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Phylloclades are traditionally defined as flattened, determinate, leaf-like stems primarily on the basis of their axillary position. However, because the literature is replete with controversy over the morphological interpretation of these organs, a study of phylloclade development in comparison with leaf and stem development was undertaken in four closely related species of the Asparagaceae: Ruscus aculeatus, Danae racemosa, Semele androgyna and Asparagus densiflorus. Results reveal a continuum in phylloclade development from very leaf-like forms, such as those of Danae, via the more intermediate types of Ruscus, to the gradually more shootlike forms of Semele and Asparagus. This continuum results from a differential expression of stem (or shoot) and leaf characteristics in an axillary position. When stem (or shoot) and leaf features are combined, as in the fertile phylloclade of Ruscus, an intermediate organ is formed. Phylloclades are a form of evolutionary novelty that exemplifies the phenomenon of homoeosis, which is the transference of features from one organ to another. Developmentally, this means that leaf features are expressed by the axillary meristem.  相似文献   

Prediction of nutrient partitioning is a long-standing problem of animal nutrition that has still not been solved. Another substantial problem for nutritional science is how to incorporate genetic differences into nutritional models. These two problems are linked as their biological basis lies in the relative priorities of different life functions (growth, reproduction, health, etc.) and how they change both through time and in response to genetic selection. This paper presents recent developments in describing this biological basis and evidence in support of the concepts involved as they relate to nutrient partitioning. There is ample evidence that at different stages of the reproductive cycle various metabolic pathways, such as lipolysis and lipogenesis, are up or down regulated. The net result of such changes is that nutrients are channelled to differing extents to different organs, life functions and end-products. This occurs not as a homeostatic function of changing nutritional environment but rather as a homeorhetic function caused by the changing expression of genes for processes such as milk production through time. In other words, the animal has genetic drives and there is an aspect of nutrient partitioning that is genetically driven. Evidence for genetic drives other than milk production is available and is discussed. Genetic drives for other life functions than just milk imply that nutrient partitioning will change through lactation and according to genotype - i.e. it cannot be predicted from feed properties alone. Progress in describing genetic drives and homeorhetic controls is reviewed. There is currently a lack of good genetic measures of physiological parameters. The unprecedented level of detail and amounts of data generated by the advent of microarray biotechnology and the fields of genomics, proteomics, etc. should in the long-term provide the necessary information to make the link between genetic drives and metabolism. However, gene expression, protein synthesis etc, have all been shown to be environmentally sensitive. Thus, a major challenge in realising the potential afforded by this new technology is to be able to be able to distinguish genetically driven and environmentally driven effects on expression. To do this we need a better understanding of the basis for the interactions between genotypes and environments. The biological limitations of traditional evaluation of genotype × environment interactions and plasticity are discussed and the benefits of considering these in terms of trade-offs between life functions is put forward. Trade-offs place partitioning explicitly at the centre of the resource allocation problem and allow consideration of the effects of management and selection on multiple traits and on nutrient partitioning.  相似文献   

植物表型可塑性研究进展   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
王姝  周道玮 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8161-8169
表型可塑性已成为生态进化发育生物学的核心概念,很大程度上由于植物可塑性研究的主要贡献,但人们仍远未完全了解表型可塑性的原因和结果。从整体角度理出表型可塑性研究发展的基本脉络,介绍研究内容、途径和简史,聚焦于几个主要方面的研究进展及发展方向。现代可塑性研究的兴盛始于关于可塑性的进化学重要性的一篇综述,从现象的描述、对其遗传基础和可塑性本身进化的讨论,发展到探索其背后的发育机制、植物生长与适应策略、生态学影响等。未来可塑性研究应在重新理解和评价表型可塑性及其适应性的基础上,更关注自然条件下环境因子和可塑响应的复杂性。表型可塑性的生态-进化学意义仍将是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

1 Correspondence address. E-mail: fzegers{at}clc.cl BACKGROUND: Since 1990, the Latin American Registry of Assisted Reproductioncovers more than 80% of the assisted reproductive technology(ART) cycles performed regionally. METHODS: 130 centers enter their data online, and after collection, itis analyzed and published regionally. RESULTS: This paper analyses trends in ART procedures initiated between1990 and 2004, and babies born up to 2005. Overall, the datainclude 150,000 embryo transfer (ET) cycles, 33,500 deliveriesand the birth of 44,978 babies. The yearly increment in initiatedcycles is below other regions of the world. The economic, religiousand social factors explaining this limited access to ART arediscussed. Major trends include: an increase in the age of femalepartner undergoing treatments; a marked shift towards an increasein the use of ICSI; and a steady increase in the delivery ratesper ET reaching 24.6% in IVF/ICSI cycles, and 30.7% in OD cycles.Despite a slight decrease in the mean number of ET (2.9), almosthalf of all births are either twins or triplets. CONCLUSIONS: Our region is confronted with two main issues: limited accessto those who can afford it; and a high number of embryos transferredresulting in almost 50% of babies born from multiple births.  相似文献   

A review of the genus Semele (Ruscaceae) systematics in Madeira   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study attempts to review the systematics of Semele (Ruscaceae) in Madeira, based on phenotypic diversity. The variation in some vegetative (climbing shoot, second-order branches or 'phylloclades') and sexual (inflorescence and flowers) characters was analysed in 115 plant specimens from 30 field populations, herbaria of the Costa collection and Madeira Botanical Garden (MADJ) and certain gardens. Thirty-one quantitative and qualitative characters have been utilized in the analysis. Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) analysis indicates adequate sampling. Principal component analysis (PCA) reveals that the spatial distribution of individuals has a discontinuous behaviour. Principal coordinate analysis (PCO) utilizing the Gower coefficient on standardized data revealed a significantly discontinuous distribution of individuals, such that two different clusters can be defined. The Student's t -test and Tukey test on separate characters, when individuals were classified according to the Costa classification, confirms the significant differences between grouping accessions. This leads to the recognition of two species within the genus in Madeira. Literature and herbarium studies show that these two taxa are conspecific with Semele androgyna (L.) Kunth sensu stricto (s.s.) and Semele menezesi Costa sensu lato (s.l.) . A separated statistical analysis of the S. androgyna cluster shows the possible existence of additional subgroups. Based on field population distribution, ecological behaviour and variation in features, we propose the recognition of two species, S. androgyna (L.) Kunth and S. menezesi (Costa) Pinheiro de Carvalho, and two subspecies S. androgyna (L.) Kunth androgyna Pinheiro de Carvalho and S. androgyna (L.) Kunth pterygophora Pinheiro de Carvalho.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 483–497.  相似文献   

Development is typically a constructive process, in which phenotypes incrementally adapt to local ecologies. Here, we present a novel model in which natural selection shapes developmental systems based on the evolutionary ecology, and these systems adaptively guide phenotypic development. We assume that phenotypic construction is incremental and trades off with sampling cues to the environmental state. We computed the optimal developmental programmes across a range of evolutionary ecological conditions. Using these programmes, we simulated distributions of mature phenotypes. Our results show that organisms sample the environment most extensively when cues are moderately, not highly, informative. When the developmental programme relies heavily on sampling, individuals transition from sampling to specialization at different times in ontogeny, depending on the consistency of their sampled cue set; this finding suggests that stochastic sampling may result in individual differences in plasticity itself. In addition, we find that different selection pressures may favour similar developmental mechanisms, and that organisms may incorrectly calibrate development despite stable ontogenetic environments. We hope our model will stimulate adaptationist research on the constructive processes guiding development.  相似文献   

A new theoretical approach is proposed to investigate the effect of intra-individual variability in behavior on the spread of directly transmitted diseases within host populations. The classical hawk-dove game is used to describe interactions between individuals on a fast time scale (the day). Individuals may exhibit both tactics according to their own experience, to environment conditions, and to the opponent. They are not able to recognize the epidemiological state of their opponents. This fast-time part of the model is coupled to a classical compartmental epidemic model describing the demography of the population and the transmission of the disease from an infected individual to a healthy one on a slow time scale (the year). The model is applied to the case of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-domestic cat population system. Our model gives rise to different predictions according to values of cost and gain due to fights: extinction of the epidemic, FIV endemicity at low, intermediate and high prevalence. These predictions are in good agreement with results from domestic cat populations living in different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity: an evolving plant character   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phenotypic plasticity is an important mode of adaptation to temporal and spatial environmental variability, particularly in plants. Although data are available concerning interspecific differences in the sizes and shapes of characters, there is little information concerning differences between taxa for the plastic responses of those characters. We have measured: (1) the mean value of a character, (2) the amount of character plasticity, and (3) the pattern of phenotypic plasticity for species in five genera, and calculated the divergences among species for each of these three measures. We compared the divergences of these measures to address the question of whether there is a relationship between the evolution of the character means of species and the evolution of the plasticities of those characters. We found that the evolutionary divergence of character plasticities could be independent of the interspecific divergence of character means. There was, however, a tendency for the divergence of amounts and patterns of plasticity to be related.  相似文献   

The systematic studies of the Ophiopogoneae in Asparagaceae were reviewed in respect of morphology, anatomy, micromorphology, cytology, molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, genome size, and exploiting and utilizing of plant resource, to provide reference for further studies on Ophiopongoneae.  相似文献   

Impacts of individual personality on group distribution were investigated using sheep (Ovis aries) as a model. In an indoor exploration test, individuals who visited <4 (out of 6) objects in a novel environment were classified as ‘shy’ (n = 10), and those who visited 5 or 6 objects were classified as ‘bold’ (n = 10). Nine weeks later, using a series of groups (n = 40) of either 5 shy or 5 bold sheep, we measured distribution at pasture and responses to disturbance and the approach of a human handler. When grazing undisturbed, the mean nearest neighbour distance and spread (minimum convex hull area) of shy groups were less than those of bold groups, with shy individuals moving towards one another more often. Shy groups explored a smaller area than bold groups. When disturbed, shy sheep were more likely to stop grazing and move closer together. Shy sheep kept further away from the handler and moved faster when driven. The results demonstrate a link between personality and group distribution, suggesting that our ‘shy’ and ‘bold’ individuals may occupy different positions on the shy-bold continuum documented for other species. We discuss implications for diet composition and impacts on vegetation grazed by animals with different personalities.  相似文献   

F. Menu  D. Debouzie 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):367-373
Spreading of emergence over several years due to prolonged diapause in some larvae was shown in the chestnut weevil. Depending on the year the larvae buried themselves in the ground, 32–56% of live adults emerged after 2 or 3 years of underground life. Variability in the duration of diapause was assumed to correspond to tactics of adaptative coin-flipping plasticity. This plasticity must allow the chestnut weevil to respond to the unpredictability of its habitat as measured by the irregularity of chestnut production and summer drought. Indeed, fecundity and adult longevity did not lessen after 2 years of underground life. No drastic decrease in the population size of weevils occurs after bad years; for instance when the number of chestnuts on the study tree is less than 10 000, passers-by can collect all the fruit and about 95% of larvae developing in chestnuts are destroyed. Diapause nature (simple or prolonged) may be related to moisture and gas rates in the ground from October to December. These factors acting in autumn are not known to be involved in the physiological mechanisms that control the production of chestnuts.  相似文献   

A matrix‐based projection model is used in conjunction with the results of a coupled bio‐physical dispersal model to examine the spread of alleles through subdivided populations over time, and the associated development of genetic structural patterns. Applying this approach, it becomes possible to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of spatially explicit migration towards patterns of genetic structure observed in the field. To provide a concrete example, the model was used to examine genetic dispersal between coral reef patches of the Caribbean. Using generic life‐history parameters, the model shows the formation of a strong genetic break between eastern and western patches, as well as the development of a gradient along the length of the Bahamian archipelago, corresponding with evidence previously collected for coral and fish species. The data also suggest that Jamaica and the Cayman Islands are important stepping stones between the reefs of the northern Caribbean (Hispaniola and the Bahamas) and the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. The model provides an effective means of evaluating regional‐scale genetic connectivity through time and identifying natural clusters of genetic exchange.  相似文献   

Aims The last decade has seen many plant ecologists integrating phylogenetic analysis into ecology to explain patterns of species co-occurrence and compositional similarity across assemblages. Despite the advances in this area, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. One challenge is that most of the phylogenetic studies of plant assemblages have focused only on a small proportion of all of the vascular plants that co-occur (e.g. woody plants), while much of the remaining co-occurring flora has been ignored.Methods Here we introduce an analytical approach that we term phylofloristics that analyzes the compositional similarity of floras in relation to spatial and environmental gradients to understand their assembly. As an illustration, we assembled a large phylogenetic tree for the flora of the Lesser Antilles and evaluated the patterns of floristic and phylofloristic similarity among the island-specific floras. We analyzed the relationship of these similarities with spatial and environmental distance and compared the results for non-endemic and endemic lineages.Important findings The results show a major influence of environmental heterogeneity on the assembly of island floras and far less evidence for the importance of dispersal limitation of lineages and species. This study highlights the importance of incorporating broader taxonomic sampling to improve our understanding of assembly processes in ecology. We expect future phylofloristic studies will improve the approach we have taken by generating more refined phylogenetic trees and by incorporating phylogeographic information.  相似文献   

徐中民  程国栋  张志强 《生态学报》2001,21(9):1484-1493
生态足迹是一种定量测量人类对自然利用程度的新方法。通过跟踪区域的能源和资源消费,将它们转化为提供这种物质流所必须的各种生物生产型土地类型的面积,并同区域能提供的生物生产型土地面积进行比较,能定量判断一个区域的发展是否处于生态承载能力的范围内,介绍了生态足迹的概念及生态足迹计算模型,分析总结了生态足迹模型的优缺点等,在此基础上,对张掖地区1995年生态足迹进行了实证计算和分析,结果表明1995年张掖地区人均生态字为0.34hm^2.  相似文献   



The measurement of healthcare provider performance is becoming more widespread. Physicians have been guarded about performance measurement, in part because the methodology for comparative measurement of care quality is underdeveloped. Comprehensive quality improvement will require comprehensive measurement, implying the aggregation of multiple quality metrics into composite indicators.


To present a conceptual framework to develop comprehensive, robust, and transparent composite indicators of pediatric care quality, and to highlight aspects specific to quality measurement in children.


We reviewed the scientific literature on composite indicator development, health systems, and quality measurement in the pediatric healthcare setting. Frameworks were selected for explicitness and applicability to a hospital-based measurement system.


We synthesized various frameworks into a comprehensive model for the development of composite indicators of quality of care. Among its key premises, the model proposes identifying structural, process, and outcome metrics for each of the Institute of Medicine's six domains of quality (safety, effectiveness, efficiency, patient-centeredness, timeliness, and equity) and presents a step-by-step framework for embedding the quality of care measurement model into composite indicator development.


The framework presented offers researchers an explicit path to composite indicator development. Without a scientifically robust and comprehensive approach to measurement of the quality of healthcare, performance measurement will ultimately fail to achieve its quality improvement goals.

Origin and development of river zooplankton: example of the Marne   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Pourriot  Roger  Rougier  Claude  Miquelis  Anne 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(2-3):143-148
Zooplankton composition and growth in the river Marne (France)were studied on a space scale of 300 km in July 1991. There werethree distinct areas along the river: the immediate reservoir outlet(pK 652), the natural river called middle Marne (from pK 652to pK 799 downstream) and the channeled river (from pK 799 topK 975 downstream). A typical lake community, characterized both byan abundance of microcrustaceans and a high zooplanktonconcentration was found immediately downstream of the reservoir Marne(Der-Chantecocq Lake). Here, large microcrustaceans (copepods,daphnids), and large rotifers (Keratella cochlearisrobusta and Polyarthra dolichoptera-vulgaris) rapidlydisappeared, and small rotifer species (<120 m) dominated theplankton. Their populations (specially Keratella c. cochlearis)proliferated in the middle Marne as far as 100 km downstream(up to 288 ind. l-1) but were considerably reduced (20 to35 ind. l-1) where the river is channeled, algal resourcesdecline and turbidity increases.The dominance of small organisms such as rotifers, in riverplankton is assumed to be the result of fish predation on largezooplankton as well as of a short generation time which allowstheir in situ reproduction, in spite of a short residencetime of the water.  相似文献   

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