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Oocytes uniquely accumulate cytoplasmic constituents to support early embryogenesis. This unique specialization is accompanied by acquisition of a large size and by execution of asymmetric meiotic divisions that preserve precious ooplasm through the expulsion of minimal size polar bodies. While often taken for granted, these basic features of oogenesis necessitate unique specializations of the meiotic apparatus. These include a chromatin‐sourced RanGTP gradient that restricts spindle size by defining a spatial domain where meiotic spindles form, acentriolar centrosomes that rely on microtubule organizing centers to form spindle poles, and an actin‐based mechanism for asymmetric spindle positioning. Additionally, localized protein synthesis to support spindle formation is achieved in the spindle forming region, whilst protein synthesis is reduced elsewhere in the ooplasm. This is achieved through enrichment of spindle‐related mRNAs in the spindle forming region combined with local PLK1‐mediated phosphorylation and inactivation of the translational repressor EIF4EBP1. This allows PLK1 to function as an important regulatory nexus through which endogenous and exogenous signals can impact spindle formation and function, and highlights the important role that PLK1 may have in maintaining oocyte quality and fertility.  相似文献   

Proper kinetochore‐microtubule attachment is essential for correct chromosome segregation. Therefore, cells normally possess multiple mechanisms for the prevention of errors in kinetochore‐microtubule attachments and for selective stabilization of correct attachments. However, the oocyte, a cell that produces an egg through meiosis, exhibits a high frequency of errors in kinetochore‐microtubule attachments. These attachment errors predispose oocytes to chromosome segregation errors, resulting in aneuploidy in eggs. This review aims to provide possible explanations for the error‐prone nature of oocytes by examining key differences among other cell types in the mechanisms for the establishment of kinetochore‐microtubule attachments.  相似文献   

张俊玉  吕珊  牛慧敏  雷安民 《遗传》2018,40(4):279-291
哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟过程需要进行两次连续的不对称分裂,最终形成体积差异巨大的子细胞:大体积的卵母细胞和两种体积较小的极体。不对称分裂现象是哺乳动物卵母细胞减数分裂的典型特征,不对称分裂后的卵母细胞是高度极化的细胞。精卵结合后,细胞重新恢复了对称分裂,但是在卵母细胞减数分裂过程中形成的极性特征却得以保留并影响早期胚胎的极性。本文对近年来在哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂方面的相关研究展开综述,从细胞质不对称分裂和细胞核不对称分裂两个方面对染色体、细胞骨架在哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂中的作用、细胞器在哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟过程中的重组分配、染色体非随机分离等过程进行介绍,旨在从细胞和分子水平阐述哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂的主要机制。  相似文献   

Unlike somatic cells mitosis, germ cell meiosis consists of 2 consecutive rounds of division that segregate homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids, respectively. The meiotic oocyte is characterized by an absence of centrioles and asymmetric division. Centriolin is a relatively novel centriolar protein that functions in mitotic cell cycle progression and cytokinesis. Here, we explored the function of centriolin in meiosis and showed that it is localized to meiotic spindles and concentrated at the spindle poles and midbody during oocyte meiotic maturation. Unexpectedly, knockdown of centriolin in oocytes with either siRNA or Morpholino micro-injection, did not affect meiotic spindle organization, cell cycle progression, or cytokinesis (as indicated by polar body emission), but led to a failure of peripheral meiotic spindle migration, large polar body emission, and 2-cell like oocytes. These data suggest that, unlike in mitotic cells, the centriolar protein centriolin does not regulate cytokinesis, but plays an important role in regulating asymmetric division of meiotic oocytes.  相似文献   

  1. Understanding the mechanisms underlying spatial variability of exploited fish is critical for the sustainable management of fish stocks. Empirical studies suggest that size‐selective fishing can elevate fish population spatial variability (i.e., more heterogeneous distribution) through age truncation, making the population less resilient to changing environment. However, species differ in how their spatial variability responds to age truncation and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.
  2. We hypothesize that age‐specific habitat preference, together with environmental carrying capacity and landscape structure, determines the response of population spatial variability to fishing‐induced age truncation. To test these hypotheses, we design an individual‐based model of an age‐structured fish population on a two‐dimensional landscape under size‐selective fishing. Individual fish reproduces and survives, and moves between habitats according to age‐specific habitat preference and density‐dependent habitat selection.
  3. Population spatial variability elevates with increasing age truncation, and the response is stronger for populations with stronger age‐specific habitat preference. On a gradient landscape, reducing carrying capacity elevates the relative importance of density dependence in habitat selection, which weakens the response of spatial variability to age truncation for populations with strong age‐specific habitat preference. On a fragmented landscape, both populations with strong and weak age‐specific habitat preferences are restricted at local optimal habitats, and reducing carrying capacity weakens the responses of spatial variability to age truncation for both populations.
  4. Synthesis and applications. We demonstrate that to track and predict the changes in population spatial variability under exploitation, it is essential to consider the interactive effects of age‐specific habitat preference, carrying capacity, and landscape structure. To improve spatial management in fisheries, it is crucial to enhance empirical and theoretical developments in the methodology to quantify age‐specific habitat preference of marine fish, and to understand how climatic change influences carrying capacity and landscape continuity.

The mammalian germline is characterized by extensive epigenetic reprogramming during its development into functional eggs and sperm. Specifically, the epigenome requires resetting before parental marks can be established and transmitted to the next generation. In the female germline, X‐chromosome inactivation and reactivation are among the most prominent epigenetic reprogramming events, yet very little is known about their kinetics and biological function. Here, we investigate X‐inactivation and reactivation dynamics using a tailor‐made in vitro system of primordial germ cell‐like cell (PGCLC) differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells. We find that X‐inactivation in PGCLCs in vitro and in germ cell‐competent epiblast cells in vivo is moderate compared to somatic cells, and frequently characterized by escaping genes. X‐inactivation is followed by step‐wise X‐reactivation, which is mostly completed during meiotic prophase I. Furthermore, we find that PGCLCs which fail to undergo X‐inactivation or reactivate too rapidly display impaired meiotic potential. Thus, our data reveal fine‐tuned X‐chromosome remodelling as a critical feature of female germ cell development towards meiosis and oogenesis.  相似文献   

The establishment of bipolar spindles during meiotic divisions ensures faithful chromosome segregation to prevent gamete aneuploidy. We analyzed centriole duplication, as well as centrosome maturation and separation during meiosis I and II using mouse spermatocytes. The first round of centriole duplication occurs during early prophase I, and then, centrosomes mature and begin to separate by the end of prophase I to prime formation of bipolar metaphase I spindles. The second round of centriole duplication occurs at late anaphase I, and subsequently, centrosome separation coordinates bipolar segregation of sister chromatids during meiosis II. Using a germ cell‐specific conditional knockout strategy, we show that Polo‐like kinase 1 and Aurora A kinase are required for centrosome maturation and separation prior to metaphase I, leading to the formation of bipolar metaphase I spindles. Furthermore, we show that PLK1 is required to block the second round of centriole duplication and maturation until anaphase I. Our findings emphasize the importance of maintaining strict spatiotemporal control of cell cycle kinases during meiosis to ensure proficient centrosome biogenesis and, thus, accurate chromosome segregation during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

A solitary population of consumers frequently evolves to the middle of a resource gradient and an intermediate mean phenotype compared to a sympatric pair of competing species that diverge to either side via character displacement. The forces governing the distribution of phenotypes in these allopatric populations, however, are little investigated. Theory predicts that the intermediate mean phenotype of the generalist should be maintained by negative frequency‐dependent selection, whereby alternate extreme phenotypes are favored because they experience reduced competition for resources when rare. However, the theory makes assumptions that are not always met, and alternative explanations for an intermediate phenotype are possible. We provide a test of this prediction in a mesocosm experiment using threespine stickleback that are ecologically and phenotypically intermediate between the more specialized stickleback species that occur in pairs. We manipulated the frequency distribution of phenotypes in two treatments and then measured effects on a focal intermediate population. We found a slight frequency‐dependent effect on survival in the predicted direction but not on individual growth rates. This result suggests that frequency‐dependent selection might be a relatively weak force across the range of phenotypes within an intermediate population and we suggest several general reasons why this might be so. We propose that allopatric populations might often be maintained at an intermediate phenotype instead by stabilizing or fluctuating directional selection.  相似文献   

miRNAs, ~22nt small RNAs associated with Argonaute (AGO) proteins, are important negative regulators of gene expression in mammalian cells. However, mammalian maternal miRNAs show negligible repressive activity and the miRNA pathway is dispensable for oocytes and maternal‐to‐zygotic transition. The stoichiometric hypothesis proposed that this is caused by dilution of maternal miRNAs during oocyte growth. As the dilution affects miRNAs but not mRNAs, it creates unfavorable miRNA:mRNA stoichiometry for efficient repression of cognate mRNAs. Here, we report that porcine ssc‐miR‐205 and bovine bta‐miR‐10b are exceptional miRNAs, which resist the diluting effect of oocyte growth and can efficiently suppress gene expression. Additional analysis of ssc‐miR‐205 shows that it has higher stability, reduces expression of endogenous targets, and contributes to the porcine oocyte‐to‐embryo transition. Consistent with the stoichiometric hypothesis, our results show that the endogenous miRNA pathway in mammalian oocytes is intact and that maternal miRNAs can efficiently suppress gene expression when a favorable miRNA:mRNA stoichiometry is established.  相似文献   

Genetic, environmental, and pharmacological interventions into the aging process can confer resistance to multiple age‐related diseases in laboratory animals, including rhesus monkeys. These findings imply that individual mechanisms of aging might contribute to the co‐occurrence of age‐related diseases in humans and could be targeted to prevent these conditions simultaneously. To address this question, we text mined 917,645 literature abstracts followed by manual curation and found strong, non‐random associations between age‐related diseases and aging mechanisms in humans, confirmed by gene set enrichment analysis of GWAS data. Integration of these associations with clinical data from 3.01 million patients showed that age‐related diseases associated with each of five aging mechanisms were more likely than chance to be present together in patients. Genetic evidence revealed that innate and adaptive immunity, the intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway and activity of the ERK1/2 pathway were associated with multiple aging mechanisms and diverse age‐related diseases. Mechanisms of aging hence contribute both together and individually to age‐related disease co‐occurrence in humans and could potentially be targeted accordingly to prevent multimorbidity.  相似文献   

Mesodermal progenitors in the second heart field (SHF) express Delta‐like‐ligand 4 (Dll4) that regulates Notch‐mediated proliferation. As cells of SHF lineage mature to assume endocardial and myocardial cell fates, we have shown that Dll4 expression is lost, and the subsequent expression of another Notch ligand Jagged1 regulates Notch‐mediated maturation events in the developing heart. A subset of SHF progenitors also matures to form the pharyngeal arch artery (PAA) endothelium. Dll4 was originally identified as an arterial endothelial‐specific Notch ligand that plays an important role in blood vessel maturation, but its role in aortic arch maturation has not been studied to date secondary to the early lethality observed in Dll4 knockout mice. We show that, unlike in SHF‐derived endocardium and myocardium, Dll4 expression persists in SHF‐derived arterial endothelial cells. Using SHF‐specific conditional deletion of Dll4, we demonstrate that as SHF cells transition from their progenitor state to an endothelial fate, Dll4‐mediated Notch signalling switches from providing proliferative to maturation cues. Dll4 expression maintains arterial identity in the PAAs and plays a critical role in the maturation and re‐organization of the 4th pharyngeal arch artery, in particular. Haploinsufficiency of Dll4 in SHF leads to highly penetrant aortic arch artery abnormalities, similar to those observed in the clinic, primarily resulting from aberrant reorganization of bilateral 4th pharyngeal arch arteries. Hence, we show that cells of SHF lineage that assume an arterial endothelial fate continue to express Dll4 and the resulting Dll4‐mediated Notch signalling transitions from an early proliferative to a later maturation role during aortic arch development.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we observed that Zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70 (Zap70) regulates spindle assembly and chromosome alignment in mouse oocyte and that Ran binding protein 2 (RanBP2) is a highly associated gene with Zap70 based on a microarray analysis. Because RanBP2 is related to nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) during mitosis, the aim of the present study was to elucidate the molecular mechanism of Zap70 with respect to RanBP2 in the germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of oocytes. Results indicated that RanBP2 expression was regulated by Zap70 and that depletion of RanBP2 using RanBP2 RNAi manifested comparable phenotypes to those observed in Zap70 RNAi-treated oocytes, which presented faster processing of GVBD. Additionally, Zap70 RNAi-treated oocytes showed faster meiotic resumption with premature activation of maturation-promoting factor (MPF), premature division of chromosomes at approximately 6–8 h and more rapid degradation of securin. In conclusion, we report that Zap70 is a crucial factor for controlling the exact timing of meiotic progression in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

The plasticity mechanisms in the nervous system that are important for learning and memory are greatly impacted during aging. Notably, hippocampal‐dependent long‐term plasticity and its associative plasticity, such as synaptic tagging and capture (STC), show considerable age‐related decline. The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is a negative regulator of structural and functional plasticity in the brain and thus represents a potential candidate to mediate age‐related alterations. However, the mechanisms by which p75NTR affects synaptic plasticity of aged neuronal networks and ultimately contribute to deficits in cognitive function have not been well characterized. Here, we report that mutant mice lacking the p75NTR were resistant to age‐associated changes in long‐term plasticity, associative plasticity, and associative memory. Our study shows that p75NTR is responsible for age‐dependent disruption of hippocampal homeostatic plasticity by modulating several signaling pathways, including BDNF, MAPK, Arc, and RhoA‐ROCK2‐LIMK1‐cofilin. p75NTR may thus represent an important therapeutic target for limiting the age‐related memory and cognitive function deficits.  相似文献   

Age‐related memory impairment (AMI) occurs in many species, including humans. The underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. In wild‐type Drosophila (w1118 ), AMI appears in the form of a decrease in learning (3‐min memory) from middle age (30 days after eclosion [DAE]). We performed in vivo, DNA microarray, and behavioral screen studies to identify genes controlling both lifespan and AMI and selected mitochondrial Acon1 (mAcon1). mAcon1 expression in the head of w1118 decreased with age. Neuronal overexpression of mAcon1 extended its lifespan and improved AMI. Neuronal or mushroom body expression of mAcon1 regulated the learning of young (10 DAE) and middle‐aged flies. Interestingly, acetyl‐CoA and citrate levels increased in the heads of middle‐aged and neuronal mAcon1 knockdown flies. Acetyl‐CoA, as a cellular energy sensor, is related to autophagy. Autophagy activity and efficacy determined by the positive and negative changes in the expression levels of Atg8a‐II and p62 were proportional to the expression level of mAcon1. Levels of the presynaptic active zone scaffold protein Bruchpilot were inversely proportional to neuronal mAcon1 levels in the whole brain. Furthermore, mAcon1 overexpression in Kenyon cells induced mitophagy labeled with mt‐Keima and improved learning ability. Both processes were blocked by pink1 knockdown. Taken together, our results imply that the regulation of learning and AMI by mAcon1 occurs via autophagy/mitophagy‐mediated neural plasticity.  相似文献   

Vitamin B6 is necessary to maintain normal metabolism and immune response, especially the anti‐inflammatory immune response. However, the exact mechanism by which vitamin B6 plays the anti‐inflammatory role is still unclear. Here, we report a novel mechanism of preventing excessive inflammation by vitamin B6 via reduction in the accumulation of sphingosine‐1‐phosphate (S1P) in a S1P lyase (SPL)‐dependent manner in macrophages. Vitamin B6 supplementation decreased the expression of pro‐inflammatory cytokines by suppressing nuclear factor‐κB and mitogen‐activated protein kinases signalling pathways. Furthermore, vitamin B6–reduced accumulation of S1P by promoting SPL activity. The anti‐inflammatory effects of vitamin B6 were inhibited by S1P supplementation or SPL deficiency. Importantly, vitamin B6 supplementation protected mice from lethal endotoxic shock and attenuated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis progression. Collectively, these findings revealed a novel anti‐inflammatory mechanism of vitamin B6 and provided guidance on its clinical use.  相似文献   

The leading cause of central vision loss, age‐related macular degeneration (AMD), is a degenerative disorder characterized by atrophy of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptors. For 15% of cases, neovascularization occurs, leading to acute vision loss if left untreated. For the remaining patients, there are currently no treatment options and preventing progressive RPE atrophy remains the main therapeutic goal. Previously, we have shown treatment with interleukin‐33 can reduce choroidal neovascularization and attenuate tissue remodelling. Here, we investigate IL‐33 delivery in aged, high‐fat diet (HFD) fed mice on a wildtype and complement factor H heterozygous knockout background. We characterize the non‐toxic effect following intravitreal injection of IL‐33 and further demonstrate protective effects against RPE cell death with evidence of maintaining metabolic retinal homeostasis of Cfh+/−~HFD mice. Our results further support the potential utility of IL‐33 to prevent AMD progression.  相似文献   

Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) is a chloride and bicarbonate channel in secretory epithelia with a critical role in maintaining fluid homeostasis. Mutations in CFTR are associated with Cystic Fibrosis (CF), the most common lethal autosomal recessive disorder in Caucasians. While remarkable treatment advances have been made recently in the form of modulator drugs directly rescuing CFTR dysfunction, there is still considerable scope for improvement of therapeutic effectiveness. Here, we report the application of a high‐throughput screening variant of the Mammalian Membrane Two‐Hybrid (MaMTH‐HTS) to map the protein–protein interactions of wild‐type (wt) and mutant CFTR (F508del), in an effort to better understand CF cellular effects and identify new drug targets for patient‐specific treatments. Combined with functional validation in multiple disease models, we have uncovered candidate proteins with potential roles in CFTR function/CF pathophysiology, including Fibrinogen Like 2 (FGL2), which we demonstrate in patient‐derived intestinal organoids has a significant effect on CFTR functional expression.  相似文献   

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