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The interactions between cytochrome P450 2B4 (d-2B4), NADPH:cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome b5 have been investigated in the monomeric reconstituted P450 2B4-containing monooxygenase system in the presence of a substrate (7-pentoxyresorufin) and an electron donor, NADPH. Each partner was immobilized via its amino groups on the carboxymethyldextran biochip surface of the optical biosensor IAsys+. Such mode immobilization was not accompanied by any loss of activities of the immobilized proteins. The formation of binary d-Fp/d-2B4 complexes was registered. The association/dissociation rate constants (kon/koff) were (0.013 ± 0.005) × 106 M?1 s?1/0.05 ± 0.02 s?1, and dissociation constant (KD) was (0.26 ± 0.13) × 10?6 M. Comparison of kon, koff and KD values for d-Fp/d-2B4 complexes formed under hydroxylation (O-dealkylation) with corresponding constants obtained for the oxidized proteins of (0.10 ± 0.03) × 106 M?1 s?1/(0.14 ± 0.06) s?1, and (0.71 ± 0.37) × 10?6 M, respectively shows that the decrease in kon and an insignificant decrease in KD are associated with the increase of complex lifetime during transition from the oxidized to hydroxylation conditions. Complex formation between d-Fp and d-b5 was not registered in both hydroxylation conditions and in the case of oxidized forms of these proteins. In both cases formation of the ternary d-Fp/d-2B4/d-b5 complexes occurred.  相似文献   

The equilibrium dissociation constants KD, the complex association / dissociation rate constants (k on /k off) and lifetimes of the complexes of redox partners were measured for three cytochrome P450-containing monooxygenase systems (P450cam, P450scc, and P450 2B4) under hydroxylation conditions. The Q parameter representing the ratio of protein-protein complex lifetime (τ lT ) to time required for a single hydroxylation cycle (τturnover) was introduced for estimation of productivity of complexes formed within the systems studied. The Q parameter was insignificantly changed upon transition from the oxidation to hydroxylation conditions. Lifetimes (τ lT ) for the binary complexes formed within the P450cam and the P450scc systems obligatory requiring an intermediate electron transfer protein between the reductase and cytochrome P450 could not realize hydroxylation reactions for substrates with known τturnover and so they were non-productive while the binary complexes formed within the P450 2B4 system, not requiring such intermediate electron-transfer protein, appeared to be productive. Formation of ternary complexes was demonstrated under hydroxylation conditions in all three systems. Analysis of Q values led to the conclusion that the ternary complexes formed within the P450cam and the P450scc systems were productive. In the case of the P450 2B4 system, more than half (about 60%) ternary complexes were also found to be productive.  相似文献   

The various types of redox partner interactions employed in cytochrome P450 systems are described. The similarities and differences between the redox components in the major categories of P450 systems present in bacteria, mitochondria and microsomes are discussed in the light of the accumulated evidence from X-ray crystallographic and NMR spectroscopic determinations. Molecular modeling of the interactions between the redox components in various P450 mono-oxygenase systems is proposed on the basis of structural and mutagenesis information, together with experimental findings based on chemical modification of key residues likely to be associated with complementary binding sites on certain typical P450 isoforms and their respective redox partners.  相似文献   

Trichosporon cutaneum metabolizes glucose purely oxidatively and cytochrome P450 was not detected in the reduced CO-difference spectrum of whole cells. However, in the isolated microsomal fraction the corresponding monooxygenase was present as shown by the appearence of cytochrome P450, NADPH-cytochrome c (P450) reductase and cytochrome b5. The absorption maximum of the terminal oxidase in the reduced CO-difference spectrum shifted between 447 and 448 nm. Derepression of biosynthesis of all components was achieved by transition of the cells from carbon- to oxygen-limited growth in continuous culture. The monooxygenase exhibited aminopyrine demethylation activity but not -hydroxylation activity of lauric acid. With respect to the growth limiting nutrient (carbon and oxygen respectively), mitochondrial cytochrome content showed an analogous behavior as cytochrome P450 and cytochrome b5.  相似文献   

Emulgen 913, Triton N-101 and sodium cholate were compared for their reconstituting action on the dimethylaniline N-demethylation system containing cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. The comparison showed that emulgen 913 is the most efficient detergent. The optimum molar ratio of the proteins and emulgen appeared to be equal to 1:1:600. Study on the mechanism of emulgen reconstituting action showed that this effect is due to the mixed complex formation between the cytochrome and reductase, the complexes containing five molecules of the flavoprotein and five molecules of cytochrome P-450. No formation of mixed protein aggregates or reconstitution was observed in the absence of the detergent or at its concentrations exceeding the optimum level.  相似文献   

The formation of individual complexes between the components of cholesterol side chain cleavage system-cytochrome P450scc, adrenodoxin (Ad) and adrenodoxin reductase (AdR) was kinetically characterized and their association and dissociation rate constants were measured by optical biosensor. The dominant role of interprotein electrostatic interactions in productive complex formation was demonstrated. Despite of the fact that P450scc and AdR complete for the binding with the same or closely placed negatively charged groups on the surface of immobilized Ad, the formation of the AdR/P450scc/Ad ternary complex upon AdR immobilization on dextran was registered. It is shown, that Ad does not bind to AdR immobilized via amino groups AdRim but it is possible only after the preliminary binding of P450scc to AdRim. The life time of such ternary complex, about 15 s, is sufficient for the realization of 5-8 catalytic cycles.  相似文献   

细胞色素P450酶在自然界中广泛存在,能催化多种类型的氧化反应,在有机合成和生物化工方面具有重要的应用潜力。尽管大多数P450酶通常需要辅酶和复杂的电子传递体系协助活化氧分子,一些P450酶也可以利用过氧化氢作为末端氧化剂,这极大地简化了催化循环,为P450酶的合成应用提供了一条新的简便途径。本文系统地介绍了几类过氧化氢驱动的P450酶催化体系,包括脂肪酸羟化酶P450SPα和P450BSβ、脂肪酸脱羧酶P450OleTJE、人工改造的羟化酶P450BM3和P450cam突变体、以及基于底物误识别策略的P450-H2O2体系。通过分析催化反应机制,本文探讨了P450-H2O2催化体系在目前存在的挑战和可能的解决途径,并对其进一步应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450酶在自然界中广泛存在,能催化多种类型的氧化反应,在有机合成和生物化工方面具有重要的应用潜力。尽管大多数P450酶通常需要辅酶和复杂的电子传递体系协助活化氧分子,一些P450酶也可以利用过氧化氢作为末端氧化剂,这极大地简化了催化循环,为P450酶的合成应用提供了一条新的简便途径。本文系统地介绍了几类过氧化氢驱动的P450酶催化体系,包括脂肪酸羟化酶P450SPα和P450BSβ、脂肪酸脱羧酶P450OleTJE、人工改造的羟化酶P450BM3和P450cam突变体、以及基于底物误识别策略的P450-H2O2体系。通过分析催化反应机制,本文探讨了P450-H2O2催化体系在目前存在的挑战和可能的解决途径,并对其进一步应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 2B4 is a microsomal protein with a multi-step reaction cycle similar to that observed in the majority of other cytochromes P450. The cytochrome P450 2B4-substrate complex is reduced from the ferric to the ferrous form by cytochrome P450 reductase. After binding oxygen, the oxyferrous protein accepts a second electron which is provided by either cytochrome P450 reductase or cytochrome b5. In both instances, product formation occurs. When the second electron is donated by cytochrome b5, catalysis (product formation) is ∼10- to 100-fold faster than in the presence of cytochrome P450 reductase. This allows less time for side product formation (hydrogen peroxide and superoxide) and improves by ∼15% the coupling of NADPH consumption to product formation. Cytochrome b5 has also been shown to compete with cytochrome P450 reductase for a binding site on the proximal surface of cytochrome P450 2B4. These two different effects of cytochrome b5 on cytochrome P450 2B4 reactivity can explain how cytochrome b5 is able to stimulate, inhibit, or have no effect on cytochrome P450 2B4 activity. At low molar ratios (<1) of cytochrome b5 to cytochrome P450 reductase, the more rapid catalysis results in enhanced substrate metabolism. In contrast, at high molar ratios (>1) of cytochrome b5 to cytochrome P450 reductase, cytochrome b5 inhibits activity by binding to the proximal surface of cytochrome P450 and preventing the reductase from reducing ferric cytochrome P450 to the ferrous protein, thereby aborting the catalytic reaction cycle. When the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of cytochrome b5 are equal, it will appear to have no effect on the enzymatic activity. It is hypothesized that cytochrome b5 stimulates catalysis by causing a conformational change in the active site, which allows the active oxidizing oxyferryl species of cytochrome P450 to be formed more rapidly than in the presence of reductase.  相似文献   

Several naphthoquinones, except 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, were found to inhibit microsomal cytochrome P-450-linked monooxygenase activities in rabbit liver and human placenta. In particular, 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone inhibited placental estrogen biosynthesis more effectively than it did hepatic drug oxidation reactions. There was little contribution by superoxide radicals to these enzyme inhibitions by naphthoquinones. Spectrophotometric studies revealed that naphthoquinones bind to the cytochrome P-450 component of the monooxygenase complex in both microsomal systems, suggesting that the inhibition is caused by direct interaction of these compounds with the heme.  相似文献   

The Directory of P450-containing Systems on WorldWide Web has been designed to facilitate access to electronic resources for all researchers working in the field of P450-containing and related enzyme systems. Currently, it contains the most up-to-date list of sequences of both the P450 superfamily and proteins mediating electron transfer to P450, i.e. NADPH:P450 reductases, specific NAD(P)H:ferredoxin reductases, cytochromeb5 reductases, ferredoxins and cytochromesb5, and their homologues. All the referenced sequences are provided with accession numbers and links to major sequence databanks: PIR, SWISS-PROT, EMBL/GenBank and PRF. An associated database of steroid substrates and products of P450-dependent reactions has also been developed.  相似文献   

烟草细胞色素P450的基因组学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞色素P450是一类含血红素的单加氧酶超基因家族, 在植物多种代谢途径中起着重要作用。为了解烟草中的P450的种类和数量, 文章将植物代表性P450蛋白质序列与烟草基因组序列比对, 在烟草基因组中鉴定了44个P450家族共263个成员。将这些烟草P450基因与烟草表达序列标签(EST)比对, 发现173个成员有EST证据。通过与拟南芥中已知的P450蛋白序列比较, 分析了部分烟草P450蛋白序列的特征和二级结构。根据烟草基因芯片数据和部分基因的RT-PCR结果, 发现73个烟草P450基因能够在不同的生长发育时期表达, 其中部分基因具有组织特异性。这些研究结果为烟草P450基因功能的深入分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The insecticidal loline alkaloids, produced by Neotyphodium uncinatum and related endophytes, are exo-1-aminopyrrolizidines with an ether bridge between C-2 and C-7. Loline alkaloids vary in methyl, acetyl, and formyl substituents on the 1-amine, which affect their biological activity. Enzymes for key loline biosynthesis steps are probably encoded by genes in the LOL cluster, which is duplicated in N. uncinatum, except for a large deletion in lolP2. The role of lolP1 was investigated by its replacement with a hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene. Compared to wild type N. uncinatum and an ectopic transformant, DeltalolP1 cultures had greatly elevated levels of N-methylloline (NML) and lacked N-formylloline (NFL). Complementation of DeltalolP1 with lolP1 under control of the Emericella nidulans trpC promoter restored NFL production. These results and the inferred sequence of LolP1 indicate that it is a cytochrome P450, catalyzing oxygenation of an N-methyl group in NML to the N-formyl group in NFL.  相似文献   

The application of atomic force microscopy (AFM) to the identification and visualization of individual molecules and their complexes in a reconstituted monooxygenase P450 2B4 system without the phospholipid was demonstrated. The method employed in this study distinguishes the monomeric proteins from their binary complexes and, also, the binary from the ternary complexes. The AFM images of the full-length P450 2B4 system's constituent components - cytochrome P450 2B4 (2B4), NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome b5 (b5), were obtained on highly-oriented pyrolitic graphite. The typical heights of the d-2B4, d-flavoprotein (Fp) and d-b5 molecules were measured and found to be 2.2 +/- 0.2, 2.3 +/- 0.2 and 1.8 +/- 0.1 nm, respectively. The measured heights of the binary d-Fp/d-2B4 and d-2B4/d-b5 complexes were estimated to be 3.4 +/- 0.2 and 2.8 +/- 0.2 nm, respectively. No formation of d-Fp/d-b5 complexes was registered. The ternary d-Fp/d-2B4/d-b5 complexes were visualized and their heights were found to be roughly equal to 4.3 +/- 0.3 nm and 6.2 +/- 0.3 nm.  相似文献   

Mak PJ  Im SC  Zhang H  Waskell LA  Kincaid JR 《Biochemistry》2008,47(12):3950-3963
Resonance Raman studies of P450 2B4 are reported for the substrate-free form and when bound to the substrates, benzphetamine (BZ) or butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), the latter representing a substrate capable of inducing an especially effective conversion to the high-spin state. In addition to studies of the ferric resting state, spectra are acquired for the ferrous CO ligated form. Importantly, for the first time, the RR technique is effectively applied to interrogate the changes in active site structure induced by binding of cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and Mn(III) cytochrome b 5 (Mn cyt b 5); the manganese derivative of cyt b 5 was employed to avoid spectroscopic interferences. The results, consistent with early work on mammalian P450s, demonstrate that substrate structure has minimal effects on heme structure or the FeCO fragment of the ferrous CO derivatives. Similarly, the data indicate that the protein is flexible and that substrate binding does not exert significant strain on the heme peripheral groups, in contrast to P450 cam, where substantial effects on heme peripheral groups are seen. However, significant differences are observed in the RR spectra of P450 2B4 when bound with the different redox partners, indicating that the heme structure is clearly sensitive to perturbations near the proximal heme binding site. The most substantial changes are displacements of the peripheral vinyl groups toward planarity with the heme macrocycle by cyt b 5 but away from planarity by CPR. These changes can have an impact on heme reduction potential. Most interestingly, these RR results support an earlier observation that the combination of benzphetamine and cyt b 5 binding produce a synergy leading to unique active site structural changes when both are bound.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the thaxtomin cyclic dipeptide phytotoxins proceeds nonribosomally via the thiotemplate mechanism. Acyladenylation, thioesterification, N-methylation, and cyclization of two amino acid substrates are catalyzed by the txtAB-encoded thaxtomin synthetase. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the region 3' of txtAB in Streptomyces acidiscabies 84.104 identified an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a homolog of the P450 monooxygenase gene family. It was proposed that thaxtomin A phenylalanyl hydroxylation was catalyzed by the monooxygenase homolog. The ORF was mutated in S. acidiscabies 84.104 by using an integrative gene disruption construct, and culture filtrate extracts of the mutant were assayed for the presence of dehydroxy derivatives of thaxtomin A. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and HPLC-mass spectrometry indicated that the major component in culture filtrate extracts of the mutant was less polar and smaller than thaxtomin A. Comparisons of electrospray mass spectra as well as (1)H- and (13)C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the purified compound with those previously reported for thaxtomins confirmed the structure of the compound as 12,15-N-dimethylcyclo-(L-4-nitrotryptophyl-L-phenylalanyl), the didehydroxy analog of thaxtomin A. The ORF, designated txtC, was cloned and the recombinant six-His-tagged fusion protein produced in Escherichia coli and purified from cell extracts. TxtC produced in E. coli exhibited spectral properties similar to those of cytochrome P450-type hemoproteins that have undergone conversion to the catalytically inactive P420 form. Based on these properties and the high similarity of TxtC to other well-characterized P450 enzymes, we conclude that txtC encodes a cytochrome P450-type monooxygenase required for postcyclization hydroxylation of the cyclic dipeptide.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) is the redox partner of P450 monooxygenases, involved in primary and secondary metabolism of eukaryotes. Two novel CPR genes, sharing 34% amino acid identity, were found in the filamentous ascomycete Cochliobolus lunatus. Fungal genomes were searched for putative CPR enzymes. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that multiple independent CPR duplication events occurred in fungi, whereas P450-CPR fusion occurred before the diversification of Dikarya and Zygomycota. Additionally, losses of methionine synthase reductase were found in certain fungal taxa; a truncated form of this enzyme was conserved in Pezizomycotina. In fungi, high numbers of cytochrome P450 enzymes, multiple CPRs, and P450-CPR fusion proteins were associated with filamentous growth. Evolution of multiple CPR-like oxidoreductases in filamentous fungi might have been driven by the complexity of biochemical functions necessitated by their growth form, as opposed to yeast.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450IA1 (purified from hepatic microsomes of beta-naphthoflavone-treated rats) has been covalently modified with the lysine-modifying reagent acetic anhydride. Different levels of lysine residue modification in cytochrome P450IA1 can be achieved by varying the concentration of acetic anhydride. Modification of lysine residues in P450IA1 greatly inhibits the interaction of P450IA1 with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. Modification of 1.0 and 3.3 mol lysine residues per mole P450IA1 resulted in 30 and 95% decreases, respectively, in 7-ethoxycoumarin hydroxylation by a reconstituted P450IA1/reductase complex. However, modification of 3.3 mol lysine residues per mole P450IA1 decreased only cumene hydroperoxide-supported P450-dependent 7-ethoxycoumarin hydroxylation by 30%. Spectral and fluorescence studies showed no indication of global conformational change of P450IA1 even with up to 8.8 mol lysine residues modified per mole P450IA1. These data suggest that at least three lysine residues in P450IA1 may be involved in the interaction with reductase. Identification of lysine residues in P450IA1 possibly involved in this interaction was carried out by [14C]acetic anhydride modification, trypsin digestion, HPLC separation, and amino acid sequencing. The lysine residue candidates identified in this manner were K97, K271, K279, and K407.  相似文献   

Maltol derivatives are utilized in a variety of fields due to their metal-chelating abilities, and modification of the 2-methyl side chain is known to effectively expand their functional diversity. In the present study, microbial enzymes were screened for hydroxylating activity towards the 2-methyl group in a maltol derivative, 3-benzyloxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone (BMAL). Novosphingobium sp. SB32149 was found to have the ability to convert BMAL into 3-benzyloxy-2-hydroxymethyl-4-pyrone (BMAL-OH). The enzymes responsible, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450nov), a ferredoxin (FDXnov), and a ferredoxin reductase (FDRnov), were identified in the SB32149 strain. In the reaction with recombinant Escherichia coli expressing P450nov, FDXnov, and FDRnov, BMAL-OH was successfully produced from BMAL. Moreover, using the directed evolution approach, four amino acid substitutions, L188P/F218L/L237M in P450nov and A10T in FDXnov, were found to enhance BMAL-OH production. Consequently, up to 5.2 g/L BMAL-OH was obtained from 8.0 g/L BMAL by bioconversion using a 250-mL jar fermenter, indicating that this strain may be useful for synthesis of maltol derivatives which could have potential applications in various fields.  相似文献   

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