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A dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation in intact heart was developed by modifying the model of oxidative phosphorylation in intact skeletal muscle published previously. Next, this model was used for theoretical studies on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in intact heart in vivo during transition between different work intensities. It is shown that neither a direct activation of ATP usage alone nor a direct activation of both ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation, including the calcium-activated tricarboxylate acid cycle dehydrogenases, can account for the constancy of [ADP], [PCr], [P(i)] and [NADH] during a significant increase in oxygen consumption and ATP turnover encountered in intact heart in vivo. Only a direct activation of all oxidative phosphorylation complexes in parallel with a stimulation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation enabled to reproduce the experimental data concerning the constancy of metabolite concentrations. The molecular background of the differences between heart and skeletal muscle in the kinetic behaviour of the oxidative phosphorylation system is also discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation through parallel activation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When the mechanical work intensity in muscle increases, the elevated ATP consumption rate must be matched by the rate of ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation in order to avoid a quick exhaustion of ATP. The traditional mechanism of the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, namely the negative feedback involving [ADP] and [Pi] as regulatory signals, is not sufficient to account for various kinetic properties of the system in intact skeletal muscle and heart in vivo. Theoretical studies conducted using a dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously strongly suggest the so-called each-step-activation (or parallel activation) mechanism, due to which all oxidative phosphorylation complexes are directly activated by some cytosolic factor/mechanism related to muscle contraction in parallel with the activation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation by calcium ions. The present polemic article reviews and discusses the growing evidence supporting this mechanism and compares it with alternative mechanisms proposed in the literature. It is concluded that only the each-step-activation mechanism is able to explain the rich set of various experimental results used as a reference for estimating the validity and applicability of particular mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the present debating paper, the problem how the rate of ATP supply by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria is adjusted to meet a greatly increased demand for ATP during intensive exercise of skeletal muscle is discussed. Different experimental results are collected from different positions of the literature and confronted with five conceptual models of the regulation of the oxidative phosphorylation system. The previously performed computer simulations using a dynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation are also discussed in this context. The possible regulatory mechanisms considered in the present article are: (A) output activation: an external effector activates directly only the output of the system (ATP turnover); (B) input/output activation: an external effector activates directly the output (ATP usage) and input (substrate dehydrogenation) of the system; (C) removal of substrate shortage: only ATP consumption and substrate supply by blood are directly activated; (D) removal of oxygen shortage: only ATP consumption and oxygen supply by blood are directly activated; (E) each step activation: an external effector activates both the ATP-consuming subsystem and all the steps in the ATP-producing subsystem (particular enzymes/carriers/blocks of oxidative phosphorylation, substrate supply, oxygen supply). The performed confrontation of the considered mechanisms with the presented results leads to the conclusion that only the each step activation model is quantitatively consistent with the whole set of experimental data discussed. It is therefore postulated that a universal effector/regulatory mechanism of a still unknown nature which activates all steps of oxidative phosphorylation should exist and be discovered. A possible nature of such an effector is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

It has been postulated previously that a direct activation of all oxidative phosphorylation complexes in parallel with the activation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation (the so-called each-step activation) is the main mechanism responsible for adjusting the rate of ATP production by mitochondria to the current energy demand during rest-to-work transition in intact skeletal muscle in vivo. The present in silico study, using a computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously, analyzes the impact of the each-step-activation mechanism on the distribution of control (defined within Metabolic Control Analysis) over the oxygen consumption flux among the components of the bioenergetic system in intact oxidative skeletal muscle at different energy demands. It is demonstrated that in the absence of each-step activation, the oxidative phosphorylation complexes take over from ATP usage most of the control over the respiration rate and oxidative ATP production at higher (but still physiological) energy demands. This leads to a saturation of oxidative phosphorylation, impossibility of a further acceleration of oxidative ATP synthesis, and dramatic drop in the phosphorylation potential. On the other hand, the each-step-activation mechanism allows maintenance of a high degree of the control exerted by ATP usage over the ATP turnover and oxygen consumption flux even at high energy demands and thus enables a potentially very large increase in ATP turnover. It is also shown that low oxygen concentration shifts the metabolic control from ATP usage to cytochrome oxidase and thus limits the oxidative ATP production. respiration rate; parallel activation; oxidative phosphorylation; metabolic control analysis; flux control coefficient; muscle contraction  相似文献   

A dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation in oxidative mammalian skeletal muscle was developed. The previously published model of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria was extended by incorporation of the creatine kinase system (creatine kinase plus phosphocreatine/creatine pair), cytosolic proton production/consumption system (proton production/consumption by the creatine kinase-catalysed reaction, efflux/influx of protons), physiological size of the adenine nucleotide pool and some additional minor changes. Theoretical studies performed by means of the extended model demonstrated that the CK system, which allows for large changes in P(i) in relation to isolated mitochondria system, has no significant influence on the kinetic properties of oxidative phosphorylation, as inorganic phosphate only slightly modifies the relationship between the respiration rate and [ADP]. Computer simulations also suggested that the second-order dependence of oxidative phosphorylation on [ADP] proposed in the literature refers only to the ATP synthesis flux, but not to the oxygen consumption flux (the difference between these two fluxes being due to the proton leak). Next, time courses of changes in fluxes and metabolite concentrations during transition between different steady-states were simulated. The model suggests, in accordance with previous theoretical predictions, that activation of oxidative phosphorylation by an increase in [ADP] can (roughly) explain the behaviour of the system only at low work intensities, while at higher work intensities parallel activation of different steps of oxidative phosphorylation is involved.  相似文献   

To determine how oxidative ATP synthesis is regulated in the heart, the responses of cardiac mitochondria oxidizing pyruvate to alterations in [ATP], [ADP], and inorganic phosphate ([Pi]) were characterized over a range of steady-state levels of extramitochondrial [ATP], [ADP], and [Pi]. Evolution of the steady states of the measured variables with the flux of respiration shows that: (1) a higher phosphorylation potential is achieved by mitochondria at higher [Pi] for a given flux of respiration; (2) the time hierarchy of oxidative phosphorylation is given by phosphorylation subsystem, electron transport chain, and substrate dehydrogenation subsystems listed in increasing order of their response times; (3) the matrix ATP hydrolysis mass action ratio [ADP] × [Pi]/[ATP] provides feedback to the substrate dehydrogenation flux over the entire range of respiratory flux examined in this study; and finally, (4) contrary to previous models of regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, [Pi] does not modulate the activity of complex III.  相似文献   

A potential kinetic impact of parallel activation of different steps during an increased energy demand on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies, physiological inhibitors, external poisons and substrate shortage on oxidative phosphorylation was studied in the theoretical way. Numerical simulations were performed with the aid of the previously developed computer model of oxidative phosphorylation. It was demonstrated that the parallel activation mechanism diminishes significantly changes in fluxes and metabolite concentrations occurring at a given degree of inactivation of the system by one of the above-mentioned factors. It was also shown that parallel activation decreases greatly the threshold value of the relative activity of oxidative phosphorylation, below which the oxygen consumption flux and ATP turnover flux become significantly affected. Finally, computer simulations predicted that parallel activation leads to a considerable increase in the apparent affinity of oxidative phosphorylation to oxygen, which delays the effect of inhibitors and poisons competing with oxygen for the active centre of cytochrome oxidase. It is concluded that one of possible functions of parallel direct activation of different steps of oxidative phosphorylation is to increase the resistance of the system to a decrease in the concentration/activity of different oxidative phosphorylation complexes.  相似文献   

In response to exercise, the heart increases its metabolic rate severalfold while maintaining energy species (e.g., ATP, ADP, and Pi) concentrations constant; however, the mechanisms that regulate this response are unclear. Limited experimental studies show that the classic regulatory species NADH and NAD+ are also maintained nearly constant with increased cardiac power generation, but current measurements lump the cytosol and mitochondria and do not provide dynamic information during the early phase of the transition from low to high work states. In the present study, we modified our previously published computational model of cardiac metabolism by incorporating parallel activation of ATP hydrolysis, glycolysis, mitochondrial dehydrogenases, the electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation, and simulated the metabolic responses of the heart to an abrupt increase in energy expenditure. Model simulations showed that myocardial oxygen consumption, pyruvate oxidation, fatty acids oxidation, and ATP generation were all increased with increased energy expenditure, whereas ATP and ADP remained constant. Both cytosolic and mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ increased during the first minutes (by 40% and 20%, respectively) and returned to the resting values by 10-15 min. Furthermore, model simulations showed that an altered substrate selection, induced by either elevated arterial lactate or diabetic conditions, affected cytosolic NADH/NAD+ but had minimal effects on the mitochondrial NADH/NAD+, myocardial oxygen consumption, or ATP production. In conclusion, these results support the concept of parallel activation of metabolic processes generating reducing equivalents during an abrupt increase in cardiac energy expenditure and suggest there is a transient increase in the mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ ratio that is independent of substrate supply.  相似文献   

In intact tissues respiratory substrates (glucose, fatty acids) must be activated with the use of ATP before they may be oxidised and used for energy (ATP) production. This activation by product constitutes an example of a typical positive feedback. In the present paper, the influence of substrate activation on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies, inhibitors, lowered oxygen tension, respiratory fuel shortage and increased energy demand on respiration and ATP synthesis is studied with the aid of the dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated mitochondria developed previously. Computer simulations demonstrate that, in the case where oxidative phosphorylation in the whole organism is partially inhibited, the necessity of substrate activation can have significant impact on the relationship between the activity of (particular steps of) oxidative phosphorylation (or the value of energy demand) and the respiration rate. Depending on the sensitivity of ATP usage to ATP concentration, substrate activation may either slightly enhance the effect of the decrease in the oxidative phosphorylation activity (increase in energy demand) or may lead to a non-stability and sudden collapse of the respiration rate and phosphorylation potential below (above) a certain threshold value of oxidative phosphorylation activity (energy demand). This theoretical finding suggests a possible causal relationship between the affinity of ATP usage to [ATP] and the tissue specificity of mitochondrial diseases.  相似文献   

During low-to-high work transition in adult mammalian heart in vivo the concentrations of free ADP, ATP, PCr (phosphocreatine), P(i) and NADH are essentially constant, in striking contrast with skeletal muscle. The direct activation by calcium ions of ATP usage and feedback activation of ATP production by ADP (and P(i)) alone cannot explain this perfect homoeostasis. A comparison of the response to adrenaline (increase in rate-pressure product and [PCr]) of the intact beating perfused rat heart with the elasticities of the PCr producer and consumer to PCr concentration demonstrated that both the ATP/PCr-producing block and ATP/PCr-consuming block are directly activated to a similar extent during physiological heart activation. Our finding constitutes a direct evidence for the parallel-activation mechanism of the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in heart postulated previously in a theoretical way.  相似文献   

Although usually steady-state fluxes and metabolite levels are assessed for the study of metabolic regulation, much can be learned from studying the transient response during quick changes of an input to the system. To this end we study the transient response of O2 consumption in the heart during steps in heart rate. The time course is characterized by the mean response time of O2 consumption which is the first statistical moment of the impulse response function of the system (for mono-exponential responses equal to the time constant). The time course of O2 uptake during quick changes is measured with O2 electrodes in the arterial perfusate and venous effluent of the heart, but the venous signal is delayed with respect to O2 consumption in the mitochondria due to O2 diffusion and vascular transport. We correct for this transport delay by using the mass balance of O2, with all terms (e.g. O2 consumption and vascular O2 transport) taken as function of time. Integration of this mass balance over the duration of the response yields a relation between the mean transit time for O2 and changes in cardiac O2 content. Experimental data on the response times of venous [O2] during step changes in arterial [O2] or in perfusion flow are used to calculate the transport time between mitochondria and the venous O2 electrode. By subtracting the transport time from the response time measured in the venous outflow the mean response time of mitochondrial O2 consumption (tmito) to the step in heart rate is obtained.In isolated rabbit heart we found that tmito to heart rate steps is 4-12 s at 37°C. This means that oxidative phosphorylation responds to changing ATP hydrolysis with some delay, so that the phosphocreatine levels in the heart must be decreased, at least in the early stages after an increase in cardiac ATP hydrolysis. Changes in ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) thus play a role in regulating the dynamic adaptation of oxidative phosphorylation, although most steady state NMR measurements in the heart had suggested that ADP and Pi do not change. Indeed, we found with 31P-NMR spectroscopy that phosphocreatine (PCr) and Pi change in the first seconds after a quick change in ATP hydrolysis, but remarkably they do this significantly faster (time constant ~2.5 s) than mitochondrial O2 consumption (time constant 12 s). Although it is quite likely that other factors besides ADP and Pi regulate cardiac oxidative phosphorylation, a fascinating alternative explanation is that the first changes in PCr measured with NMR spectroscopy took exclusively place in or near the myofibrils, and that a metabolic wave must then travel with some delay to the mitochondria to stimulate oxidative phosphorylation. The tmito slows with falling temperature, intracellular acidosis, and sometimes also during reperfusion following ischemia and with decreased mitochondrial aerobic capacity. In conclusion, the study of the dynamic adaptation of cardiac oxidative phosphorylation to demand using the mean response time of cardiac mitochondrial O2 consumption is a very valuable tool to investigate the regulation of cardiac mitochondrial energy metabolism in health and disease.  相似文献   

The theoretical studies on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation that were performed with the aid of kinetic models of this process are overviewed. A definition of the regulation of the flux through a metabolic pathway is proposed and opposed to the control exerted by particular enzymes over this flux. Different kinetic models of oxidative phosphorylation proposed in the literature are presented, of which only the model proposed by myself and co-workers was extensively used in theoretical studies on the regulation and compensation in the oxidative phosphorylation system. These theoretical studies have led to the following conclusions: (1) in isolated mitochondria, an increase in the activity of an artificial ATP-using system stimulates mitochondria mainly via changes in [ADP], while changes in [ATP] and [P(i)] play only a minor role; (2) in non-excitable tissues (e.g. liver), hormones (acting via some cytosolic factor(s)) activate directly both ATP usage and at least some enzymes of the ATP-producing block; (3) in excitable tissues (e.g. skeletal muscle), neural signals stimulate (via some cytosolic factor(s)) in parallel all the steps of oxidative phosphorylation together with ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation; (4) the decrease in the flux through cytochrome oxidase caused by a decrease in oxygen concentration is, at least partially, compensated by a decrease in Delta p and increase in the reduction level of cytochrome c. A theoretical prediction is formulated that there should exist and be observable a universal cytosolic factor/regulatory mechanism which directly activates (at least in excitable tissues) all complexes of oxidative phosphorylation during an increased energy demand.  相似文献   

In the present polemic paper the application of computer models of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in heart, skeletal muscle and liver to the studies on the regulation of the bioenergetic system in intact cells during work transitions is discussed. Two groups of such models are compared: group I models that involve only a direct activation of ATP usage by Ca2+, and group II models that assume a direct activation by some (probably) Ca2+-related mechanism of essentially all steps of the system. It is argued that group II models reproduce much better a broad range of variable values and system properties encountered in experimental studies. The consequences of the theoretical and experimental development of Metabolic Control Analysis, within the framework of which it has been shown that the control over the flux through the oxidative phosphorylation system is shared by essentially all components of this system, are analyzed. In particular, it is argued that in order to increase the flux very significantly, and at the same time to maintain relatively constant concentrations of such intermediate metabolites as ADP, ATP, Pi, PCr and NADH, it is necessary to activate directly many, if not all components of the system (the ‘multi-step parallel activation’ mechanism). Generally, it is suggested that this is not a particular form or complexity of computer models, but rather their agreement with a broad range of experimental data concerning ‘macroscopic’ system properties that really matters.The specificity of the regulation of the energetic system of pancreatic β-cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of calf blood extract (Solcoseryl, SS) on mitochondrial oxidative function in various states was studied polarographically in vitro. 1) Mitochondrial respiration in all 4 conventional study states (Estabrook, 1967) was enhanced by the addition of SS, including states 1 and 2 (endogenous substrates only). 2) The effect of SS on mitochondrial oxygen consumption was concentration dependent, while ADP/O ratio remained constant. The effect of added respiratory substrates varied with the particular substrate at optimally active concentrations. With suboptimal substrate levels, ADP/O ratios were concentration dependent, in contrast to the SS effect. Under oligomycin ATPase inhibition, SS was no longer active, in contrast to DNP, which remained active. 3) In states 3 (added ADP) and 4 (ADP exhausted), oxygen consumption and oxidative phosphorylation were enhanced by SS in the presence or absence of citrate, glutamate, pyruvate, lactate, or ascorbate. However, in the presence of succinate, SS had no effect. 4) ADP/O ratio was decreased by SS in the presence of added substrate, suggesting that SS activation of H(+)-ATPase enhances ATP hydrolysis as well as oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis. 5) The enhancing effect of SS on mitochondrial function is due to hydrophilic components of SS. The lipidic components obtained by Folch fraction of SS have no effect. It is concluded that the effects of SS respiratory substrates and uncouplers on mitochondrial function are essentially different. SS enhances both ATP synthesis and oxygen consumption by mitochondria.  相似文献   

The dynamic model developed in our previous publications [1,2] was used to calculate the flux control coefficients of oxidation, phosphorylation and proton leak fluxes for isolated mitochondria and for three modes of work of intact cells (hepatocytes). The results obtained were compared with experimental data, especially those measured in the frame of the 'top-down approach' of the metabolic control theory. A good agreement for mitochondria and for intact cells was found. The control of the oxygen consumption flux is shared between the ATP utilization (main controlling factor), substrate dehydrogenation, proton leak and, in some conditions, the ATP/ADP carrier. The phosphorylation subsystem seemed to be controlled mainly by itself, while the proton leak was influenced by all three subsystems. It was also shown that the large relative change in the enzyme activity during inhibitor titration of mitochondria or cells could lead to the overestimation of some flux control coefficient values in experimental measurements. An influence of some hormones (glucagon, vasopressin, adrenaline and others) on the mitochondrial respiration was also simulated. Our results suggest that these hormones stimulate the substrate dehydrogenation as well as the phosphorylation system (ATP usage and, possibly, the ATP/ADP carrier).  相似文献   

The ratio of myocardial phosphocreatine (PCr)/ATP reflects the balance of energy consumption and energy supply in the heart. It is reduced in a range of important physiological conditions including during and after acute hypoxia, after a prolonged visit to high-altitude, and in those suffering from both type 2 diabetes mellitus and various forms of heart failure. Yet despite its significance, the factors underlying the reduced PCr/ATP ratio seen in heart failure remain poorly understood. Given that oxidative phosphorylation is the only viable steady-state provider of ATP in the heart, the argument has been put forward that the observed reduction in myocardial PCr/ATP in all these conditions can be accounted for by some form of mitochondrial insufficiency. Thus we used a computer model of oxidative phosphorylation, coupled with creatine kinase, to study the effects of hypoxia and mitochondrial dysfunction on myocardial PCr/ATP. In physiological normoxia, all oxidative phosphorylation complexes, NADH supply and proton leak exerted comparable (of the same order of magnitude) control over PCr/ATP, as defined within Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA). Under hypoxia, the control increased considerably for all components of the system, especially for cytochrome oxidase and mitochondrial proton leak. Hypoxia alone, without any changes in other factors, exerted a pronounced effect on PCr/ATP. Our simulations support three important ideas: First, that mitochondrial abnormalities can contribute considerably to a blunted PCr/ATP; second, that hypoxia and mitochondrial dysfunction can interact in important ways to determine the energy status of the failing heart; and third, that hypoxia alone can account for significant decreases in cardiac PCr/ATP.  相似文献   

Previous work led to the conclusion that, during oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrially bound hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC from rat brain was dependent on intramitochondrially compartmented ATP as substrate. The present study demonstrated that, when oxidative phosphorylation was functioning concurrently, mitochondrial creatine kinase could also generate intramitochondrial ATP serving as substrate for hexokinase. In the absence of concurrent oxidative phosphorylation, the kinetics of glucose phosphorylation with ATP generated by creatine kinase were not consistent with the supply of ATP from a saturable intramitochondrial compartment as formed during oxidative phosphorylation. Evidence for intramitochondrially compartmented ATP, generated by creatine kinase, was obtained; this was distinct from compartmented ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation in terms of kinetics of generation of the compartment and its capacity, sensitivity to release by carboxyatractyloside, and sensitivity to disruption by digitonin. That oxidative phosphorylation did induce a dependence on intramitochondrial ATP as a substrate was further indicated by the observation that, although the initial rate of glucose phosphorylation by mitochondrial hexokinase depended on the extramitochondrial concentration of ATP present at the time oxidative phosphorylation was initiated, a final steady state rate of glucose phosphorylation was attained that was independent of extramitochondrial ATP levels. These and previous results emphasize the probable importance of nucleotide compartmentation in regulation of cerebral glycolytic and oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

Characterization and function of mitochondrial nitric-oxide synthase   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The mitochondrial production of nitric oxide is catalyzed by a nitric-oxide synthase. This enzyme has the same cofactor and substrate requirements as other constitutive nitric-oxide synthases. Its occurrence was demonstrated in various mitochondrial preparations (intact, purified mitochondria, permeabilized mitochondria, mitoplasts, submitochondrial particles) from different organs (liver, heart) and species (rat, pig). Endogenous nitric oxide reversibly inhibits oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis by competitive inhibition of cytochrome oxidase. The increased K(m) of cytochrome oxidase for oxygen and the steady-state reduction of the electron chain carriers provided experimental evidence for the direct interaction of this oxidase with endogenous nitric oxide. The increase in hydrogen peroxide production by nitric oxide-producing mitochondria not accompanied by the full reduction of the respiratory chain components indicated that cytochrome c oxidase utilizes nitric oxide as an alternative substrate. Finally, effectors or modulators of cytochrome oxidase (the irreversible step in oxidative phosphorylation) had been proposed during the last 40 years. Nitric oxide is the first molecule that fulfills this role (it is a competitive inhibitor, produced at a fair rate near the target site) extending the oxygen gradient to tissues.  相似文献   

Hearts from 4 week-old weanling pigs were capable of continuous work output when perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 11 mM glucose. Perfused hearts metabolized either glucose or fatty acids, but optimum work output was achieved by a combination of glucose plus physiological concentrations (0.1 mM) of either palmitate or erucate. Higher concentrations of free fatty acids increased their rate of oxidation but also resulted in a large accumulation of neutral lipids in the myocardium, as well as a tendency to increased acetylation and acylation of coenzyme A and carnitine. When hearts were perfused with 1 mM fatty acids, the work output declined below control values. Erucic acid is known to be poorly oxidized by isolated rat heart mitochondria and, to a lesser degree, by perfused rat hearts. In addition, it has been reported that erucic acid acts as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. In isolated perfused pig hearts used in the present study, erucic acid oxidation rates were as high as palmitate oxidation rates. When energy coupling was measured by 31P-NMR, the steady-state levels of ATP and phosphocreatine during erucic acid perfusion did not change noticeably from those during glucose perfusion. It was concluded that the severe decrease in oxidation rates and ATP production resulting from the exposure of isolated pig and heart mitochondria to erucic acid are not replicated in the intact pig heart.  相似文献   

The present article briefly summarizes the theoretical studies made by the authors and co-workers on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies on oxidative phosphorylation in intact tissues and on the genesis of mitochondrial diseases. The dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously allowed to extrapolate experimental data (especially: threshold curves describing the dependence of oxygen consumption and ATP turnover on activities/concentrations of particular oxidative phosphorylation enzymes) obtained for isolated muscle mitochondria in state 3 at saturating oxygen concentrations to more physiological conditions prevailing in intact tissues. In particular, theoretical studies demonstrated that the threshold value of the relative activity/concentration of a given mitochondrial complex, below which a significant decrease in the respiration rate takes place, increases with an increase in energy demand. This fact was proposed as a possible explanation of the tissue specificity of mitochondrial diseases. Additionally, a decreased oxygen concentration was shown to increase the threshold value (and flux control coefficient) for cytochrome oxidase. We subsequently developed a model called binary mitochondria heteroplasmy, in which there are only two subpopulations of mitochondria: one wild-type and one containing only defected molecules of a given enzyme. In this model we show that a defect has a pronounced effect on oxidative phosphorylation, significantly increasing the threshold value. It was also proposed that a parallel activation in the ATP supply-demand system during an increased energy demand significantly lessens the effect of enzyme deficiencies on oxidative phosphorylation (decreases the threshold value). Finally, the necessity of substrate activation may lead to an instability in the system and to appearance of a second threshold, below which respiration suddenly drops to zero, which is equivalent to the energetic death of a cell.  相似文献   

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