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The accurate segregation of chromosomes requires the kinetochore, a complex protein machine that assembles onto centromeric DNA to mediate attachment of replicated sister chromatids to the mitotic spindle apparatus. This study reveals an important role for the yeast RSC ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex at the kinetochore in chromosome transmission. Mutations in genes encoding two core subunits of RSC, the ATPase Sth1p and the Snf5p homolog Sfh1p, interact genetically with mutations in genes encoding kinetochore proteins and with a mutation in centromeric DNA. RSC also interacts genetically and physically with the histone and histone variant components of centromeric chromatin. Importantly, RSC is localized to centromeric and centromere-proximal chromosomal regions, and its association with these loci is dependent on Sth1p. Both sth1 and sfh1 mutants exhibit altered centromeric and centromere-proximal chromatin structure and increased missegregation of authentic chromosomes. Finally, RSC is not required for centromeric deposition of the histone H3 variant Cse4p, suggesting that RSC plays a role in reconfiguring centromeric and flanking nucleosomes following Cse4p recruitment for proper chromosome transmission.  相似文献   

Using green fluorescent protein probes and rapid acquisition of high-resolution fluorescence images, sister centromeres in budding yeast are found to be separated and oscillate between spindle poles before anaphase B spindle elongation. The rates of movement during these oscillations are similar to those of microtubule plus end dynamics. The degree of preanaphase separation varies widely, with infrequent centromere reassociations observed before anaphase. Centromeres are in a metaphase-like conformation, whereas chromosome arms are neither aligned nor separated before anaphase. Upon spindle elongation, centromere to pole movement (anaphase A) was synchronous for all centromeres and occurred coincident with or immediately after spindle pole separation (anaphase B). Chromatin proximal to the centromere is stretched poleward before and during anaphase onset. The stretched chromatin was observed to segregate to the spindle pole bodies at rates greater than centromere to pole movement, indicative of rapid elastic recoil between the chromosome arm and the centromere. These results indicate that the elastic properties of DNA play an as of yet undiscovered role in the poleward movement of chromosome arms.  相似文献   

During the G2 to M phase transition, a portion of mitotic regulator Plk1 localizes to the kinetochores and regulates the initiation of kinetochore–microtubule attachments for proper chromosome alignment. Once kinetochore–microtubule attachment is achieved, this portion of Plk1 is removed from the kinetochores as a result of ubiquitination. However, the crucial molecular mechanism that promotes the localization and the maintenance of Plk1 on the kinetochores until metaphase is still unclear. We report that ubiquitin-specific peptidase 16 (Usp16) plays a key role during this process. Usp16 deubiquitinates Plk1, resulting in an enhanced interaction with kinetochore-localized proteins such as BubR1, and thereby retains Plk1 on the kinetochores to promote proper chromosome alignment in early mitosis. Down-regulation of Usp16 causes increased ubiquitination and decreased kinetochore localization of Plk1. Thus, our data unveil a unique mechanism by which Usp16 promotes the localization and maintenance of Plk1 on the kinetochores for proper chromosome alignment.  相似文献   

Kinetochores are megadalton-sized protein complexes that mediate chromosome–microtubule interactions in eukaryotes. How kinetochore assembly is triggered specifically on centromeric chromatin is poorly understood. Here we use biochemical reconstitution experiments alongside genetic and structural analysis to delineate the contributions of centromere-associated proteins to kinetochore assembly in yeast. We show that the conserved kinetochore subunits Ame1CENP-U and Okp1CENP-Q form a DNA-binding complex that associates with the microtubule-binding KMN network via a short Mtw1 recruitment motif in the N terminus of Ame1. Point mutations in the Ame1 motif disrupt kinetochore function by preventing KMN assembly on chromatin. Ame1–Okp1 directly associates with the centromere protein C (CENP-C) homologue Mif2 to form a cooperative binding platform for outer kinetochore assembly. Our results indicate that the key assembly steps, CENP-A recognition and outer kinetochore recruitment, are executed through different yeast constitutive centromere-associated network subunits. This two-step mechanism may protect against inappropriate kinetochore assembly similar to rate-limiting nucleation steps used by cytoskeletal polymers.  相似文献   

A complex structure, visible by electron microscopy, surrounds each chromosome during mitosis. The organization of this structure is distinct from that of the chromosomes and the cytoplasm. It forms a perichromosomal layer that can be isolated together with the chromosomes. This layer covers the chromosomes except in centromeric regions. The perichromosomal layer includes nuclear and nucleolar proteins as well as ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). The list of proteins and RNAs identified includes nuclear matrix proteins (perichromin, peripherin), nucleolar proteins (perichro-monucleolin, Ki-67 antigen, B23 protein, fibrillarin, p103, p52), ribosomal proteins (S1) and snRNAs (U3 RNAs). Only limited information is available about how and when the perichromosomal layer is formed. During early prophase, the proteins extend from the nucleoli towards the periphery of the nucleus. Thin cordon-like structures reach the nuclear envelope delimiting areas in which chromosomes condense. At telophase, the proteins are associated with the part of the chromosomes remaining condensed and accumulate in newly formed nucleoli in regions where chromatin is already decondensed. The perichromosomal layer contains several different classes of proteins and RNPs and it has been attributed various roles: (1) in chromosome organization, (2) as a barrier around the chromosomes, (3) involvement in compartmentation of the cells in prophase and telophase and (4) a binding site for chromosomal passenger proteins necessary to the early process of nuclear assembly.  相似文献   

Mis12 is a kinetochore protein essential for equal chromosome segregation and is evolutionarily conserved from yeast to human. In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of suppressors of the mis12 mutant in fission yeast. Our results indicate that Mis12 is negatively regulated by a highly conserved protein phosphatase Ppe1 (scSit4/dmPPV/hPP6) or its bound partner Ekc1 (scSAP), and it is positively regulated by a counteracting kinase Gsk3. Mass spectrometry analysis shows that at least two sites in Mis12 are phosphorylated. This mechanism of suppression occurs at the level of localization recovery of Mis12 to the kinetochore chromatin. Consistently, Mis12 and a subpopulation of Ppe1/Ekc1 were found to behave like non-histone-type chromatin-associating proteins in the chromatin fractionation assay. Mutant analysis of Ppe1 and Ekc1 revealed that they are important for faithful chromosome segregation, as the mutants exhibited unequal chromosome segregation similar to mis12 in the presence of a low concentration of tubulin poison. Ppe1/PP6 directly or indirectly modulates kinetochore chromatin protein Mis12 to ensure progression into normal anaphase.  相似文献   

Computer simulation of spontaneous pattern formation in chemical reaction-diffusion systems within a sphere shows prepatterns to arise, which account for observed poleward migration and other chromosome distributions previously recorded experimentally in the spindle-free nuclear division of the radiolarian Aulacantha scolymantha. It is suggested, that the observed patterns played a role in the evolution of mitosis, and through cytoplasmic organisation still may be connected to observed spindle forces and -orientation, as well as cytokinesis, in present-day protozoans.  相似文献   

J. Ortiz  J. Lechner 《Protoplasma》2000,211(1-2):12-19
Summary We focus on the established kinetochore proteins of the budding yeast,Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The location and functional evidence for each kinetochore protein is summarized along with the data that supports protein-protein and genetic interactions. Models are proposed to illustrate how these kinetochore proteins assemble to evoke a kinetochore-centromere complex.  相似文献   

The noncovalent interaction of light (L) chain with heavy (H) chain or Fd isolated from a human myeloma protein Jo (IgG1, kappa) was studied by following circular dichroic (CD) change at 235 nm. The dimerization constants of Jo-L chain determined by measuring the CD change at 293 nm with protein concentration showed that the Jo-L chain exists as the monomeric form under the experimental conditions used for recombination with H chain. The second-order rate constants for the interaction between H and L chains were in good agreement with those for the interaction between Fd and L chain at various pH values. The binding behavior of L chain to Fd could be described by a single association constant. In the interpretation of the binding of L chain to H chain, however, it was necessary to assume that the binding of L chain to one of the two sites on H chain dimer (H2) decreases the affinity of the other site for L chain. The binding constant of the first L chain to H2 was the same as that of L chain to Fd. Renaturation processes of L chain, Fd, Fab(SS) fragment (with intact interchain disulfide bond), and Fab(RA) fragment (in which the interchain disulfide bond had been reduced and alkylated) from the denatured states in 0.5 or 1 M acetic acid on neutralization were studied. The renaturation of Fd occurred very rapidly, while that of L chain consisted of a very rapid process and a slow process which followed first-order kinetics. The renaturation process of Fab(SS) consisted of rapid and slow phases, of which the latter followed first-order kinetics. The renaturation process of Fab(RA) also consisted of rapid and slow phases, but the latter process followed second-order kinetics. The overall rate constant of renaturation of Fab(RA) was the same as that of the reformation of Fab(RA) from isolated Fd and L chain. On the basis of these facts, the kinetic mechanism by which Fd and L chain recombine to yield Fab(RA) can be described in terms of the scheme Fd + L in equilibrium Fd ... L leads to Fab(RA), where Fd ... L is an intermediate, and CD change is only observed in the second unimolecular process and not in the first bimolecular process.  相似文献   

The kinetochore is part of the metaphase chromosome scaffold   总被引:31,自引:19,他引:12  
We used antisera from patients with the CREST syndrome of scleroderma (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia) to show that an antigenic component of the kinetochore present in metaphase chromosomes is also present in nonhistone chromosome scaffolds isolated following extensive digestion of the DNA and extraction of the bulk of chromosomal protein. All sera from 12 scleroderma CREST patients previously shown by immunofluorescence microscopy to have circulating antikinetochore antibodies recognise a protein of Mr 77,000 (CREST-77) in an immunoblotting assay. 9 of the 12 sera also recognise an antigen of Mr 110,000 (CREST-110). These proteins are present in isolated chromosomes and nonhistone scaffolds derived from them by two different procedures. Sera of five scleroderma CREST patients who are antikinetochore negative (by immunofluorescence) bind to neither protein in immunoblots. These data suggest that CREST-77 (and possibly CREST-110) is a component of the human kinetochore, and that the kinetochore is an integral part of the mitotic chromosome scaffolding.  相似文献   

During mitosis, ensembles of dynamic MTs and motors exert forces that coordinate chromosome segregation. Typically, chromosomes align at the metaphase spindle equator where they oscillate along the pole-pole axis before disjoining and moving poleward during anaphase A, but spindles in different cell types display differences in MT dynamicity, in the amplitude of chromosome oscillations and in rates of chromatid-to-pole motion. Drosophila embryonic mitotic spindles, for example, display remarkably dynamic MTs, barely detectable metaphase chromosome oscillations, and a rapid rate of "flux-pacman-dependent" anaphase chromatid-to-pole motility. Here we develop a force-balance model that describes Drosophila embryo chromosome motility in terms of a balance of forces acting on kinetochores and kMTs that is generated by multiple polymer ratchets and mitotic motors coupled to tension-dependent kMT dynamics. The model shows that i), multiple MTs displaying high dynamic instability can drive steady and rapid chromosome motion; ii), chromosome motility during metaphase and anaphase A can be described by a single mechanism; iii), high kinetochore dynein activity is deployed to dampen metaphase oscillations, to augment the basic flux-pacman mechanism, and to drive rapid anaphase A; iv), modulation of the MT rescue frequency by the kinetochore-associated kinesin-13 depolymerase promotes metaphase chromosome oscillations; and v), this basic mechanism can be adapted to a broad range of spindles.  相似文献   

Accurate chromosome segregation depends on proper assembly and function of the kinetochore and the mitotic spindle. In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the highly conserved protein kinase Mps1 has well-characterized roles in spindle pole body (SPB, yeast centrosome equivalent) duplication and the mitotic checkpoint. However, an additional role for Mps1 is suggested by phenotypes of MPS1 mutations that include genetic interactions with kinetochore mutations and meiotic chromosome segregation defects and also by the localization of Mps1 at the kinetochore, the latter being independent of checkpoint activation. We have developed a new MPS1 allele, mps1-as1, that renders the kinase specifically sensitive to a cell-permeable ATP analog inhibitor, allowing us to perform high-resolution execution point experiments that identify a novel role for Mps1 subsequent to SPB duplication. We demonstrate, by using both fixed- and live-cell fluoresence techniques, that cells lacking Mps1 function show severe defects in mitotic spindle formation, sister kinetochore positioning at metaphase, and chromosome segregation during anaphase. Taken together, our experiments are consistent with an important role for Mps1 at the kinetochore in mitotic spindle assembly and function.  相似文献   

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