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Transposable elements are present in almost all genomes including that of humans. These mobile DNA sequences are capable of invading genomes and their impact on genome evolution is substantial as they contribute to the genetic diversity of organisms. The mobility of transposable elements can cause deleterious mutations, gene disruption and chromosome rearrangements that may lead to several pathologies including cancer. This mini-review aims to give a brief overview of the relationship that transposons and retrotransposons may have in the genetic cause of human cancer onset, or conversely creating protection against cancer. Finally, the cause of TE mobility may also be the cancer cell environment itself.  相似文献   

Sialic acids are important sugars at the reducing end of glycoproteins and glycolipids. They are among many other functions involved in cell-cell interactions, host-pathogen recognition and the regulation of serum half-life of glycoproteins. An important modification of sialic acids is O-acetylation, which can alter or mask the biological properties of the parent sialic acid molecule. The nature of mammalian sialate-O-acetyltransferases (EC involved in their biosynthesis is still unknown. We have identified the human CasD1 (capsule structure1 domain containing 1) gene as a candidate to encode the elusive enzyme. The human CasD1 gene encodes a protein with a serine-glycine-asparagine-histidine hydrolase domain and a hydrophobic transmembrane domain. Expression of the Cas1 protein tagged with enhanced green fluorescent protein in mammalian and insect cells directed the protein to the medial and trans-cisternae of the Golgi. Overexpression of the Cas1 protein in combination with α-N-acetyl-neuraminide α-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 (GD3 synthase) resulted in an up to 40% increased biosynthesis of 7-O-acetylated ganglioside GD3. By quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, we found up to 5-fold increase in CasD1 mRNA in tumor cells overexpressing O-Ac-GD3. CasD1-specific small interfering RNA reduced O-acetylation in tumor cells. These results suggest that the human Cas1 protein is directly involved in O-acetylation of α2-8-linked sialic acids.  相似文献   

Significant identity between a hypothetical 92.3-kD human protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; peptidyl-dipeptidase A; kininase II) has been found. Certain specific regions of the 92.3-kD protein indicate that this unidentified molecule may be a member of the zinc metalloprotease family. A method is suggested for determination of a structural and functional family of proteins with unknown structure and function.  相似文献   

By using the EST strategy for identifying novel members belonging to homologous gene families, a novel full-length cDNA encoding a protein significantly homologous to UDP-Gal: N-acetylglucosamine β-1, 4-galactosyltransferase (GAlT) was isolated from a human testis cDNA library. A nucleotide sequence of 2 173 bp long was determined to contain an open reading frame of 1032 nucleotides (344 amino acids). In view of the homology to members of the galactosyltransferase gene family and especially the closest relationship to Gallus gallus GalT type I (CK I), the predicted product of the novel cDNA was designated as human β-1, 4-galactosyltransferase homolog I (HumGT-H1). Its mRNA is present in different degrees in 16 tissues examined. Southern analysis of human genomic DNA revealed its locus on chromosome 3.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1) encodes a mitochondrial protein named p13. p13 mediates an inward K+ current in isolated mitochondria that leads to mitochondrial swelling, depolarization, increased respiratory chain activity and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. These effects trigger the opening of the permeability transition pore and are dependent on the presence of K+ and on the amphipathic alpha helical domain of p13. In the context of cells, p13 acts as a sensitizer to selected apoptotic stimuli. Although it is not known whether p13 influences the activity of endogenous K+ channels or forms a channel itself, it shares some structural and functional analogies with viroporins, a class of small integral membrane proteins that form pores and alter membrane permeability.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1997,400(2-3):125-128
Microtubules isolated from bovine adrenal medulla cells contain a major 170 kDa protein (p170). p170 is heat-labile and is associated with microtubules in an ATP-insensitive manner. This protein was purified to near homogeneity using FPLC. A preparation containing purified p170 caused bundling of microtubules. By microsequencing of p170, two polypeptides were identified which appeared to be identical to a recently sequenced p167 centrosomin-related protein. Polyclonal affinity-purified anti-p170 antibody was found to immunostain microtubules and to recognize the 170 kDa polypeptide in culture cells. We suggest that p170 is a new member of a centrosomin family and is a new structural protein associated with microtubules in some cell types.  相似文献   

The ADAMs are transmembrane proteins implicated in proteolysis and cell adhesion. Forty gene members of the family have been identified, of which 21 are believed to be functional in humans. As proteases, their main substrates are the ectodomains of other transmembrane proteins. These substrates include precursor forms of growth factors, cytokines, growth factor receptors, cytokine receptors and several different types of adhesion molecules. Although altered expression of specific ADAMs has been implicated in different diseases, their best-documented role is in cancer formation and progression. ADAMs shown to play a role in cancer include ADAM9, ADAM10, ADAM12, ADAM15 and ADAM17. Two of the ADAMs, i.e., ADAM10 and 17 appear to promote cancer progression by releasing HER/EGFR ligands. The released ligands activate HER/EGFR signalling that culminates in increased cell proliferation, migration and survival. Consistent with a causative role in cancer, several ADAMs are emerging as potential cancer biomarkers for aiding cancer diagnosis and predicting patient outcome. Furthermore, a number of selective ADAM inhibitors, especially against ADAM10 and ADAM17, have been shown to have anti-cancer effects. At least one of these inhibitors is now undergoing clinical trials in patients with breast cancer.  相似文献   

The recently identified Alb3/Oxa1/YidC family constitutes a novel class of proteins that function in promoting membrane insertion in chloroplasts, mitochondria and bacteria. These proteins mediate membrane insertion of a diverse group of membrane proteins that range from phage coat proteins in bacteria and respiratory-chain protein subunits in mitochondria to the light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding proteins in chloroplasts. Here, we discuss the Alb3/Oxa1/YidC protein family and their possible function as membrane chaperones, helping newly synthesized proteins to fold into the membrane bilayer.  相似文献   

Human regenerating (Reg) genes belong to the C-type lectin superfamily and express secretory proteins in various tissues. Reg Iα, also named lithostathine, has multiple roles in numerous biological events such as cytokines, anti-apoptotic factors and the calcium carbonate crystals inhibitor. Under physiological pH, Reg Iα becomes largely insoluble after a self-proteolysis process, and the N-terminally truncated form readily polymerizes into fibrils, which leads to neurodegenerative diseases. Reg Iα may form protofibril via lateral hydrophobic interactions with a native-like conformation. The structural basis from the native to fibril form, as well as the carbohydrate binding sites on Reg Iα, remain unknown. Here we present the NMR backbone and side-chain assignments of Reg Iα for use in further NMR investigations.  相似文献   

The histone H1 family: specific members, specific functions?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The cytoplasmic poly(A) binding protein 1 (PABPC1) is an essential eukaryotic translational initiation factor first described over 40 years ago. Most studies of PABPC1 have focused on its N-terminal RRM domains, which bind the mRNA 3′ poly(A) tail and 5′ translation complex eIF4F via eIF4G; however, the protein also contains a C-terminal MLLE domain that binds a peptide motif, termed PAM2, found in many proteins involved in translation regulation and mRNA metabolism. Studies over the past decade have revealed additional functions of PAM2-containing proteins (PACs) in neurodegenerative diseases, circadian rhythms, innate defense, and ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. Here, we summarize functional and structural studies of the MLLE/PAM2 interaction and discuss the diverse roles of PACs.  相似文献   

Cerato-platanin (CP) is a secretion protein produced by the fungal pathogen Ceratocystis platani, the causal agent of the plane canker disease and the first member of the CP family. CP is considered a pathogen-associated molecular pattern because it induces various defense responses in the host, including production of phytoalexins and cell death. Although much is known about the properties of CP and related proteins as elicitors of plant defense mechanisms, its biochemical activity and host target(s) remain elusive. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of CP. The protein, which exhibits a remarkable pH and thermal stability, has a double ψβ-barrel fold quite similar to those found in expansins, endoglucanases, and the plant defense protein barwin. Interestingly, although CP lacks lytic activity against a variety of carbohydrates, it binds oligosaccharides. We identified the CP region responsible for binding as a shallow surface located at one side of the β-barrel. Chemical shift perturbation of the protein amide protons, induced by oligo-N-acetylglucosamines of various size, showed that all the residues involved in oligosaccharide binding are conserved among the members of the CP family. Overall, the results suggest that CP might be involved in polysaccharide recognition and that the double ψβ-barrel fold is widespread in distantly related organisms, where it is often involved in host-microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Several molybdenum complexes, [Mo(η3-C3H5)X(CO)2(N-N)] (N-N = 1,10-phenanthroline, phen: X = CF3SO3T1, X = Br B1, X = Cl C1; N-N = 2,2′-bipyridyl, X = CF3SO3T2, X = Br B2) and [W(η3-C3H5)Br(CO)2(phen)] (W1) have been synthesized and characterized. Their antitumor properties have been tested in vitro against human cancer cell lines cervical carcinoma (HeLa) and breast carcinoma (MCF-7) using a metabolic activity test (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, MTT), leading to IC50 values ranging from 3 to 45 μM, approximately. Most complexes exhibited significant antitumoral activity. Complexes B1 and T2 were chosen for subsequent studies aiming to understand their mechanism of action. Cellular uptake of molybdenum and octanol/water partition assays revealed that both B1 and T2 exhibit a selective uptake by cells and intermediate partition coefficients. The binding constants of B1 and T2 with ct DNA, as determined by absorption titration, are 2.08 (± 0.98) × 105 and 3.68 (± 2.01) × 105 M− 1, respectively. These results suggest that they interact with DNA changing its conformation and possibly inducing cell death, and may therefore provide a valuable tool in cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

EMILIN-3 is a glycoprotein of the extracellular matrix belonging to a family that contains a characteristic N-terminal cysteine-rich EMI domain. Currently, EMILIN-3 is the least characterized member of the elastin microfibril interface-located protein (EMILIN)/Multimerin family. Using RNA, immunohistochemical, and protein chemistry approaches, we carried out a detailed characterization of the expression and biochemical properties of EMILIN-3 in mouse. During embryonic and postnatal development, EMILIN-3 showed a peculiar and dynamic pattern of gene expression and protein distribution. EMILIN-3 mRNA was first detected at E8.5-E9.5 in the tail bud and in the primitive gut, and at later stages it became abundant in the developing gonads and osteogenic mesenchyme. Interestingly and in contrast to other EMILIN/Multimerin genes, EMILIN-3 was not found in the cardiovascular system. Despite the absence of the globular C1q domain, immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses demonstrated that EMILIN-3 forms disulfide-bonded homotrimers and higher order oligomers. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the most C-terminal part of EMILIN-3 has a substantial α-helical content and forms coiled coil structures involved in EMILIN-3 homo-oligomerization. Transfection experiments with recombinant constructs showed that the EMI domain contributes to the higher order self-assembly but was dispensable for homotrimer formation. EMILIN-3 was found to bind heparin with high affinity, a property mediated by the EMI domain, thus revealing a new function for this domain that may contribute to the interaction of EMILIN-3 with other extracellular matrix and/or cell surface molecules. Finally, in vitro experiments showed that EMILIN-3 is able to function as an extracellular regulator of the activity of TGF-β ligands.  相似文献   

Summary Among the DNA repair mutants of the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae, the rad6 mutants are characterized by a highly pleiotropic phenotype. Most remarkably, these mutants are sensitive towards a variety of DNA-damaging agents and deficient in mutation induction. The RAD6 gene has been cloned and most recently, ubiquitin-conjugating activity of the Rad6 protein has been demonstrated. In this brief review, the properties of rad6 mutants are discussed in the light of these new findings. The available data hint at a connection between DNA repair, mutagenesis, chromosome structure and protein degradation.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are found in virtually all eukaryotic cells, where they play varied but essential metabolic roles, exemplified by the catastrophic effects of mutations that compromise peroxisome biogenesis and function. This review will aim to provide an accessible introduction to peroxisome biogenesis and protein import for the non-specialist, and draws together recent advances in peroxisome protein targeting and import in plants, animals and yeasts, seeking to define common themes and highlight variations. Despite much progress, many aspects of peroxisome biology remain an enigma, and current questions and controversies in the field are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

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