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This paper considers the variability of the completeness of seasonal molting in passerine birds of the forest tundra and tundra areas of Western Siberia. All variants of passerine birds of North Eurasia known for molting—from complete postjuvenile molting at hatching places to its absence and complete postjuvenile molting at wintering places or at migratory routes, from complete prebreeding molting at wintering places to its absence, and from complete postbreeding molting at nesting places to complete molting at wintering places or at migratory routes—are shown. The factors affecting the completeness of molting are discussed—the properties of adaptation to the subarctic region, length of the migratory route, and photoperiodic conditions during molting. The completeness of molting is most significantly affected by the duration of daylight.  相似文献   

Biology Bulletin - The combined wintering range of Northern warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus, Ph. collybita, Ph. borealis, Ph. trochiloides, and Ph. inornatus) includes the equatorial latitudes...  相似文献   

The data on the distribution and ecology of the Pechora pipit in northeastern Asia were updated on the basis of published data and the results of studies performed in the period from 1977 to 2016 in the basins of the Olenek, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Alazeya rivers. In contrast to the Ob and Yenisei watersheds, as well as to Chukotka and Kamchatka, in the basins of the above-mentioned rivers and in the mid-Kolyma basin, the Pechora pipit inhabits the northern taiga and shows less preference for the tundra zone. Compact breeding grounds are largely confined to large river valleys, and only in the Vilyui River basin can they be found in the watershed wetlands. The breeding range is predominately fragmented. The continuous distribution area of this species encompasses Kamchatka and, apparently, the Koryak Highlands and Southern Chukotka. Westwards, in the Yana and Kolyma basins between 66° N and 69° N, in the Lena valley between 68° N and 70° N, in the interfluve between the Vilyui and Olenek rivers between 63° N and 66° N, and in the Khatanga and Yenisei basins between 63° N and 72° N, a discontinuous distribution zone has formed. In the interfluve between the Vilyui and Olenek rivers and in the Alazeya River valley, the population density reaches its highest values observed in the species optimum in Kamchatka. The nesting sites of the Pechora pipit nests in grass associations, forages mostly in meadows and swamps, and feeds mainly on amphibiont invertebrates.  相似文献   

A new scansorial passerine bird, Kischinskinia scandens gen. et sp. nov., from the uppermost Lower Miocene of the Tagay locality (Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal) is described based on a distal tarsometatarsal fragment. This is the first Asian member of the clade Certhioidea. A tibiotarsal fragment is also tentatively assigned to this taxon. Both bones display adaptations for climbing on a vertical surface. The find of a scansorial passerine bird of the clade Certhioidea is evidence of ecological similarity of Early Miocene avifaunas of southern Eastern Siberia and Western Europe, since a representative of Certhioidea showing a similar level of specialization was described from the Lower Miocene (MN3) of Germany. In addition, Kischinskinia scandens is the earliest reliable member of oscine passerines (Oscines) from Asia.  相似文献   

Feather mites (Astigmata) are specialized parasites living on the plumage and skin of birds. The paper presents data on infestation of some passerines (Passeriformes) by feather mites in the south of Western Siberia (Omsk and Tyumen Provinces). We found 24 species of feather mites belonging to the families Analgidae, Dermoglyphidae, Pteronyssidae, Trouessartiidae, and Proctophyllodidae on 16 bird species. Among them, 19 species are common parasites of the passerine birds examined; five species were detected on atypical hosts. Ten mite species were recorded for the first time on the passerine species examined. Analysis of the distribution of abundant and common mite species on their hosts has demonstrated that the majority of the bird parasites possess a specific distribution pattern in the host plumage with preference for certain feather types. We have also obtained new data on host associations of several mite species.  相似文献   

A critical assessment of the literature data on the yellow wagtail Motacilla flava Linnaeus, 1758 (Passeriformes, Motacillidae, Motacillinae), at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries is carried out, assessment of its current numbers is given, and limiting factors and patterns of the species distribution on the study area of the European part of Russia, including the Middle Volga Region, are identified.  相似文献   

Analysis of literature data on the distribution and ecology of the yellow wagtail Motacilla citreola Pallas, 1776 (Passeriformes, Motacillidae, Motacillinae), was performed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Its current abundance has been estimated. Distribution patterns of the species at the studied territory within the European part of Russia, including the Middle Volga region, have been revealed.  相似文献   

The annual cycles of nutrients in the Etang de Berre were studied in 1985. From measurements twice a month at the input points, daily data for the freshwater flow and from daily measurements at the output point, an estimation is proposed for a nutrient budget. Seasonal variability is important, and a biological control of nutrient availability (locally remineralized products) results in a hydrologically controlled system (nutrients carried by continental waters) which produces the very high microalgal biomass observed in the lagoon. The seasonal halocline brings the euphotic layer very close to the remineralization site: nutrients are then constantly available to the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The family of corvids differs from most other passerines by the significant number of species (at least 33) in which the feeding of nestlings and fledglings involves not only parents, but also individuals from their already grown broods (one-year-old and older). A review of the currently known data on cooperative breeding (or helping behavior) in corvids is given. This paper discusses factors that can contribute to the manifestation of delayed dispersion of young birds and the appearance of their helping behavior. It emphasizes the importance of long-term social bonds between parent birds and their offspring in delayed dispersion. At the heart of such social relationships is the tolerance of adult birds to their offspring and prolonged care for the young birds. The appearance of irregular helpers near the nests may be a prerequisite for the emergence of the helping behavior in certain family groups and populations.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences for 1035 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were used to determine the molecular evolutionary relationships of species in the cosmopolitan avian genus Anthus. Phylogenetic analysis of these mtDNA sequences supported four major clades within the genus: (1) the small-bodied African pipits, (2) a largely Palearctic clade, (3) a largely South American clade, and (4) an African-Eurasian-Australian clade. Anthus hellmayri, A. correndera, and A. rubescens are shown to be paraphyletic. The possibility of paraphyly within A. similis is instead inferred to be the discovery of a new species and supported by reference to the museum voucher specimen. Sequence divergence suggests a Pliocene/Miocene origin for the genus. Although Anthus cytochrome b is found not to be behaving in a clocklike fashion across all taxa, speciation during the Pleistocene epoch can be reasonably inferred for the 66% of sister pairs that are diverging in a clocklike manner. Base compositions at each codon position are similar to those found across a growing number of avian lineages. The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis is compared to previous hypotheses of Anthus relationships, all of which deal with relationships of a particular species or a particular species complex; roughly half of these previous hypotheses are supported.  相似文献   

Understanding oscine passerine dispersal patterns out of their Australian area of origin is hampered by a paucity of robust phylogenies. We constructed a molecular phylogeny of the oscine family, Oriolidae, which is distributed from Australia through to the Old World. We used the phylogeny to assess direction and timing of dispersal and whether dispersal can be linked with the well‐documented movements of geological terranes in the Indonesian Archipelago. We sampled 29 of 33 species of Oriolidae from fresh tissue and from toe pads from museum specimens, and examined two nuclear introns and two mitochondrial genes. Model‐based phylogenetic analyses yielded strong support for clades that generally mirrored classical systematics. Biogeographical analyses and divergence time estimates demonstrated that the family originated in the Australo‐Papuan region from where it dispersed first to Asia and then onwards to Africa and the Philippines before back‐colonising Asia and the Indonesian archipelago. Thus, contrary to several other avian families in the region, Oriolidae represents a sequential dispersal pattern from Australia to Africa via Asia. However, it is noteworthy that the Pacific islands and archipelagos remain uncolonised and that members inhabiting Wallacea are recent colonisers suggesting that Oriolidae are poorly adapted to island life.  相似文献   

Four pairs of the poorly understood tropical mockingbird Mimus gilvus were captured and color banded at a grassland in Maracaibo, Venezuela in June 1997. Throughout the following 8 months, individuals were observed two days per week for 4 hours each. We recorded courtship behaviour, nest construction, incubation, parental care, territory defense and timing of reproductive cycle. Pairs lived in defined territories defended primarily by the male. Both sexes participated in nest building which began at the start of two rainy seasons: April and October. Between April and June, 80% of nests were parasited by the shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis). No parasitism was recorded in the later nesting season. Consequently, breeding success for the April and October seasons was 20% and 83% respectively. Only the female incubated and the mean clutch size was 2.2 eggs.  相似文献   

The tyrannids are one of the most diverse groups of birds in the world, and the most numerous suboscine family in the Neotropics. Reflecting such diversity, many taxonomic issues arise in this group, mainly due to morphological similarities, even among phylogenetically distant species. Other issues appear at higher taxonomic levels, mostly brought up by genetic studies, making systematics a rather inconclusive issue. This study looks into the use of DNA barcodes method to discriminate and identify Tyrannidae species occurring in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes of Brazil. We analysed 266 individuals of 71 tyrant‐flycatcher species from different geographical locations by sequencing 542 bp of the mtDNA COI gene. The great majority of the analysed species showed exclusive haplotypes, usually displaying low intraspecific diversity and high interspecific divergence. Only Casiornis fuscus and Casiornis rufus, suggested in some studies to belong to a single species, could not be phylogenetically separated. High intraspecific diversity was observed among Elaenia obscura individuals, which can suggest the existence of cryptic species in this taxon. The same was also observed for Suiriri suiriri, considered by some authors to comprise at least two species, and by others to be divided into three subspecies. Additionally, the use of sequences from voucher specimens allowed us to correct four misidentifications that had happened in the field. Our findings suggest a great power of the COI barcodes to discriminate species of the Tyrannidae family that are found in Brazil.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology is highly diversified across the animal kingdom and recent comparative evidence from passerine birds suggests that postcopulatory sexual selection is a significant driver of sperm evolution. In the present study, we describe sperm size variation among 20 species of African greenbuls and one bulbul (Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae) and analyze the evolutionary differentiation of sperm size within a phylogenetic framework. We found significant interspecific variation in sperm size; with some genera exhibiting relatively long sperm (e.g. Eurillas) and others exhibiting short sperm head lengths (e.g. Phyllastrephus). However, our results suggest that contemporary levels of sperm competition are unlikely to explain sperm diversification within this clade: the coefficients of inter‐male variation (CVbm) in sperm length were generally high, suggesting relatively low and homogeneous rates of extra‐pair paternity. Finally, in a comparison of six evolutionary or tree transformation models, we found support for both the Kappa (evolutionary change primarily at nodes) and Lambda (lineage‐specific evolutionary rates along branches) models in the evolutionary trajectories of sperm size among species. We therefore conclude that African greenbuls have more variable rates of sperm size evolution than expected from a neutral model of genetic drift. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of sperm diversification remains a future challenge.  相似文献   

Regulation of numbers in the Great tit (Aves: Passeriformes)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
John R.  Krebs 《Journal of Zoology》1970,162(3):317-333
The census data of the Great tit collected by Perrins (1965) and others in Marley Wood near Oxford are analysed for density-dependence. Clutch size and hatching success are density-dependent and sufficiently so to regulate the population at the observed level (assuming that there is in addition a fairly large density-independent mortality). There may also be some weak density-dependent mortality outside the breeding season. The density-dependent variations in clutch size are probably in the main due to shortage of available food and density-dependent hatching failure is caused by predation. Territorial behaviour has been shown experimentally to determine breeding density, and may produce a density-dependent effect outside the breeding season. These three factors are responsible for regulation of the Great tit population in Marley Wood.  相似文献   

Just as the domestication of livestock is often cited as a key element in the Neolithic transition to settled, the emergence of large‐scaled reindeer husbandry was a fundamental social transformation for the indigenous peoples of Arctic Eurasia. To better understand the history of reindeer domestication, and the genetic processes associated with the pastoral transition in the Eurasian Arctic, we analyzed archaeological and contemporary reindeer samples from Northwestern Siberia. The material represents Rangifer genealogies spanning from 15,000 years ago to the 18th century, as well as modern samples from the wild Ta?myr population and from domestic herds managed by Nenetses. The wild and the domestic population are the largest populations of their kind in Northern Eurasia, and some Nenetses hold their domestic reindeer beside their wild cousins. Our analyses of 197 modern and 223 ancient mitochondrial DNA sequences revealed two genetic clusters, which are interpreted as representing the gene pools of contemporary domestic and past wild reindeer. Among a total of 137 different mitochondrial haplotypes identified in both the modern and archaeological samples, only 21 were detected in the modern domestic gene pool, while 11 of these were absent from the wild gene pool. The significant temporal genetic shift that we associate with the pastoral transition suggests that the emergence and spread of reindeer pastoralism in Northwestern Siberia originated with the translocation and subsequent selective breeding of a special type of animal from outside the region. The distinct and persistent domestic characteristics of the haplotype structure since the 18th century suggests little genetic exchange since then. The absence of the typical domestic clade in modern nearby wild populations suggests that the contemporary Nenets domestic breed feature an ancestry from outside its present main distribution, possibly from further South.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Ptilonyssus (Berl. et Troues.) (Gamasina: Rhinonyssidae) from nasal cavities of the passeriformes from territory of the former USSR are described: P. ammomani sp. n. from Ammomanus deserti (Alaudidae) collected in Turkmenistan; P. spini sp. n. from Spinus spinus (Fringillidae) of Kaliningrad district (Russia); P. ripariae sp. n. from Riparia riparia (Hirundinidae) and P. acanthopneustes sp. n. from Phylloscopus borealis (Sylviidae) collected in Tjumen district (Russia); P. pyrrhulinus sp. n. from Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Fringillidae) and P. anthi sp. n. from Anthus trivialis (Motacillidae) of Rjazan district; P. sylviicola sp. n. from Sylviae communis (Sylviidae) collected in Tatarstan; P. cyanosylviae sp. n. from Cyanosylvia svecica (Turdidae) collected from Novosibirsk district.  相似文献   

The hindlimb (myology and osteology) of swallows (Hirundinidae) is studied and compared with that of seven other passerine families to identify ecomorphological patterns. Muscular and osteological differences are found among swallow species and associations between morphology and foraging technique are examined. We explain morphological differences found in hirundinids as adaptations favouring flexion and adduction of the legs in these aerial foragers, which devote very little time to cursorial locomotion. This adaptive hypothesis is tested using a phylogenetic approach on the basis of an available molecular phylogenetic hypothesis. A clear ecomorphological pattern emerges relating foraging behaviour and pelvic morphology in hirundinids: aerial feeding technique is correlated with short distal leg segments, a large pelvis, a medial insertion of M. iliotibialis cranialis, an absence of pars accessoria of M. flexor cruris lateralis and a fused M. pubo-ischiofemoralis.  相似文献   

With the aim of identifying the species of nasal mites of Paroaria coronata (red-crested cardinal), the nasal cavity of 40 birds were examined. The nasal mites were identified as Ptilonyssus sairae de Castro and Sternostoma pirangae Pence, with 50% and 7.5% of prevalence, respectively. This is the first record of these mite species parasitizing P. coronata. This report also amplifies the area of occurrence of S. pirangae for Brazil and that of P. sairae for Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.  相似文献   

Babblers, family Timaliidae, have long been subject to debate on systematic position, family limits and internal taxonomy. In this study, we use five molecular regions to estimate the relationships among a large proportion of genera traditionally placed in Timaliidae. We find good support for five main clades within this radiation, and propose a new classification, dividing the babblers into the families Sylviidae and Timaliidae. Within the latter family, four subfamilies are recognized: Zosteropinae, Timaliinae, Pellorneinae and Leiothrichinae. Several taxa, previously not studied with molecular data, are phylogenetically placed within Sylviidae or Timaliidae. This is, however, not the case for the genus Pnoepyga , for which we propose the family name Pnoepygidae fam. n.  相似文献   

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