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The number, size (mm3 pellet –1) and total volume of fecalpellets produced (mm3 h–1) by Boeckella titicacae increasedwith concentration of Chlorella and natural seston in threedifferent lakewaters from Bahia de Puno and Lago Grande of LakeTiticaca and nearby Laguna Arapa. The three lakewaters differedin the size and number of fecal pellets produced at seston concentrations>0.5 mg dry wt l–1. However, the total volume of fecalpellets egested varied little. Large-sized food (>10 µg)resulted in larger pellets but smaller total fecal production.Food concentration had parallel effects on the production offeces and on feeding rates. Both fecal production and feedingincreased linearly with food concentration with saturation between5 and 7.5 x 105 Chlorella ml–1 (3.7–5.6 mg dry wtl–1). Varied responses in fecal production when fed differentsize fractions of lake seston suggest Boeckella has a complexand flexible feeding behavior. Feeding preferences of B.titicacaeand B.occidentalis (Ivlev index) for two seston size fractionsare generally reflected by fecal production.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, the bacterial flora of the zooplanktonmicrobial environments seawater, fecal pellets and associatedwith the external and internal surfaces of the copepod Acartiatonsa(Dana) were examined. The bacteria associated with fecal pelletswere dominated by Bacillus spp., Cytophaga/Flavobacterium spp.,Vibrio spp. and Pseudomonas spp. The same genera were foundin the seawater (0.22 7mu;m filtered) in which the pellets wereincubated. The bacteria showed a characteristic growth succession,and the abundance increased several orders of magnitude in theseawater during incubation of the pellets, indicating growthand proliferation based on the disintegrating/degrading fecalpellets. A carbon budget calculation revealed that organic matterfrom degrading fecal pellets could cover the carbon demand forthe growing bacterioplankton. The composition of the bacterialcommunity in the seawater and the fecal pellets also indicateda colonization of the pellets from bacterioplankton. The compositionof the bacteria associated with the copepods showed that bacterialgenera characterized as surface associated were preferentiallyassociated with fecal pellets, animal surfaces and intestines.This suggests a specific intestinal flora in the cultivatedcopepods composed of 103 culturable bacteria per intestine (colony-formingunits, c.f.u.) or 105 bacteria per intestine (acridine orangedirect counts, AODC), possibly colonizing the intestine passivelyduring filtration of algae. The activity of the bacterial communitieswas examined by the numencal ratio c.f.u.:AODC, where 1–19%of the bacteria were found active, with no significant differencebetween microbial environments.  相似文献   

Pyrosomas are the large group of pelagic tunicates whose trophicrole in pelagic communities has not yet been sufficiently studied.We ran across a local area of high concentration of the mostwidespread and commonest species of pyrosomas, Pyrosoma atlanticum,450 miles off the Congo river mouth. The following was estimated:gut pigment content, defecation rate, organic carbon and pigmentcontent of fecal pellets, and sinking rate. Based on these dataand the measured number of pyrosomas colonies the grazing impacton phytoplankton and the fecal pellet flux were calculated.During the night swarms of 50–65 mm P.atlanticum removed53% of phytoplankton standing stock in the 0–10 m layer;sparsely distributed pyrosomas consumed only 4%. The grazingimpact in the 0–50 m layer was only 12.5 and <1% respectively.The fecal pellet flux resulting from nocturnal feeding of P.atlanticumwhile swarming made up 1.4–1.6 x 106 pellets m–210 h–1 or 305–1035 mg C m–2 10 h–1 and1.4 x 105 pellets m–2 10 h–1 or 87.4 mg C m–210 h–1 while non-swarming. Incubation experiments showedthe rapid degradation of fecal pellets at 23°C: the lossof pigment and carbon content was {small tilde}60–70%after 45 h. We believe that given the sinking rate of 70 m day–1the main part of fecal material does not leave the upper watercolumn and is retained in the trophic web of the epipelagiclayer.  相似文献   

A dual radioactive-labelled bacteria technique using Vibrio(DRLV), developed for laboratory studies on bacterivory, hasbeen refined for use at the concentrations of prey and predatorstypcially found at sea. Experiments with estuarine water collectedin spring and in autumn showed that bacterivorous nanoflagellates(HNF) (concentration 1.38±0.35x103 HNF ml–1) ingested2.7±0.96 DRLV flagellate1–1 h–1 at concentrationsof 0.8–2.2x106 DRLV ml–1 in the presence of 2.04±0.68x106natural bacteria ml–1. The method was also applied tosamples collected in October in the Celtic Sea, when on average1 ml of water from the surface layer contained 1.41±0.16x106natural bacteria, 14.6x103 cyanobacteria, 530±170 HNF,7.3±3.0x103 phototrophic nanoflagellates (1.5–4µm), 49.0±26.5 phototrophic dinoflagellates, 36.3±12.6heterotrophic dinoflagellates and 21.3±9.5 Leucocryptosmarina. Under these conditions the grazing rate in most samplesdid not exceed the coefficient of variation of the method (2%),although we estimate the grazing rate was -1.6 DRLV HNF–1h–1 and on one occasion a rate of 2.45 was recorded. Thegross growth efficiency for protein of -30% displayed by naturalHNF means that they could release about  相似文献   

In January-February 1991, in Prydz Bay, phytoplankton bloomwas evident in the inner shelf area with the dominant diatomsbeing represented mainly by pennate species of the Nitzschia-Fragilariopsisgroup. Dinoflagellates and naked flagellates were most abundantin the centre of the bay; however, larger heterotrophic speciesprevailed at the southern stations. Cell carbon values (average317 µg l–1; range 92-1048 µg l–1) foundin the bloom in the south were chiefly due to pennate diatomsand larger heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Much lower carbonvalues (average 51 µg l–1; range 7-147 µgl–1) in the outer shelf region were mainly contributedby large centric diatoms (70-110 mu;m) and small dinoflagellates(5-25 µm). Wide ranges of algal cell sizes were observedin both southern and northern communities; the overlapping ofsizes of diatoms and flagellates, the latter containing heterotrophs,suggested complex trophic relationships within the planktonand an enhanced heterotrophic activity in the south. North-to-southvariations in surface  相似文献   

Annual variation and vertical distribution in the abundanceand cell volume of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) was studiedon the SW coast of Finland, the Baltic Sea. HNF cell numbersand mean cell volume varied annually from 90 to 104 cells ml–1,and from 3 to 32 µm3, respectively, with maxima in earlysummer. The proportion of choanoflagellates in the HNF communitywas 0–23%. Statistical analysis revealed the verticaldifferences in HNF abundance to be insignificant, but verticaldifferences in the size structure of HNF communities were found,especially during thermal stratification. The majority (>80%)of HNF were small (maximum dimension 2–4 µm); theproportion of large (>7 µm) cells were only 2–4%of the HNF abundance. An empirical equation for the relationshipbetween HNF cell length and volume is presented, and the measurementof flagellate volume by epifluorescence microscopy is discussed.  相似文献   

A large mussel bed occurs in one of the largest fjords in Kerguelen archipelago. In January 1986, seawater and bivalves were collected at four tidal levels to determine whether a specific heterotrophic bacterial community could be observed in the mussels, especially in the stomach and in the fecal pellets, and to compare these microflora to seawater bacterial communities. The investigation was carried out using morphological and biochemical tests. Test results were analysed by a numerical taxonomic method. Almost all the heterotrophic mesophile isolates, grown on Zobell medium, were non-fermentative Gram-negative rods. The bacterial communities in the mussel fecal pellets were clearly different from the other communities studied. This specific bacterial microflora was characterized by the existence of Vibrionaceae.  相似文献   

The spawning rate of laboratory-reared Centropages typicus fedHymenomonas elongala increases with food concentration, up toa value of {small tilde}2800 µg C (16 500 cells) ml–1.An alternation of a low food (1000 cells ml–1) and highfood concentration (16 500 cells ml–1) is not favourableto egg release when its periodicity is 1 or 2 days, whereasit may be of advantage if it is longer (3–6 days). Inthe latter case, Centropages typicus will benefit best fromthe rich food diet if this coincides with (or just follows)the last moult.  相似文献   

The population abundances and rates of biomass production ofheterotrophic nanoplankton (HNAN) in Georgia coastal waterswere evaluated by epifluorescence microscopy. HNAN populations(mostly non-pigmented microflagellates <10 µm in diameter)ranged from 0.3 x 103 cells ml–1 in shelf waters 15 kmoffshore to 6.3 x 103 cells ml–1 in waters 0.25 km fromthe coast. There was a strong correlation (r = 0.83) betweenHNAN and free bacterioplankton population abundances, but noapparent relation (r = 0.38) between HNAN and phototrophic nanopLankton(PNAN) abundances. HNAN biomass production in estuarine andnearshore shelf waters, as estimated from increases in HNANpopulations during laboratory incubations of natural water samples,ranged from 0.10 to 0.79 mg C m–3 h–3, with populationgeneration times of 9.7 to 26.5 h. There was a significant linearrelation (r = 0.95) between HNAN biomass and HNAN productivity.We calculated that HNAN may graze at least 30% to 50% of dailybacterioplankton production in Georgia coastal waters.  相似文献   

Copepods (A cartia tonsa Dana) were allowed to feed on culturedalgal species simulating the yearly boreal phytoplankton succession,where the spring is characterized by diatoms, the summer bynanoflagellates and the autumn by dinoflagellates. Degradationof freshly produced fecal pellets in suspension was followedover time by volume recording and estimation of carbon loss.The fecal pellets produced on a diatom diet were very denseand showed a significantly slower degradation than those producedon nanoflagellate or dinoflagellate diets. This indicates thatthe algal texture, i.e. the mechanical robustness given by inertstructures, determines the degradation rate of the pellets.The degradation rate was also very dependent on the algal concentrationfor the grazer (565 µg Cl–1 T1  相似文献   

Bacterial biomass (BB, acridine orange) and bacterial secondaryproduction (BSP, [3H]thymidine incubations) were measured forthe first time in Concepción Bay (37°35'S, 73°01'W).BB ranged from 1.8x106 to 22.5x106 cells ml–1 (the lattervalue observed near to an industrial effluent), BSP from 0.27x106to 2.5x106 cell ml–1 day–1 and heterotrophic turnoverrates between 0.15 and 1.0 doublings day–1.  相似文献   

The growth of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) in mesotrophicLake Constance was measured in situ during a 13 month period.Experiments were conducted with 10 µm pre-filtered lakewater incubated in diffusion chambers at 3 m water depth atthe sampling location for 24 h. Growth rates were calculatedfrom changes in cell numbers occurring during the period ofincubation. Growth rates of all dominant taxa showed pronouncedseasonal variation (–0.13 to 1.76 day–1 and weregenerally highest in summer at high water temperatures. In situgrowth rates were well below maximum growth rates known forthe respective and similar species from laboratory experiments.While water temperature was a key parameter positively relatedto the growth of all HNF species, the effect of various potentialfood items was taxon specific and less clear. Bacterial abundancewas equally important as temperature for growth in the smallbactenvorous Spumella sp., but was insignificant for growthrates of the larger omnivorous Kathablepharis sp. In Spuniellasp., 84% of the observed seasonal variation of its growth ratecould be explained by temperature and bacterial food supply.Based on these results, a multiple linear regression equationwith temperature and bacterial concentration as dependent variableswas calculated for the growth rate of Spumella. Taxon-specificproduction rates were derived from growth rates and averagebiomass of these two species, and compared to total HNF productionestimated from previously measured community growth rates andbiomass in Lake Constance. Production peaks of Spumella sp.and Kathablepharis sp. alternated seasonally. Total HINF productionranged from –0.01 to 10 mg C m–3 day–1. Theaverage seasonal production varied between 1.4 and 33 mg C m–3day–1 over 6 consecutive years. These small protozoa thuscontribute a substantial amount to total zooplankton productionin Lake Constance.  相似文献   

Ephyra larvae and small medusae (1.7–95 mm diameter, 0.01–350mg ash-free dry wt, AFDW) of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aureliaaurita were used in predation experiments with phytoplankton(the flagellate Isochrysis galbana, 4 µm diameter, {smalltilde}6 x 10–6 µg AFDW cell–1), ciliates (theoligotrich Strombidium sulcatum, 28 µm diameter, {smalltilde}2 x 10–3 µg AFDW), rotifers (Synchaeta sp.,0.5 µg AFDW individual–1) and mixed zooplankton(mainly copepods and cladocerans, 2.1–3.1 µg AFDWindividual–1). Phytoplankton in natural concentrations(50–200 µg C I–1) were not utilized by largemedusae (44–95 mm diameter). Ciliates in concentrationsfrom 0.5 to 50 individuals ml"1 were consumed by ephyra larvaeand small medusae (3–14 mm diameter) at a maximum predationrate of 171 prey day–1, corresponding to a daily rationof 0.42%. The rotifer Synchaeta sp., offered in concentrationsof 100–600 prey I–1, resulted in daily rations ofephyra larvae (2–5 mm diameter) between 1 and 13%. Mixedzooplankton allowed the highest daily rations, usually in therange 5–40%. Large medusae (>45 mm diameter) consumedbetween 2000 and 3500 prey organisms day"1 in prey concentrationsexceeding 100 I–1. Predation rate and daily ration werepositively correlated with prey abundance. Seen over a broadsize spectrum, the daily ration decreased with increased medusasize. The daily rations observed in high abundance of mixedzooplankton suggest a potential ‘scope for growth’that exceeds the growth rate observed in field populations,and this, in turn, suggests that the natural populations areusually food limited. The predicted predation rate at averageprey concentrations that are characteristic of neritic environmentscannot explain the maximum growth rates observed in field populations.It is therefore suggested that exploitation of patches of preyin high abundance is an important component in the trophodynamicsof this species. 1Present address: University of Bergen, Department of MarineBiology, N-5065 Blomsterdalen, Norway  相似文献   

The contribution of autotrophic picoplankton (APP) to phytoplanktonicprimary production, investigated during the phytoplankton growingseason (March–September) in a macrophyte-dominated backwatersystem near Vienna, showed that APP mainly consisted of rod-shapedand coccoid cyanobacteria. Two stations were examined, exhibitingsimilar seasonal patterns in the development of picocyanobacteria,although the two sites differed in picocyanobacterial cell numbersand biomass by a factor of 1.5. Cell numbers determined by epifluorescencemicroscopy varied between 0.29 x 104 and 34.5 x 104 cells ml–1at Station 1, and between 0.23 x 104 and 19.1 x 104 cells ml–1at Station 2. At both sites, the mean cell volume of picocyanobacteriawas 0.5 µm3. Carbon fixation in the planktonic communityof the Kühwörter Wasser was dominated primarily bylarger phytoplankton, although the picoplankton community sometimessupplied up to 74% (mean: 35%) of total primary production.Distinct differences in chlorophyll a concentrations and primaryproduction between the two sites refer to a greater competitionbetween phytoplankton and macrophytes at Station 2. Communityrespiration deviated greatly in time and in level at the twostations, showing a higher dynamic in community metabolism atStation 1. At this site, community respiration losses rangedbetween 12 and 100% of gross production. Hence, community metabolismcomprised net autotrophic, balanced, and net heterotrophic situationsover the investigation period, whereas at Station 2, only netautotrophic situations could be determined.  相似文献   

The seasonal development of bacteria was studied in the hypertrophiccoastal lagoon Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (Caribbeancoast of Colombia). This large but only 1.5 m deep lagoon issubject to strong seasonal variations of salinity from almostfully marine (April/May) to brackish conditions in October/November.Chlorophyll ranged from 6 to 182 µg L–1, and grossprimary production amounted to 1690 g C m–2 per year.Total bacterial number (TBN) ranged from 6.5 to 90.5 x 109 cellsL–1 and bacterial biomass (BBM) from 77 to 1542 µgC L–1, which are among the highest ever reported for naturalcoastal waters. Neither TBN nor BBM varied significantly withsalinity, phytoplankton or seston concentrations. Only the bacterialmean cell volume showed a significant relation to salinity,being highest (0.066 µm3) during the period of increasingand lowest (0.032 µm3) during decreasing salinity. Bacterialprotein accounted for 24% (19–26%) and phytoplankton proteinfor 57% (53–71%) of total seston protein. The ratio (annualmean) of bacterial carbon to phytoplankton carbon was 0.44 (range0.04–1.43). At low phytoplankton abundance [chlorophylla (Chl a) < 25 µg L–1], bacterial carbon wasalmost equal to phytoplankton biomass (i.e. the mean ratio was1.04). In contrast, at Chl a > 100 µg L–1, BBMwas low compared to phytoplankton biomass (the mean ratio was0.16). In general, BBM varied less than phytoplankton biomass.Most probably, the missing correlation between bacterial andphytoplankton variables was due to (i) organic material partlyderived from allochthonous sources serving as food resourcefor bacteria and (ii) a strong resuspension of bacteria fromthe sediment caused by frequent wind-induced mixing of the veryshallow lagoon.  相似文献   

A study of the phytoplankton in Concarneau Bay (Bretagne, France)was carried out on 6–8 June, 1978. Autotrophy was measuredby the 14C method and heterotrophic activity was estimated by14C labelled glucose and protein hydrolysate uptake. The measurementswere made on the whole of the sample as well as on the bacterialfraction, isolated by size-fractionation on Nuclepore 3 µmfilters. Moreover, a study of the relationships between naturalphytoplanktonic and bacterial populations was possible becauseof cell counts. The phytoplankton shows coastal characteristicsand diatoms are dominant. The distribution of the genus Chaetoceros,Nitzschia and Leptocylindrus seems to have an influence on therelationship between algae and bacteria so that environmentalconditions not only interfere directly at the bacterial levelon heterotrophic activity, but also through the specific compositionand abundance of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

In 5-d-old etiolated seedlings of Sorghum bicolor, 12 h of darknessafter 5 min in red light eliminated a lag before the accumulationof chlorophylls in subsequent continuous white light. Increasingthe dark period to 24 h and 36 h, increased the rate of chlorophyllaccumulation in the later stages of greening. Exogenous -aminolevulinicacid neither completely removed the lag, nor increased the rateof chlorophyll accumulation. Cycloheximide (25 µg ml–1)and 6-methyl purine (5.0 µg ml–1), given continuouslyor only until the 12 h dark period following the red light irradiation,restored the lag and decreased the rate of chlorophyll accumulation.D-threo-chloramphenicol (400µg ml–1) also decreasedthe rate of chlorophyll accumulation but did not restore thelag. Addition of these inhibitors even 12 h after red lightirradiation decreased the rate of chlorophyll accumulation.Rifampicin (Rifamycin SV, 400 µg ml–1) did not havesuch effects. Key words: Chlorophylls, Phytochrome, -Aminolevulinic acid, Sorghum bicolor  相似文献   

Antheridic acid was identified by retention time and full massspectra from GCMS analysis as an antheridiogen in Anemia rotundifoliaand A. flexuosa. In the dark spore germination assay, antheridicacid was active down to 10–10 and 5 ? 10–12g.ml–1in A. rotundifolia and A.flexuosa, respectively. In the antheridiumformation assay, antheridic acid was active down to 10–10g.ml–1 in both A. rotundifolia and A.flexuosa (Received April 14, 1987; Accepted July 8, 1987)  相似文献   

Feeding on natural plankton populations and respiration of thesmall cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis were measured duringthe warm season in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA. AlthoughO.similis did not significantly ingest small autotrophic andheterotrophic flagellates (2–8 µn), this copepodactively fed on >10 µm particles, including autotrophic/heterotrophic(dino)flagel-lates and ciliates, with clearance rates of 0.03–0.38ml animal–1 h–1. The clearance rates increased withthe prey size. O.similis also fed on copepod nauplii (mainlycomposed of the N1 stage of Acartia tonsa with a clearance rateof 0.16 ml animal–1 h–1. Daily carbon ration fromthe combination of these food items averaged 148 ng C animal–1day–1 (41% of body C day–1), with ciliates and heterotrophicdino-flagellates being the main food source ({small tilde}69%of total carbon ration). Respiration rates were 020–0.23µl O2 animal–1 day–1. Assuming a respiratoryquotient of 0.8 and digestion efficiency of 0.7, the carbonrequirement for respiration was calculated to be 125–143ng C animal–1 day–1, close to the daily carbon rationestimated above. We conclude that predation on ciliates andheterotrophic dinoflagellates was important for O.similis tosustain its population in our study area during the warm season.  相似文献   

In situ rates of egg production and hatching success are reportedfor Calanus simillimus, one of the most abundant calanoid speciesin peri-Antarctic regions, during the Italian ‘Italics’cruise in the Straits of Magellan in March-April 1995. Low fecundity(8.6 eggs female–1 day–1) and fecal pellet production(0.8 fecal pellets female–1 day–1) in this periodindicate that the species was feeding very poorly. Sixty-sixof the 126 females sampled did not produce eggs and 80 of thesedid not produce any fecal pellets during the 24 h period ofincubation. Striking abnormal naupliar and embryonic developmentwas recorded in 81.8% of the eggs spawned. Aberrant eggs didnot undergo normal cleavage, and failed to develop to hatching.Deformed nauplii were asymmetrical and presented strong anatomicalanomalies in the total body length and number of swimming appendages.These results are discussed in the light of recent findingson the causes of low hatching success in copepods.  相似文献   

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