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Victor Chude 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):293-295
The profile distribution of total and extractable B was determined in 16 Nigerian cacao-growing soil profiles formed from different parent materials. Total B for all soils ranged from 8 to 54μgg−1 with a mean of 24μgg−1. The soils formed from sandstones in the rainforest zone contained higher amounts of total B than soils derived from basement complex. Boron extractable in hot water, in 0.1% CaCl2, and in 1N NH4OAc varied from 0.13 to 1.38, 0.44 to 1.20 0.03 to 0.56μgg−1 respectively. The corresponding means were 0.66, 0.75 and 0.27μgg−1 B. Soils on metamorphic rocks gave the highest values. All extractable B values were related to organic matter while only CaCl2-extractable B correlated with total B. Generally total and extractable B values were higher in the top soils than in the subsoils.  相似文献   

Z. Dou  R. H. Fox  J. D. Toth 《Plant and Soil》1994,158(2):203-210
Colonization of sorghum by Macrophomina phaseolina in field plots was determined at nitrogen fertilization rates of 0, 56, 112, and 168 kg ha-1 in 1988 and 0, 84, 168, and 256 kg ha-1 in 1989. Above ground plant tissue and roots were sampled monthly to determine total nitrogen and percent colonization of root segments by natural inoculum. Root infection was not affected by nitrogen treatment, but was affected by growth stage and environment. High root infection occurred before reproductive development (growth stage 3) in 1988 and was associated with hot, dry weather early in the growing season. In 1989, when the weather was cool and wet, root infection began after reproductive development (growth stage 4). The effect of nitrogen treatments on lesion length was determined in sorghum stalks artificially inoculated with M. phaseolina. Lesion lengths were significantly affected by both nitrogen treatments and growth stage. Lesions were significantly longer with all nitrogen treatments at growth stage 9 than with the no-nitrogen treatment, and lesions tended to increase with increased levels of nitrogen fertilization. Significant increases in lesion length occurred between growth stages 5, 7, and 9 in 1988 and between 7 and 9 in 1989. This study demonstrates that nitrogen fertilization affects colonization of sorghum stalks but not root infection by M. phaseolina.  相似文献   

The influence of NH4+ on microbial CH4 oxidation is still poorly understood in landfill cover soils. In this study, effects of NH4+ addition on the activity and community structure of methanotrophs were investigated in waste biocover soil (WBS) treated by a series of NH4+-N contents (0, 100, 300, 600 and 1200 mg kg−1). The results showed that the addition of NH4+-N ranging from 100 to 300 mg kg−1 could stimulate CH4 oxidation in the WBS samples at the first stage of activity, while the addition of an NH4+-N content of 600 mg kg−1 had an inhibitory effect on CH4 oxidation in the first 4 days. The decrease of CH4 oxidation rate observed in the last stage of activity could be caused by nitrogen limitation and/or exopolymeric substance accumulation. Type I methanotrophs Methylocaldum and Methylobacter, and type II methanotrophs (Methylocystis and Methylosinus) were abundant in the WBS samples. Of these, Methylocaldum was the main methanotroph in the original WBS. With incubation, a higher abundance of Methylobacter was observed in the treatments with NH4+-N contents greater than 300 mg kg−1, which suggested that NH4+-N addition might lead to the dominance of Methylobacter in the WBS samples. Compared to type I methanotrophs, the abundance of type II methanotrophs Methylocystis and/or Methylosinus was lower in the original WBS sample. An increase in the abundance of Methylocystis and/or Methylosinus occurred in the last stage of activity, and was likely due to a nitrogen limitation condition. Redundancy analysis showed that NH4+-N and the C/N ratio had a significant influence on the methanotrophic community in the WBS sample.  相似文献   

Summary Wetland rice was cultivated in pots of puddled soil under continuous and intermittent flooding conditions. The soil was either fertilized with the surface application of prilled urea in three split doses or once with urea supergranules applied at different soil levels.The grain yield, fertilizer efficiency and percent nitrogen recovery by the grains were increased by deep placement of urea supergranules independent of the water regime. Grain yield was always lower with intermittent flooding, particularly when the plants were fertilized with the surface application of prilled urea.Nitrogen loss by ammonia volatilization, measured in a closed cuvette system, was reduced from 24% with the surface application of urea prills and 20% with surface application of urea supergranules to approximately 2% with deep placement of urea supergranules. Intermittent flooding created conditions which promoted additional nitrogen loss by nitrification and denitrification processes. The total nitrogen loss, measured in an open cuvette system, was about 38% with the surface application of urea supergranules, whereas this loss was reduced to 10% with deep placement of urea supergranules. Furthermore, deep placement of urea fertilizer reduced the nitrogen loss irrespective of water regime.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure for the rapid determination of EUF-extractable nitrogen (NH4 +, NO3 and easily soluble organic N compounds) is described. In this procedure the EUF-N fractions are oxidized to NO3. The oxidation with peroxodisulfate is accelerated by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This reduces the time of digestion to about 15 minutes. The contents of EUF-extractable N are on the average only between 2–8 mg/100 g soil. Their determination by the new procedure in the form of NO3 is more precise than the results obtained by digestion according to Kjeldahl. The sum of EUF-extractable N fractions obtained by the new procedure allows to assess the N fertilizer requirements more precisely than is possible when using the EUF-NO3 fractions alone. Therefore this new procedure constitutes a considerable advantage when working out fertilizer recommendations for agricultural practice.  相似文献   

免耕稻田氮肥运筹对土壤NH3挥发及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马玉华  刘兵  张枝盛  郑大  周亮  曹凑贵  李成芳 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5556-5564
通过大田试验,设置5种不同的施肥比例(基肥:分蘖肥:拔节肥:穗肥-2:2:3:3(R1)、3:2:2:3(R2)、4:2:2:2(R3)、4:3:1:2(R4)与0:0:0:0(CK)),研究氮肥运筹对稻田NH3挥发和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明,(1)相对于不施肥,施肥显著提高了稻田NH3挥发量。氮肥施用后,NH3挥发损失量占施氮量的6.2%-8.5%,其中,以分蘖期NH3挥发损失量最大,齐穗期次之,苗期和拔节期最小。施肥处理间,处理R1稻田累积NH3挥发量最小,显著低于其它施肥处理,比处理R2、R3和R4分别低9.1%(P<0.05)、10.9%(P<0.05)和17.7%(P<0.05)。(2)相关分析表明,田面水NH4+、pH值和土壤NH4+和pH值均与稻田土壤NH3挥发通量呈显著或者极显著相关;(3)处理R1水稻氮肥利用率相对于处理R2、R3和R4增加了28.4%(P<0.05)、55.4%(P<0.05)和74.9%(P<0.05)。研究表明,氮肥后移能有效降低免耕稻田NH3挥发,提高水稻的氮肥利用率。  相似文献   

Although Al toxicity is believed to be a problem in acid sulfate soils cropped to rice (Oryza, sativa L.), little is known about the behavior of other trace metals such as B and Mo in these soils. The objectives of this study were to measure the availability of Al, B, and Mo in these soils, to determine what governs the availability of these metals and to investigate the relationships between metal availability and uptake by rice. Metal availability and uptake by rice were evaluated in 134 flooded acid sulfate soils in the Central Plains region of Thailand and in a growth chamber study using 50 of the same soils. Soil and plant metal analyses were conducted at the panicle differentiation stage of growth in both studies and in the soil prior to transplanting in the growth chamber study. Metal activities were determined with GEOCHEM. The mineral phases believed to be governing Al3+ activities were jurbanite under low pH conditions and amorphous Al(OH)3 at high pH. The Al chemistry is believed to be intimately linked to the redox-pH cycle, which is driven by the monsoonal climate. Mortality of rice associated with Al toxicity was observed under field and growth chamber conditions. Interference in P uptake and/or assimilation was believed to be the mechanism of Al toxicity. Activities of B(OH) 4 and B(OH) 3 0 were found to be highly correlated to pH and ionic strength, respectively, with the latter being the dominant B ion found in these soils. Activities of MoO 4 2– were positively correlated to pH and appeared to be controlled by wulfenite. Leaf Mo contents were found to be positively correlated with MoO 4 2– activity.  相似文献   

Rates of N uptake by spring wheat as ammonium and as nitrate, and rates of nitrification, gross N immobilization and gross N mineralization were measured in a pot experiment during 84 days of growth in a clay soil. Soil treatments included an unfertilized control and addition of 15NH4NO3 or NH4 15NO3 in the absence and presence of N-serve 24E. Incorporation of ammonium into the soil organic N pool was considerably higher in the presence compared to the absence of nitrapyrin, but the processes contributing to this effect could not be positively identified. Both dry matter and grain yield as well as N uptake by wheat were enhanced in the presence of the inhibitor in N fertilized soil, despite the increased immobilization of N. On the other hand, inhibitor application had a detrimental effect on yield and N uptake by wheat in unfertilized soil. Both ammonium and nitrate forms of inorganic N were absorbed by wheat, but nitrate uptake was dominant in the absence of the inhibitor. The uptake of N as ammonium was higher and the uptake of N as nitrate was less, both in absolute and proportional terms, in the presence compared to the absence of inhibitor. In addition, the proportion of N taken up as ammonium was higher than the proportion of N as ammonium in the available N pool up to day 56 in the inhibitor treatment, which indicated a preference for ammonium uptake by wheat. Evidence was obtained which suggested that several factors may have contributed to the positive response of wheat to inhibitor application in N fertilized soil, including reduced N losses, higher gross N mineralization and a physiological response due to the proportional increase in uptake of inorganic N as ammonium.  相似文献   

Soluble Organic Nitrogen Pools in Forest soils of Subtropical Australia   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Soil soluble organic N (SON) plays an important role in N biogeochemical cycling. In this study, 22 surface forest soils (0–10 cm) were collected from southeast Queensland, Australia, to investigate the size of SON pools extracted by water and salt solutions. Approximately 5–45 mg SON kg−1, 2–42 mg SON kg−1 and 1–24 SON mg kg−1 were extracted by 2 M KCl, 0.5 M K2SO4 and water, on average, corresponding to about 21.1, 13.5 and 7.0 kg SON ha−1 at the 0–10 cm forest soils, respectively. These SON pools, on average, accounted for 39% (KCl extracts), 42% (K2SO4 extracts) and 43% (water extracts) of total soluble N (TSN), and 2.3% (KCl extracts), 1.3% (K2SO4 extracts) and 0.7% (water extracts) of soil total N, respectively. Large variation in SON pools observed across the sites in the present study may be attributed to a combination of factors including soil types, tree species, management practices and environmental conditions. Significant relationships were observed among the SON pools extracted by water, KCl and K2SO4 and microbial biomass N (MBN). In general, KCl and K2SO4 extracted more SON than water from the forest soils, while KCl extracted more SON than K2SO4. The SON and soluble organic C (SOC) in KCl, K2SO4 and water extracts were all positively related to soil organic C, total N and clay contents. This indicates that clay and soil organic matter play a key role in the retention of SON in soil.  相似文献   

The structural domains contributing to ion permeation and selectivity in K channels were examined in inward-rectifier K(+) channels ROMK2 (Kir1.1b), IRK1 (Kir2.1), and their chimeras using heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes. Patch-clamp recordings of single channels were obtained in the cell-attached mode with different permeant cations in the pipette. For inward K(+) conduction, replacing the extracellular loop of ROMK2 with that of IRK1 increased single-channel conductance by 25 pS (from 39 to 63 pS), whereas replacing the COOH terminus of ROMK2 with that of IRK1 decreased conductance by 16 pS (from 39 to 22 pS). These effects were additive and independent of the origin of the NH(2) terminus or transmembrane domains, suggesting that the two domains form two resistors in series. The larger conductance of the extracellular loop of IRK1 was attributable to a single amino acid difference (Thr versus Val) at the 3P position, three residues in front of the GYG motif. Permeability sequences for the conducted ions were similar for the two channels: Tl(+) > K(+) > Rb(+) > NH(4)(+). The ion selectivity sequence for ROMK2 based on conductance ratios was NH(4)(+) (1.6) > K(+) (1) > Tl(+) (0.5) > Rb(+) (0.4). For IRK1, the sequence was K(+) (1) > Tl(+) (0.8) > NH(4)(+) (0.6) > Rb(+) (0.1). The difference in the NH(4)(+)/ K(+) conductance (1.6) and permeability (0.09) ratios can be explained if NH(4)(+) binds with lower affinity than K(+) to sites within the pore. The relatively low conductances of NH(4)(+) and Rb(+) through IRK1 were again attributable to the 3P position within the P region. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that the IRK1 selectivity pattern required either Thr or Ser at this position. In contrast, the COOH-terminal domain conferred the relatively high Tl(+) conductance in IRK1. We propose that the P-region and the COOH terminus contribute independently to the conductance and selectivity properties of the pore.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic pathways (e.g. C3, C4) and morphological functional types (e.g. trees, shrubs, high perennial grasses, perennial forbs) were identified for the native species from the Saskatchewan mixed prairie, using the data from references published between 1950 and 2003. Of the total 219 identified species in 145 genera and 45 families, 208 species in 137 genera and 44 families were found with C3 photosynthesis, and most of these species are dominants (e.g. Agropyron dasystachyum Hook. and Stipa spartea var. curtiseta Hitchc.). 11 species in 10 genera and 3 families were identified with C4 photosynthesis (e.g. Atriplex argentea Nutt., Andropogon scoparius Michx., Boutelou gracilis Lag., Calamovilfa longifolia Hook.). The amount of total identified C4 species in the region is much less than that from the South Dakota mixed prairie (27 species). Gramineae is the leading family with C4 photosynthesis (8 species), Chenopodiaceae ranks the second (2 species). Relatively less forb types [50 % perennial forbs (PEF) and 12 % annual forbs (ANF)] and more graminoid types (25 %) composition suggested that the rangelands in the region are relatively stable. Lacking of the knowledge on the optimal traits for PFTs classification in the region, further studies (e.g. C3 and C4 plant identification and optimal trait selection) are needed to explore the relationships between PFTs and vegetation variations, as well as land-use and climate changes.  相似文献   

The ability to cope with NH4+-N was studied in the littoral helophytes Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima, species commonly occupying fertile habitats rich in NH4+ and often used in artificial wetlands. In the present study, Glyceria growth rate was reduced by 16% at 179 μM NH4+-N, and the biomass production was reduced by 47% at 3700 μM NH4+-N compared to NO3-N. Similar responses were not found in Phragmites. The amounts (mg g−1 dry wt) of starch and total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) in rhizomes were significantly lower in NH4+ (8.9; 12.2 starch; 20.1; 41.9 TNC) compared to NO3 treated plants (28.0; 15.6 starch; 58.5; 56.3 TNC) in Phragmites and Glyceria, respectively. In addition, Glyceria showed lower amounts (mg g−1 dry wt) of soluble sugars, TNC, K+, and Mg2+ in roots under NH4+ (5.6; 14.3; 20.6; 1.9) compared to NO3 nutrition (11.6; 19.9; 37.9; 2.9, for soluble sugars, TNC, K+, and Mg2+, respectively), while root internal levels of NH4+ and Ca2+ (0.29; 4.6 mg g−1 dry wt, mean of both treatments) were only slightly affected. In Phragmites, no changes in soluble sugars, TNC, Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+ contents of roots (7.3; 14.9; 5.1; 17.3; 2.6 mg g−1 dry wt, means of both treatments) were found in response to treatments. The results, therefore, indicate a more pronounced tolerance towards high NH4+ supply in Phragmites compared to Glyceria, although the former may be susceptible to starch exhaustion in NH4+-N nutrition. In contrast, Glyceria's ability to colonize fertile habitats rich in NH4+ is probably related to the avoidance strategy due to shallow rooting or to the previously described ability to cope with high NH4+ levels when P availability is high and NO3 is also provided.  相似文献   

Glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) is a key regulatory enzyme in methyl group metabolism. In mammalian liver it reduces S-adenosylmethionine levels by using it to methylate glycine, producing N-methylglycine (sarcosine) and S-adenosylhomocysteine. GNMT is inhibited by binding two molecules of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (mono- or polyglutamate forms) per tetramer of the active enzyme. Inhibition is sensitive to the status of the N-terminal valine of GNMT and to polyglutamation of the folate inhibitor. It is inhibited by pentaglutamate form more efficiently compared to monoglutamate form. The native rat liver GNMT contains an acetylated N-terminal valine and is inhibited much more efficiently compared to the recombinant protein expressed in E. coli where the N-terminus is not acetylated. In this work we used a protein crystallography approach to evaluate the structural basis for these differences. We show that in the folate-GNMT complexes with the native enzyme, two folate molecules establish three and four hydrogen bonds with the protein. In the folate-recombinant GNMT complex only one hydrogen bond is established. This difference results in more effective inhibition by folate of the native liver GNMT activity compared to the recombinant enzyme.  相似文献   

Aerobic CH4 oxidation plays an important role in mitigating CH4 release from landfills to the atmosphere. Therefore, in this study, oxidation activity and community of methanotrophs were investigated in a subtropical landfill. Among the three sites investigated, the highest CH4 concentration was detected in the landfill cover soil of the site (A) without a landfill gas (LFG) recovery system, although the refuse in the site had been deposited for a longer time (∼14–15 years) compared to the other two sites (∼6–11 years) where a LFG recovery system was applied. In April and September, the higher CH4 flux was detected in site A with 72.4 and 51.7 g m−2 d−1, respectively, compared to the other sites. The abundance of methanotrophs assessed by quantification of pmoA varied with location and season. A linear relationship was observed between the abundance of methanotrophs and CH4 concentrations in the landfill cover soils (R = 0.827, P < 0.001). The key factors influencing the methanotrophic diversity in the landfill cover soils were pH, the water content and the CH4 concentration in the soil, of which pH was the most important factor. Type I methanotrophs, including Methylococcus, Methylosarcina, Methylomicrobium and Methylobacter, and type II methanotrophs (Methylocystis) were all detected in the landfill cover soils, with Methylocystis and Methylosarcina being the dominant genera. Methylocystis was abundant in the slightly acidic landfill cover soil, especially in September, and represented more than 89% of the total terminal-restriction fragment abundance. These findings indicated that the LFG recovery system, as well as physical and chemical parameters, affected the diversity and activity of methanotrophs in landfill cover soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus was added to two acidic upland soils (a Cambisol and a Ferralsol) at two rates (9 mg P kg−1 and 145 mg P kg−1) either in an inorganic P form (KH2PO4) or as a green manure (Tithonia diversifolia H. at 2.5 g kg−1 and 40 g kg−1). The effect of P source on the chemical availability of P was assessed in an incubation experiment by measuring resin extractable P, soluble molybdate reactive (DMR-P) and unreactive P (DMU-P). Soil pH and extractable Al were monitored during the incubation period of 49 days. Green manure addition caused an immediate and sustained increase in soil pH and an immediate and sustained decrease in extractable Al. Labile P (resin P + DMR-P + DMU-P) was increased more by P added as a green manure than when added in inorganic form in one soil (Ferralsol), while it decreased or did not differ in the other one (Cambisol). In both soils, the concentrations of soluble DMU-P were frequently higher where Tithonia had been added. The effects of green manure amendment on physical factors governing the phosphorus supply through diffusive transport were also investigated. Aggregate size distribution was substantially changed by green manure amendment due to a shift in the percentage of microaggregates (<250 μm in diameter) to larger sizes. Changes in soil aggregation as a consequence of green manure amendment led to a reduction in specific surface area (SSA) of the whole soil. Coupled with the large increase in effective cation exchange capacity caused by green manure amendment in both soils, and the decrease in SSA, there was an increase in the net negative surface charge density in both soils. In summary, at a large addition rate – and in addition to the well-known effect derived from the extra supply in P, green manure amendment may improve the chemical availability and diffusive supply of P through the following mechanisms: (i) an increase in soil pH increasing the solubility of phosphate sources; (ii) a decrease in extractable Al reducing the fixation of added P; (iii) increased macro-aggregation and reduced specific surface area and porosity leading to fewer sorption sites for P and hence enhanced diffusion rates; and (iv) increased negative charges and reduced positive charges at the soil surface resulting in a net increase in repulsive force for P. The induced changes in most measured soil properties were smaller in the Ferralsol than in the Cambisol. This revised version was published online in June 2005 with a corrected article title.  相似文献   

We measured soil oxygen concentrations at 10 and 35 cm depths and indices of biogeochemical cycling in upland forest soils along a rainfall and elevation gradient (3500–5000 mm y–1; 350–1050 masl) and along topographic gradients (ridge to valley, 150 m) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Along the rainfall gradient, soil O2 availability decreased significantly with increasing annual rainfall, and reached very low levels (<3%) in individual chambers for up to 25 consecutive weeks over 82 weeks of study. Along localized topographic gradients, soil O2 concentrations were variable and decreased significantly from ridges to valleys. In the valleys, up to 35% of the observations at 10–35 cm depth were <3% soil O2. Cross correlation analyses showed that soil O2 concentrations were significantly positively correlated along the topographic gradient, and were sensitive to rainfall and hydrologic output. Soil O2 concentrations in valley soils were correlated with rainfall from the previous day, while ridge sites were correlated with cumulative rainfall inputs over 4 weeks. Soils at the wettest point along the rainfall gradient had very high soil methane concentrations (3–24%) indicating a strong influence of anaerobic processes. We measured net methane emission to the atmosphere at the wettest sites of the rainfall gradient, and in the valleys along topographic gradients. Other measures of biogeochemical function such as soil organic matter content and P availability were sensitive to chronic O2 depletion along the rainfall gradient, but less sensitive to the variable soil O2 environment exhibited at lower elevations along topographic gradients.  相似文献   

Various ecophysiological investigations are presented in Aldrovanda vesiculosa, a rootless aquatic carnivorous plant. A distinct polarity of N, P, and Ca tissue content per dry mass (DM) unit was found along Aldrovanda shoots. Due to effective re-utilization, relatively small proportions of N (10 – 13 %) and P (33 – 43 %) are probably lost with senescent leaf whorls, while there is complete loss of all Ca, K, and Mg. The total content of starch and free sugars was 26 – 47 % DM along adult shoots, with the maximum in the 7th – 10th whorls. About 30 % of the total maximum sugar content was probably lost with dead whorls. The plant was found to take up 5 – 7 times more NH4 + to NO3 from a mineral medium. Under nearly-natural conditions in an outdoor cultivation container, catching of prey led to significantly more rapid growth than in unfed plants. DM of the fed controls was 48 % higher than in the unfed plants. The controls produced 0.69 branches per plant, while the unfed plants did not produced any. However, the N and P content per DM unit increased by 6 – 25 % in the apices and the first 6 whorls in the unfed variant, as compared to the fed controls. It may be suggested that carnivory is very important for Aldrovanda.  相似文献   

We have studied the inhibiting effect offertilisation and soil compaction on CH4oxidation by measuring gas fluxes and soil mineral Ndynamics in the field, and CH4 oxidation rates inlaboratory-incubated soil samples. The fertilisationand soil compaction field experiment was establishedin 1985, and the gas fluxes were measured from 1992 to1994. Methane oxidation was consistently lower infertilised than in unfertilised soil, but thereapparently was no effect of repeated fertiliseradditions on the fertilised plots. The measuredmineral N in fertilised and unfertilised soil showedlarge differences in NH4 + concentrationsjust after fertilisation, but the levels rapidlyconverged because of plant uptake and nitrification.The CH4 oxidation rate did not reflect thesecontrasting mineral N patterns, suggesting that theCH4 oxidation capacity remaining in the soil thathad been fertilised since 1985 was largely insensitiveto ammonia in the new fertiliser. Thus, competitiveinhibition by ammonia may have been involved in theearly stage of the field fertiliser experiment, butthe CH4 oxidation remaining after 7 to 9 years ofcontinued fertilisation seems not to have beenaffected by ammonia. The substrate affinity of theCH4-oxidizing microflora appeared to be the samein both the fertilised soil and the unfertilisedcontrol, as judged from the response to elevatedCH4 concentrations (52 µl l–1) inlaboratory incubations. Soil compaction resulted in apersistent reduction of CH4 influx, also seen inlaboratory incubations with sieved (4-mm mesh) soilsamples. Since the sieving presumably removesdiffusion barriers created by the soil compaction, thefact that compaction effects persisted through thesieving may indicate that soil compaction has affectedthe biological potential for CH4 oxidation in thesoil.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pH i ), membrane potential (V m ) and membrane conductance (G m ) in fused proximal tubular cells of the frog kidney, were determined at three extracellular pH (pH o ) values, 7.5, 8.5 and 6.5. Imposed changes of pH o by ±1 pH unit induced parallel but smaller shifts of pH i . The alkaline milieu hyperpolarized the cells and increased G m , whereas the acid milieu depolarized and lowered G m . We subsequently introduced a weak acid and its conjugate base (acetic acid/acetate), or a weak base and its conjugate acid (NH3/NH 4 + ), at pH o 7.5, 8.5 and 6.5 to shift pH i -without altering pH o , or to shift pH i against imposed changes of pH o . From these experiments, we observed that under some circumstances V m varied with pH o but without G m or pH i changes, whereas under other circumstances changes of G m occurred during alterations of pH i while pH o and V m remained unaltered. At pH i 6.5 associated with V m –10 mV, G m dramatically increased to quasi-infinite values. This increase was not an artifact since G m returned to its control value following recovery to the control solution or in the presence of hyperosmotic solution. In conclusion, we demonstrate a differential regulation whereby V m and G m are controlled by pH o and pH i : pH o modulates mainly V m , and pH i modulates chiefly G m . Furthermore, at pH i 6.5 and V m –10 mV, our data reveal a large G m that tends towards infinite values in a reversible fashion.  相似文献   

In this paper, changes in physico-chemical parameters during trimmings residue composting (cation exchange capacity, germination index, self-heated, NH4/NO3 ratio and CFA/CHA ratio) in relation to environmental composting parameters (time, aeration, moisture and particle size) of the composting process were studied. A central composite experimental design was used to obtain the polynomial model for each dependent variable. Results of the modelling showed that among the studied range, moisture was the highest influenced parameter in maturity evaluation, with respect to aeration and particle size. An exception was found for CEC evolution. In this parameter, the highest influence was found for particle size. Moreover, a product with acceptable chemical properties entails operating at medium moisture content (55%) and medium-to-high particle size (3–5 cm). Moderate to low aeration (0.2 m3 air kg−1 d−1) would be the best compromise to composting this residue, due to the scarce statistical influence of this independent variable.  相似文献   

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