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Catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization combined with microautoradiography (MICRO-CARD-FISH) is increasingly being used to obtain qualitative information on substrate uptake by individual members of specific prokaryotic communities. Here we evaluated the potential for using this approach quantitatively by relating the measured silver grain area around cells taking up (3)H-labeled leucine to bulk leucine uptake measurements. The increase in the silver grain area over time around leucine-assimilating cells of coastal bacterial assemblages was linear during 4 to 6 h of incubation. By establishing standardized conditions for specific activity levels and concomitantly performing uptake measurements with the bulk community, MICRO-CARD-FISH can be used quantitatively to determine uptake rates on a single-cell level. Therefore, this approach allows comparisons of single-cell activities for bacterial communities obtained from different sites or growing under different ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Advances in the growth of hitherto unculturable soil bacteria have emphasized the requirement for rapid bacterial identification methods. Due to the slow-growing strategy of microcolony-forming soil bacteria, successful fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) requires an rRNA enrichment step for visualization. In this study, catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD)-FISH was employed as an alternative method to rRNA enhancement and was found to be superior to conventional FISH for the detection of microcolonies that are cultivated by using the soil substrate membrane system. CARD-FISH enabled real-time identification of oligophilic microcolony-forming soil bacteria without the requirement for enrichment on complex media and the associated shifts in community composition.  相似文献   

A technique based on quantitative microautoradiography (QMAR) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was developed and evaluated in order to determine the quantitative uptake of specific substrates in probe-defined filamentous bacteria directly in a complex system. The technique, QMAR-FISH, has a resolution of a single cell and is based on an improved fixation protocol and the use of an internal standard of bacteria with known specific radioactivity. The method was used to study the in situ ecophysiology of the filamentous bacteria 'Candidatus Meganema perideroedes' and Thiothrix sp. directly in an activated sludge system. The cellular uptake rate of tritium-labelled substrates revealed an average cell-specific uptake rate of 4.1 yen 10-15 mol of acetate cell-1 h-1 and 3.1 yen 10-15 mol of acetate cell-1 h-1 for the two filamentous species respectively. The two filamentous species had very similar activity in all cells along each filament. Surprisingly, the filaments within both probe-defined populations had threefold variation in activity between the different filaments, demonstrating a large variation in activity level within a single population in a complex system. The substrate affinity (Ks) for uptake of acetate of the cells within the two filamentous bacteria was determined by incubation with variable concentrations of labelled acetate. The Ks values of the 'Candidatus Meganema perideroedes' and the Thiothrix filamentous bacteria were determined to be 1.8 micro M and 2.4 micro M acetate respectively.  相似文献   

The enzymatic permeabilization procedure described here allows the detection of intracellular bacteria in the thecate dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum by using catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization. The combined use of propidium iodide and calcofluor for confocal laser scanning microscopy, together with general and specific fluorescent bacterial probes, demonstrated the intracellular presence of bacteria, including members of the phylum Bacteroidetes.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled oligonucleotide probes and tyramide signal amplification, also known as catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD), is currently not generally applicable to heterotrophic bacteria in marine samples. Penetration of the HRP molecule into bacterial cells requires permeabilization procedures that cause high and most probably species-selective cell loss. Here we present an improved protocol for CARD-FISH of marine planktonic and benthic microbial assemblages. After concentration of samples onto membrane filters and subsequent embedding of filters in low-gelling-point agarose, no decrease in bacterial cell numbers was observed during 90 min of lysozyme incubation (10 mg ml(-1) at 37 degrees C). The detection rates of coastal North Sea bacterioplankton by CARD-FISH with a general bacterial probe (EUB338-HRP) were significantly higher (mean, 94% of total cell counts; range, 85 to 100%) than that with a monolabeled probe (EUB338-mono; mean, 48%; range, 19 to 66%). Virtually no unspecific staining was observed after CARD-FISH with an antisense EUB338-HRP. Members of the marine SAR86 clade were undetectable by FISH with a monolabeled probe; however, a substantial population was visualized by CARD-FISH (mean, 7%; range, 3 to 13%). Detection rates of EUB338-HRP in Wadden Sea sediments (mean, 81%; range, 53 to 100%) were almost twice as high as the detection rates of EUB338-mono (mean, 44%; range, 25 to 71%). The enhanced fluorescence intensities and signal-to-background ratios make CARD-FISH superior to FISH with directly labeled oligonucleotides for the staining of bacteria with low rRNA content in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Chlorinated ethenes contamination of soil and groundwater is a widespread problem in most industrialized countries. To date, there is a general consensus in the literature that members of the genus Dehalococcoides are required for complete dechlorination of these compounds. The availability of specific identification tools to track their distribution in the field is therefore a topic of particular relevance in environmental studies. These microorganisms have been successfully visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in highly active dechlorinating cultures. However, FISH detection of Dehalococcoides under low activity conditions can be strongly hampered by their small cell size and low ribosome content. In this study, catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD)-FISH was employed as an alternative detection method. In a trichloroethene (TCE) dechlorinating enrichment culture, CARD-FISH, using proteinase K as a permeabilization pre-treatment, was found to be significantly superior to conventional FISH in terms of both microscopic visualization and quantification efficiency (about 30%). An application of this method on contaminated aquifer samples is also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We simultaneously determined the phylogenetic identification and substrate uptake patterns of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) inhabiting a sewer biofilm with oxygen, nitrate, or sulfate as an electron acceptor by combining microautoradiography and fluorescent in situ hybridization (MAR-FISH) with family- and genus-specific 16S rRNA probes. The MAR-FISH analysis revealed that Desulfobulbus hybridized with probe 660 was a dominant SRB subgroup in this sewer biofilm, accounting for 23% of the total SRB. Approximately 9 and 27% of Desulfobulbus cells detected with probe 660 could take up [(14)C]propionate with oxygen and nitrate, respectively, as an electron acceptor, which might explain the high abundance of this species in various oxic environments. Furthermore, more than 40% of Desulfobulbus cells incorporated acetate under anoxic conditions. SRB were also numerically important members of H(2)-utilizing and (14)CO(2)-fixing microbial populations in this sewer biofilm, accounting for roughly 42% of total H(2)-utilizing bacteria hybridized with probe EUB338. A comparative 16S ribosomal DNA analysis revealed that two SRB populations, related to the Desulfomicrobium hypogeium and the Desulfovibrio desulfuricans MB lineages, were found to be important H(2) utilizers in this biofilm. The substrate uptake characteristics of different phylogenetic SRB subgroups were compared with the characteristics described to date. These results provide further insight into the correlation between the 16S rRNA phylogenetic diversity and the physiological diversity of SRB populations inhabiting sewer biofilms.  相似文献   

We describe a catalyzed reported deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) protocol particularly suited to assess the phagotrophy of mixotrophic protists on prokaryotes, since it maintains cell and plastid integrity, avoids cell loss and egestion of prey, and allows visualization of labeled prey against plastid autofluorescence. This protocol, which includes steps such as Lugol's-formaldehyde-thiosulfate fixation, agarose cell attachment, cell wall permeabilization with lysozyme plus achromopeptidase, and signal amplification with Alexa-Fluor 488, allowed us to detect almost 100% of planktonic prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) and, for the first time, to show archaeal cells ingested by mixotrophic protists.  相似文献   

The combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization and microautoradiography (FISH-MAR approach) was applied to brine samples of a solar saltern crystallizer pond from Mallorca (Spain) where the simultaneous occurrence of Salinibacter spp. and the conspicuous square Archaea had been detected. Radioactively labeled bicarbonate, acetate, glycerol, and an amino acid mixture were tested as substrates for the microbial populations inhabiting such brines. The results indicated that hitherto uncultured 'square Archaea' do actively incorporate amino acids and acetate. However, Salinibacter spp. only showed amino acid incorporation in pure culture, but no evidence of such activity in their natural environment could be demonstrated. No glycerol incorporation was observed for any component of the microbial community.Communicated by W.D. Grant  相似文献   

The fraction of planktonic heterotrophic bacteria capable of incorporating dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and leucine was determined at two coastal sites by microautoradioagraphy (AU). In Gulf of Mexico seawater microcosm experiments, the proportion of prokaryotes that incorporated sulfur from [(35)S]DMSP ranged between 27 and 51% of 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-positive cells, similar to or slightly lower than the proportion incorporating [(3)H]leucine. In the northwest Mediterranean coast, the proportion of cells incorporating sulfur from [(35)S]DMSP increased from 5 to 42% from January to March, coinciding with the development of a phytoplankton bloom. At the same time, the proportion of cells incorporating [(3)H]leucine increased from 21 to 40%. The combination of AU and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that the Roseobacter clade (alpha-proteobacteria) accounted for 13 to 43% of the microorganisms incorporating [(35)S]DMSP at both sampling sites. Significant uptake of sulfur from DMSP was also found among members of the gamma-proteobacteria and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium groups. Roseobacter and gamma-proteobacteria exhibited the highest percentage of DAPI-positive cells incorporating (35)S from DMSP (around 50%). Altogether, the application of AU with [(35)S]DMSP combined with FISH indicated that utilization of S from DMSP is a widespread feature among active marine bacteria, comparable to leucine utilization. These results point toward DMSP as an important substrate for a broad and diverse fraction of marine bacterioplankton.  相似文献   

厌氧生境体系中产氢产乙酸细菌的FISH定量解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产氢产乙酸细菌是一类在有机物厌氧降解过程中起重要作用的细菌。以基于16S rRNA序列设计的特异性寡核苷酸探针为基础,优化FISH实验条件,确定该技术检测产氢产乙酸细菌的实验条件为样品固定19h、乙醇脱水5min,杂交缓冲液中甲酰胺浓度55%。运用建立的FISH技术检测了几种厌氧消化体系中产氢产乙酸细菌的数量,并与用传统MPN方法的结果进行了比较。结果表明,产氢产乙酸细菌分布广泛,废水处理UASB反应器和动物消化道,特别是反刍动物瘤胃中的产氢产乙酸细菌数量较高,其丰度分别为1.70×109 cells/mL样品,6.50×108 cells/mL样品。湖底沉积物中产氢产乙酸细菌数量较少,仅占整个微生物群落的0.4%,含量为1.20×108 cells/mL样品。  相似文献   

Combined microautoradiography and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to investigate carbon metabolism in uncultured bacteria from the genus Achromatium. All of the Achromatium species identified in a freshwater sediment from Rydal Water, Cumbria, United Kingdom, which were distinguishable only by FISH, assimilated both [(14)C]bicarbonate and [(14)C]acetate. This extends previous findings that Achromatium spp. present at another location could only utilize organic carbon sources. Achromatium spp., therefore, probably exhibit a range of physiologies, i.e., facultative chemolithoautotrophy, mixotrophy, and chemoorganoheterotrophy, similar to other large sulfur bacteria (e.g., Beggiatoa spp.).  相似文献   

Total genomic biotinylated probes which can identify leptospires by hybridization on filters or by in situ hybridization are described in this study. According to the weak G + C content of the strains studied (35-39%) and owing to the decreasing melting temperature (Tm) due to overbiotinylation, hybridization and wash temperatures were optimized at 33 degrees C and at 42 degrees C respectively. Fourteen serovars of Leptospira interrogans belonging to 11 different serogroups and three serovars of Leptospira biflexa were used in this study. Cross-hybridization results show that it is possible, by means of such probes, specifically to recognize pathogenic strains. These probes did not hybridize with the three saprophytic strains: L. buenos-aires, L. patoc and L. andamana. We also ran a total genomic probe, specific to the serovar buenos-aires which hybridizes only with homologous DNA.  相似文献   

Microautoradiography (MAR) was used to enumerate acetate-consuming bacteria under Fe(III)-reducing conditions in activated sludge. This population is believed to consist of dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria, because the applied incubation conditions and the use of specific inhibitors excluded consumption of radiolabeled acetate by other physiological groups such as sulfate reducers. By use of this approach, dissimilatory iron reducers were found in a concentration of 1.1 x 10(8) cells per ml, corresponding to approximately 3% of the total cell count as determined by DAPI (4',6'-diamino-2-phenylindoledihydrochloride-dilactate) staining. The MAR enumeration method was compared to the traditional most-probable-number (MPN) method (FeOOH-MPN) and a modified MPN method, which contains Ferrozine directly within the MPN dilutions to determine the production of small amounts of ferrous iron (Ferrozine-MPN). The Ferrozine-MPN method yielded values 6 to 10 times higher than those obtained by the FeOOH-MPN method. Nevertheless, the MAR approach yielded counts that were 100 to 1,000 times higher than those obtained by the Ferrozine-MPN method. Specific in situ Fe(III) reduction rates per cell (enumerated by the MAR method) were calculated and found to be comparable to the respective rates for pure cultures of dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria, suggesting that the new MAR method is most reliable. A combination of MAR and fluorescence in situ hybridization was used for phylogenetic characterization of the putative iron-reducing bacteria. All activated-sludge cells able to consume acetate under iron-reducing conditions were targeted by the bacterial oligonucleotide probe EUB338. Around 20% were identified as gamma Proteobacteria, and 10% were assigned to the delta subclass of Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization (ISH) protocols including different pre-treatment regimes were developed and compared for their effects on detecting bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue. Results were compared for the hybridization and background signal intensities, and cellular morphology. We found that optimum results were obtained using enzyme treatment-thermal cycling as a pre-treatment of ISH. The results showed that the combination of protease and thermal cycling would be recommended as a means of supplementing in situ hybridization methods, especially when using long-term formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue.  相似文献   

Summary In situ hybridization techniques have rapidly become widely used by the molecular biologist for the localization of specific nucleic acid sequences in individual cells or tissues. We describe the demonstration of Sox gene mRNA in chick tissue that has been embedded in the plastic methyl methacrylate to permit the preparation of sections for high-resolution light microscopy. Polymerization of the plastic was induced by using either N, N-dimethylaniline or N, N-3,5-tetramethylaniline. The in situ hybridization technique used was non-isotopic and used a digoxigenin-labelled probe detected with an antibody bound to alkaline phosphatase, which was then localized using X-phosphate-Nitro BT as a substrate-chromogen mix. Various pretreatments of the tissue sections were investigated, including the use of proteinase K, and heat-mediated techniques using a microwave oven and a pressure cooker. The best results were produced using pressure cooking on tissue in which the plastic had been chemically polymerized with N, N-3,5-tetramethylaniline. For the demonstration of Sox 11, this combination had a critical influence on the staining results, but for Sox 21 all protocols used produced good staining. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aims: To examine the activity of bacteria involved in cathodic depolarization and surface corrosion on stainless steel in an in situ model system. Methods and Results: The microautoradiographic technique (MAR) was used to evaluate the activity of bacterial populations on stainless steel surfaces with a single cell resolution. Anaerobic uptake and fixation of 14C‐labelled bicarbonate occurred within corrosion sites in the absence of atmospheric hydrogen or other external electron donors, whereas it was taken up and fixed by bacteria at all other stainless steel surfaces in the presence of atmospheric hydrogen. This indicates that the bacteria utilized electrons originating from the corrosion sites due to the ongoing corrosion (cathodic depolarization). Conclusion: Under in situ conditions, bacteria were fixating 14C‐labelled bicarbonate at corrosion sites in the absence of atmospheric hydrogen. This indicates that electrons transferred to the bacteria provided energy for bicarbonate fixation due to cathodic depolarization. Significance and Impact of the Study: Application of the MAR method showed ongoing biocorrosion in the applied in situ model system and allowed in situ examination of bacterial activity on a single cell level directly on a metal surface providing information about potential corrosion mechanisms. Furthermore, application of fluorescence in situ hybridization in combination with MAR allows for identification of the active bacteria.  相似文献   

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