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Despite poor sensitivity and specificity, office blood pressure (BP) determinations are still the “gold standard” for diagnosing gestational hypertension. This prospective blind study evaluates the prognostic value of office values as compared with ambulatory monitoring in pregnancy. We analyzed 2175 BP series systematically sampled from 355 non-preeclamptic pregnant women for 48 h every 4 wks from the first hospital visit until delivery. Women were divided for comparative purposes into three groups: “detected” gestational hypertension, defined on the basis of casual clinical BP>140/90 mm Hg after 20 wks of gestation and hyperbaric index (area of BP excess above the upper limit of a time-specified tolerance interval adjusted for the circadian pattern of the reference population) consistently above the threshold for diagnosing hypertension in pregnancy; “undetected” gestational hypertension, women with office BP<140/90 mm Hg but hyperbaric index consistently above the threshold for diagnosis; and normotension, women with both office values and hyperbaric index below the respective thresholds for diagnosis. Small and insignificant differences in the 24 h mean BP between “detected” and “undetected” gestational hypertension is observed in all trimesters, in contrast with highly significant differences between these two groups and normotensive pregnancies. Normotensive women are characterized by highly significant lesser incidence by 60% in preterm delivery, 70% in intrauterine growth retardation, and 50% in delivery by cesarean section (P<0.001) compared with women with “detected” and “undetected” gestational hypertension (P>0.715). In pregnancy, the hyperbaric index is markedly superior to office BP measurements for diagnosis of what should be truly considered gestational hypertension, and for prediction of the outcome of pregnancy.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(1-2):233-259
Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia are major contributors to perinatal morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis of gestational hypertension still relies on conventional clinic blood pressure (BP) measurements and thresholds of ≥140/90?mm Hg for systolic (SBP)/diastolic (DBP) BP. However, the correlation between BP level and target organ damage, cardiovascular disease risk, and long-term prognosis is greater for ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) than clinic BP measurement. Accordingly, ABPM has been suggested as the logical approach to overcoming the low sensitivity and specificity of clinic BP measurements in pregnancy. With the use of ABPM, differing predictable BP patterns throughout gestation have been identified for clinically healthy and hypertensive pregnant women. In normotensive pregnancies, BP steadily decreases up to the middle of gestation and then increases up to the day of delivery. In contrast, women who develop gestational hypertension or preeclampsia show stable BP during the first half of pregnancy and a continuous linear BP increase thereafter until delivery. Epidemiologic studies have also consistently reported sex differences in the 24-h patterns of ambulatory BP and heart rate. Typically, men exhibit a lower heart rate and higher BP than women, the differences being larger for SBP than DBP. Additionally, as early as in the first trimester of gestation, statistically significant increased 24-h SBP and DBP means characterize women complicated with gestational hypertension or preeclampsia compared with women with uncomplicated pregnancies. However, the normally lower BP in nongravid women as compared with men, additional decrease in BP during the second trimester of gestation in normotensive but not in hypertensive pregnant women, and significant differences in the 24-h BP pattern between healthy and complicated pregnancies at all gestational ages have not been taken into consideration when establishing reference BP thresholds for the diagnosis of hypertension in pregnancy. Several studies reported that use of the 24-h BP mean is not a proper test for an individualized early diagnosis of hypertension in pregnancy defined on the basis of cuff BP measurements, thus concluding that from such an awkward approach ABPM is not useful in pregnancy. The 24-h BP pattern that characterizes healthy pregnant women at all gestational ages suggests the use for diagnosis of a time-specified reference limit reflecting that mostly predictable BP variability. Once the time-varying threshold, given, for instance, by the upper limit of a tolerance interval, is available, the hyperbaric index (HBI), as a determinant of BP excess, can be calculated as the total area of any given subject's BP above the threshold. This tolerance-hyperbaric test, where diagnosis of gestational hypertension is based on the HBI calculated with reference to a time-specified tolerance limit, has been shown to provide high sensitivity and specificity for the early identification of subsequent hypertension in pregnancy, as well as a valuable approach for prediction of pregnancy outcome. ABPM during gestation, starting preferably at the time of the first obstetric check-up following positive confirmation of pregnancy, provides sensitive endpoints for use in early risk assessment and guide for establishing prophylactic or therapeutic intervention, and should thus be regarded as the required standard for the diagnosis of hypertension in pregnancy. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Diurnal blood pressure (BP) fluctuations are superimposed by a 24-h rhythm with usually lower levels during the night and higher levels during the day. In contrast to other rhythmic bioparameters, the diurnal BP rhythm is largely dependent on activity and sleep rather than on clock time. This has been demonstrated by the BP characteristics after shifted sleeping and working phases, during transition from sleep to wakefulness, and by the influence of sleep and activities on the 24-h BP curve during normal daily routines. Whereas the circadian rhythm of BP is predominantly governed by external time triggers, endogenous rhythmic-ity can only be detected by time microscopic analysis or in conditions where effects of external time triggers are almost excluded.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(1-2):176-191
Some studies based on ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (ABPM) have reported a reduction in sleep-time relative BP decline towards a more non-dipping pattern in the elderly, but rarely have past studies included a proper comparison with younger subjects, and no previous report has evaluated the potential role of hypertension treatment time on nighttime BP regulation in the elderly. Accordingly, we evaluated the influence of age and time-of-day of hypertension treatment on the circadian BP pattern assessed by 48-h ABPM. This cross-sectional study involved 6147 hypertensive patients (3108 men/3039 women), 54.0?±?13.7 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, with 2137 (978 men/1159 women) being ≥60 yrs of age. At the time of study, 1809 patients were newly diagnosed and untreated, and 4338 were treated with hypertension medications. Among the later, 2641 ingested all their prescribed BP-lowering medications upon awakening, whereas 1697 ingested the full daily dose of ≥1 hypertension medications at bedtime. Diagnosis of hypertension in untreated patients was based on ABPM criteria, specifically an awake systolic (SBP)/diastolic (DBP) BP mean ≥135/85?mm Hg and/or an asleep SBP/DBP mean ≥120/70?mm Hg. Collectively, older in comparison with younger patients were more likely to have diagnoses of microalbuminuria, chronic kidney disease, obstructive sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, anemia, and/or obesity. In addition, the group of older vs. younger patients had higher glucose, creatinine, uric acid, triglycerides, and fibrinogen, but lower cholesterol, hemoglobin, and estimated glomerular filtration rate. In older compared with younger patients, ambulatory SBP was significantly higher and DBP significantly lower (p?<?.001), mainly during the hours of nighttime sleep and initial hours after morning awakening. The prevalence of non-dipping was significantly higher in older than younger patients (63.1% vs. 41.1%; p?<?.001). The largest difference between the age groups was in the prevalence of a riser BP pattern, i.e., asleep SBP mean greater than awake SBP mean (19.9% vs. 4.9% in older vs. younger patients, respectively; p?<?.001). The sleep-time relative SBP decline was mainly unchanged until ~40 yrs of age, and then significantly and progressively decreasing with increasing age at a rate of .28%/yr (p?<?.001), reaching a minimum value of 4.38%?±?.47% for patients ≥75 yrs of age. Treated compared with untreated patients showed lower awake and asleep SBP means, although the predictable changes of SBP and DBP with age were equivalent in both groups. As a consequence, there were no significant differences between untreated and treated patients in the changes of the sleep-time relative SBP and DBP declines with age. Additionally, the asleep SBP and DBP means were significantly lower and the sleep-time relative SBP and DBP declines significantly higher at all ages in patients ingesting ≥1 BP-lowering medications at bedtime as compared with those ingesting all medications upon awakening. Our findings document a significantly elevated prevalence of a blunted nighttime BP decline with increasing age ≥40 yrs. The prevalence of a riser BP pattern, associated with highest cardiovascular risk among all possible BP patterns, was 4 times more prevalent in patients ≥60 yrs of age than those <60 yr of age. Most important, there was an attenuated prevalence of a blunted nighttime BP decline at all ages when ≥1 hypertension medications were ingested at bedtime as compared with when all of them were ingested upon awakening. These findings indicate that older age should be included among the conditions for which ABPM is recommended for proper cardiovascular risk assessment. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

There is strong association between diabetes and increased risk of end-organ damage, stroke, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Non-dipping (<10% decline in the asleep relative to awake blood pressure [BP] mean), as determined by ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM), is frequent in diabetes and consistently associated with increased CVD risk. The reported prevalence of non-dipping in diabetes is highly variable, probably due to differences in the study groups (normotensive subjects, untreated hypertensives, treated hypertensives), relatively small sample sizes, reliance only on a single, low-reproducibility, 24-h ABPM evaluation per participant, and definition of daytime and nighttime periods by arbitrary selected fixed clock-hour spans. Accordingly, we evaluated the influence of diabetes on the circadian BP pattern by 48-h ABPM (rather than for 24?h to increase reproducibility of results) during which participants maintained a diary listing times of going to bed at night and awakening in the morning. This cross-sectional study involved 12 765 hypertensive patients (6797 men/5968 women), 58.1?±?14.1 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, enrolled in the Hygia Project, designed to evaluate prospectively CVD risk by ABPM in primary care centers of northwest Spain. Among the participants, 2954 (1799 men/1155 women) had type 2 diabetes. At the time of study, 525/3314 patients with/without diabetes were untreated for hypertension, and the remaining 2429/6497 patients with/without diabetes were treated. Hypertension was defined as awake systolic (SBP)/diastolic (DBP) BP mean ≥135/85?mm Hg, or asleep SBP/DBP mean ≥120/70?mm Hg, or BP-lowering treatment. Hypertensive patients with than without diabetes were more likely to be men and of older age, have diagnoses of microalbuminuria, proteinuria, chronic kidney disease, obstructive sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, and/or obesity, plus higher glucose, creatinine, uric acid, and triglycerides, but lower cholesterol and estimated glomerular filtration rate. In patients with diabetes, ambulatory SBP was significantly elevated (p?<?.001), mainly during the hours of nighttime sleep and initial hours after morning awakening, independent of presence/absence of BP-lowering treatment. Ambulatory DBP, however, was significantly higher (p?<?.001) in patients without diabetes, mainly during the daytime. Differing trends for SBP and DBP between groups resulted in large differences in ambulatory pulse pressure (PP), it being significantly greater (p?<?.001) throughout the entire 24?h in patients with diabetes, even after correcting for age. Prevalence of non-dipping was significantly higher in patients with than without diabetes (62.1% vs. 45.9%; p?<?.001). Largest difference between groups was in the prevalence of the riser BP pattern, i.e., asleep SBP mean greater than awake SBP mean (19.9% vs. 8.1% in patients with and without diabetes, respectively; p?<?.001). Elevated asleep SBP mean was the major basis for the diagnosis of hypertension and/or inadequate BP control among patients with diabetes; thus, among the uncontrolled hypertensive patients with diabetes, 89.2% had nocturnal hypertension. Our findings document significantly elevated prevalence of a blunted nocturnal BP decline in hypertensive patients with diabetes. Most important, prevalence of the riser BP pattern, associated with highest CVD risk among all possible BP patterns, was more than twice as prevalent in diabetes. Patients with diabetes also presented significantly elevated ambulatory PP, reflecting increased arterial stiffness and enhanced CVD risk. These collective findings indicate that diabetes should be included among the clinical conditions for which ABPM is recommended for proper CVD risk assessment. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

In studies and assessments of human beings done in natural settings, it is assumed that the period τ of circadian rhythms, including ones of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, is equal to 24 hours. To test this hypothesis, SBP and DBP rhythms were studied in 112 medication-free, non-hospitalized subjects (62 males, 47.1 + 2.0 years [χ ± SEM], and 50 females, 54.5 ± 2.1 years) by 48h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Of these, 26 were hypertensive (diurnal SBP> 140 mmHg and diurnal DBP> 90 mmHg) and 86 normotensive. All subjects were synchronized by their habitual daytime activities from ?08:00h to ?23:00h ± lh and by sleep at night. The BP was assessed at 15-minute intervals during a continuous 48h span using a Spacelabs model #90207 ABPM. The time series data of each subject were individually evaluated by power spectra analysis for the prominent x of the SBP and DBP rhythms. The prominent X differed from 24 hours in 22/112 subjects for SBP and in 16/112 subjects for DBP. Generally, in these individuals the τ was less than 24 hours. The occurrence of non-24h τ's was more frequent in hypertensive than normotensive subjects; the difference between the groups in the distribution of the prominent τ's by class (τ = 24h, >=12, 12h<24h, etc.) was statistically significant (χ2 test =19.1; p < 0.001). No difference in the distribution of x's of blood pressure was detected according to the subject's age and gender. These findings suggest that ABPM done only for a duration of 24h may be too short to characterize accurately the features of the day-night variation in human BP, including the precise period of its rhythm. (Chronobiology International, 14(3), 307–317, 1997)  相似文献   

Diurnal blood pressure (BP) fluctuations are superimposed by a 24-h rhythm with usually lower levels during the night and higher levels during the day. In contrast to other rhythmic bioparameters, the diurnal BP rhythm is largely dependent on activity and sleep rather than on clock time. This has been demonstrated by the BP characteristics after shifted sleeping and working phases, during transition from sleep to wakefulness, and by the influence of sleep and activities on the 24-h BP curve during normal daily routines. Whereas the circadian rhythm of BP is predominantly governed by external time triggers, endogenous rhythmicity can only be detected by time microscopic analysis or in conditions where effects of external time triggers are almost excluded.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(1-2):207-220
Hypertension is defined as resistant to treatment when a therapeutic plan including ≥3 hypertension medications failed to sufficiently lower systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures (BPs). Most individuals, including those under hypertension therapy, show a “white-coat” effect that could cause an overestimation of their real BP. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of “white-coat” or isolated-office resistant hypertension (RH) has always been evaluated by comparing clinic BP values with either daytime home BP measurements or the awake BP mean obtained from ambulatory monitoring (ABPM), therefore including patients with either normal or elevated asleep BP mean. Here, we investigated the impact of including asleep BP mean as a requirement for the definition of hypertension on the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and estimated cardiovascular (CVD) risk of isolated-office RH. This cross-sectional study evaluated 3042 patients treated with ≥3 hypertension medications and evaluated by 48-h ABPM (1707 men/1335 women), 64.2?±?11.6 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, enrolled in the Hygia Project. Among the participants, 522 (17.2%) had true isolated-office RH (elevated clinic BP and controlled awake and asleep ambulatory BPs while treated with 3 hypertension medications), 260 (8.6%) had false isolated-office RH (elevated clinic BP, controlled awake SBP/DBP means, but elevated asleep SBP or DBP mean while treated with 3 hypertension medications), and the remaining 2260 (74.3%) had true RH (elevated awake or asleep SBP/DBP means while treated with 3 medications, or any patient treated with ≥4 medications). Patients with false, relative to those with true, isolated-office RH had higher prevalence of microalbuminuria and chronic kidney disease (CKD), significantly higher albumin/creatinine ratio (p <?.001), significantly higher 48-h SBP/DBP means by 9.6/5.3?mm Hg (p?<?.001), significantly lower sleep-time relative SBP and DBP decline (p?<?.001), and significantly greater prevalence of a non-dipper BP profile (96.9% vs. 38.9%; p?<?.001). Additionally, the prevalence of the riser BP pattern, which is associated with highest CVD risk, was much greater, 40.4% vs. 5.0% (p?<?.001), among patients with false isolated-office RH. The estimated hazard ratio of CVD events, using a fully adjusted model including the significant confounding variables of sex, age, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, asleep SBP mean, and sleep-time relative SBP decline, was significantly greater for patients with false compared with those with true isolated-office RH (2.13 [95% confidence interval: 1.95–2.32]; p?<?.001). Patients with false isolated-office hypertension and true RH, however, were equivalent for the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, microalbuminuria, and chronic kidney disease, and they had an equivalent estimated hazard ratio of CVD events (1.04 [95% confidence interval: .97–1.12]; p?=?.265). Our findings document a significantly elevated prevalence of a blunted nighttime BP decline in patients here categorized as either false isolated-office RH and true RH, jointly accounting for 82.8% of the studied sample. Previous reports of much lower prevalence of true RH plus a nonsignificant increased CVD risk of this condition compared with isolated-office RH are misleading by disregarding asleep BP mean for classification. Our results further indicate that classification of RH patients into categories of isolated-office RH, masked RH, and true RH cannot be based on the comparison of clinic BP with either daytime home BP measurements or awake BP mean from ABPM, as so far customary in the available literature, totally disregarding the highly significant prognostic value of nighttime BP. Accordingly, ABPM should be regarded as a clinical requirement for proper diagnosis of true RH. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The large-amplitude circadian pattern in blood pressure of healthy subjects of both genders suggests that the constant threshold currently used to diagnose hypertension should be replaced by a time-specified reference limit reflecting the mostly predictable blood pressure variability during the 24 h. Accordingly, we derived circadian time-specified reference standards for blood pressure as a function of gender. We studied 743 normotensive Caucasian volunteers (400 men and 343 women), 45.7 ± 16.5 (mean ± SD) years of age. Blood pressure was measured by ambulatory monitoring at 20-min intervals during the day and at 30-min intervals at night for 48 consecutive hours. Data from each blood pressure series were synchronized according to the rest-activity cycle of each individual in order to avoid differences among subjects in actual times of daily activity. Data were then used to compute 90% circadian tolerance intervals for each gender separately. The method, derived on the basis of bootstrap techniques, does not need to assume normality or symmetry in the data and, therefore, it is highly appropriate to describe the circadian pattern of blood pressure variability. Results reflect expected changes in the tolerance limits as a function of gender and circadian sampling time, as well as upper blood pressure limits below the thresholds currently used for diagnosing hypertension, especially for women. The use of these time-dependent tolerance limits for the computation of a hyperbaric index as a measure of blood pressure excess has already been shown to provide a reproducible and high-sensitivity test for the diagnosis of hypertension, which can also be used to evaluate treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

Although the circadian blood pressure (BP) pattern has been extensively studied, the determinants of this rhythm are not fully understood. Peripheral vasodilatation is a regulatory mechanism for BP maintenance. However, it remains to be established whether the increase of nocturnal distal skin temperature associated with heat loss could also reflect the dipping status. For the first time, this paper investigates the relationship between BP and skin wrist temperature (WT), to evaluate whether the WT circadian rhythm can serve as screening procedure to detect dipping/non-dipping BP patterns. In addition, the authors compare the relationship between WT and other variables previously described as determinants of the BP pattern, such as physical activity and body position. Measurements of WT, motor activity, and body position for 5 d, plus ambulatory BP for 24-h during that span, were obtained from 28 diurnally active normotensive volunteers. WT was negatively correlated, whereas activity and body position were positively correlated, with systolic and diastolic BPs. However, these relationships were stronger during the rest than activity phase. In addition, a 78.6% concordance was detected between the observed dips in BP and the predicted BP pattern calculated based on the WT rhythm. Thus, these results suggest that the increase in WT produced by heat loss during the rest phase through peripheral skin blood vessels is the result of blood vessel vasodilatation reflexes in response to a shift from a standing to a supine position, together with shift in the circadian sympathetic/parasympathetic balance (nocturnal parasympathetic activation). In conclusion, WT could be considered as a potential new screening procedure to implement the diagnosis of non-dipping BP pattern. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

There is strong association between chronic kidney disease (CKD) and increased prevalence of hypertension, risk of end-organ damage, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Non-dipping, as determined by ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (ABPM), is frequent in CKD and has also been consistently associated with increased CVD risk. The reported prevalence of non-dipping in CKD is highly variable, probably due to relatively small sample sizes, reliance only on a single, low-reproducibility, 24-h ABPM evaluation per participant, and definition of daytime and nighttime periods by arbitrary fixed clock-hour spans. Accordingly, we assessed the circadian BP pattern of patients with and without CKD by 48-h ABPM to increase reproducibility of the results. This cross-sectional study involved 10 271 hypertensive patients (5506 men/4765 women), 58.0?±?14.2 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, enrolled in the Hygia Project. Among the participants, 3227 (1925 men/1302 women) had CKD. At the time of recruitment, 568/2234 patients with/without CKD were untreated for hypertension. Patients with than without CKD were more likely to be men and of older age, have diagnoses of obstructive sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and/or obesity, plus have higher glucose, creatinine, uric acid, and triglyceride, but lower cholesterol, concentrations. In patients with CKD, ambulatory systolic BP (SBP) was significantly elevated (p?<?.001), mainly during the hours of nighttime sleep, independent of presence/absence of BP-lowering treatment. In patients without CKD, ambulatory diastolic BP (DBP), however, was significantly higher (p?<?.001), mainly during the daytime. Differing trends for SBP and DBP between groups resulted in large differences in ambulatory pulse pressure (PP), it being significantly greater (p?<?.001) for the entire 24?h in patients with CKD. Prevalence of non-dipping was significantly higher in patients with than without CKD (60.6% vs. 43.2%; p?<?.001). The largest difference between groups was in the prevalence of the riser BP pattern, i.e., asleep SBP mean?>?awake SBP mean (17.6% vs. 7.1% in patients with and without CKD, respectively; p?<?.001). The riser BP pattern significantly and progressively increased from 8.1% among those with stage 1 CKD to a very high 34.9% of those with stage 5 CKD. Elevated asleep SBP mean was the major basis for the diagnosis of hypertension and/or inadequate BP control among patients with CKD; thus, among the uncontrolled hypertensive patients with CKD, 90.7% had nocturnal hypertension. Our findings document significantly elevated prevalence of a blunted nocturnal BP decline in hypertensive patients with CKD. Most important, prevalence of the riser BP pattern, associated with highest CVD risk among all possible BP patterns, was 2.5-fold more prevalent in CKD, and up to 5-fold more prevalent in end-stage renal disease. Patients with CKD also presented significantly elevated ambulatory PP, reflecting increased arterial stiffness and enhanced CVD risk. Collectively, these findings indicate that CKD should be included among the clinical conditions for which ABPM is mandatory for proper diagnosis and CVD risk assessment, as well as a means to establish the best therapeutic scheme to increase CVD event-free survival. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a single nighttime dose of standard doxazosin, an α-adrenergic antagonist, reduces blood pressure (BP) throughout the 24 h. We investigated the administration-time-dependent effects of the new doxazosin gastrointestinal therapeutic system (GITS) formulation. We studied 91 subjects (49 men and 42 women), 56.7 ± 11.2 (mean ± SD) yrs of age with grade 1–2 essential hypertension; 39 patients had been previously untreated, and the remaining 52 had been treated with two antihypertensive medications with inadequate control of their hypertension. The subjects of the two groups, the monotherapy and polytherapy groups, respectively, were randomly assigned to receive the single daily dose of doxazosin GITS (4 mg/day) either upon awakening or at bedtime. BP was measured by ambulatory monitoring every 20 min during the day and every 30 min at night for 48 consecutive hours just before and after 3 months of treatment. After 3 months of doxazosin GITS therapy upon awakening, there was a small and nonstatistically significant reduction in BP (1.8 and 3.2 mm Hg in the 24 h mean of systolic and diastolic BP in monotherapy; 2.2 and 1.9 mm Hg in polytherapy), mainly because of absence of any effect on nocturnal BP. The 24 h mean BP reduction was larger and statistically significant (6.9 and 5.9 mm for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively, in monotherapy; 5.3 and 4.5 mm Hg in polytherapy) when doxazosin GITS was scheduled at bedtime. This BP-lowering effect was similar during both the day and nighttime hours. Doxazosin GITS ingested daily on awakening failed to provide full 24 h therapeutic coverage. Bedtime dosing with doxazosin GITS, however, significantly reduced BP throughout the 24 h both when used as a monotherapy and when used in combination with other antihypertensive pharmacotherapy. Knowledge of the chronopharmacology of doxazosin GITS is key to optimizing the efficiency of its BP-lowering effect, and this must be taken into consideration when prescribing this medication to patients.  相似文献   

Generally, hypertensive patients ingest all their blood pressure (BP)-lowering agents in the morning. However, many published prospective trials have reported clinically meaningful morning-evening, treatment-time differences in BP-lowering efficacy, duration of action, and safety of most classes of hypertension medications, and it was recently documented that routine ingestion of ≥1 hypertension medications at bedtime, compared with ingestion of all of them upon awakening, significantly reduces cardiovascular disease (CVD) events. Non-dipping (<10% decline in asleep relative to awake BP mean), as determined by ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM), is frequent in diabetes and is associated with increased CVD risk. Here, we investigated the influence of hypertension treatment-time regimen on the circadian BP pattern, degree of BP control, and relevant clinical and analytical parameters of hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes evaluated by 48-h ABPM. This cross-sectional study involved 2429 such patients (1465 men/964 women), 65.9?±?10.6 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, enrolled in the Hygia Project, involving primary care centers of northwest Spain and designed to evaluate prospectively CVD risk by ABPM. Among the participants, 1176 were ingesting all BP-lowering medications upon awakening, whereas 1253 patients were ingesting ≥1 medications at bedtime. Among the latter, 336 patients were ingesting all BP-lowering medications at bedtime, whereas 917 were ingesting the full daily dose of some hypertension medications upon awakening and the full dose of others at bedtime. Those ingesting ≥1 medications at bedtime versus those ingesting all medications upon awakening had lower likelihood of metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease (CKD); had significantly lower albumin/creatinine ratio, glucose, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol; and had higher estimated glomerular filtration rate and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Moreover, patients ingesting all medications at bedtime had lowest fasting glucose, serum creatinine, uric acid, and prevalence of proteinuria and CKD. Ingestion of ≥1 medications at bedtime was also significantly associated with lower asleep systolic (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) means than treatment with all medications upon awakening. Sleep-time relative SBP and DBP decline was significantly attenuated in patients ingesting all medications upon awakening (p?<?.001). Thus, the prevalence of non-dipping was significantly higher when all hypertension medications were ingested upon awakening (68.6%) than when ≥1 of them was ingested at bedtime (55.8%; p?<?.001 between groups), and even further attenuated (49.7%) when all of them were ingested at bedtime (p?<?.001). Additionally, prevalence of the riser BP pattern, associated with highest CVD risk, was much greater (23.6%) among patients ingesting all medications upon awakening, compared with those ingesting some (20.0%) or all medications at bedtime (12.2%; p?<?.001 between groups). The latter group also showed significantly higher prevalence of properly controlled ambulatory BP (p <?.001) that was achieved by a significantly lower number of hypertension medications (p?<?.001) compared with patients treated upon awakening. Our findings demonstrate significantly lower asleep SBP mean and attenuated prevalence of a blunted nighttime BP decline, i.e., lower prevalence of markers of CVD risk, and improved metabolic profile in patients with type 2 diabetes ingesting hypertension medications at bedtime than in those ingesting all of them upon awakening. These collective findings indicate that bedtime hypertension treatment, in conjunction with proper patient evaluation by ABPM to corroborate the diagnosis of hypertension and avoid treatment-induced nocturnal hypotension, should be the preferred therapeutic scheme for type 2 diabetes. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Circadian blood pressure variability was recorded in patients with primary hypertension and with different forms of secondary hypertension using ambulatory 24-h blood pressure measurement. A group of 20 patients with different forms of secondary hypertension was compared with a matched group of patients with primary hypertension. Although the mean 24-h blood pressure was not different between the two groups, the patients with secondary hypertension had significantly higher systolic blood pressure during sleep and higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the early morning, compared with the primary hypertension group. This nocturnal blood pressure fall was then investigated in various groups of patients with different forms of secondary hypertension and compared with normotensives and patients with primary hypertension. Patients with mild primary hypertension (n = 152) and with severe primary hypertension (n = 30) had the same blood pressure fall (14–16 mm Hg systolic and diastolic) during the night (23:OO–05:OO h) as normotensives (n = 20). However, in patients with renoparenchymal hypertension (n = 29), renovascular hypertension (n = 20), hyperaldosteronism (n = 6), and hyperthyroidism (n = 14), the nocturnal blood pressure fall was significantly (p < 0.01) reduced. One patient with coarctation ofthe aorta and nine patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and elevated blood pressure had a normal circadian blood pressure profile with a normal nocturnal blood pressure fall. The heart rate decrease during the night was equal in all patient groups. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement allows blood pressure recording under everyday conditions, including nighttime. In primary hypertension the blood pressure variability exhibits the same circadian variation as in normotension, showing a marked nocturnal fall. However, in different forms of secondary hypertension, blood pressure shows a blunted circadian curve. This could have important diagnostic and therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

There is a strong association between metabolic syndrome (MS) and increased cardiovascular risk. Moreover, elevated nighttime blood pressure (BP) and non-dipping (subjects with <10% decline in the asleep relative to the awake BP mean) have been also linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We investigated the relation between MS, circadian time of hypertension treatment, and impaired nighttime BP decline in a cross-sectional study on 3352 (1576 men/1776 women) non-diabetic hypertensive subjects, 53.7?±?13.1 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age. Among them, 2056 were ingesting all their prescribed hypertension medication upon awakening, and 1296 were ingesting at least one of their BP medications at bedtime. BP was measured by ambulatory monitoring for 48 consecutive hours to substantiate reproducibility of the dipping pattern. Physical activity was simultaneously monitored every minute by wrist actigraphy to accurately calculate mean BP when awake and asleep for each subject. MS was present in 52.6% of the subjects. The prevalence of an altered non-dipper BP profile was significantly higher among subjects with MS (52.0% vs. 39.5% in subjects without MS, p < .001). Non-dipping was significantly more prevalent among subjects ingesting all BP-lowering medications upon awakening (56.8%) than among those ingesting at least one of their BP medications at bedtime (29.1%; p < .001). Subjects with MS had significantly higher values of uric acid (6.0 vs. 5.3?mg/dL, p < .001), plasma fibrinogen (331 vs. 315?mg/dL, p < .001), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (14.8 vs. 12.4?mm, p < .001). Non-dipping was significantly associated with the presence of MS and treatment upon awakening in a multiple logistic regression model adjusted by significant confounding factors, including age, creatinine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and cigarette smoking. This cross-sectional study documents a significant increase of a blunted sleep-time BP decline in treated hypertensive subjects with MS. Even in the presence of MS, treatment at bedtime is significantly associated with lower prevalence of a high-risk non-dipper BP profile. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Objective : We describe associations among the heart‐rate‐corrected QT (QTc) interval, QTc dispersion (QTc‐d), circadian BP variation, and autonomic function in obese normotensive women and the effect of sustained weight loss. Research Methods and Procedures : In 71 obese (BMI = 37.14 ± 2.6 kg/m2) women, 25 to 44 years of age, circadian BP variations (24‐hour ambulatory BP monitoring), autonomic function (power spectral analysis of RR interval oscillations), and cardiac repolarization times (QTc‐d and QTc interval) were recorded at baseline and after 1 year of a multidisciplinary program of weight reduction. Results : Compared with nonobese age‐matched women (n = 28, BMI = 23 ± 2.0 kg/m2), obese women had higher values of QTc‐d (p < 0.05) and QTc (p < 0.05), an altered sympathovagal balance (ratio of low‐frequency/high‐frequency power, p < 0.01), and a blunted nocturnal drop in BP (p < 0.01). In obese women, QTc‐d and the QTc interval correlated with diastolic nighttime BP (p < 0.01) and sympathovagal balance (p < 0.01). Waist‐to‐hip ratio, free fatty acids, and plasma insulin levels correlated with QT intervals and reduced nocturnal drops in both systolic and diastolic BP and sympathovagal balance (p < 0.01). After 1 year, obese women lost at least 10% of their original weight, which was associated with decrements of QTc‐d (p < 0.02), the QTc interval (p < 0.05), nighttime BP (p < 0.01), and sympathovagal balance (p < 0.02). Discussion : Sustained weight loss is a safe method to ameliorate diastolic nighttime BP drop and sympathetic overactivity, which may reduce the cardiovascular risk in obese women.  相似文献   

This study investigates the possible effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA; aspirin) on systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) in healthy and mildly hypertensive subjects receiving ASA at different times according to their rest-activity cycle. A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial was conducted in 73 healthy young adult volunteers and 18 previously untreated subjects with mild hypertension. The BP of each subject was automatically monitored every 30 minutes for 48h before the trial and at the end of a one-week course of placebo and a one-week course of ASA. Healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to one of six groups, defined according to the dose of ASA (either 500 mg/day, the usual commercial dose; or 100 mg/day) and timing of ASA and placebo (within 2h after awakening, Time 1; 7h to 9h after awakening, Time 2; or within 2h of bedtime, Time 3). Subjects with mild hypertension the low dose of 100 mg/day ASA, as well as one week of placebo, and were randomly assigned to one of the same three groups defined above according to the time of treatment. A small (?2 mmHg in the 24h mean of SBP), but statistically significant, BP reduction was found when 500 mg/day ASA was given to healthy volunteers at Time 2. With 100 mg/day, the effect of ASA in healthy subjects was comparable to the BP reduction found with the higher dose for Time 2; there was again no effect on BP at Time 1, but we found a statistically significant effect at Time 3 (2.3 mmHg reduction in the 24h mean of SBP), larger than for Time 2. For hypertensive patients, the BP reduction was again statistically significant for Time 2 and, to a greater extent, for Time 3 (?4.5 mmHg for both SBP and DBP); all patients in these two groups showed a BP reduction after one week of ASA. The effect was about three times as large as the BP reduction obtained in healthy subjects treated with 100 mg/day ASA. Results indicate a statistically significant time- and dose-dependent effect of ASA on BP. In any meta-analysis of ASA effects, inquiries about the time when subjects took the drug are indicated and may account for discrepancies in the literature. Moreover, the influence of ASA on BP demonstrated here indicates the need to identify and control for ASA effects in patients using ASA before or during their participation in antihypertension medication trials. (Chronobiology International, 14(6), 619–637, 1997)  相似文献   

Correlation between blood pressure (BP) level and target organ damage, cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, and long-term prognosis is greater for ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) than clinical BP measurements. Nevertheless, the latter continue to be the “gold standard” to diagnose hypertension, assess CVD risk, and evaluate hypertension treatment. Independent ABPM studies have found that elevated sleep-time BP is a better predictor of CVD risk than either the awake or 24-h BP mean. A major limitation of all previous ABPM-based prognostic studies is the reliance only upon a single baseline profile from each participant at the time of inclusion, without accounting for potential changes in the level and pattern of ambulatory BP thereafter during follow-up. Accordingly, impact of the alteration over time, i.e., during long-term follow-up, of specific features of the 24-h BP variation on CVD risk has never been properly investigated. We evaluated the comparative prognostic value of (i) clinic and ambulatory BP; (ii) different ABPM-derived characteristics, e.g., asleep or awake BP mean; and (iii) specific changes in ABPM characteristic during follow-up, mainly whether reduced CVD risk is more related to the progressive decrease of asleep or awake BP. We prospectively studied 3344 subjects (1718 men/1626 women), 52.6?±?14.5 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, during a median follow-up of 5.6 yrs. Those with hypertension at baseline were randomized to ingest all their prescribed hypertension medications upon awakening or ≥1 of them at bedtime. At baseline, BP was measured at 20-min intervals from 07:00 to 23:00?h and at 30-min intervals at night for 48-h, and physical activity was simultaneously monitored every min by wrist actigraphy to accurately derive awake and asleep BP means. Identical assessment was scheduled annually and more frequently (quarterly) if treatment adjustment was required. Data collected either at baseline or the last ABPM evaluation per participant showed that the asleep systolic BP mean was the most significant predictor of both total CVD events and major CVD events (a composite of CVD death, myocardial infarction, and stroke). Moreover, when the asleep BP mean was adjusted by the awake mean, only the former was a significant independent predictor of outcome in a Cox proportional-hazard model adjusted for sex, age, diabetes, anemia, and chronic kidney disease. Analyses of changes in ambulatory BP during follow-up revealed 17% reduction in CVD risk for each 5?mm Hg decrease in the asleep systolic BP mean (p?<?.001), independent of changes in any other clinic or ambulatory BP parameter. The increased event-free survival associated with the progressive reduction in the asleep systolic BP mean during follow-up was significant for subjects with either normal or elevated BP at baseline. The ABPM-derived asleep BP mean was the most significant prognostic marker of CVD morbidity and mortality. Most important, the progressive decrease in asleep BP mean, a novel therapeutic target that requires proper patient evaluation by ABPM and best achieved by ingestion of at least one hypertension medication at bedtime, was the most significant predictor of event-free survival. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the natural history of the circadian rhythm of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in 10 patients with heart failure (class IV of the New York Heart Association), who underwent heart transplantation because of primary congestive cardiomyopathy. The control group was 10 age-matched clinically healthy subjects. The BP and HR monitor-ings were performed before and after transplantation. Preoperatively, analysis of variance and cosinor methods validated the occurrence of a statistically significant BP and HR circadian rhythm in cardiopathic patients. Over the 4 days after surgery, both the cosinor method and serial section analysis were unable to validate a 24-h periodicity for BP and HR in patients with heart transplants. Six months after surgery, the BP and HR circadian rhythm was not detected as well. One year after transplantation. the BP and HR circadian rhythm was statistically validated. The recovery of the BP and HR circadian rhythm 1 year after heart transplantation can be regarded as a clinical sign of a reacquired susceptibility to neurovegetative chronoregulation.  相似文献   

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