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Abstract: In order to determine whether nitric oxide (NO) acts directly upon nerve terminals to regulate the synaptic transmission at the level of spinal cord, effects of NO-donors on release of substance P (SP) and glutamic acid (Glu) were investigated by superfusion of synaptosomes prepared from the rat spinal cord. Basal levels of endogenous SP and Glu release were 5.99 ± 2.50 fmol/min/mg of protein and 26.2 ± 4.8 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. Exposure to a depolarizing concentration of KCI evoked 2.7- and 3.8-fold increases in SP and Glu release in a calcium-dependent manner, respectively. Sodium nitroprusside (NP) caused a reduction in the depolarization-evoked overflow of SP in a concentration-dependent manner without affecting its basal release, although it failed to affect either basal or evoked release of Glu. The reduction in SP overflow was also observed by the perfusion with S -nitroso- N -acetyl-penicillamine or membrane-permeable cyclic GMP, but not with cyclic AMP. NP caused the concentration-dependent increases in cyclic GMP levels in synaptosomes. Together with reports that excitatory amino acids stimulate NO synthase and release NO in the spinal cord, these data suggest that there may be an interaction between nerve terminals containing Glu and SP, and that NO may directly participate in the regulation of synaptic transmission in SP-containing nerve terminals, which may be mediated through the activation of guanylate cyclase and the increase in cyclic GMP levels.  相似文献   

Abstract: Endogenous morphine has been clearly demonstrated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in the brain, spinal fluid, adrenal glands, and liver of mammals. To clarify the role of endogenous morphine, its release from rat brain slices was studied in vitro in the presence of high potassium concentrations, with and without calcium in the medium. The perfusate was hydrolyzed, solid phase-extracted, and then analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Depolarization due to high potassium concentrations increased the release of the alkaloid manyfold with respect to the basal value, and the release was dependent on the presence of calcium in the medium. These results suggest that endogenous morphine might act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in the rat CNS.  相似文献   

The possibility that substances P (SP) is a neurotransmitter of baro- and chemoreceptor afferents in the rat was investigated. SP-like immunoreactivity (SP-I) was analyzed quantitatively by radioimmunoassay in various levels of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), the site of termination of these afferents while SP-containing afferent neurons were studied in various portions of the peripheral pathways by immunocytochemistry. It was found that the NTS contained significant amounts of SP-I and that unilateral removal of the nodose ganglia reduces the SP-I content of those portions of the NTS known to receive vagal afferents. In addition, SP-I was visualized in discrete fibers in the tunica adventitia of the aortic arch and carotid sinus regions, the vagus nerve and nodose ganglia. These results in the rat are consistent with our previous studies in the cat and provide further evidence that SP is contained within baro- and chemoreceptor afferent nerves.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the control of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-induced release of substance P was investigated in rat spinal cord in vitro. 5-HT facilitated the 60 m M K+-evoked release of substance P-like immunoreactive materials (SPLI) from the superfused rat dorsal spinal cord slices without affecting spontaneous SPLI release. The facilitatory effect of 5-HT was significantly inhibited by ICS 205-930 or granisetron (potent and specific 5-HT3 receptor antagonists), by N G-monomethyl- l -arginine (NMMA, a NO synthase inhibitor), and by methylene blue or 1 H -[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3- a ]quinoxaline-1-one (MB or ODQ, respectively; both are inhibitors of soluble guanylyl cyclase) and was mimicked by 2-methylserotonin (2-m-5-HT, a selective 5-HT3 receptor agonist), l -arginine (a precursor of NO), or 8-bromo-cyclic GMP. NMMA, MB, or ODQ inhibited the 2-m-5-HT-induced increase of cyclic GMP levels in the rat dorsal spinal cord slices. These data suggest that the facilitatory effect of 5-HT on the release of SPLI is mediated by the 5-HT3 receptor and that the intracellular signaling is mediated via NO by an increase in cyclic GMP production.  相似文献   

A procedure based on ion-exchange chromatography for chemical separation and radioimmunoassays for quantitation of substance P (SP), the SP(1-7), and C-terminal fragments, respectively, has been developed. The procedure allows the determination of these fragments in the presence of large (i.e., 50- to 100-fold) excess of parent compound. The chemical identity of isolated SP and fragments was studied with preparative electrophoresis on dilute agarose gel and with HPLC. The activity identified as SP(1-7) comigrated with the authentic standard whereas practically all activity isolated as C-terminal fragments comigrated with SP(5-11). The levels of C-terminal fragments in rat brain areas rich in SP and in spinal cord were 1-2% of those of parent compound. The levels of SP(1-7) were always higher, in the spinal cord markedly higher (three to five times). Postmortem storage of samples from brain and spinal cord indicated that SP(1-7) levels fell more rapidly than those of SP or C-terminal fragments.  相似文献   

Substance P and glutamate are present in primary afferent C-fibers and play important roles in persistent inflammatory and neuropathic pain. In the present study, we have examined whether activation of different glutamate receptor subtypes modulates the release of substance P evoked by the C-fiber selective stimulant capsaicin (1 μM) from rat trigeminal nucleus slices. The selective NMDA glutamate receptor agonist L-CCG-IV (1–10 μM) enhanced capsaicin-evoked substance P release about 100%. This facilitatory effect was blocked by 0.3 μM MK-801, a selective NMDA receptor antagonist. The metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists L-AP4 (group III) and DHPG (group I) (30–100 μM) inhibited capsaicin-evoked substance P release by approximately 60%. These inhibitory effects were blocked by the selective metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist (±)-MCPG (5 μM). On the other hand, AMPA and kainate (0.1–10 μM), did not significantly affect capsaicin-evoked substance P release. Thus, substance P release from non-myelinated primary afferents, and possibly nociception, may be under the functional antagonistic control of some metabotropic and ionotropic glutamate receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) is synthesized in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and released from primary afferent neurons to convey information regarding noxious stimuli. The effects of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) beta on the release of SP were investigated using primary cultured rat DRG cells. Recombinant mouse IL-1beta added to the cells at 0.1 ng/ml increased the SP-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) in the culture medium after incubation for 6 h by approximately 50% as compared with that of nontreated DRG cells. The effect of IL-1beta was Ca(2+)-dependent and significantly inhibited by 100 ng/ml IL-1 receptor-specific antagonist (IL-1r antagonist), cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors such as 0.1 mM aspirin, 1 microg/ml indomethacin, and 1 microM NS-398 (specific for COX-2), and 1 microM dexamethasone. Furthermore, a 1-h incubation with IL-1beta markedly increased the inducible COX-2 mRNA level, which was inhibited by an IL-1r antagonist and dexamethasone, whereas IL-1beta showed no effect on the level of constitutive COX-1 mRNA. These observations indicated that IL-1beta induced the release of SP from the DRG cells via specific IL-1 receptors, the mechanism of which might involve prostanoid systems produced by COX-2. This could be responsible for the hyperalgesic action with reference to inflammatory pain in the primary afferent neuron to spinal cord pathway.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry for substance P (SP) in the rat thymus revealed fine varicose neural profiles in specific regions of the thymus. Thymic SP innervation was abundant within the capsule and interlobular septa. The majority of SP+ nerve fibers within the septa were free of vascular association, although some fibers were associated with the vasculature deep within the septa. SP+ nerve fibers entered the thymic cortex from the septa and distributed among cortical thymocytes and mast cells. Along the corticomedullary junction, SP+ nerve fibers were found in association with the vasculature. The medullary region of the thymus received only a sparse innervation of SP+ fibers. In addition, SP+ nerve fibers coursed adjacent to OX-8+ cells and mast cells in the extrathymic connective tissue surrounding the thymus. The present study provides evidence that SP is present in nerve fibers in the thymus, and may be available to interact with thymocytes, mast calls, and other cells in the thymus, and affect their development and function.  相似文献   

When opiates are abruptly withdrawn after chronic treatment, increases in hippocampal noradre-nergic function are observed which are accompanied by decreases in striatal dopamine release. The latter effects have to shown to persist for several weeks following the onset of opiate withdrawal. We examined the long-term effects of opiate withdrawal on 4-aminopyridine and potassium stimulated release of striatal dopamine and hippocampal norepinephrine. Tissue samples were obtained either from rats that had been exposed to opiate withdrawal following a seven day morphine infusion or sham treated control subjects. At 48 hours after the onset of withdrawal (cessation of morphine infusions), slices were loaded with [3H] neurotransmitter, washed extensively, and exposed to different drug treatments. 4-aminopyridine induced concentration related increases in striatal dopamine release, which was 36% calcium independent. Similar values for fractional release of striatal dopamine were obtained in morphine withdrawn and control subjects, for both potassium and 4-aminopyridine induced release. In addition, thresholds for 4-aminopyridine or potassium induced release of striatal dopamine did not differ between control and morphine withdrawn subjects. Treatment with 1.0 M morphine sulfate potentiated potassium evoked release of norepinephrine to an equal extent in both morphine withdrawn and sham treated hippocampal tissue. Exposure to a threshold concentration of potassium (8.0 mM), stimulated increased release of hippocampal norepinephrine in a significantly greater fraction of tissue samples obtained from morphine withdrawn animals. Although these results do not support changes in striatal dopamine release following opiate withdrawal, opiate mechanisms appear to be important determinants of in vitro hippocampal norepinephrine release.  相似文献   

Addition of substance P (SP) to astrocytes cultured from rat neonatal spinal cord evoked a time- and concentration-dependent increase in the accumulation of phosphoinositol and the release of prostaglandin (PG) D2 and PGE2. Both basal and stimulated releases were reduced to similar levels by indomethacin. In contrast, astrocytes cultured from cerebral cortex and cerebellum showed no SP-stimulated increase in phosphoinositol accumulation or release of PGs. Release of PGD2 and PGE2 was, however, stimulated by the calcium ionophore A23187, and both phosphoinositol accumulation and PG release were stimulated from cortical astrocytes incubated in the presence of serum. The results from this study suggest that SP-stimulated phosphoinositol accumulation and release of PGs from cultured rat neonatal astrocytes are regionally specialised in favour of cells derived from spinal cord.  相似文献   

1. Nitric oxide (NO) is highly reactive gaseous molecule to which many physiological and pathological functions have been attributed in the central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS) nervous system. The present investigation was undertaken to map the distribution pattern of the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of NO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and especially its neuronal isoform (nNOS) in the population of primary afferent neurons of the trigeminal ganglion (TG) and mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (MTN) of the rabbit.2. In order to identify neuronal structures expressing nNOS we applied histochemistry to its specific histochemical marker nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPHd).3. We found noticeable amount of NADPHd-exhibiting primary afferent neurons in TG of the rabbit under physiological conditions. The intensity of the histochemical reaction was highly variable reaching the maximum in the subpopulation of small-to-medium-sized neurons. The large-sized neurons were only weakly stained or actually did not posses any NADPHd-activity. In addition, NADPHd-positive nerve fibers were detected between clusters of the ganglionic cells and in the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve (TN). NADPHd-exhibiting MTN neurons were noticed in the whole rostrocaudal extent of the nucleus even though some differences were found concerning the ratio of NADPHd-positive versus NADPHd-negative cell bodies. Similarly, we observed striking diversity in the intensity of NADPHd histochemical reaction in the subpopulations of small-, medium-, and large-sized MTN neurons.4. The predominant localization of NADPHd in the subpopulation of small-to-medium-sized TG neurons which are generally considered to be nociceptive suggests that NO probably takes part in the modulation of nociceptive inputs from the head and face. Furthermore, we tentatively assume that NADPHd-exhibiting MTN neurons probably participate in transmission and modulation of the proprioceptive impulses from muscle spindles of the masticatory muscles and mechanoreceptors of the periodontal ligaments and thus provide sensory feedback of the masticatory reflex arc.  相似文献   

Specific 125I-Bolton-Hunter substance P (125I-BHSP) binding sites are present on intact cortical astrocytes of the newborn mouse in primary culture. Therefore, these cells were used to ascertain the existence of functional substance P (SP) receptors coupled positively to phospholipase C. SP stimulated phosphoinositide breakdown with an EC50 value (4.5 x 10(-10) M) similar to its IC50 value (3.8 x 10(-10) M) for inhibiting 125I-BHSP binding. The maximal response to (10(-6) M SP for 60 min) obtained was approximately 500% of control values. The rank order of potency of tachykinins was SP greater than neurokinin (NK) A greater than NKB. Long SP C-terminal fragments were more potent than shorter ones in stimulating the accumulation of 3H-inositol phosphates. SP free acid and SP N-terminal fragments were without effect. [L-Pro9]SP and SP methyl ester, two selective agonists of NK1 receptors, were almost as potent as SP. An excellent correlation was found when the abilities of tachykinins and their analogs for stimulating phosphoinositide breakdown and for inhibiting 125I-BHSP binding were compared. Finally, when used at a concentration of 3 x 10(-6) M, spantide [( D-Arg1, D-Trp7,9, Leu11]SP), an SP antagonist, competitively reduced the stimulatory effect of SP on accumulation of 3H-inositol phosphates. These results demonstrate the presence of functional SP receptors (NK1) on cortical astrocytes from the newborn mouse in primary culture.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheatgerm agglutinin (HRP:WGA) was injected into the proximal cut ends of three branches of the mylohyoid nerve in rats: the branch to the mylohyoid muscle (BrMh), the branch to the anterior belly of the digastricus muscle (BrDg), and the cutaneous branch (BrCu). HRP-labeled cells were detected in the ipsilateral caudal portion of the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus (Vmes) and the ipsilateral ventromedial division of the trigeminal motor nucleus, except when HRP:WGA was applied to the BrCu. Morphologically, all labeled Vmes cells were of the pseudounipolar type.

Projections of the primary afferents of the BrMh were observed in the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus caudalis, the upper cervical dorsal horns of laminae I -III, and the dorsolateral recticular formation (Rf), whereas the primary afferents of the BrDg terminated in the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus principalis and Rf. These observations suggest that the role of the afferent inputs of the mylohyoid muscle differs from that of those of the anterior belly of the digastricus muscle in terms of several functions associated with jaw-closing and infrahyoid muscles.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase HPLC system was used to concentrate and separate components of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SP-LI) from human CSF. When CSF was injected and fractions collected, no SP-LI could be detected by radioimmunoassay (RIA) at the retention time of SP or SP-sulfoxide. Instead, SP-LI was detected in later eluting fractions. This SP-LI reacted with two different antisera raised against the C-terminal part of SP, but not with an antiserum against the N-terminal part. A compound with similar properties was also found to be present in neutral extracts of rat dorsal spinal cord. When the late-eluting compound from human CSF was treated with trypsin and rechromatographed on HPLC, an immunoreactive component eluting at the position of SP could be detected with both the C- and N-terminally directed SP antisera. These results suggest that an N-terminally extended form of SP is present in human CSF. Trypsinization also gave two other compounds with affinity for the N- but not the C-terminally directed antisera. This may indicate that N-terminal fragments of SP extended at the N-terminus or SP molecules extended at both the N- and the C-terminus (i.e., preprotachykinins) also are present in human CSF. In 32 CSF samples from depressed patients, SP-LI was determined with a C-terminally directed antiserum with and without prior HPLC separation. SP itself could not be detected, but the late-eluting form of SP-LI could be quantitated in all samples by combined HPLC-RIA. In most samples, there was a relatively good agreement between the SP-LI levels measured with and without HPLC.  相似文献   

Superfusion of slices from the dorsal half of the lumbar enlargement of rat spinal cord with Krebs-Henseleit medium supplemented with 30 microM bacitracin allowed the collection of substance P-like immunoreactive material (SPLI), which was released at a rate of approximately 10 pg/4 min. Tissue depolarization by an excess of K+ (30-60 mM) or veratridine (50 microM) induced a marked increase in SPLI outflow, provided that Ca2+ was present in the superfusing fluid. K+- or veratridine-induced SPLI overflow could be modulated in opposite directions by mu and delta opioid receptor agonists. Thus, the two preferential mu agonists Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Gly-ol (DAGO; 10 microM) and Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Met(O)5-OH (FK-33824; 0.1 microM) enhanced SPLI overflow from depolarized tissues, whereas the selective delta agonists Tyr-D-Thr-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr (deltakephalin; 3 microM) and [2-D-penicillamine, 5-D-penicillamine]enkephalin (50 microM) reduced it. The effect of DAGO was antagonized by a low concentration (1 microM) of naloxone but not by the selective delta antagonist ICI-154129 (50 microM). In contrast, the latter drug prevented the inhibitory influence of delta agonists on K+-induced SPLI release. Complementary experiments with morphine (10 microM) and [2-D-alanine, 5-D-leucine]enkephalinamide (3 microM), in combination with 1 microM naloxone or 50 microM ICI-154129 for the selective blockade of mu or delta receptors, respectively, confirmed that the stimulation of mu receptors increased, whereas the stimulation of delta receptors reduced, SPLI overflow. The results suggest that, at the spinal level, and antinociceptive action of delta but not mu agonists might involve a presynaptic inhibition of substance P-containing primary afferent fibers.  相似文献   

目的:探讨P物质(substance P,SP)在子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EM)中的表达及其意义。方法:采用免疫组织化学法检测2012年10月至2013年4月在哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院经腹腔镜及病理证实的EM患者异位子宫内膜组织20例,与其配对的在位子宫内膜组织10例以及因非EM(子宫肌瘤)行腹腔镜下子宫全切术或肌瘤核除患者的正常子宫内膜组织20例中SP的表达情况,并分析和比较术中盆腔粘连发生情况。结果:SP在EM患者的异位子宫内膜、在位子宫内膜及非EM患者的正常子宫内膜的阳性表达率分别为75%、80%、20%,异位子宫内膜和在位子宫内膜比较无显著性差别(P=1.0),但均高于非EM患者的正常子宫内膜,差异均有统计学意义(P=0.002,P=0.004);EM组盆腔粘连的阳性率高于非EM组,EM患者异位子宫内膜中SP阳性组盆腔粘连阳性率高于SP阴性组,差异均有统计学意义(P=0.001,P=0.032),非EM患者正常子宫内膜中SP阳性组盆腔粘连阳性率与SP阴性组相比,差异不具有统计学意义(P=0.061)。结论:SP在EM的异位子宫内膜和在位子宫内膜中的表达上调,并与EM合并盆腔粘连有关,其具体机制尚有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Abstract: Substance P (SP) and SP analogues, including C-terminal, N-terminal, and C-terminus-extended analogues, have been investigated for their ability to modulate nicotine-induced secretion from bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in culture. Secretion was monitored by measuring the release of endogenous catecholamines by electrochemical detection following separation on HPLC and the release of endogenous ATP with an on-line luciferin-luciferase bioluminescence technique. SP is known to have the following two effects on nicotine-induced secretion of catecholamines (see Livett and Zhou, 1991): inhibition of the nicotinic response and protection against nicotinic desensitization. Secretion induced by 10-5M nicotine was inhibited 70-80% by SP, SP-methyl ester, and the C-terminus-extended analogue SP-Tyr12-NH2, 65% by (Ala3)SP-NH2, 45% by the C-terminal analogue SP(4-11), and 20 and 5% by the N-terminal analogues SP(1-7) and SP(1-5), respectively, when these peptides were present at 3 ×; 10-5M concentrations. The order of potency was SP = SP-methyl ester = SP-Tyr12-NH2 > (Ala3)SP-NH2 > SP(4-11) > SP(1-7) > SP(1-5). SP, SP-methyl ester, and (Ala3)SP-NH2 protected against nicotinic desensitization by 40-55%, and SP(4-11) protected by 20% (all at 3 ×; 10-5M). In contrast, the N-terminal analogues SP(1-7) and SP(1-5) and the C-terminus-extended analogue SP-Tyr12-NH2 at 3 × 10-5M did not protect against nicotinic desensitization. Cyclo-SP(3-9), Ac-SP(3-9)-NH2, SP(3-9), and SP(3-6) had neither inhibitory nor facilitatory effects on secretion. Of the 20 SP analogues extended at the C terminus by one amino acid, there were only three that protected against nicotinic desensitization, whereas the majority inhibited nicotine-evoked catecholamine secretion. The present work indicates that for inhibition of nicotine-evoked secretion, both the C terminus and N terminus of SP are necessary. For the protection against nicotine-induced desensitization, the C terminus of SP is important. This suggests that the two mechanisms, inhibition of nicotine-evoked secretion and protection against nicotinic desensitization, are regulated independently.  相似文献   

P物质的免疫调节作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
P物质在外周主要分布于了发出细传入的神经元内。在外周神经末梢释放的P物质参与免疫调节和炎症过程。P物质可以影响淋巴细胞的增殖、免疫球蛋白和细胞因子的合成,并能够调节辅佐细胞的活性和细胞因子的合成以及其他一些免疫细胞的活性。P物质通过以上作用参与调节细胞和体液免疫应答。在外周组织中,P物质能的神经纤维和一些免疫细胞联系密切,许多免疫细胞膜上存在有P物质的特异性受体。这些形态学资料为P物质参与免疫调节提供了证据。一些免疫细胞也能够产生P物质,并以自分泌或/和旁分泌的方式调节免疫细胞的功能。以上资料表明P物质不仅是一种神经肽,也是一种免疫调节因子,是神经系统和免疫系统共同的信使物质。  相似文献   

Capsaicin has been shown to evoke the release of substance P (SP) from small diameter primary afferent fibers. Using an in vivo perfusion of the rat spinal cord, this study examined the pharmacology of opioid receptor systems which modulate the capsaicin-evoked release of SP. The addition of capsaicin (200 μM) to the perfusate raised SP-like immunoreactivity (SP-LI) from resting levels of 31±5 to 74±14 pg/ml or an increase of 139% above the baseline. Using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) the identity of the released SP-LI was determined to coelute primarily with authentic SP or the oxidized form of SP. Opioid receptor agonists were added to the perfusate and their ability to inhibit capsaicin-evoked release of SP-LI was assessed. Morphine (10–100 μM), DAGO (1–100 μM), DPLPE (10–100 μM), but not U50488H (100 μM) produced a dose-dependent reduction in the capsaicin-evoked release of SP-LI. Pretreatment with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (1 mg/kg, IP) had no effect on the basal or capsaicin-evoked release of SP-LI. Naloxone pretreatment was able to antagonize completely the opioid-produced inhibition of capsaicin-evoked SP-LI release. These data indicate that the release of SP from primary afferent fibers can be modulated by the activation of mu or delta but not kappa opioid receptors. Further, these data support the hypothesis that spinally administered mu and delta opioid agonists may produce their antinociceptive effect through the presynaptic inhibition of neuropeptide release from small diameter primary afferent fibers.  相似文献   

C.J. Helke  E.T. Phillips 《Peptides》1988,9(6):1307-1315
Local spinal cord vasomotor effects of 3 substance P (SP) antagonists were studied in the rat following intrathecal (IT) administration. Each SP antagonist (3.3 nmol) increased spinal cord vascular resistance and reduced blood flow. A LH-RH antagonist analog (10 nmol) of similar molecular weight and which also contained multiple D-Trp residues did not cause spinal cord vasoconstriction. The vasoconstrictor action of the SP antagonist, [D-Arg1, D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9, Leu11]-SP ([D-Arg]-SP) was unaffected by pretreatment with a stable SP receptor agonist (5 nmol IT). Given evidence for a cerebral vasodilator action of TRH agonists, the effects of TRH (IV) and a stable TRH analog (MK-771, IT) on [D-Arg]-SP-induced vasoconstriction were also assessed. Neither TRH nor MK-771 prevented the [D-Arg]-SP-induced vasoconstriction. However, TRH (IV) but not MK-771 (IT) partially opposed [D-Arg]-SP-induced reduction in thoracic spinal cord blood flow. Thus, SP antagonists cause spinal cord vasoconstriction by a non-SP receptor mediated phenomenon. In addition, the attenuation of SP-antagonist-induced neuropathological changes previously reported with IV. TRH administration is likely due to less severe consequences of vasoconstriction in the presence of a higher initial baseline blood flow rather than direct prevention of the vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

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