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OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of indigenously prepared cell blocks (CBs) as an adjunct to a conventional smear test in providing a reliable diagnosis of clinically suspicious cervical cancer in resource-limited settings. METHODS: Eighty-six clinically suspicious cervical cancer cases underwent a conventional smear test, CB preparation from residual cellular samples and biopsies at the same sitting. Correlations were performed between these modalities in order to derive the sensitivity and specificity of the CB technique to diagnose cervical cancer. OBSERVATION & RESULTS: Out of 86 clinically suspicious cervical cancers, 72 (83.7%), 70 (81.4%) and 67 (77.9%) cases were diagnosed as malignant on tissue biopsies, CBs and smears respectively. CB-biopsy agreement in the diagnosis of malignancy was feasible in 87.5% of the cases while CB-Pap smear agreement was feasible in 92.5% of the cases. Sensitivity and specificity of CB preparation to diagnose malignancy was 92.5% and 100%, respectively, when the smear was taken as the reference test (excluding the unsatisfactory smears). When biopsy was taken as the gold standard, the sensitivity and specificity of CBs were 87.5% and 100% respectively (excluding the unsatisfactory biopsies). In 8/19 cases where the smear diagnoses were either unsatisfactory or atypical squamous cells/atypical glandular cells, CBs picked up malignant lesions. CONCLUSION: CBs prepared from the residual cellular sample of conventional cervical scrapes augment the sensitivity of the smear test. When used as an adjunct to the smear, CBs aid in providing a reliable diagnosis of cervical cancer in the majority of the clinically suspected cases and thus the biopsy load can be reduced significantly in resource-poor settings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: One of the key performance measures in the monitoring of the NHS cervical screening programme is the targeting of laboratories with very high or low percentages (outside the 10th-90th percentile) of adequate smears that have moderate dyskaryosis or worse. These laboratories are assumed to include those laboratories that may have extremes of sensitivity and specificity. A clear limitation with this methodology is that laboratories do not examine smears from women with the same underlying risk, age distribution or screening interval and adjustment for these factors should considerably improve the method. METHODS: This paper describes a method that allows for these confounding variables and a new age-risk-interval adjusted moderate dyskaryosis or worse rate (ARI-adjusted mod+ rate) can be calculated. The adjusted rate is the rate of moderate or worse dyskaryotic smears that the laboratory would have detected had it been screening women with an English 'average' age-risk-interval. All laboratories can therefore be compared using this method. RESULTS: The methodology is illustrated using data from the NHSCSP South West Region. The particularly low percentage of moderate or worse smears detected by one or two laboratories can be shown to be due to a local screened population with a very low risk because of a high mean age, relatively short screening interval and census variables associated with a low risk, rather than any under-calling by the associated laboratories. CONCLUSIONS: The ARI-adjusted mod+ rate requires to be calculated for all laboratories in England if it is to be used as a primary performance indicator. Alternatively, it can be used to further examine laboratories that are deemed to be outliers using the current methodology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the inter-laboratory reproducibility for atypical glandular cells (AGC) (The Bethesda System (TBS) 2001) of the laboratories involved in the screening programmes in Italy. METHODS: A set of 35 selected slides were circulated among 167 laboratories involved in local population-based cervical screening programmes. Each laboratory provided one single diagnosis per smear. The smears were read blind to the original diagnosis and to the diagnoses provided by other laboratories. A 'majority' diagnosis was defined for each case and assumed as the reference standard. The diagnosis provided from each laboratory was compared with the majority diagnosis. RESULTS: According to the majority report the 35 slides in the set were classified as negative in nine cases, AGC in eight, adenocarcinoma in eight, and squamous lesion or squamous + glandular lesion in 10. The crude agreement between all pairs of laboratories was 49.43%. K-values were 0.46, 0.21, 0.34, 0.36 and 0.32 for negative, AGC/AIS (adenocarcinoma in situ of endocervix), AdenoCa, Sq/Sq + Gl and all reporting categories respectively. Concordance according to overall K was moderate to substantial in 77% of the participating laboratories. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that the AGC category is not easily reproducible. The data confirmed the importance, in a screening scenario, of AGC/AIS diagnoses, but also presented difficulties in differentiating between the two diagnoses. In addition to the results obtained from the circulation of the slides, laboratories which had annually a low number of cervical smears were able to gain experience focused on particular morphological pictures.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Training for cervical smear takers in primary care is well established. We aimed to assess the adequacy of training in cervical smear taking among hospital medical trainees. METHOD: An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among hospital medical trainees within the North West region of England. The questionnaire assessed the trainees' level of confidence in their knowledge and skills in the theoretical and practical aspects of cervical smear taking, and the training they had received. The standards used were as stated in the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme Resource Pack for Training Smear Takers (July 1998). These included practical smear taking, pre- and post-test counselling, the background to cervical screening, the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme, the role of the Health Authority and the laboratory, provision for women with special needs, acceptability, accountability and quality assurance. RESULTS: Seventy-eight per cent of trainees returned the questionnaires. Although all the trainees were confident about taking smears, a significant percentage was concerned about the theoretical and specific issues associated with smear taking such as the care of women with special needs. Only 60.7% had received formal training in practical smear taking. Furthermore, only 48.3% had been formally trained in the clinical management of smears. CONCLUSION: There appears to be an urgent need for formal training in the theory and practice of smear taking and for the standardization of the course content. The introduction of training in liquid-based cytology provides us with a golden opportunity to address this deficit.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme monitors the quality of colposcopy services through the annual KC65 returns. The 2002 returns demonstrated that Standard 7c, which specifies a biopsy rate > or = 90% at first colposcopy visit for high-grade referrals, was not met in the assessed 3-month period. This was investigated along with the other standards. METHODS: Retrospective colposcopy records were accessed for the 597 new referrals, excluding 10 pregnant patients, seen at the colposcopy clinic at the Royal Victoria Infirmary between 1 July 2001 and 31 December 2002, following an abnormal high-grade smear. Cytology and histopathology computer records were checked for confirmation. The results were assessed against the colposcopy standards applicable at that time and the revised standards (2004). RESULTS: Biopsies were taken from 94.47% (Standard > or = 90%) of women at index colposcopy visit including wire loop excision biopsies from 66.16% (87.97% of high-grade colposcopic appearances). Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) on histology was found in 91.79% in the study group (Standard > or = 85%) and in 96.71% of index visit biopsies (Standard > or = 90%), meeting the applicable colposcopy standards. The revised 2004 standards specify a biopsy in > or = 95% of high-grade referrals and excision biopsies in 95% if colposcopic appearances are also high-grade, if colposcopy is low grade but the smear is severely dyskaryotic, or when the lesion extends into the canal. The positive predictive value of high-grade cytology for this entire group was 75.54% with CIN present in 90.95%. CONCLUSION: From this study it appears that high-grade cytology in this centre reliably indicates high-grade CIN. Therefore, in women referred for colposcopy following a high-grade smear, excision biopsies should be performed in a higher proportion at the first visit to comply with the revised standards.  相似文献   

The current paper presents an annex in the second edition of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening. It provides guidance on how to make a satisfactory conventional Pap smear or a liquid-based cytology (LBC) sample. Practitioners taking samples for cytology should first explain to the woman the purpose, the procedure and how the result will be communicated. Three sampling methods are considered as acceptable for preparing conventional Pap smears: (i) the cervical broom; (ii) the combination of a spatula and an endocervical brush; and (iii) the extended tip spatula. Smear takers should take care to sample the entire circumference of the transformation zone, to quickly spread the cellular material over a glass slide, and to fix the preparation within a few seconds to avoid drying artefacts. According to local guidelines, one of these three methods may be preferred. Sampling with a cotton tip applicator is inappropriate. Similar procedures should be followed for sampling cells for LBC, but only plastic devices may be used. The collected cells should be quickly transferred into a vial with fixative liquid according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the LBC system. Subsequently, the slide or vial and the completed request form are sent to the laboratory for cytological interpretation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the cytomorphology of clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the ovary in intraoperative samples of peritoneal fluid, imprint and scraping samples of the tumour tissue. STUDY DESIGN: Fourteen histologically confirmed cases, stained by standard cytological procedures, were analysed by light microscopy. RESULTS: In 33.3% of peritoneal fluid samples and 92.9% of imprint and scraping cytological samples, besides variable clear cell cellular morphology, one or both distinct cytological characteristics were observed: eosinophilic, hyaline, extracellular, globular substance with or without formation of a 'raspberry' body and an eosinophilic, intracytoplasmic inclusions. These structures were clearly seen only in samples stained by May-Grünwald-Giemsa. CONCLUSION: Using cytological analysis of imprint and scraping samples of ovarian tumours it is possible to make a precise intraoperative cytological diagnosis in most cases of CCC of the ovary.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of the study was to determine values of a quantitative morphometry analysis of nuclear characteristics and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in differential cytodiagnosis of benign, atypically proliferating (borderline) and malignant serous ovarian tumours. METHODS: Cytological imprints of benign (n = 20), borderline (n = 19) and malignant (n = 20) ovarian serous tumours were analysed. A computerized, digital analysis was used to determine morphometric nuclear features, the number and characteristics of single AgNORs, cluster AgNORs, total AgNOR and AgNOR area/nucleus (relative area) ratio. According to their size AgNORs were classified in three categories. A one-way variance analysis and post hoc test (Scheffé) were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The morphometric nuclear analysis showed that benign, borderline and malignant serous ovarian tumours are statistically different (P < 0.001) according to the area and outline, the values being highest in malignant tumours and lowest in the borderline group. Digital analysis of AgNORs in benign, borderline and malignant groups showed that the total AgNOR number increases with progression of the lesion (meaning tumour malignancy) significantly (P < 0.001) between benign and malignant as well as between borderline and malignant serous ovarian tumours (P < 0.001). The progression of the lesion malignancy was accompanied by a significant (P < 0.001) progressive increase of the total and relative AgNOR area per nucleus. The AgNOR size increases from benign to malignant tumours and a statistically significant difference (P < 0.001) was observed in all three groups regarding small and large AgNORs. CONCLUSION: Combining different markers of morphometric nuclear characteristics and AgNOR values could improve differential cytodiagnosis of benign, borderline and malignant serous ovarian tumours.  相似文献   

The quality of a cervical cytology laboratory depends on adequate handling and staining of the samples, screening and interpretation of the slides and reporting of the results. These guidelines give an overview of procedures recommended in Europe to manage the balance between best patient care possible, laboratory quality assurance and cost effectiveness and will be published as a chapter 4 in the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening. The laboratory guidelines include protocols for personnel and organisation, material requirements, handling and analysing cervical samples, recording of results, quality management and communication. The section on quality management is comprehensive and includes protocols for all aspects of internal and external quality assurance. The guidelines are extensively referenced and as far as possible the recommendations are evidence-based.  相似文献   

There are many different systems of cytology classification used in the member states of the European Union (EU) and many different languages. The following short annexe to Chapter 3 of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening provides a framework that will allow different terminologies and languages to be translated into standard terminology based on the Bethesda system (TBS) for cytology while retaining the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) classification for histology. This approach has followed extensive consultation with representatives of many countries and professional groups as well as a discussion forum published in Cytopathology (2005;16:113). This article will describe the reporting of specimen adequacy, which is dealt with in more detail elsewhere in Chapter 3 of the guidelines, the optional general categorization recommended in TBS, the interpretation/cytology result and other comments that may be made on reports such as concurrent human papillomavirus testing and the use of automation review and recommendations for management. The main categories in TBS will be described in the context of CIN, dyskaryosis and dysplasia terminologies so that all may be translated into the same framework. These guidelines should allow European countries to adapt their terminology in such a way as to make their screening programmes comparable with each other as well as with programmes elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

S. Gupta, K. L. Chachra, P. Bhadola and P. Sodhani
Modified Papanicolaou staining protocol with minimum alcohol use: a cost‐cutting measure for resource‐limited settings Objective: To devise a simple, cost‐effective protocol for Papanicolaou (Pap) staining of cervicovaginal smears. Methods: Five hundred coded paired cervical smears were collected from women as part of routine cervical cancer screening. One set of smears was stained by conventional Pap staining protocol (CP) and the other by a modified protocol (MP) in which alcohol was replaced by 1% acetic acid in all the steps except during fixation and prior to mounting; in addition, one alcohol‐based counterstain, OG, was omitted. The smears were examined blindly by the pathologists and then decoded. Each pair of smears was compared and the two protocols were analysed for staining quality and diagnoses by McNemar and chi‐square tests. Results: The staining quality in the MP was satisfactory. The nuclear and cytoplasmic features were comparable to the CP. Cytoplasmic transparency was maintained in the MP and the differential staining of blue/green and pink was acceptable to the pathologists and technicians. The diagnoses agreed in all cases and there was no compromise in interpreting the smears. With MP it took only 3–4 minutes to stain a batch of 50 slides. in contrast to the 20 minutes taken by CP. The MP used almost one‐seventh of the amount of alcohol compared with CP, which translated into a significant cost reduction per smear. Conclusions: The improvised Pap staining protocol with minimum alcohol use is a simple, cost‐effective and technician‐friendly procedure that can be easily adopted in high‐volume, resource‐limited laboratories for mass cervical cancer screening.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the maturation pattern of oral mucosal cells of patients exposed to tobacco and alcohol. METHODS: (i) Group without lesions. Smears obtained from the lower lip, border of the tongue and floor of the mouth of 31 control individuals (group I), 49 tobacco users (group II) and 27 tobacco/alcohol users (group III) were stained using the Papanicolaou method. The first 100 cells counted on each smear determined the maturation pattern and the keratinization index (KI). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey multiple comparison test were used for statistical analysis, at a 5% significance level. (ii) Group with lesions. Cytopathological and histopathological studies were conducted for 15 patients: eight with leucoplakia without epithelial dysplasia, two with epithelial dysplasia and five with squamous cell carcinoma. RESULTS: (i) Group without lesions. Statistical analysis revealed a smaller number of superficial cells with nuclei in all sites of the group of tobacco/alcohol users (group III) when compared to the control group (group I), and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.005). (ii) Group with lesions. The severity of histopathological findings increased with the increase in the number of cells of the deeper epithelial layers, with a statistically significant difference in the number of intermediate (P=0.013) and parabasal cells (P=0.049), which increased with the severity of the epithelial maturation disorder: leucoplakias with dysplasia had a greater number of intermediate and parabasal cells than leucoplakias without dysplasia; and the number in squamous cell carcinomas was greater than in leucoplakias with dysplasia. CONCLUSION: The maturation pattern of cells in the three anatomic sites showed changes that may be associated with the synergistic effect of tobacco and alcohol. Also, the severity of histopathological findings was associated with the increase in the number of cells in the deeper epithelial layers.  相似文献   



The aims of the Fukui Cervical Cancer Screening (FCCS) study are to determine the frequency of women with high‐risk HPV (hrHPV), whether HPV16 or HPV18 (HPV16/18), in the Japanese cancer screening population for the first time and to identify the best strategy for cervical cancer screening in Japan.


This study enrolled 7584 women aged ≥25 years who were undergoing routine screening. All women underwent LBC and cobas HPV tests. Women with abnormal cytology, whether hrHPV positive or negative; women with hrHPV positivity with either normal or abnormal cytology; and women randomly selected from women with normal cytology and negative hrHPV negative were referred for colposcopy.


The prevalences of hrHPV positivity and HPV16/18 positivity were 6.8% and 1.7%, respectively. The baseline data from the FCCS study showed that the combination of HPV tests and cytology was more sensitive than cytology with respect to the detection of intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse. However, the specificity (94.1%) of the co‐testing strategy that required all women with abnormal cytology or hrHPV positivity to be referred for colposcopy was much lower than that (97.8%) of cytology. The sensitivity and specificity of the co‐testing strategy that required only women with abnormal cytology or HPV16/18 positivity to undergo colposcopy were 85.5% and 97.0%, respectively.


The baseline data from the FCCS study suggest that a cervical cancer screening strategy in which only women with abnormal cytology or HPV16/18 positivity undergo colposcopy offers a more balanced sensitivity and specificity than other strategies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cervical screening programmes in England are in transition as the liquid-based cytology (LBC) method replaces conventional Papanicolaou screening and staff in NHS laboratories are trained to analyse LBC smears. Cytoscreeners and biomedical scientists undertake routine microscopy of slides, but the scientists usually have a wider professional role. Attitudinal surveys were carried out in laboratories where LBC was partially introduced. METHODS: Staff in two cytology laboratories in Greater Manchester were surveyed twice over 6 months. The questionnaire assessed work pressures using scales from the Measures of Work Characteristics instrument, work-related stress using the General Survey version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, job intentions and job satisfaction. RESULTS: Cytoscreeners, many aged over 50 years, formed over 60% of respondents in both surveys (27/42 in the first survey), and biomedical scientists and doctors, 30%. Both groups were under moderate pressure from work demands in each survey, but cytoscreeners had significantly less autonomy over their working methods (P < 0.001). Although both groups experienced similar levels of exhaustion, cytoscreeners were much more cynical or indifferent towards work in the second survey (P = 0.008) and had lower expectations of being effective (P < 0.001). For the cytoscreeners, there were strong negative correlations in both surveys between cynicism and the work characteristics of influencing decisions and autonomy/control. CONCLUSIONS: The strength of the relationship between work performance and wellbeing serves to emphasize the importance of the new LBC technology in ameliorating low morale where it exists. Further attitudinal research involving larger samples of laboratories is warranted to assess the full impact of this innovation.  相似文献   

Early detection and eradication of cervical cancer and its precursor lesions through organized mass cytological screening programmes have recently gained considerable attention in developing countries. Strategies for both cost saving and effective implementation are however required for mass cervical screening in developing countries. In an early cancer detection programme conducted in South India, we analysed cytological abnormalities in 3602 women and correlated the results with other factors, including age, gynaecological complaints, number of years of married life and parity to see if pre-selection for cytologic screening was possible. Only lower grades of dysplasia were found in asymptomatic women below the age of 40 years. In asymptomatic women, malignancy and higher grades of dysplasia were confined to women with a clinically abnormal cervix only. Univariate analysis also revealed that subjects with a parity of more than 3 and a married life of more than 20 years had a significantly higher number of cytological abnormalities. However, on a multivariate analysis the increased number of marital years was not found to be an independent variable. These results suggest that asymptomatic women below the age of 40 years with a married life of less than 20 years and parity below 3, may be excluded from screening campaigns, and that pre-selection for cytologic screening is possible by introducing a programme of clinical and speculum examination of the cervix.  相似文献   

G. Tinacci, A. Biggeri, A. Pellegrini, M.P. Cariaggi, M.L. Schiboni and M. Confortini The use of digital images to evaluate the interobserver agreement on cervical smear readings in Italian cervical cancer screening Objective: The aim of this study was to measure interobserver agreement among cytologists on using a set of digital images. Methods: A set of 90 selected Papanicolaou‐stained cervical smears were digitalized and the digital images circulated among 117 readers, from laboratories spread across almost all Italian regions. Three representative fields of each smear were displayed at 20× and 40× magnification (overall six images for each case). The diagnoses made by the cytologists who provided the images were taken as target diagnoses. Results: The κ values were: very low for the categories atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC‐US), and atypical squamous cells – cannot exclude high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC‐H); poor for the categories atypical glandular cells (AGC), high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and invasive cancer; and fair to good for the categories negative and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). However, we found a cluster of 42 best concordant readers. The overall κ value and overall weighted κ with the target diagnosis for these 42 readers were 0.45 and 0.66, respectively. This finding is in contrast with the overall κ value and overall weighted κ for the other readers of 0.39 and 0.59, respectively. Conclusions: As this finding is an estimate of the accuracy of the readers, we can infer that it will be very important to reach this level of concordance for all the participating readers. Future effort will facilitate common experiences in order to improve the reproducibility of diagnostic criteria. Digital images could be the key to reach this aim.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of a change in screening policy on the detection rate of severe dyskaryosis. During 1987 a total of 423 cases of severe dyskaryosis were identified by the Avon Screening Programme. Eleven per cent of these abnormal smears were repeat smears taken without clinical indication within the recommended 5 year recall period (interval smears). In a comparable control group of negative smears 31% were interval smears. Twenty-five per cent of the dyskaryotic interval smears (3% of the total severely dyskaryotic smears) were taken within 3 years of the previous negative smear, compared with 50% of the control group. By discouraging opportunistic smears within 5 years of the previous smear, the laboratory workload could be reduced by 30%, or within 3 years of the previous smear by 15%. There is, however, a risk of 11% and 3% respectively of missing a significant lesion (severe dyskaryosis).  相似文献   

K. Sigurdsson
Cervical cancer: cytological cervical screening in Iceland and implications of HPV vaccines This paper reviews the Icelandic experience regarding the age‐specific effectiveness, optimal targeted age range and intervals in cervical cancer screening and the screening implications of the HPV16/18 vaccines. The background material is based on data from a screening programme with centralized records dating back to 1964, as well as from population‐based studies on the distribution of oncogenic HPV types in cancer and histologically verified CIN2‐3 lesions and from the Icelandic arm of the Future II trial with Gardasil®. The findings confirm significant increased rates in the screened population of CIN2‐3, stage IA (microinvasive) cancer since 1979, mainly in the age group 20–34 years. These lesions start to accumulate within 3 years of a normal smear. Studies on the distribution of HPV types indicate that the marketed vaccines could lower the incidence of cancer and CIN2‐3 by about 67% and 53%, respectively, after taking into account reported cross‐protection. About 65% of women below 25 years of age had lesions related to the non‐vaccine types and after the last normal smear these cases accumulated at the same frequency as cases with vaccine‐included types. Cases with combined vaccine and non‐vaccine types accumulated at a slower rate. We conclude that screening should continue to start at age 20 years, with invitations at 2‐year intervals up to age 39 years and thereafter at 4‐year intervals up to age 65–69 years. Current data support the conclusion that the optimal age for catch‐up HPV vaccination should be considered in the context of sexual practices and the data do not support changes in the lower age limit or screening intervals for the vaccinated women.  相似文献   

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