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The mRNA for human hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) was identified using Northern blot analysis and a cDNA-probe for rat HSL. As in the rat, human adipose tissue expresses a single mRNA species of 3.3 kb. Using Western blotting with a polyclonal rabbit antibody towards rat adipose tissue HSL, the corresponding enzyme in human adipose tissue was identified with an apparent 88 kDa polypeptide, thus slightly larger than the rat and bovine 84 kDa, and the mouse and guinea-pig 82 kDa species. Additional evidence for the identification was provided by the inhibition of HSL diacylglycerol lipase activity by the anti-rat HSL antibody, and by NaF, DFP and Hg2+, known inhibitors of HSL. The concentration of the enzyme, as reflected by its activity per g tissue and the specific activity was about two thirds of that in the rat adipose tissue (200 g rats). The identification of the human enzyme protein made it possible to directly demonstrate its phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, thus extending the previous report regarding activation of the lipase with this kinase and ATP-Mg2+ in human adipose tissue extracts (Khoo, J.C., Aquino, A.A. and Steinberg, D. (1974) J. Clin. Invest. 53, 1124-1131).  相似文献   

This report describes the distribution of antiinsectan metabolites present in sclerotioid ascostromata produced by representative strains of Eupenicillium crustaceum and fungal taxa that are considered to be closely related. The hexane and chloroform extracts of E. crustaceum NRRL 3332 displayed significant antiinsectan activity in assays against the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea. The major metabolite accounting for this antiinsectan activity was a known aflavinine analog, 10,23-dihydro-24,25-dehydroaflavinine, occurring at approximately 2.8 mg/g of dry ascostromata. In dietary assays at ca. 3,000 ppm, a 79% reduction in weight gain and a 42% reduction in feeding rate were observed in H. zea and Carpophilus hemipterus larvae, respectively. A new aflavinine analog, 10,23,24,25-tetrahydro-24-hydroxyaflavinine, was also identified. These aflavinine compounds are the first to be reported from a fungal genus other than Aspergillus. New macrophorin-type metabolites accounted for the antiinsectan activity of ascostromata produced by E. crustaceum NRRL 22307, which produced no aflavinines, while Eupenicillium molle NRRL 13062 produced both aflavinines and macrophorins. Sclerotia produced by Penicillium gladioli NRRL 938, NRRL 939, and QM 2743, a fungus reported to be conspecific with the anamorph of E. crustaceum, produced neither aflavinines nor macrophorins. Eupenicillium reticulisporum NRRL 3446 produced the aflavinine analog 10,23-dihydro-24,25-dehydroaflavinine and an unrelated compound called pyripyropene A, a potent inhibitor of acyl-coenzyme A-cholesterol acyltransferase. Eupenicillium abidjanum NRRL 5809, reported to be conspecific with E. reticulisporum, produced neither of these compounds. The Eupenicillium species that produced aflavinines are also known for their ability to grow rapidly with reduced water activity.  相似文献   

Isoenzyme analysis was carried out on the laboratory strain of Echinostoma liei. The results were compared with those from a preliminary study on Echinostoma caproni, Echinostoma togoensis, and Echinostoma sp. (A. Voltz, J. Richard, B. Pesson, and J. Jourdane, 1986, Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 61, 617-623). Isoelectrofocusing showed characteristic phenotypes for phosphoglucomutase (PGM, EC and glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI, EC The four experimental strains were monomorphic. Their genotypes were defined. Isoenzyme analysis of F1-hybrids and their F2 descendants indicated the subunit structure of both isoenzymes and showed that they were encoded by independent genes. Finally, it also suggested that the four strains corresponded to variants of the same species.  相似文献   

Post-partum placentae and uterine biopsy samples from mares after normal and abnormal foalings are described. After normal delivery there is little damage to fetal or maternal tissues. The villous epitheliochorial palcenta separates cleanly at the maternal-fetal interface and the afterbirth consists almost exclusively of fetal tissue. Uterine involution is well advanced by the 3rd and 4th days post partum and the changes are usually complete by the oestrus 7--10 days after parturition. Placental separation and involution of the uterus appear to proceed normally in malpresented foals and in otherwise viable foals with musculoskeletal defects. In aborted, stillborn or dysmature foals there are obvious signs of damage to both fetal and maternal tissues. It is generally accepted that the growth and development of the fetus is dependent upon a placenta of adequate functional capabilities. The observations suggest that the placenta is similarly dependent upon its association with a normal healthy fetus.  相似文献   

Data on distribution of biologically active substances in the turtle optic tectum are compared with results of similar experiments on other reptilian as well as on avian species. In two turtle species (Testudo horsfield and Emys orbicularis), immunoreactivity to monoamines (5-HT and TH), NPY, as well as NADPH-d activity were similarly distributed in neuropil of the SGFS retinorecipient part and in that of the SGP/SAP periventricular layers. Immunoreactivity to neuropeptides SP and m-Enk was maximal in neuropil of the SGFS non-retinorecipient part. The periventricular layers were characterized by the abundant radial SP- and mENK-ir as well as the NADPH-d-positive neurons. Diffusely dispersed ChAT-ir elements and many ir fibers perpenducilar to the tectal surface were observed in the SGFS retinorecipient part; the SGFS non-retinorecipient part contained a dense plexus of thick ir fibers and diffusely distributed ir terminals. The GABA ir cells were the most numerous in the tectum; they were spread in all tectal layers. Thus, various biologically active substance located in superficial retinorecipient tectal sublayers could affect processing and transmission of information via ascending dendrites of neurons in deeper layers. The cells containing SP, m-Enk, and NADPH-d had laminar organization in SGP; via the system of ascending and descending axons, they are able to affect other structures within and outside of the optic tectum. Putative sources of tectal modulatory innervation are discussed. In all studied reptilian and avian species, the principal similarity is revealed in the neurochemical organization. Some differences might be explained by the level of tectal differentiation due to factors of phylogenetic evolution and/or adaptive specialization.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine-specific tRNA was isolated from human placenta and degraded to mixtures of oligonucleotides. Tritium sequence analysis of the digestion products indicates that the sequence of human placenta tRNAPhe is identical to that of calf liver tRNAPhe and differs only slightly from that of rabbit liver tRNAPhe.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The estuarine mysid, Mysidopsis bahia Molenock hypo- and hyper-osmoregulates at salinities from 5 to 37%. and exhibits an isosmotic point of 24%.
  • 2.2. Hemolymph osmolality attained steady-state condition by 95 min post-transfer to high (32%.) and low (6%.) salinity water. Transfer from 25%. to the high salinity medium resulted in an initial overshoot in hemolymph concentration followed by rapid recovery. Transfer from 25%. to the lower salinity did not result in an undershoot.
  • 3.3. The osmoregulatory capacity of M. bahia is similar to that reported for other estuarine mysids, all of which differ from both freshwater and polystenohaline species.

In early pregnancy the equine placenta consists of a simple apposition of fetal and maternal epithelia, but it becomes more complex with the formation of microcotyledons between 75 and 100 days of gestation. Although the placental barrier maintains an epitheliochorial arrangement throughout the course of pregnancy, a thinning of the maternal epithelium and a progressive indentation of the chorionic epithelium by fetal capillaries shortens the length of the diffusion pathway and reduces the amount of placental tissue between fetal and maternal bloodstreams. These structural modifications may reflect the changing requirements of the fetus for O2 and other metabolites as gestation proceeds. During the first 200 days of pregnancy there is evidence of intense pinocytotic activity by the cells of the trophoblast. From the 100th day of pregnancy there is a pronounced development of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, while rough endoplasmic reticulum and irregular, dense, membrane-bound bodies are a prominent feature of the paranuclear cytoplasm from Day 200. These changes suggest that the cells of the trophoblast become more highly involved in synthetic processes with increasing gestational age.  相似文献   

This paper gives a kinetic analysis of the K(+)-selective outward-rectifier (IK,out) in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll cells in terms of the Hodgkin-Huxley formalism. We compared the kinetic characteristics of IK,out in Arabidopsis with IK,out channels in three other plant species that were subjected to a similar analysis: tobacco suspension cells, Vicia faba guard cells and Plantago media root cells. Because the activation kinetics of IK,out shows a clear voltage dependence, the time constant of half-activation (tau 1/2) and the elementary rate constant of channel opening (a) were calculated at the potential of half-activation (V1/2). The Arabidopsis IK,out activates relatively slowly and this is reflected in a tau 1/2 of approximately 1 s. The reason for this slow activation is twofold. Firstly, the value of a is 1.5 s-1 falls at the lower end of the range of values obtained for tobacco, Vicia and Plantago: 1.1 to 3.0 s-1. Secondly, IK,out in Arabidopsis has four closed states, while tobacco and Vicia have only two. As observed in other plant species, the activation kinetics of IK,out in Arabidopsis are sensitive to external K+: V1/2 shifts with EK but remains approximately 50 mV more positive than EK.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The mandibular glands of the two species of ant, Myrmica schencki Em. and Myrmica rugulosa Nyl., contain mixtures of similar compounds, but in different proportions. M.rugulosa produces 3-pentanol, 3-hexanone, 3-hexanol, 3-heptanone, 3-heptanol, 3-octanone (by far the most abundant component), 3-octanol, 3-nonanol, 3-decanone and 6-methyl-3-octanone, in addition to small amounts of ethanal, acetone and methylpropanal. M.schencki produces most of these (though much less 3-octanone and much more 3-octanol), but also produces significant amounts of 3-nonanol, 3-decanol and 6-methyl-3-octanol, while producing no detectable 3-pentanol or 3-hexanone. The mandibular gland secretions of these two species attract the workers, increase their linear speed, and reduce their sinuosity of movement. In M.schencki these behavioural activities are caused by 3-octanol and 3-octanone, the effect of a synthetic mixture of the two being exactly like that of an isolated mandibular gland; the two compounds act together to cause attraction and increase linear speed, and in synergy to reduce the workers' sinuosity of movement. In M.rugulosa , 3-octanol, 3-octanone and 6-methyl-3-octanone are the major active constituents. 3-Octanone attracts the workers, its effect being enhanced by 3-octanol; it also increases the ants' linear speed, this effect being moderated slightly by the 3-octanol. Presented together these two substances act synergistically to decrease the workers' sinuosity of movement, and reproduce exactly the overall behavioural activity of an isolated mandibular gland. The chemical and behavioural results are combined with those previously reported to explain the responses of M.rubra, M.ruginodis, M.rugulosa, M.sabuleti, M.schencki and M.scabrinodis workers to isolated mandibular glands of these species.  相似文献   

We report the complete and annotated genome sequence of Rickettsia helvetica strain C9P9, which was first isolated in 1979 from Ixodes ricinus ticks in Switzerland and is considered a human pathogen.  相似文献   

S H Chiou  W P Chang  C H Lo  S W Chen 《FEBS letters》1987,221(1):134-138
Lens crystallins were isolated from homogenates of reptilian eye lenses (Caiman crocodylus apaporiensis) by gel-permeation chromatography and characterized by gel electrophoresis, and amino acid and N-terminal sequence analyses. Four fractions corresponding to alpha-, delta/epsilon/beta-, beta- and gamma-crystallins were identified on the basis of their electrophoretic patterns as revealed by SDS gel electrophoresis. Comparison of the amino acid contents of reptilian crystallins with those of mammals suggests that each orthologous class of crystallins from the evolutionarily distant species still exhibits similarity in their amino acid compositions and probably sequence homology as well. All fractions except that of gamma-crystallin were found to be N-terminally blocked. N-terminal sequence analysis of the purified gamma-crystallin subfractions showed extensive homology between the reptilian gamma-crystallin polypeptides themselves and also those from other vertebrate species, suggesting the existence of a multigene family and their close relatedness to gamma-crystallins of other vertebrates.  相似文献   

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