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Aims In plants, resource allocation to growth and reproduction may depart from trade-off expectations if (i) investment in growth and reproduction relies on different resource pools, (ii) allocation to reproduction is dependent upon reaching some growth threshold or (iii) reproduction is developmentally linked to growth, both functions relying on the same resource pool. We examined the effects of enhanced resource level on patterns of resource allocation to growth and reproduction in holm oak (Quercus ilex sbsp. ballota), a Mediterranean evergreen tree.Methods In the experimental year (2003), we manipulated the amount of soil nutrients in autumn (to increase nutrient uptake during shoot elongation in the following spring) and soil water in summer (to increase water uptake during acorn growth). Indicators of growth and male and female reproduction were estimated in the pre-experimental (2002), experimental (2003) and post-experimental (2004) years.Important findings Fertilized trees produced significantly longer shoots, but the number of female flowers per shoot was not affected by treatments. The production of male catkins was also enhanced by fertilization. Irrigation did not affect the production of female flowers or abortion rates. Growth and female reproduction showed no consistent relationship in untreated trees, but resource addition elicited a growth-female reproduction trade-off in the experimental year. The sign of this significant relationship changed in the post-experimental year, indicating the existence of lagged effects of resource manipulation on acorn production. Overall, patterns of allocation to growth and reproduction varied as a function of sex, resource availability and year, a result consistent with extreme allocational plasticity in holm oak.  相似文献   

Organisms must make important decisions on how to allocate resources to reproduction. We investigated allocation decisions in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons to understand how social insects make reproductive choices. We first determined how annual colonies apportioned resources to growth and reproduction by analysing developing brood. In contrast to expectations, colonies invested in both growth (workers) and reproduction (males) simultaneously. In addition, colonies showed evidence of producing males in pulses and reversing their reproductive choices by decreasing investment in males late in the season. This reversal is consistent with theory suggesting that colonies decrease production in males if fitness of late emerging males is low. To further investigate reproductive decisions within colonies, we determined if the male mates of multiply-mated queens varied in their reproductive success over time. Sperm use by queens did vary over time suggesting that male success may depend on sperm clumping within the female reproductive tract. Finally, we tested if colony sex ratio conformed to expectations under kin selection theory that nestmate relatedness would positively correlate with investment in new queens if workers controlled sex allocation. Surprisingly, the proportion of queens produced by colonies was negatively correlated with nestmate relatedness, suggesting that allocation may be shaped by advantages arising from increased genetic diversity resulting from multiple mating by queens. Overall, our study suggests that the reproductive decisions of colonies are flexible and may depend both on environmental cues arising from energetic needs of the colony and genetic cues arising from mating behaviours of queens.  相似文献   

The procera (pro) mutant of tomato exhibits a well-characterizedconstitutive gibberellic acid (GA) response phenotype. The tomatoDELLA gene LeGAI in the pro mutant background contains a pointmutation that results in an amino acid change in the conservedVHVID putative DNA-binding domain in LeGAI to VHEID. This samepoint mutation is in four different genetic backgrounds exhibitingthe pro phenotype, suggesting that this mutation co-segregateswith the pro phenotype. Complementation of the mutant with aconstitutively expressed wild-type LeGAI gene sequence was notconclusive due to the infertility of transgenic plants. Thepro mutation alters tomato branching architecture through differentialsuppression of axillary bud development, indicating a role forDELLA proteins in the regulation of plant structure. Isolatedgib-1 pro double mutant embryo axes, which are unable to synthesizeGA, germinate faster than their wild-type counterparts, andexert greater embryo growth potential. The pro mutation is thereforeregulating GA responses within the tomato embryo. Transientexpression of a LeGAI–GFP (green fluorescent protein)fusion protein in onion epidermis results in its location tothe nucleus, and this protein is rapidly degraded by the proteasomein the presence of GA. Key words: Branching pattern, DELLA, embryo growth potential, tomato seed germination Received 12 October 2007; Revised 27 November 2007 Accepted 28 November 2007  相似文献   

Nutrient supply commonly limits aboveground plant productivity in forests, but the effects of an altered nutrient supply on gross primary production (GPP) and patterns of carbon (C) allocation remain poorly characterized. Increased nutrient supply may lead to a higher aboveground net primary production (ANPP), but a lower total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), with little change in either aboveground plant respiration (APR) or GPP. Alternatively, increases in nutrient supply may increase GPP, with the quantity of GPP allocated aboveground increasing more steeply than the quantity of GPP allocated belowground. To examine the effects of an elevated nutrient supply on the C allocation patterns in forests, we determined whole‐ecosystem C budgets in unfertilized plots of Eucalyptus saligna and in adjacent plots receiving regular additions of 65 kg N ha?1, 31 kg P ha?1, 46 kg K ha?1, and macro‐ and micronutrients. We measured the absolute flux of C allocated to the components of GPP (ANPP, TBCA and APR), as well as the fraction of GPP allocated to these components. Fertilization dramatically increased GPP. Averaged over 3 years, GPP in the fertilized plots was 34% higher than that in the unfertilized controls (3.95 vs. 2.95 kg C m?2 yr?1). Fertilization‐related increases in GPP were allocated entirely aboveground – ANPP was 85% higher and APR was 57% higher in the fertilized than in the control plots, while TBCA did not differ significantly between treatments. Carbon use efficiency (NPP/GPP) was slightly higher in the fertilized (0.53) compared with the control plots (0.51). Overall, fertilization increased ANPP and APR, and these increases were related to a greater GPP and an increase in the fraction of GPP allocated aboveground.  相似文献   

以种植于新疆石河子的光果甘草( Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.)、胀果甘草( G. inflata Batal.)、乌拉尔甘草( G. uralensis Fisch.)、黄甘草( G. eurycarpa P. C. Li)和蜜腺甘草( G. glabra var. glandulosa X. Y. Li)为研究对象,对植株不同部位的花序数量、花序正常发育率、每花序单花数量和果穗干质量,以及植株不同部位和花序不同部位的生物量投入比、座果率、结籽率、种子投影面积和种子千粒质量进行测定;在此基础上,对供试5种甘草属( Glycyrrhiza Linn.)植物的繁殖资源分配模式和种子生产策略进行分析。结果表明:同一植株内,光果甘草、乌拉尔甘草、黄甘草和蜜腺甘草的花序数量、花序正常发育率、每花序单花数量和果穗干质量从植株下部到上部总体上依次递减,而胀果甘草植株不同部位间这4项指标总体上无显著差异。同一植株内,胀果甘草植株中部的生物量投入比和座果率均较高,但其生物量投入比、座果率和结籽率在植株不同部位间均无显著差异;而供试另4种植物的生物量投入比、座果率和结籽率从植株下部到上部总体上依次递减。同一花序内,胀果甘草花序中部的生物量投入比明显高于花序上部和下部,座果率从花序下部到上部依次递减,结籽率则在花序不同部位间无显著差异,而供试另4种植物的生物量投入比、座果率和结籽率从花序下部到上部总体上依次递减。供试5种植物的种子投影面积和种子千粒质量在植株不同部位间和花序不同部位间均无显著差异。综合研究结果显示:在资源竞争、结构效应和花粉限制的影响下,供试5种甘草属植物存在2种不同的资源分配模式和种子生产格局。其中,光果甘草、乌拉尔甘草、黄甘草和蜜腺甘草通过减少对晚发育的花或果实的资源投入来保障早发育的花或果实获得较多的资源,达到繁殖成功的目的;而胀果甘草则采取对花和果实随机败育的方式减小资源竞争的压力,这2种繁殖资源分配模式和种子生产策略对提高甘草属植物的繁殖成功率具有重要作用。  相似文献   

In a greenhouse experiment, seedling survival of two oak species (Quercus rugosa and Q. laurina) was greatly affected by the excision of cotyledons 1 mo after germination, with a greater impact on Q. laurina. The effect of seed size was also significant for both species, with a positive correlation between seed mass and survival and growth. The effect of cotyledon excision on seedling growth persisted throughout the first growing season in Q. rugosa and was not analyzed for Q. laurina due to the low number of seedlings that survived cotyledon excision. Seed size significantly affected seedling height, diameter, leaf area, and biomass at 6 mo. Seed size and cotyledon retention affected the ability of Q. rugosa to recover from herbivory, as both factors had a significant effect on relative growth rates after aerial biomass removal. The results show that seedlings originating from large seeds can better endure loss of cotyledons and aerial biomass and thus are better equipped to confront stress early in their lives.  相似文献   

蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)是中国东北地区天然次生林重要组成树种, 研究该树种幼苗有机碳积累及碳库容对未来气候变化的响应, 可为预测未来气候变暖情景下蒙古栎林的天然更新及幼苗的培育提供科学参考。该文旨在探讨CO2浓度和温度升高综合作用对蒙古栎幼苗非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)积累及其分配的影响。实验环境条件用人工气候箱控制, 控制条件如下: 1) CO2浓度倍增(700 μmol·mol-1), 温度升高4 ℃处理(HCHT); 2) CO2浓度正常(400 μmol·mol-1), 温度升高4 ℃处理(HT); 3) CO2浓度和温度均正常, 即对照组(CK); 每个气候箱幼苗分别在3种氮素水平下生长: N2 (15 mmol·L-1, 高氮), N1 (7.5 mmol·L-1, 正常供氮)和N0 (不施氮), 一共为9个处理。研究结果表明, 1) HCHT共同作用对NSC积累无促进作用, 但改变了植物各器官中NSC的分配比例, 叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉的积累明显增加, HCHT下N2水平有利于NSC的积累。2) HT明显影响了蒙古栎一年生幼苗NCS的积累和分配。在N2水平下, HT明显促进NSC的积累, 并增加了在主根中的分配比例。3)植株各器官可溶性糖含量的动态变化因处理不同而异。主根淀粉含量随时间逐渐增加, 而细根淀粉含量随时间逐渐减少。在未来气候变暖的情况下, 土壤中大量的氮供给, 可能将促进蒙古栎幼苗的生长、增加其碳库容和抵御不良环境的能力, 进而提高其天然更新潜力。  相似文献   

Patterns of host resource utilization and sex ratio manipulation in relation to host size were investigated for two solitary ectoparasitoid wasps,Atanycolus initiator andSpathius brevicaudis (Hymenoptera Braconidae). Both species parasitize subcortical beetles on the trunks of Japanese pine trees.A. initiator is on average 8 times larger in body weight and has an ovipositor that is 3.7 times longer than that ofS. brevicaudis. In both parasitoids, the size of emerging wasps was positively correlated with host size, but the host/wasp size regressions were linear for all three major host species inA. initiator, whereas inS. brevicaudis the regression was logarithmic for a relatively large host species. The sex ratios (proportion of males) of both parasitoids emerging from different host species decreased with increasing host size, but the overall sex ratio on each host species was male-biased inA. initiator, while female-biased inS. brevicaudis. How the proportion of host consumed changed in response to host size, differed between the two parasitoids for the same host species. In the field survey, the size and sex ratio of the emerging two parasitoids from a dead tree were closely related to host size. However, the spatial distribution of the two parasitoids depended on the bark thickness of the trunk. The data suggest that differences in the relative evaluation of host size and in ovipositor length may enable the coexistence of the two parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

Egg quality may mediate maternal allocation strategies according to progeny sex. In vertebrates, carotenoids have important physiological roles during embryonic and post-natal life, but the consequences of variation in yolk carotenoids for offspring phenotype in oviparous species are largely unknown. In yellow-legged gulls, yolk carotenoids did not vary with embryo sex in combination with egg laying date, order and mass. Yolk lutein supplementation enhanced the growth of sons from first eggs but depressed that of sons from last eggs, enhanced survival of daughters late in the season, and promoted immunity of male chicks and chicks from small eggs. Lack of variation in egg carotenoids in relation to sex and egg features, and the contrasting effects of lutein on sons and daughters, do not support the hypothesis of optimal sex-related egg carotenoid allocation. Carotenoids transferred to the eggs may rather result from a trade-off between opposing effects on sons or daughters.  相似文献   

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