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How does natural selection shape the structure of variance and covariance among multiple traits, and how do (co)variances influence trajectories of adaptive diversification? We investigate these pivotal but open questions by comparing phenotypic (co)variances among multiple morphological traits across 18 derived lake‐dwelling populations of threespine stickleback, and their marine ancestor. Divergence in (co)variance structure among populations is striking and primarily attributable to shifts in the variance of a single key foraging trait (gill raker length). We then relate this divergence to an ecological selection proxy, to population divergence in trait means, and to the magnitude of sexual dimorphism within populations. This allows us to infer that evolution in (co)variances is linked to variation among habitats in the strength of resource‐mediated disruptive selection. We further find that adaptive diversification in trait means among populations has primarily involved shifts in gill raker length. The direction of evolutionary trajectories is unrelated to the major axes of ancestral trait (co)variance. Our study demonstrates that natural selection drives both means and (co)variances deterministically in stickleback, and strongly challenges the view that the (co)variance structure biases the direction of adaptive diversification predictably even over moderate time spans.  相似文献   

The potential for mutational processes to influence patterns of neutral or adaptive phenotypic evolution is not well understood. If mutations are directionally biased, shifting trait means in a particular direction, or if mutation generates more variance in some directions of multivariate trait space than others, mutation itself might be a source of bias in phenotypic evolution. Here, we use mutagenesis to investigate the affect of mutation on trait mean and (co)variances in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Mutation altered the relationship between age and both prolonged swimming speed and body shape. These observations suggest that mutational effects on ontogeny or aging have the potential to generate variance across the phenome. Mutations had a far greater effect in males than females, although whether this is a reflection of sex‐specific ontogeny or aging remains to be determined. In males, mutations generated positive covariance between swimming speed, size, and body shape suggesting the potential for mutation to affect the evolutionary covariation of these traits. Overall, our observations suggest that mutation does not generate equal variance in all directions of phenotypic space or in each sex, and that pervasive variation in ontogeny or aging within a cohort could affect the variation available to evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract Imbalances in phylogenetic diversity could be the result of variable diversification rates, differing limits on diversity, or a combination of the two. We propose an approach to distinguish between rates and limits as the primary cause of phylogenetic imbalance, using parasitic plants as a model. With sister-taxon comparisons, we show that parasitic plant lineages are typically much less diverse than their autotrophic sisters. We then use age estimates for taxa used in the sister-taxon comparisons to test for correlations between clade age and clade diversity. We find that parasitic plant diversity is not significantly correlated with the age of the lineage, whereas there is a strong positive correlation between the age and diversity of nonparasitic sister lineages. The Ericaceae sister pair Monotropoideae (parasitic) and Arbutoideae (autotrophic) is sufficiently well sampled at the species level to allow more parametric comparisons of diversification patterns. Model fitting for this group supports ecological limitation in Monotropoideae and unconstrained diversification in Arbutoideae. Thus, differences in diversity between parasitic plants and their autotrophic sisters might be caused by a combination of ecological limitation and exponential diversification. A combination of sister-taxon comparisons of diversity and age, coupled with model fitting of well-sampled phylogenies of focal taxa, provides a powerful test of likely causes of asymmetry in the diversity of lineages.  相似文献   

Rapid diversification is often associated with morphological or ecological adaptations that allow organisms to radiate into novel niches. Neotropical Adelpha butterflies, which comprise over 200 species and subspecies, are characterized by extraordinary breadth in host plant use and wing colour patterns compared to their closest relatives. To examine the relationship between phenotypic and species diversification, we reconstructed the phylogenetic history of Adelpha and its temperate sister genus Limenitis using genomewide restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing. Despite a declining fraction of shared markers with increasing evolutionary distance, the RAD‐Seq data consistently generated well‐supported trees using a variety of phylogenetic methods. These well‐resolved phylogenies allow the identification of an ecologically important relationship with a toxic host plant family, as well as the confirmation of widespread, convergent wing pattern mimicry throughout the genus. Taken together, our results support the hypothesis that evolutionary innovations in both larvae and adults have permitted the colonization of novel host plants and fuelled adaptive diversification within this large butterfly radiation.  相似文献   

We describe a simple comparative method for determining whether rates of diversification are correlated with continuous traits in species-level phylogenies. This involves comparing traits of species with net speciation rate (number of nodes linking extant species with the root divided by the root to tip evolutionary distance), using a phylogenetically corrected correlation. We use simulations to examine the power of this test. We find that the approach has acceptable power to uncover relationships between speciation and a continuous trait and is robust to background random extinction; however, the power of the approach is reduced when the rate of trait evolution is decreased. The test has low power to relate diversification to traits when extinction rate is correlated with the trait. Clearly, there are inherent limitations in using only data on extant species to infer correlates of extinction; however, this approach is potentially a powerful tool in analyzing correlates of speciation.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Explaining the uneven distribution of species among lineages is one of the oldest questions in evolution. Proposed correlations between biological traits and species diversity are routinely tested by making comparisons between phylogenetic sister clades. Several recent studies have used nested sister-clade comparisons to test hypotheses linking continuously varying traits, such as body size, with diversity. Evaluating the findings of these studies is complicated because they differ in the index of species richness difference used, the way in which trait differences were treated, and the statistical tests employed. In this paper, we use simulations to compare the performance of four species richness indices, two choices about the branch lengths used to estimate trait values for internal nodes and two statistical tests under a range of models of clade growth and character evolution. All four indices returned appropriate Type I error rates when the assumptions of the method were met and when branch lengths were set proportional to time. Only two of the indices were robust to the different evolutionary models and to different choices of branch lengths and statistical tests. These robust indices had comparable power under one nonnull scenario. Regression through the origin was consistently more powerful than the t -test, and the choice of branch lengths exerts a strong effect on both the validity and power. In the light of our simulations, we re-evaluate the findings of those who have previously used nested comparisons in the context of species richness. We provide a set of simple guidelines to maximize the performance of phylogenetically nested comparisons in tests of putative correlates of species richness.  相似文献   

Covariation among traits can modify the evolutionary trajectory of complex structures. This process is thought to operate at a microevolutionary scale, but its long‐term effects remain controversial because trait covariation can itself evolve. Flower morphology, and particularly floral trait (co)variation, has been envisioned as the product of pollinator‐mediated selection. Available evidence suggests that major changes in pollinator assemblages may affect the joint expression of floral traits and their phenotypic integration. We expect species within a monophyletic lineage sharing the same pollinator type will show not only similarity in trait means but also similar phenotypic variance‐covariance structures. Here, we tested this expectation using eighteen Salvia species pollinated either by bees or by hummingbirds. Our findings indicated a nonsignificant multivariate phylogenetic signal and a decoupling between means and variance‐covariance phenotypic matrices of floral traits during the evolution to hummingbird pollination. Mean trait value analyses revealed significant differences between bee‐ and hummingbird‐pollinated Salvia species although fewer differences were detected in the covariance structure between groups. Variance‐covariance matrices were much more similar among bee‐ than hummingbird‐pollinated species. This pattern is consistent with the expectation that, unlike hummingbirds, bees physically manipulate the flower, presumably exerting stronger selection pressures favouring morphological convergence among species. Overall, we conclude that the evolution of hummingbird pollination proceeded through different independent transitions. Thus, although the evolution of hummingbird pollination led to a new phenotypic optimum, the process involved the diversification of the covariance structure.  相似文献   

Specialization has often been claimed to be an evolutionary dead end, with specialist lineages having a reduced capacity to persist or diversify. In a phylogenetic comparative framework, an evolutionary dead end may be detectable from the phylogenetic distribution of specialists, if specialists rarely give rise to large, diverse clades. Previous phylogenetic studies of the influence of specialization on macroevolutionary processes have demonstrated a range of patterns, including examples where specialists have both higher and lower diversification rates than generalists, as well as examples where the rates of evolutionary transitions from generalists to specialists are higher, lower or equal to transitions from specialists to generalists. Here, we wish to ask whether these varied answers are due to the differences in macroevolutionary processes in different clades, or partly due to differences in methodology. We analysed ten phylogenies containing multiple independent origins of specialization and quantified the phylogenetic distribution of specialists by applying a common set of metrics to all datasets. We compared the tip branch lengths of specialists to generalists, the size of specialist clades arising from each evolutionary origin of a specialized trait and whether specialists tend to be clustered or scattered on phylogenies. For each of these measures, we compared the observed values to expectations under null models of trait evolution and expected outcomes under alternative macroevolutionary scenarios. We found that specialization is sometimes an evolutionary dead end: in two of the ten case studies (pollinator‐specific plants and host‐specific flies), specialization is associated with a reduced rate of diversification or trait persistence. However, in the majority of studies, we could not distinguish the observed phylogenetic distribution of specialists from null models in which specialization has no effect on diversification or trait persistence.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同产地降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera)种子和幼苗的表型性状变异规律,该研究以来源于海南、福建、广西、广东等省/区10个产地降香黄檀的种子及在广西桂林培育的幼苗为材料,采用方差分析、相关性分析和主成分分析对其种子和幼苗生长的9个表型性状进行了比较研究。结果表明:降香黄檀种子和幼苗的表型性状存在较大变异,9个性状间均差异极显著,各性状平均变异系数(CV)为12.50%,变异系数范围在7.94%~18.89%,幼苗生长性状的变异高于种子性状的变异,说明种子性状的稳定性较高。相关分析表明各表型性状间及表型性状与地理-气候因子间均存在不同的相关性,各表型性状与经度、纬度及年降水量均无显著相关性,而海拔、年均温度与年降雨量是影响降香黄檀种子和幼苗性状的主要因子。利用主成分综合得分法,筛选出了3个在种子形态、幼苗生长和萌发情况等方面较好的家系,按综合得分排序分别为仙游产地、儋州产地、尖峰岭产地。研究结果可为降香黄檀优良种质资源的筛选提供科学依据。  相似文献   

To what extent are patterns of biological diversification determined by natural selection? We addressed this question by exploring divergence in foraging morphology of threespine stickleback fish inhabiting lake and stream habitats within eight independent watersheds. We found that lake fish generally displayed more developed gill structures and had more streamlined bodies than did stream fish. Diet analysis revealed that these morphological differences were associated with limnetic vs. benthic foraging modes, and that the extent of morphological divergence within watersheds reflected differences in prey resources utilized by lake and stream fish. We also found that patterns of divergence were unrelated to patterns of phenotypic trait (co)variance within populations (i.e. the ‘line of least resistance’). Instead, phenotypic (co)variances were more likely to have been shaped by adaptation to lake vs. stream habitats. Our study thus implicates natural selection as a strong deterministic force driving morphological diversification in lake–stream stickleback. The strength of this inference was obtained by complementing a standard analysis of parallel divergence in means between discrete habitat categories (lake vs. stream) with quantitative estimates of selective forces and information on trait (co)variances.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium proposes that most phenotypic evolution occurs in rapid bursts associated with speciation events. Several methods have been developed that can infer punctuated equilibrium from molecular phylogenies in the absence of paleontological data. These methods essentially test whether the variance in phenotypes among extant species is better explained by evolutionary time since common ancestry or by the number of estimated speciation events separating taxa. However, apparent "punctuational" trait change can be recovered on molecular phylogenies if the rate of phenotypic evolution is correlated with the rate of speciation. Strong support for punctuational models can arise even if the underlying mode of trait evolution is strictly gradual, so long as rates of speciation and trait evolution covary across the branches of phylogenetic trees, and provided that lineages vary in their rate of speciation. Species selection for accelerated rates of ecological or phenotypic divergence can potentially lead to the perception that most trait divergence occurs in association with speciation events.  相似文献   

How environmental variances in quantitative traits are influenced by variable environments is an important problem in evolutionary biology. In this study, the evolution and maintenance of phenotypic variance in a plastic trait under stabilizing selection are investigated. The mapping from genotypic value to phenotypic value of the quantitative trait is approximated by a linear reaction norm, with genotypic effects on its phenotypic mean and sensitivity to environment. The environmental deviation is assumed to be decomposed into environmental quality, which interacts with genotypic value, and residual developmental noise, which is independent of genotype. Environmental quality and the optimal phenotype of stabilizing selection are allowed to randomly fluctuate in both space and time, and individuals migrate equally before development and reproduction among different niches. Analyses show that phenotypic plasticity is adaptive within variable environments if correlations have become established between the optimal phenotype and environmental quality in space and/or time. The evolved plasticity increases with variances in optimal phenotypes and correlations between optimal phenotype and environmental quality; this further induces increases in mean fitness and the environmental variance in the trait. Under certain circumstances, however, the environmental variance may decrease with increase in variation in environmental quality.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations within a trait across environments (rg) are important in the analysis of phenotypic plasticity. Not all methods are, however, equally reliable. An overview of all different methods for estimation of rg with one generation data sets is given. Formulae for the relationship between causal variance components and family means are derived. When these formulae are used covariances derived from family means, thought to be incorrect, are exactly the same as those derived with the ANOVA method. The bias, precision and power of the different methods are compared with Monte Carlo simulations. For all methods bias is small and precision is high for the large balanced data sets analyzed here, except when the variance in one or both of the environments is close to 0. Significance testing causes more problems. Confidence intervals with or without z-transformation are not suitable for testing, nor is testing for g*e interaction in an ANOVA suitable for testing whether the rg is different from 1. The F-test in a mixed model ANOVA and a likelihood ratio test in a REML-analysis can be used for testing a difference from 0 but not from 1 or other values. Jackknife and Bootstrap, however, are suitable tests both for differences with 0,1 and other values, though negative variances can make these tests difficult to apply.  相似文献   

To what extent the speed of mutational production of phenotypic variation determines the rate of long-term phenotypic evolution is a central question. Houle et al. recently addressed this question by studying the mutational variances, additive genetic variances, and macroevolution of locations of vein intersections on fly wings, reporting very slow phenotypic evolution relative to the rates of mutational input, high phylogenetic signals, and a strong, linear relationship between the mutational variance of a trait and its rate of evolution. Houle et al. found no existing model of phenotypic evolution to be consistent with all these observations, and proposed the improbable scenario of equal influence of mutational pleiotropy on all traits. Here, we demonstrate that the purported linear relationship between mutational variance and evolutionary divergence is artifactual. We further show that the data are explainable by a simple model in which the wing traits are effectively neutral at least within a range of phenotypic values but their evolutionary rates are differentially reduced because mutations affecting these traits are purged owing to their different pleiotropic effects on other traits that are under stabilizing selection. Thus, the evolutionary patterns of fly wing morphologies are explainable under the existing theoretical framework of phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

Differences or similarities in the variance of fitness traits are crucial in several biological disciplines, e.g. ecological, toxicological, developmental and evolutionary studies. For example the variance of traits can be utilized as a biomarker of differences in environmental conditions. In the absence of environmental variability, the differences of the variance of a trait can be interpreted as differences of the genetic background. Several tests and transformations are utilized when testing differences between variances. There is, however, a biological tendency for the variance to scale proportionally to the square of the mean (scaling effect) which can considerably bias the results of the tests. We propose a novel method which allows for a more precise correction of the scaling effect and proper comparisons among treatment groups and between investigations. This is relevant for all data sets of distributions with different means and suggests the reanalysis of comparisons among treatment groups. This correction will provide a more reliable method when using bioindicators.  相似文献   

Between‐individual variation in phenotypes within a population is the basis of evolution. However, evolutionary and behavioural ecologists have mainly focused on estimating between‐individual variance in mean trait and neglected variation in within‐individual variance, or predictability of a trait. In fact, an important assumption of mixed‐effects models used to estimate between‐individual variance in mean traits is that within‐individual residual variance (predictability) is identical across individuals. Individual heterogeneity in the predictability of behaviours is a potentially important effect but rarely estimated and accounted for. We used 11 389 measures of docility behaviour from 1576 yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) to estimate between‐individual variation in both mean docility and its predictability. We then implemented a double hierarchical animal model to decompose the variances of both mean trait and predictability into their environmental and genetic components. We found that individuals differed both in their docility and in their predictability of docility with a negative phenotypic covariance. We also found significant genetic variance for both mean docility and its predictability but no genetic covariance between the two. This analysis is one of the first to estimate the genetic basis of both mean trait and within‐individual variance in a wild population. Our results indicate that equal within‐individual variance should not be assumed. We demonstrate the evolutionary importance of the variation in the predictability of docility and illustrate potential bias in models ignoring variation in predictability. We conclude that the variability in the predictability of a trait should not be ignored, and present a coherent approach for its quantification.  相似文献   

A long‐standing debate in evolutionary biology concerns the relative importance of different evolutionary forces in explaining phenotypic diversification at large geographic scales. For example, natural selection is typically assumed to underlie divergence along environmental gradients. However, neutral evolutionary processes can produce similar patterns. We collected molecular genetic data from 14 European populations of Plantago lanceolata to test the contributions of natural selection versus neutral evolution to population divergence in temperature‐sensitive phenotypic plasticity of floral reflectance. In Planceolata, reflectance plasticity is positively correlated with latitude/altitude. We used population pairwise comparisons between neutral genetic differentiation (FST and Jost's D) and phenotypic differentiation (PST) to assess the contributions of geographic distance and environmental parameters of the reproductive season in driving population divergence. Data are consistent with selection having shaped large‐scale geographic patterns in thermal plasticity. The aggregate pattern of PST versus FST was consistent with divergent selection. FST explained thermal plasticity differences only when geographic distance was not included in the model. Differences in the extent of cool reproductive season temperatures, and not overall temperature variation, explained plasticity differences independent of distance. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that thermal plasticity is adaptive where growing seasons are shorter and cooler, that is, at high latitude/altitude.  相似文献   

王瑗  郁万文  周凯  汪贵斌  曹福亮 《广西植物》2019,39(9):1147-1158
该研究以自然分布的内蒙、宁夏、甘肃、新疆、陕西等23个不同地理来源(种源)的野生苦豆子种子及其播种于内蒙古鄂托克前旗同质园内的当年生植株为材料,采用方差分析、主成分分析、聚类分析等方法对种子长、宽、千粒重以及植株的叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶形指数、苗高、地径及生物量等10个表型性状的多样性进行了研究。结果表明:各个表型性状种源间均呈极显著差异,其中种子表型性状的变异系数为5.24%,植株表型性状的变异系数为18.34%,表明种子性状的稳定性高于植株性状。同时,10个性状的表型分化系数均高于70%,说明苦豆子表型多样性主要来源于种源间的表型变异;各种源苦豆子种子性状的表型分化系数均值高达97.55%,且种长、千粒重分别与采集地经度、纬度和海拔等环境因子呈极显著相关性,说明种子表型性状受环境因素的影响较大;相关性分析显示,苦豆子植株性状叶长(LL)、叶面积(LA)分别与种子性状千粒重(TW)、种长(SL)和种宽(SW)有显著相关性,暗示表型性状中的可遗传变异影响;利用主成分和聚类分析对23个种源苦豆子进行综合评价,筛选出生物量较大、苗高较高、千粒重较重、叶面积较大等综合表现较好的6个种源,共分为两类,分别是DK、JY、WY、WH、ETK和YN,这为苦豆子种质资源定向开发以及选育和栽培提供了一定的理论支撑和基础材料。  相似文献   

Relative embryo size (E : S, the ratio of embryo to seed) is a key trait related to germination ecology and seed plant evolution. A small, underdeveloped embryo is a primitive feature of angiosperms, which has led to the hypothesis that an evolutionary trend towards increasing E : S has occurred. Here, I examine first the tempo and mode of E : S evolution in angiosperms; then I test for phylogenetic associations of E : S with traits hypothetically related to anagenetic (germination time) and cladogenetic (number of species per family and differential speciation) change, and finally I test the existence of a directional increasing trend in E : S. The analysis of the evolutionary tempo suggests that E : S changed very fast early in evolutionary time and remained stable later, which is consistent with early radiations and fits well with the history of angiosperms consisting of rapid spread associated with great diversification rates soon after their origin. E : S evolution in angiosperms has not followed a punctuational mode of evolution but a scaled-gradualism evolution in which stasis has occurred in longer branches of the phylogeny. An evolutionary trend towards increasing E : S has not been actively driven by anagenesis nor cladogenesis, although large E : S is associated with high levels of diversification (i.e. number of species per family). This rapid ecological diversification occurring in the early radiation probably produced an increasing phenotypic variance in the E : S. Because the ancestral embryo was so small, an increase in variance might have produced a passive trend towards the only direction allowed for the ancestral embryo to evolve. Thus, a passive diffusion away from a lower bound may explain the average increase in E : S.  相似文献   

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