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A study of single-stage chemostat cultures of Colpoda steinii. Escherichia coli, and glucose is reported here. Two levels of glucose were fed as the limiting nutrient to the chemostat cultures. The cultures were studied at three holding times. Oscillations developed at short holding time and damped oscillations developed a long-residence times that approached steady-state conditions of populations of C. steinii and E. coli and concentrations of glucose. The experimental data are fitted to and compared with Jost's model.  相似文献   

Formation of the Cyst Wall of the Ciliate Colpoda steinii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After a thin membranous envelope surrounding the cell body and cilia of Colpoda steinii has been formed, the main mass of the proteinaceous cyst wall is deposited without exocytosis. It can be composed of two layers, the denser and wrinkled ectocyst and the smooth-walled endocyst; however, the ectocyst may be missing. Evidence is presented that ecto- and endocyst are formed from vesicles derived from abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum which appears at the time of wall formation. The cilia are retained and become embedded in the peripheral cytoplasm. Synthesis of RNA and protein is required as actinomycin C and cycloheximide block cyst formation. Calcium is required during a sensitive phase prior to encystment.  相似文献   

Colpoda steinii was grown in two-stage continuous cultures with Escherichia coli as prey species. The concentration of prey and the ciliate mean cell volume, dry weight, and number per milliliter were determined at known growth rates. Steady states were reached in the second-stage continuous cultures at all growth rates. Although changes occurred in mean cell size of the ciliates and in the number per milliliter at various growth rates, the yield of protozoan biomass per unit of prey consumed was constant at all growth rates. The data were compared with several equations proposed to describe the kinetics of protozoan growth as a function of prey density.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The encystment and excystment of Colpoda steinii was examined by electron microscopy. Cellular organelles including cilia are retained in the cyst without any fundamental alteration in structure. During encystment, the cell becomes surrounded by 2 coats, the inner of which is the more substanial and regular and is about 1600 A or more thick. It is probably formed in the main from material contained in bodies which have no obvious structure and which may be seen in the cell during cyst formation. Discharging vacuoles containing sheet-like material, probably derived from ingested bacteria, are particularly visible during encystment but probably play no direct role in the formation of the main cyst coat. During excystment, this coat is eroded away and, when it becomes thin enough, the motile cell bursts its way out.  相似文献   

Colpoda steinii was grown in two-stage continuous cultures with Escherichia coli as prey species. The concentration of prey and the ciliate mean cell volume, dry weight, and number per milliliter were determined at known growth rates. Steady states were reached in the second-stage continuous cultures at all growth rates. Although changes occurred in mean cell size of the ciliates and in the number per milliliter at various growth rates, the yield of protozoan biomass per unit of prey consumed was constant at all growth rates. The data were compared with several equations proposed to describe the kinetics of protozoan growth as a function of prey density.  相似文献   

The first microtubules which appear in the prophase micronucleus of Colpoda steinii are located beneath the nuclear envelope and not connected to the chromosomes. Most microtubules of the metaphase spindle are connected to the tapered tips of the micronucleus and terminate singly at the chromosomes surrounded by a conical, RNA-containing kinetochore which disappears upon cold treatment. During anaphase, an interzonal stembody is formed which is maximally stretched at telophase before the daughter micronuclei are pinched off from its ends. The macronucleus, which also stretches parallel to the micronuclear stembody, has fewer microtubules which insert at the inner nuclear envelope but are not attached to the chromatin. Based upon the effects of depolymerizing factors different classes of microtubules can be distinguished. Kinetochore microtubules are sensitive to cold and vinblastine (VLB). In 2.5×10–5 M VLB their number is drastically reduced and the interzonal microtubules of early anaphase, which are also highly sensitive to nocodazole, become completely disassembled. The cross-bridged microtubules of the fully formed stembody of late anaphase display the highest resistance to depolymerization. They show signs of partial disassembly only after prolonged cold exposure and withstand higher concentrations of VLB or nocodazole than other micronuclear microtubules. Microtubules in the elongating macronucleus are fairly insensitive to cold but are depolymerized by 5×10–5 M VLB while 1.66×10–5 M nocodazole, which leaves only traces of stembody microtubules, merely reduces their number and length. All microtubules are fairly resistant to colchicine since high concentrations (5×10–2 M) are required to prevent assembly while fully formed stembodies are unaffected. Macronuclear microtubules are depolymerized at this concentration. Nocodazole, which depolymerizes all premetaphase microtubules at 6.6×10–6 M, leads to multipolar metaphase spindles with numerous microtubules, even at 1.66×10–5 M, an effect ascribed to the activity of the nuclear envelope as a microtubule organizing centre. At twice this concentration multipolar spindles are no longer found and the remaining microtubules show no apparent order. A stabilizing influence of the micronuclear envelope is indicated by the fact that whenever remnants of microtubules are found after depolymerizing treatments, they are located in its vicinity.  相似文献   

1. At 28 degrees C, synthesis of protein cyst coat in ciliates of Colpoda steinii is induced by washing with water and, as judged by glutamic acid assays and incorporation studies with l-[U-(14)C]leucine, starts about 30min after the cells have stopped swimming and is largely complete 90min later. During this time up to 70% of the protein synthesized by the cell is coat protein. 2. When cells were placed in l-[U-(14)C]leucine at low concentrations (0.25-0.76mm) during the period of coat synthesis there was no lag in uptake. Only a small proportion of the leucine incorporated into the coat was from the external substrate, implying that the rate of radioactive isotope incorporation measured the rate of transport of amino acid into the cell. Transport of l-[U-(14)C]leucine into the cell was markedly stimulated by l-glutamic acid and l-lysine. 3. When cells were placed in l-[U-(14)C]leucine at high concentrations (38mm) the rate of incorporation was considered to measure the rate of protein synthesis, but because the latter may have been affected by substrate it is concluded that such measurements are of doubtful value.  相似文献   

1. High-voltage electrophoresis and chromatography before and after reaction with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulphonyl chloride have identified putrescine and spermidine in hydrolysates of cyst coat proteins from the protozoan Colpoda steinii. 2. Amounts present varied with putrescine up to 19.7 and spermidine up to 16.9 residues per 1000 amino acid residues. 3. The amines were not, in the main, removed by acid or alkaline extraction or by reprecipitation. They were present in hydrolysates of peptides isolated electrophoretically from acid-degraded coat protein. 4. Proteolysis of oxidised coat protein produced a soluble core polypeptide to which the major proportion of the amines were attached and which had a simple composition. It was composed almost entirely of glutamic acid or glutamine, glycine, serine and cysteic acid, these residues being present in the approximate ratio of 10:2:1:1. 5. When coat protein was treated with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulphonyl chloride and hydrolysed no fully substituted amines could be detected but putrescine with one group substituted and spermidine derivatives with one and two groups substituted were present.  相似文献   

1. The isolated protein cyst coat of Colpoda steinii reacted with [(14)C]glucose to bind (14)C label in a reaction that was not an artifact of bacterial contamination or of adsorption. 2. The reaction was enzymically catalysed, had optimum pH7.0-7.4 and a temperature optimum of 36-38 degrees C, was non-competitively and reversibly inhibited by 10mum-p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and was specific for d-glucose. It had K(m)8.2x10(-6)m. 3. With the exception of C-1, all the carbon atoms of glucose were bound to the same extent and, measured relative to C-2 or C-6, the binding of C-1 varied between 0.45 and 0.82. The lost C-1 was not accounted for as carbon dioxide. 4. On prolonged incubation a coat preparation reacted with 3.6% of its own weight of glucose. 5. The label was tightly bound, but after acid treatment a variable proportion was recovered as glucose and there was no evidence for the release of any other (14)C-containing compound. 6. Even after dissolution of the coat protein, bound label was not removed by treatment with periodate or lead tetra-acetate.  相似文献   

1. The cyst wall of Colpoda steinii has been isolated and its chemical nature examined. It had a nitrogen content 13.9+/-0.2% (s.d.) and an ash 8.6+/-1.6% (s.d.). After lipid and hot-acid extraction there was a variable residual phosphorus of 0.19-0.64%. The protein nature, indicated by infrared and ultraviolet absorption, was confirmed when 100mug. of hydrolysed wall gave a ninhydrin colour equivalent to that given by 0.88-1.01mumoles of glycine. Hexosamine, hexose, pentose, lipid and dipicolinic acid were absent. 2. Paper chromatography of hydrolysates, besides showing the presence of the usual protein amino acids and three unidentified ninhydrin-reacting spots, indicated the presence of large amounts of glutamic acid. Estimated by chromatography, the amount present was 52.9+/-0.6 (s.d.) g./100g. of ash-free wall; manometric estimation of l-glutamic acid with l-glutamate 1-carboxy-lyase gave 46.5+/-0.9 (s.d.) g./100g. 3. Free carboxyl groups were estimated by titration as 0.159+/-0.011 (s.d.) mole/100g. and those present as amide as 0.154+/-0.004 (s.d.) mole/100g., and the total was compared with the dicarboxylic acid content 0.360+/-0.010 (s.d.) mole/100g. 4. After treatment with 98% formic acid 25-30% of the wall material could be extracted by 0.05m-sodium carbonate solution (extract 1); after treatment of the residue with performic acid a further 62-63% based on the original weight could be extracted by 0.05m-sodium carbonate (extract 2). 5. The average values found for the glutamic acid contents were 21.7g./100g. for extract 1 and 58.0g./100g. for extract 2. The cysteic acid content of whole oxidized wall was about 5.8g./100g. and of extract 2 also about 5.8g./100g. The glutamic acid and cysteic acid contents of the final residue were also investigated. 6. The significance of these extraction experiments in relation to the wall structure is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. During starvation-induced encystment, Colpoda steinii loses some 30% of its nitrogen before synthesizing a glutamic acid-rich protein coat, which after 24 hr accounts for 18% of the cyst protein. Settling cells contain 29 ± 2 pg/cell of glutamic acid (free acid plus that released on hydrolysis) whilst encysted cells contain 51 ± 3 pg/cell, the coat glutamic acid being adequate to account for the increase. Thus substantial glutamic acid and protein biosynthesis occur during starvation. Assayed in homogenates, some relevant enzymes appeared to decrease rather than increase in activity as encystment proceeded. Intra-cellular proteolytic activity showed little alteration but ribonuclease, acid phosphatase, L-alanine: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (E.C. and L-glutamate:NAPD oxidoreductase (E.C. were considerably reduced. The total carbohydrate content of the cell also increased during starvation.  相似文献   

Mass production and storage methods were evaluated for maximization of spores of Vairimorpha necatrix, a promising protozoan for microbial control due to its virulence and prolificity in lepidopterous pests. In vivo spore production was at a maximum when 3rd instar Heliothis zea were exposed to 6.6 spores/mm2 of artificial diet surface and reared for 15 days. Approximately 1.67 × 1010 spores/larva were produced, or ca. 1 × 1010 spores/larva after partial purification of the spores by homogenization of the larvae in water, filtration, and centrifugation. The spores were inactivated by relatively short exposures to several chemicals which were tested to counteract contamination of the diet surface by fungi in the spore inoculum. Spores of V. necatrix were stored at refrigerated and freezing temperatures for up to 2 years and bioassayed periodically with 2nd instar H. zea. Spores lost little infectivity after 23 months at 6°C if they were stored in a purified water suspension plus antibiotic, but they were noninfective after 18 months at 6°C if stored in host tissue. Storage at ?15°C caused little loss of infectivity whether the spores were stored in water and glycerine, in host tissue, or after lyophilization. The spores withstood lyophilization in host cadavers better than in purified water suspension. Samples of a dry V. necatrix-corn meal formulation, which was prepared for field efficacy tests and stored at ?15° and 6°C, were highly infective after 9 months. Large numbers of V. necatrix spores can thus be produced and later made available for microbial control field trials with little loss of infectivity.  相似文献   

Extremely halophilic bacteria, which are able to grow in, and require, saturated or near-saturated salt solutions are both of historical interest and of practical importance as food spoilage organisms. In addition, because of the environment in which they live, their membranes, enzymes, and ribosomes have unusual or unique properties that make them especially worthy of physiological study. A simple method for growing large quantities of extreme halophiles is described, and various growth media, both complex and synthetic are discussed.  相似文献   

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