinous extensibility may inhibit active and passive muscle stiffness, potentially contributing to an increased risk of injury. The literature is both limited and inconsistent concerning relationships between extensibility, passive stiffness, and active stiffness. Extensibility was measured as the maximal active knee extension angle from a supine position with the hip flexed to 90°. Passive stiffness was calculated as the slope of the moment–angle curve resulting from passive knee extension. Active stiffness was assessed via acceleration associated with damped oscillatory motion about the knee. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that passive stiffness accounted for 25% of active muscle stiffness variance. The linear combination of extensibility and passive stiffness explained only 2% more variance compared to passive stiffness alone. Musculotendinous extensibility was moderately related to passive muscle stiffness, and weakly related to active muscle stiffness. The moderate relationship observed between active and passive stiffness emphasizes the dependence of active muscle stiffness on cross-bridge formation, and the relatively smaller contribution from parallel elastic tissues. Additionally, heightened extensibility does not appear to be a predisposing factor for reduced muscle stiffness.  相似文献   

This paper examined if an electromyography (EMG) driven musculoskeletal model of the human knee could be used to predict knee moments, calculated using inverse dynamics, across a varied range of dynamic contractile conditions. Muscle-tendon lengths and moment arms of 13 muscles crossing the knee joint were determined from joint kinematics using a three-dimensional anatomical model of the lower limb. Muscle activation was determined using a second-order discrete non-linear model using rectified and low-pass filtered EMG as input. A modified Hill-type muscle model was used to calculate individual muscle forces using activation and muscle tendon lengths as inputs. The model was calibrated to six individuals by altering a set of physiologically based parameters using mathematical optimisation to match the net flexion/extension (FE) muscle moment with those measured by inverse dynamics. The model was calibrated for each subject using 5 different tasks, including passive and active FE in an isokinetic dynamometer, running, and cutting manoeuvres recorded using three-dimensional motion analysis. Once calibrated, the model was used to predict the FE moments, estimated via inverse dynamics, from over 200 isokinetic dynamometer, running and sidestepping tasks. The inverse dynamics joint moments were predicted with an average R(2) of 0.91 and mean residual error of approximately 12 Nm. A re-calibration of only the EMG-to-activation parameters revealed FE moments prediction across weeks of similar accuracy. Changing the muscle model to one that is more physiologically correct produced better predictions. The modelling method presented represents a good way to estimate in vivo muscle forces during movement tasks.  相似文献   

Gender differences in the incidence of symptomatic hip osteoarthritis (OA), changes in hip cartilage volume and hip joint space and rates hip arthroplasty of older people are reported in the literature. As the rate of progression of OA is in part mechanically modulated it is possible that this gender bias may be related to inherent differences (if they exist) in walking mechanics between older males and females. The purpose of this study was to examine potential mechanisms for gender differences in hip joint mechanics during walking by testing the hypotheses that females would exhibit higher hip flexion, adduction and internal rotation moments but not significantly greater normalized ground reaction forces (GRFs). Forty-two healthy subjects (21 male, 21 female), ages 50–79 yr were recruited for gait analysis. In support of the hypotheses, greater external hip adduction and internal rotation along with hip extension moments were found for females compared to males after normalizing for body size for all self-selected walking speeds. Differences in walking style (kinematics) were the main determinants in the joint kinetic differences as no differences in the normalized GRFs were found. As external joint moments are surrogate measures of the joint contact forces, the results of this study suggest the hip joint stress for the female population is higher compared to male population. This is in favor of a hypothesis that the increased joint contact stress in a female population could contribute to a greater joint degeneration at the hip in females as compared with males.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine musculotendinous stiffness (MTS) and ankle joint range of motion (ROM) in men and women after an acute bout of passive stretching. Thirteen men (mean ± SD age = 21 ± 2 years; body mass = 79 ± 15 kg; and height = 177 ± 7 cm) and 19 women (21 ± 3 years; 61 ± 9 kg; 165 ± 8 cm) completed stretch tolerance tests to determine MTS and ROM before and after a stretching protocol that consisted of 9 repetitions of passive, constant-torque stretching. The women were all tested during menses. Each repetition was held for 135 seconds. The results indicated that ROM increased after the stretching for the women (means ± SD pre to post: 109.39° ± 10.16° to 116.63° ± 9.63°; p ≤ 0.05) but not for the men (111.79° ± 6.84° to 113.93° ± 8.15°; p > 0.05). There were no stretching-induced changes in MTS (women's pre to postchange in MTS: -0.35 ± 0.38; men's MTS: +0.17 ± 0.40; p > 0.05), but MTS was higher for the men than for the women (MTS: 1.34 ± 0.41 vs. 0.97 ± 0.38; p ≤ 0.05). electromyographic amplitude for the soleus and medial gastrocnemius during the stretching tests was unchanged from pre to poststretching (p > 0.05); however, it increased with joint angle during the passive movements (p ≤ 0.05). Passively stretching the calf muscles increased stretch tolerance in women but not in men. But the stretching may not have affected the viscoelastic properties of the muscles. Practitioners may want to consider the possible gender differences in passive stretching responses and that increases in ROM may not always reflect decreases in MTS.  相似文献   

Abnormal loading of the knee due to injuries or obesity is thought to contribute to the development of osteoarthritis (OA). Small animal models have been used for studying OA progression mechanisms. However, numerical models to study cartilage responses under dynamic loading in preclinical animal models have not been developed. Here we present a musculoskeletal finite element model of a rat knee joint to evaluate cartilage biomechanical responses during a gait cycle. The rat knee joint geometries were obtained from a 3-D MRI dataset and the boundary conditions regarding loading in the joint were extracted from a musculoskeletal model of the rat hindlimb. The fibril-reinforced poroelastic (FRPE) properties of the rat cartilage were derived from data of mechanical indentation tests. Our numerical results showed the relevance of simulating anatomical and locomotion characteristics in the rat knee joint for estimating tissue responses such as contact pressures, stresses, strains, and fluid pressures. We found that the contact pressure and maximum principal strain were virtually constant in the medial compartment whereas they showed the highest values at the beginning of the gait cycle in the lateral compartment. Furthermore, we found that the maximum principal stress increased during the stance phase of gait, with the greatest values at midstance. We anticipate that our approach serves as a first step towards investigating the effects of gait abnormalities on the adaptation and degeneration of rat knee joint tissues and could be used to evaluate biomechanically-driven mechanisms of the progression of OA as a consequence of joint injury or obesity.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Computational modelling is an invaluable tool for investigating features of human locomotion and motor control which cannot be measured except through...  相似文献   

The indentation stiffness of knee articular cartilage subjected to strenuous physical training (SPT: treadmill running 20 km day−1 for 15 weeks, n = 6) of young Beagles was tested and compared to that obtained from age-matched (55 weeks, n = 9) controls. The mathematical solution for the shear modulus, as determined from indentation of an elastic layer bonded to a rigid half space, was extended to small Poisson's ratios and applied to the analysis of cartilage response after a step stress (0.39 MPa) application. In these measurements with an impervious, plane-ended indenter, the equilibrium deformation was systematically greater than values predicted from the instant response by the linear biphasic theory. Therefore, the accurate determination of Poisson's ratio from the creep curves was not possible. The mean shear modulus (calculated by using the deformation at 900 s after load application and assuming a constant Poisson's ratio of 0.40 for the matrix) of canine knee articular cartilage was 0.37 MPa. While the cartilage thickness was not affected by SPT, the cartilage of the lateral tibial plateau was stiffer (13.3%, p<0.05) than that in controls. However, in the femoral condyles, the stiffness was at the control level or even below. Our results on cartilage structure and properties suggest that SPT, in contrast to our previous findings with moderate training, does not necessarily improve the biological properties of articular cartilage in young animals.  相似文献   

Elbow joint stiffness is critical to positioning the hand. Abnormal elbow joint stiffness may affect a person's ability to participate in activities of daily living. In this work, elbow joint stiffness was measured in ten healthy young adults with a device adapted from one previously used to measure stiffness in other joints. Measurements of elbow stiffness involved applying a constant-velocity rotational movement to the elbow and measuring the resultant displacement, torque, and acceleration. Elbow stiffness was then computed using a previously-established model for joint stiffness. Measurements were made at two unique elbow joint angles, two speeds, and two forearm muscle contraction levels. The results indicate that the elbow joint stiffness is significantly affected by both rotational speed and forearm muscle contraction level.  相似文献   

In the single-joint torque exertion task, which has been widely used to control muscle activity, only the relevant joint torque is specified. However, the neglect of the neighboring joint could make the procedure unreliable, considering our previous result that even monoarticular muscle activity level is indefinite without specifying the adjacent joint torque. Here we examined the amount of hip joint torque generated with knee joint torque and its influence on the activity of the knee joint muscles. Twelve healthy subjects were requested to exert various levels of isometric knee joint torque. The knee and hip joint torques were obtained by using a custom-made device. Because no information about hip joint torque was provided to the subjects, the hip joint torque measured here was a secondary one associated with the task. The amount of hip joint torque varied among subjects, indicating that they adopted various strategies to achieve the task. In some subjects, there was a considerable internal variability in the hip joint torque. Such variability was not negligible, because the knee joint muscle activity level with respect to the knee joint torque, as quantified by surface electromyography (EMG), changed significantly when the subjects were requested to change the strategy. This change occurred in a very systematic manner: in the case of the knee extension, as the hip flexion torque was larger, the activity of mono- and biarticular knee extensors decreased and increased, respectively. These results indicate that the conventional single knee joint torque exertion has the drawback that the intersubject and/or intertrial variability is inevitable in the relative contribution among mono- and biarticular muscles because of the uncertainty of the hip joint torque. We discuss that the viewpoint that both joint torques need to be considered will bring insights into various controversial problems such as the shape of the EMG-force relationship, neural factors that help determine the effect of muscle strength training, and so on.  相似文献   

Gender differences in muscle inflammation after eccentric exercise.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Unaccustomed exercise is followed by delayed-onset muscle soreness and morphological changes in skeletal muscle. Animal studies have demonstrated that women have an attenuated response to muscle damage. We studied the effect of eccentric exercise in untrained male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) subjects using a unilateral exercise design [exercise (Ex) and control (Con) legs]. Plasma granulocyte counts [before (Pre) and 48 h after exercise (+48h)] and creatine kinase activity [Pre, 24 h after exercise (+24h), +48h, and 6 days after exercise (+6d)] were determined before (Pre) and after (+24h, +48h, +6d) exercise, with biopsies taken from the vastus lateralis of each leg at +48h for determination of muscle damage and/or inflammation. Plasma granulocyte counts increased for men and decreased for women at +48h (P < 0.05), and creatine kinase activity increased for both genders at +48h and +6d (P < 0.01). There were significantly greater areas of both focal (P < 0.001) and extensive (P < 0.01) damage in the Ex vs. Con leg for both genders, which was assessed by using toluidine blue staining. The number of leukocyte common antigen-positive cells/mm(2) tissue increased with exercise (P < 0.05), and men tended to show more in their Ex vs. Con leg compared with women (P = 0.052). Men had a greater total (Ex and Con legs) number of bcl-2-positive cells/mm(2) tissue vs. women (P < 0.05). Atrophic fibers with homogeneous bcl-2-positive staining were seen only in men (n = 3). We conclude that muscle damage is similar between genders, yet the inflammatory response is attenuated in women vs. men. Finally, exercise may stimulate the expression of proteins involved in apoptosis in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

We compared glucoregulatory responses to intense exercise (14 min at 88% maximum O(2) uptake) between genders (16 men, 12 women). Analysis of covariance of maximum O(2) uptake showed no gender effect, with 82% of variance due to fat-free mass (FFM). Glycemia rose comparably during exercise but was higher in women during recovery (P = 0.02). Glucose production [rate of appearance (R(a)); in mg/min] increased markedly in both; stepwise multiple regression and analysis of covariance of R(a) (peak and incremental area under the curve) showed no effect of gender, body weight, or FFM. Glucose uptake [rate of disappearance (R(d))] increased less than R(a) and slower in women. R(d) area under the curve related to FFM (P = 0.01) but not gender or body weight. Norepinephrine and epinephrine responses (13-18x baseline) were the same and correlated significantly with R(a). Exercise insulin and glucagon changes were slight, but postexercise hyperinsulinemia was greater in women (P = 0.018), along with higher R(d). Therefore, intense exercise glucoregulation is qualitatively similar between genders, with a "feed-forward" regulation of R(a) (consistent with catecholamine mediation). However, women have a lesser R(d) response, related to FFM. This combination leads to greater recovery-period hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.  相似文献   

Pain, due to mechanical stimuli, is a normal, indeed healthy, response of animals to potential or actual damage to tissues. Mammals in general, and humans in particular, have evolved a highly sophisticated system of pain perception, which is characterized in humans by complementary but distinct neural processing of the intensity and location of a noxious stimulus, and a motivational/emotional or affective response to the stimulus. The peripheral and central neurons that comprise this system, which has been called the 'neuromatrix', dynamically (temporally) respond and adapt to noxious biomechanical stimuli. However, phenotypic variability of the neuromatrix can be large, which can result in a host of musculoskeletal conditions that are characterized by altered pain perception, which can and often does alter the course of the condition. This neural plasticity has been well recognized in the central nervous system, but it has only more recently become known that peripheral nociceptors also adapt to their altered extracellular matrix environment. This work reviews the biomechanics of pain focusing on the relevant stimulus that initiates responses by nociceptors to the cognitive perception of pain.  相似文献   

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