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Circadian pacemakers control both “daytime” activity and nocturnal restlessness of migratory birds, and the daily rhythm of melatonin release from the pineal has been suggested to be involved in the control of migratory activity. To study the phase relations between the two activity components during entrainment and when free running, locomotor activity of bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla) was recorded continuously under a 12:12 “cool light” to “warm light” cycle (CL:WL, ca. 5000 K and ca. 2500 K, respectively) or blue light to red light cycle (BL:RL, maxima at 440 and 650 nm, respectively) at different irradiance ratios. Migratory activity was expressed primarily during the WL or RL phase of the light cycles. Under free-running conditions, the circadian periods τ correlated with the phase relations between day and night (migratory) activity components during preceding entrainment. Bramblings with migratory activity had significantly longer τ at constant light intensity than the same individuals without migratory activity. Birds with migratory activity reentrained faster after a 6h phase shift of the CL:WL cycle than birds without migratory activity. When exogenous melatonin was given in the drinking water (200 μg/mL 1% ethanol or 0.86 mM) to bramblings exposed to 12:12 CL:WL cycles with constant irradiance, the amounts of activity, which were initially higher during the WL phase of the light cycle, were suppressed to similar low levels during both light phases. The systematic changes in the amounts of activity during melatonin treatment were not correlated with consistent changes in entrainment status. The data support the hypothesis that changes in the amplitude and level of the daily melatonin cycle are involved in regulating migratory restlessness, by either allowing or inhibiting nocturnal activity. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 471-488, 2000)  相似文献   

Melatonin has been traditionally considered to be derived principally from the pineal gland. However, several investigations have now demonstrated that melatonin synthesis occurs also in the retina (and in other organs as well) of several vertebrate classes, including mammals. As in the pineal, melatonin synthesis in the retina is elevated at night and reduced during the day. Since melatonin receptors are present in the retina and retinal melatonin does not contribute to the circulating levels, retinal melatonin probably acts locally as a neuromodulator. Melatonin synthesis in the retinas of mammals is under control of a circadian oscillator located within the retina itself, and circadian rhythms in melatonin synthesis and/or release have been described for several species of rodents. These rhythms are present in vivo, persist in vitro, are entrained by light, and are temperature compensated. The recent cloning of the gene responsible for the synthesis of the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (the only enzyme unique to the melatonin synthetic pathway) will facilitate localizing the cellular site of melatonin synthesis in the retina and investigating the molecular mechanism responsible for the generation of retinal melatonin rhythmicity. Melatonin has been implicated in many retinal functions, and the levels of melatonin and dopamine appear to regulate several aspects of retinal physiology that relate to light and dark adaptation. In conclusion, it seems that retinal melatonin is involved in several functions, but its precise role is yet to be understood. (Chronobiology International, 17(5), 599–612, 2000)  相似文献   

Different wavelengths of light were compared for melatonin suppression and phase shifting of the salivary melatonin rhythm. The wavelengths compared were 660 nm (red), 595 nm (amber), 525 nm (green), 497 nm (blue/green), and 470 nm (blue). They were administered with light-emitting diodes equated for irradiance of 130 μW/cm2. Fifteen volunteers participated in all five wavelength conditions and a no light control condition, with each condition conducted over two consecutive evenings. Half-hourly saliva samples were collected from 19:00 to 02:00 on night 1 and until 01:00 on night 2. Light was administered for the experimental conditions on the first night only from midnight to 02:00. Percentage melatonin suppression on night 1 and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) for each night were calculated. The shorter wavelengths of 470, 497, and 525 nm showed the greatest melatonin suppression, 65% to 81%. The shorter wavelengths also showed the greatest DLMO delay on night 2, ranging from 27 to 36 min. The results were consistent with the involvement of a scotopic mechanism in the regulation of circadian phase. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 801-808, 2001)  相似文献   

外源性褪黑激素对中缅树()适应性产热特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
注射外源性褪黑激素后,中缅树Qu体温明显降低,静止代谢率和非颤拦性产热显著增加,并随蝗延长增加的赵多,注射褪黑激素不能影响肝脏的褐色脂肪组织的重量,但两者线粒体蛋白含量显著增加、线粒体呼吸和细胞色素C氧化酶活性增加;褐色脂肪组织的α磷酸甘油氧化酶和T45’-脱碘酶活性显著增加;血清T3浓度显著上升,T4浓度显著降低。结果表明,松果体褪黑激素参与了中缅树Qu的适应性产热调节。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that glucocorticoid stimulation mediates the effect of exercise on circadian clock resetting in hamsters. We injected animals with 1 and 5 mg dexamethasone—a potent glucocorticoid agonist—at zeitgeber time (ZT) 4 and ZT6, circadian phases at which vigorous exercise induces maximal phase advances of about 3h. Neither dose of dexamethasone induced phase shifts that were significantly larger than those induced by injections of saline vehicle at either of the phases tested. Some animals, however, showed quite large and consistent phase shifts to repeated injections whether with saline or dexamethasone, such that there was a statistically significant correlation between individuals' responses to the two treatments. The data indicate no role for increased glucocorticoid activity in mediating the effects of exercise on circadian phase shifting, but suggest a modest role for nonspecific stimulation, independent of exercise, in inducing phase shifts at ZT4–ZT6. (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 203–213, 2001)  相似文献   

外源性褪黑激素对黄鳝性腺发育及性腺激素分泌的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
石琼  邓柏澧 《动物学报》1998,44(4):435-442
通过注射实验研究了外源性褪黑激素对黄鲜性腺发育及性腺激素分泌的影响。结果表明,处于不同性腺发育时期的黄鲜对餐源褪黑激素的反应存在季节性差异。上述结果暗示,黑激素影响黄鲜性腺发育的关键时间可能是在性腺静止期,亦即Ⅳ期或/和Ⅳ期之前。  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the effects of skin pressure by foundation garments (girdle and brassiere) on the circadian rhythms of core temperature and salivary melatonin. Ten healthy females (18–23 years) maintained regular sleep-wake cycles for a week prior to participation in the experiment. The experiments were performed from June to August 1999 using a bioclimatic chamber controlled at 26.5°C ± 0.2°C and 62% ± 3% RH. Ambient light intensity was controlled at 500 lux from 07:30 to 17:30, 100 lux from 17:30 to 19:30, 20 lux from 19:30 to 23:30; there was total darkness from 23:30 to 07:30. The experiment lasted for 58h over three nights. The participants arose at 07:30 on the first full day and retired at 23:30, adhering to a set schedule for 24h, but without wearing foundation garments. For the final 24h of the second full day, the subjects wore foundation garments. Rectal and leg skin temperatures were measured continuously throughout the experiment. Saliva and urine were collected every 4h for the analysis of melatonin and catecholamines, respectively. Skin pressure applied by the foundation garments was in the range 11–17 gf/cm2 at the regions of the abdomen, hip, chest, and back. The main results were as follows: (1) Rectal temperatures were significantly higher throughout the day and night when wearing foundation garments. (2) The nocturnal level of salivary melatonin measured at 03:30 was 115.2 ± 40.4 pg/mL (mean ± SEM, N = 10) without and 51.3 ± 18.4 pg/mL (mean ± SEM, N = 10) with foundation garments. (3) Mean urinary noradrenaline excretion was significantly lower throughout the day and night when wearing foundation garments (p <. 05), but mean urinary adrenaline excretion was not different. The results suggest that skin pressure by clothing could markedly suppress the nocturnal elevation of salivary melatonin, resulting in an increase of rectal temperature. (Chronobiology International, 17(6) 783–793, 2000)  相似文献   

高原鼠兔松果腺褪黑激素含量昼夜节律的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李子巍  杜继曾 《兽类学报》1994,14(3):234-238
自然光照条件下,高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)松果腺褪黑激素(Melatonin,MLT)含量呈现明显的昼夜节律(P<0.001,夜间组含量均值与白天组含量均值差异显著性比较)。在2月份的实验中,对18只鼠兔(体重122—164克)松果腺的采样时间分别为02.00,09.00,12.00,18.00,22.00和24.00时。白天MLT含量波动为56—64微微克/松果腺,夜间波动为113—170微微克/松果腺。夜间MLT含量高峰值出现在24.00时。在10月份的实验中,对60只鼠兔(体重102—153克)松果腺的采样时间分别为03.00,06.00,09.00,12.00,15.00,18.00,21.00和24.00时。白天MLT含量波动为77—119微微克/松果腺,夜间波动为139—505微微克/松果腺。夜间MLT含量高峰值出现在03.00时。将2月份和10月份高原鼠兔松果腺MLT含量进行差异显著性比较,10月组显著高于2月组(P<0.05)。结果表明,该动物的松果腺本身对光周期具有敏感性,它能够感知环境光周期的变化,成功地完成神经内分泌的转换。  相似文献   

When organisms are maintained under constant conditions of light and temperature, their endogenous circadian rhythms free run, manifesting their intrinsic period. The phases of these free-running rhythms can be shifted by stimuli of light, temperature, and drugs. The change from one free-running steady state to another following a perturbation often involves several transient cycles (cycles of free-running rhythm drifting slowly to catch up with the postperturbation steady state). Although the investigation of oscillator kinetics in circadian rhythms of both insects and mammals has revealed that the circadian pacemaker phase shifts instantaneously, the phenomenon of transient cycles has remained an enigma. We probed the phases of the transient cycles in the locomotor activity rhythm of the field mouse Mus booduga, evoked by a single light pulse (LP), using LPs at critically timed phases. The results of our experiments indicate that the transient cycles generated during transition from one steady state to another steady state do not represent the state of the circadian pacemaker (basic oscillator) controlling the locomotor activity rhythm in Mus booduga. (Chronobiology International, 17(2), 129–136, 2000)  相似文献   

张信文  陈焱 《生理学报》1994,46(5):451-457
在乌拉坦麻醉的鸣禽燕雀(Fringillamontifringilla)上,观察电刺激上纹状体腹侧尾核(HVc)对发声和呼吸的影响,随后在HVc内注入CB-HRP溶液,研究HVc的中枢联系。结果如下:(1)电刺激HVc的不同区域都引起鸣叫反应。(2)长串电脉冲刺激HVc,产生明显的呼吸易化效应,表现为增频增幅的呼吸。(3)吸气期用短串电脉冲刺激HVc,产生吸气切断效应;刺激落位于呼气相,可使该呼气时程明显延长,以配合鸣叫,然后转变为增频增幅的呼吸。(4)CBHRP法表明,HVc投射到古纹状体粗核和嗅叶X区,HVc接受新纹状体前部大细胞核内侧部、新纹状体中部界面核、端脑听核-L区、丘脑葡萄形核及脑桥蓝斑核的传入投射。提示HVc除控制发声外,尚参与呼吸易化的调制。HVc对发声及呼吸的特异性影响,可能在鸣叫与呼吸的协调机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1401-1419
Many mammals display predictable daily rhythmicity in both neuroendocrine function and behavior. The basic rest-activity cycles are usually consistent for a given species and vary from night-active (nocturnal), those mostly active at dawn and dusk (i.e., crepuscular), and to day-active (diurnal) species. A number of daily rhythms are oppositely phased with respect to the light/dark (LD) cycle in diurnal compared with nocturnal mammals, whereas others are equally phased with respect to the LD cycle, regardless of diurnality/nocturnality. Pineal produced melatonin (MLT) perfectly matches this phase-locked feature in that its production and secretion always occurs during the night in both diurnal and nocturnal mammals. As most rodents studied to date in the field of chronobiology are nocturnal, the aim in this study was to evaluate the effect of light manipulations and different photoperiods on a diurnal rodent, the fat sand rat, Psammomys obesus. The authors studied its daily rhythms of body temperature (Tb) and 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (6-SMT) under various photoperiodic regimes and light manipulations (acute and chronic exposures) while maintaining a constant ambient temperature of 30°C?±?1°C. The following protocols were used: (A) Control (CON) conditions 12L:12D; (A1) exposure to one light interference (LI) of CON-acclimated individuals for 30?min, 5?h after lights-off; (A2) short photoperiod (SP) acclimation (8L:16D) for 3 wks; (A3) 3 wks of SP acclimation with chronic LI of 15?min, three times a night at 4-h intervals; (A4) chronic exposure to constant dim blue light (470nm, 30 lux) for 24?h for 3 wks (LL). (B) The response to exogenous MLT administration, provided in drinking water, was measured under the following protocols: (B1) After chronic exposure to SP with LI, MLT was provided once, starting 1?h before the end of photophase; (B2) after a continuous exposure to dim blue light, MLT was provided at 15:00?h for 2?h for 2 wks; (B3) to CON animals, MLT was given intraperitoneally (i.p.) at 14:00?h. The results demonstrate that under CON acclimation, Psammomys obesus has robust Tb and 6-SMT daily rhythms in which the acrophase (peak time) of Tb is during the photophase, whereas that of 6-SMT is during scotophase. LI resulted in an elevation of Tb and a reduction of 6-SMT levels. A significant difference in the response was noted between acute and chronic exposure to LI, particularly in 6-SMT levels, which were lower than CON after LI and higher after chronic LI, implying an acclimation process. Constant exposure to blue light abolished Tb and 6-SMT rhythms in all the animals. MLT administration resumed the Tb daily rhythm in these animals, and had a recovery effect on the chronic LI-exposed animals, resulting in a Tb decrease. Altogether, the authors show in this study the different modifications of Tb rhythms and MLT levels in response to environmental light manipulations. These series of experiments may serve as a basis for establishing P. obesus as an animal model for further studies in chronobiology. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Yellow wrasses (Halichoeres chrysus) show clear daily activity patterns. The fish hide in the substrate at (subjective) night, during the distinct rest phase. Initial entrainment in a 12h:12h light-dark (12:12 LD) cycle (mean period 24.02h, SD 0.27h, n = 16 was followed by a free run (mean period 24.42h, SD 1.33h) after transition into constant dim light conditions. Light pulses of a comparable intensity as used in the light part of the LD cycles did not result in significant phase shifts of the free-running rhythm in constant darkness. Application of much brighter 3h light pulses resulted in a phase-response curve (PRC) for a fish species, with pronounced phase advances during late subjective night. The PRCs differed from those mainly obtained in other vertebrate taxa by the absence of significant phase delays in the early subjective night. At that circadian phase, significant tonic effects of the light pulses caused a shortening of the circadian period length. Entrainment to skeleton photoperiods of 1:11 LD was observed in five of six wrasses exposed, also after a 3h phase advance of this LD cycle. Subsequently, a 1:11.25 LD cycle resulted in entrainment in four of the six fish. It is suggested that the expression of the circadian system in fish can be interpreted as a functional response to a weak natural zeitgeber, as present in the marine environment. This response allows photic entrainment as described here in the yellow wrasse. (Chronobiology International, 17(5), 613–622, 2000)  相似文献   

用简易的外科手术在阿白山羊梳绒后的非长绒季节,给羊体颈部皮下埋植一种含褪黑素的胶囊试验,经5周后受试羊群长出了新绒,对照群则未见新绒生长。在8月下旬天然生绒季节快下到时,试验组羊绒已长至近3公分;而对照群才开始生绒,但绒长不足1分分。表明含上述激素胶囊促绒生长首次成功。翌年对上述羊群跟踪检测结果:受试羊群个体产绒量的特级(≥450克/头)率。提高为50-68.4%,与对照群(35%)相比,提高15  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare the circadian phase characteristics of healthy adolescent and young adult males in a naturalistic summertime condition. A total of 19 adolescents (mean age 15.7 years) and 18 young adults (mean age 24.5 years) with no sleep problems took part in this study. Two-night polysomnographic (PSG) sleep recordings and 24h secretion patterns of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin were monitored in all 37 subjects. Sleep-wake patterns were initially assessed at home using a standard sleep diary. Circadian assessment included the measure of dim light melatonin offset (DLMOff) and the morningness-eveningness (M/E) questionnaire. As expected, compared to young adults, adolescents habitually spent more nocturnal time in bed and spent more time (and percentage) in delta sleep. No difference was found between adolescents and young adults on multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) sleep onset latencies, M/E, melatonin secretion measures (24h total, nighttime, daytime, and night ratio), and DLMOff. For the subjects as a whole, correlational analyses revealed a significant association between the DLMOff and M/E and between both these phase markers and habitual bedtimes, habitual rising times, and melatonin secretion measures (daytime levels and the night ratio). No association was found between phase markers and daytime sleepiness or sleep consolidation parameters such as sleep efficiency or number of microarousals. These results together indicate that adolescents and young adults investigated during summertime showed similar circadian phase characteristics, and that, in these age groups, an evening phase preference is associated with a delayed melatonin secretion pattern and delayed habitual sleep patterns without a decrease in sleep consolidation or vigilance. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 489–501, 2000)  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1369-1388
Australian sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa) exhibit marked locomotor activity rhythms in the field and laboratory. Light-dark (LD) and temperature cycles (TCs) are considered important for the entrainment of circadian locomotor activity rhythms and for mediating seasonal adjustments in aspects of these rhythms, such as phase, amplitude, and activity pattern. The relative importance of 24 h LD and TCs in entraining the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in T. rugosa was examined in three experiments. In the first experiment, lizards were held under LD 12:12 and subjected to either a TC of 33:15?°?C in phase with the LD cycle or a reversed TC positioned in antiphase to the LD cycle. Following LD 12:12, lizards were maintained under the same TCs but were subjected to DD. Activity was restricted to the thermophase in LD, irrespective of the lighting regime and during the period of DD that followed, suggesting entrainment by the TC. The amplitude of the TC was lowered by 8?°?C to reduce the intensity and possible masking effect of the TC zeitgeber in subsequent experiments. In the second experiment, lizards were held under LD 12.5:11.5 and subjected to one of three treatments: constant 30?°?C, normal TC (30:20?°?C) in phase with the LD cycle, or reversed TC. Following LD, all lizards were subjected to DD and constant 30?°?C. Post-entrainment free-run records revealed that LD cycles and TCs could both entrain the locomotor rhythms of T. rugosa. In LD, mean activity duration (α) of lizards in the normal TC group was considerably less than that in the constant 30?°?C group. Mean α also increased between LD and DD in lizards in the normal TC group. Although there was large variation in the phasing of the rhythm in relation to the LD cycle in reversed TC lizards, TCs presented in phase with the LD cycle most accurately synchronized the rhythm to the photocycle. In the third experiment, lizards were held in DD at constant 30?°?C before being subjected to a further period of DD and one of four treatments: normal TC (06:00 to 18:00 h thermophase), delayed TC (12:00 to 00:00 h thermophase), advanced TC (00:00 to 12:00 h thermophase), or control (no TC, constant 30?°?C). While control lizards continued to free-run in DD at constant temperature, the locomotor activity rhythms of lizards subjected to TCs rapidly entrained to TCs, whether or not the TC was phase advanced or delayed by 6 h. There was no difference in the phase relationships of lizard activity rhythms to the onset of the thermophase among the normal, delayed, and advanced TC groups, suggesting equally strong entrainment to the TC in each group. The results of this experiment excluded the possibility that masking effects were responsible for the locomotor activity responses of lizards to TCs. The three experiments demonstrated that TCs are important for entraining circadian locomotor activity rhythms of T. rugosa, even when photic cues are conflicting or absent, and that an interaction between LD cycles and TCs most accurately synchronizes this rhythm. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The authors studied whether melatonin administration improves adaptation of workers to nightshift and if its beneficial effect is enhanced by attenuation of morning sunlight exposure. Twelve nightshift nurses received three treatments: Placebo (Pla), Melatonin (Mel), and Melatonin with Sunglasses (Mel-S). Each treatment procedure was administered for 2 d of different 4d nightshifts in a repeated measures crossover design. In Pla, nurses were treated with placebo before daytime sleep and allowed exposure to morning sunlight. In Mel, 6 mg of melatonin was similarly administered before daytime sleep with morning sunlight permitted. In Mel-S, 6 mg of melatonin was given as in Mel, with sunglasses worn in the morning to attenuate sunlight exposure. Placebo or melatonin was administered during days 2 and 3 when the first and second daytime sleep occurred. Nocturnal alertness and performance plus daytime sleep and mood states were assessed during all three treatments. The sleep period and total sleep times were significantly increased by melatonin treatments; yet, nocturnal alertness was only marginally improved. There were no differences between Mel and Mel-S. Performance tests revealed no difference between Pla and melatonin treatments. Melatonin exerted modest benefit in improving the adaptation of workers to nightshift, and its effect was not enhanced by attenuation of morning sunlight exposure.  相似文献   

在切断视神经后锯缘青蟹视网膜电图的昼夜节律发生了明显的变化,但并不完全消失,提示在中枢和眼柄中分别存在着两种起搏器。文中提出了蟹视网膜电图昼夜节律控制的模式图。  相似文献   

Bright light treatment has become an important method of treating depression and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The efficacy of bright light treatment may be dependent upon the position of the light-source, as it determines the relative illumination in each portion of the visual field. This study compared illumination of upper and middle visual fields to determine whether melatonin suppression is different or equivalent. Thirteen older volunteers received three illumination conditions in counterbalanced orders: 1000 lux in the upper visual field, 1000 lux in the middle visual field, or dim diffuse illumination <5 lux. A four-choice reaction time task was performed during tests to ensure eye direction and illumination of the intended portion of the visual field. Illumination in the upper and middle visual fields significantly suppressed melatonin compared to <5 lux (p<0.001). Melatonin suppression was not significantly different with upper or middle field illumination. These results indicate that bright light treatments placed above the eye level might be as effective as those requiring patients to look directly at the light source. Clinical comparative testing would be valuable. In addition, this study demonstrates that significant suppression of melatonin may be achieved through the use of bright light in healthy older volunteers.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1151-1169
The aim of this study was to test if the pattern of human mood variation across the day is consistent with the hypothesis that self-reports of positive affect (PA) have a circadian component, and self-reports of negative affect (NA) do not. Data were collected under two protocols: normal ambulatory conditions of activity and rest and during a 27h constant routine (CR) procedure. Mood data were collected every 3 h during the wake span of the ambulatory protocol and hourly during the 27h CR. In both protocols, rectal temperature data were continuously recorded. In the ambulatory protocol, activity data were also collected to enable estimation of the unmasked (purified) temperature rhythm. Participants were 14 healthy females aged 18–25 yr in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Under both protocols, PA exhibited significant 24h temporal variation [CR: F(23,161)=2.12, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(5,55)=2.44, p<0.05] with a significant sinusoidal component [CR: F(2,21)=7.51, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(2,3)=20.49, p<.05] of the same form as the circadian temperature rhythm. In contrast, NA exhibited an increasing linear trend over time under the ambulatory protocol [F(1,11)=5.74, p<0.05] but nonsignificant temporal variation under the CR protocol. The findings support the hypothesis of a circadian component in PA variation.  相似文献   

在12h光照、12h黑暗交替(Light-Dark; LD)光制下,研究分析了褪黑素和皮质醇水平在鳜血清中的昼夜变化规律,以及13个生物钟基因(Arntl1、Clock、Cry1a、Cry3、Cry-dash、Npas2、Npas4、Nr1d1、Nr1d2、Per1、Per3、Rora和Tim)在鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)肝脏和心脏中的昼夜表达规律。试验在一昼夜内的ZT0(06:00)、ZT3(09:00),ZT6(12:00),ZT9(15:00),ZT12(18:00),ZT15(21:00),ZT18(24:00),ZT21(03:00,2nd d),ZT24(06:00,2nd d) (Zone time,ZT) 9个时间点随机抽取3尾鳜采集其血清、肝脏和心脏。经SPSS 单因素方差分析和Matlab余弦分析,结果显示: 鳜血清中褪黑素和皮质醇含量均呈现出昼夜节律性振荡,褪黑素含量白天显著降低(P0.05),夜间显著上升,皮质醇含量白天缓慢降低,夜间ZT15(21:00)-ZT18(24:00)显著升高,随后开始缓慢降低; 两种激素最低相位都为ZT15(21:00)。在13个生物钟基因中,Cry-dash、Npas4、Nr1d1、Per1和Tim 5个基因在鳜肝脏内具有明显的昼夜节律性,其中Npas4、Nr1d1、Per1、Tim的表达规律相似,皆呈现出光照阶段表达降低,黑暗阶段表达升高的趋势; 但Cry-dash则表现出光照阶段先升高后降低,黑暗阶段先降低后升高的规律。在鳜心脏中,Arntl1、Clock、Cry1a、Npas2、Nr1d1、Nr1d2、Per3、Rora和Tim 9个基因都表现出明显的昼夜节律,表达趋势分为两种: Arntl1、Clock、Nr1d2的表达量在光照阶段降低,黑暗阶段升高; 而Cry1a、Npas2、Nr1d1、Per3、Rora和Tim的表达量在ZT0(06:00)-ZT15(21:00)持续低水平,ZT15(21:00)-ZT18(24:00)表达量显著上升,ZT18(24:00)-ZT21(03:00)表达量降低。研究结果表明: 生物钟基因在鳜肝脏和心脏中所表达的昼夜节律不同。  相似文献   

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